Async unit testing with NUnit and C# - c#

I have the following method I created it's nothing fancy just retrieves data from an HTTP server but it is an async method.
public async Task<string> GetStringFromConsul(string key)
string s = "";
// attempts to get a string from Consul
//async method to get the response
HttpResponseMessage response = await this.http.GetAsync(apiPrefix + key);
//if it responds successfully
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
//parse out a string and decode said string
s = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
var obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<consulValue>>(s);
s = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(obj[0].value));
s = requestErrorCodePrefix + response.StatusCode + ">";
catch(Exception e)
//need to do something with the exception
s = requestExceptionPrefix + e.ToString() + ">";
return s;
Then in the test I call the code just like I do during normal execution:
public async Task GetStringFromConsulTest()
ConsulConfiguration cc = new ConsulConfiguration();
string a = cc.GetStringFromConsul("").GetAwaiter().GetResult();
Assert.AreEqual(a, "");
However I get an exception like so instead of any sort of string:
Message: Expected string length 514 but was 0. Strings differ at index 0.
Expected: "<Request Exception: System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCanceledExcept..."
But was: <string.Empty>
I've looked around and found a few tutorials on this and tried it but to no avail. If anyone can point me in the right direction I would appreciate it, I'm pretty new to C# unit testing.

I'm a stickler for good error messages so I'd first change the assert to
Assert.AreEqual("", a);
because the first argument is your expected value. Now it will fail with
Message: Expected string length 0 but was 514. Strings differ at index 0.
Expected: <string.Empty>
But was: "<Request Exception: System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCanceledExcept..."
...still a failure, but a much more sensible message.
Next, to pass, add an await to your async method call, as suggested by M Hassan.

In Nunit Framework, Use async/await in unit test as in the following:
public async Task GetStringFromConsulTest()
ConsulConfiguration cc = new ConsulConfiguration();
//string a = cc.GetStringFromConsul("").GetAwaiter().GetResult();
//use await instead
string a = await cc.GetStringFromConsul("");
Assert.AreEqual(a, "");
For more details, read Async Support in NUnit
It's better to test your method in case of firing exceptions NUnit expected exceptions
The comment:
I still get the error even when structuring the method like this.
That error means that the test fail and there is a bug in the source code method GetStringFromConsul.
Your test method include the Assert statement:
Assert.AreEqual(a, "");
That means that you expect a variable which is calculated from a=cc.GetStringFromConsul("") should be "" to pass,
otherwise the test fail and NUnit Framework Fire an exception like:
Message: Expected string length 514 but was 0. Strings differ at index 0.
Expected: "<Request Exception: System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCanceledExcept..."
But was: <string.Empty>
To resolve this exception, you should resolve the bug in the method GetStringFromConsul to return "" when the input parameter=""

Maybe this.http.GetAsync(apiPrefix + key); is timing out. That would give you a TaskCanceledException. Not sure what your value of apiPrefix is.


Make function more Generic to save repeating

I use the following function which is all well and fine but i basically do the same operation about 20 times. For various end points of an api I am hitting how would one make this routing more Generic in the ability to pass and return type OF T.
public async Task<List<StockItem>> GetStockDataFromSage()
StockItem stockitems = new StockItem();
string content = "";
List<StockItem> result = new List<StockItem>();
var uri = new Uri(string.Format(Constants.GetStockItems, string.Empty));
var response = await _client.GetAsync(uri);
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
result = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<StockItem>>(content);
return result;
Edit 1
I am trying to use the below however I am getting an error
public async Task<List<StockItem>> GetStockItemInfo()
return await dataTransfer.GetDataFromSageService(Constants.GetStockItems, string.Empty)) ?? new List<StockItem>();
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error CS1061 'StockTakeDT' does not contain a definition for 'GetStockDataFromSage' and no accessible extension method 'GetStockDataFromSage' accepting a first argument of type 'StockTakeDT' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) StockAppDL D:\Git\Repos\StockApp\FStockApp\StockAppDal\StockDatabase.cs 76 Active
Your objective here appears to be to call an endpoint and get the results back into an object you can use. If the call is successful, you return the result and if it fails, you return an empty list.
We can abstract that logic out into a generic method that accepts a url and parameters and returns an object.
public async Task<T> GetObjectFromEndpoint<T>(string url, params string[] args)
where T : class
var uri = new Uri(string.Format(url, args));
var response = await _client.GetAsync(uri);
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
return Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(content);
return default(T);
Now your GetStockDataFromSage function passes in the information unique to this call, namely the url, parameters, and generic type for the results. If the result is null, GetStockDataFromSage returns an empty list of StockItems
public async Task<List<StockItem>> GetStockDataFromSage()
return (await GetObjectFromEndpoint<List<StockItem>>(Constants.GetStockItems, string.Empty)) ?? new List<StockItem>();
Any time you are trying to minimize repetition, you want to look at what is specific to this call and what is more general. i.e List<StockItem>, the url, and possibly the parameter are unique, but the rest of the code is very general.
Caution: This method of returning a default value when the api call fails can lead to hard-to-diagnose issues where you will be unable to differentiate between an empty list and a failed api call. I recommend adding some logging for failed api calls and perhaps looking at ways to inform the calling code that the result was in error.

CallerMemberName parameter is blank for a specific method

I have the following Log method (for a Unit Test project):
public static void WriteLogFile<T>(T obj, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string callingMethod = "")
var path = Path.Combine(LogFileLocation, callingMethod + ".json");
var content = (typeof(T) == typeof(string)) ? (obj as string) : JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj);
File.WriteAllText(path, content);
And I use it in the following TestMethod:
public async Task TestGetUserInfoAsync()
//var tokenFile = TestUtils.GetLogFileLocation(nameof(this.TestRedeemTokensAsync2));
var tokenFile = #"D:\Temp\TestLog\TestRedeemTokensAsync2.json";
var accessToken = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(File.ReadAllText(tokenFile))
var result = await GoogleService.GetUserInfoAsync(this.systemConfig,
I have other 3 Test Methods and they all runs correctly, and they all have async/await Tasks, writing log files with the filenames taken from the method names.
However, for the above specific method, the parameter callingMethod is an empty string (not null). The result file is a file named .json (it is a valid file in Windows). I am not sure if this is related to Unit Test project only.
Why is it happening? How can I debug in this case?
Additional information: I thought it may be because I added the following method, and the 1st calling mess up:
public static string GetLogFileLocation([System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string callingMethod = "")
var path = Path.Combine(LogFileLocation, callingMethod + ".json");
return path;
However, I tried removing it and use hard string for file path (as you see in my code above) instead, but the problem persist.
EDIT: I added the Stack Trace that may be useful. I notice there is a [External Code] row between the code. I don't know what causes it.
EDIT2: The IL code indeed has problem: the 4 (sorry, 4, not 3) other TestMethods are running fine, and their IL code is correct, like this:
However, the method I am having problem with, I don't see any function call. The only WriteLogFile I can see is this one, but it is a string:
Full IL code here:
The problem seems to be happening with async and dynamic going together. Remove either one (switch to synchronous or casting into a strongly typed variable) fix the problem:
public async Task TestGetUserInfoAsync()
//var tokenFile = TestUtils.GetLogFileLocation(nameof(this.TestRedeemTokensAsync2));
var tokenFile = #"D:\Temp\TestLog\TestRedeemTokensAsync2.json";
var accessToken = (JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(File.ReadAllText(tokenFile))
.access_token.ToString()) as string; // Here, cast this to string instead of keeping it as dynamic
var result = await GoogleService.GetUserInfoAsync(this.systemConfig,

HttpClient ReadAsAsync does not deserialize

I am not sure if the issue I am having is related to the way I'm using Task or if I am an not using ReadAsAsync correctly. I am following the pattern I found here:
Object I am deserializing is a POCO. Properties have no attributes. It is just a few value type properties and a couple collection properties. REST service appears to work ok also. When I look at the JSON returned by the service it appears to be OK.
Using Web API 2.1 5.1.2
.. is calling HttpResponseMessage.Content.ReadAsAsync(). Sometimes it works (returns an object) and sometimes it doesn't (throws "Thread was being aborted" or returns null). It appears the content property can be read once only and subsequent reads throw errors. See comments in code below.
Related questions:
HttpContent.ReadAsAsync Deserialization issue
Question appears to be similar to mine. Answer indicates a bug but this is over two years old.
public void AddSiteTest()
// Use POST to create a resource i.e. insert. Use PUT to update.
Site site = new Site {SiteName = "Test", Active = true, URI="" };
Site newSite = null;
client.PostAsJsonAsync<Site>(baseURI + "/Sites/AddSite?securityKey="+ SecurityKey, site).ContinueWith(x =>
HttpResponseMessage response = x.Result;
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
string str = Task.Run(() => response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()).Result; // yep its json and it is a proprety serialized object
// Method 1 (preferred... ):
//Site siteA = Task.Run(() => response.Content.ReadAsAsync<Site>()).Result; // usuallly throws if content has been read
// Method 2:
Site siteB = response.Content.ReadAsAsync<Site>().Result; // usully returns a valid result (when I dont put a breakpoint on it). Does not deadlock.
// Method 3:
response.Content.ReadAsAsync<Site>().ContinueWith(d =>
Site siteC = d.Result; // returns null
catch (Exception ex)
string y = ex.Message;
try to use await:
string str = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
And you have to add async before void in your method.

Verifying ArgumentException and its message in Nunit , C#

In my test program in Nunit, I want to verify that it's getting the write Argument Exception by verifying the message.
public void ArgumentsWorkbookNameException()
const string workbookName = "Tester.xls";
var args = new[] { workbookName, "Sheet1", "Source3.csv", "Sheet2", "Source4.csv" };
Assert.Throws(typeof(ArgumentException), delegate { var appargs = new ApplicationArguments(args); }, "Invalid ending parameter of the workbook. Please use .xlsx");
After testing this out, this doesn't work when I modified the message in the main program.
int wbLength = args[0].Length;
// Telling the user to type in the correct workbook name file.
if (args[0].Substring(wbLength-5,5)!=".xlsx")
throw new ArgumentException(
"Invalid ending parameter of the workbook. Please use .xlsx random random");
The unit test still passed, regardless if I changed the message.
How do I do it? Or is there no such things in C#. My colleague said there are options like that in Ruby and RSPEC, but he's not 100% sure on C#.
Use the fluent interface to create assertions:
Assert.That(() => new ApplicationArguments(args),
.With.Message.EqualTo("Invalid ending parameter of the workbook. Please use .xlsx random random"));
I agree with Jon that "such tests are unnecessarily brittle". However, there are at least two ways to check for exception message:
1: Assert.Throws returns an exception, so you can make an assertion for its message:
var exception = Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() => new ApplicationArguments(args));
Assert.AreEqual("Invalid ending parameter of the workbook. Please use .xlsx random random", exception.Message);
2: [HISTORICAL] Before NUnit 3, you could also use ExpectedException attribute. But, take a note that attribute waits for an exception in the whole tested code, not only in code which throws an exception you except. Thus, using this attribute is not recommended.
[ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException), ExpectedMessage = "Invalid ending parameter of the workbook. Please use .xlsx random random")]
public void ArgumentsWorkbookNameException()
const string workbookName = "Tester.xls";
var args = new[] { workbookName, "Sheet1", "Source3.csv", "Sheet2", "Source4.csv" };
new ApplicationArguments(args);
You may also use FluentAssertions to do so, e.g.
subject.Invoking(y => y.Foo("Hello"))
.WithMessage("Hello is not allowed at this moment");
The message parameter in Assert.Throws isn't the expected exception message; it's the error message to include with the assertion failure if the test fails.
I don't believe that NUnit supports testing the exception message out of the box, and I'd argue that such tests are unnecessarily brittle anyway. If you really want to write your own such helper method you can do so, but I personally wouldn't encourage it. (I very rarely specify a test failure message either, unless it's to include some diagnostic information. If a test fails I'm going to look at the test anyway, so the message doesn't add much.)
I would encourage you to use the generic overload instead though, and a lambda expression, for simplicity:
Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() => new ApplicationArguments(args));
(If that's your actual code by the way, there are other problems - try passing in new[] { "xyz" } as an argument...)
In .NET Core 3.1 MSTest project, this is how I did it.
public async Task SaveItemAsync_NameIsNull_ThrowsException()
var item = new Item
Name = null
var result = await Assert.ThrowsExceptionAsync<ArgumentException>(() => _service.SaveItemAsync(item));
Assert.AreEqual("The item's name must be set.", result.Message);

How do I check "no exception occurred" in my MSTest unit test?

I'm writing a unit test for this one method which returns "void". I would like to have one case that the test passes when there is no exception thrown. How do I write that in C#?
(My guess is this is how I should check, but what goes into "???")
I hope my question is clear enough.
Your unit test will fail anyway if an exception is thrown - you don't need to put in a special assert.
This is one of the few scenarios where you will see unit tests with no assertions at all - the test will implicitly fail if an exception is raised.
However, if you really did want to write an assertion for this - perhaps to be able to catch the exception and report "expected no exception but got this...", you can do this:
public void TestNoExceptionIsThrownByMethodUnderTest()
var myObject = new MyObject();
catch (Exception ex)
Assert.Fail("Expected no exception, but got: " + ex.Message);
(the above is an example for NUnit, but the same holds true for MSTest)
In NUnit, you can use:
to assert that your code does not throw an exception. Although the test would fail if an exception is thrown even if there was no Assert around it, the value of this approach is that you can then distinguish between unmet expectations and bugs in your tests, and you have the option of adding a custom message that will be displayed in your test output. A well-worded test output can help you locate errors in your code that have caused a test to fail.
I think it's valid to add tests to ensure that your code is not throwing exceptions; for example, imagine you are validating input and need to convert an incoming string to a long. There may be occasions when the string is null, and this is acceptable, so you want to ensure that the string conversion does not throw an exception. There will therefore be code to handle this occasion, and if you haven't written a test for it you will be missing coverage around an important piece of logic.
This helper class scratched my itch with MSTest. Maybe it can scratch yours also.
public void ScheduleItsIneligibilityJob_HasValid_CronSchedule()
// Arrange
var factory = new StdSchedulerFactory();
IScheduler scheduler = factory.GetScheduler();
// Assert
AssertEx.NoExceptionThrown<FormatException>(() =>
// Act
public sealed class AssertEx
public static void NoExceptionThrown<T>(Action a) where T:Exception
catch (T)
Assert.Fail("Expected no {0} to be thrown", typeof(T).Name);
Don't test that something doesn't happen. It's like assuring that code doesn't break. That's sort of implied, we all strive for non-breaking, bug-less code. You want to write tests for that? Why just one method? Don't you want all your methods being tested that they don't throw some exception? Following that road, you'll end up with one extra, dummy, assert-less test for every method in your code base. It brings no value.
Of course, if your requirement is to verify method does catch exceptions, you do test that (or reversing it a bit; test that it does not throw what it is supposed to catch).
However, the general approach/practices remain intact - you don't write tests for some artificial/vague requirements that are out of scope of tested code (and testing that "it works" or "doesn't throw" is usually an example of such - especially in scenario when method's responsibilities are well known).
To put it simple - focus on what your code has to do and test for that.
I like to see an Assert.Whatever at the end of each test, just for consistency... without one, can I really be sure there's not supposed to be one there?
For me, this is as simple as putting Assert.IsTrue(true);
I know I didn't accidentally put that code in there, and thus I should be confident enough at quick a skim through that this was as intended.
public void ProjectRejectsGappedVersioningByDefault() {
var files = new List<ScriptFile>();
Assert.Throws<ScriptProject.InvalidProjectFormatException>(() => {
var sut = new ScriptProject(files);
public void ProjectAcceptsGappedVersionsExplicitly() {
var files = new List<ScriptFile>();
var sut = new ScriptProject(files, true);
Assert.IsTrue(true); // Assert.Pass() would be nicer... build it in if you like
My friend Tim told me about ExpectedException. I really like this b/c it is more succinct, less code, and very explicit that you are testing for an exception.
public void DivideTest()
int numerator = 4;
int denominator = 0;
int actual = numerator / denominator;
You can read way more about it here: ExpectedException Attribute Usage.
With Xunit you can use this:
var exception = Record.Exception(() =>
or for async operations
var exception = await Record.ExceptionAsync(async () =>
await MethodUnderTestAsync());
Another way which worked for me is to store it in a variable and check output.
var result = service.Run()
using Moq;
using Xunit;
public void UnitTest_DoesNotThrow_Exception()
var builder = new Mock<ISomething>().Object;
var exception = Record.Exception(() => builder.SomeMethod());
