Similarity between images c# - c#

I need to check how similar two images are. I need to have this in a number; a percentage.
public static void Compare(Bitmap bmp1, Bitmap bmp2)
int width;
int height;
if (bmp1.width < bmp2.width)
width = bmp1.width;
width = bmp2.width;
if (bmp1.heigth < bmp2.width)
heigth = bmp1.heigth;
heigth = bmp2.heigth;
int contador = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
if (bmp1.GetPixel(x, y) == bmp2.GetPixel(x, y))
Messagebox.Show("The percent of similar is:" + (contador / (height * width) * 100).ToString());
This works perfectly while the images are not of different size, because for example when putting a white line to one of the 2 images the percentage of comparison is 0% that if I put it at the beginning and if I put it at the end then it does not take it into consideration.
I surfed quite looking but I always find examples of images that have the same height and length.
Is there any way to see how much similarity has one image of the other? The resources are not problems since usually the images are quite small.


Equality between images c#

I need to compare two images and see if they are the same.
The images only contain text.
I have an image on the hard drive saved and I need to see if it is the same as the one I am downloading.
I tried with this code to establish a margin of error of 5%, but the main problem I have is that the text of image can be rotated between 0 and 30 degrees or 0 and -30
int width;
int height;
if (bmp1.width < bmp2.width)
width = bmp1.width;
width = bmp2.width;
if (bmp1.heigth < bmp2.width)
heigth = bmp1.heigth;
heigth = bmp2.heigth;
int contador = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
if (bmp1.GetPixel(x, y) == bmp2.GetPixel(x, y))
int similar_percent = (contador / (height * width) * 100);
I leave two small examples of the images

c# Android - Find object by color on bitmap

I would like to find an object on a bitmap using its HSV color. I know there already are some topics created about this issue, but they seem not to work on Android (I didn't find System.Drawing.Imaging on Android) or to be less efficient than the algorithm I already created:
public Rect FindObjectOnBitmap(Bitmap bm)
bm.GetPixels(pixels, 0, bm.Width, 0, 0, bm.Width, bm.Height);
// Get the matching pixels.
for(int x = 0; x<bm.Width; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < bm.Height; y++)
Color color = new Color(pixels[x + bm.Width * y]);
pixelsMatch[x,y] = (color.GetBrightness() > Settings.Tracker.blackFilter && color.GetSaturation() > Settings.Tracker.whiteFilter) && (Angle(Settings.Tracker.hue, color.GetHue()) < Settings.Tracker.sensitivity);
Rect objectRect = null;
int maxNbPixel = 0;
// for each matching pixel
for (int x = 0; x < bm.Width; x ++)
for (int y = 0; y < bm.Height; y ++)
if(pixelsMatch[x, y])
int nbPixel = 0;
Rect objectRectTemp = new Rect(x, y, x, y);
Queue<Pixel> zone = new Queue<Pixel>();
zone.Enqueue(new Pixel(x, y));
while(zone.Count != 0)
Pixel px = zone.Dequeue();
// Updates object position
if (px.x < objectRectTemp.Left)
objectRectTemp.Left = px.x;
if (px.x > objectRectTemp.Right)
objectRectTemp.Right = px.x;
if (px.y < objectRectTemp.Bottom)
objectRectTemp.Bottom = px.y;
if (px.y > objectRectTemp.Top)
objectRectTemp.Top = px.y;
// for each nearby pixel
for (int side = 0; side < 4; side++)
Pixel sidePx = px.Side(side);
if (sidePx.x >= 0 && sidePx.x < bm.Width && sidePx.y >= 0 && sidePx.y < bm.Height)
if (pixelsMatch[sidePx.x, sidePx.y])
pixelsMatch[sidePx.x, sidePx.y] = false;
// Save the object if it is big enough.
if(nbPixel > maxNbPixel && nbPixel >= 4)
maxNbPixel = nbPixel;
objectRect = objectRectTemp;
return objectRect;
// Function comparing hues.
static float Angle(float deg1, float deg2)
if (Math.Abs(deg1 - deg2) > 180f)
return (360f - Math.Abs(deg1 - deg2));
return Math.Abs(deg1 - deg2);
However, I am reading a stream, and this algorithm is also not efficient enough since I get 0.1 fps on a 640x480 image... I get a good fps only if I create the bitmap with a smaller resolution than the real image (for example 40x30). That enables me to detect big or close objects with a bad precision (position and size).
How can I increase the efficiency enough, knowing I am on an ANDROID device...
Thanks in advance.
PS: Sorry for my poor English ^^

Convert bitmap to threshold (pure black and white)

I have tried this code for converting a bitmap to pure black and white - not greyScale, but this gives me a pure black image.
public Bitmap blackwhite(Bitmap source)
Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(source.Width,source.Height);
for(int y=0;y<bm.Height;y++)
for(int x=0;x<bm.Width;x++)
if (source.GetPixel(x, y).GetBrightness() > 0.5f)
return bm;
What can cause such a problem? Is there any alternate method to this?
I know this answer is way too late but I just figured it out and hope it helps other people having this problem.
I get the average brightness of the picture and use that as the threshold for setting pixels to black or white. It isn't 100% accurate and definitely isn't optimized for time complexity but it gets the job done.
public static void GetBitmap(string file)
using (Bitmap img = new Bitmap(file, true))
// Variable for image brightness
double avgBright = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < img.Height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < img.Width; x++)
// Get the brightness of this pixel
avgBright += img.GetPixel(x, y).GetBrightness();
// Get the average brightness and limit it's min / max
avgBright = avgBright / (img.Width * img.Height);
avgBright = avgBright < .3 ? .3 : avgBright;
avgBright = avgBright > .7 ? .7 : avgBright;
// Convert image to black and white based on average brightness
for (int y = 0; y < img.Height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < img.Width; x++)
// Set this pixel to black or white based on threshold
if (img.GetPixel(x, y).GetBrightness() > avgBright) img.SetPixel(x, y, Color.White);
else img.SetPixel(x, y, Color.Black);
// Image is now in black and white

C# Bitmap difficulties

What I am trying to do is check an image row or column, and if it contains all white pixels then trim that row or column.
I am not sure why, but when I run this code snippet, img.Width in TrimLeft is 1, before subtracting 1 from it.
The actual image width is 175. I end up with an ArgumentException. I have a similar method for trimming the right side, and that works fine.
class ImageHandler
public Bitmap img;
public List<int[]> pixels = new List<int[]>();
public ImageHandler(String path)
img = new Bitmap(path);
public void TrimLeft()
while (CheckColIfWhite(0, 0))
Rectangle cropBox = new Rectangle(1, 0, (img.Width-1), img.Height);
Bitmap cropdImg = CropImage(img, cropBox);
img = cropdImg;
public bool CheckColIfWhite(int colx, int starty)
bool allPixelsWhite = false;
int whitePixels = 0;
for (int y = starty; y < img.Height; y++)
if (pixels[y][colx] >= 200) { whitePixels++; }
else { return false; }
if (whitePixels == img.Height) { allPixelsWhite = true; }
return allPixelsWhite;
public void GetPixels()
for (int y = 0; y < img.Height; y++)
int[] line = new int[img.Width];
for (int x = 0; x < img.Width; x++)
line[x] = (int) img.GetPixel(x, y).R;
public Bitmap CropImage(Bitmap tImg, Rectangle area)
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(tImg);
Bitmap bmpCrop = bmp.Clone(area, bmp.PixelFormat);
return bmpCrop;
Your method seems like it will be remarkably inefficient - if the image is 175 pixels wide, and entirely white, you're going to create 175 copies of it, before (probably) failing when trying to create a 0 pixel wide image.
Why not examine each column in turn until you find a non-white column, and then perform a single crop at that time. Untested code, and with other changes hopefully obvious:
public Bitmap CropImage (Bitmap image)
int top = 0;
int bottom = image.Height-1;
int left = 0;
int right = image.Width-1;
while(left < right && CheckColIfWhite(image,left))
if(left==right) return null; //Entirely white
while(CheckColIfWhite(image,right)) //Because left stopped, we know right will also
return CropImage(image,new Rectangle(left,top,right-left+1,bottom-top+1));
(E.g. I'm now passing the image around, I've modified CheckColIfWhite and CheckRowIfWhite to take the image also, and to assume that one parameter is always fixed at 0)
Also, not sure why you're extracting the pixel array beforehand, so I'm putting my re-written CheckColIfWhite too:
public bool CheckColIfWhite(Bitmap image,int colx)
for (int y = 0; y < image.Height; y++)
if (image.GetPixel(colx,y).R < 200)
return false;
return true;

Deskew scanned images

I am working in OMR project and we are using C#. When we come to scan the answer sheets, the images are skewed. How can we deskew them?
VB.Net Code for this is available here, however since you asked for C# here is a C# translation of their Deskew class (note: Binarize (strictly not necessary, but works much better) and Rotate are exercises left to the user).
public class Deskew
// Representation of a line in the image.
private class HougLine
// Count of points in the line.
public int Count;
// Index in Matrix.
public int Index;
// The line is represented as all x,y that solve y*cos(alpha)-x*sin(alpha)=d
public double Alpha;
// The Bitmap
Bitmap _internalBmp;
// The range of angles to search for lines
const double ALPHA_START = -20;
const double ALPHA_STEP = 0.2;
const int STEPS = 40 * 5;
const double STEP = 1;
// Precalculation of sin and cos.
double[] _sinA;
double[] _cosA;
// Range of d
double _min;
int _count;
// Count of points that fit in a line.
int[] _hMatrix;
public Bitmap DeskewImage(Bitmap image, int type, int binarizeThreshold)
Size oldSize = image.Size;
_internalBmp = BitmapFunctions.Resize(image, new Size(1000, 1000), true, image.PixelFormat);
Binarize(_internalBmp, binarizeThreshold);
return Rotate(image, GetSkewAngle());
// Calculate the skew angle of the image cBmp.
private double GetSkewAngle()
// Hough Transformation
// Top 20 of the detected lines in the image.
HougLine[] hl = GetTop(20);
// Average angle of the lines
double sum = 0;
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= 19; i++)
sum += hl[i].Alpha;
count += 1;
return sum / count;
// Calculate the Count lines in the image with most points.
private HougLine[] GetTop(int count)
HougLine[] hl = new HougLine[count];
for (int i = 0; i <= count - 1; i++)
hl[i] = new HougLine();
for (int i = 0; i <= _hMatrix.Length - 1; i++)
if (_hMatrix[i] > hl[count - 1].Count)
hl[count - 1].Count = _hMatrix[i];
hl[count - 1].Index = i;
int j = count - 1;
while (j > 0 && hl[j].Count > hl[j - 1].Count)
HougLine tmp = hl[j];
hl[j] = hl[j - 1];
hl[j - 1] = tmp;
j -= 1;
for (int i = 0; i <= count - 1; i++)
int dIndex = hl[i].Index / STEPS;
int alphaIndex = hl[i].Index - dIndex * STEPS;
hl[i].Alpha = GetAlpha(alphaIndex);
//hl[i].D = dIndex + _min;
return hl;
// Hough Transforamtion:
private void Calc()
int hMin = _internalBmp.Height / 4;
int hMax = _internalBmp.Height * 3 / 4;
for (int y = hMin; y <= hMax; y++)
for (int x = 1; x <= _internalBmp.Width - 2; x++)
// Only lower edges are considered.
if (IsBlack(x, y))
if (!IsBlack(x, y + 1))
Calc(x, y);
// Calculate all lines through the point (x,y).
private void Calc(int x, int y)
int alpha;
for (alpha = 0; alpha <= STEPS - 1; alpha++)
double d = y * _cosA[alpha] - x * _sinA[alpha];
int calculatedIndex = (int)CalcDIndex(d);
int index = calculatedIndex * STEPS + alpha;
_hMatrix[index] += 1;
catch (Exception ex)
private double CalcDIndex(double d)
return Convert.ToInt32(d - _min);
private bool IsBlack(int x, int y)
Color c = _internalBmp.GetPixel(x, y);
double luminance = (c.R * 0.299) + (c.G * 0.587) + (c.B * 0.114);
return luminance < 140;
private void Init()
// Precalculation of sin and cos.
_cosA = new double[STEPS];
_sinA = new double[STEPS];
for (int i = 0; i < STEPS; i++)
double angle = GetAlpha(i) * Math.PI / 180.0;
_sinA[i] = Math.Sin(angle);
_cosA[i] = Math.Cos(angle);
// Range of d:
_min = -_internalBmp.Width;
_count = (int)(2 * (_internalBmp.Width + _internalBmp.Height) / STEP);
_hMatrix = new int[_count * STEPS];
private static double GetAlpha(int index)
return ALPHA_START + index * ALPHA_STEP;
Scanned document are always skewed for an average [-10;+10] degrees angle.
It's easy to deskew them using the Hough transform, like Lou Franco said. This transform detects lines on your image for several angles. You just have to select the corresponding one to your document horizontal lines, then rotate it.
try to isolate the pixel corresponding to your document horizontal lines (for instance, black pixels that have a white pixel at their bottom).
Run Hough transform. Do not forget to use 'unsafe' mode in C# to fasten the process of your whole image by using a pointor.
Rotate your document in the opposite angle found.
Works like a charm on binary documents (easily extendable to grey level ones)
Disclaimer: I work at Atalasoft, DotImage Document Imaging can do this with a couple of lines of code.
Deskew is a term of art that describes what you are trying to do. As Ben Voigt said, it's technically rotation, not skew -- however, you will find algorithms under automatic deskew if you search.
The normal way to do this is to do a hough transform to look for the prevalent lines in the image. With normal documents, many of them will be orthogonal to the sides of the paper.
Are you sure it's "skew" rather than "rotation" (rotation preserves angles, skew doesn't).
Use some sort of registration mark (in at least two places) which you can recognize even when rotated.
Find the coordinates of these marks and calculate the rotation angle.
Apply a rotation transformation matrix to the image.
