Read csv file and output into a list box & list that can be edited - c#

I'm trying to make a Windows Forms App that allows the user to load a chosen csv file (any csv file that has the same format) and be able to edit the list. The csv file has to be opened using OpenFileDialog and output into a list box in a formatted way. Once the user has loaded the csv file, the option to change the data of the list needs to be added.
Form code:
public partial class inventoryForm : Form
OpenFileDialog ipFile = new OpenFileDialog();
public inventoryForm()
private void loadInvDataButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
inventoryListBox.Items.Clear(); //clear listbox items
if (ipFile.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) //show dialog box
Inventory inventory = new Inventory();
var inventories = inventory.Load(ipFile.FileName);
//sets the datasource of the list box to the collection of inventory
//by default it calls the ToString() method which which overrode
//to provide columar output
inventoryListBox.DataSource = inventories;
Class code:
public class Inventory
public string Id { get; set; }
public string ItemName { get; set; }
public int StartingQty { get; set; }
public int QtyMinRestck { get; set; }
public int QtySold { get; set; }
public int QtyRStcked { get; set; }
public decimal UnitPrice { get; set; }
public Inventory()
//this overrides the default .ToString() method to provide
//columnar output and formats the UnitPrice to currrency
//this requires the following: using System.Globalization;
public override string ToString()
return String.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}{5}{6}"
, Id.PadRight(20, ' ')
, ItemName.PadRight(20, ' ')
, StartingQty.ToString().PadLeft(20, ' ')
, QtyMinRestck.ToString().PadLeft(20, ' ')
, QtySold.ToString().PadLeft(20, ' ')
, QtyRStcked.ToString().PadLeft(20, ' ')
, UnitPrice.ToString("C", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture).PadLeft(20, ' '));
//this loads a collection of inventory objects from a file
//it would ignore any lines with errors
public IEnumerable<Inventory> Load(string InventoryFileName)
var inventories = new List<Inventory>();
using (var sr = new StreamReader(InventoryFileName))
sr.ReadLine(); //skip the first line
while (!sr.EndOfStream)
var fields = sr.ReadLine().Split(',');
inventories.Add(new Inventory
Id = fields[0]
ItemName = fields[1]
StartingQty = Int32.Parse(fields[2])
QtyMinRestck = Int32.Parse(fields[3])
QtySold = Int32.Parse(fields[4])
QtyRStcked = Int32.Parse(fields[5])
UnitPrice = Decimal.Parse(fields[6])
//handle error here
return inventories;
I was told that this code I have needs to be serialized because it's currently deserialized. I'm not sure how to do this. I believe my current code does not allow the user to edit even if the code was added.

A ListBox can display your class but is ill-suited for all your other tasks.
Instead go for a DataGridView!
First look up how to 'read cvs to DataTable' and do it.
Next how to 'bind DataTable to DataGridView'.
Finally how to 'serialize a DataTable'.
While the display in a ListBox may be ok, as long as you restrict it to fixed font, you can't edit it.
Your class has only simple data types and can be made serializable by simply attatching the [Serializable] attribute. This would apply to a List<Inventory> as well but there is a better way.
DataTable is serializable out of the box and a DGV lets you edit all cells by default..
The resulting code will consist of one method to load cvs to xml (GetDataTableFromCsv) and one or two lines each to save and load the data to xml (Serialization). All are to be found in the first one or two google hits.

enter code here
head = reader.ReadLine();
string[] line = reader.ReadLine().Split(';');
Class rep;
if (line[2] == "2.0")
rep = new Class2(line);
else if (line[2] == "2.1")
rep = new Class21(line);
rep = new Class51(line);
enter code here


How to create a Class List with different numbers of inputs in C#

I'm working on my first real c# project and I have faced a problem with my way of creating List based on a Class, which I have no idea how to solve.
I’m trying to write some code, which takes an input file (txt/csv) of multiple constructions with multiple layers, put it into my program, and later write the constructions into a new txt/csv file.
When having the same numbers of layers, it works fine. But when the constructions have different numbers of layers it causes trouble and I get a “System.IndexOutOfRangeException”.
My question is: Can I make the Class which I’m basing my List on, dynamic (I don’t know if it is the technical term), so it work with different numbers of inputs? Both when Adding the construction to the program and when I write it to a new file?
My code is:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Filepath for the input and output file
string filePathIn_constructions = #"C:\Library\Constructions.txt";
string filePathOut = #"C:\Library\EPlus_Inputfile.txt";
// Creating a list of constructions based on the class. The list is made from the file "filePathIn_constructions"
List<Construction> allConstructions = new List<Construction>();
List<string> lines_constructions = File.ReadAllLines(filePathIn_constructions).ToList(); // add it to a list
// Adding all the data from the fil to the variable "allConstructions"
foreach (var line in lines_constructions)
string[] entries = line.Split(',');
Construction newConstruction = new Construction();
newConstruction.EIndex = entries[0];
newConstruction.Name = entries[1];
newConstruction.Layer1 = entries[2];
newConstruction.Layer2 = entries[3];
newConstruction.Layer3 = entries[4];
newConstruction.Layer4 = entries[5];
newConstruction.Layer5 = entries[6];
allConstructions.Add(newConstruction); // Add it to our list of constructions
List<string> output = new List<string>();
foreach (var x in allConstructions) // Printing the new
output.Add($"{x.EIndex}, {x.Name}, {x.Layer1}, {x.Layer2}, {x.Layer3}, {x.Layer4}, {x.Layer5}");
File.WriteAllLines(txtFilePathOut, output);
My Class for the Constructions is
public class Construction
public string EIndex { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Layer1 { get; set; }
public string Layer2 { get; set; }
public string Layer3 { get; set; }
public string Layer4 { get; set; }
public string Layer5 { get; set; }
An example of a input/output file could be
Construction,Wood/Concrete Wall,Wood,Isulation,Concrete,Gypson;
Construction,Wood Wall,Wood,AirGap,Gypson,Isulaiton,Gypson;
I hope someone can help. Thanks.
Edit: I have to be able to excess the construction Name seperatly, because i'm using it to do some sorting of the.
public class Construction
public string EIndex { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public List<string> Layers { get; set; } = new List<string>();
foreach (var line in lines_constructions)
string[] entries = line.Split(',');
Construction newConstruction = new Construction();
newConstruction.EIndex = entries[0];
newConstruction.Name = entries[1];
for (int i=2; i < entries.Length; i++) {
foreach(var x in allConstuctions) {
File.AppendAllText(output, $"{x.EIndex}, {x.Name}, {string.Join(", ", x.Layers)}");
It is because you are trying to reach a cell of an array that doesn't exist (documentation)
In your input/output file you have lines that have between 3 and 7 values, and you are building an array entries out of those values. This means that you will have arrays with between 3 and 7 cells
The problem is that right after creating those arrays you try to access on every array the cells 0, 1, 2... up to the 7th, even for arrays that have only 3 cells!
What you could do to fix this in a simple way is to add columns to have the same number of separator on each lines (you defined the separator of your lines as column with line.Split(',')). This way, every arrays that you will create will always have 7 cells, even if the value inside is null

C# Reading from multiple text files, splitting lines into a List, and then loading into ListBox

I'm getting a few errors and also my code is unfinished. I was using another Stackoverflow question to set this up to begin with but it wasn't fit to my needs.
I have three text files which the data is split by commas such as "Name,25,25.6" so string, int, decimal. I have all three text files that have three columns like that, same data types, but just different names/numbers.
I have three different list boxes that I want to split them into but I'm having trouble getting the three different split list items to get into three different list boxes. I'll copy and paste all the code I have. I am also using a combo box to allow the user to select the file they want to load into the combo box which I believe I got it right.
The errors I get are in the displayLists(), it says on the lstItemName.DataSource = Inventory; line that Inventory does not exist in the current context. There are also a plenitude of other errors.
Any help will be appreciated, I'll copy and paste my code. I have a Windows Form and I'm using Visual Studio Express 2012 in C#
namespace TCSCapstone
public partial class frmInventory : Form
public frmInventory()
string cstrItemName;
int cintNumberOfItems;
decimal cdecPrice;
decimal cdecTotalPrices;
string selectedList = "";
private void comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
selectedList = this.cmbList.GetItemText(this.cmbList.SelectedItem);
if (selectedList == "Creative Construction")//if the selected combo
box item equals the exact string selected
selectedList = "creative"; //then the string equals creative,
which is creative.txt but I add the .txt in the btnLoadInfo method
} else if (selectedList == "Paradise Building")
selectedList = "paradise";//this is for paradise.txt
else if (selectedList == "Sitler Construction")
selectedList = "sitler";//this is for sitler.txt
MessageBox.Show("Please select one of the items.");
private void btnLoadInfo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
List<frmInventory> Inventory = new List<frmInventory>();
using (StreamReader invReader = new StreamReader(selectedList +
while (invReader.Peek() >= 0)
string str;
string[] strArray;
str = invReader.ReadLine();
strArray = str.Split(',');
frmInventory currentItem = new frmInventory();
currentItem.cstrItemName = strArray[0];
currentItem.cintNumberOfItems = int.Parse(strArray[1]);
currentItem.cdecPrice = decimal.Parse(strArray[2]);
}//end of btnLoadInfo
void displayLists()
int i;
lstItemName.DataSource = Inventory;
lstItemName.ValueMember = "cstrItemName";
lstItemName.DisplayMember = "cintNumberOfItems";
}//end of frmInventory
}//end of namespace
I do not know if this is exactly what you need, but try something like this:
public partial class Form2 : Form
List<Inventory> inventory;
public Form2()
public void ReadFiles()
if (inventory == null)
inventory = new List<Inventory>();
using (TextReader r = new StreamReader("file.txt"))
string line = null;
while ((line = r.ReadLine()) != null)
string[] fields = line.Split(',');
Inventory obj = new Inventory();
obj.Name = fields[0];
obj.Qtd = Convert.ToInt32(fields[1]);
obj.Price = Convert.ToInt32(fields[2]);
public void SetDataSourceList()
listBox1.DisplayMember = "Name";
listBox2.DisplayMember = "Qtd";
listBox3.DisplayMember = "Price";
listBox1.DataSource =
listBox2.DataSource =
listBox3.DataSource =
public class Inventory
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Qtd { get; set; }
public decimal Price { get; set; }

Issue with writing to a text file

I am writing a program where I want to be able to add a Surfer (a class that requires four strings, FirstName, LastName, Dob, Country). (I did not use DateTime as it wasn't a necessity for this project although it is probably better practice to use it.) I then wanted to write the class I just created to a text file, and I have a formatted string for this. I have two issues.
It is not writing the Dob or the Country to the text file.
I am not sure how to put each entry on a new line. (i have tried \n
at the end of my FileFormat string and seperately at the end of my
string toFile.
The code I have for attempting to do this is
public class Surfer
protected string SurferFirstName { get; set; }
protected string SurferLastName { get; set; }
protected string SurferDob { get; set; }
protected string SurferCountry { get; set; }
public Surfer() { }
public Surfer(string surferFirstName, string surferLastName, string surferDob, string surferCountry)
SurferFirstName = surferFirstName;
SurferLastName = surferLastName;
surferDob = SurferDob;
surferCountry = SurferCountry;
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("Surfer name: {0} {1} Surferdob: {2} \n Country: {3}", SurferFirstName, SurferLastName, SurferDob, SurferCountry);
//for display in the textblock, virtual for inheritance
/* public virtual string vehicleDetails()
return string.Format("Make:{0,40} \nModel:{1,40} \nPrice:{2,40} \nYear: {3,40} \nColour: {4,40}, \nMileage: {5,40} \nDescription: {6,40} \nEngine: {7,40}", Make, Model, Price, Year, Colour, Mileage, Description, Engine);
//for formatting to a text file
public string FileFormat()
return string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3} \n", SurferFirstName, SurferLastName, SurferDob, SurferCountry);
My code is the WindowAdd.cs
private void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
//reading in from text boxes
string fName = txtbxFirstName.Text;
string lName = txtbxLastName.Text;
string dob = txtbxDob.Text;
string country = txtbxCountry.Text;
//basic validation
if (fName.Length <2 || lName.Length <2 )
MessageBox.Show("first and last name must be entered");
else if(dob.Length <10 || dob.Length>10)
MessageBox.Show("Enter dob in the correct format (dd/mm/yyyy)");
else if(country.Length <3)
MessageBox.Show("Enter a valid country");
//sets mainWindow
MainWindow mainWindow = new MainWindow();
//creates new surfer class
Surfer newSurfer = new Surfer(fName, lName, dob, country);
//adds to observable collection
//uses FileFormat from the Surfer Class to format in order to add to text file
string toFile = newSurfer.FileFormat();
//append to Surfers.Text
File.AppendAllText("Surfers.Text", toFile);
//closes window
The result I am getting in the text file is like this
John,Barry,, Happy,Gilmore,,
this is for two attempted entries
The basic validation is working so it is reading in from the xaml okay. I know I could use File.WriteAllLines and write code to send every element in my observable collection to the text file through a save button, but if possible I would rather do it in a manner similar to the method I am trying, where I save one entry to the textfile at a time without deleting existing elements.
You constructor is assigning variables the wrong direction for Dob and Country. You're assigning the property into the parameter, instead of parameter into the property.
public Surfer(string surferFirstName, string surferLastName, string surferDob, string surferCountry)
SurferFirstName = surferFirstName;
SurferLastName = surferLastName;
surferDob = SurferDob;
surferCountry = SurferCountry;
For new lines, use Environment.NewLine as suggested above by Quantic.

Reading multiple records kept in a text file

Basically i have the user open a text document that is formatted like this currently.
Burger.jpg,Double Down KFC,Food,30/06/95,This is a burger
it then splits the info into an array then into variables and then into text boxes.
obviously if i wanted multiple records i may have to format it differently, (thats what i need help with)
But if i had it like this what would be the most efficient way of taking these records from the text file and storing them separately so i can flick through them. For example with a combo box on my form. When the record is selected the form populates with that records data.
multiple records:
Burger.jpg,Double Down KFC,Food,30/06/95,This is a burger
Person.jpg,Smile,People,23/06/95,This is a Person
Here is my code currently for this part.
private void LoadFile()
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(fileName);
content = reader.ReadLine();
doc = content.Split(',');
filename = Convert.ToString(doc[0]);
fileNameTextBox.Text = doc[0];
description = doc[1];
descriptionTextBox.Text = doc[1];
category = doc[2];
categoryComboBox.Text = doc[2];
//dateTaken = Convert.ToDouble(doc[3]);
dateTakenTextBox.Text = doc[3];
comments = doc[4];
commentsTextBox.Text = doc[4];
This code currently works but only for the first record as it is using one array, and i obviously will need multiple ways of storing the other lines.
I Think the best option if i was going to give it a guess would be to use a List of some sort with a Class that generates Records, but that is where i am stuck and need help.
(usually my questions on here get downvoted as i am not concise enough if that is the case comment and i will try to alter my question.
Thanks everyone.
I would create a class that holds the information of a record
public class ImageInfo
public string FileName { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public string Category { get; set; }
public DateTime Date { get; set; }
public string Comments { get; set; }
public override string ToString()
return FileName;
Now you can write a method that returns the image infos
public List<ImageInfo> ReadImageInfos(string fileName)
string[] records = File.ReadAllLines(fileName);
var images = new List<ImageInfo>(records.Length);
foreach (string record in records) {
string[] columns = record.Split(',');
if (columns.Length >= 5) {
var imageInfo = new ImageInfo();
imageInfo.FileName = columns[0];
imageInfo.Description = columns[1];
imageInfo.Category = columns[2];
DateTime d;
if (DateTime.TryParseExact(columns[3], "dd/MM/yy",
CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out d))
imageInfo.Date = d;
imageInfo.Comments = columns[4];
return images;
Now you can fill the textboxes with one of these records like this
List<ImageInfo> images = ReadImageInfos(fileName);
if (images.Count > 0) {
ImageInfo image = images[0];
fileNameTextBox.Text = image.FileName;
descriptionTextBox.Text = image.Description;
categoryComboBox.Text = image.Category;
dateTakenTextBox.Text = image.Date.ToShortDateString();
commentsTextBox.Text = image.Comments;
The advantage of this approach is that the two operations of reading and displaying the records are separate. This makes it easier to understand and modify the code.
You can add ImageInfo objects to a ComboBox or ListBox directly instead of adding file names if you override the ToString method in the ImageInfo class.
public override string ToString()
return FileName;
Add the items to a combo box like this:
myComboBox.Items.Add(image); // Where image is of type ImageInfo.
You can retrieve the currently selected item with:
ImageInfo image = (ImageInfo)myComboBox.SelectedItem;
Most likely you will be doing this in the SelectedIndexChanged event handler.
void myComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
ImageInfo image = (ImageInfo)myComboBox.SelectedItem;
myTextBox.Text = image.FileName;
Create a class that resembles a row of your data, then iterate over the file, making your split and constructing a new class instance with your split data. Store this in a List<> (or some other appropriate structure) ensure you store it such that it can be referenced later. Don't change your UI as you are loading and parsing the file (as Mike has suggested), also as mike suggests you need to read until the EOF is reached (plenty of examples of this on the web) MSDN example.
Also, streamreader implements IDisposable, so you need to dispose of it, or wrap it in a using statement to clean up.
Example class, you could even pass the row in as a constructor argument:
public class LineItem
public string FileName { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public string Category { get; set; }
public DateTime DateTaken { get; set; }
public string Comments { get; set; }
public LineItem(string textRow)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(textRow) && textRow.Contains(','))
string[] parts = textRow.Split(',');
if (parts.Length == 5)
// correct length
FileName = parts[0];
Description = parts[1];
Category = parts[2];
Comments = parts[4];
// this needs some work
DateTime dateTaken = new DateTime();
if (DateTime.TryParse(parts[3], out dateTaken))
DateTaken = dateTaken;
Your code is not iterating through the records within the file.
You want to continue reading until the end of the file.
while (content != eof)
// split content
// populate text boxes
But this will overwrite your text boxes with each pass of the loop.
Also, you want to separate your code - do not mix I/O process with code that updates the UI.
The name of the method implies you are loading a file, but the method is doing far more than that. I would suggest changing the method to read the file, split each record into a class object which then gets stored into an array - and return that array.
A separate method will take that array and populate your table or grid or whatever is in the UI. Ideally, you have the gridview bind to the array.
If you keep all your entries the same:
name,food,type,blah blah
name,food,type,blah blah
you can add another split into your code:
line = content.Split('\n');
foreach (line in filename)
doc = line.Split(',');
//do stuff...
As for the option for string multiple entries, a method I have used is implementing a list of Models:
class ModelName
string Name { get; set; }
string foodType { get; set; }
public void ModelName()
Name = null;
foodType = null;
List<Model> ModelList;
foreach (line in filename)
doc = line.Split(',');
Model.Name = doc[1];
And have a different list, and a different Model for each type of entry (person or food)

Load .txt File to GridControl (DevExpress)

I was searching in the NET but didn't found anything useful for my case .
I'am using DevExpress/GridControl ... and I have no idea how I can load .txt in GridControl with two Columns (Split on txt ==> '/t' )
DevExpress recommend using BindingList<T> to create binding data at runtime. You then assign this to the GridControl.DataSource property. See here for more info.
You would need to create an intermediate class (or struct) to hold a row of data from your text file:
public class TextFileData
public TextFileData(string columnA, string columnB)
ColumnA = columnA;
ColumnB = columnB;
public string ColumnA { get; set; }
public string ColumnB { get; set; }
Then implement a method to open the file, sequentially read and convert the line to TextFileData and add it to your BindingList<TextFileData> instance. Something like:
public static class TextFileReader
public static BindingList<TextFileData> Read(string path)
var list = new BindingList<TextFileData>();
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(path))
while (sr.Peek() >=0)
String line = sr.ReadLine();
string[] columns = line.Split('\t')
list.Add(new TextFileData(columns[0], columns[1]));
return list;
