I'm creating an emulator. The core of the emulation runs in an infinite loop like this:
while (true)
I would like to introduce Reactive Extensions to execute this loop into another thread and to make it cancelable, but I'm completely lost.
Since my emulator is a GUI application (Universal Windows), I don't wan't to block the UI thread.
It should look like:
while (true)
if (machine.IsHalted)
The created sequence would eventually complete when the emulator enters the "halted" state. Otherwise, it will keep pushing States (an object that represents its internal state) forever.
I've tried with Observable.Create, but the overload that provides a CancellationToken requires a Task<Action>.
Here's how you do it in Rx:
void Main()
var scheduler = new EventLoopScheduler();
var loop = scheduler.Schedule(a =>
public void UpdateMachineState()
The overload on .Schedule that I used takes a Action<Action> as the parameter. You simply call the inner action if you want the the action to be rescheduled - so the above code effectively creates the infinite loop.
You then call .Dispose() on the return from the .Schedule call to cancel the loop.
Another alternative is to use the .Generate operator:
var scheduler = new EventLoopScheduler();
var query =
.Generate(0, x => true, x => x, x => machine.GetState(), scheduler);
var subscription = query.Subscribe(x => Console.Write("."));
I have tried to write console observable as in the example below, but it doesn't work. There are some issues with subscriptions. How to solve these issues?
static class Program
static async Task Main(string[] args)
// var observable = Observable.Interval(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000)).Publish().RefCount(); // works
// var observable = FromConsole().Publish().RefCount(); // doesn't work
var observable = FromConsole(); // doesn't work
await Task.Delay(1500);
await new TaskCompletionSource().Task;
static IObservable<string> FromConsole()
return Observable.Create<string>(async observer =>
while (true)
If I used Observable.Interval, it subscribes two times and I have two outputs for one input. If I used any version of FromConsole, I have one subscription and a blocked thread.
To start with, it is usually best to avoid using Observable.Create to create observables - it's certainly there for that purpose, but it can create observables that don't behave like you think they should because of their blocking nature. As you've discovered!
Instead, when possible, use the built-in operators to create observables. And that can be done in this case.
My version of FromConsole is this:
static IObservable<string> FromConsole() =>
.Defer(() =>
.Start(() => Console.ReadLine()))
Observable.Start effectively is like Task.Run for observables. It calls Console.ReadLine() for us without blocking.
The Observable.Defer/Repeat pair repeatedly calls Observable.Start(() => Console.ReadLine()). Without the Defer it would just call Observable.Start and repeatedly return the one string forever.
That solves that.
Now, the second issue is that you want to see the value from the Console.ReadLine() output by both subscriptions to the FromConsole() observable.
Due to the way Console.ReadLine works, you are getting values from each subscription, but only one at a time. Try this code:
static async Task Main(string[] args)
var observable = FromConsole();
observable.Select(x => $"1:{x}").Subscribe(Console.WriteLine);
observable.Select(x => $"2:{x}").Subscribe(Console.WriteLine);
await new TaskCompletionSource<int>().Task;
static IObservable<string> FromConsole() =>
.Defer(() =>
.Start(() => Console.ReadLine()))
When I run that I get this kind of output:
The reason for this is that each subscription starts up a fresh subscription to FromConsole. So you have two calls to Console.ReadLine() they effectively queue and each one only gets each alternate input. Hence the alternation between 1 & 2.
So, to solve this you simply need the .Publish().RefCount() operator pair.
Try this:
static async Task Main(string[] args)
var observable = FromConsole().Publish().RefCount();
observable.Select(x => $"1:{x}").Subscribe(Console.WriteLine);
observable.Select(x => $"2:{x}").Subscribe(Console.WriteLine);
await new TaskCompletionSource<int>().Task;
static IObservable<string> FromConsole() =>
.Defer(() =>
.Start(() => Console.ReadLine()))
I now get:
In a nutshell, it's the combination of the non-blocking FromConsole observable and the use of .Publish().RefCount() that makes this work the way you expect.
The problem is that the Console.ReadLine is a blocking method, so the subscription to the FromConsole sequence blocks indefinitely, so the await Task.Delay(1500); line is never reached. You can solve this problem by reading from the console asynchronously, offloading the blocking call to a ThreadPool thread:
static IObservable<string> FromConsole()
return Observable.Create<string>(async observer =>
while (true)
observer.OnNext(await Task.Run(() => Console.ReadLine()));
You can take a look at this question about why there is no better solution than offloading.
As a side note, subscribing to a sequence without providing an onError handler is not a good idea, unless having the process crash with an unhandled exception is an acceptable behavior for your app. It is especially problematic with sequences produced with Observable.Create<T>(async, because it can lead to weird/buggy behavior like this one: Async Create hanging while publishing observable.
You need to return a observable without the publish. You can then subscribe to it and do your thing further. Here is an example. When I run it i can readline multiple times.
public class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
FromConsole().Subscribe(x =>
static IObservable<string> FromConsole()
return Observable.Create<string>(async observer =>
while (true)
I created an extension to Enumerable to execute action fastly, so I have listed and in this method, I loop and if object executing the method in certain time out I return,
now I want to make the output generic because the method output will differ, any advice on what to do
this IEnumerable of processes, it's like load balancing, if the first not responded the second should, I want to return the output of the input Action
public static class EnumerableExtensions
public static void ForEach<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, Action action, int timeOut)
foreach (T element in source)
lock (source)
// Loop for all connections and get the fastest responsive proxy
foreach (var mxAccessProxy in source)
// check for the health
Task executionTask = Task.Run(action);
if (executionTask.Wait(timeOut))
return ;
this code run like
_proxies.ForEach(certainaction, timeOut);
this will enhance the performance and code readability
No, it definitely won't :) Moreover, you bring some more problems with this code like redundant locking or exception swallowing, but don't actually execute code in parallel.
It seems like you want to get the fastest possible call for your Action using some sort of proxy objects. You need to run Tasks asynchronously, not consequently with .Wait().
Something like this could be helpful for you:
public static class TaskExtensions
public static TReturn ParallelSelectReturnFastest<TPoolObject, TReturn>(this TPoolObject[] pool,
Func<TPoolObject, CancellationToken, TReturn> func,
int? timeout = null)
var ctx = new CancellationTokenSource();
// for every object in pool schedule a task
Task<TReturn>[] tasks = pool
.Select(poolObject =>
return Task.Factory.StartNew(() => func(poolObject, ctx.Token), ctx.Token);
// not sure if Cast is actually needed,
// just to get rid of co-variant array conversion
int firstCompletedIndex = timeout.HasValue
? Task.WaitAny(tasks.Cast<Task>().ToArray(), timeout.Value, ctx.Token)
: Task.WaitAny(tasks.Cast<Task>().ToArray(), ctx.Token);
// we need to cancel token to avoid unnecessary work to be done
if (firstCompletedIndex == -1) // no objects in pool managed to complete action in time
throw new NotImplementedException(); // custom exception goes here
return tasks[firstCompletedIndex].Result;
Now, you can use this extension method to call a specific action on any pool of objects and get the first executed result:
var pool = new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
var result = pool.ParallelSelectReturnFastest((x, token) => {
Thread.Sleep(x * 200);
return x * x;
}, 100);
It outputs:
Because the first task will complete work in 200ms, return it, and all other tasks will be cancelled through cancellation token.
In your case it will be something like:
var actionResponse = proxiesList.ParallelSelectReturnFastest((proxy, token) => {
return proxy.SomeAction();
Some things to mention:
Make sure that your actions are safe. You can't rely on how many of these will actually come to the actual execution of your action. If this action is CreateItem, then you can end up with many items to be created through different proxies
It cannot guarantee that you will run all of these actions in parallel, because it is up to TPL to chose the optimal number of running tasks
I have implemented in old-fashioned TPL way, because your original question contained it. If possible, you need to switch to async/await - in this case your Func will return tasks and you need to use await Task.WhenAny(tasks) instead of Task.WaitAny()
I have a worker thread making blocking calls (ReadFrame)
to read incoming data from a socket (IO bound).
The thread runs a loop, that feeds the data into an Subject,
that can be observed by consumers.
private void ReadLoop()
while (!IsDisposed)
var frame = _Socket.ReadFrame();
I wonder if there is a more RX kind of way to do this.
Here is an attempt (toy example) I made:
var src = Observable
.Select(_ =>
Thread.Sleep(1000); // simulated blocking ReadFrame call
return "data read from socket";
.SubscribeOn(ThreadPoolScheduler.Instance) // avoid blocking when subscribing
.ObserveOn(NewThreadScheduler.Default) // spin up new thread (?)
var d = src.Subscribe(s => s.Dump()); // simulated consumer
Console.ReadLine(); // simulated main running code
d.Dispose(); // tear down
I'm struggling with the correct use of ObserveOn, SubscribeOn and the schedulers.
The toy example seems to work, but I'm not sure if the thread's lifetime is managed correctly.
Is the reader thread shut down with the d.Dispose() call?
Do I need to create a new thread at all?
Should I use Observable.Create instead? How?
Below additional info requested by #Enigmativity:
The ReadLoop() method is part of a class that conforms to the following interface:
public interface ICanSocket : IDisposable
IObservable<CanFrame> ReceivedFrames { get; }
IObserver<CanFrame> FramesToSend { get; }
Its member _Socket is disposed (closed) when the parent ICanSocket is disposed.
The most "Rxy" way to do this is to use Rxx, which has observable methods for doing async I/O.
Seems like your primary concerns are:
When subscribing, do not block the subscriber thread (aka run the I/O thread on a background thread)
When the caller unsubscribes, stop the I/O thread
One way to solve these is to just use the async Create method:
// just use Task.Run to "background" the work
var src = Observable
.Create<CanFrame>((observer, cancellationToken) => Task.Run(() =>
while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
var frame = _Socket.ReadFrame();
if (frame == null) // end of stream?
// will send a Completed event
var d = src.Subscribe(s => s.Dump());
My requirements:
Run method DoWork on a specified interval.
If stop is called between calls to DoWork just stop the timer.
If stop is called while DoWork is running, block until DoWork is finished.
If DoWork takes too long to finish after stop is called, timeout.
I have a solution that seems to work so far, but I'm not super happy with it and think I may be missing something. The following is the void Main from my test app:
var source = new CancellationTokenSource();
// Create an observable sequence for the Cancel event.
var cancelObservable = Observable.Create<Int64>(o =>
source.Token.Register(() =>
Console.WriteLine("Start on canceled handler.");
Console.WriteLine("End on canceled handler.");
return Disposable.Empty;
var observable =
// Create observable timer.
Observable.Timer(TimeSpan.Zero, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), Scheduler.Default)
// Merge with the cancel observable so we have a composite that
// generates an event every 10 seconds AND immediately when a cancel is requested.
// This is what I ended up doing instead of disposing the timer so that I could wait
// for the sequence to finish, including DoWork.
.TakeWhile(i => !source.IsCancellationRequested)
// I could put this in an observer, but this way exceptions could be caught and handled
// or the results of the work could be fed to a subscriber.
.Do(l =>
Console.WriteLine("Start DoWork.");
Console.WriteLine("Finish DoWork.");
var published = observable.Publish();
var disposable = published.Connect();
// Press key between Start DoWork and Finish DoWork to test the cancellation while
// running DoWork.
// Press key between Finish DoWork and Start DoWork to test cancellation between
// events.
// I doubt this is good practice, but I was finding that o.OnNext was blocking
// inside of register, and the timeout wouldn't work if I blocked here before
// I set it up.
// Is there a preferred way to block until a sequence is finished? My experience
// is there's a timing issue if Cancel finishes fast enough the sequence may already
// be finished by the time I get here and .Wait() complains that the sequence contains
// no elements.
.ForEach(i => { });
Console.WriteLine("All finished! Press any key to continue.");
First, in your cancelObservable, make sure and return the result of Token.Register as your disposable instead of returning Disposable.Empty.
Here's a good extension method for turning CancellationTokens into observables:
public static IObservable<Unit> AsObservable(this CancellationToken token, IScheduler scheduler)
return Observable.Create<Unit>(observer =>
var d1 = new SingleAssignmentDisposable();
return new CompositeDisposable(d1, token.Register(() =>
d1.Disposable = scheduler.Schedule(() =>
Now, to your actual request:
public IObservable<Unit> ScheduleWork(IObservable<Unit> cancelSignal)
// Performs work on an interval
// stops the timer (but finishes any work in progress) when the cancelSignal is received
var workTimer = Observable
.Timer(TimeSpan.Zero, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10))
.Select(_ =>
return Unit.Default;
// starts a timer after cancellation that will eventually throw a timeout exception.
var timeoutAfterCancelSignal = cancelSignal
.SelectMany(c => Observable.Never<Unit>().Timeout(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)));
// Use Amb to listen to both the workTimer
// and the timeoutAfterCancelSignal
// Since neither produce any data we are really just
// listening to see which will complete first.
// if the workTimer completes before the timeout
// then Amb will complete without error.
// However if the timeout expires first, then Amb
// will produce an error
return Observable.Amb(workTimer, timeoutAfterCancelSignal);
// Usage
var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
var s = ScheduleWork(cts.Token.AsObservable(Scheduler.Default));
using (var finishedSignal = new ManualResetSlim())
_ => { /* will never be called */},
error => { /* handle error */ },
() => { /* canceled without error */ } );
Note, instead of cancellation tokens you can also do:
var cancelSignal = new AsyncSubject<Unit>();
var s = ScheduleWork(cancelSignal);
// .. to cancel ..
I have a simple function as the following:
static Task<A> Peirce<A, B>(Func<Func<A, Task<B>>, Task<A>> a)
var aa = new TaskCompletionSource<A>();
var tt = new Task<A>(() =>
a(b =>
return new TaskCompletionSource<B>().Task;
return Task.WhenAny(aa.Task, tt).Result;
The idea is simple: for any implementation of a, it must return a Task<A> to me. For this purpose, it may or may not use the parameter (of type Func<A, Task<B>). If it do, our callback will be called and it sets the result of aa, and then aa.Task will complete. Otherwise, the result of a will not depend on its parameter, so we simply return its value. In any of the situation, either aa.Task or the result of a will complete, so it should never block unless a do not uses its parameter and blocks, or the task returned by a blocks.
The above code works, for example
static void Main(string[] args)
Func<Func<int, Task<int>>, Task<int>> t = a =>
return Task.FromResult(a(20).Result + 10);
Console.WriteLine(Peirce(t).Result); // output 20
t = a => Task.FromResult(10);
Console.WriteLine(Peirce(t).Result); // output 10
The problem here is, the two tasks aa.Task and tt must be cleaned up once the result of WhenAny has been determined, otherwise I am afraid there will be a leak of hanging tasks. I do not know how to do this, can any one suggest something? Or this is actually not a problem and C# will do it for me?
P.S. The name Peirce came from the famous "Peirce's Law"(((A->B)->A)->A) in propositional logic.
UPDATE: the point of matter is not "dispose" the tasks but rather stop them from running. I have tested, when I put the "main" logic in a 1000 loop it runs slowly (about 1 loop/second), and creates a lot of threads so it is a problem to solve.
A Task is a managed object. Unless you are introducing unmanaged resources, you shouldn't worry about a Task leaking resources. Let the GC clean it up and let the finalizer take care of the WaitHandle.
If you want to cancel tasks, consider using cooperative cancellation in the form of a CancellationTokenSource. You can pass this token to any tasks via the overload, and inside of each task, you may have some code as follows:
while (someCondition)
if (cancelToken.IsCancellationRequested)
That way your tasks can gracefully clean up without throwing an exception. However you can propogate an OperationCancelledException if you call cancelToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(). So the idea in your case would be that whatever finishes first can issue the cancellation to the other tasks so that they aren't hung up doing work.
Thanks to #Bryan Crosby's answer, I can now implement the function as the following:
private class CanceledTaskCache<A>
public static Task<A> Instance;
private static Task<A> GetCanceledTask<A>()
if (CanceledTaskCache<A>.Instance == null)
var aa = new TaskCompletionSource<A>();
CanceledTaskCache<A>.Instance = aa.Task;
return CanceledTaskCache<A>.Instance;
static Task<A> Peirce<A, B>(Func<Func<A, Task<B>>, Task<A>> a)
var aa = new TaskCompletionSource<A>();
Func<A, Task<B>> cb = b =>
return GetCanceledTask<B>();
return Task.WhenAny(aa.Task, a(cb)).Unwrap();
and it works pretty well:
static void Main(string[] args)
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
Func<Func<int, Task<String>>, Task<int>> t =
async a => (await a(20)).Length + 10;
Console.WriteLine(Peirce(t).Result); // output 20
t = async a => 10;
Console.WriteLine(Peirce(t).Result); // output 10
Now it is fast and not consuming to much resources. It can be even faster (about 70 times in my machine) if you do not use the async/await keyword:
static void Main(string[] args)
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
Func<Func<int, Task<String>>, Task<int>> t =
a => a(20).ContinueWith(ta =>
ta.IsCanceled ? GetCanceledTask<int>() :
Task.FromResult(ta.Result.Length + 10)).Unwrap();
Console.WriteLine(Peirce(t).Result); // output 20
t = a => Task.FromResult(10);
Console.WriteLine(Peirce(t).Result); // output 10
Here the matter is, even you can detected the return value of a(20), there is no way to cancel the async block rather than throwing an OperationCanceledException and it prevents WhenAny to be optimized.
UPDATE: optimised code and compared async/await and native Task API.
UPDATE: If I can write the following code it will be ideal:
static Task<A> Peirce<A, B>(Func<Func<A, Task<B>>, Task<A>> a)
var aa = new TaskCompletionSource<A>();
return await? a(async b => {
await break;
}) : await aa.Task;
Here, await? a : b has value a's result if a successes, has value b if a is cancelled (like a ? b : c, the value of a's result should have the same type of b).
await break will cancel the current async block.
As Stephen Toub of MS Parallel Programming Team says: "No. Don't bother disposing of your tasks."
tldr: In most cases, disposing of a task does nothing, and when the task actually has allocated unmanaged resources, its finalizer will release them when the task object is collected.