I'm trying to find out how to use WhenAll to let two methods run at once, and once they both finish, collect the results without blocking by using .Result
I have this little console app test:
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace ConsoleApplication2
class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
var run = TaskRunner();
if (run.IsCompleted)
Debug.WriteLine("this worked!");
} else
Debug.WriteLine("this failed!");
public static async Task<string> TaskRunner()
var taskOne = OneAsync();
var taskTwo = TwoAsync();
var tasks = await Task.WhenAll(taskOne, taskTwo);
var retval = tasks[0] + tasks[1];
return retval;
public static Task<string> OneAsync()
return Task.Run(() =>
return "test1";
public static Task<string> TwoAsync()
return Task.Run(() =>
return "test2";
This currently prints this worked! to my Output window... However, if I comment out Debug.WriteLine(run); it prints this failed!... Why does the Task complete simply by being logged to the output window?
I'm trying to understand a huge problem in a complex piece of code and this little test is my MCVE to hopefully shed some light on what is happening behind the scenes.
This happens just by pure chance. The way you are starting your task is with Task.Run. This essentially creates a new thread on which the (synchronous) action is executed. It returns a task for the completion of that thread.
So OneAsync and TwoAsync will each spawn a new thread that then immediately returns a string. This will happen very quickly but there’s still some overhead for creating those threads which means that it won’t be instantaneous.
TaskRunner then calls both those methods (spawning the threads), and then asynchronously waits for both threads to finish. Since the threads are not completely instantly, this TaskRunner method also won’t complete instantly.
Now, in your main, you are starting the asynchronous TaskRunner, which we figured will take “a very short moment”. You do not await the task, so the execution continues immediately. Debug.WriteLine is executed to print something (it probably doesn’t really matter that it’s the task in question that is being printed), and then you are checking the state of the task.
Since printing stuff is relatively slow (compared to other operations), this is probably the reason why the tasks ends up being completed. And when you remove the printing, the if is just reached too quickly for the task to finish.
As you likely noticed, working like that with asynchronous tasks does not appear to be a good idea. That’s why you should always await the task when you depend on its result.
// note the *async* here; async main methods are supported with C# 7.1
public static async void Main(string[] args)
var run = TaskRunner();
// await the task
await run;
if (run.IsCompleted)
Debug.WriteLine("this worked!");
Debug.WriteLine("this failed!");
Nearly every introduction about async programming for C# warns against using the Sleep instruction, because it would block the whole thread.
But I found that during sleep, the Tasks from the queue are being fetched and executed. See:
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace TestApp {
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
private static async void step1() {
await Task.Delay(400);
private static async void step2() {
await Task.Delay(400);
The output:
My questions:
Is Sleep really allows the queued tasks to execute, or something else happens?
If yes, then does this also happen in every other cases of idleness? For example during polling?
In the above example, if we comment out the loop, then the application exits before any tasks could get executed. Is there another way to prevent that?
In C# 7.3 you can have async entry points, I suggest using that.
Some notes :
Don't use async void, it has subtleties with the way it deals with errors, if you see yourself writing async void then think about what you are doing. If it's not for an event handler you are probably doing something wrong
If you want to wait for a bunch of tasks to finish, use Task.WhenAll
Modified example
static async Task Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Start Task");
var task = Program.step1();
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
await Task.Delay(100);
Console.WriteLine("waiting for the task to finish");
await task;
private static async Task step1()
await Task.Delay(1000);
await Program.step2();
private static async Task step2()
await Task.Delay(1000);
It's important to note Tasks are not threads and async is not parallel, however they can be.
9 times out of 10 if you are using the async await pattern it is for IO bound work to use operating system I/O completion ports so you can free up threads. It's a scalability and UI responsiveness feature.
If you aren't doing any I/O work, then there is actually very little need for the async await pattern at all, and as such CPU work should probably be just wrapped in a Task.Run at the point of calling. Not wrapped in an async method.
At this point it's also good to note just using tasks are not the async and await pattern. Although they both have tasks in common, they are not the same thing.
Lastly, if you find you need to use asynchronous code in a fire and forget way, think very carefully how you will handle any errors.
Here are some guidelines.
If you want to do I/O work, use the async await pattern.
If you want to do CPU work use Task.Run.
Never use async void unless it's for an event handler.
Never wrap CPU work in an async method, let the caller use Task.Run
If you need to wait for a task, await it, never call Result, or Wait or use Task.WhenAll
I have four methods.
Main: only calls the preform method
Working: displays "please wait for the user"
Taking Time: A program that takes time to execute.
Preform: Calls the taking time and working methods asynchronously.
The following is my code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace AsyncObservation
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
public static async Task Working()
Console.WriteLine("Please wait, the program is running");
public static async Task Takingtime()
Console.WriteLine("This Program started");
Console.WriteLine("The Program finished");
public static async void preform()
Task timer = Takingtime();
Task wait = Working();
In the end: I need to display
This program started.
Please wait, the program is running
The program ended.
I see several problems in your program.
Although Preform is neither async nor an event handler, it does not return a Task
The tasks started in Preform are not awaited for before you finish Preform. Hence you never know when they are finished, nor what the results are (exception?). You could even end your program before they are finished
After you start a Task it is not guaranteed when it will run. You can only be sure that statements are already executed if you await for the Task.
Using async-await is a method to make sure that your thread looks around to see if it can do useful stuff instead of waiting idly if it has to wait for something. Thread.Sleep is a busy wait. If you want to look around to see if you can do something else use await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)) instead.
In your case, you can't be sure that any Console line has been written until you await the procedure that should write your line. If you start your second Task before awaiting the first, you don't know how far the first task already proceeded, and thus you don't know for sure that the text already has been written to the Console.
C# 7.1 introduced async Task Main(), so you could use that instead of the traditional void Main. It saves you from catching and interpreting the AggregateException that is thrown by the Task you start to make your process async.
If you don't want to use the async Main, you can of course use Task.Run to call an async function:
static void Main(string[] args)
var preformTask = Task.Run( () => Preform() );
DoSomethingElse(); // if needed
preformTask.Wait(); // wait for preformTask to finish
Console.WriteLine("Task completed; press any key to finish");
catch (Exception exc) // inclusive ggregateException if one of your Task fails
static async Task preform()
// To be certain that the Console Line has been written: await
await Takingtime();
// if here, you are certain that the Line has been written,
// or course you have lost parallel processing
await Working();
For completeness: the other functions
public static async Task Working()
Console.WriteLine("Please wait, the program is running");
// either return a completed Task, or await for it (there is a difference!
await Task.CompletedTask;
// or:
return Task.CompletedTask; // do not declare async in this case
public static async Task Takingtime()
Console.WriteLine("This Program started");
//Use Task.Delay instead of Sleep
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1); // improved readability
Console.WriteLine("The Program finished");
Because of the awaits in Preform you are certain that the text has been written. However, you've lost some parallellism.
If you really want those procedures to execute at the same time, you can't be certain about when text will be written. If that is important, then split the Parts that should be run first (write Console) from the parts that should run in parallel (Task.Delay)
static async Task preform()
// Do the things that should be done before parallel tasks are run
await DoThisFirst();
// start the Tasks that can work parallel: not sure what statements are executed first
var taskA = DoTaskA();
var taskB = DoTaskB();
// if here, you are free to do something else
// can't be sure about the status of taskA nor taskB
// if you want to do something after you know that the tasks have completed:
// await the tasks here:
await Task.When (new Task[] {taskA, taskB});
// if here, you are certain that all parallel tasks have completed successfully
// if desired fetch the return values of the Tasks:
var returnValueA = taskA.Result;
var returnValueB = taskB.Result;
// do all async things of which you needed to be certain that both tasks finished
// for example:
await ProcessResults(returnValueA, returnValueB);
In a console app it is OK to use a .Wait() call in an void Main method.
In some contexts where there is synchronisation necessary .Wait() can cause deadlocks (ASP.NET has a request to synchronise on or XAML/WinForms which have a UI thread), but there is nothing to synchronise on here.
static void Main()
This will wait for the async work to complete synchronously. You need the method to run synchronously so that it does not return early. If you use async void and await the method will return immediately and exit the method, await does not work in a Main method.
I would also suggest using await Task.Delay(1000); rather than Thread.Sleep(1000); as this is the canonical async way to idle.
For your code example:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
public static async Task Working()
Console.WriteLine("Please wait, the program is running");
public static async Task Takingtime()
Console.WriteLine("This Program started");
await Task.Delay(1000);
Console.WriteLine("The Program finished");
public static Task preform()
return Task.WhenAll(
Use Stephen Cleary's Nito.AsyncEx library (available via Nuget) to provide an asynchronous context for a console application. See here for more details.
Your application can then be written as ...
class Program
static int Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("The application has started");
AsyncContext.Run(() => LongRunningTaskAsync(args));
Console.WriteLine("The application has finished");
catch (Exception ex)
return -1;
static async Task LongRunningTaskAsync(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("The long running task has started");
// use Task.Delay() rather than Thread.Sleep() to avoid blocking the application
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)).ConfigureAwait(false);
Console.WriteLine("The long running task has finished");
Use preform().Wait() in the constructor. So the call is awaited. Then use await Takingtime() and await Working() in the preform method.
And you have to change the return type to Task.
I am rather new to task based programming and trying to determine how to return a task and verify that it has been started. The code that I got to work was not what I was expecting. The console application is as follows:
public static void Main(string[] args)
var mySimple = new Simple();
var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
var task = mySimple.RunSomethingAsync(cts.Token);
while (task.Status != TaskStatus.RanToCompletion)
Console.WriteLine("It is started");
public class Simple
public async void RunSomething(CancellationToken token)
var count = 0;
while (true)
if (token.IsCancellationRequested)
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000), token).ContinueWith(task => { });
public Task RunSomethingAsync(CancellationToken token)
return Task.Run(() => this.RunSomething(token));
The output is:
It is started
Why is the task that is being returned have a status as TaskStatus.RanToCompletion compared to TaskStatus.Running as we see that the while loop is still executing? Am I checking the status of the task of putting the RunSomething task on the threadpool rather than the RunSomething task itself?
RunSomething is an async void method, meaning it exposes no means of the caller ever determining when it finishes, they can only ever start the operation and then have no idea what happens next. You then wrap a call to it inside of Task.Run, this is schedluing a thread pool thread to start RunSomething. It will then complete as soon as it has finished starting that Task.
If RunSomething actually returned a Task, then the caller would be able to determine when it actually finished, and if you waited on it it wouldn't actually indicate that it was done until that asynchronous operation was actually finished (there would be no reason to use Task.Run to start it in another thead, you'd be better off just calling it directly and not wasting the effort of moving that to a thread pool thread).
Never use async void (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/jj991977.aspx)
instead you should use async Task
If you need to call an async method from a non-async (such as from a static void main) you should do something like this:
That will effectively make the method a synchronous call.
You can use async void, but only for events.
I have made an interesting observation which I would like to fully understand.
The easiest way to explain this is by capturing it with this little sample console application:
namespace AsyncAwaitTestApp
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var timer = new Stopwatch();
// First Run:
// -------------------------
Console.WriteLine("Running GiveMeATask in parallel...");
Parallel.For(0, 500, (i) =>
Console.WriteLine($"GiveMeATask run completed. Total time: {timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds} seconds.");
// Second Run:
// -------------------------
Console.WriteLine("Running AwaitATask in parallel...");
Parallel.For(0, 500, (i) =>
Console.WriteLine($"AwaitATask run completed. Total time: {timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds} seconds.");
public class SillyClass
public static TimeSpan SomeTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3);
public static Task GiveMeATask()
return Task.Delay(SomeTime);
public static async Task AwaitATask()
await Task.Delay(SomeTime);
It is also available as a Gist.
SillyClass has two methods which both return a Task. Inside both methods I have a Task.Delay of 3 seconds to simulate an expensive network or IO bound operation.
The first method GiveMeATask simply returns the task from Task.Delay. The second method AwaitATask awaits the Task.Delay with the async/await keywords.
Both methods get called from Parallel.For to simulate concurrent calls.
What I found interesting is that the first run always takes about double the time as the second run, no matter how many times I repeat it:
As far as I understand the async/await pattern has to capture a synchronisation context, which adds a little bit of overhead, but I would be surprised if that is the reason?
I also understand that in certain applications such as a WPF application or an ASP.NET application where only 1 thread can access the UI/Request context an synchronously blocking .Wait() can cause deadlocks, but this is not the case for console applications and evidently I don't have a deadlock here, because both runs complete just fine.
So I am clearly not understanding the full picture of the above and would appreciate someone who can shed more light on this?
So I'm still trying to understand the async/await pattern, but I'm also trying to achieve the following behavior:
A method A calls method B which runs a number of processes. Some of those processes can be run on separate threads while other things are being processed so that their return values will be available closer to when they are needed. Method B needs to not return control to the caller until all of these processes are completed.
Here is the test code that I am working with:
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Program finished");
public static async Task CallProc()
var two = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => SomeSynchronousProcessIDontOwn(5000, "two"));
var one = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => SomeSynchronousProcessIDontOwn(500, "one"));
var three = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => SomeSynchronousProcessIDontOwn(1500, "three"));
// some process happens here
var oneMessage = await one; // waits until one finishes and then snags it's value
Console.WriteLine("Got message {0}", oneMessage);
// some more stuff happens here
var twoMessage = await two; // waits until two is finished and then snags it's value
// TODO: need to make sure that everything is completed before returning control to caller
public static string SomeSynchronousProcessIDontOwn(int delayTime, string message, bool delay = true)
Console.WriteLine("Starting \"{0}\"", message);
if(delay) Thread.Sleep(delayTime);
return string.Format("Finished \"{0}\"", message);
Right now, what is happening is that everything words as I expected except that the method is returning before everything is finished, so the output shows "Program finished" while "two" is still running.
How do I write this so that CallProc() can execute those tasks asynchronously but delay returning until everything has been completed. In other words, CallProc() needs to run some tasks asynchronously, but CallProc() itself needs to be called synchronously.
The idea of an asynchronous method, which is what you've written is that it will return control (approximately) immediately and the task that it returns will be marked as completed when the operation that it conceptually represents finishes.
This means that your program should either be looking at the resulting task to see when it finishes, or that you don't want an asynchronous method in the first place, and you should re-write CallProc synchronously rather than asynchronously.
To make CallProc synchronous simply remove async (and adjust the return type accordingly), and wait on each task instead of using await.
If CallProc really should be asynchronous then the caller should be adding a continuation (or using await) to perform an action when the task is completed, rather than when the method returns.
Instead of awaiting each task individually why not just await all of them using WhenAll
public static async Task CallProc()
var two = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => SomeSynchronousProcessIDontOwn(5000, "two"));
var one = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => SomeSynchronousProcessIDontOwn(500, "one"));
var three = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => SomeSynchronousProcessIDontOwn(1500, "three"));
// run synchronous tasks
await Task.WhenAll(one, two, three);
If you would prefer to have CallProc block (i.e. not return until all tasks have finished) then remove the async declaration and use Task.WaitAll instead.
public static void CallProc()
// start tasks
Task.WaitAll(one, two, three);
One way to do this is to simply call Wait() on the result of CallProc. This will essentially wait for the task returned by CallProc to finish before it continues. Calling Wait in a GUI app can cause a deadlock but for a console app it is fine.
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Program finished");
That will ensure that "Program finished" is printed after task two is finished.