This is the strangest thing I've ever seen, but hopefully someone else has because I am clueless. I have the following code:
DataTable dt = (DataTable)dataGridView1.DataSource;
List<InvoiceItem> itemList = new List<InvoiceItem>();
int listSize = 30;
int listIndex = 0;
itemList = (from DataRow dr in dt.Rows
select new InvoiceItem()
CustomerRef = dr["CustomerRef"].ToString(),
Description = dr["Description"].ToString(),
ItemRef = dr["ItemRef"].ToString(),
Rate = Convert.ToDouble(dr["Rate"].ToString()),
Quantity = Convert.ToDouble(dr["Quantity"].ToString()),
PONumber = dr["PONumber"].ToString(),
UnitOfMeasure = dr["UnitOfMeasure"].ToString(),
RefNumber = dr["RefNumber"].ToString(),
Total = Convert.ToDouble(dr["Total"].ToString()),
Address1 = dr["Address1"].ToString(),
Address2 = dr["Address2"].ToString(),
Address3 = dr["Address3"].ToString(),
Address4 = dr["Address4"].ToString(),
City = dr["City"].ToString(),
State = dr["State"].ToString(),
PostalCode = dr["PostalCode"].ToString(),
ServiceDate = string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["ServiceDate"].ToString()) ? (DateTime?)null : DateTime.Parse(dr["ServiceDate"].ToString()),
TxnDate = string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["TxnDate"].ToString()) ? DateTime.Now : DateTime.Parse(dr["TxnDate"].ToString()),
Note = dr["Note"].ToString()
List<string> list = new List<string>();
list = loadItems();
List<InvoiceItem> createNewItemsList = new List<InvoiceItem>();
foreach (var importing in itemList)
var matchingvalues = list.Where(l => l.Contains(importing.ItemRef));
//If there is no match in Quickbooks already...
if (matchingvalues.Count() < 1)
createNewItemsList.Add(new InvoiceItem
ItemRef = importing.ItemRef,
UnitOfMeasure = importing.UnitOfMeasure
Here is the Code for loadItems():
private List<string> loadItems()
string request = "ItemQueryRq";
int count = getCount(request);
IMsgSetResponse responseMsgSet = sessionManager.processRequestFromQB(BuildItemQuery());
string[] itemList = parseItemQueryRs(responseMsgSet, count);
List<string> list = new List<string>(itemList);
return list;
Here is a view of the error:
here shows list count:
When I run this code on my deskotp, if matchingvalues.Count() = 0 it executes the code correctly. However, when I run the exact same code in debug on the server, that line of code errors out with "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." Can anybody explain why this might happen and if there is any work around for it?
I try to return the stock of the items and I can not get it. Could someone guide me and tell me what I'm doing wrong?
This is my code, quantityAvailable is always 0 and location is null. This is an excerpt from my source code:
var recordRefs = new List<RecordRef>();
var ExternalIds = new List<string>();
foreach (string externalId in ExternalIds)
recordRefs.Add(new RecordRef
externalId = externalId,
type = RecordType.InventoryItem,
typeSpecified = true
var request1 = new ItemSearchBasic
externalId = new SearchMultiSelectField
#operator = SearchMultiSelectFieldOperator.anyOf,
operatorSpecified = true,
searchValue = recordRefs.ToArray()
SearchResult response =;
if (response.status.isSuccess)
if (response.totalRecords > 1)
Record[] records;
records = response.recordList;
for (int lcv = 0; lcv <= records.Length - 1; lcv++)
if (records[lcv].GetType().Name == "InventoryItem")
I am getting the list of Invoice details by Invoice Id.
Now i want to update AmountDue by respective Invoice Id.
i tried by below code:
ByInvoiceId.AmountDue = Convert.ToDecimal(100.00);
but..Error as
"A validation exception occurred"
What's the reason behind and How to solve this?
There are a number of ways to change the amount due on an invoice, however changing the value of the property directly is not one of them.
The amount due on an invoice is driven by the totals of the line items on the invoice minus the total of payments and allocated credit. One way to change the amount due is to change the values of your line items or add/remove some line items. You won't be able to change the invoice if it has been paid/partially paid.
Another way you could change the amount due on an invoice is to add a payment against the invoice or allocate credit from a credit note, prepayment, or overpayment to the invoice
In addition to MJMortimer's answer.
You can't change the line amounts on an AUTHORISED invoice via the c# API. You have to VOID the invoice and create a new one. You can however update DRAFT and SUBMITTED ones by updating the line items.
EDIT: Here is some code to help you. This is create invoice code, but amending one is essentially the same.
public XeroTransferResult CreateInvoices(IEnumerable<InvoiceModel> invoices, string user, string status)
_user = XeroApiHelper.User(user);
var invoicestatus = InvoiceStatus.Draft;
if (status == "SUBMITTED")
invoicestatus = InvoiceStatus.Submitted;
else if (status == "AUTHORISED")
invoicestatus = InvoiceStatus.Authorised;
var api = XeroApiHelper.CoreApi();
var xinvs = new List<Invoice>();
foreach (var inv in invoices)
var items = new List<LineItem>();
foreach (var line in inv.Lines)
decimal discount = 0;
if (line.PriceBeforeDiscount != line.Price)
discount = (decimal)(1 - line.Price / line.PriceBeforeDiscount) * 100;
items.Add(new LineItem
AccountCode = line.AccountCode,
Description = line.PublicationName != "N/A" ? line.PublicationName + " - " + line.Description : line.Description,
TaxAmount = (decimal)line.TaxAmount,
Quantity = 1,
UnitAmount = (decimal)line.PriceBeforeDiscount,
DiscountRate = discount,
TaxType = line.XeroCode,
ItemCode = line.ItemCode
var person = inv.Company.People.FirstOrDefault(p => p.IsAccountContact);
if (person == null)
person = inv.Company.People.FirstOrDefault(p => p.IsPrimaryContact);
var ninv = new Invoice
Number = inv.ClientInvoiceId,
Type = InvoiceType.AccountsReceivable,
Status = invoicestatus,
Reference = inv.Reference,
Contact = new Contact
Name = inv.Company.OrganisationName,
//ContactNumber = "MM" + inv.Company.CompanyId.ToString(),
FirstName = person.FirstName,
LastName = person.LastName,
EmailAddress = person.Email,
Phones = new List<Phone>()
new Phone {PhoneNumber = person.Telephone, PhoneType = PhoneType.Default},
new Phone {PhoneNumber = person.Mobile, PhoneType = PhoneType.Mobile}
Addresses = new List<Address>
{ new Address
//AttentionTo = inv.Company.People.FirstOrDefault(p => p.IsAccountContact) == null
//? inv.Company.People.FirstOrDefault(p=> p.IsPrimaryContact).FullName
//: inv.Company.People.FirstOrDefault(p => p.IsAccountContact).FullName,
//AddressLine1 = inv.Company.OrganisationName,
AddressLine1 = inv.Company.Address.Address1,
AddressLine2 = inv.Company.Address.Address2 ?? "",
AddressLine3 = inv.Company.Address.Address3 ?? "",
Region = inv.Company.Address.CountyState,
City = inv.Company.Address.TownCity,
PostalCode = inv.Company.Address.PostCode,
AmountDue = (decimal)inv.TotalAmount,
Date = inv.InvoiceDate,
DueDate = inv.DueDate,
LineItems = items,
LineAmountTypes = LineAmountType.Exclusive
if (SessionContext.TransferContactDetailsToXero == false)
ninv.Contact = new Contact
Id = inv.Company.XeroId ?? Guid.Empty,
Name = inv.Company.OrganisationName
var success = true;
var xinvresult = new List<Invoice>();
xinvresult = api.Invoices.Create(xinvs).ToList();
catch (ValidationException ex)
// Something's gone wrong
foreach (var inv in xinvresult)
var mminvoice = invoices.FirstOrDefault(i => i.ClientInvoiceId == inv.Number);
if (inv.Errors != null && inv.Errors.Count > 0)
success = false;
if (mminvoice != null)
var errors = new List<XeroError>();
foreach (var err in inv.Errors)
errors.Add(new XeroError { ErrorDescription = err.Message });
mminvoice.XeroErrors = errors;
mminvoice.XeroTransferDate = DateTime.Now;
mminvoice.XeroId = inv.Id;
mminvoice.XeroErrors = new List<XeroError>();
return new XeroTransferResult
Invoices = invoices,
Success = success
Good day all,
would like request to how to convert table format to string
Material Control August
Development September
Planning August
HR September
September: Development, HR
August : Material Control, Planning
List<String> returnvalueStringMonth = new List<String>();
List<String> returnvalueStringDept = new List<String>();
foreach (DataRow dr in dsSeries.Tables[0].Rows)
string newmanout = dr["MonthNames"].ToString();
string Departs = dr["Depart"].ToString();
//var DDLName = dr["Depart"];
//Label dynamicLabel = new Label();
//dynamicLabel.Text = DDLName.ToString() + ",";
//var sumPlus = Convert.ToDouble(newmanout) +",";
List<string> b = new List<string>();
for (int cs = 0; cs < b.Count; cs++)
//Panel aspPanel = new Panel();
Label dynamicLabel = new Label();
dynamicLabel.Text = b[cs].ToString()+":" + "<br/>";
I able achive until month only, then i realize made mistake.
So, please advise how to achive this.
The code below will fill a list of strings with your desired output. You can change the second loop to do what you want.
var monthList = new Dictionary<String, List<String>>();
foreach (DataRow dr in dsSeries.Tables[0].Rows)
var key = dr["MonthName"].ToString();
var value = dr["Department"].ToString();
if (!monthList.ContainsKey(key))
monthList.Add(key, new List<string>());
List<string> b = new List<String>();
foreach (var month in monthList.Keys)
b.Add(month + ": " + String.Join(", ", monthList[month])");
If you would rather use LINQ, you can do this instead:
var q = from row in dsSeries.Tables[0].AsEnumerable()
group row by row["Month"] into qGrouped
orderby qGrouped.Key
select String.Format("{0}: {1}", qGrouped.Key,
String.Join(", ", Array.ConvertAll(qGrouped.ToArray(), r => r["Department"])));
var b = q.ToList();
public class TestClass
public string S1 { get; set; }
public string S2 { get; set; }
public void MyTest()
// Material Control August
//Development September
//Planning August
//HR September
var list = new List<TestClass>
new TestClass {S1 = "Material Control", S2 = "August"},
new TestClass {S1 = "Development", S2 = "September"},
new TestClass {S1 = "Planning", S2 = "August"},
new TestClass {S1 = "HR", S2 = "September"}
var listGroupByMonth = list.GroupBy(l => l.S2);
foreach (var lstByMonth in listGroupByMonth)
var key = lstByMonth.Key;
var finalValue = string.Join(", ", lstByMonth.ToList().Select(lbm => lbm.S1));
I'm experimenting with Couchbase + Xamarin.Forms trying to do a simple search, showing the results in a ListView but I've stuck. :(
Someone know how to add the rows/documents of a query in a list?
public List<Visitor> SearchRecord (string word)
var viewByName = db.GetView ("ByName");
viewByName.SetMap((doc, emit) => {
emit (new object[] {doc["first_name"], doc["last_name"]}, doc);
}, "2");
var visitorQuery = viewByName.CreateQuery();
visitorQuery.StartKey = new List<object> {word};
// visitorQuery.EndKey = new List<object> {word, new Dictionary<string, object>()};
visitorQuery.Limit = 100;
var visitors = visitorQuery.Run();
var visitorList = new List<Visitor> ();
foreach (var visitor in visitors) {
// visitorList.Add(visitor.Document); <-- Error.
return visitorList;
I get the error messages:
Error CS1501: No overload for method Add' takes2' arguments
(CS1501) (Demo_Couchbase.Droid) Error CS1502: The best overloaded
method match for
has some invalid arguments (CS1502) (RegistroAgil_Couchbase.Droid)
Error CS1503: Argument#1' cannot convert Couchbase.Lite.Document'
expression to typeDemo_Couchbase.Visitor' (CS1503)
Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.
There is problem in your mapping part. You can directly cast documents on GetView.
You can try bellow code.
public List<Visitor> SearchRecord (string word)
var viewByName = db.GetView<Visitor>("ByName","ByName");
var visitorQuery = viewByName.CreateQuery();
visitorQuery.StartKey = new List<object> {word};
visitorQuery.Limit = 100;
var visitors = visitorQuery.Run();
var visitorList = new List<Visitor> ();
foreach (var visitor in visitors) {
return visitorList;
I don't know if this is the most elegant solution though but my code works fine now.
Visitor ToRecord(Document d) {
var props = d.Properties;
return new Visitor {
Id = props["_id"].ToString(),
FirstName = (string)props["first_name"],
LastName = (string)props["last_name"],
Occupation = (string)props["occupation"],
Company = (string)props["company"],
Email = (string)props["email"],
Phone = (string)props["phone"],
Birthday = (string)props["birthday"],
LastVisit = (string)props["last_visit"],
LocalImagePath = (string)props["local_image_path"],
Type = (string)props["type"],
CreatedAt = (string)props["created_at"],
UpdatedAt = (string)props["updated_at"],
DeletedAt = (string)props["deleted_at"]
public List<Visitor> SearchRecord (string word)
var viewByName = db.GetView ("ByName");
viewByName.SetMap((doc, emit) => {
if ((doc.ContainsKey("type") && doc["type"].ToString() == "visitor") && (doc.ContainsKey("deleted_at") && doc["deleted_at"] == null))
emit (new [] {doc["first_name"], doc["last_name"]}, doc);
}, "2");
var visitorQuery = viewByName.CreateQuery();
visitorQuery.StartKey = word;
visitorQuery.Limit = 50;
var rows = visitorQuery.Run();
var visitorList = new List<Visitor> ();
for (int i = 0; i < rows.Count (); i++) {
var row = rows.GetRow (i);
var name = row.Document.GetProperty ("first_name").ToString ().ToLower () + " " + row.Document.GetProperty ("last_name").ToString ().ToLower ();
if (name.Contains (word))
return visitorList;
I downloaded an example application for using some web services with an online system.
I am not sure if all code below is needed but it is what I got and what I am trying to do is to use the search function.
I start by calling searchCustomer with an ID I have:
partnerRef.internalId = searchCustomer(customerID);
And the code for searchCustomer:
private string searchCustomer(string CustomerID)
string InternalID = "";
CustomerSearch custSearch = new CustomerSearch();
CustomerSearchBasic custSearchBasic = new CustomerSearchBasic();
String nameValue = CustomerID;
SearchStringField entityId = null;
entityId = new SearchStringField();
entityId.#operator = SearchStringFieldOperator.contains;
entityId.operatorSpecified = true;
entityId.searchValue = nameValue;
custSearchBasic.entityId = entityId;
String statusKeysValue = "";
SearchMultiSelectField status = null;
if (statusKeysValue != null && !statusKeysValue.Trim().Equals(""))
status = new SearchMultiSelectField();
status.#operator = SearchMultiSelectFieldOperator.anyOf;
status.operatorSpecified = true;
string[] nskeys = statusKeysValue.Split(new Char[] { ',' });
RecordRef[] recordRefs = new RecordRef[statusKeysValue.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < nskeys.Length; i++)
RecordRef recordRef = new RecordRef();
recordRef.internalId = nskeys[i];
recordRefs[i] = recordRef;
status.searchValue = recordRefs;
custSearchBasic.entityStatus = status;
custSearch.basic = custSearchBasic;
SearchResult response =;
if (response.status.isSuccess)
if (seachMoreResult.status.isSuccess)
return InternalID;
return InternalID;
In the code above processCustomerSearchResponse gets called
The code for this function is:
public string processCustomerSearchResponse(SearchResult response)
string InternalID = "";
Customer customer;
customer = (Customer)records[0];
InternalID = customer.internalId;
return InternalID;
What the original code did was to write some output in the console but I want to return the InternalID instead. When I debug the application InternalID in processCustomerSearchResponse contains the ID I want but I don't know how to pass it to searchCustomer so that function also returns the ID. When I debug searchCustomer InternalID is always null. I am not sure on how to edit the code under response.status.isSuccess
to return the InternalID, any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
When you call processCustomerSearchResponse(response);, you need to store the return value in memory.
Try modifying your code like this:
InternalID = processCustomerSearchResponse(response);