I have an event receiver when i upload documents to share point list.
The event calls a functions that copies the item to two different places.
The problem is that the performance is very bad and the application is taking +/- 10 GB of memory when i upload 5 documents each is +/- 400 KB.
Without the upload the application is working fine.
private static void AttachRoutingEventListener(SPWeb web)
web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
var uploadList = web.Lists[SPUtility.GetLocalizedString("$Resources:MailRoom_List_UploadList_Title", "Matri", web.Language)];
uploadList.EventReceivers.Add(SPEventReceiverType.ItemAdded, "Com.Gimi.Matri.Artifacts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=dad1f8c1ceb5d9440", "Com.Gimi.Matri.Artifacts.RouteScannedDocuments");
web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false;
[SharePointPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ObjectModel = true)]
public override void ItemAdded(SPItemEventProperties properties)
using (SPWeb web = properties.Web)
public static void RouteItem(SPListItem item)
SPWeb web = item.Web;
SPList documents = web.Lists[SPUtility.GetLocalizedString("$Resources:Matri,MailRoom_List_MailDocuments_Title", "Matri", web.Language)];
SPList metadata = web.Lists[SPUtility.GetLocalizedString("$Resources:MailRoom_List_LetterData_Title", "Matri", web.Language)];
DateTime scanDate = GetScanDate();
Regex mailExtension = new Regex(#"^.+\.(eml)$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
string fileDestinationUrl = CreateFullRelativePath(documents, scanDate) + "/" + item.File.Name;
if (!mailExtension.IsMatch(item.File.Name))
lock (lockObjects)
CopyFile(item, documents, fileDestinationUrl);
catch (DirectoryNotFoundException ex)
//In case the folder not created
EnsureFolders(documents, scanDate);
CopyFile(item, documents, fileDestinationUrl);
// copy to letterData
CopyMetadata(metadata, item, fileDestinationUrl, scanDate);
catch (DirectoryNotFoundException dnEx)
//In case the folder not created
EnsureListItemFolders(metadata, scanDate);
CopyMetadata(metadata, item, fileDestinationUrl, scanDate);
catch (Exception genEx)
Log.Warn("ZZ ERROR error in eventhandler of upload lis ==> " + genEx.Message);
Log.Error("error in eventhandler of upload list", genEx);
private static DateTime GetScanDate()
return DateTime.Now;
private static void EnsureListItemFolders(SPList list, DateTime scanDate)
SPFolder dayFolder = list.ParentWeb.GetFolder(CreateFullRelativePath(list, scanDate));
SPListItem folder = null;
if (!dayFolder.Exists)
folder = list.Items.Add(list.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl, SPFileSystemObjectType.Folder, GetFolderName(scanDate));
private static void EnsureFolders(SPList list,DateTime scanDate)
SPFolder dayFolder = list.ParentWeb.GetFolder(CreateFullRelativePath(list, scanDate));
if (!dayFolder.Exists)
list.RootFolder.SubFolders.Add(CreateFullRelativePath(list, scanDate));
private static void CopyMetadata(SPList metadata, SPListItem item, string fileDestinationUrl, DateTime scanDate)
SPListItemCollection metadataItems = metadata.Items;
SPListItem destination = metadataItems.Add(CreateFullRelativePath(metadata, scanDate), SPFileSystemObjectType.File, null);
destination["Title"] = item["Title"];
destination["DateOfLetter"] = item["DateOfLetter"];
destination["SenderName"] = item["SenderName"];
destination["CompanyAddressee"] = item["CompanyAddressee"];
destination["AddresseeName"] = item["AddresseeName"];
destination["Recipient"] = item["Recipient"];
destination["DateOfScan"] = DateTime.Now;
destination["MailType"] = item["MailType"];
destination["Priority"] = item["Priority"];
destination["ScanLocation"] = item["ScanLocation"];
destination["LetterURL"] = new Uri(new Uri(item.Web.Url), new Uri(fileDestinationUrl, UriKind.Relative)).AbsoluteUri;
private static void CopyFile(SPListItem item, SPList documents, string fileDestinationUrl)
using (Stream docStream = item.File.OpenBinaryStream())
documents.RootFolder.Files.Add(fileDestinationUrl, docStream, true);
private static string CreateFullRelativePath(SPList destination, DateTime scanDate)
return destination.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl + "/" + GetFolderName(scanDate);
private static string GetFolderName(DateTime date)
return date.ToString("yyyyMMdd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
Thank you in advance!
It seems that SpWeb.Lists["list name"] was the issue
I replaced it by
Reference url Best Practices: SharePoint Object Model for Performance Tuning
I have a button that when clicked will start downloading multiple files (this button will also open a chrome://downloads tab and closes it immediately.
The page.download event handler for downloads will not fire.
The page.WaitForDownloadAsync() returns only one of these files.
I do not know the file names that will be downloaded, I also do not know if more than 1 file will be downloaded, there is always the possibility that only 1 file will be downloaded, but also the possibility that multiple files will be downloaded.
How can I handle this in playwright? I would like to return a list of all the downloaded files paths.
So I resolved this with the following logic.
I created two variables:
List<string> downloadedFiles = new List<string>();
List<string> fileDownloadSession = new();
I then created a method to add as a handler to the page.Download that looks like this:
private async void downloadHandler(object sender, IDownload download)
var waiter = await download.PathAsync();
Afterwards, I created a public method to get the downloaded files that looks like this:
public List<string> GetDownloadedFiles()
while (fileDownloadSession.Any())
var downloadedFilesList = downloadedFiles;
downloadedFiles = new List<string>();
return downloadedFilesList;
All these methods and planning are in a separate class of their own so that they can monitor the downloaded files properly, and also to freeze the main thread so it can grab all of the required files.
All in all it seems just as sketchy of a solution, similarly to how you would implement it in Selenium, nothing much has changed in terms of junkyard implementations in the new frameworks.
You can find my custom class here: https://paste.mod.gg/rztmzncvtagi/0, enjoy, there is no other topic that answers this specific question for playwright on C#.
Code here, in case it gets deleted from paste.mod.gg:
using System.Net;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript;
using Flanium;
using FlaUI.UIA3;
using Microsoft.Playwright;
using MoreLinq;
using Polly;
namespace Fight;
public class WebBrowser
private IBrowser _browser;
private IBrowserContext _context;
private IPage _page;
private bool _force;
private List<string> downloadedFiles = new List<string>();
private List<string> fileDownloadSession = new();
public void EagerMode()
_force = true;
public enum BrowserType
public IPage GetPage()
return _page;
public WebBrowser(BrowserType browserType = BrowserType.Chrome, bool headlessMode = false)
var playwright = Playwright.CreateAsync().Result;
_browser = browserType switch
BrowserType.Chrome => playwright.Chromium.LaunchAsync(new BrowserTypeLaunchOptions {Headless = headlessMode}).Result,
BrowserType.Firefox => playwright.Firefox.LaunchAsync(new BrowserTypeLaunchOptions {Headless = headlessMode}).Result,
_ => null
_context = _browser.NewContextAsync().Result;
_page = _context.NewPageAsync().Result;
_page.Download += downloadHandler;
Console.WriteLine("WebBrowser was successfully started.");
private async void downloadHandler(object sender, IDownload download)
var waiter = await download.PathAsync();
public List<string> GetDownloadedFiles()
while (fileDownloadSession.Any())
var downloadedFilesList = downloadedFiles;
downloadedFiles = new List<string>();
return downloadedFilesList;
public void Navigate(string url)
public void Close(string containedURL)
var pages = _context.Pages.Where(x => x.Url.Contains(containedURL));
if (pages.Any())
pages.ForEach(x => x.CloseAsync().Wait());
public IElementHandle Click(string selector, int retries = 15, int retryInterval = 1)
var element = Policy.HandleResult<IElementHandle>(result => result == null)
.WaitAndRetry(retries, interval => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(retryInterval))
.Execute(() =>
var element = FindElement(selector);
if (element != null)
element.ClickAsync(new ElementHandleClickOptions() {Force = _force}).Wait();
return element;
catch (Exception e)
return null;
return null;
return element;
public IElementHandle FindElement(string selector)
IElementHandle element = null;
var Pages = _context.Pages.ToArray();
foreach (var w in Pages)
element = w.QuerySelectorAsync(selector).Result;
if (element != null)
return element;
var iframes = w.Frames.ToList();
var index = 0;
for (; index < iframes.Count; index++)
var frame = iframes[index];
element = frame.QuerySelectorAsync(selector).Result;
if (element is not null)
return element;
var children = frame.ChildFrames;
if (children.Count > 0 && iframes.Any(x => children.Any(y => y.Equals(x))) == false)
iframes.InsertRange(index + 1, children);
return element;
I'm setting up my architechture to use Cef.Offscreen. In order to make it easy to work with I have divided some parts. But I run into a problem that controller loading finshes and serves a view before everything has been able to load.
Here's my structure --> Controller
public ActionResult InitBrowser()
ICefSharpRenderer renderer = RendererSingelton.GetInstance();
//Try to render something in default appdomain
renderer.LoginToTradingView(null, null);
ViewBag.SiteTitle = BrowserActions.RunScriptInNamedBrowser("loginbrowser", #"(function() {return document.title;} )();");
ViewBag.ImagesixtyfourUrl = BrowserActions.TakeScreenshot("loginbrowser");
//this is returned to fast, we have to wait for all
return View();
I have this class to get do some basic actions and initialize if needed.
public class CefSharpRenderer : MarshalByRefObject, ICefSharpRenderer
private ChromiumWebBrowser _browser;
private TaskCompletionSource<JavascriptResponse> _taskCompletionSource;
private string _name;
public void LoginToTradingView(string url, string browserName)
BrowserFactory.GetBrowserInstance(#"https://se.tradingview.com/", "loginbrowser");
public void CreateBrowserAndGoToUrl(string url, string browserName)
BrowserFactory.GetBrowserInstance(url, "browserName");
public void CheckIfCefIsInitialized()
if (!Cef.IsInitialized)
var settings = new CefSettings();
var assemblyPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(new Uri(GetType().Assembly.CodeBase).LocalPath);
settings.BrowserSubprocessPath = Path.Combine(assemblyPath, "CefSharp.BrowserSubprocess.exe");
settings.ResourcesDirPath = assemblyPath;
settings.LocalesDirPath = Path.Combine(assemblyPath, "locales");
var osVersion = Environment.OSVersion;
//Disable GPU for Windows 7
if (osVersion.Version.Major == 6 && osVersion.Version.Minor == 1)
// Disable GPU in WPF and Offscreen examples until #1634 has been resolved
settings.CefCommandLineArgs.Add("disable-gpu", "1");
//Perform dependency check to make sure all relevant resources are in our output directory.
Cef.Initialize(settings, performDependencyCheck: false, cefApp: null);
I get my browserinstance here and connected the events to be fired.
public static class BrowserFactory
public static ChromiumWebBrowser GetBrowserInstance(string _url, string browsername)
if (!BrowserContainer.CheckIfBrowserExists(browsername))
ChromiumWebBrowser _browser = new ChromiumWebBrowser(_url);
_browser.LoadingStateChanged += BrowserEvents.OnLoadingStateChanged;
BrowserContainer.AddDataHolder(browsername, new DataBrowserHolder { BrowserName = browsername, ChromiumWebBrow = _browser });
return _browser;
return null;
Browserevent loads correct page.
public static class BrowserEvents
public static void OnLoadingStateChanged(object sender, LoadingStateChangedEventArgs args)
if (args.IsLoading == false)
ChromiumWebBrowser cwb = (ChromiumWebBrowser)sender;
if (cwb.Address == "https://se.tradingview.com/")
BrowserActions.LogInToTradingView("xxxxx", "yyyyyyy", "loginbrowser");
Last my browseractions, spare med for the thread sleeps it's just under construction and it works atm.
public static class BrowserActions
public static void LogInToTradingView(string twusername, string twpassword, string browserName)
ChromiumWebBrowser _dataholder = BrowserContainer.GetDataHolderByName(browserName).ChromiumWebBrow;
IFrame ifww = _dataholder.GetMainFrame();
// var lull = #"(function() { var serielength = TradingView.bottomWidgetBar._widgets.backtesting._reportWidgetsSet.reportWidget._data.filledOrders.length; return serielength; })();";
// JavascriptResponse _js = Task.Run(async () => { return await _browser.GetMainFrame().EvaluateScriptAsync(lull); }).Result;
ifww.ExecuteJavaScriptAsync(#"(function() { window.document.getElementsByClassName('tv-header__link tv-header__link--signin js-header__signin')[0].click();})();");
// var loginusernamescript =
var loginpasswordscript = #"(function() { window.document.getElementsByClassName('tv-control-material-input tv-signin-dialog__input tv-control-material-input__control')[1].value= " + twpassword + "; })();";
var clkloginbtn = #"(function() { document.getElementsByClassName('tv-button tv-button--no-border-radius tv-button--size_large tv-button--primary_ghost tv-button--loader')[0].click();})();";
ifww.ExecuteJavaScriptAsync(#"(function() { window.document.getElementsByClassName('tv-control-material-input tv-signin-dialog__input tv-control-material-input__control')[0].click();})();");
ifww.ExecuteJavaScriptAsync(#"(function() { window.document.getElementsByClassName('tv-control-material-input tv-signin-dialog__input tv-control-material-input__control')[0].value = '" + twusername + "';})();");
ifww.ExecuteJavaScriptAsync(#"(function() { window.document.getElementsByClassName('tv-control-material-input tv-signin-dialog__input tv-control-material-input__control')[1].click();})();");
ifww.ExecuteJavaScriptAsync(#"(function() { window.document.getElementsByClassName('tv-control-material-input tv-signin-dialog__input tv-control-material-input__control')[1].value = '" + twpassword + "';})();");
ifww.ExecuteJavaScriptAsync(#"(function() { document.getElementsByClassName('tv-button tv-button--no-border-radius tv-button--size_large tv-button--primary_ghost tv-button--loader')[0].click();})();");
public static string TakeScreenshot(string browserName)
Bitmap img = Task.Run(async () => { return await BrowserContainer.GetDataHolderByName(browserName).ChromiumWebBrow.ScreenshotAsync(); }).Result;
// object mgss = img.Clone();
string baseen = ExtraFunctions.ToBase64String(img, ImageFormat.Png);
return baseen;
catch (Exception e)
var x = e.InnerException;
return null;
public static string RunScriptInNamedBrowser(string browserName, string script)
string str = Task.Run(async () => { return await BrowserContainer.GetDataHolderByName(browserName).ChromiumWebBrow.GetMainFrame().EvaluateScriptAsync(script); }).Result.ToString();
// object mgss = img.Clone();
return str;
catch (Exception e)
var x = e.InnerException;
return null;
How can I get my browser actions to report back to my controller so that I can wait for them to finish?
For a Task asynchronous operation to report back, it's possible to use Progress<T>. How that's done is detailed in Enabling Progress and Cancellation in Async APIs. The key is:
var progressIndicator = new Progress<int>(ReportProgress);
This creates a Progress<T> object that can indicate how far a task is complete, and also call a custom method (ReportProgress) at set intervals. You can create a custom class if necessary instead of using int.
So your browser actions can report back to the controller with the progress reporting method until everything is complete.
How i can use an progress bar in this case?
void Client_DownloadFileCompleted(object sender, AsyncCompletedEventArgs e)
//System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Update Complete!", "Message", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);
Uri uri = new Uri(url);
string filename = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(uri.AbsolutePath);
ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(filePathDir + "/" + filename, filePathDir);
#Alessandro D'Andria , But in this case?:
WebClient wc = new WebClient();
Stream zipReadingStream = wc.OpenRead(url);
ZipArchive zip = new ZipArchive(zipReadingStream);
ZipFileExtensions.ExtractToDirectory(zip, filePathDir);
You can see the source of ExtractToDirectory on GitHub, the only thing you need to do is pass in a Progress<ZipProgress> and call it inside the foreach loop.
//This is a new class that represents a progress object.
public class ZipProgress
public ZipProgress(int total, int processed, string currentItem)
Total = total;
Processed = processed;
CurrentItem = currentItem;
public int Total { get; }
public int Processed { get; }
public string CurrentItem { get; }
public static class MyZipFileExtensions
public static void ExtractToDirectory(this ZipArchive source, string destinationDirectoryName, IProgress<ZipProgress> progress)
ExtractToDirectory(source, destinationDirectoryName, progress, overwrite: false);
public static void ExtractToDirectory(this ZipArchive source, string destinationDirectoryName, IProgress<ZipProgress> progress, bool overwrite)
if (source == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(source));
if (destinationDirectoryName == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(destinationDirectoryName));
// Rely on Directory.CreateDirectory for validation of destinationDirectoryName.
// Note that this will give us a good DirectoryInfo even if destinationDirectoryName exists:
DirectoryInfo di = Directory.CreateDirectory(destinationDirectoryName);
string destinationDirectoryFullPath = di.FullName;
int count = 0;
foreach (ZipArchiveEntry entry in source.Entries)
string fileDestinationPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(destinationDirectoryFullPath, entry.FullName));
if (!fileDestinationPath.StartsWith(destinationDirectoryFullPath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
throw new IOException("File is extracting to outside of the folder specified.");
var zipProgress = new ZipProgress(source.Entries.Count, count, entry.FullName);
if (Path.GetFileName(fileDestinationPath).Length == 0)
// If it is a directory:
if (entry.Length != 0)
throw new IOException("Directory entry with data.");
// If it is a file:
// Create containing directory:
entry.ExtractToFile(fileDestinationPath, overwrite: overwrite);
This is used like
public class YourClass
public Progress<ZipProgress> _progress;
public YourClass()
// Create the progress object in the constructor, it will call it's ReportProgress using the sync context it was constructed on.
// If your program is a UI program that means you want to new it up on the UI thread.
_progress = new Progress<ZipProgress>();
_progress.ProgressChanged += Report
private void Report(object sender, ZipProgress zipProgress)
//Use zipProgress here to update the UI on the progress.
//I assume you have a `Task.Run(() => Download(url, filePathDir);` calling this so it is on a background thread.
public void Download(string url, string filePathDir)
WebClient wc = new WebClient();
Stream zipReadingStream = wc.OpenRead(url);
ZipArchive zip = new ZipArchive(zipReadingStream);
zip.ExtractToDirectory(filePathDir, _progress);
Maybe something like this can work for you:
using (var archive = new ZipArchive(zipReadingStream))
var totalProgress = archive.Entries.Count;
foreach (var entry in archive.Entries)
entry.ExtractToFile(destinationFileName); // specify the output path of thi entry
// update progess there
It's simple a workaround to keep track of the progress.
Hi i am collecting urls using watin framework. i want to traverse all the pages and collect the link and save it in one text file.I dont know how to add the pagination function.here is my code.
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using WatiN.Core;
namespace magicbricks
class Class1
static void Main(string[] args)
IE ie = new IE();
foreach (var currLink in ie.Links)
if (currLink.Url.Contains("b"))
any help will be appreciated.
Here is working solution for that. I changed a bit your code.
using System;
using WatiN.Core;
namespace magicbricks
static class Class1
private static WatiN.Core.Link _nextPageElement;
private static string _firstPartOfAddress = "";
private static string _lastPartOfAddress = "";
private static int _maxPageCounter = 0;
static void Main(string[] args)
IE ie = SetUpBrowser();
for (int i = 2; i < _maxPageCounter; i++)
Console.WriteLine("----------------------------Next Page {0}---------------------------", i);
private static IE SetUpBrowser()
IE ie = new IE();
return ie;
private static void EnterFirstWebpage(IE ie)
private static void EnterNextWebpageUrl(IE ie,string url)
private static void LookFoAllLinks(IE ie)
int currentpageCounter = 0;
var tmpUrl = string.Empty;
const string nextPageUrl = "http://www.99acres.com/property-in-chennai-ffid-page-";
foreach (var currLink in ie.Links)
if (currLink.Url.Contains("b"))
if (currLink.Name.Contains("nextbutton"))
_nextPageElement = currLink;
catch (Exception ex)
if (currLink.GetAttributeValue("name").Contains("page"))
_firstPartOfAddress = currLink.Url.Substring(0, nextPageUrl.Length);
tmpUrl = currLink.Url.Remove(0,nextPageUrl.Length);
_lastPartOfAddress = tmpUrl.Substring(tmpUrl.IndexOf("?"));
tmpUrl = tmpUrl.Substring(0,tmpUrl.IndexOf("?"));
int.TryParse(tmpUrl, out currentpageCounter);
if (currentpageCounter > _maxPageCounter)
_maxPageCounter = currentpageCounter;
currentpageCounter = 0;
catch (Exception)
private static string AssembleNextPageWebAddress(int pageNumber)
return _firstPartOfAddress + pageNumber + _lastPartOfAddress;
Some explanation :
variable _maxPageCounter contains max numbers of pages to lookfor links.
We are getting this here :
if (currLink.GetAttributeValue("name").Contains("page"))
_firstPartOfAddress = currLink.Url.Substring(0, nextPageUrl.Length);
tmpUrl = currLink.Url.Remove(0,nextPageUrl.Length);
_lastPartOfAddress = tmpUrl.Substring(tmpUrl.IndexOf("?"));
tmpUrl = tmpUrl.Substring(0,tmpUrl.IndexOf("?"));
int.TryParse(tmpUrl, out currentpageCounter);
if (currentpageCounter > _maxPageCounter)
_maxPageCounter = currentpageCounter;
currentpageCounter = 0;
Later we are just looping through pages, by create next address.
private static string AssembleNextPageWebAddress(int pageNumber)
return _firstPartOfAddress + pageNumber + _lastPartOfAddress;
We could use here as well next button, and click it in loop.
I hope it was helpful.
I have an object I want to store in the IsolatedStorageSettings, which I wan't to reuse when the application restarts.
My problem lies in that the code I have written for some reason does not remember the object when trying to access the key upon restarting it.
namespace MyNameSpace
public class WindowsPhoneSettings
private const string SelectedSiteKey = "SelectedSite";
private IsolatedStorageSettings isolatedStore = IsolatedStorageSettings.ApplicationSettings;
private T RetrieveSetting<T>(string settingKey)
object settingValue;
if (isolatedStore.TryGetValue(settingKey, out settingValue))
return (T)settingValue;
return default(T);
public bool AddOrUpdateValue(string Key, Object value)
bool valueChanged = false;
if (isolatedStore.Contains(Key))
if (isolatedStore[Key] != value)
isolatedStore[Key] = value;
valueChanged = true;
isolatedStore.Add(Key, value);
valueChanged = true;
return valueChanged;
public MobileSiteDataModel SelectedSite
return RetrieveSetting<MobileSiteDataModel>(SelectedSiteKey);
AddOrUpdateValue(SelectedSiteKey, value);
I then instantiate WindowsPhoneSettings in App.xaml.cs and make a public getter and setter for it. To be able to access it in the whole application. Debugging this shows that the right object gets stored in the isolated store, but when closing the app and reopening it isolated store seems to be empty. I have tried this on both the emulator and a real device. As you can see I do call the save method when setting the object.
What am I doing wrong here?
I ended up saving the settings to a file in the isolated storage as IsolatedStorageSettings never seemed to work.
So my code ended up like this:
public class PhoneSettings
private const string SettingsDir = "settingsDir";
private const string SettingsFile = "settings.xml";
public void SetSettings(Settings settings)
SaveSettingToFile<Settings>(SettingsDir, SettingsFile, settings);
public Settings GetSettings()
return RetrieveSettingFromFile<Settings>(SettingsDir, SettingsFile);
private T RetrieveSettingFromFile<T>(string dir, string file) where T : class
IsolatedStorageFile isolatedFileStore = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication();
if (isolatedFileStore.DirectoryExists(dir))
using (var stream = new IsolatedStorageFileStream(System.IO.Path.Combine(dir, file), FileMode.Open, isolatedFileStore))
return (T)SerializationHelper.DeserializeData<T>(stream);
catch (Exception ex)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Could not retrieve file " + dir + "\\" + file + ". With Exception: " + ex.Message);
return null;
private void SaveSettingToFile<T>(string dir, string file, T data)
IsolatedStorageFile isolatedFileStore = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication();
if (!isolatedFileStore.DirectoryExists(dir))
string fn = System.IO.Path.Combine(dir, file);
if (isolatedFileStore.FileExists(fn)) isolatedFileStore.DeleteFile(fn); //mostly harmless, used because isolatedFileStore is stupid :D
using (var stream = new IsolatedStorageFileStream(fn, FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.ReadWrite, isolatedFileStore))
SerializationHelper.SerializeData<T>(data, stream);
catch (Exception ex)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Could not save file " + dir + "\\" + file + ". With Exception: " + ex.Message);
And a settings class just containing the stuff I want to save. This could be:
class Settings
private string name;
private int id;
public string Name
get { return name; }
set { name = value; }
public int Id
get { return id; }
set { id = value; }
EDIT: Sample of how SerializationHelper could be implemented
public static class SerializationHelper
public static void SerializeData<T>(this T obj, Stream streamObject)
if (obj == null || streamObject == null)
var ser = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(T));
ser.WriteObject(streamObject, obj);
public static T DeserializeData<T>(Stream streamObject)
if (streamObject == null)
return default(T);
var ser = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(T));
return (T)ser.ReadObject(streamObject);
Objects stored in IsolatedStorageSettings are serialised using the DataContractSerializer and so must be serializable. Ensure they can be or serialize (and deserialize) them yourself before adding to (and after removing from) ISS.
If the items aren't there when trying to retrieve then it may be that they couldn't be added in the first place (due to a serialization issue).
Here is the code I use to save an object to isolated storage and to load an object from isolated storage -
private void saveToIsolatedStorage(string keyname, object value)
IsolatedStorageSettings isolatedStore = IsolatedStorageSettings.ApplicationSettings;
isolatedStore.Add(keyname, value);
private bool loadObject(string keyname, out object result)
IsolatedStorageSettings isolatedStore = IsolatedStorageSettings.ApplicationSettings;
result = null;
result = isolatedStore[keyname];
return false;
return true;
Here is code I use to call the above -
private void SaveToIsolatedStorage()
saveToIsolatedStorage("GameData", GameData);
private void LoadFromIsolatedStorage()
Object temp;
if (loadObject("GameData", out temp))
GameData = (CGameData)temp;
Note that the objects I save and restore like this are small and serializable. If my object contains a 2 dimensional array or some other object which is not serializable then I perform my own serialization and deserialization before using iso storage.
What if you changed RetrieveSetting<T> to this:
private T RetrieveSetting<T>(string settingKey)
T settingValue;
if(isolatedStore.TryGetValue(settingKey, out settingValue))
return (T)settingValue;
return default(T);
Notice that the object being fetched is being declared as type T instead of object.