All I need is to update a page with alerts when someone else creates one. Wouldn't have to be real time, but every 10 seconds or so minimum. It also needs to flash the tab when something is new is displayed for the user to know something was updated if they are currently on a different page. Thank you.
I've never tried to use knockout with signalR, this is how we do it with near-0 latency.
In our masterpage we include the jquery signalR library
Underneath, we tell it to include the signalR auto-generated script
our Hub class looks like so.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR;
using Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Hubs;
namespace CHSI.Shared.APIs
public class ApplicationMessageHub : Hub
private readonly TimeSpan _updateInterval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(5000);
private IList< DSIDGroup> DSIDGroups = new List<DSIDGroup>();
public ApplicationMessageHub()
public void CheckMessages(object state)
public Models.ApplicationMessage GetCurrentMessage(int DSID)
Models.ApplicationMessage currentMessage = null;
return currentMessage;
public override Task OnConnected()
string DSID = Context.QueryString["DSID"];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(DSID))
Groups.Add(Context.ConnectionId, DSID);
DSIDGroup currentGroup = (from g in this.DSIDGroups where g.DSID == DSID select g).FirstOrDefault();
if (currentGroup != null)
currentGroup = new DSIDGroup();
currentGroup.DSID = DSID;
return base.OnConnected();
public override Task OnDisconnected(bool stopCalled)
foreach (var DSIDgroup in DSIDGroups)
if (DSIDgroup.ConnecedIDs.Contains(Context.ConnectionId))
if (DSIDgroup.ConnecedIDs.Count == 0)
return base.OnDisconnected(stopCalled);
public void BroadcastMessage(Models.ApplicationMessage message)
public void clearCache(int DSID)
public Models.ApplicationMessage GetMessages()
foreach (var group in this.DSIDGroups)
Models.ApplicationMessage currentMessage = GetCurrentMessage(Convert.ToInt32(group.DSID));
if (currentMessage != null)
return null;
//return _applicationMessage.GetCurrentMessage();
public class DSIDGroup
public string DSID {get;set;}
public IList<string> ConnecedIDs { get;set; }
public DSIDGroup()
this.ConnecedIDs = new List<string>();
This class handles grouping my users into groups based on their account (DSID), but you could group users by chat room, not at all, or some other methodology.
We also call javascript functions elsewhere in the codebase like so.
var context = Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<CHSI.Shared.APIs.ApplicationMessageHub>();
List<string> dsids = new List<string>();
There is a javascript function called SendMessage and another called clearCache which handles those calls.
They're defined like so.
applicationMessageHub.client.sendMessage = function (message) {
applicationMessageHub.client.clearCache = function () {
I hope this helps!
How can I get all classes that implements a specific interface then call a function of that class if a string member of the specific class matches a given one?
Basically what I have is a ICommandHandler interface:
interface ICommandHandler
string Command { get; }
Task ExecuteAsync();
and a class that implements it:
public class StartCommand : ICommandHandler
public string Command { get => "start"; }
public async Task ExecuteAsync()
// do something
What I want to do is to get all the classes that implements the ICommandHandler interface, then verify if the class.Command equals a specific string and if it does then call the ExecuteAsync method.
I've tried using this answer here: but the class.Command is always null
Edit: The answer I got bellow does what I wanted to do:
What I was looking for was a way to use ICommandHandler to allow me to easily gather all the classes inheriting from it and call the ExecuteAsync function instead of having to manually add the methods in the part of the code handling TdLib message events.
So now my project directory looks something like this:
TelegramClient.cs - The place where the classes inheriting from the ICommandHandler are loaded, and where the ExecuteAsync method is called if the Command member matches the Command parsed from the message returned by telegram.
Handlers/ - Base directory for my handlers
CommandHandlers/ - Folder with the ICommandHandler interface and the classes inheriting from it
MessageHandlers/ - Folder with another interface IMessageHandler and the classes inheriting from it
Anyway, in the meantime I've found another answer on a stackoverflow question (Had to scroll a few times) that made it way easier and faster to get multiple handlers without having to repeat the same code over and over again. I've ended by combining the answer linked above with this one:
So I ended with a simple method:
public static IEnumerable<T> GetAll<T>()
return Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()
.Where(type => typeof(T).IsAssignableFrom(type))
.Where(type =>
!type.IsAbstract &&
!type.IsGenericType &&
type.GetConstructor(new Type[0]) != null)
.Select(type => (T)Activator.CreateInstance(type))
That can be easily used like:
private async Task ProcessMessage(TdApi.Update.UpdateNewMessage message)
var command = GetCommand(message.Message);
var textMessage = GetMessageText(message.Message);
if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(command))
var commandHandlers = GetAll<ICommandHandler>();
foreach (var handler in commandHandlers)
if (command == handler.Command)
await handler.ExecuteAsync(_client, message.Message);
else if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textMessage))
var messageHandlers = GetAll<IMessageHandler>();
foreach (var handler in messageHandlers)
var outgoing = handler.Outgoing && message.Message.IsOutgoing;
var incoming = handler.Incoming && !message.Message.IsOutgoing;
if (outgoing || incoming)
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(handler.Pattern))
var match = Regex.Match(textMessage, handler.Pattern);
if (match.Success)
await handler.ExecuteAsync(_client, message.Message);
How the Interface is actually implemented:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using TdLib;
namespace YoutubeDl_Bot.Handlers.CommandHandlers
public class StartCommand : ICommandHandler
public string Command { get => "/start"; }
public async Task ExecuteAsync(TdClient client, TdApi.Message message)
var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
stringBuilder.AppendLine("Hi! I'm a bot that downloads and sends video and audio files from youtube links and many other supported services");
stringBuilder.AppendLine("• Send or forward a text message containing links and I will:");
stringBuilder.AppendLine("• Download the best audio quality available for the video in the speecified link");
stringBuilder.AppendLine("• Download the best video quality available for the video in the speecified link");
stringBuilder.AppendLine("• Send the direct download URL for every link specified in the message");
stringBuilder.AppendLine("• Supported links are available here:");
var formattedText = await client.ExecuteAsync(new TdLib.TdApi.ParseTextEntities { Text = stringBuilder.ToString(), ParseMode = new TdLib.TdApi.TextParseMode.TextParseModeMarkdown() });
await client.ExecuteAsync(new TdLib.TdApi.SendMessage { ChatId = message.ChatId, InputMessageContent = new TdLib.TdApi.InputMessageContent.InputMessageText { Text = formattedText } });
Full TelegramClient class:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using TdLib;
using YoutubeDl_Bot.Handlers.CallbackHandlers;
using YoutubeDl_Bot.Handlers.CommandHandlers;
using YoutubeDl_Bot.Handlers.MessageHandlers;
using YoutubeDl_Bot.Settings;
using YoutubeDl_Bot.Utils;
namespace YoutubeDl_Bot
class TelegramBotClient
private static TdClient _client;
private static TdLib.TdApi.User _me;
private static int _apiId;
private static string _apiHash;
private static string _token;
private static readonly int _verbosityLevel = 4;
private static readonly int _verbosityLevel = 0;
public static bool AuthCompleted = false;
public TelegramBotClient(int apiId, string apiHash)
_apiId = apiId;
_apiHash = apiHash;
public async Task<TdClient> CreateClient()
_client = new TdClient();
await _client.ExecuteAsync(new TdApi.SetLogVerbosityLevel { NewVerbosityLevel = _verbosityLevel });
return _client;
public void StartListening(string botToken)
_token = botToken;
_client.UpdateReceived += _client_UpdateReceived;
private async void _client_UpdateReceived(object sender, TdApi.Update update)
switch (update)
case TdApi.Update.UpdateAuthorizationState updateAuthorizationState when updateAuthorizationState.AuthorizationState.GetType() == typeof(TdApi.AuthorizationState.AuthorizationStateWaitTdlibParameters):
await _client.ExecuteAsync(new TdApi.SetTdlibParameters
Parameters = new TdApi.TdlibParameters
ApiId = _apiId,
ApiHash = _apiHash,
ApplicationVersion = "0.0.1",
DeviceModel = "Bot",
SystemLanguageCode = "en",
SystemVersion = "Unknown"
case TdApi.Update.UpdateAuthorizationState updateAuthorizationState when updateAuthorizationState.AuthorizationState.GetType() == typeof(TdLib.TdApi.AuthorizationState.AuthorizationStateWaitEncryptionKey):
await _client.ExecuteAsync(new TdLib.TdApi.CheckDatabaseEncryptionKey());
case TdLib.TdApi.Update.UpdateAuthorizationState updateAuthorizationState when updateAuthorizationState.AuthorizationState.GetType() == typeof(TdLib.TdApi.AuthorizationState.AuthorizationStateWaitPhoneNumber):
await _client.ExecuteAsync(new TdLib.TdApi.CheckAuthenticationBotToken { Token = _token });
case TdLib.TdApi.Update.UpdateConnectionState updateConnectionState when updateConnectionState.State.GetType() == typeof(TdLib.TdApi.ConnectionState.ConnectionStateReady):
// To Do Settings
var botSettings = new BotSettings(_apiId, _apiHash, _token);
_me = await _client.ExecuteAsync(new TdLib.TdApi.GetMe());
Helpers.Print($"Logged in as: {_me.FirstName}");
SettingsManager.Set<BotSettings>("", botSettings);
case TdLib.TdApi.Update.UpdateNewMessage message:
if (!message.Message.IsOutgoing)
await ProcessMessage(message);
case TdApi.Update.UpdateNewCallbackQuery callbackQuery:
await ProcessCallbackQuery(callbackQuery);
private async Task ProcessMessage(TdApi.Update.UpdateNewMessage message)
var command = GetCommand(message.Message);
var textMessage = GetMessageText(message.Message);
if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(command))
var commandHandlers = GetAll<ICommandHandler>();
foreach (var handler in commandHandlers)
if (command == handler.Command)
await handler.ExecuteAsync(_client, message.Message);
else if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textMessage))
var messageHandlers = GetAll<IMessageHandler>();
foreach (var handler in messageHandlers)
var outgoing = handler.Outgoing && message.Message.IsOutgoing;
var incoming = handler.Incoming && !message.Message.IsOutgoing;
if (outgoing || incoming)
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(handler.Pattern))
var match = Regex.Match(textMessage, handler.Pattern);
if (match.Success)
await handler.ExecuteAsync(_client, message.Message);
private async Task ProcessCallbackQuery(TdApi.Update.UpdateNewCallbackQuery callbackQuery)
if (callbackQuery.Payload.GetType() == typeof(TdApi.CallbackQueryPayload.CallbackQueryPayloadData))
var payload = callbackQuery.Payload as TdApi.CallbackQueryPayload.CallbackQueryPayloadData;
var callbackHandlers = GetAll<ICallbackHandler>();
foreach (var handler in callbackHandlers)
if (handler.DataIsRegex)
if (Regex.Match(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(payload.Data), handler.Data).Success)
await handler.ExecuteAsync(_client, callbackQuery);
else if (handler.Data == System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(payload.Data))
await handler.ExecuteAsync(_client, callbackQuery);
public string GetCommand(TdApi.Message message)
string command = null;
TdLib.TdApi.FormattedText formattedText = new TdLib.TdApi.FormattedText();
if (message.Content.GetType() == typeof(TdLib.TdApi.MessageContent.MessageText))
var messageText = message.Content as TdLib.TdApi.MessageContent.MessageText;
formattedText = messageText.Text;
if (message.Content.GetType() == typeof(TdLib.TdApi.MessageContent.MessagePhoto))
var messagePhoto = message.Content as TdLib.TdApi.MessageContent.MessagePhoto;
formattedText = messagePhoto.Caption;
else if (message.Content.GetType() == typeof(TdLib.TdApi.MessageContent.MessageDocument))
var messageDocument = message.Content as TdLib.TdApi.MessageContent.MessageDocument;
formattedText = messageDocument.Caption;
else if (message.Content.GetType() == typeof(TdLib.TdApi.MessageContent.MessageVideo))
var messageVideo = message.Content as TdLib.TdApi.MessageContent.MessageVideo;
formattedText = messageVideo.Caption;
foreach (var entity in formattedText.Entities)
if (entity.Type.GetType() == typeof(TdLib.TdApi.TextEntityType.TextEntityTypeBotCommand) && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(command))
if (entity.Offset == 0)
var splitCommand = formattedText.Text.Split();
if (splitCommand[0].EndsWith($"#{_me.Username}"))
command = splitCommand[0].Split('#')[0];
command = splitCommand[0];
return command;
public string GetMessageText(TdApi.Message message)
TdLib.TdApi.FormattedText formattedText = new TdLib.TdApi.FormattedText();
if (message.Content.GetType() == typeof(TdLib.TdApi.MessageContent.MessageText))
var messageText = message.Content as TdLib.TdApi.MessageContent.MessageText;
formattedText = messageText.Text;
if (message.Content.GetType() == typeof(TdLib.TdApi.MessageContent.MessagePhoto))
var messagePhoto = message.Content as TdLib.TdApi.MessageContent.MessagePhoto;
formattedText = messagePhoto.Caption;
else if (message.Content.GetType() == typeof(TdLib.TdApi.MessageContent.MessageDocument))
var messageDocument = message.Content as TdLib.TdApi.MessageContent.MessageDocument;
formattedText = messageDocument.Caption;
else if (message.Content.GetType() == typeof(TdLib.TdApi.MessageContent.MessageVideo))
var messageVideo = message.Content as TdLib.TdApi.MessageContent.MessageVideo;
formattedText = messageVideo.Caption;
return formattedText.Text;
public static IEnumerable<T> GetAll<T>()
return Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()
.Where(type => typeof(T).IsAssignableFrom(type))
.Where(type =>
!type.IsAbstract &&
!type.IsGenericType &&
type.GetConstructor(new Type[0]) != null)
.Select(type => (T)Activator.CreateInstance(type))
Since it's always null I think that the problem is that you're not creating an instance of your handler. I prepared a demo for you where I did that and it works.
public interface ICommandHandler
string Command { get; }
Task ExecuteAsync();
public class FirstCommandHandler : ICommandHandler
public string Command => "First";
public async Task ExecuteAsync()
Console.WriteLine("Hello from first.");
await Task.Delay(10);
public class SecondCommandHandler : ICommandHandler
public string Command => "Second";
public async Task ExecuteAsync()
Console.WriteLine("Hello from second.");
await Task.Delay(10);
public class Program
static async Task Main(string[] args)
var handlers = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()
.SelectMany(s => s.GetTypes())
.Where(p => typeof(ICommandHandler).IsAssignableFrom(p) && p.IsClass);
foreach (var handler in handlers)
var handlerInstance = (ICommandHandler)Activator.CreateInstance(handler);
if (handlerInstance.Command == "First")
await handlerInstance.ExecuteAsync();
If it's not the case, could you show some more code? Are you trying to check Command value by reflection?
I have had a static version of this type of code working in a static version. However the API calls were just incredibly slow. I am trying to move to asynchronous now that C# 7 supports console async tasks (where I add code to connect to my DB and store data. I want to see this code output on the console to ensure it's working so I can assign variables for loading. I can't seem to figure out how to access the list from main. Here is the code I have so far:
Wrapper (or C# library):
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
namespace AlphaVantageApiWrapper
public static class AlphaVantageApiWrapper
public static async Task<AlphaVantageRootObject> GetTechnical(List<ApiParam> parameters, string apiKey)
var stringRequest = parameters.Aggregate(#"", (current, param) => current + param.ToApiString());
stringRequest += "&apikey=" + apiKey;
var apiData = await CallAlphaVantageApi(stringRequest);
var technicalsObject = new AlphaVantageRootObject
MetaData = new MetaData
Function = parameters.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ParamName.Equals("function"))?.ParamValue ?? "NA?",
Interval = parameters.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ParamName.Equals("interval"))?.ParamValue ?? "NA?",
SeriesType = parameters.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ParamName.Equals("series_type"))?.ParamValue ?? "NA?",
Symbol = parameters.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ParamName.Equals("symbol"))?.ParamValue ?? "NA?"
TechnicalsByDate = apiData.Last.Values().OfType<JProperty>().Select(x => new TechnicalDataDate
Date = Convert.ToDateTime(x.Name),
Data = x.Value.OfType<JProperty>().Select(r => new TechnicalDataObject
TechnicalKey = r.Name,
TechnicalValue = Convert.ToDouble(r.Value.ToString())
return technicalsObject;
public class ApiParam
public string ParamName;
public string ParamValue;
public ApiParam(string paramNameIn, string paramValueIn)
ParamName = paramNameIn;
ParamValue = paramValueIn;
public string ToApiString()
return $"&{ParamName}={ParamValue}";
public static string ToDescription(this Enum enumeration)
var type = enumeration.GetType();
var memInfo = type.GetMember(enumeration.ToString());
if (memInfo.Length <= 0) return enumeration.ToString();
var attrs = memInfo[0].GetCustomAttributes(typeof(EnumDescription), false);
return attrs.Length > 0 ? ((EnumDescription)attrs[0]).Text : enumeration.ToString();
public static async Task<JObject> CallAlphaVantageApi(string stringRequest)
using (var client = new HttpClient())
var res = await client.GetStringAsync(stringRequest);
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JObject>(res);
catch (Exception e)
//fatal error
return null;
public class AlphaVantageRootObject
public MetaData MetaData;
public List<TechnicalDataDate> TechnicalsByDate;
public class MetaData
public string Function;
public string Interval;
public string SeriesType;
public string Symbol;
public class TechnicalDataDate
public DateTime Date;
public List<TechnicalDataObject> Data;
public class TechnicalDataObject
public string TechnicalKey { get; set; }
public double TechnicalValue { get; set; }
public class EnumDescription : Attribute
public string Text { get; }
public EnumDescription(string text)
Text = text;
public enum AvFuncationEnum
[EnumDescription("SMA")] Sma,
[EnumDescription("EMA")] Ema,
[EnumDescription("MACD")] Macd,
[EnumDescription("STOCH")] Stoch,
[EnumDescription("RSI")] Rsi,
public enum AvIntervalEnum
[EnumDescription("1min")] OneMinute,
[EnumDescription("5min")] FiveMinutes,
[EnumDescription("15min")] FifteenMinutes,
[EnumDescription("30min")] ThirtyMinutes,
[EnumDescription("60min")] SixtyMinutes,
[EnumDescription("daily")] Daily,
[EnumDescription("weekly")] Weekly,
[EnumDescription("monthly")] Monthly
public enum AvSeriesType
[EnumDescription("close")] Close,
[EnumDescription("open")] Open,
[EnumDescription("high")] High,
[EnumDescription("low")] Low,
The c# async main task (which obviously isn't working)...
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace AlphaVantageApiWrapper.Test
public static class AlphaVantageApiDbLoader
public static async Task Main(string[] args)
var API_KEY = "EnterAPIHERE";
var StockTickers = new List<string> { "AAPL" }; //eventualy becomes a list pulled in from the DB for processing
foreach (var ticker in StockTickers)
var parameters = new List<AlphaVantageApiWrapper.ApiParam>
new AlphaVantageApiWrapper.ApiParam("function", AlphaVantageApiWrapper.AvFuncationEnum.Sma.ToDescription()),
new AlphaVantageApiWrapper.ApiParam("symbol", ticker),
new AlphaVantageApiWrapper.ApiParam("interval", AlphaVantageApiWrapper.AvIntervalEnum.Daily.ToDescription()),
new AlphaVantageApiWrapper.ApiParam("time_period", "5"),
new AlphaVantageApiWrapper.ApiParam("series_type", AlphaVantageApiWrapper.AvSeriesType.Open.ToDescription()),
//Start Collecting SMA values
var SMA_5 = await AlphaVantageApiWrapper.GetTechnical(parameters, API_KEY);
///var SMA_5Result = AlphaVantageApiWrapper.TechnicalDataObject() // can't all method error just want values fron list
parameters.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ParamName == "time_period").ParamValue = "20";
var SMA_20 = await AlphaVantageApiWrapper.GetTechnical(parameters, API_KEY);
parameters.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ParamName == "time_period").ParamValue = "50";
var SMA_50 = await AlphaVantageApiWrapper.GetTechnical(parameters, API_KEY);
parameters.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ParamName == "time_period").ParamValue = "200";
var SMA_200 = await AlphaVantageApiWrapper.GetTechnical(parameters, API_KEY);
//Change function to EMA
//Change function to RSI
//Change function to MACD
Any help would be greatly appreciated! I know the code runs in the background, I just can't seem to get it to a point to view it on the console screen. Eventually I would assign the symbol, date, value returned variable and read these to a DB. I'm used to using DataTables, but the async and .ToList is new to me. Thanks!!
I have a failing testcase that depends on an external module.
I want to use Rhino Mock to generate a report on called functions.
I created a minimal example that illustrates my problem:
using NUnit.Framework;
using Rhino.Mocks;
using System;
namespace StackOverflow_namespace
public interface IUsefulService
object HiddenAmongManyCalls();
public class ThirdPartyBase
private int a = 42;
public ThirdPartyBase(IUsefulService service)
object liveFastDieYoung = service.HiddenAmongManyCalls();
public class MyParty : ThirdPartyBase
public MyParty(IUsefulService service) : base(service)
class StackOverflow
public void Hypothetical()
IUsefulService service = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IUsefulService>();
var party = new MyParty(service);
catch(Exception e)
string[] calls = MagicallyGetTheCallsThatWereMadeToTheMock();
foreach(var call in calls)
//with my visual studio testrunner for nunit 3 I can investigate stored console output
Assert.Fail("Excpexted no exception but was '" + e.GetType().Name + "': " + e.Message);
private string[] MagicallyGetTheCallsThatWereMadeToTheMock()
return new[]
"This is where I am lost, I do not know how to get the calls from the repository."
I tried to find something online without success.
Do Rhino Mocks record all calls and can I access that list?
An attempt to verify Expectations did not work since I am looking for calls I did not expect.
I could build a list of calls using GetArgumentsForCallsMadeOn. I can reflect on the Interface. I started on a method for that but I currently fail to see how I can convert a MethodInfo to an Action<T>.
private IEnumerable<string> GetCallsList<Interface>(Interface rhinomock)
Type interfaceType = typeof(Interface);
List<MethodInfo> interfaceMethodInfos = new List<MethodInfo>();
List<string> returnInfos = new List<string>();
StringBuilder callbuilder = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var property in interfaceType.GetProperties())
foreach (var method in interfaceType.GetMethods())
foreach (var methodinfo in interfaceMethodInfos)
Action<Interface> magic = null; //convert methodinfo into action - still missing
var calls = rhinomock.GetArgumentsForCallsMadeOn(magic); //magic is currently null, here be crash
foreach (var call in calls)
bool more = false;
foreach (var parameter in call)
if (more){ callbuilder.Append(", "); }
if (null == parameter) { callbuilder.Append("<null>"); }
else { callbuilder.Append(parameter.ToString()); }
more = true;
string callInfo = callbuilder.ToString();
return returnInfos;
I was able to use reflection to get the output I wanted.
Here is the minimal example where the test fails and the output contains all method calls.
using NUnit.Framework;
using Rhino.Mocks;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
namespace StackOverflow_namespace
public interface IUsefulService
object HiddenAmongManyCalls();
string TestCall2(string arg1, int arg2);
string FULLACCESS { get; set; }
string READONLY { get; }
public class ThirdPartyBase
private int a = 42;
public ThirdPartyBase(IUsefulService service)
service.TestCall2("callA", 1);
service.TestCall2("callB", 1);
object liveFastDieYoung = service.HiddenAmongManyCalls();
service.TestCall2("callA", 2);
service.TestCall2("callB", 2);
var a = service.FULLACCESS;
var b = service.READONLY;
service.FULLACCESS = "some";
public class MyParty : ThirdPartyBase
public MyParty(IUsefulService service) : base(service)
class StackOverflow
public void Hypothetical()
IUsefulService service = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IUsefulService>();
var party = new MyParty(service);
catch (Exception e)
var calls = GetCallsList(service);
foreach (var call in calls)
//with my visual studio testrunner for nunit 3 I can investigate stored console output
Assert.Fail("Excpexted no exception but was '" + e.GetType().Name + "': " + e.Message);
private IEnumerable<string> GetCallsList<Interface>(Interface rhinomock)
Type interfaceType = typeof(Interface);
List<MethodInfo> interfaceMethodInfos = new List<MethodInfo>();
List<string> returnInfos = new List<string>();
StringBuilder callbuilder = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var property in interfaceType.GetProperties())
AddMethodInfoIfValid(interfaceMethodInfos, property.GetGetMethod());
AddMethodInfoIfValid(interfaceMethodInfos, property.GetSetMethod());
foreach (var method in interfaceType.GetMethods())
AddMethodInfoIfValid(interfaceMethodInfos, method);
foreach (var methodinfo in interfaceMethodInfos)
int paramcount = methodinfo.GetParameters().Length;
object[] args = new object[paramcount];
Action<Interface> lambdacall = (i) => methodinfo.Invoke(i, args);
var calls = rhinomock.GetArgumentsForCallsMadeOn(lambdacall);
foreach (var call in calls)
bool more = false;
foreach (var parameter in call)
if (more) { callbuilder.Append(", "); }
if (null == parameter) { callbuilder.Append("<null>"); }
else {
more = true;
string callInfo = callbuilder.ToString();
return returnInfos;
private static void AddMethodInfoIfValid(List<MethodInfo> interfaceMethodInfos, MethodInfo methodinfo)
if (null != methodinfo)
I created an observable collection IObservable<Tweet> with LinqToTwitter as shown below. The problem is that this implementation has a concurrency issue when I dispose of the first observable and subscribe to a new observable.
How can I dispose of the first observable correctly?
(The samples below should be complete and work as they are, just add referenced packages and Twitter credentials.)
Here is an example where this problem occurs:
using System;
using System.Reactive.Linq;
namespace Twitter.Cli
class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
var twitter = new TwitterApi.Twitter();
var search1 = twitter.AllTweetsAbout("windows")
var search2 = twitter.AllTweetsAbout("android")
var sub = search1.Subscribe(
x =>
Console.WriteLine("TOPIC = {0} - CONTAINS STRING: {1}", x.Topic, x.Text.ToLower().Contains(x.Topic.ToLower()) ? "YES" : "NO"));
* If you stop the processing here for a while so that the StartAsync method can be executed
* within the closure everything works fine because disposed is set to true
* before the second observable is created
x =>
Console.WriteLine("TOPIC = {0} - CONTAINS STRING: {1}", x.Topic, x.Text.ToLower().Contains(x.Topic.ToLower()) ? "YES" : "NO"));
If the StartAsync method in the closure of the first observable creation is executed before the second observable is created then disposed will be set to true and everything is fine.
But if the second observable is created before the next execution of the first closure in StartAsync disposed is set to false again and s.CloseStream(); is never called.
Here is the creation of the observable:
using System;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reactive.Disposables;
using System.Reactive.Linq;
using LinqToTwitter;
namespace TwitterApi
public class Twitter
private readonly SingleUserAuthorizer _auth = new SingleUserAuthorizer
CredentialStore = new InMemoryCredentialStore
ConsumerKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["consumerKey"],
ConsumerSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["consumerSecret"],
OAuthToken = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["authtoken"],
OAuthTokenSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["authtokensecret"],
private readonly TwitterContext _twitterCtx;
public Twitter()
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_auth.CredentialStore.ConsumerKey)
|| String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_auth.CredentialStore.ConsumerSecret)
|| String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_auth.CredentialStore.OAuthToken)
|| String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_auth.CredentialStore.OAuthTokenSecret))
throw new Exception("User Credentials are not set. Please update your App.config file.");
_twitterCtx = new TwitterContext(_auth);
public IObservable<Tweet> AllTweetsAbout(string topic)
return Observable.Create<Tweet>(o =>
var query = from s in _twitterCtx.Streaming
where s.Type == StreamingType.Filter &&
s.Track == topic
select s;
var disposed = false;
query.StartAsync(async s =>
if (disposed)
Tweet t;
if (Tweet.TryParse(s.Content, topic, out t))
return Disposable.Create(() => disposed = true);
And finally the Tweet class:
using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
namespace TwitterApi
public class Tweet
public string User { get; private set; }
public string Text { get; private set; }
public string Topic { get; private set; }
public static bool TryParse(string json, string topic, out Tweet tweet)
dynamic parsed = JObject.Parse(json);
tweet = new Tweet
User = parsed.user.screen_name,
Text = parsed.text,
Topic = topic,
return true;
catch (Exception)
tweet = null;
return false;
private Tweet()
I have the email address of a Lync user and want to send him an instant message.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Lync.Model;
using Microsoft.Lync.Model.Conversation;
namespace Build_Server_Lync_Notifier
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
if (args.Length != 2)
Console.WriteLine("Usage: bsln.exe <uri> <message>");
LyncClient client = Microsoft.Lync.Model.LyncClient.GetClient();
Contact contact = client.ContactManager.GetContactByUri(args[0]);
Conversation conversation = client.ConversationManager.AddConversation();
Dictionary<InstantMessageContentType, String> messages = new Dictionary<InstantMessageContentType, String>();
messages.Add(InstantMessageContentType.PlainText, args[1]);
InstantMessageModality m = (InstantMessageModality) conversation.Modalities[ModalityTypes.InstantMessage];
m.BeginSendMessage(messages, null, messages);
Link to large screenshot:
As you can see in this screenshot, my program doesn't really seem to work, even though I'm able to manually search up the contact and send an instant message manually.
I also tried using ContactManager.BeginSearch() instead of ContactManager.GetContactByUri(), but got the same result (you can see in the screenshot):
Ok, so I got it working now. Got it in a working state, although I need to do some serious refactoring.
using System;
namespace Build_Server_Lync_Notifier
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
if (args.Length != 2)
Console.WriteLine("Usage: bsln.exe <uri> <message>");
LyncManager lm = new LyncManager(args[0], args[1]);
while (!lm.Done)
using Microsoft.Lync.Model;
using Microsoft.Lync.Model.Conversation;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Build_Server_Lync_Notifier
class LyncManager
private string _uri;
private string _message;
private LyncClient _client;
private Conversation _conversation;
private bool _done = false;
public bool Done
get { return _done; }
public LyncManager(string arg0, string arg1)
_uri = arg0;
_message = arg1;
_client = Microsoft.Lync.Model.LyncClient.GetClient();
new object[] { _client.ContactManager, _uri }
private void BeginSearchCallback(IAsyncResult r)
object[] asyncState = (object[]) r.AsyncState;
ContactManager cm = (ContactManager) asyncState[0];
SearchResults results = cm.EndSearch(r);
if (results.AllResults.Count == 0)
Console.WriteLine("No results.");
else if (results.AllResults.Count == 1)
ContactSubscription srs = cm.CreateSubscription();
Contact contact = results.Contacts[0];
ContactInformationType[] contactInformationTypes = { ContactInformationType.Availability, ContactInformationType.ActivityId };
srs.Subscribe(ContactSubscriptionRefreshRate.High, contactInformationTypes);
_conversation = _client.ConversationManager.AddConversation();
Dictionary<InstantMessageContentType, String> messages = new Dictionary<InstantMessageContentType, String>();
messages.Add(InstantMessageContentType.PlainText, _message);
InstantMessageModality m = (InstantMessageModality)_conversation.Modalities[ModalityTypes.InstantMessage];
m.BeginSendMessage(messages, BeginSendMessageCallback, messages);
Console.WriteLine("More than one result.");
catch (SearchException se)
Console.WriteLine("Search failed: " + se.Reason.ToString());
private void BeginSendMessageCallback(IAsyncResult r)
_done = true;
Try Below Code its working Fine For me
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
private static void SendLyncMessage()
string[] targetContactUris = {""};
LyncClient client = LyncClient.GetClient();
Conversation conv = client.ConversationManager.AddConversation();
foreach (string target in targetContactUris)
InstantMessageModality m = conv.Modalities[ModalityTypes.InstantMessage] as InstantMessageModality;
m.BeginSendMessage("Test Message", null, null);