I'm trying to download a file from server but this thing won't work. Been tring doing it for more than 2 weeks. Here is the code:
<script type="text/x-jsrender" id="docView">
function docView(id) {
docId = id;
type: "GET",
url: '#Url.Action("DownloadFile", "Profile")' + "?docid=" + docId,
dataType: "json",
success: function (result) {
IN MVC Controller:
public ActionResult DownloadFile(Guid? docid)
int i = 1;
string key = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PhysicalDocumentPath"];
JApplicantDocument value = new JApplicantDocument();
var response = new Response();
var fName = "";
var savefileName = "";
var fileSavePath = "";
var prevPath = "";
var nextPath = "";
IApplicantDataService applicantDataService = new ApplicantDataService();
response = applicantDataService.GetDocument(docid, value);
var fileName = value.ApplicantId + "_" + value.DocumentName;
fName = fileName;
savefileName = fileName;
fileSavePath = Path.Combine(key, fileName);
prevPath = fileSavePath;
nextPath = fileSavePath;
var tmp = fileName.Split('.');
var tmp1 = tmp[0];
while (System.IO.File.Exists(nextPath)) //to get the latest file
tmp = fileName.Split('.');
fileName = tmp1 + i.ToString();
fileName = fileName + "." + tmp[1];
savefileName = fileName;
nextPath = Path.Combine(key, savefileName);
if (System.IO.File.Exists(nextPath))
prevPath = nextPath;
tmp = prevPath.Split(new string[] { "Docs\\" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
fName = tmp[1];
response.Message = prevPath;
catch (Exception e)
return File(prevPath, value.Format);
I just want on click of View button to download the file as per this(http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/db2972/file-download-sample-in-mvc-day-40/). i cannot use location.href(...) directly in tag due to the fact that i'm using it in script jsrender which is being used in syncfusion grid controls. Hence I wont be able to get the docid at all.
I have a C# (WinForms) application that can scan documents via a printer. After scanning, I will be able to enter document details on it and have a button to finalize the documents. The documents details and info will be stored in my database ABC in certain tables.
Now, I have another web application written in Java(IntelliJ) that has some button functionality to upload documents and then start a workflow and route it to another user to approve the document. I won't go into detail on the specifics. This application also connects to the same database ABC.
So now comes the tougher part, I need to link these two applications in a way that when I finalize my document
on the C# application, it has to auto trigger the workflow on the web application side. Rather than manually starting the workflow on the web application, it would just call or trigger the workflow, so I do not need to access the web application at all for the process to start.
private void FinButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int count = 0;
var txtBoxFields = new List<TextBox>
var templateFields = new List<String>
//long tid = 0;
//Start insert query into templatebatch table in db
var dbConnection2 = DBConnection.Instance();
dbConnection2.DatabaseName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["dbName"];
if (dbConnection2.IsConnect())
bool test = true;
for (int i = 1; i <= 15; i++)
var input = txtBoxFields[i - 1].Text;
var insertQuery = "INSERT INTO templateinfo(TID, THEADER, " + templateFields[i - 1] + ") VALUES(#tid, #theader,#t" + i + ")";
var insertCmd = new MySqlCommand(insertQuery, dbConnection2.Connection);
insertCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#tid", tid);
insertCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#theader", "N");
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(input))
count = 1;
insertCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#t" + i, String.Empty);
if (test)
insertCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#t" + i, txtBoxFields[i - 1].Text);
test = false;
var selectQuery = "select TINFOID from templateinfo where TID=" + tid + " and THEADER = 'N'";
var selectCmd = new MySqlCommand(selectQuery, dbConnection2.Connection);
var selectReader = selectCmd.ExecuteReader();
using (MySqlDataReader dr = selectReader)
while (dr.Read())
tinfoid = Convert.ToInt32(dr["TINFOID"]);
var updateQuery = "update templateinfo set " + templateFields[i - 1] + "='" + txtBoxFields[i - 1].Text + "' where TINFOID = '" + tinfoid + "' and TID=" + tid + " and THEADER='N'";
var updateCmd = new MySqlCommand(updateQuery, dbConnection2.Connection);
var updateReader = updateCmd.ExecuteReader();
using (var reader = updateReader)
if (count == 1)
//MessageBox.Show("Input field(s) cannot be left empty.");
//Finalize here
var client = new LTATImagingServiceClient();
client.Finalize(userID, tid, tinfoid, batchID);
Debug.WriteLine(userID + ", " + tid + ", " + tinfoid + ", " + batchID);
var batchName = templateView.SelectedNode.Text;
var folderPath = #"C:\temp\batches\" + mastertemplatename + #"\" + subtemplatename + #"\" + batchName + #"\";
// var img = Image.FromFile(#"C:\temp\batch-done.png");
if (ImageBox.Image != null)
ImageBox.Image = null;
using (new Impersonation(_remoteDomain, _remoteUser, _remotePassword))
// MessageBox.Show(_remoteUser);
// MessageBox.Show(_remotePassword);
var tPath = #"\\\PantonSys\SAM\Storage\3\" + mastertemplatename + #"\" + subtemplatename + #"\" + batchName + #"\";
bool exists = System.IO.Directory.Exists(tPath);
if (!exists)
string[] fileList = Directory.GetFiles(folderPath, "*");
foreach (var file in fileList)
File.Copy(file, tPath + Path.GetFileName(file));
CurrentPageBox.Text = "";
NumberPageBox.Text = "";
catch (Exception ex)
var dbConnection = DBConnection.Instance();
dbConnection.DatabaseName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["dbName"];
if (dbConnection.IsConnect())
var deleteBatchQuery = "DELETE FROM templatebatch WHERE batchname ='" + templateView.SelectedNode.Text + "'";
var deleteBatchCmd = new MySqlCommand(deleteBatchQuery, dbConnection.Connection);
var deleteBatchReader = deleteBatchCmd.ExecuteReader();
using (var reader = deleteBatchReader)
while (reader.Read())
Directory.Delete(folderPath, true);
MessageBox.Show("Successfully Transferred.");
foreach (var txtFields in txtBoxFields)
txtFields.Text = "";
txtFields.Enabled = false;
finButton.Visible = false;
finButton.Enabled = false;
bindButton.Visible = false;
Would this be possible to achieve or just being far-fetched?
I would appreciate any suggestions or pointers on this. Do let me know if there is anything unclear in my explanation.
Request URL:
Request Method: POST
Status Code: 200 OK
Remote Address:
Referrer Policy: no-referrer-when-downgrade
Is there a way I could call this from the C# application?
You can send your file directly from your C# app with use of Http client. Here is code sample:
private async Task<bool> Upload(string filePath)
const string actionUrl = #"";
var fileName = Path.GetFileName(filePath);
var fileBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(filePath);
var fileContent = new ByteArrayContent(fileBytes);
using (var client = new HttpClient())
using (var formData = new MultipartFormDataContent())
formData.Add(fileContent, fileName);
var response = await client.PostAsync(actionUrl, formData);
return response.IsSuccessStatusCode;
Also, note that there maybe some sort of authentication should be performed before you can post a request.
in the code below
public class UploadController : ApiController
public HttpResponseMessage Post()
HttpResponseMessage result = null;
var httpRequest = HttpContext.Current.Request;
if (httpRequest.Files.Count > 0)
var docfiles = new List<string>();
foreach (string file in httpRequest.Files)
var postedFile = httpRequest.Files[file];
var filePath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Files/" + postedFile.FileName);
var fileName = postedFile.FileName;
var extension = Path.GetExtension(fileName);
var nameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName);
var i = 1;
while (File.Exists(filePath + fileName))
fileName = nameWithoutExtension.Trim() + " (" + i + ")" + extension;
docfiles.Add(filePath + fileName);
// docfiles.Add(filePath);
result = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created, docfiles);
result = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
return result;
I really want to make a file upload the classic filename(1).jpg if file name is already exists but the code I had still delete the old files that has the same name, I don't know where I got it wrong i used while loop but it wasnt working
I tried fixing it the code below is working now it turns out i constructed it wrong :)
var filePath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Files/" );
var postedFile = httpRequest.Files[file];
var fileName = postedFile.FileName;
var extension = Path.GetExtension(fileName);
var nameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName);
var i = 1;
while (File.Exists(filePath + fileName))
fileName = nameWithoutExtension.Trim() + " (" + i + ")" + extension;
postedFile.SaveAs(filePath + fileName);
I have a form with multiple file upload control and a handler to upload file in chunk. This is working fine for upload a single file on an upload control at a time. But I want to upload file on multiple upload control simultaneously with chunk upload.Please suggest.
url: '../Handler.ashx?upload=start',
maxChunkSize: 10000000,
// fileInput: $(this).prop("files"),
sequentialUploads: true,
dropZone: $(this),
//singleFileUploads: false,
// limitMultiFileUploads: 1,
add: function (e, data) {
var uploadErrors = [];
globalid = $(this).attr("id");
var file = data.files[0];
oldfname = file.name;
var name = file.name;
var fname = name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf("."));
var ext = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf("."));
var dt = new Date();
var month = dt.getMonth() + 1;
var day = dt.getDate();
var strTempImg = "_" + dt.getFullYear() + "_" + (month < 10 ? '0' : '') + month + "_" + (day < 10 ? '0' : '') + day + "-" + dt.getHours() + dt.getMinutes() + dt.getSeconds();
filename = fname + strTempImg + ext;
globalid = $(this).attr('id');
pathToUpload = $(this).attr('path');
PathByControl = '';
if (uploadErrors.length > 0) {
formData: function (data) {
var arrFormData = [];
arrFormData.push({ name: "file", value: filename });
arrFormData.push({ name: "controlid", value: globalid });
arrFormData.push({ name: "RootPath", value: pathToUpload });
arrFormData.push({ name: "PathByControl", value: PathByControl });
return arrFormData;
done: function (response, status) {
$('.uploadprogress', "#UploadDiv_" + globalid.substring(globalid.indexOf('_') + 1, globalid.length)).css('visibility', 'hidden');
success: function (response, status) {
if (!(response === undefined || response == null))
var repData = JSON.parse(response);
//Sending conditional path for next chunk
PathByControl = respData.PathByControl;
error: function (error) {
$('.uploadprogress', "#UploadDiv_" + globalid.substring(globalid.indexOf('_') + 1, globalid.length)).css('visibility', 'hidden');
alert("An error has occurred during processing your request.");
chunksend: function (e, data) {
progress: function (e, data) {
// Track Progress
var progress = parseInt(data.loaded / data.total * 100, 10);
$('.uploadprogress', "#UploadDiv_" + globalid.substring(globalid.indexOf('_') + 1, globalid.length)).css('display', '');
$('.uploadprogress', "#UploadDiv_" + globalid.substring(globalid.indexOf('_') + 1, globalid.length)).css('visibility', 'visible');
$('.uploadprogress', "#UploadDiv_" + globalid.substring(globalid.indexOf('_') + 1, globalid.length)).css('width', progress + '%');
<%# WebHandler Language="C#" Class="Handler" %>
using System;
using System.Web;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Net;
using System.IO;
public class Handler : IHttpHandler
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection headers = context.Request.Headers;
string rootPath = string.Empty,nodifiedFileName=String.Empty,controlId=String.Empty,pathByControl=String.Empty;
if (context.Request.Form.Count >0 )
nodifiedFileName = context.Request.Form["file"];
controlId = context.Request.Form["controlid"];
rootPath = context.Request.Form["RootPath"];
pathByControl = context.Request.Form["PathByControl"];
HttpRequest Request = context.Request;
long chunks = 0;
long chunk = 0;
var Range = headers["Content-Range"];
string startPosition = String.Empty;
if (Range != null)
string[] arr = Range.ToString().Split('/');
chunks = Convert.ToInt64(arr[1]) - 1;
chunk = Convert.ToInt64(arr[0].Split('-')[1]);
startPosition = arr[0].Split('-')[0].Trim();
HttpFileCollection SelectedFiles = context.Request.Files;
HttpFileCollection files = Request.Files;
HttpPostedFile postedFile = files[0];
string filename = postedFile.FileName;
HttpPostedFile PostedFile = SelectedFiles[0];
string strFileName = Request.Form[0];
Stream sreader = postedFile.InputStream;
long length = postedFile.InputStream.Length;
byte[] bytes = new byte[length];
int bytetoread = sreader.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
byte[] buffer = bytes;
if (startPosition.Equals("bytes 0") || String.IsNullOrEmpty(startPosition))
// If first chunk the get conditional path from DB by control id
pathByControl = GetPathFromDBByControlId(controlId);
if (chunk != chunks)
//Returning conditionl path for remain chunk
context.Response.Write("{\"PathByControl\":\"" + pathByControl + "\"}");
// Uploading file on FTP server
UploadFileOnFTP(strFileName, rootPath + pathByControl + nodifiedFileName, buffer, chunk, chunks);
if (chunk == chunks)
//If all chunks are uploaded then insert detail in DB
InsertFileDetailInDB(rootPath + pathByControl + nodifiedFileName, nodifiedFileName, PostedFile.FileName);
catch (Exception ex)
context.Response.Write("{\"Error\":\"" + ex.Message+"\"}");
public bool IsReusable
return false;
public string GetPathFromDBByControlId(String ControlId)
return "";
public void UploadFileOnFTP(string _FileName, string _UploadPath, byte[] bufferToWrite, long chunk, long chunks)
string ftphost = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FTP_IP"].ToString();
string ftpfullpath = "ftp://" + ftphost + "/" + _UploadPath;
string _FTPUser = Convert.ToString(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FTP_USER"]);
string _FTPPass = Convert.ToString(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FTP_PASS"]);
System.Net.FtpWebRequest _FtpWebRequest = (System.Net.FtpWebRequest)System.Net.FtpWebRequest.Create(new Uri(ftpfullpath));
// Provide the WebPermission Credintials
_FtpWebRequest.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(_FTPUser, _FTPPass);
// By default KeepAlive is true, where the control connection is not closed
// after a command is executed.
_FtpWebRequest.KeepAlive = true;
// set timeout for 20 seconds
_FtpWebRequest.Timeout = -1;
// Specify the command to be executed.
_FtpWebRequest.Method = System.Net.WebRequestMethods.Ftp.AppendFile;
// Specify the data transfer type.
_FtpWebRequest.UseBinary = true;
using (Stream _Stream = _FtpWebRequest.GetRequestStream())
// System.IO.Stream _Stream = _FtpWebRequest.GetRequestStream();
_Stream.Write(bufferToWrite, 0, bufferToWrite.Length);
// Close the file stream and the Request Stream
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
public void InsertFileDetailInDB(String Path, String ModifiedName, String OrigionalName)
I have an AJAX file upload by call to MVC C# driver, but the browser refreshes and reloads the page.
But if I comment the line that saves the file in the driver does not happen that is only when the file is saved on the server. File.SaveAs (fname);
MVC controller:
public ActionResult UploadDocument()
if (Request.Files.Count > 0)
FileUpdateDto fileModal = new FileUpdateDto();
HttpFileCollectionBase files = Request.Files;
for (int i = 0; i < files.Count; i++)
HttpPostedFileBase file = files[i];
string fname;
DirectoryInfo directory = new DirectoryInfo(Server.MapPath("~/Content/Document/" + UserId).ToString());
if (!directory.Exists)
Directory.CreateDirectory(Server.MapPath("~/Content/Document/" + UserId).ToString());
if (Request.Browser.Browser.ToUpper() == "IE" || Request.Browser.Browser.ToUpper() == "INTERNETEXPLORER")
string[] testfiles = file.FileName.Split(new char[] { '\\' });
fname = testfiles[testfiles.Length - 1];
fname = file.FileName;
var guidnew = Guid.NewGuid();
fname = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Content/Document/" + UserId), guidnew + "." + fname.Split('.')[1].ToString());
fileModal.FileName = fname;
fileModal.Path = directory.ToString();
fileModal.DateFileUpload = DateTime.Now;
file.SaveAs(fname); // If I comment this line without refreshing the browser but does not save the file
return Json(fileModal);
catch (Exception ex)
return Json("Error occurred. Error details: " + ex.Message);
return Json("No files selected.");
Call Ajax in JavaScript:
UploadDocument: function () {
if (window.FormData !== undefined) {
var fileUpload = $("#AdviserFileUpload").get(0);
var files = fileUpload.files;
var fileData = new FormData();
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
fileData.append(files[i].name, files[i]);
//fileData.append('username', 'Manas');
url: site.baseUrl + '/Api/Upload/Document',
type: "POST",
contentType: false,
processData: false,
data: fileData,
success: function (result) {
__this._AdviserDocumentFile = result;
error: function (err) {
} else {
alert("FormData is not supported.");
I believe I found the solution. The cause is that Visual Studio's "Enable Reload on Save" property is True.
Go to Tools - Options - Web - Browser Reload on Save - Enable Reload on Save and make it false.
Im working with VS2015 and this worked for me, hope it works for you too.
I am creating the nested folders dynamically for a document library and uploading files. The below code is working fine. but the issues is whenever i uploading the file to the existence folder the ID of the document for the uploaded documents is not in sequence. Suppose if i am uploading a file to path projects\PRJ1\Assignment, fist time it was creating the folders and file with ID's(1\2\3\4) respectively . If i upload other document to the same folder the id of the folders is not changing but the id of the file is 8. i am not unable to find the id 5,6,7 in the document library.
using (CSOM.ClientContext clientContext = new CSOM.ClientContext(SPserverUrl))
clientContext.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(Username, Password, Domain);
CSOM.Web _Site = clientContext.Web;
// string listrootfolder = "Testlist";
CSOM.List _List = _Site.Lists.GetByTitle("Testlist");
string listrootfolder = _List.RootFolder.Name.ToString();
var folder = CreateFolder(clientContext.Web, "Testlist", folderpath);
// uploading the document
CSOM.FileCreationInformation newFile = new CSOM.FileCreationInformation();
// newFile.Content = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(#"D:\Testupload.docx");
byte[] bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(objReqDocumentDetials.FileData.ToString());
newFile.Content = bytes;
// newFile.Url = objDocumentDetials.AttachmentName.ToString() + DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyyyHHmmsss") + "." + objDocumentDetials.FileType.ToString();
newFile.Url = objReqDocumentDetials.FileName.ToString() + "." + objReqDocumentDetials.FileType.ToString();
newFile.Overwrite = true;
Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File _UploadingFile = folder.Files.Add(newFile);
var item = _UploadingFile.ListItemAllFields;
// var folder = item.GetFolder("account/" + folderName);
// item["Year"] = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString();
// item.Update();
clientContext.Load(_UploadingFile, f => f.ListItemAllFields);
public CSOM.Folder CreateFolder(CSOM.Web web, string listTitle, string fullFolderPath)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullFolderPath))
throw new ArgumentNullException("fullFolderPath");
CSOM.List list = web.Lists.GetByTitle(listTitle);
return CreateFolderInternal(web, list.RootFolder, fullFolderPath);
public CSOM.Folder CreateFolderInternal(CSOM.Web web, CSOM.Folder parentFolder, string fullFolderPath)
var folderUrls = fullFolderPath.Split(new char[] { '/' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
string folderUrl = folderUrls[0];
var curFolder = parentFolder.Folders.Add(folderUrl);
if (folderUrls.Length > 1)
var folderPath = string.Join("/", folderUrls, 1, folderUrls.Length - 1);
return CreateFolderInternal(web, curFolder, folderPath);
return curFolder;
The issue was fixed after redefined the CreateFolder and CreateFolderInternal methods as below
public CSOM.Folder CreateFolder(CSOM.Web web, string listTitle, string fullFolderPath)
var folderUrls = fullFolderPath.Split(new char[] { '/' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
CSOM.List _List = web.Lists.GetByTitle(listTitle);
string listrootfolder = _List.RootFolder.Name.ToString();
web.Context.Load(web, w => w.ServerRelativeUrl);
string root = "";
for (int i = 0; i < folderUrls.Length; i++)
root = folderUrls[i].ToString();
string targetFolderUrl = "/" + listrootfolder + "/" + string.Join("/", folderUrls, 0, i + 1);
var folder1 = web.GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl(targetFolderUrl);
bool exists = false;
exists = true;
catch (Exception ex)
if (!exists)
if (i == 0)
CreateFolderInternal(web, _List.RootFolder, root);
web.Context.Load(web, w => w.ServerRelativeUrl);
var targetfolderUrls = targetFolderUrl.Split(new char[] { '/' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
string jj = string.Join("/", targetfolderUrls, 0, targetfolderUrls.Length - 1);
CSOM.Folder folder = web.GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl(web.ServerRelativeUrl + jj);
SPCreateFolderInternal(web, folder, root);
//already folder exists
CSOM.Folder finalfolder = web.GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl(web.ServerRelativeUrl + listrootfolder + "/" + fullFolderPath);
return finalfolder;
private void CreateFolderInternal(CSOM.Web web, CSOM.Folder parentFolder, string fullFolderPath)
var curFolder = parentFolder.Folders.Add(fullFolderPath);
catch (System.Exception ex)