Call .dll files in ElectronJS on linux - c#

I have a problem with using c# .dll files into my ElectronJS app on linux. I know that Electron-Edge helps to run .NET in Node.js on Electron. But if it`s possible to use c# .dll on linux in this case?

Depends. Check out compatibility table at - if dll is targeted coreCLR and if linux system has installed, those might work for some. If you're dll isn't targeted to coreCLR, then it's pretty much impossible.


NHunspell package on NuGet not referencing and being able to use on Xamarin Studio

So i'm kind of new to programming but i started using Xamarin and i tried to add NHunspell package from NuGet on Xamarin Studio, it downloads it and the .dlls appear in Resources and NHunspell appear in Packets, but it doesn't appear in References and so when i try "using NHunspell" it doesn't work.
I have tried running the "install" script with Power Shell but apparently nothing changed.
How do I add NHunspell to my project?
Not every .NET library is compatible with Xamarin. They generally have to be either built against the appropriate Xamarin Framework, or build using a compatible PCL Profile. can tell you if a given DLL is compatible or not.
As I answered you already per Email the problem with NHunspell is that it is in fact an wrapper to Hunspell. Hunspell is written in c or C++ so it compiles to a native Dll. At this time the build produces two native DLLs for Windows 32 Bit and 64Bit. It would be necessary to produce native DLLs for ARM / Android or Linux or ... to use it on these platforms. I will do this for X86/X64 Linux in the future. But at the moment I'm snowed under so there is no timeframe. If you or someone else is willing to contribute, you're welcome.
BTW. NHunspell has an resolver for the correct native DLL. If your project has the native DLLs in the output directory, it resolves X86 or x64 in windows. You can do this in Xamarin studio by adding the native DLLs in your project and configure "copy to output directory". But this works only in Windows.
The latest packages (without NuGet) are here:

Can I use MONO to create a program that runs without the .NET framework being installed?

I need to write something for a Windows XP embedded computer, which does not have .NET installed.
I already have written the program in .NET, so I'm wondering if there's a way to make it run without .NET?
Perhaps using MONO to create some all-in-one .exe?
Thanks for any thoughts / ideas!
Take a look at mkbundle from Mono:
The resulting executable is self contained and does not need the Mono
runtime installed to run.
When running managed code - .NET/Mono assemblies, a framework is required to be installed. Depending on your dependencies, you may be able to run under mono without modification. Mono is compatible with Windows XP. Parts of .NET are not compatible with Mono such as WPF.
Firstly make it run without .NET is an error concept. .net program must run at .net Environment. You can say without .netframework.
If you want to use .netframework, may these can help you:
Or you can setup monoruntime on this os

MonoDevelop for .NET application on Linux

I need to develop C# applications, but i use Linux (ubuntu), I found MonoDevelop, but I don't understand if i can write .NET applications from Linux to use on Windows, so the development on linux and the execution on Windows. are them compatible?
On the Mono website I found:
Mono is a software platform designed to allow developers to easily
create cross platform applications.
What does it means? Can I write on Linux c# applications that can run wherever the .NET framework is installed?
Thank you for the clarification
Any C# code you compile from MonoDevelop or anywhere else can be run on any platform with either Mono or the .NET Framework. As long as the linux system has Mono installed, it can run any compiled C# application, including .exe's copied from a Windows machine.
The reason for this is that when you compile a C# application, it's not being compiled to native system code, it's being compiled to CIL. When you run the program, it automatically JIT compiles your code for the system it's running on, leaving the original executable intact. Both the .NET Framework on Windows and Mono on everything else can read and compile the CIL bytecode.
And one thing to keep in mind, Mono doesn't have the entire .NET Framework stack available. Almost all of the BCL is intact, but libraries like WPF are not available on Mono. Mono recommends you use GTK# for your GUIs.
Yes, you can use mono to create .NET applications that will run on Linux, Windows and Macs.
Mono is:
It is an open source implementation of Microsoft's .Net Framework based on the ECMA standards for C# and the Common Language Runtime.
This means that so long as you don't write code that is platform specific, you can run it on all platforms that .NET can run on. (So, instead of concatenating paths using \ or / you use Path.Combine, and instead of hardcoding linebreaks as \n you use Environment.NewLine and such).
Another advantage is that the mono development tools are free. (see:
You can indeed write .NET code in Mono on Linux and run the application on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.
But keep in mind that the full .NET stack is not available for you. Most noticeable is the complete lack of WPF support.
You can as long as you are careful to not assume anything about things like file system layout and use libraries that are also portable. Graphical interfaces in particular are problematic: Windows.Forms looks alien on Linux, and Gtk may feel a little out of place on Windows.

Can't get Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll for Mono 2.10

I've been trying to port a .NET library built on/for Windows to Ubuntu 11.04 using Mono. The library uses .NET 4.0 so the version of mono (2.6.7) that is standard with Ubuntu 11.04 doesn't cut it. Specifically, I'm trying to use Microsoft.VisualBasic.Devices.Computer.Info.TotalPhysicalMemory. I've searched high and low for packages or parallel build scripts that install Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll, but none of them do.
Ideally I'd like to find a way to get the best of both worlds, Mono with .NET 4.0 support and Microsoft.VisualBasic so that the code won't have to be modified. I would settle for an alternative that uses another method (although, the P/Invoke method I saw in this previous post does not appeal to me).
Any help is greatly appreciated.
It looks like getting VB.dll won't help you either. This method is not implemented in Mono:
You could try to fool Cudafy by creating your own version of the DLL.
Use reflector or check here to see the interface
You can use a performance counter on Mono to actually get the amount of memory;
var pc = new PerformanceCounter("Mono Memory", "Total Physical Memory");
var mem = pc.RawValue();
You can use the MoMA tool to check how compatible mono is for your project.
In your particular case the method you need isn't implemented, if that's the only thing preventing your project from working, you can implement it, and build and provide your own MS.VB.dll until mono releases a version with the change in it. Once you've built mono-basic it's simple to install on any machine (with mono already installed), just run:
gacutil -i path/to/MS.VB.dll
and the dll will be installed into the gac.

How to include third Party dll files in Mono 2.10?

I have developed an windows desktop Application using C# .NET 4 framwork.Now, we are going to using MONO2.10 for cross platform.For sample, I have downloaded the mono 2.10 on windows version and able to run my .net exe.While doing so, Its Working fine and it says error the below mentioned error msg. As per my understanding, I think the DLL Reference is not included properly...
i am using 2 third party dll files in application.
Ionic.dll for .net zip library
DocumentFormat.OpenXml.dll for XML file management.
Please guide me to how to include these dll reference in Mono on windows?
Thanks & Regards,
This library is not part of Microsoft .NET or Mono Framework.
Therefore, you just need to either put it in GAC or in the same folder with your application, just like you normally do with third-party components.
