I'm using this to compare the documents
if (XNode.DeepEquals(cachedDocument, document))
Let's do a little science here. I download my XML documents from an API, I'm basically checking the 2 documents to ensure the latest doesn't have any changed. Basically ensuring that its not had any changes since I last cached the API xml file.
XDocument document = null;
if (useCachedDocuments && File.Exists(postCacheDirectory + "/photos/page " + (i + 1) + ".xml"))
document = XDocument.Parse(postCacheDirectory + "/photos/page " + (i + 1) + ".xml");
document = XDocument.Load(GetApiLink(pageAddress, i * 50, true));
if (i == 1 && File.Exists(postCacheDirectory + "/photos/page 1.xml"))
var cachedDocument = XDocument.Load(postCacheDirectory + "/photos/page 1.xml");
if (XNode.DeepEquals(cachedDocument, document))
Logger.Warn("We can start to use cached documents now, wayyyy faster :D");
useCachedDocuments = true;
Logger.Warn("Sorry, no cache avalible here...");
The cached document is the exact same as I cached, I literally download it and save it. I know for certain theres been no changes yet DeepEquals fails??
I'm trying to add users to the Door Access Control Device: "inBio 260"
I'm told I need to use the Push/Pull SDK to do that.
public bool AddUser(User u) {
return axCZKEM1.SSR_SetDeviceData(machineNumber, "user", u + "\r\n", "");
class User {
public override string ToString()
"CardNo=" + ID + "\t" +
"Pin=" + Pin + "\t" +
"Name=" + Name + "\t" +
"Password=" + Password + "\t" +
"StartTime=" + StartTime + "\t" +
"EndTime=" + EndTime;
public bool AddFingerprint(Fingerprint p)
IsPinValid(p.Pin) &&
p.Template != null &&
p.Template.Length > 100 &&
axCZKEM1.SSR_SetDeviceData(machineNumber, "templatev10", p + "\r\n", "");
class Fingerprint {
public override string ToString()
int size = Convert.FromBase64String(Template).Length;
"Size=" + size +
"\tPin=" + Pin +
"\tFingerID=" + FingerID +
"\tValid=1\tTemplate=" + Template +
"\tEndTag=" + EndTag;
I use "ZKAccess 3.5" to check and I find the users I added and everything seems fine.
But suddenly the machine will report 0 valid fingerprints. And the doors won't open.
Calling AddFingerprint to restore the lost fingerprint returns a false "true", i.e. nothing was added and the machine still has 0 fingerprints left.
Note: ZKAccess is limited to 2000 users, I added 2600+ users.
Update: ZKAccess has 2654 users in its database, clicking sync to device only restores the 900 users that where added using ZKAccess itself (foul play suspected).
Update: I confused push & pull sdk, they are not the same. PullSDK is free, push SDK is private to ZKTeco
ZKAccess3.5 deleted all data because the limit of the free version was exceeded.
EDIT: Just for anyone looking for an answer, Push sdk is a private sdk used only by ZKteco. Pull sdk how ever is free but has no documentation. I wrote a wrapper in C#: code
I'm using dotnetRDF framework and C# to export graphs in turtle format for patients, creating one turtle file per patient. After about 400 patients the program stalls due to memory issues. Each turtle file is between 2 - 150 MB. The program occupies about 4GB of memory after 100 patients and 19GB after 500 patients, as shown in task manager.
I've a function in an export class that reads the data from an MSSQL server, creates the graph and at the end uses CompressingTurtleWriter to create a turtle file with the graph.
private int ExportPatient(string SubjectPseudoId)
Graph exportGraph = new Graph();
// for each type of predicate
// read data from SQL (SqlConnection, SqlCommand and reader are using the using(){} statement)
// for each datareader
// save values in subjectvalue, predicatevalue, objectvalue strings
switch (objecttype)
case "string":
exportGraph.Assert(new Triple(exportGraph.CreateUriNode(prefixRessource + EncodeIRI(dataprovidervalue + "-" + semanticDefinition.ClassName + "-" + subjectvalue)),
exportGraph.CreateUriNode(semanticDefinition.AttributePrefixId + ":" + semanticDefinition.AttributeName),
exportGraph.CreateLiteralNode(objectvalue, new Uri(XmlSpecsHelper.XmlSchemaDataTypeString))));
case "double":
exportGraph.Assert(new Triple(exportGraph.CreateUriNode(prefixRessource + EncodeIRI(dataprovidervalue + "-" + semanticDefinition.ClassName + "-" + subjectvalue)),
exportGraph.CreateUriNode(semanticDefinition.AttributePrefixId + ":" + semanticDefinition.AttributeName),
exportGraph.CreateLiteralNode(objectvalue, new Uri(XmlSpecsHelper.XmlSchemaDataTypeDouble))));
case "datetime":
exportGraph.Assert(new Triple(exportGraph.CreateUriNode(prefixRessource + EncodeIRI(dataprovidervalue + "-" + semanticDefinition.ClassName + "-" + subjectvalue)),
exportGraph.CreateUriNode(semanticDefinition.AttributePrefixId + ":" + semanticDefinition.AttributeName),
exportGraph.CreateLiteralNode(objectvalue, new Uri(XmlSpecsHelper.XmlSchemaDataTypeDateTime))));
case "uri":
exportGraph.Assert(new Triple(exportGraph.CreateUriNode(prefixRessource + EncodeIRI(dataprovidervalue + "-" + semanticDefinition.ClassName + "-" + subjectvalue)),
exportGraph.CreateUriNode(semanticDefinition.AttributePrefixId + ":" + semanticDefinition.AttributeName),
exportGraph.CreateUriNode(prefixRessource + EncodeIRI(dataprovidervalue + "-" + semanticDefinition.Range + "-" + objectvalue)))); //
log.Warn("undefined objecttype=" + objecttype, process, runConfig.Project);
} // switch
} // for each datareader
} // for each predicate
// all the triplets are added to the graph, write it to the turtle file now.
CompressingTurtleWriter turtlewriter = new CompressingTurtleWriter(5, TurtleSyntax.W3C);
turtlewriter.PrettyPrintMode = true;
turtlewriter.Save(exportGraph, CreateFileName(SubjectPseudoId));
// dispose of the graph class
// return control to the calling function to process the next patient
// take the next SubjectPseudoId and call the function again until array is processed.
What I've tried so far is to Dispose or Finalize the CompressingTurtleWriter but both methods don't exist even those https://www.dotnetrdf.org/api/html/T_VDS_RDF_Writing_CompressingTurtleWriter.htm#! suggest that CompressingTurtleWriter has a protected Finalize() method.
The Graph I Dispose() before exiting the function.
I tried to solve the issue with .Net5.0 and .Net Core 3.1 but the behaviour is the same.
I also tried to run this function as a Task but it didn't change the memory issue.
I did run the VS Diagnostic tools and created a snapshot after the exportGraph.Dispose(); it shows after extract 15:
Object Type Count Size(Bytes) InclusiveSize (Bytes)
VDS.Common.Tries.SparseCharacterTrieNode<Uri> 5'823'385 326'109'560 1'899'037'768
and after extract 25:
Object Type Count Size(Bytes) InclusiveSize (Bytes)
VDS.Common.Tries.SparseCharacterTrieNode<Uri> 11'882'772 665'435'232 1'540'054'160
In Task Manager the program uses after 25 extracts 1'646'964 K versus about 250'000 K at the start of the program.
The total size of the 25 Extract files is about 302 MB.
I can't see any issue in my code and I wonder why are there some many VDS.Common.Tries.SparseCharacterTrieNode<Uri> still in the heap?
Did anybody make similar experience or has an idea how to solve this?
I think the problem is that dotNetRDF is caching all of the URIs that are created during the creation of each graph and that cache is a global cache. I would suggest setting VDS.RDF.Options.InternUris to false before starting processing - this is a global setting so it only needs to be done once at the start of your program.
You can also reduce memory usage of each individual graph by opting for just simple indexing (set VDS.RDF.Options.FullTripleIndexing to false), or by using the NonIndexedGraph instead of the default Graph implementation (this is assuming all you are doing is generating and then serializing the graphs). There are some tips on reducing memory usage here.
hope this question makes sense: Is there a way I can download files from a drive without reiterating the service account every time? So for example, I have a program that allows me to backup my Gapps organization drives. The program currently works like this:
Logs in to each account with the service I created in the Google developer console
Checks the token as a source for changed files from the last time the backup ran to the current execution
IF the token is different, executes a file list request and records the fileId and actual fileName for the files changed, then puts both values into a temporary text document as 2 columns ("fileId,fileName"). Here is what I'm using for the file resource list
Console.WriteLine("Changes detected. Making notes while we go through these.");
if (File.Exists(savelocation + ".deltalog.tok"))
File.Delete(savelocation + ".deltalog.tok");
using (StreamWriter deltalog = new StreamWriter(savelocation + ".deltalog.tok", true))
while (pageToken != null)
var request = CreateService.BuildService(user).Changes.List(pageToken);
//StreamWriter deltalog = new StreamWriter(savelocation + ".deltalog.tok", true);
request.Fields = "*";
request.Spaces = "drive";
var changes = request.Execute();
foreach (var change in changes.Changes)
string updatedfile = change.File.Name;
//string updatedfile = CreateService.BuildService(user).Files.Get(change.FileId).Execute().Name;
// Record the changed file
Console.WriteLine(user + ": New or changed file found: " + updatedfile + "\n");
logFile.WriteLine(user + ": New or changed file found: " + change.FileId + " --- " + updatedfile);
deltalog.Write(change.FileId + "," + updatedfile+"\n");
Start exporting the files out as documents to my server for backup. To do this, I log into the Gapps domain with my service account 3 different times for one file for each user. Right now, I'm reading the file created from step 3 and splitting the values so that I have the fileId and Filename on hand. The code looks like this:
FilesResource.ListRequest listRequest = CreateService.BuildService(user).Files.List();
listRequest.PageSize = 1000;
listRequest.Fields = "nextPageToken, files(id, name)";
string[] deltafiles = File.ReadAllLines(savelocation + ".deltalog.tok");
IList<Google.Apis.Drive.v3.Data.File> files = listRequest.Execute()
Console.WriteLine("\nFiles to backup:\n");
if (deltafiles == null)
foreach (var file in deltafiles)
// Our file is a CSV. Column 1 = file ID, Column 2 = File name
var values = file.Split(',');
string fileId = values[0];
string fileName = values[1];
fileName = fileName.Replace('\\', '_').Replace('/', '_').Replace(':', '_').Replace('!', '_').Replace('\'', '_').Replace('*', '_');
Console.WriteLine("Filename: " + values[1]);
logFile.WriteLine("ID: " + values[0] + " - Filename: " + values[1]);
var requestfileid = CreateService.BuildService(user).Files.Get(fileId);
var getfile = CreateService.BuildService(user).Files.Get(fileId).Execute();
var request = CreateService.BuildService(user).Files.Export(fileId, getfile.MimeType);
and so forth.
If I try to change the requestfileid to values[0] (which would be the fileId for that file in the loop), then the MediaDownloader doesn't work because it's no longer part of the Files.Get constructor.
Is there anything I can do, or overlooking, so that the service account only has to log in once to do everything it needs per account?
Hope that gibberish makes sense.
I've been using https://developers.google.com/drive/v3/web/quickstart/dotnet and the API documentation as my source for information, and I got everything working the way I want it to, Except for having to log in as the service multiple times for One file. Any help or point in the right direction would sure be appreciated. Thank you!
I found yesterday on google iTextSharp for pdf filling data.
but when i trying to read pdf ,i am not getting acrofields from pdf .
Here is code
private void ListFieldNames()
string pdfTemplate = #"E:\Vikas\Projects\PdfWriter\PdfWriter\nbc-app.pdf";
// create a new PDF reader based on the PDF template document
PdfReader pdfReader = new PdfReader(pdfTemplate);
AcroFields formfields = pdfReader.AcroFields;
// create and populate a string builder with each of the
// field names available in the subject PDF
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, AcroFields.Item> de in formfields.Fields)
sb.Append(de.Key.ToString() + Environment.NewLine);
// Write the string builder's content to the form's textbox
txtbx.TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine;
txtbx.Width = 500;
txtbx.Rows = 40;
txtbx.Text = sb.ToString();
//txtbx.SelectionStart = 0;
Than i was doing debugging i saw reader.javascript throwing error (error is below )
if (typeof(this.ADBE) == "undefined")
this.ADBE = new Object();
ADBE.Viewer_string_Title = "Adobe Acrobat";
ADBE.Viewer_string_Update_Desc = "Adobe Interactive Forms Update";
ADBE.Viewer_string_Update_Reader_Desc = "Adobe Reader 7.0.5";
ADBE.Reader_string_Need_New_Version_Msg = "This PDF file requires a newer version of Adobe Reader. Press OK to download the latest version or see your system administrator.";
ADBE.Viewer_Form_string_Reader_601 = "This PDF form requires a newer version of Adobe Reader. Although the form may appear to work properly, some elements may function improperly or may not appear at all. Press OK to initiate an online update or see your system administrator.";
ADBE.Viewer_Form_string_Reader_Older = "This PDF form requires a newer version of Adobe Reader. Although the form may appear to work properly, some elements may function improperly or may not appear at all. Press OK for online download information or see your system administrator.";
ADBE.Viewer_Form_string_Viewer_601 = "This PDF form requires a newer version of Adobe Acrobat. Although the form may appear to work properly, some elements may function improperly or may not appear at all. Press OK to initiate an online update or see your system administrator.";
ADBE.Viewer_Form_string_Viewer_60 = "This PDF form requires a newer version of Adobe Acrobat. Although the form may appear to work properly, some elements may function improperly or may not appear at all. For more information please copy the following URL (CTRL+C on Win, Command-C on Mac) and paste into your browser or see your system administrator.";
ADBE.Viewer_Form_string_Viewer_Older = "This PDF requires a newer version of Acrobat. Copy this URL and paste into your browser or see your sys admin.";
ADBE.Viewer_Form_string_Reader_5x = "This PDF form requires a newer version of Adobe Reader. Without a newer version, the form may be displayed, but it might not work properly. Some form elements might not be visible at all. If an internet connection is available, clicking OK will open your browser to a web page where you can obtain the latest version.";
ADBE.Viewer_Form_string_Reader_6_7x = "This PDF form requires a newer version of Adobe Reader. Without a newer version, the form may be displayed, but it might not work properly. Some form elements might not be visible at all. If an internet connection is available, clicking OK will download and install the latest version.";
ADBE.Viewer_Form_string_Viewer = "This PDF form requires a newer version of Adobe Acrobat. Without a newer version, the form may be displayed, but it might not work properly. Some form elements might not be visible at all. If an internet connection is available, clicking OK will download and install the latest version.";
if (typeof(ADBE.Reader_Value_Asked) == "undefined")
ADBE.Reader_Value_Asked = false;
if (typeof(ADBE.Viewer_Value_Asked) == "undefined")
ADBE.Viewer_Value_Asked = false;
if (typeof(ADBE.Reader_Need_Version) == "undefined" || ADBE.Reader_Need_Version < 8.1)
ADBE.Reader_Need_Version = 8.1;
ADBE.Reader_Value_New_Version_URL = "http://cgi.adobe.com/special/acrobat/update";
ADBE.SYSINFO = "?p=" + app.platform + "&v=" + app.viewerVersion + "&l=" + app.language + "&c=" + app.viewerType + "&r=" + ADBE.Reader_Need_Version;
if (typeof(ADBE.Viewer_Need_Version) == "undefined" || ADBE.Viewer_Need_Version < 8.1)
ADBE.Viewer_Need_Version = 8.1;
ADBE.Viewer_Value_New_Version_URL = "http://cgi.adobe.com/special/acrobat/update";
ADBE.SYSINFO = "?p=" + app.platform + "&v=" + app.viewerVersion + "&l=" + app.language + "&c=" + app.viewerType + "&r=" + ADBE.Viewer_Need_Version;
if (typeof(xfa_installed) == "undefined" || typeof(xfa_version) == "undefined" || xfa_version < 2.6)
if (app.viewerType == "Reader")
if (ADBE.Reader_Value_Asked != true)
if (app.viewerVersion < 8.0)
if (app.alert(ADBE.Reader_string_Need_New_Version_Msg, 1, 1) == 1)
this.getURL(ADBE.Reader_Value_New_Version_URL + ADBE.SYSINFO, false);
ADBE.Reader_Value_Asked = true;
else if (app.alert(ADBE.Viewer_Form_string_Viewer, 1, 1) == 1)
app.findComponent({cType:"Plugin", cName:"XFA", cVer:"2.6"});
if (ADBE.Viewer_Value_Asked != true)
if (app.viewerVersion < 7.0)
app.response({cQuestion: ADBE.Viewer_Form_string_Viewer_Older, cDefault: ADBE.Viewer_Value_New_Version_URL + ADBE.SYSINFO, cTitle: ADBE.Viewer_string_Title});
else if (app.viewerVersion < 8.0)
if (app.alert(ADBE.Viewer_Form_string_Viewer, 1, 1) == 1)
app.launchURL(ADBE.Viewer_Value_New_Version_URL + ADBE.SYSINFO, true);
else if (app.alert(ADBE.Viewer_Form_string_Viewer, 1, 1) == 1)
app.findComponent({cType:"Plugin", cName:"XFA", cVer:"2.6"});
ADBE.Viewer_Value_Asked = true;
how should i fixed this problem ?
I have a program that is a launcher for a mod for a game. The launcher works for most of the people who use it, including myself, but for some there is a strange bug that really has me struggling to fix it, and further more driving me absolutely mental!
The basic idea is that my mod files are contained in a folder, the launcher iterates through these files, reads a certain byte of the file and based on the result either moves the file, or moves the file and writes some text to a certain file, then launches the game. Seemingly simple.
The main launch function looks like this:
private void Launch()
using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(userScriptPath, false, Encoding.Unicode))
foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(modFolderPath + "\\Files\\", "*.pack"))
int p = GetPackType(file);
if (p == 3)
if (File.Exists(modFolderPath + "\\Files\\" + Path.GetFileName(file)))
File.Move(modFolderPath + "\\Files\\" + Path.GetFileName(file), dataPath + "\\" + Path.GetFileName(file));
writer.WriteLine("mod \"" + Path.GetFileName(file) + "\";");
else if (p == 4)
if (File.Exists(modFolderPath + "\\Files\\" + Path.GetFileName(file)))
File.Move(modFolderPath + "\\Files\\" + Path.GetFileName(file), dataPath + "\\" + Path.GetFileName(file));
Process game = Process.Start(gamePath);
// There is code here that waits for a minute until the game process is actually found, incase its slow starting up
RestorePacks(); // <- Method to put back the files after finishing
The problem some users are getting is that when launching the mod the game launches but it appears as though the launcher doesn't move the files as the game is still in its normal state, it was very hard to ascertain exactly why this was happening as I had no way of debugging it on their computers and the program was working fine for me and all of my test users.
To try and find out what was going on I added a number of checks and some logging to the launcher so that if the launcher didn't work, I'd at least have an idea why. (Note that no errors are thrown for the users even when it doesn't work)
The checks I added included using File.Exists() after attempting to move a file to make sure it was actually moved, the logging kept a note of move attempts and the result of this check to see if the file was actually moved.
I even added a specific if statement to the Process.Start function checking specifically that a certain file was indeed in the required location before launching the game.
Finally before launching all of the files in the folder where the mod files should now be are written to the log.
All of the logs from users who the launcher didn't work for shared one thing in common the program attempted to move the file, threw no error, and then when checking that the file was indeed moved, the file appeared to be there. But when reaching the point where all of the files in the required directory are written to the log, only one of the required 30+ mod files appear to be in the directory.
An example output log looked something like this:
File moving: modfile1.txt
Checking if file is where we tried to move it to: Yes
File moving: modfile2.txt
Checking if file is where we tried to move it to: Yes
File moving: modfile3.txt
Checking if file is where we tried to move it to: Yes
Writing out all files in directory:
After seeing this and noticing it was always only a single file that had moved and no others, and also that the program did think the files were where they where supposed to be, the confusion really started to kick in.
This is the method that reads the file to ascertain what type of file it is:
private int GetPackType(string path)
FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(path);
BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(fs);
int packType = reader.ReadInt32();
return packType;
As you can probably see, and what I've just noticed is that I've failed to close/dispose of reader, and I'm guessing and somewhat hoping this might be the cause of my problem.
(Note I'm now using Using statements in this method but can't test this fix for quite a while)
SO, if you've read this far thank you, my question is..
Firstly do you have any idea what the problem is? Could it be that reader still might have the file open and has not closed and thus the file can't move, IF SO then why does it work perfectly for me and most others, but not for some? Surely a file still being used elsewhere would throw an error?
I've gone through all the simple stuff like making sure the program is run with administrator privileges, etc.
Thank you greatly for any help!
As asked in the comments this is the version of the code with my checks and logging added. Simple stuff, which is why I omitted it, the log simply adds to a string, the string is then printed to file when all is done.
private void Launch()
using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(userScriptPath, false, Encoding.Unicode))
foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(modFolderPath + "\\Files\\", "*.pack"))
int p = GetPackType(file);
if (p == 3)
if (File.Exists(modFolderPath + "\\Files\\" + Path.GetFileName(file)))
File.Move(modFolderPath + "\\Files\\" + Path.GetFileName(file), dataPath + "\\" + Path.GetFileName(file));
log += "Move File: " + Path.GetFileName(file) + "\r\n";
writer.WriteLine("mod \"" + Path.GetFileName(file) + "\";");
log += "Write mod line: " + Path.GetFileName(file) + "\r\n";
else if (p == 4)
if (File.Exists(modFolderPath + "\\Files\\" + Path.GetFileName(file)))
File.Move(modFolderPath + "\\Files\\" + Path.GetFileName(file), dataPath + "\\" + Path.GetFileName(file));
log += "Move File: " + Path.GetFileName(file) + "\r\n";
// Check the file did actually move
if (File.Exists(dataPath + "\\" + Path.GetFileName(file)) == false)
MessageBox.Show("The mod could not launch successfully!\n\nError: Packs failed to move", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
log += "File Found\r\n";
if (File.Exists(dataPath + "\\_GreatWar5_DB.pack")) // This pack should always be there if things have worked
Process game = Process.Start(gamePath);
MessageBox.Show("The mod could not launch successfully!\n\nError: Data pack missing", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
// There is code here waits for a minute until the game process is actually found, incase its slow starting up
RestorePacks(); // <- Method to put back the files after finishing