I need 'static' variable that scope is per query, not per application. I describe it a little bit more below so:
I've got some process that evaluates queries. Each query requires it's own ID and I can process multiple queries in parallel. It basically looks like:
var env = new Environement();
ProcessQuery(string query){
var id = Guid.NewId();
var evaluator = CreateEvaluatorBasedOnQuery();
I also have very simple class that holds my environment variables:
public class Environment
private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, object> Objects;
static Environment()
Objects = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, object>();
public T Value<T>(string name)
return (T) Objects[name];
public void SetValue<T>(string name, T value)
if (!Objects.TryAdd(name, value))
Objects.TryUpdate(name, value, Objects[name]);
Environment is set up with values like:
env.SetValue(EnvironmentServiceHelper.PluginsFolderKey, ApplicationConfiguration.PluginsFolder);
env.SetValue(EnvironmentServiceHelper.HttpServerAddressKey, ApplicationConfiguration.HttpServerAdress);
env.SetValue(EnvironmentServiceHelper.ServerAddressKey, ApplicationConfiguration.ServerAddress);
env.SetValue(EnvironmentServiceHelper.TempFolderKey, Path.GetTempPath());
However EnvironmentServiceHelper.TempFolderKey needs to be slightly different per query so instead Path.GetTempPath() I would like it to be $"{Path.GetTempPath()}\{id}".
My requirement is that it should be completelly transparent for evaluator classes. I can't pass id so code like that is not valid.
Environment env = new Environemnt();
GetValue(...) must returns $"{Path.GetTempPath()}\{id}" where id is different for each query.
Can't get it how to build appropriate abstraction to approach this. Currently, I would like to avoid achieving it by separating with different AppDomain. Could someone hints me something?
Why not create a layered Environment? The inside environment keeps the global properties, the outside environment the query specific ones? This object is passed along to every method requiring it.
You start of with a constructor like this:
Environment env = new Environment(originalEnvironment);
Depending on your wishes, you can copy all values from the originalEnvironment to the newly instantiated Environment, or keep a reference.
I have multiple partial views that must be shown if a flag is set to true accross the entire site.
I have that flag hardcoded inside appSettings on my web.config file and is working nice. But now this flag must be set trough our back-end.
The site has a lot of traffic and I need a proper way to reach that, I feel like making a SQL request just to check this flag is an overkill.
I've though about reading a simple txt file containing the flag, but I dont know if it's still "too much".
How would be the most optimized way?
Check out MemoryCache. You can create a basic static class with a static property to return the cached flag value, and then you can define an absolute expiration to whatever comfort level you can live with (5 second or 60 minutes or any timespan) upon which you'd update the value in the cache.
Here is a very quick example to handle threading.
public static class CacheStore
private static readonly string _keyMySharedFlag = "shared.flag";
private static readonly object _lockMySharedFlag = new object();
public static bool MySharedFlag
var cachedFlag = (bool?)MemoryCache.Default.Get(_keyMySharedFlag);
if (cachedFlag != null)
return cachedFlag.Value;
lock (_lockMySharedFlag)
// Confirm no other threads wrote to cache while we waited
cachedFlag = (bool?)MemoryCache.Default.Get(_keyMySharedFlag);
if (cachedFlag != null)
return cachedFlag.Value;
bool? newFlag = true; // Set to your database value
var cachePolicy = new CacheItemPolicy();
cachePolicy.AbsoluteExpiration = DateTimeOffset.Now.AddMinutes(5); // 5 minutes
MemoryCache.Default.Set(_keyMySharedFlag, newFlag, cachePolicy);
return newFlag.Value;
I would suggest define a global configuration class which has all the flags, common data in it and use Dependency Injection to inject it to where ever you need. This will result in a more testable solution I believe.
I basically have created a class which when a user logs into a website it then queries the database and stores some settings in a List (So I have key/pair values).
The reason for this is because I want to always be able to access these settings without going to the database again.
I put these in a class and loop through the fields via a SQL query and add them to the list.
How can I then access these variables from another part of the application? or is there a better way to do this? I'm talking server side and not really client side.
Here is an example of what I had at the moment:
public static void createSystemMetaData()
string constring = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Test"].ConnectionString;
SqlConnection sql = new SqlConnection(constring);
SqlCommand systemMetaData = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM SD_TABLES", sql);
//Set Modules
using (SqlDataReader systemMetaDataReader = systemMetaData.ExecuteReader())
while (systemMetaDataReader.Read())
var name = systemMetaDataReader.GetOrdinal("Sequence").ToString();
var value = systemMetaDataReader.GetOrdinal("Property").ToString();
var Modules = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();
Modules.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>(name, value));
Any static properties of a class will be preserved for the lifetime of the application pool, assuming you're using ASP.NET under IIS.
So a very simple class might look like:
public static class MyConfigClass
public static Lazy<Something> MyConfig = new Lazy<Something>(() => GetSomethings());
public static Something GetSomethings()
// this will only be called once in your web application
You can then consume this by simply calling
For less users you can go with the SessionState as Bob suggested,however with more users you might need to move to a state server or load it from Data Base each time.
As others have pointed out, the risk of holding these values in global memory is that the values might change. Also, global variables are a bad design decision as you can end up with various parts of your application reading and writing to these values, which makes debugging problems harder than it need be.
A commonly adopted solution is to wrap your database access inside a facade class. This class can then cache the values if you wish to avoid hitting the database for each request. In addition, as changes are routed through the facade too, it knows when the data has changed and can empty its cache (forcing a database re-read) when this occurs. As an added bonus, it becomes possible to mock the facade in order to test code without touching the database (database access is notoriously difficult to unit test).
From the looks of things you are using universal values irrespective of users so an SqlCacheDependency would be useful here:
Make sure you setup a database dependency in web.config for the name Test
public static class CacheData {
public static List<KeyValuePair<string,string>> GetData() {
var cache = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Cache;
SqlCacheDependency SqlDep = null;
var modules = Cache["Modules"] as List<KeyValuePair<string,string>>;
if (modules == null) {
// Because of possible exceptions thrown when this
// code runs, use Try...Catch...Finally syntax.
try {
// Instantiate SqlDep using the SqlCacheDependency constructor.
SqlDep = new SqlCacheDependency("Test", "SD_TABLES");
// Handle the DatabaseNotEnabledForNotificationException with
// a call to the SqlCacheDependencyAdmin.EnableNotifications method.
catch (DatabaseNotEnabledForNotificationException exDBDis) {
// Handle the TableNotEnabledForNotificationException with
// a call to the SqlCacheDependencyAdmin.EnableTableForNotifications method.
catch (TableNotEnabledForNotificationException exTabDis) {
SqlCacheDependencyAdmin.EnableTableForNotifications("Test", "SD_TABLES");
finally {
// Assign a value to modules here before calling the next line
Cache.Insert("Modules", modules, SqlDep);
return modules;
EDIT: I rephrased the question, and it was solved on this post: How do I search within a collection of type ConfigurationSection?
Original Question:
I am storing a list of config options in my web config. I may have 50 or 100 items in here eventually.
I am using the method described here:
The good news:
It works, and I have a _Config collection that has all the
The problem: How do I query _Config for a specific feed? (I will have 50-100, maybe more over time.... someday this will move to a db, but not now, as it is hosted on azure, and I need to avoid azure persistence for now.)
(And since this will execute a lot, perhaps it should be hashtable or dictionary? but I don't know how to create em...)
I have struggled, and have been unable to cast _Config into a list or something that I can query.
The question is: How do I get _Config (from the link above) into something that I can query for a specific feed?
The ultimate goal is to have a func that is called to work with a specific feed, and so it needs the config info just from that feed record. In pseudocode, the goal is something like:
if (_Config.name == feedname) // e.g. feedname is one of the "name" elements in the web.config
// do the stuff
// requested feed is not in our config
// tell use can't do it
Or, (also pseudo code)
thisPassFeed = _Config.feedname;
string url = thisPassFeed.url;
// do the stuff
// requested feed is not in our config
// tell use can't do it
return("can't find that feedname in web.config")
You could create a static class that has a private Dictionary member. In the static constructor access the _Config and do
public static class Feeds
private static readonly Dictionary<string, FeedElement> feeds;
static Feeds()
feeds = new Dictionary<string, FeedElement>();
var config = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("feedRetriever") as FeedRetrieverSection;
foreach (FeedElement feed in config.Feeds)
feeds.Add(feed.Name, feed);
static public FeedElement GetFeed(string name)
return feeds[name];
Maybe this is dreaming, but is it possible to create an attribute that caches the output of a function (say, in HttpRuntime.Cache) and returns the value from the cache instead of actually executing the function when the parameters to the function are the same?
When I say function, I'm talking about any function, whether it fetches data from a DB, whether it adds two integers, or whether it spits out the content of a file. Any function.
Your best bet is Postsharp. I have no idea if they have what you need, but that's certainly worth checking. By the way, make sure to publish the answer here if you find one.
EDIT: also, googling "postsharp caching" gives some links, like this one: Caching with C#, AOP and PostSharp
UPDATE: I recently stumbled upon this article: Introducing Attribute Based Caching. It describes a postsharp-based library on http://cache.codeplex.com/ if you are still looking for a solution.
I have just the same problem - I have multiply expensive methods in my app and it is necessary for me to cache those results. Some time ago I just copy-pasted similar code but then I decided to factor this logic out of my domain.
This is how I did it before:
static List<News> _topNews = null;
static DateTime _topNewsLastUpdateTime = DateTime.MinValue;
const int CacheTime = 5; // In minutes
public IList<News> GetTopNews()
if (_topNewsLastUpdateTime.AddMinutes(CacheTime) < DateTime.Now)
_topNews = GetList(TopNewsCount);
return _topNews;
And that is how I can write it now:
public IList<News> GetTopNews()
return Cacher.GetFromCache(() => GetList(TopNewsCount));
Cacher - is a simple helper class, here it is:
public static class Cacher
const int CacheTime = 5; // In minutes
static Dictionary<long, CacheItem> _cachedResults = new Dictionary<long, CacheItem>();
public static T GetFromCache<T>(Func<T> action)
long code = action.GetHashCode();
if (!_cachedResults.ContainsKey(code))
lock (_cachedResults)
if (!_cachedResults.ContainsKey(code))
_cachedResults.Add(code, new CacheItem { LastUpdateTime = DateTime.MinValue });
CacheItem item = _cachedResults[code];
if (item.LastUpdateTime.AddMinutes(CacheTime) >= DateTime.Now)
return (T)item.Result;
T result = action();
_cachedResults[code] = new CacheItem
LastUpdateTime = DateTime.Now,
Result = result
return result;
class CacheItem
public DateTime LastUpdateTime { get; set; }
public object Result { get; set; }
A few words about Cacher. You might notice that I don't use Monitor.Enter() ( lock(...) ) while computing results. It's because copying CacheItem pointer ( return (T)_cachedResults[code].Result; line) is thread safe operation - it is performed by only one stroke. Also it is ok if more than one thread will change this pointer at the same time - they all will be valid.
You could add a dictionary to your class using a comma separated string including the function name as the key, and the result as the value. Then when your functions can check the dictionary for the existence of that value. Save the dictionary in the cache so that it exists for all users.
PostSharp is your one stop shop for this if you want to create a [Cache] attribute (or similar) that you can stick on any method anywhere. Previously when I used PostSharp I could never get past how slow it made my builds (this was back in 2007ish, so this might not be relevant anymore).
An alternate solution is to look into using Render.Partial with ASP.NET MVC in combination with OutputCaching. This is a great solution for serving html for widgets / page regions.
Another solution that would be with MVC would be to implement your [Cache] attribute as an ActionFilterAttribute. This would allow you to take a controller method and tag it to be cached. It would only work for controller methods since the AOP magic only can occur with the ActionFilterAttributes during the MVC pipeline.
Implementing AOP through ActionFilterAttribute has evolved to be the goto solution for my shop.
AFAIK, frankly, no.
But this would be quite an undertaking to implement within the framework in order for it to work generically for everybody in all circumstances, anyway - you could, however, tailor something quite sufficient to needs by simply (where simplicity is relative to needs, obviously) using abstraction, inheritance and the existing ASP.NET Cache.
If you don't need attribute configuration but accept code configuration, maybe MbCache is what you're looking for?
I would like to implement what I know as a CVAR System, I'm not entirely sure on what the official name of it is (if any).
It's essentially a system used in some programs and video games, where a user can pull down a console and input a command, such as "variable 500" to set that variable to 500. Instances of this can be found in any Half-Life game, Doom and Quake games, and many more. The general idea seems to be to hide the underlying architecture, but still allow protected access, for instance, one may be able to view the value for, say, gravity, but not change it. Some of these values may also be functions, for instance, a user may be able to input "create " to create an enemy type at their location, or some other location specified.
Looking through the Half Life 2 SDK, and from what I remember on the GoldSrc SDK, it seems like they at least implemented "flagging" of sorts, where certain commands would only work under certain conditions, such as if another value was set, or if the user has some permission level.
My initial thought was to create a Dictionary, or an object similar to do that, and use that to bind string values to function delegates, as well as keep a "protection" level of sorts, to limit usage of certain commands. However, this seems rather cumbersome, as I believe I would have to go through and add in a new entry manually for each value or function I wanted to implement. I also don't know if this would give me the control level I'm looking for.
I believe ideally what I would like would be a CVAR System class, as well as a Register function that can take it say, a variable/function delegate, a string to access it, and whatever protection level I need. This way I can add what I need as I see them, so everything is still in it's related classes and files.
I'm really just looking for some ideas here, so my questions are:
Has anyone ever done something like this before, and if so, how?
Would my implementation work? (Theoretically, if not, can you think of a better way?)
If someone is more knowledgeable with how one of the previously mentioned titles does it, can you elaborate on that a bit? It seems to be hard to find documentation on them.
I'm not really looking for specific code, just more of structuring design. And it doesn't have to be "commercial" or work just like another, I just need something to get me going.
Were you thinking about something like this?
class CVAR
[ProtectionLevel(CVARFlags.InGameOnly | CVARFlags.Admin)]
private float gravity = 0.1f;
[ProtectionLevel(CVARFlags.InGameOnly | CVARFlags.Admin)]
private float friction = 0.1f;
private string serverVersion = "x.x.x";
public void SetCVARValue(string commandLine) {
string cvarName = GetCvarName(commandLine); // parse the cmd line and get the cvar name from there
object cvarValue = GetCvarValue(commandLine); // parse the value from the string
FieldInfo field = typeof(CVAR).GetField(cvarName);
object[] attributes = field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ProtectionLevel), false);
if(attributes.Length > 0) {
ProtectionLevelAttribute attr = (ProtectionLevelAttribute)attributes[0];
if(attr.CheckConditions(World.Instance)) {
field.SetValue(this, cvarValue);
} else {
// error report
You could write a parser that looks for commands like
/object_property value
/object_method arg1 arg2
A dictionary, like you suggested, could map those strings to properties and functions. The creation of the dictionary could be done dynamically using reflection by looping through eligible objects, taking their public methods and accessors, and generating a string for them.
Then the dictionary could be mapped in a class for convenience and error checking.
For the methods, the dictionary values could be delegates that take 0..n arguments, for the properties/fields, you will need to be able to some data binding between your actual fields and the dictionary value. UNLESS, your objects themselves refer to the dictionaries for their values, in which case the values only live in place.
To do so, you could simply register your properties using reflection in the object constructor, then call the dictionary in your properties.
public enum CVarAccessibilities
public class CVar<T>
public CVarAccessibilities Accessibility { get; set; }
T val;
public T Value {
get { return val; }
if (!Accessibility.HasFlag(CVarAccessibilities.Settable))
return; // just don't set it, maybe print some warning
val = value;
public static class CVarRegistry
static Dictionary<string, Object> CVars;
static CVarRegistry { /* use reflections to initialize the dictionary */ }
public static T GetValue<T>(Type owner, string paramName)
CVar cvar;
if (!CVars.TryGetValue(owner.Name + "_" + paramName, out cvar)
throw new MyCustomException();
return (T)cvar.Value;
public static void SetValue<T>(Type owner, string paramName, T value)
CVar cvar;
if (!CVars.TryGetValue(owner.Name + "_" + paramName, out cvar)
throw new MyCustomException();
cvar.Value = value;
public class MyObject
public static int MyRegisteredValue
get { return Global.CVarRegistry.GetValue<int>(typeof(MyObject), "MyRegisteredValue"); }
set { Global.CVarRegistry.SetValue(typeof(MyObject), "MyRegisteredValue"); }
Hope that helps!
This is more commonly known as 'tweak' variables.
Good discussion here: https://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/3631/tweaking-and-settings-runtime-variable-modification-and-persistence