PDFTron: converting pixels to fontsize - c#

I have some text in a pdf that has been OCR'ed.
The OCR returns the bounding boxes of the words to me.
I'm able to draw the bounding boxes (wordRect) on the pdf and everything seems correct.
But when i tell my fontsize to be the height of these bounding boxes,
it all goes wrong. The text appears way smaller than it should be and doesn't match the height.
There's some conversion i am missing. How can i make sure the text is as high as the bounding boxes?
pdftron.PDF.Font font = pdftron.PDF.Font.Create(convertedPdf.GetSDFDoc(), pdftron.PDF.Font.StandardType1Font.e_helvetica);
for (int j = 0; j < ocrStream.pr_WoordList.Count; j++)
wordRect = (Rectangle) ocrStream.pr_Rectangles[j];
Element textBegin = elementBuilder.CreateTextBegin();
gStateTextRun = textBegin.GetGState();
fontSize = wordRect.Height;
double descent;
if (hasColorImg)
descent = (-1 * font.GetDescent() / 1000d) * fontSize;
textRun = elementBuilder.CreateTextRun((string)ocrStream.pr_WoordList[j], font, fontSize);
//translate the word to its correct position on the pdf
//the bottom line of the wordrectangle is the baseline for the font, that's why we need the descender
textRun.SetTextMatrix(1, 0, 0, 1, wordRect.Left, wordRect.Bottom + descent );

How can i make sure the text is as high as the bounding boxes?
The font_size is just a scaling factor, which in most cases does map to 1/72 inch (pt), but not always.
The transformations are:
GlyphSpace -> TextSpace -> UserSpace (where UserSpace is essentially the page space, and is 1/72 inch)
The glyphs in the font are defined in GlyphSpace, and there is a font matrix that maps to TextSpace. Typically, 1000 units maps to 1 unit in test space, but not always.
Then the text matrix (element.SetTextMatrix), the font size (variable in question here) and some additional parameters, transform TextSpace coordinates to UserSpace.
In the end though, the exact height, depends on the glyph also.
This forum post shows how to go from the glyph data, to UserSpace. See ProcessElements


Text chunks getting positions as in html?

transform pdf points to pixels, worked correctly:
point-to-pixel = 1/72*300(DPI)
getting each text chunk positions (X,Y) in PDF the Y is calculated from
bottom-to-top, not as in standard html or java Script.
to get the Y value from top-to-down , cause not accurate Y position as in
html style , or win Form style.
how to get the correct Y top-to-down using any Page height, or rect mediaBox
or cropBox or rect textMarging finder ?
the code I used is your example of :
public class LocationTextExtractionStrategyClass : LocationTextExtractionStrategy
//Hold each coordinate
public List<RectAndText> myPoints = new List<RectAndText>();
//The string that we're searching for
public String TextToSearchFor { get; set; }
//How to compare strings
public System.Globalization.CompareOptions CompareOptions { get; set; }
public MyLocationTextExtractionStrategy(String textToSearchFor, System.Globalization.CompareOptions compareOptions = System.Globalization.CompareOptions.None)
this.TextToSearchFor = textToSearchFor;
this.CompareOptions = compareOptions;
//Automatically called for each chunk of text in the PDF
public override void RenderText(TextRenderInfo renderInfo)
//See if the current chunk contains the text
var startPosition = 0;// System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.CompareInfo.IndexOf(renderInfo.GetText(), this.TextToSearchFor, this.CompareOptions);
//If not found bail
if (startPosition < 0)
//Grab the individual characters
var chars = renderInfo.GetCharacterRenderInfos().ToList();//.Skip(startPosition).Take(this.TextToSearchFor.Length)
var charsText = renderInfo.GetText();
//Grab the first and last character
var firstChar = chars.First();
var lastChar = chars.Last();
//Get the bounding box for the chunk of text
var bottomLeft = firstChar.GetDescentLine().GetStartPoint();
var topRight = lastChar.GetAscentLine().GetEndPoint();
//Create a rectangle from it
var rect = new iTextSharp.text.Rectangle(
BaseColor curColor = new BaseColor(0f, 0f, 0f);
if (renderInfo.GetFillColor() != null)
curColor = renderInfo.GetFillColor();
//Add this to our main collection
myPoints.Add(new RectAndText(rect, charsText, curColor));//this.TextToSearchFor));
You are asking many different questions in one post.
First let's start with the coordinate system in the PDF standard. Observe that I am talking about a standard, more specifically about ISO 32000. The coordinate system on a PDF page is explained in my answer to the Stack Overflow question How should I interpret the coordinates of a rectangle in PDF?
As you can see, a rectangle drawn in a PDF using a coordinate (llx, lly) for the lower-left corner and a coordinate (urx, ury) for the upper-right corner, assumes that the X-axis points to the right, and the Y-axis points upwards.
As for the width and the height of a page, that's explained in my answer to the Stack Overflow question How to Get PDF page width and Height?
For instance: you could have a /MediaBox that is defined as [0 0 595 842], and therefore measures 595 x 842 points (an A4 page), but that has a /CropBox that is defined as [5 5 590 837], which means that the visible area is only 585 x 832 points.
You also shouldn't assume that the lower-left corner of a page coincides with the (0, 0) coordinate. See Where is the Origin (x,y) of a PDF page?
When you create a document from scratch, a default margin of half an inch is used if you don't define a margin yourself. If you want to change the default, see Fit content on pdf size with iTextSharp?
Now for the height of a Chunk or, if you're using iText 7 (which you should, but —for some reason unknown to me— don't) the height of a Text object, this depends on the font size. The font size is an average size of the different glyphs in a font. If you look at the letter g, and you compare it with the letter h, you see that g takes more space under the baseline of the text than h, whereas h takes more space above the baseline than g.
If you want to calculate the exact space that is taken, read my answer to the question How to calculate the height of an element?
If the text snippet is used in the context of lines in a paragraph, you also have to take the leading into account: Changing text line spacing (Maybe that's not relevant in the context of your question, but it's good to know.)
If you have Chunk objects in iText 5, and you want to do specific things with these Chunks, you might benefit from using page events. See How to draw a line every 25 words?
If you want to add a colored background to a Chunk, it's even easier: How to set the paragraph of itext pdf file as rectangle with background color in Java
Update 1: All of the above may be irrelevant if you are looking to convert HTML to PDF. In that case, it's easy: use iText 7 + pdfHTML as described in Converting HTML to PDF using iText and all the Math is done by the pdfHTML add-on.
Update 2: There seems to be some confusion regarding the measurement units. The differences between user units, points and pixels is explained in the FAQ page How do the measurement systems in HTML relate to the measurement system in PDF?
1 in. = 25.4 mm = 72 user units by default (but it can be changed).
1 in. = 25.4 mm = 72 pt.
1 in. = 25.4 mm = 96 px.

Charting Rectangles of arbitrary dimensions

I need to graph rectangles of different heights and widths in a C# application. The rectangles may or may not overlap.
I thought the System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting would have what I need, but every chart type I've explored wants data points composed of a single value in one dimension and multiple values in the other.
I've considered: Box, Bubble, and Range Bar.
It turns out that Richard Eriksson has the closest answer in that the Charting package doesn't contain what I needed. The solution I'm moving forward with is to use a Point chart to manage axes and whatnot, but overload the PostPaint event to effectively draw the rectangles I need on top. The Chart provides value-to-pixel (and vice versa) conversions.
Here is a minimal example that throws 100 squares of different colors and sizes randomly onto one Chart of ChartType Point with custom Marker Images.
You can modify to de-couple the datapoints from the colors, allow for any sizes or shapes etc..:
int count = 100;
int mSize = 60; // marker size
List<Color> colors = new List<Color>(); // a color list
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
colors.Add(Color.FromArgb(255, 255 - i * 2, (i*i) %256, i*2));
Random R = new Random(99);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) // create and store the marker images
int w = 10 + R.Next(50); // inner width of visible marker
int off = (mSize - w) / 2;
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(mSize, mSize);
using (Graphics G = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
G.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(colors[i]), off, off, w, w);
chart5.Images.Add(new NamedImage("NI" + i, bmp));
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) // now add a few points to random locations
int p = chart5.Series["S1"].Points.AddXY(R.Next(100), R.Next(100));
chart5.Series["S1"].Points[p].MarkerImage = "NI" + p;
Note that this is really just a quick one; in the Link to the original answer about a heat map I show how to resize the Markers along with the Chart. Here they will always stay the same size..:
I have lowered the Alpha of the colors for this image from 255 to 155, btw.
The sizes also stay fixed when zooming in on the Chart; see how nicely they drift apart, so you can see the space between them:
This may or may not be what you want, of course..
Note that I had disabled both Axes in the first images for nicer looks. For zooming I have turned them back on so I get the simple reset button..
Also note that posting the screenshots here introduces some level of resizing, which doesn't come from the chart!

Get the 2D coordinate outline of a region of an image (such as a country on a map)

How would I go about generating the 2D coordinates for an area of an image, so for example if one of the countries on this map was singled out and was the only one visible: but on a canvas the same size, how would I go about getting the 2D coordinates for it?
As I then want to create hover/click areas based on these coordinates using c#, I'm unable to find a tool which can detect for example a shape within a blank canvas and spit out its outline coordinates.
I mainly believe this to be a phrasing/terminology issue on my part, as I feel this whole process is already a "thing", and well documented.
There are many ways to achieve your task here are few:
Look at Generating Polygons from Image (Filled Shapes) which is Almost duplicate of yours but has a bit different start point.
In a nutshell:
extract all non white pixels which are neighboring white pixel
Just loop through whole image (except outer border pixels) if processed pixel is not white then look to its 4/8 neighbors of processed pixel. If any of them is different color then add the processed pixel color and coordinates to a list.
sort the point list by color
This will separate countries
apply closed loop / connectivity analysis
This is vectorisation/polygonize process. Just join not yet used neighboring pixels from list to form lines ...
There is also A* alternative for this that might be easier to implement:
extract all non white pixels which are neighboring white pixel
Just loop through whole image (except outer border pixels) if processed pixel is not white then look to its 4/8 neighbors of processed pixel. If none of them is different color then clear current pixel with some unused color (black).
recolor all white and the clear color to single color (black).
from this the recolor color will mean wall
Apply A* path finding
find first non wall pixel and apply A* like growth filling. When you done filling then just trace back remembering the order of points in a list as a polygon. Optionally joining straight line pixels to single line ...
Another option is adapt this Finding holes in 2d point sets
If your image is filtered (Antialiasing,scaling,etc) then you need to do the color comparisons with some margin for error and may be even port to HSV (depends on the level of color distortion).
You can use opencv's findcontour() function. See documentation here: http://docs.opencv.org/2.4/doc/tutorials/imgproc/shapedescriptors/find_contours/find_contours.html.
I think you're going at this the wrong way. Outlines of continents are madness; they are often made up of several parts with lots of small islands. And, you don't need the coordinates of the continents on the image; looking up if your current coordinates are in a list would take far too long. Instead, you should do the opposite: make an index table of the whole image, on which is indicated for each pixel which continent it belongs to.
And that's much, much easier.
Since you obviously have to assign a colour to each continent to identify them, you can go over all of the image's pixels, match each pixel's colour to the closest match in the colours of your continents, and fill each byte in the array with the corresponding found continent index. This way, you get a byte array that directly references your continents array. Effectively, this means you create an indexed 8-bit image, just as a plain bytes array. (There are methods to actually combine this with the colours array and get an image you can use, mind you. It's not too hard.)
For the actual colour matching, the best practice is to use LockBits on the source image to get direct access to the underlying bytes array. In the code below, the call to GetImageData gets me the bytes and the data stride. Then you can iterate over the bytes per line, and build a colour from each block of data that represents one pixel. If you don't want to bother too much with supporting different pixel sizes (like 24bpp), a quick trick is to just paint the source image on a new 32bpp image of the same dimensions (the call to PaintOn32bpp), so you can always simply iterate per four bytes and take the byte values in the order 3,2,1,0 for ARGB. I ignored transparency here because it just complicates the concept of what is and isn't a colour.
private void InitContinents(Bitmap map, Int32 nearPixelLimit)
// Build hues map from colour palette. Since detection is done
// by hue value, any grey or white values on the image will be ignored.
// This does mean the process only works with actual colours.
// In this function it is assumed that index 0 in the palette is the white background.
Double[] hueMap = new Double[this.continentsPal.Length];
for (Int32 i = 0; i < this.continentsPal.Length; i++)
Color col = this.continentsPal[i];
if (col.GetSaturation() < .25)
hueMap[i] = -2;
hueMap[i] = col.GetHue();
Int32 w = map.Width;
Int32 h = map.Height;
Bitmap newMap = ImageUtils.PaintOn32bpp(map, continentsPal[0]);
Byte[] guideMap = new Byte[w * h];
Int32 stride;
Byte[] imageData = ImageUtils.GetImageData(newMap, out stride);
for (Int32 y = 0; y < h; y++)
Int32 sourceOffs = y * stride;
Int32 targetOffs = y * w;
for (Int32 x = 0; x < w; x++)
Color c = Color.FromArgb(255, imageData[sourceOffs + 2], imageData[sourceOffs + 1], imageData[sourceOffs + 0]);
Double hue;
// Detecting on hue. Values with < 25% saturation are ignored.
if (c.GetSaturation() < .25)
hue = -2;
hue = c.GetHue();
// Get the closest match
Double smallestHueDiff = Int32.MaxValue;
Int32 smallestHueIndex = -1;
for (Int32 i = 0; i < hueMap.Length; i++)
Double hueDiff = Math.Abs(hueMap[i] - hue);
if (hueDiff < smallestHueDiff)
smallestHueDiff = hueDiff;
smallestHueIndex = i;
guideMap[targetOffs] = (Byte)(smallestHueIndex < 0 ? 0 : smallestHueIndex);
// Increase read pointer with 4 bytes for next pixel
sourceOffs += 4;
// Increase write pointer with 1 byte for next index
// Remove random edge pixels, and save in global var.
this.continentGuide = RefineMap(guideMap, w, h, nearPixelLimit);
// Build image from the guide map.
this.overlay = ImageUtils.BuildImage(this.continentGuide, w, h, w, PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed, this.continentsPal, null);
The GetImageData function:
/// <summary>
/// Gets the raw bytes from an image.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sourceImage">The image to get the bytes from.</param>
/// <param name="stride">Stride of the retrieved image data.</param>
/// <returns>The raw bytes of the image</returns>
public static Byte[] GetImageData(Bitmap sourceImage, out Int32 stride)
BitmapData sourceData = sourceImage.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, sourceImage.Width, sourceImage.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, sourceImage.PixelFormat);
stride = sourceData.Stride;
Byte[] data = new Byte[stride * sourceImage.Height];
Marshal.Copy(sourceData.Scan0, data, 0, data.Length);
return data;
Now, back to the process; once you have that reference table, all you need are the coordinates of your mouse and you can check the reference map at index (Y*Width + X) to see what area you're in. To do that, you can add a MouseMove listener on an ImageBox, like this:
private void picImage_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
Int32 x = e.X - picImage.Padding.Top;
Int32 y = e.Y - picImage.Padding.Left;
Int32 coord = y * this.picWidth + x;
if (x < 0 || x > this.picWidth || y < 0 || y > this.picHeight || coord > this.continentGuide.Length)
Int32 continent = this.continentGuide[coord];
if (continent == previousContinent)
previousContinent = continent;
if (continent >= this.continents.Length)
this.lblContinent.Text = this.continents[continent];
this.picImage.Image = GetHighlightPic(continent);
Note that a simple generated map produced by nearest colour matching may have errors; when I did automatic mapping of this world map's colours, the border between blue and red, and some small islands in Central America, ended up identifying as Antarctica's purple colour, and some other rogue pixels appeared around the edges of different continents too.
This can be avoided by clearing (I used 0 as default "none") all indices not bordered by the same index at the top, bottom, left and right. This removes some smaller islands, and creates a slight gap between any neighbouring continents, but for mouse coordinates detection it'll still very nicely match the areas. This is the RefineMap call in my InitContinents function. The argument it gets determines how many identical neighbouring values an index needs to allow it to survive the pruning.
A similar technique with checking neigbouring pixels can be used to get outlines, by making a map of pixels not surrounded at all sides by the same value.

Resize drawn rectangle to fit original image

I'm developing an application to manipulate images scanned on a wide-image scanner. These images are shown as a ImageBrush on a Canvas.
On this Canvas they can a make Rectangle with the mouse, to define an area to be cropped.
My problem here is to resize the Rectangle according to the original image size, so that it crops the exact area on the original image.
I've tried many things so far and it's just sqeezing my brain, to figure out the right solution.
I know that I need to get the percent that the original image is bigger than the image shown on the canvas.
The dimentions of the original image are:
h: 5606
w: 7677
And when I show the image, they are:
h: 1058,04
w: 1910
Which gives these numbers:
float percentWidth = ((originalWidth - resizedWidth) / originalWidth) * 100;
float percentHeight = ((originalHeight - resizedHeight) / originalHeight) * 100;
percentWidth = 75,12049
percentHeight = 81,12665
From here I can't figure how to resize the Rectangle correctly, to fit the original image.
My last approach was this:
int newRectWidth = (int)((originalWidth * percentWidth) / 100);
int newRectHeight = (int)((originalHeight * percentHeight) / 100);
int newRectX = (int)(rectX + ((rectX * percentWidth) / 100));
int newRectY = (int)(rectY + ((rectY * percentHeight) / 100));
Hopefully someone can lead me in the right direction, because i'm off track here and I can't see what i'm missing.
private System.Drawing.Rectangle FitRectangleToOriginal(
float resizedWidth,
float resizedHeight,
float originalWidth,
float originalHeight,
float rectWidth,
float rectHeight,
double rectX,
double rectY)
// Calculate the ratio between original and resized image
float ratioWidth = originalWidth / resizedWidth;
float ratioHeight = originalHeight / resizedHeight;
// create a new rectagle, by resizing the old values
// by the ratio calculated above
int newRectWidth = (int)(rectWidth * ratioWidth);
int newRectHeight = (int)(rectHeight * ratioHeight);
int newRectX = (int)(rectX * ratioWidth);
int newRectY = (int)(rectY * ratioHeight);
return new System.Drawing.Rectangle(newRectX, newRectY, newRectWidth, newRectHeight);
I think the only reliable option is to let your users zoom in to the image (100% or higher zoom level) and make a selection on part of the image. This way they can make an exact pixel-based selection. (Assuming that the purpose of your selection rectangle is to select part of an image.)
Your problem now is that you're using floating-point calculations because of the 75% zoom level and rounding errors will make your selection rectangles inaccurate. No matter what you do, when you try to make a selection on a shrinked image, you're not selecting exact pixels - you're selecting parts of pixels as you resize your rectangle. Since a partial pixel cannot be selected, the selection edges will be rounded up or down so you either select one pixel too many or one pixel too few in a given direction.
Another issue that I just noticed is that you distort your image - horizontally it's 75% zoom, vertically it's 81%. This makes it even harder for users because the image will be smoothed differently in the two directions. Horizontally 4 original pixels will be interpolated on 3 output pixels; vertically 5 original pixels will be interpolated on 4 output pixels.
You are actually doing a form of projection. Don't use percentages, just use the ratio between 5606 and 1058,4 = ~5.30. When the user drags the rectangle, reproject it which is selectedWidth * 5606/1058.4.

How to Implement AutoSize

I'm trying to figure out a good way to auto-size a Rectangle that has text drawn inside of it. I basically want the size to have a ratio of width/height and then "grow" according to that ratio to fit the text. I've looked at Graphics.MeasureString but I don't think it does what I'm looking for (maybe it does and I'm just using it wrong).
I don't want to specify a specific width of the rectangle to be drawn. Instead I want to say find the smallest width/height to fit this text given a minimum width but the found rectangle must have some specific ratio of width and height.
This doesn't have to be specific to C#, any idea for solving this problem I'm sure can be mapped to C#.
I believe you can use Graphics.MeasureString. This is what I have used in my GUI code to draw rectangles around text. You hand it the text and the font you want to use, it returns to you a rectangle (technically a SizeF object - width and height). Then you can adjust this rectangle by the ratio you want:
Graphics g = CreateGraphics();
String s = "Hello, World!";
SizeF sizeF = g.MeasureString(s, new Font("Arial", 8));
// Now I have a rectangle to adjust.
float myRatio = 2F;
SizeF adjustedSizeF = new SizeF(sizeF.Width * myRatio, sizeF.Height * myRatio);
RectangleF rectangle = new RectangleF(new PointF(0, 0), adjustedSizeF);
Am I understanding your question correctly?
You should use TextRenderer.MeasureText, all controls use TextRenderer to draw text in .NET 2.0 and up.
There is no unambiguous solution to your question, there are many possible ways to fit text in a Rectangle. A wide one that displays just one line is just as valid as a narrow one that displays many lines. You'll have to constrain one of the dimensions. It is a realistic requirement, this rectangle is shown inside some other control and that control has a certain ClientSize. You'll need to decide how you want to lay it out.
On the back of my comment about the System.Windows.Forms.Label, maybe you could have a look at the code driving the painting of a Label? If you use Reflector this should get you part of the way.
There seems to be some methods on there like GetPreferredSizeCore() for example that probably have what you want which I'm sure could be made generic enough given a little work.
I've found my own solution. The following code determines the best rectangle (matching the ratio) to fit the text. It uses divide and conquer to find the closest rectangle (by decrementing the width by some "step"). This algorithm uses a min-width that is always met and I'm sure this could be modified to include a max width. Thoughts?
private Size GetPreferredSize(String text, Font font, StringFormat format)
Graphics graphics = this.CreateGraphics();
if (format == null)
format = new StringFormat();
SizeF textSize = SizeF.Empty;
// The minimum width allowed for the rectangle.
double minWidth = 100;
// The ratio for the height compared to the width.
double heightRatio = 0.61803399; // Gloden ratio to make it look pretty :)
// The amount to in/decrement for width.
double step = 100;
// The new width to be set.
double newWidth = minWidth;
// Find the largest width that the text fits into.
while (true)
textSize = graphics.MeasureString(text, font, (int)Math.Round(newWidth), format);
if (textSize.Height <= newWidth * heightRatio)
newWidth += step;
step /= 2;
// Continuously divide the step to adjust the rectangle.
while (true)
// Ensure step.
if (step < 1)
// Ensure minimum width.
if (newWidth - step < minWidth)
// Try to subract the step from the width.
while (true)
// Measure the text.
textSize = graphics.MeasureString(text, font, (int)Math.Round(newWidth - step), format);
// If the text height is going to be less than the new height, decrease the new width.
// Otherwise, break to the next lowest step.
if (textSize.Height < (newWidth - step) * heightRatio)
newWidth -= step;
step /= 2;
double width = newWidth;
double height = width * heightRatio;
return new Size((int)Math.Ceiling(width), (int)Math.Ceiling(height));
