Change the way how HttpValueCollection encodes the arguments - c#

var original = "АБ";
var query = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString("");
query["Arg"] = original;
var tmp1 = query.ToString();
The code above (which is the recommended way of building query strings) encodes the argument as Arg=%u0410%u0411
However, the target API doesn't accept this argument and demands it to be encoded this way: Arg=%D0%90%D0%91
Is it possible to make HttpValueCollection use this encoding?

There is a comment in the source code of HttpValueCollection that explains your problem:
// DevDiv #762975: <form action> and other similar URLs are mangled since we use non-standard %uXXXX encoding.
// We need to use standard UTF8 encoding for modern browsers to understand the URLs.,9938b1dbd553e753,references
It looks like this behavior can be controlled with an appSetting in web.config. To get the behavior you want add this:
<add key="aspnet:DontUsePercentUUrlEncoding" value="true" />
If you are targeting .NET 4.5.2+ this value should be set to true by default.
You could use in the FormUrlEncodedContent class in the System.Net.Http namespace instead. Here is an example of how you could do it:
string query;
using (var content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(new KeyValuePair<string, string>[]{
new KeyValuePair<string, string>("Arg", "АБ")
query = content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
Also you can google "querystring builder c#" tosee solutions that others have come up with.

MVC is using UTF-8 for encoding where as your requirement uses some other codepage.
Just use the overload with the Encoding parameter (you need to choose your encoding which you need, for a list see here:
Encoding encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(1252);
HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(string, encoding);


Microsoft Graph Beta - Convert from EwsId to RestId or RestImmutableEntryId

I'm trying to convert an EwsId to either a RestId or RestImmutableEntryId using the beta version of Microsoft Graph.
It works fine to convert RestIds to RestImmutableEntryIds, but so far no luck converting from an EwsId. The documentation is understandably not abundant at this point since it's in beta but I've found some documentation that's saying it's supposed to be possible:
Note: You can also use translateExchangeIds to migrate Exchange Web Services applications to Microsoft Graph".
What I've done is retrieving and Id from a .msg file, converted it to a Base64 string, and sent the conversion request:
var client = new GraphServiceClient(etc..);
var messageId = Convert.ToBase64String(
var req = client
.TranslateExchangeIds(new [] { messageId },
var translateExchangeIdsCollectionPage = await req.Request().PostAsync();
I expect to get a ConvertIdResult back, but instead I'm getting a Microsoft.Graph.GenericError
"[IdConverter::IsPublicFolder] Invalid compression id"`
I haven't been able to find any documentation related to this error, and what to do to fix it. I'm no expert on Outlook, so for all I know I'm using the wrong id or something.
You need to use HttpServerUtility.UrlTokenEncode instead of Convert.ToBase64String.
While both technically generate a Base64 encoded string, there are some subtle differences in the encoding. This is because Base64 considers +, /, and = characters as valid while URLs do not. To deal with this, RFC 4648 defines a base64url encoding that uses only URL safe characters. Exchange uses this Base64Url encoding to encode IDs.

Can I allow raw unicode in HTTP headers using NSUrlSession?

I'm constructing an NSUrlSession as follows:
NSUrlSessionConfiguration sessionCfg = NSUrlSessionConfiguration.CreateBackgroundSessionConfiguration("mySpecialSessionName");
NSUrlSessionDelegate sessionDelegate = new MySessionDelegate();
urlSession = NSUrlSession.FromConfiguration(sessionCfg, sessionDelegate, NSOperationQueue.MainQueue);
And invoking background downloads with custom HTTP headers:
NSMutableUrlRequest mutableRequest = new NSMutableUrlRequest();
mutableRequest.HttpMethod = "POST";
mutableRequest.Url = NSUrl.FromString(someEndpoint);
mutableRequest["MyCustomHeader"] = someStringWithUnicodeChars;
mutableRequest.Body = NSData.FromString(somePostBody);
NSUrlSessionDownloadTask downloadTask = m_UrlSession.CreateDownloadTask(mutableRequest);
However, the header value string seems to get truncated at the first character above 255. For example, the header value:
SupeЯ Σario Bros
is received by the server as
When instead using .NET HttpClient on xamarin, unicode header strings successfully make it to the server unmodified. However, I'd like to make use of NSUrlSession's background downloading feature.
(I realize that support of unicode in HTTP headers is hit-and-miss, but since the HTTP server in this case is a particular custom server that doesn't currently support things like base64 encoding, passing the raw string is desired)
I don't know whether you'll be able to make that work, but two things come to mind:
What you have here is equivalent to calling setValue:forKey: on the URL request. I don't think that will do what you're expecting. Try calling the setValue:forHTTPHeaderField: method instead.
Try specifying the encoding before you specify your custom header value, e.g. [theRequest setValue:#"...; charset=UTF-8" forHTTPHeaderField:#"Content-Type"];
If neither of those helps, you'll probably have to encode the data in some way. I would suggest using URL encoding, because that's a lot simpler to implement on the server side than Base64. For the iOS side, see this link for info on how to URL-encode a string:

QueryString Out of Encoded URL

I have an encoded URL.
I am trying to get query string out of the url which is "Tomato". I am using the following code but it returns null.
var parsedQuery = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString((url));
Console.Write(parsedQuery["q"]); // null
You're missing a few steps. You need to decode the URL, then pull out the query string, and then parse the query string:
string decoded =
var uri = new Uri(decoded);
var parsedQuery = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(uri.Query);
Console.WriteLine (parsedQuery["q"]); // Tomato
Also, your encoded URL is a little malformed. The one in your post decoded looks like this:
I think you just missed a 2f after the % right before myurl.test:
The URL needs to decoded first before you can use the HttpUtility.ParseQueryString().
Fair warning though mentioned directly from MSDN.
The ParseQueryString method uses query strings that might contain user input, which is a potential security threat. By default, ASP.NET Web pages validate that user input does not include script or HTML elements. MSDN.

Encoding non UTF-8 text in Parameters in ASP.NET MVC

I have a web application that uses ISO-8859-1 encoding. When I pass parameters using Html.ActionLink(), the value is decoded to UTF-8:
<globalization requestEncoding="iso-8859-1" responseEncoding="iso-8859-1"
fileEncoding="iso-8859-1" />
This is a <%= Html.ActionLink("test", "Read", new { name="Cosméticos" }) %>
generates the following:
This is a test
The problem is the value I receive in my controller is UTF-8, not iso-8859-1:
public ActionResult Read(string name) {
//name is "Cosméticos" here!
Why the string is not decoded to Cosméticos?
Does your aspx files are physically saved in iso-8859-1?
"File / Save Xyz As" And click at the right of the save button to have more encoding options to save your file in..
A guess
public static string ActionLinkNoEncode(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string linkText, ActionResult action )
var urlHelper = new UrlHelper(htmlHelper.ViewContext.RequestContext);
var url = Uri.UnescapeDataString(urlHelper.Action(action)).ToLowerInvariant();
var linkTagBuilder = new TagBuilder("a");
linkTagBuilder.MergeAttribute("href", url);
linkTagBuilder.InnerHtml = linkText;
return linkTagBuilder.ToString();
I found the problem and the workaround: the value I receive is UTF-8, but if I try to use System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(name) it converts the characters "é" to UTF-8 values instead of "É".
The workaround is to copy the string to a byte[] and then use System.Text.Encoding.Convert().
I don't know if this is the best way, but now everything is working for me.
A few things you might want to consider.
First, if you haven't already read it -- I highly recommend reading Joel Spolsky's article 'The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!)' It sets the stage for learning about character encoding and programming.
Second, looking at the docs on the globalization element in the web.config it sounds like there are ways to (accidentally?) override the specified encoding scheme. From the docs:
Specifies the assumed encoding of each incoming request, including
posted data and the query string. If the request comes with a request
header containing an Accept-Charset attribute, it overrides the
requestEncoding in configuration. The default encoding is UTF-8,
specified in the <globalization> tag included in the Machine.config
file created when the .NET Framework is installed. If request encoding
is not specified in a Machine.config or Web.config file, encoding
defaults to the computer's Regional Options locale setting. In
single-server applications, requestEncoding and responseEncoding
should be the same. For the less common case (multiple-server
applications where the default server encodings are different), you
can vary the request and response encoding using local Web.config
Have you tried using something like Fiddler to see what the Accept-Charset attribute is set to?

Getting U+fffd/65533 instead of special character from Query String

I have a C# .net web project that have a globalization tag set to:
<globalization requestEncoding="utf-8" responseEncoding="utf-8" culture="nb-no" uiCulture="no"/>
When this URL a Flash application (you get the same problem when you enter the URL manually in a browser): c_product_search.aspx?search=kjøkken (alternatively: c_product_search-aspx?search=kj%F8kken
Both return the following character codes:
k U+006b 107
j U+006a 106
� U+fffd 65533
k U+006b 107
k U+006b 107
e U+0065 101
n U+006e 110
I don't know too much about character encoding, but it seems that the ø has been given a unicode replacement character, right?
I tried to change the globalization tag to:
<globalization requestEncoding="iso-8859-1" responseEncoding="utf-8" culture="nb-no" uiCulture="no"/>
That made the request work. However, now, other searches on my page stopped working.
I also tried the following with similar results:
NameValueCollection qs = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(Request.QueryString.ToString(), Encoding.GetEncoding("iso-8859-1"));
string search = (string)qs["search"];
What should I do?
Kind Regards,
The problem comes from the combination Firefox/Asp.Net. When you manually entered a URL in Firefox's address bar, if the url contains french or swedish characters, Firefox will encode the url with "ISO-8859-1" by default.
But when recieves such a url, it thinks that it's utf-8 encoded ... And encoded characters become "U+fffd". I couldn't find a way in to detect that the url is "ISO-8859-1". Request.Encoding is set to utf-8 ... :(
Several solutions exist :
put <globalization requestEncoding="iso-8859-1" responseEncoding="iso-8859-1"/> in your Web.config. But your may comme with other problems, and your application won't be standard anymore (it will not work with languages like japanese) ... And anyway, I prefer using UTF-8 !
go to about:config in Firefox and set the value of network.standard-url.encode-query-utf8 to true. It will now work for you (Firefox will encode all your url with utf-8). But not for anybody else ...
The least worst solution I could come with was to handle this with code. If the default decoding didn't work, we reparse QueryString with iso8859-1 :
string query = Request.QueryString["search"];
if (query.Contains("%ufffd"))
query = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(Request.Url.Query, Encoding.GetEncoding("iso-8859-1"))["search"];
query = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(query);
It works with hyperlinks and manually-entered url, in french, english, or japanese. But I don't know how it will handle other encodings like ISO8859-5 (russian) ...
Does anyone have a better solution ?
This solves only the problem of manually-entered url. In your hyperlinks, don't forget to encode url parameters with HttpUtility.UrlEncode on the server, or encodeURIComponent on the javascript code. And use HttpUtility.UrlDecode to decode it.
public string GetEncodedQueryString(string key)
string query = Request.QueryString[key];
if (query != null)
if (query.Contains((char)0xfffd))
query = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(Request.Url.Query, Encoding.GetEncoding("iso-8859-1"))[key];
return query;
i think your problem is in the flash, not the .net.
it sends the special character in a weird way.
try to urlencode the search string bevore you send it to the server.
If the app is expecting the URL-encoded request to be based on UTF-8, the character "ø" should be "%C3%B8", not "%F8". Whatever function you're using to escape/encode that request, you probably need to pass it the name of the underlying character encoding, "UTF-8".
It turns out that ActionScript 2.0 will send the URL encoded/escaped with UTF-8 while ActionScript 3.0 used ISO-8859-1. The way to solve this was to change the Request.Encoding value inside Global.asax if an encoding is specified in the URL:
void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
HttpContext ctx = HttpContext.Current;
// encoding specified?
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["encoding"]))
ctx.Request.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(ctx.Request["encoding"]);
Could it be done differently?
