Rollingback vs Refreshing vs Reloading Entity data - c#

I have an WPF project, MVVM with an EF6 dataset and I'm looking to implement a way to rollback all changes.
The following code shows how ViewModel loads the data:
protected async override void GetData()
ThrobberVisible = Visibility.Visible;
ObservableCollection<MobileDeviceRequestVM> _requests = new ObservableCollection<MobileDeviceRequestVM>();
var requests = await (from c in dbContext.MobileDeviceRequests
orderby c.RequestDate
select c)
foreach (MobileDeviceRequest req in requests)
_requests.Add(new MobileDeviceRequestVM { IsNew = false, TheEntity = req });
MobileDeviceRequests = _requests;
ThrobberVisible = Visibility.Collapsed;
The following code shows how the ViewModel rolls back any changes:
protected override void RollbackData()
var changedEntries = dbContext.ChangeTracker.Entries()
.Where(x => x.State != EntityState.Unchanged).ToList();
foreach (var entry in changedEntries)
switch (entry.State)
case EntityState.Modified:
entry.State = EntityState.Unchanged;
case EntityState.Added:
entry.State = EntityState.Detached;
case EntityState.Deleted:
entry.State = EntityState.Unchanged;
//Somewhere in here the OC: MobileDeviceRequests needs to get refreshed
//with the context as items may have been added and/or deleted
The following code shows how the ViewModel refreshes the data, which may or may not rollback data depending on if something has changed:
protected virtual void RefreshData()
The following creates a new context
protected virtual void ReloadData()
dbContext= new BAContext();
What I'm wondering about is:
Rolling Back
They all seem to do virtually the same thing, the ReloadData() being the more expensive.
I guess what I'm asking is, if refresh does the requery and populates the OC, is there any point in having a rollback. If there is, then how would you repopulate the OC and would it be any different than the refresh?

The aforementioned methods are not equivalent.
When executing LINQ to Entities tracking query, EF will requery the database, but then will take into account the current change tracker state of the returned entities, and will return the local entity data rather than actual data. The concept is similar to the RefreshMode.ClientWins options of the older ObjectContext.Refresh method.
The net effect of your refresh will be that it eventually will bring the new data (added to the database through different context instance or another process/user). But the current modifications will stay in effect.
So IMO you the options are just two - rollback the current or use new context. The way you implemented it, rollback method seems to work, but entity queries still will not apply changes made outside the context instance. But this applies to the tracked entity queries in a long lived context anyway, so probably might not be considered a defect.
Which one of the two you choose depends on your requirements. But the only guaranteed way to start really fresh is to use a new context instance.


ASP.NET C#: Entity updating is being blocked

Experiencing an issue about updating mysql DB through EF. It's not the first time I'm dealing with it, so I had some ideas about why isn't my data getting changed. I tried changing an element in goods array; tried editing an object, recieved through LINQ-request (seen some examples of this method); made some attempts on marking element found in the database before editing (like EntityState and Attach()). Nothing of these made any difference, so I tried removing <asp:UpdatePanel> from Site.Master to see what happens (responsive for postback blocking to prevent page shaking on update), but nothing changed (while btnRedeemEdit.IsPostBack having its default value).
Code below is the function I use for updates.
protected void btnRedeemEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["id"]))
var db = new GoodContext();
var goods = db.Goods.ToList();
Good theGood = goods.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == int.Parse(Request.QueryString["id"]));
//db.Goods.Attach(theGood);//No effect
//db.Entry(theGood).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; //No effect
if (theGood != default)
theGood.AmountSold = GetInput().AmountSold;
theGood.APF = GetInput().APF;
theGood.Barcode = GetInput().Barcode;
theGood.Description = GetInput().Description;
theGood.ImagesUrl = GetInput().ImagesUrl;//"";
theGood.Name = GetInput().Name;
theGood.OrderPrice = GetInput().OrderPrice;
theGood.Profit = GetInput().Profit;
theGood.RecievedOn = GetInput().RecievedOn;//DateTime.Parse(GetInput().RecievedOn).Date.ToString();
theGood.TotalAmount = GetInput().TotalAmount;
theGood.WeightKg = GetInput().WeightKg;
else Response.Write($"<script>alert('Good on ID does not exist');</script>");
else Response.Write($"<script>alert('Unable to change: element selected does not exist');</script>");
Notice, that no alerts appear during execution, so object in database can be found.
Are there any more things, that can be responsible for blocking database updates?
A few things to update & check:
Firstly, DbContexts should always be disposed, so in your case wrap the DbContext inside a using statement:
using (var db = new GoodContext())
// ...
Next, there is no need to load all goods from the DbContext, just use Linq to retrieve the one you want to update:
using (var db = new GoodContext())
Good theGood = db.Goods.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == int.Parse(Request.QueryString["id"]));
if (theGood is null)
Response.Write($"<script>alert('Good on ID does not exist');</script>");
The plausible suspect is what does "GetInput()" actually do, and have you confirmed that it actually has the changes you want? If GetInput is a method that returns an object containing your changes then it only needs to be called once rather than each time you set a property:
(Inside the using() {} scope...)
var input = GetInput();
theGood.AmountSold = input.AmountSold;
theGood.APF = input.APF;
theGood.Barcode = input.Barcode;
theGood.Description = input.Description;
// ...
If input has updated values but after calling SaveChanges you aren't seeing updated values in the database then there are two things to check.
1) Check that the database connection string at runtime matches the database that you are checking against. The easiest way to do that is to get the connection string from the DbContext instance's Database.
EF 6:
using (var db = new GoodContext())
var connectionString = db.Database.Connection.ConnectionString; // Breakpoint here and inspect.
EF Core: (5/6)
using (var db = new GoodContext())
var connectionString = db.Database.GetConnectionString();
Often at runtime the DbContext will be initialized with a connection string from a web.config / .exe.config file that you don't expect so you're checking one database expecting changes while the application is using a different database / server. (More common than you'd expect:)
2) Check that you aren't disabling tracking proxies. By default EF will enable change tracking which is how it knows if/when data has changed for SaveChanges to generate SQL statements. Sometimes developers will encounter performance issues and start looking for ways to speed up EF including disabling change tracking on the DbContext. (A fine option for read-only systems, but a pain for read-write)
EF6 & EF Core: (DbContext initialization)
Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false; // If you have this set to false consider removing it.
If you must disable change tracking then you have to explicitly set the EntityState of the entity to Modified before calling SaveChanges():
db.Entry(theGood).State = EntityState.Modified;
Using change tracking is preferable to using EntityState because with change tracking EF will only generate an UPDATE statement if any values have changed, and only for the values that changed. With EntityState.Modified EF will always generate an UPDATE statement for all non-key fields regardless if any of them had actually changed or not.

The instance of the entity type cannot be tracked because another instance with the keyvalue is being tracked

I am basically trying to implement CRUD using EntityFrameWork core and .Net core 3.1. I have an issue with my update operation where I am not able update the context with the modified value.
I am using postman to initiate the request.
As you can see in the code below, I am trying to check if that customer exist and if it does pass the modified object to the context.
Function code
public async Task<IActionResult> Run(
[HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous,"post", Route = "update-customer")] HttpRequest req)
var customer = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<CustomerViewModel>(new StreamReader(req.Body).ReadToEnd());
await _repo.UpdateCustomer(customer);
return new OkResult();
Repository method
public async Task UpdateCustomer(CustomerViewModel customerViewModel)
if (customerViewModel.CustomerId != null)
var customer = _context.Customers.Where(c => c.CustomerId.Equals(customerViewModel.CustomerId)).FirstOrDefault();
if (customer == null)
throw new Exception("customer not found");
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
public class CustomerManagerProfile : Profile
public CustomerManagerProfile()
CreateMap<CustomerDetails, CustomerDetailsViewModel>().ReverseMap();
CreateMap<CustomerOrders, CustomerOrdersViewModel>().ReverseMap();
CreateMap<CustomerOrderDetails, OrderDetailsViewModel>().ReverseMap();
CreateMap<Customers, CustomerViewModel>().ReverseMap();
public async Task UpdateCustomer(CustomerViewModel customerViewModel)
if (customerViewModel.CustomerId != null)
var customer = _context.Customers.Where(c => c.CustomerId.Equals(customerViewModel.CustomerId)).FirstOrDefault();
if (customer == null)
throw new Exception("customer not found");
var customerModel = _mapper.Map<Customers>(customerViewModel);
_context.Entry<Customers>(customer).State = EntityState.Detached;
_context.Entry<Customers>(customerModel).State = EntityState.Modified;
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
Entity Framework tracks your entities for you. For simplicity's sake, think of it like keeping a dictionary (for every table) where the dictionary key is equal to your entity's PK.
The issue is that you can't add two items of the same key in a dictionary, and the same logic applies to EF's change tracker.
Let's look at your repository:
var customer = _context
.Where(c => c.CustomerId.Equals(customerViewModel.CustomerId))
The fetched customer is retrieved from the database and the change tracker puts it in his dictionary.
var mappedCustomer = _mapper.Map<Customers>(customerViewModel);
I split your code in two steps for the sake of my explanation.
It's important to realize that EF can only save changes to tracked objects. So when you call Update, EF executes the following check:
Is this the same (reference-equal) object as one I have I my change tracker?
If yes, then it's already in my change tracker.
If not, then add this object to my change tracker.
In your case, the mappedCustomer is a different object than customer, and therefore EF tries to add mappedCustomer to the change tracker. Since customer is already in there, and customer and mappedCustomer have the same PK value, this creates a conflict.
The exception you see is the outcome of that conflict.
Since you don't need to actually track your original customer object (since EF doesn't do anything with it after fetching it), the shortest solution is to tell EF to not track customer:
var customer = _context
.Where(c => c.CustomerId.Equals(customerViewModel.CustomerId))
Since customer is now not put into the change tracker, mappedCustomer won't cause a conflict anymore.
However, you don't actually need to fetch this customer at all. You're only interested in knowing whether it exists. So instead of letting EF fetch the entire customer object, we can do this:
bool customerExists = _context
.Any(c => c.CustomerId.Equals(customerViewModel.CustomerId));
This also solves the issue since you never fetch the original customer, so it never gets tracked. It also saves you a bit of bandwidth in the process. It's admittedly negligible by itself, but if you repeat this improvement across your codebase, it may become more significent.
The most simple adjustment that you could make would be to avoid tracking your Customers on retrieval like this:
var customer = _context
.AsNoTracking() // This method tells EF not to track results of the query.
.Where(c => c.CustomerId.Equals(customerViewModel.CustomerId))
It's not entirely clear from the code, but my guess is your mapper returns a new instance of Customer with the same ID, which confuses EF. If you would instead modify that same instance, your call to .Update() should work as well:
var customer = _context.Customers.Where(c => c.CustomerId.Equals(customerViewModel.CustomerId)).FirstOrDefault();
customer.Name = "UpdatedName"; // An example.
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
As a matter of fact, if you track your Customer you don't even need to explicitly call .Update() method, the purpose of tracking is to be aware of what changes were made to the entities and should be saved to the database. Therefore this will also work:
// Customer is being tracked by default.
var customer = _context.Customers.Where(c => c.CustomerId.Equals(customerViewModel.CustomerId)).FirstOrDefault();
customer.Name = "UpdatedName"; // An example.
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
The solution you yourself provide begins by tracking the results of your query (the Customer) instance, then stops tracking it (a.k.a. gets detached) before writing to database and instead starts tracking the instance that represents the updated Customer and also marks it as modified. Obviously that works as well, but is just a less efficient and elegant way of doing so.
As a matter of fact if you use this bizarre approach, I don't see the reason for fetching your Customer at all. Surely you could just:
if (!(await _context.Customers.AnyAsync(c => c.CustomerId == customerViewModel.CustomerId)))
throw new Exception("customer not found");
var customerModel = _mapper.Map<Customers>(customerViewModel);
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
You use AutoMapper wrong way. It is not created to map from View model or DTO to Entity classes. It makes many problems and you are facing with only one of them now.
If you have more complex bussiness logic in you app (not just udpate all fields), it will be horrible to manage, test and debug what actually is happening in your code. You should write you own logic with some bussiness validation in case when you want to make some other update than CRUD.
If I were you I would create UpdateFields method in Customer class which would update them and finally call SaveChanges. It depends on whether you use anemic entity (anti)pattern or not. If you do not want your entity class to have any method you can create just method which manually map you VM do entity with some domain validation

Nopcommerce Update entity issue

Using NopCommerce 3.8, Visual Studio 2015 proff.
I have created a plugin that is responsible for making restful calls to my Web API that exposes a different DB to that of Nop.
The process is run via a nop Task, it successfully pulls the data back and i can step through and manipulate as i see fit, no issues so far.
Issue comes when i try to update a record on the product table, i perform the update... but nothing happens no change, no error.
I believe this is due to the Context having no idea about my newly instantiated product object, however I'm drawing a blank on what i need to do in relation to my particular example.
Similar questions usually reference a "model" object that is part of the parameter of the method call, "model" has the method ToEntity which seems to be the answer in similar question in stack.
However my example doesn't have the ToEntity class/method possibly because my parameter is actually a list of products. To Clarify here my code.
Method in RestClient.cs
public async Task<List<T>> GetAsync()
var httpClient = new HttpClient();
var json = await httpClient.GetStringAsync(ApiControllerURL);
var taskModels = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<T>>(json);
return taskModels;
catch (Exception e)
return null;
Method in my Service Class
public async Task<List<MWProduct>> GetProductsAsync()
RestClient<MWProduct> restClient = new RestClient<MWProduct>(ApiConst.Products);
var productsList = await restClient.GetAsync();
InsertSyncProd(productsList.Select(x => x).ToList());
return productsList;
private void InsertSyncProd(List<MWProduct> inserted)
var model = inserted.Select(x =>
switch (x.AD_Action)
case "I":
case "U":
Then the method to bind and update
private void UpdateSyncProd(List<MWProduct> inserted)
var me = inserted.Select(x =>
var productEnt = _productRepos.Table.FirstOrDefault(ent => ent.Sku == x.Sku.ToString());
if(productEnt != null)
productEnt.Sku = x.Sku.ToString();
productEnt.ShortDescription = x.ShortDescription;
productEnt.FullDescription = x.FullDescription;
productEnt.Name = x.Name;
productEnt.Height = x.Pd_height != null ? Convert.ToDecimal(x.Pd_height) : 0;
productEnt.Width = x.Pd_width != null ? Convert.ToDecimal(x.Pd_width) : 0;
productEnt.Length = x.Pd_depth != null ? Convert.ToDecimal(x.Pd_depth) : 0;
productEnt.UpdatedOnUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;
//TODO: set to entity so context nows and can update
return productEnt;
So as you can see, I get the data and pass data through to certain method based on a result. From that list in the method I iterate over, and pull the the entity from the table, then update via the product service using that manipulated entity.
So what am I missing here, I'm sure its 1 step, and i think it may be either be because 1) The context still has no idea about the entity in question, or 2) Its Incorrect calls.
Update is not updating, possibly due to context having no knowledge OR my methodology is wrong. (probably both).
I added some logger.inertlog all around my service, it runs through fine, all to the point of the call of update. But again I check the product and nothing has changed in the admin section.
I have provided the full source as i think maybe this has something to do with the rest of the code setup possibly?
Added the following for testin on my execute method.
var myprod = _productRepos.GetById(4852);
myprod.ShortDescription = "db test";
This successfully updates the product description. I moved my methods from my service into the task class but still no luck. The more i look at it the more im thinking that my async is killing off the db context somehow.
Turned of async and bound the getbyid to a new product, also removed the lambda for the switch and changed it to a foreach loop. Seems to finally update the results.
Cannot confirm if async is the culprit, currently the web api seems to be returning the same result even though the data has changed (some wierd caching by deafult in .net core? ) so im creating a new question for that.
UPDATE: It appears that the issue stems from poor debugging of async. Each instance I am trying to iterate over an await call, simply put im trying to iterate over a collection that technically may or may not be completed yet. And probably due to poor debugging, I was not aware.
So answer await your collection Then iterate after.

Entity Framework Pass Object from One Context to Another

I am new to Entity Framework so please bear with me.
I have a program that I want to select multiple records from a table and store it in a queue:
private Queue<RecordsToProcess> getRecordsToProcess()
Queue<RecordsToProcess> results = new Queue<RecordsToProcess>();
using (MyEntity context = new MyEntity())
var query = from v in context.RecordsToProcess
where v.Processed == false
select v;
foreach (RecordsToProcess record in query)
Then I spin up multiple worker threads. Each worker thread takes one of the items in queue, processes it, and then saves it to the database.
private void processWorkerThread(object stateInfo)
while (workQueue.Count > 0)
RecordToProcess record = new RecordToProcess;
if (workQueue.Count > 0)
RecordToProcess = workQueue.Dequeue();
//Do the record processing here
//How do I save that record here???
My understanding is that to save changes back to the database you just call context.SaveChanges() but I can't do that in this situation can I?
Any help is appreciated.
Since you are disposing your MyEntity context in the first method (by wrapping it in a using statement), the entities that are enqueued will be in a "detached" state. That means, among other things, that changes done to the entity will not be tracked and you will not be able to lazy load navigation properties.
It is perfectly fine to dequeue these entities, "attaching" them to a different context, update them, and then call SaveChanges to persist the changes.
You can read about Attaching and Detaching Objects and Add/Attach and Entity States
It might be safer if you save off the primary key in the queue instead and retrieve the entities again. This way you are more likely avoid any data concurrency issues.

Trying to save an entity that has been stored in ASP.NET control state using EntityFramework

This one is driving me absolutely insane, especially because I have a suspicion that either there is an easy fix or I'm asking too much of the EF...
The situation is this:
I have a user control (ASCX) that is basically serving as an edit form for an EF entity. When the control databinds I pull the object from the database by ID and place it in the control state (by overriding SaveControlState() and LoadControlState()).
The user then goes about their merry way making any changes or what-not. This object has navigation properties on it so when they make a change to a navigation property, say by adding a location to collection of locations on the object, I am updating the dataItem in control state.
Finally, after the user is all done and clicks the save button I try to save or create the record using the following code:
protected void SaveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DepartmentLookup dept = Master.DataContext
LocationLookup location = dataItem.Locations[ResourceLocation.SelectedIndex];
if (dataItem.OfficeLocation == null)
dataItem.OfficeLocation = new OfficeLocationLookup()
Location = location,
OfficeLocationName = location.LocationName
else if (!dataItem.OfficeLocation.Location.Equals(location))
dataItem.OfficeLocation.Location = location;
dataItem.OfficeLocation.OfficeLocationName = location.LocationName;
foreach (LocationLookup loc in dataItem.Locations)
if (loc.LocationTypeID == default(int))
LocationTypeLookup locType = Master.DataContext
.LocationTypes.SingleOrDefault(lt =>
lt.LocationType == loc.LocationType.LocationType);
if (locType != null)
loc.LocationType = locType;
LocationTypeLookup locType = Master.DataContext
if (locType.LocationType != loc.LocationType.LocationType)
LocationTypeLookup newType = new LocationTypeLookup()
LocationType = loc.LocationType.LocationType
loc.LocationType = newType;
dataItem.PrimaryPhone = PrimaryPhone.Text;
dataItem.CellPhone = CellPhone.Text;
dataItem.Department = dept;
dataItem.EmailAddress = EmailAddress.Text;
dataItem.LastModifiedBy = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
dataItem.LastModifiedDtm = DateTime.UtcNow;
if (dataItem.ResourceID == default(int))
DbEntityEntry<Resource> entry = Master.DataContext.Entry<Resource>(dataItem);
if (entry != null && entry.State == EntityState.Detached)
// entry.State = EntityState.Modified;
I've tried a number of different ways to try and save the object to the database, all resulting in various errors. The only method that didn't throw an exception was the SetValues method, which also didn't save any of the navigation properties and thus proved to be of no value.
Any help or suggestions at all would be greatly appreciated here as I've been racking my brain on this problem for a couple days now.
Thanks in advance!
I had a similiar problem when saving entity objects in the session (rather than control state). The problem was that retrieved objects has a variety of different ObjectContexts and this caused the saves to fail.
It depends on how you are managing the context but the best idea is to associate the context with the Request object and use a factory class to retrieve it therefore you are using one context per request.
HttpContext.Current.Items["Context"] = context
Any other pattern caused me big problems.
In my experience it's not a good idea to save the entire entity in the Session (or ControlState) because of the difficulty in managing the contexts. The contexts will have come from different requests even if the above (very safe) pattern is used. I ended up just saving the object ids into Session(ControlState) and using a wrapper class to retrieve them. I persisted the objects that I wanted to pass around in the Request collection rather than anything that persists past postbacks.
This is my very plaintive question with my own struggles in a similar area. Hope it's of some use.
