Convert from Java to C# - c#

I need to write this code in C#. Any help would be appreciated.
The interface and the first class is where the issues are. How can I convert that into C#? EnumByteConverter & EnumByteConverter>?
Is this even possible? What would my options be?
public interface EnumByteConverter<E extends Enum<E> & EnumByteConverter<E>>
byte convert();
E convert(byte val);
public class ReverseByteEnumMap<V extends Enum<V> & EnumByteConverter>
private Map<Byte, V> map = new HashMap<>();
public ReverseByteEnumMap(Class<V> valueType)
for (V v : valueType.getEnumConstants())
map.put(v.convert(), v);
public V get(byte num)
return map.get(num);
public enum Transport implements EnumByteConverter<Transport>
private static ReverseByteEnumMap<Transport> map = new ReverseByteEnumMap<>(Transport.class);
private final byte value;
Transport(int value)
this.value = (byte) value;
public byte convert()
return value;
public Transport convert(byte val)
return map.get(val);
public static Transport get(byte val)
return map.get(val);
This is what I have tried. I managed to implement the interface using struct, and the reverse class with similar thing.
public interface IEnumByteConverter<E> where E : struct
byte Convert();
E Convert(byte val);
public class ReverseByteEnumMap<T> where T : struct, IEnumByteConverter<T>
private Dictionary<Byte, T> map = new Dictionary<Byte, T>();
private IEnumByteConverter<T> converter;
public ReverseByteEnumMap(T valueType)
foreach (T t in Enum.GetValues(typeof(T)))
map.Add(t.Convert() , t);
public T Get(byte num)
return map[num];
public class Transport : IEnumByteConverter<TransportEnums>
public enum TransportEnums
FrameFormatB = 0,
FrameFormatA = 1,
FrameDraft = 254,
FrameUnknown = 255
private static ReverseByteEnumMap<Transport> map = new ReverseByteEnumMap<Transport> ();
private byte value;
Transport(int value)
this.value = (byte)value;
public byte Convert()
return value;
public TransportEnums Convert(byte val)
return map.Get(val);
public static TransportEnums Get(byte val)
return map.Get(val);
But I got stuck in the last class. I cannot use the Transport.class nor enums. I cannot tell if this a right path I am heading on

In C# it is (quite) easy to change the base type of an enum:
public enum Transport : byte
FrameFormatB = 0,
FrameFormatA = 1,
FrameDraft = 254,
FrameUnknown = 255
and it is quite easy to convert from the enum to the base type and back:
Transport t1 = (Transport)255; // Equivalent to = Transport.FrameUnknown
int i1 = (int)t1; // 255
byte b1 = (byte)t1; // 255
So you don't need all the support code that you wrote.
In Java enum are classes that don't normally have a "value", and if you want to give them a numerical value you have to do like what is written in your code: define a value field. Then you have to add methods to go from the enum "name" to its "value" and back.
The main problem here is that the C# (.NET) enum can in truth have any value, not only the defined ones:
Transport t2 = (Transport)100;
while in Java only the defined values of enum are legal (because they are the only instances of the enum class that are defined. Other instances can't be created). See for example .
The code you wrote is quite similar to this one:


How can I serialize a struct as a primitive type?

I have an enum that is serialized and sent over the wire. Requirements have evolved and I need to support additional values that may be defined in other assemblies, but I can't break binary compatibility for the who-knows-what that is in the wild.
My initial idea was to replace this enum with a enum-like struct wrapping an integer and use a surrogate to serialize it as an integer:
public readonly struct SomeFlag
private readonly int _value;
public SomeFlag(int value) { _value = value; }
public static implicit operator int(SomeFlag type)
return type._value;
public static implicit operator SomeFlag(int value)
return new SomeFlag(value);
.Add(typeof(SomeFlag), false)
When I try to serialize SomeFlag, I get an error: Data of this type has inbuilt behaviour, and cannot be added to a model in this way: System.Int32
Aside from replacing the structs in my models and code with plain integers, is there any way to make a non-primitive type serialize as a primitive?
Yes, but it requires a custom serializer in v3+ of the library;
using ProtoBuf;
using ProtoBuf.Serializers;
var obj = new HazSomeFlag { Value = new SomeFlag(42) };
var ms = new MemoryStream();
Serializer.Serialize(ms, obj);
if (!ms.TryGetBuffer(out var buffer)) buffer = ms.ToArray();
var hex = BitConverter.ToString(buffer.Array!, buffer.Offset, buffer.Count);
Console.WriteLine(hex); // 08-2A === field 1, varint = 42
ms.Position = 0;
var clone = Serializer.Deserialize<HazSomeFlag>(ms);
var schema = Serializer.GetProto<HazSomeFlag>();
public class HazSomeFlag
public SomeFlag Value { get; set; }
[ProtoContract(Serializer = typeof(MySerializer), Name = "int32")]
public readonly struct SomeFlag
public override string ToString() => $"SomeFlag: {_value}";
private readonly int _value;
public SomeFlag(int value) { _value = value; }
public static implicit operator int(SomeFlag type)
return type._value;
public static implicit operator SomeFlag(int value)
return new SomeFlag(value);
class MySerializer : ISerializer<SomeFlag>
SerializerFeatures ISerializer<SomeFlag>.Features
=> SerializerFeatures.CategoryScalar | SerializerFeatures.WireTypeVarint;
SomeFlag ISerializer<SomeFlag>.Read(ref ProtoReader.State state, SomeFlag value)
=> new SomeFlag(state.ReadInt32());
void ISerializer<SomeFlag>.Write(ref ProtoWriter.State state, SomeFlag value)
=> state.WriteInt32(value._value);
which works (as shown) compatibly with the schema:
syntax = "proto3";
message HazSomeFlag {
int32 Value = 1;

C# type safe union [duplicate]

[Note: This question had the original title "C (ish) style union in C#"
but as Jeff's comment informed me, apparently this structure is called a 'discriminated union']
Excuse the verbosity of this question.
There are a couple of similar sounding questions to mine already in SO but they seem to concentrate on the memory saving benefits of the union or using it for interop.
Here is an example of such a question.
My desire to have a union type thing is somewhat different.
I am writing some code at the moment which generates objects that look a bit like this
public class ValueWrapper
public DateTime ValueCreationDate;
// ... other meta data about the value
public object ValueA;
public object ValueB;
Pretty complicated stuff I think you will agree. The thing is that ValueA can only be of a few certain types (let's say string, int and Foo (which is a class) and ValueB can be another small set of types. I don't like treating these values as objects (I want the warm snugly feeling of coding with a bit of type safety).
So I thought about writing a trivial little wrapper class to express the fact that ValueA logically is a reference to a particular type. I called the class Union because what I am trying to achieve reminded me of the union concept in C.
public class Union<A, B, C>
private readonly Type type;
public readonly A a;
public readonly B b;
public readonly C c;
public A A{get {return a;}}
public B B{get {return b;}}
public C C{get {return c;}}
public Union(A a)
type = typeof(A);
this.a = a;
public Union(B b)
type = typeof(B);
this.b = b;
public Union(C c)
type = typeof(C);
this.c = c;
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if the union contains a value of type T
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>The type of T must exactly match the type</remarks>
public bool Is<T>()
return typeof(T) == type;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the union value cast to the given type.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>If the type of T does not exactly match either X or Y, then the value <c>default(T)</c> is returned.</remarks>
public T As<T>()
return (T)(object)a; // Is this boxing and unboxing unavoidable if I want the union to hold value types and reference types?
//return (T)x; // This will not compile: Error = "Cannot cast expression of type 'X' to 'T'."
return (T)(object)b;
return (T)(object)c;
return default(T);
Using this class ValueWrapper now looks like this
public class ValueWrapper2
public DateTime ValueCreationDate;
public Union<int, string, Foo> ValueA;
public Union<double, Bar, Foo> ValueB;
which is something like what I wanted to achieve but I am missing one fairly crucial element - that is compiler enforced type checking when calling the Is and As functions as the following code demonstrates
public void DoSomething()
var s = ValueA.As<string>();
// .... do somethng
if(ValueA.Is<char>()) // I would really like this to be a compile error
char c = ValueA.As<char>();
IMO It is not valid to ask ValueA if it is a char since its definition clearly says it is not - this is a programming error and I would like the compiler to pick up on this. [Also if I could get this correct then (hopefully) I would get intellisense too - which would be a boon.]
In order to achieve this I would want to tell the compiler that the type T can be one of A, B or C
public bool Is<T>() where T : A
or T : B // Yes I know this is not legal!
or T : C
return typeof(T) == type;
Does anyone have any idea if what I want to achieve is possible? Or am I just plain stupid for writing this class in the first place?
I don't really like the type-checking and type-casting solutions provided above, so here's 100% type-safe union which will throw compilation errors if you attempt to use the wrong datatype:
using System;
namespace Juliet
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Union3<int, char, string>[] unions = new Union3<int,char,string>[]
new Union3<int, char, string>.Case1(5),
new Union3<int, char, string>.Case2('x'),
new Union3<int, char, string>.Case3("Juliet")
foreach (Union3<int, char, string> union in unions)
string value = union.Match(
num => num.ToString(),
character => new string(new char[] { character }),
word => word);
Console.WriteLine("Matched union with value '{0}'", value);
public abstract class Union3<A, B, C>
public abstract T Match<T>(Func<A, T> f, Func<B, T> g, Func<C, T> h);
// private ctor ensures no external classes can inherit
private Union3() { }
public sealed class Case1 : Union3<A, B, C>
public readonly A Item;
public Case1(A item) : base() { this.Item = item; }
public override T Match<T>(Func<A, T> f, Func<B, T> g, Func<C, T> h)
return f(Item);
public sealed class Case2 : Union3<A, B, C>
public readonly B Item;
public Case2(B item) { this.Item = item; }
public override T Match<T>(Func<A, T> f, Func<B, T> g, Func<C, T> h)
return g(Item);
public sealed class Case3 : Union3<A, B, C>
public readonly C Item;
public Case3(C item) { this.Item = item; }
public override T Match<T>(Func<A, T> f, Func<B, T> g, Func<C, T> h)
return h(Item);
I like the direction of the accepted solution but it doesn't scale well for unions of more than three items (e.g. a union of 9 items would require 9 class definitions).
Here is another approach that is also 100% type-safe at compile-time, but that is easy to grow to large unions.
public class UnionBase<A>
dynamic value;
public UnionBase(A a) { value = a; }
protected UnionBase(object x) { value = x; }
protected T InternalMatch<T>(params Delegate[] ds)
var vt = value.GetType();
foreach (var d in ds)
var mi = d.Method;
// These are always true if InternalMatch is used correctly.
Debug.Assert(mi.GetParameters().Length == 1);
var pt = mi.GetParameters()[0].ParameterType;
if (pt.IsAssignableFrom(vt))
return (T)mi.Invoke(null, new object[] { value });
throw new Exception("No appropriate matching function was provided");
public T Match<T>(Func<A, T> fa) { return InternalMatch<T>(fa); }
public class Union<A, B> : UnionBase<A>
public Union(A a) : base(a) { }
public Union(B b) : base(b) { }
protected Union(object x) : base(x) { }
public T Match<T>(Func<A, T> fa, Func<B, T> fb) { return InternalMatch<T>(fa, fb); }
public class Union<A, B, C> : Union<A, B>
public Union(A a) : base(a) { }
public Union(B b) : base(b) { }
public Union(C c) : base(c) { }
protected Union(object x) : base(x) { }
public T Match<T>(Func<A, T> fa, Func<B, T> fb, Func<C, T> fc) { return InternalMatch<T>(fa, fb, fc); }
public class Union<A, B, C, D> : Union<A, B, C>
public Union(A a) : base(a) { }
public Union(B b) : base(b) { }
public Union(C c) : base(c) { }
public Union(D d) : base(d) { }
protected Union(object x) : base(x) { }
public T Match<T>(Func<A, T> fa, Func<B, T> fb, Func<C, T> fc, Func<D, T> fd) { return InternalMatch<T>(fa, fb, fc, fd); }
public class Union<A, B, C, D, E> : Union<A, B, C, D>
public Union(A a) : base(a) { }
public Union(B b) : base(b) { }
public Union(C c) : base(c) { }
public Union(D d) : base(d) { }
public Union(E e) : base(e) { }
protected Union(object x) : base(x) { }
public T Match<T>(Func<A, T> fa, Func<B, T> fb, Func<C, T> fc, Func<D, T> fd, Func<E, T> fe) { return InternalMatch<T>(fa, fb, fc, fd, fe); }
public class DiscriminatedUnionTest : IExample
public Union<int, bool, string, int[]> MakeUnion(int n)
return new Union<int, bool, string, int[]>(n);
public Union<int, bool, string, int[]> MakeUnion(bool b)
return new Union<int, bool, string, int[]>(b);
public Union<int, bool, string, int[]> MakeUnion(string s)
return new Union<int, bool, string, int[]>(s);
public Union<int, bool, string, int[]> MakeUnion(params int[] xs)
return new Union<int, bool, string, int[]>(xs);
public void Print(Union<int, bool, string, int[]> union)
var text = union.Match(
n => "This is an int " + n.ToString(),
b => "This is a boolean " + b.ToString(),
s => "This is a string" + s,
xs => "This is an array of ints " + String.Join(", ", xs));
public void Run()
Print(MakeUnion(0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8));
I wrote some blog posts on this subject that might be useful:
Union Types in C#
Implementing Tic-Tac-Toe Using State Classes
Let's say you have a shopping cart scenario with three states: "Empty", "Active" and "Paid", each with different behavior.
You create have a ICartState interface that all states have in common (and it could just be an empty marker interface)
You create three classes that implement that interface. (The classes do not have to be in an inheritance relationship)
The interface contains a "fold" method, whereby you pass a lambda in for each state or case that you need to handle.
You could use the F# runtime from C# but as a lighter weight alternative, I have written a little T4 template for generating code like this.
Here's the interface:
partial interface ICartState
ICartState Transition(
Func<CartStateEmpty, ICartState> cartStateEmpty,
Func<CartStateActive, ICartState> cartStateActive,
Func<CartStatePaid, ICartState> cartStatePaid
And here's the implementation:
class CartStateEmpty : ICartState
ICartState ICartState.Transition(
Func<CartStateEmpty, ICartState> cartStateEmpty,
Func<CartStateActive, ICartState> cartStateActive,
Func<CartStatePaid, ICartState> cartStatePaid
// I'm the empty state, so invoke cartStateEmpty
return cartStateEmpty(this);
class CartStateActive : ICartState
ICartState ICartState.Transition(
Func<CartStateEmpty, ICartState> cartStateEmpty,
Func<CartStateActive, ICartState> cartStateActive,
Func<CartStatePaid, ICartState> cartStatePaid
// I'm the active state, so invoke cartStateActive
return cartStateActive(this);
class CartStatePaid : ICartState
ICartState ICartState.Transition(
Func<CartStateEmpty, ICartState> cartStateEmpty,
Func<CartStateActive, ICartState> cartStateActive,
Func<CartStatePaid, ICartState> cartStatePaid
// I'm the paid state, so invoke cartStatePaid
return cartStatePaid(this);
Now let's say you extend the CartStateEmpty and CartStateActive with an AddItem method which is not implemented by CartStatePaid.
And also let's say that CartStateActive has a Pay method that the other states dont have.
Then here's some code that shows it in use -- adding two items and then paying for the cart:
public ICartState AddProduct(ICartState currentState, Product product)
return currentState.Transition(
cartStateEmpty => cartStateEmpty.AddItem(product),
cartStateActive => cartStateActive.AddItem(product),
cartStatePaid => cartStatePaid // not allowed in this case
public void Example()
var currentState = new CartStateEmpty() as ICartState;
//add some products
currentState = AddProduct(currentState, Product.ProductX);
currentState = AddProduct(currentState, Product.ProductY);
const decimal paidAmount = 12.34m;
currentState = currentState.Transition(
cartStateEmpty => cartStateEmpty, // not allowed in this case
cartStateActive => cartStateActive.Pay(paidAmount),
cartStatePaid => cartStatePaid // not allowed in this case
Note that this code is completely typesafe -- no casting or conditionals anywhere, and compiler errors if you try to pay for an empty cart, say.
I have written a library for doing this at
Install-Package OneOf
It has the generic types in it for doing DUs e.g. OneOf<T0, T1> all the way to
OneOf<T0, ..., T9>. Each of those has a .Match, and a .Switch statement which you can use for compiler safe typed behaviour, e.g.:
OneOf<string, ColorName, Color> backgroundColor = getBackground();
Color c = backgroundColor.Match(
str => CssHelper.GetColorFromString(str),
name => new Color(name),
col => col
I am not sure I fully understand your goal. In C, a union is a structure that uses the same memory locations for more than one field. For example:
typedef union
float real;
int scalar;
} floatOrScalar;
The floatOrScalar union could be used as a float, or an int, but they both consume the same memory space. Changing one changes the other. You can achieve the same thing with a struct in C#:
struct FloatOrScalar
public float Real;
public int Scalar;
The above structure uses 32bits total, rather than 64bits. This is only possible with a struct. Your example above is a class, and given the nature of the CLR, makes no guarantee about memory efficiency. If you change a Union<A, B, C> from one type to another, you are not necessarily reusing memory...most likely, you are allocating a new type on the heap and dropping a different pointer in the backing object field. Contrary to a real union, your approach may actually cause more heap thrashing than you would otherwise get if you did not use your Union type.
char foo = 'B';
bool bar = foo is int;
This results in a warning, not an error. If you're looking for your Is and As functions to be analogs for the C# operators, then you shouldn't be restricting them in that way anyhow.
If you allow multiple types, you cannot achieve type safety (unless the types are related).
You can't and won't achieve any kind of type safety, you could only achieve byte-value-safety using FieldOffset.
It would make much more sense to have a generic ValueWrapper<T1, T2> with T1 ValueA and T2 ValueB, ...
P.S.: when talking about type-safety I mean compile-time type-safety.
If you need a code wrapper (performing bussiness logic on modifications you can use something along the lines of:
public class Wrapper
public ValueHolder<int> v1 = 5;
public ValueHolder<byte> v2 = 8;
public struct ValueHolder<T>
where T : struct
private T value;
public ValueHolder(T value) { this.value = value; }
public static implicit operator T(ValueHolder<T> valueHolder) { return valueHolder.value; }
public static implicit operator ValueHolder<T>(T value) { return new ValueHolder<T>(value); }
For an easy way out you could use (it has performance issues, but it is very simple):
public class Wrapper
private object v1;
private object v2;
public T GetValue1<T>() { if (v1.GetType() != typeof(T)) throw new InvalidCastException(); return (T)v1; }
public void SetValue1<T>(T value) { v1 = value; }
public T GetValue2<T>() { if (v2.GetType() != typeof(T)) throw new InvalidCastException(); return (T)v2; }
public void SetValue2<T>(T value) { v2 = value; }
Wrapper wrapper = new Wrapper();
string s = wrapper.GetValue1<string>();
DateTime dt = wrapper.GetValue1<DateTime>();//InvalidCastException
Here is my attempt. It does compile time checking of types, using generic type constraints.
class Union {
public interface AllowedType<T> { };
internal object val;
internal System.Type type;
static class UnionEx {
public static T As<U,T>(this U x) where U : Union, Union.AllowedType<T> {
return x.type == typeof(T) ?(T)x.val : default(T);
public static void Set<U,T>(this U x, T newval) where U : Union, Union.AllowedType<T> {
x.val = newval;
x.type = typeof(T);
public static bool Is<U,T>(this U x) where U : Union, Union.AllowedType<T> {
return x.type == typeof(T);
class MyType : Union, Union.AllowedType<int>, Union.AllowedType<string> {}
class TestIt
static void Main()
MyType bla = new MyType();
// compile time errors!
// bla.Set('a');
// bla.Is<MyType,char>()
It could use some prettying-up. Especially, I couldn't figure out how to get rid of the type parameters to As/Is/Set (isn't there a way to specify one type parameter and let C# figure the other one?)
So I've hit this same problem many times, and I just came up with a solution that gets the syntax I want (at the expense of some ugliness in the implementation of the Union type.)
To recap: we want this sort of usage at the call site.
Union<int, string> u;
u = 1492;
int yearColumbusDiscoveredAmerica = u;
u = "hello world";
string traditionalGreeting = u;
var answers = new SortedList<string, Union<int, string, DateTime>>();
answers["life, the universe, and everything"] = 42;
answers["D-Day"] = new DateTime(1944, 6, 6);
answers["C#"] = "is awesome";
We want the following examples to fail to compile, however, so that we get a modicum of type safety.
DateTime dateTimeColumbusDiscoveredAmerica = u;
Foo fooInstance = u;
For extra credit, let's also not take up more space than absolutely needed.
With all that said, here's my implementation for two generic type parameters. The implementation for three, four, and so on type parameters is straight-forward.
public abstract class Union<T1, T2>
public abstract int TypeSlot
public virtual T1 AsT1()
throw new TypeAccessException(string.Format(
"Cannot treat this instance as a {0} instance.", typeof(T1).Name));
public virtual T2 AsT2()
throw new TypeAccessException(string.Format(
"Cannot treat this instance as a {0} instance.", typeof(T2).Name));
public static implicit operator Union<T1, T2>(T1 data)
return new FromT1(data);
public static implicit operator Union<T1, T2>(T2 data)
return new FromT2(data);
public static implicit operator Union<T1, T2>(Tuple<T1, T2> data)
return new FromTuple(data);
public static implicit operator T1(Union<T1, T2> source)
return source.AsT1();
public static implicit operator T2(Union<T1, T2> source)
return source.AsT2();
private class FromT1 : Union<T1, T2>
private readonly T1 data;
public FromT1(T1 data)
{ = data;
public override int TypeSlot
get { return 1; }
public override T1 AsT1()
public override string ToString()
public override int GetHashCode()
private class FromT2 : Union<T1, T2>
private readonly T2 data;
public FromT2(T2 data)
{ = data;
public override int TypeSlot
get { return 2; }
public override T2 AsT2()
public override string ToString()
public override int GetHashCode()
private class FromTuple : Union<T1, T2>
private readonly Tuple<T1, T2> data;
public FromTuple(Tuple<T1, T2> data)
{ = data;
public override int TypeSlot
get { return 0; }
public override T1 AsT1()
public override T2 AsT2()
public override string ToString()
public override int GetHashCode()
And my attempt on minimal yet extensible solution using nesting of Union/Either type.
Also usage of default parameters in Match method naturally enables "Either X Or Default" scenario.
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace Playground
public class EitherTests
public void Test_Either_of_Property_or_FieldInfo()
var some = new Some(false);
var field = some.GetType().GetField("X");
var property = some.GetType().GetProperty("Y");
var info = Either<PropertyInfo, FieldInfo>.Of(field);
var infoType = info.Match(p => p.PropertyType, f => f.FieldType);
Assert.That(infoType, Is.EqualTo(typeof(bool)));
public void Either_of_three_cases_using_nesting()
var some = new Some(false);
var field = some.GetType().GetField("X");
var parameter = some.GetType().GetConstructors()[0].GetParameters()[0];
var info = Either<ParameterInfo, Either<PropertyInfo, FieldInfo>>.Of(parameter);
var name = info.Match(_ => _.Name, _ => _.Name, _ => _.Name);
Assert.That(name, Is.EqualTo("a"));
public class Some
public bool X;
public string Y { get; set; }
public Some(bool a)
X = a;
public static class Either
public static T Match<A, B, C, T>(
this Either<A, Either<B, C>> source,
Func<A, T> a = null, Func<B, T> b = null, Func<C, T> c = null)
return source.Match(a, bc => bc.Match(b, c));
public abstract class Either<A, B>
public static Either<A, B> Of(A a)
return new CaseA(a);
public static Either<A, B> Of(B b)
return new CaseB(b);
public abstract T Match<T>(Func<A, T> a = null, Func<B, T> b = null);
private sealed class CaseA : Either<A, B>
private readonly A _item;
public CaseA(A item) { _item = item; }
public override T Match<T>(Func<A, T> a = null, Func<B, T> b = null)
return a == null ? default(T) : a(_item);
private sealed class CaseB : Either<A, B>
private readonly B _item;
public CaseB(B item) { _item = item; }
public override T Match<T>(Func<A, T> a = null, Func<B, T> b = null)
return b == null ? default(T) : b(_item);
You could throw exceptions once there's an attempt to access variables that haven't been initialized, ie if it's created with an A parameter and later on there's an attempt to access B or C, it could throw, say, UnsupportedOperationException. You'd need a getter to make it work though.
The C# Language Design Team discussed discriminated unions in January 2017
You can vote for the feature request at
You can export a pseudo-pattern matching function, like I use for the Either type in my Sasa library. There's currently runtime overhead, but I eventually plan to add a CIL analysis to inline all the delegates into a true case statement.
It's not possible to do with exactly the syntax you've used but with a bit more verbosity and copy/paste it's easy to make overload resolution do the job for you:
// this code is ok
var u = new Union("");
if (u.Value(Is.OfType()))
// and this one will not compile
if (u.Value(Is.OfType()))
By now it should be pretty obvious how to implement it:
public class Union
private readonly Type type;
public readonly A a;
public readonly B b;
public readonly C c;
public Union(A a)
type = typeof(A);
this.a = a;
public Union(B b)
type = typeof(B);
this.b = b;
public Union(C c)
type = typeof(C);
this.c = c;
public bool Value(TypeTestSelector _)
return typeof(A) == type;
public bool Value(TypeTestSelector _)
return typeof(B) == type;
public bool Value(TypeTestSelector _)
return typeof(C) == type;
public A Value(GetValueTypeSelector _)
return a;
public B Value(GetValueTypeSelector _)
return b;
public C Value(GetValueTypeSelector _)
return c;
public static class Is
public static TypeTestSelector OfType()
return null;
public class TypeTestSelector
public static class Get
public static GetValueTypeSelector ForType()
return null;
public class GetValueTypeSelector
There are no checks for extracting the value of the wrong type, e.g.:
var u = Union(10);
string s = u.Value(Get.ForType());
So you might consider adding necessary checks and throw exceptions in such cases.
I am currently trying to create a Julia Runtime in .NET. Julia has types like Union{Int, String}... Etc. I am currently trying to simulate this .NET (without doing weird IL that would not be able to be called from c#).
Here is a compile time implementation of a union of structures. I will be creating more unions for object unions, and cross object and struct unions (this will be the most complex case).
public struct Union<T1,T2> where T1 : struct where T2 : struct{
private byte type;
[FieldOffset(1)] private T1 a1;
[FieldOffset(1)] private T2 a2;
public T1 A1 {
get => a1;
set {
a1 = value;
type = 1;
public T2 A2 {
get => a2;
set {
a2 = value;
type = 2;
public Union(int _ = 0) {
type = 0;
a1 = default;
a2 = default;
public Union(T1 a) : this() => A1 = a;
public Union(T2 a) : this() => A2 = a;
public bool HasValue => type < 1 || type > 2;
public bool IsNull => !HasValue;
public bool IsT1 => type == 1;
public bool IsT2 => type == 2;
public Type GetType() {
switch (type) {
case 1: return typeof(T1);
case 2: return typeof(T2);
default: return null;
You can use the above like the following:
Union<int, long> myUnion(5); \\Set int inside
myUnion.a2 = 5;
Type theTypeInside = myUnion.GetType(); //long
myUnion.a1 = 5;
theTypeInside = myUnion.GetType(); //int
I will also be creating dynamic union generators or aligned unions for the cross object and struct union.
Take a look at:Generated Struct Union Output to see the current compile time unions I am using.
If you want to create a union of any size take a look at Generator for Struct Unions
If anyone has any improvements for the above let me know! Implementing julia into .NET is an extraordinarily hard task!
I use own of Union Type.
Consider an example to make it clearer.
Imagine we have Contact class:
public class Contact
public string Name { get; set; }
public string EmailAddress { get; set; }
public string PostalAdrress { get; set; }
These are all defined as simple strings, but really are they just strings?
Of course not. The Name can consist of First Name and Last Name. Or is an Email just a set of symbols? I know that at least it should contain # and it is necessarily.
Let's improve us domain model
public class PersonalName
public PersonalName(string firstName, string lastName) { ... }
public string Name() { return _fistName + " " _lastName; }
public class EmailAddress
public EmailAddress(string email) { ... }
public class PostalAdrress
public PostalAdrress(string address, string city, int zip) { ... }
In this classes will be validations during creating and we will eventually have valid models. Consturctor in PersonaName class require FirstName and LastName at the same time. This means that after the creation, it can not have invalid state.
And contact class respectively
public class Contact
public PersonalName Name { get; set; }
public EmailAdress EmailAddress { get; set; }
public PostalAddress PostalAddress { get; set; }
In this case we have same problem, object of Contact class may be in invalid state. I mean it may have EmailAddress but haven't Name
var contact = new Contact { EmailAddress = new EmailAddress("") };
Let's fix it and create Contact class with constructor which requires PersonalName, EmailAddress and PostalAddress:
public class Contact
public Contact(
PersonalName personalName,
EmailAddress emailAddress,
PostalAddress postalAddress
But here we have another problem. What if Person have only EmailAdress and haven't PostalAddress?
If we think about it there we realize that there are three possibilities of valid state of Contact class object:
A contact only has an email address
A contact only has a postal address
A contact has both an email address and a postal address
Let's write out domain models. For the beginning we will create Contact Info class which state will be corresponding with above cases.
public class ContactInfo
public ContactInfo(EmailAddress emailAddress) { ... }
public ContactInfo(PostalAddress postalAddress) { ... }
public ContactInfo(Tuple<EmailAddress,PostalAddress> emailAndPostalAddress) { ... }
And Contact class:
public class Contact
public Contact(
PersonalName personalName,
ContactInfo contactInfo
Let's try use it:
var contact = new Contact(
new PersonalName("James", "Bond"),
new ContactInfo(
new EmailAddress("")
Console.WriteLine(contact.PersonalName()); // James Bond
Console.WriteLine(contact.ContactInfo().???) // here we have problem, because ContactInfo have three possible state and if we want print it we would write `if` cases
Let's add Match method in ContactInfo class
public class ContactInfo
// constructor
public TResult Match<TResult>(
Func<EmailAddress,TResult> f1,
Func<PostalAddress,TResult> f2,
Func<Tuple<EmailAddress,PostalAddress>> f3
if (_emailAddress != null)
return f1(_emailAddress);
else if(_postalAddress != null)
In the match method, we can write this code, because the state of the contact class is controlled with constructors and it may have only one of the possible states.
Let's create an auxiliary class, so that each time do not write as many code.
public abstract class Union<T1,T2,T3>
where T1 : class
where T2 : class
where T3 : class
private readonly T1 _t1;
private readonly T2 _t2;
private readonly T3 _t3;
public Union(T1 t1) { _t1 = t1; }
public Union(T2 t2) { _t2 = t2; }
public Union(T3 t3) { _t3 = t3; }
public TResult Match<TResult>(
Func<T1, TResult> f1,
Func<T2, TResult> f2,
Func<T3, TResult> f3
if (_t1 != null)
return f1(_t1);
else if (_t2 != null)
return f2(_t2);
else if (_t3 != null)
return f3(_t3);
throw new Exception("can't match");
We can have such a class in advance for several types, as is done with delegates Func, Action. 4-6 generic type parameters will be in full for Union class.
Let's rewrite ContactInfo class:
public sealed class ContactInfo : Union<
public Contact(EmailAddress emailAddress) : base(emailAddress) { }
public Contact(PostalAddress postalAddress) : base(postalAddress) { }
public Contact(Tuple<EmaiAddress, PostalAddress> emailAndPostalAddress) : base(emailAndPostalAddress) { }
Here the compiler will ask override for at least one constructor. If we forget to override the rest of the constructors we can't create object of ContactInfo class with another state. This will protect us from runtime exceptions during Matching.
var contact = new Contact(
new PersonalName("James", "Bond"),
new ContactInfo(
new EmailAddress("")
Console.WriteLine(contact.PersonalName()); // James Bond
(emailAddress) => emailAddress.Address,
(postalAddress) => postalAddress.City + " " postalAddress.Zip.ToString(),
(emailAndPostalAddress) => emailAndPostalAddress.Item1.Name + emailAndPostalAddress.Item2.City + " " emailAndPostalAddress.Item2.Zip.ToString()
That's all.
I hope you enjoyed.
Example taken from the site F# for fun and profit

Using Generics to Multiply Integers

I have a class called GenericItem (first time using generics), suppose i wanted to multiply two items if they were of the type integer, as you can see I am trying it in the method returnCounterMultiply, but it does not allow me to multiply them although i am trying to convert them and also checking if they are of type integer.
namespace Components
public class GenericItem<T>
private T data;
private T counter;
public T Data
get { return data; }
set { data = value; }
public GenericItem(){}
public GenericItem(T _data)
data = _data;
public T returnCounterMultiply(T value)
int c = 0;
int d = 0;
if (counter.GetType() == typeof(int) && value.GetType() == typeof(int))
//cant multiply two of type T, why if i am converting to int?.
return (T)Convert.ChangeType(counter, typeof(Int32)) * (T)Convert.ChangeType(value, typeof(Int32));
return value;
I would appreciate some explanation on this as this is the first time I am working on it (this is just a sample class for understanding this GENERICS INTRO and this GENERICS CLASSES, but still having trouble understanding it.
I don't see what your trying to achieve, but if you have to do it I think you have to use an interface:
public interface IMultiplyable<T>
T Multiply(T x);
public class Int : IMultiplyable<Int>
private int _data { get; set; }
public Int(int data)
_data = data;
public Int Multiply(Int x)
return new Int(_data * x._data);
public override string ToString()
return _data.ToString();
public class GenericItem<T> where T : IMultiplyable<T>
private T data;
private T counter;
public T Data
get { return data; }
set { data = value; }
public GenericItem() { }
public GenericItem(T _data)
data = _data;
public T returnCounterMultiply(T value)
return Data.Multiply(value);
public override string ToString()
return Data.ToString();
var a = new GenericItem<Int>(new Int(4));
MessageBox.Show(a.returnCounterMultiply(new Int(5)).ToString()); //20
In my opinion, using generics in this case is an overkill.
It would be nice that generic constraints support something like:
// T parameter is a type which overloads "+" operator...
where T : +
In your concrete case, I would argue you're going in the wrong way. Why don't you just create a class to implement such math operations where properties are typed as int?
Generics work better when T parameter (or any other parameter, of course...) can be constrained to receive types which have:
A public parameterless constructor.
Inherits or implements a class/interface
You need to constraint that T must be a class and not a struct...
When you go into a problem when using generics requires a type conversion, I believe you defeated the point of generics!
You can do something like this:
public class GenericItem<T>
private T data;
public T Data
get { return data; }
set { data = value; }
public GenericItem(){}
public GenericItem(T _data)
data = _data;
private Dictionary<Type, Delegate> operations =
new Dictionary<Type, Delegate>()
{ typeof(int), (Func<int, int, int>)((x, y) => x * y) },
{ typeof(string), (Func<string, string, string>)((x, y) => x + " " + y) },
public T returnCounterMultiply(T value)
if (operations.ContainsKey(typeof(T)))
var operation = (Func<T, T, T>)(operations[typeof(T)]);
return operation(data, value);
return value;
You just need to define, in the dictionary, one operation per valid types you're going to want to use and it just works without any converting of types (except to cast to the Func).
I had these test results:
var gii = new GenericItem<int>(42);
var xi = gii.returnCounterMultiply(2);
// xi == 84
var gis = new GenericItem<string>("Foo");
var xs = gis.returnCounterMultiply("Bar");
// xs == "Foo Bar"
Your problem has nothing to do with generics but with basic C# casting priority:
//cant multiply two of type T, why if i am converting to int?.
(T)Convert.ChangeType(counter, typeof(Int32))
You do not multiply int but T - and T being a generic type you can only use methods that are ddefined in your generics contraint, which you have none, so no multiply on it.
If you want to multiply int, then do so:
(T) (
((Int32)Convert.ChangeType(counter, typeof(Int32)))
See the difference?
Basically in your code you deal with T in the multiplication, here I deal with Int32. And factually if T is a Int32 (as you tested before in the IF statement) you can just skip the convert and cast:
(T) (
Now, generics are a bad example for maths as you can not use operations on generics - sadly. This is an abuse of the concept, but I take it was meant as a learning exercise and thus focused on that part on my answer.
I too tried this once and had to find out that there is no pretty way to do it with generics. You cannot do it as generic as in C++.
As an alternative, you may wrap your data types and use a common interface:
interface IMathOps
object Value { get; }
void Add(IMathOps other);
// other methods for substraction etc.
class IntWrapper : IMathOps
public int value;
public void Add(IMathOps other)
if(other is IntWrapper)
this.value += (int)other.Value;
public object Value { get { return this.value; } }
// class FloatWrapper : IMathOps ...
I think you should use where (generic type constraint). So it will give error at compile time if T is not int.
public T returnCounterMultiply(T value) where T : int
int c = 0;
int d = 0;
return c*d;

Extending Enums, Overkill?

I have an object that needs to be serialized to an EDI format. For this example we'll say it's a car. A car might not be the best example b/c options change over time, but for the real object the Enums will never change.
I have many Enums like the following with custom attributes applied.
public enum RoofStyle
[DisplayText("Glass Top")]
[DisplayText("Convertible Soft Top")]
[DisplayText("Hard Top")]
[StringValue("HT ")]
[DisplayText("Targa Top")]
[StringValue("TT ")]
The Attributes are accessed via Extension methods:
public static string GetStringValue(this Enum value)
// Get the type
Type type = value.GetType();
// Get fieldinfo for this type
FieldInfo fieldInfo = type.GetField(value.ToString());
// Get the stringvalue attributes
StringValueAttribute[] attribs = fieldInfo.GetCustomAttributes(
typeof(StringValueAttribute), false) as StringValueAttribute[];
// Return the first if there was a match.
return attribs.Length > 0 ? attribs[0].StringValue : null;
public static string GetDisplayText(this Enum value)
// Get the type
Type type = value.GetType();
// Get fieldinfo for this type
FieldInfo fieldInfo = type.GetField(value.ToString());
// Get the DisplayText attributes
DisplayTextAttribute[] attribs = fieldInfo.GetCustomAttributes(
typeof(DisplayTextAttribute), false) as DisplayTextAttribute[];
// Return the first if there was a match.
return attribs.Length > 0 ? attribs[0].DisplayText : value.ToString();
There is a custom EDI serializer that serializes based on the StringValue attributes like so:
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
There is another method that can get Enum Value from StringValue for Deserialization:
car.RoofStyle = Enums.GetCode<RoofStyle>(EDIString.Substring(4, 3))
Defined as:
public static class Enums
public static T GetCode<T>(string value)
foreach (object o in System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(T)))
if (((Enum)o).GetStringValue() == value.ToUpper())
return (T)o;
throw new ArgumentException("No code exists for type " + typeof(T).ToString() + " corresponding to value of " + value);
And Finally, for the UI, the GetDisplayText() is used to show the user friendly text.
What do you think? Overkill? Is there a better way? or Goldie Locks (just right)?
Just want to get feedback before I intergrate it into my personal framework permanently. Thanks.
The part you're using to serialize is fine. The deserialization part is awkwardly written. The main problem is that you're using ToUpper() to compare strings, which is easily broken (think globalization). Such comparisons should be done with string.Compare instead, or the string.Equals overload that takes a StringComparison.
The other thing is that performing these lookups again and again during deserialization is going to pretty slow. If you're serializing a lot of data, this could actually be quite noticeable. In that case, you'd want to build a map from the StringValue to the enum itself - throw it into a static Dictionary<string, RoofStyle> and use it as a lookup for the round-trip. In other words:
public static class Enums
private static Dictionary<string, RoofStyle> roofStyles =
new Dictionary<string, RoofStyle>()
{ "GTR", RoofStyle.Glass },
{ "CST", RoofStyle.ConvertibleSoft },
{ "HT ", RoofStyle.HardTop },
{ "TT ", RoofStyle.TargaTop }
public static RoofStyle GetRoofStyle(string code)
RoofStyle result;
if (roofStyles.TryGetValue(code, out result))
return result;
throw new ArgumentException(...);
It's not as "generic" but it's way more efficient. If you don't like the duplication of string values then extract the codes as constants in a separate class.
If you really need it to be totally generic and work for any enum, you can always lazy-load the dictionary of values (generate it using the extension methods you've written) the first time a conversion is done. It's very simple to do that:
static Dictionary<string, T> CreateEnumLookup<T>()
return Enum.GetValues(typeof(T)).ToDictionary(o => ((Enum)o).GetStringValue(),
o => (T)o);
P.S. Minor detail but you might want to consider using Attribute.GetCustomAttribute instead of MemberInfo.GetCustomAttributes if you only expect there to be one attribute. There's no reason for all the array fiddling when you only need one item.
Personally, I think you are abusing the language and trying to use enums in a way they were never intended. I would create a static class RoofStyle, and create a simple struct RoofType, and use an instance for each of your enum values.
Why don't you create a type with static members such as mikerobi said
public class RoofStyle
private RoofStyle() { }
public string Display { get; private set; }
public string Value { get; private set; }
public readonly static RoofStyle Glass = new RoofStyle
Display = "Glass Top", Value = "GTR",
public readonly static RoofStyle ConvertibleSoft = new RoofStyle
Display = "Convertible Soft Top", Value = "CST",
public readonly static RoofStyle HardTop = new RoofStyle
Display = "Hard Top", Value = "HT ",
public readonly static RoofStyle Targa = new RoofStyle
Display = "Targa Top", Value = "TT ",
When compiled into IL an Enum is very similar to this class structure.
... Enum backing fields ...
.field public specialname rtspecialname int32 value__
.field public static literal valuetype A.ERoofStyle Glass = int32(0x00)
.field public static literal valuetype A.ERoofStyle ConvertibleSoft = int32(0x01)
.field public static literal valuetype A.ERoofStyle HardTop = int32(0x02)
.field public static literal valuetype A.ERoofStyle Targa = int32(0x03)
... Class backing fields ...
.field public static initonly class A.RoofStyle Glass
.field public static initonly class A.RoofStyle ConvertibleSoft
.field public static initonly class A.RoofStyle HardTop
.field public static initonly class A.RoofStyle Targa
Here is a base class I use for enumeration classes:
public abstract class Enumeration<T, TId> : IEquatable<T> where T : Enumeration<T, TId>
public static bool operator ==(Enumeration<T, TId> x, T y)
return Object.ReferenceEquals(x, y) || (!Object.ReferenceEquals(x, null) && x.Equals(y));
public static bool operator !=(Enumeration<T, TId> first, T second)
return !(first == second);
public static T FromId(TId id)
return AllValues.Where(value => value.Id.Equals(id)).FirstOrDefault();
public static readonly ReadOnlyCollection<T> AllValues = FindValues();
private static ReadOnlyCollection<T> FindValues()
var values =
(from staticField in typeof(T).GetFields(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public)
where staticField.FieldType == typeof(T)
select (T) staticField.GetValue(null))
var duplicateIds =
(from value in values
group value by value.Id into valuesById
where valuesById.Skip(1).Any()
select valuesById.Key)
if(duplicateIds.Count > 0)
throw new DuplicateEnumerationIdException("Duplicate ID: " + duplicateIds.Single());
return values;
protected Enumeration(TId id, string name)
Contract.Requires(((object) id) != null);
this.Id = id;
this.Name = name;
protected Enumeration()
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return Equals(obj as T);
public override int GetHashCode()
return this.Id.GetHashCode();
public override string ToString()
return this.Name;
#region IEquatable
public virtual bool Equals(T other)
return other != null && this.IdComparer.Equals(this.Id, other.Id);
public virtual TId Id { get; private set; }
public virtual string Name { get; private set; }
protected virtual IEqualityComparer<TId> IdComparer
get { return EqualityComparer<TId>.Default; }
An implementation would look like:
public sealed class RoofStyle : Enumeration<RoofStyle, int>
public static readonly RoofStyle Glass = new RoofStyle(0, "Glass Top", "GTR");
public static readonly RoofStyle ConvertibleSoft = new RoofStyle(1, "Convertible Soft Top", "CST");
public static readonly RoofStyle HardTop = new RoofStyle(2, "Hard Top", "HT ");
public static readonly RoofStyle Targa = new RoofStyle(3, "Targa Top", "TT ");
public static RoofStyle FromStringValue(string stringValue)
return AllValues.FirstOrDefault(value => value.StringValue == stringValue);
private RoofStyle(int id, string name, string stringValue) : base(id, name)
StringValue = stringValue;
public string StringValue { get; private set; }
You would use it during serialization like this:
var builder = new StringBuilder();
To deserialize:
car.RoofStyle = RoofStyle.FromStringValue(EDIString.Substring(4, 3));
I don't see a problem with it - actually, I do the same. By this, I achieve verbosity with the enum, and can define how the enum is to be translated when I use it to request data, eg. RequestTarget.Character will result in "char".
Can't say I've ever seen it done that way but the consumer code is relatively simple so I'd probably enjoy using it.
The only thing that sticks out for me is the potential for consumers having to deal with nulls - which might be able to be removed. If you have control over the attributes (which you do, from the sounds of it), then there should never be a case where GetDisplayText or GetStringValue return null so you can remove
return attribs.Length > 0 ? attribs[0].StringValue : null;
and replace it with
return attribs[0].StringValue;
in order to simplify the interface for consumer code.
IMHO, the design is solid, and will work.
However, reflection tends to be a litle slow, so if those methods are used in tight loops, it might slow down the whole application.
You could try caching the the return values into a Dictionary<RoofStyle, string> so they are only reflected once, and then fetched from cache.
Something like this:
private static Dictionary<Enum, string> stringValues
= new Dictionary<Enum,string>();
public static string GetStringValue(this Enum value)
if (!stringValues.ContainsKey(value))
Type type = value.GetType();
FieldInfo fieldInfo = type.GetField(value.ToString());
StringValueAttribute[] attribs = fieldInfo.GetCustomAttributes(
typeof(StringValueAttribute), false) as StringValueAttribute[];
stringValues.Add(value, attribs.Length > 0 ? attribs[0].StringValue : null);
return stringValues[value];
I know this question has already been answered, but while ago I posted the following code fragment on my personal blog, which demonstrates faking Java style enums using extension methods. You might find this method works for you, especially as it overcomes the overhead of accessing Attributes via reflection.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace ScratchPad
internal class Program
private static void Main(string[] args)
var p = new Program();
private void Run()
double earthWeight = 175;
double mass = earthWeight / Planet.Earth.SurfaceGravity();
foreach (Planet planet in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Planet))) {
Console.WriteLine("Your weight on {0} is {1}", planet, planet.SurfaceWeight(mass));
public enum Planet
public static class PlanetExtensions
private static readonly Dictionary<Planet, PlanetData> planetMap = new Dictionary<Planet, PlanetData>
{Planet.Mercury, new PlanetData(3.303e+23, 2.4397e6)},
{Planet.Venus, new PlanetData(4.869e+24, 6.0518e6)},
{Planet.Earth, new PlanetData(5.976e+24, 6.37814e6)},
{Planet.Mars, new PlanetData(6.421e+23, 3.3972e6)},
{Planet.Jupiter, new PlanetData(1.9e+27, 7.1492e7)},
{Planet.Saturn, new PlanetData(5.688e+26, 6.0268e7)},
{Planet.Uranus, new PlanetData(8.686e+25, 2.5559e7)},
{Planet.Neptune, new PlanetData(1.024e+26, 2.4746e7)}
private const double G = 6.67300E-11;
public static double Mass(this Planet planet)
return GetPlanetData(planet).Mass;
public static double Radius(this Planet planet)
return GetPlanetData(planet).Radius;
public static double SurfaceGravity(this Planet planet)
PlanetData planetData = GetPlanetData(planet);
return G * planetData.Mass / (planetData.Radius * planetData.Radius);
public static double SurfaceWeight(this Planet planet, double mass)
return mass * SurfaceGravity(planet);
private static PlanetData GetPlanetData(Planet planet)
if (!planetMap.ContainsKey(planet))
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("planet", "Unknown Planet");
return planetMap[planet];
#region Nested type: PlanetData
public class PlanetData
public PlanetData(double mass, double radius)
Mass = mass;
Radius = radius;
public double Mass { get; private set; }
public double Radius { get; private set; }

Using an enum as an array index in C#

I want to do the same as in this question, that is:
enum DaysOfTheWeek {Sunday=0, Monday, Tuesday...};
string[] message_array = new string[number_of_items_at_enum];
however, I would rather have something integral to so, rather than write this error prone code. Is there a built in module in C# that does just this?
If the values of your enum items are contigious, the array method works pretty well. However, in any case, you could use Dictionary<DayOfTheWeek, string> (which is less performant, by the way).
Since C# 7.3 it has been possible to use System.Enum as a constraint on type parameters. So the nasty hacks in the some of the other answers are no longer required.
Here's a very simple ArrayByEum class that does exactly what the question asked.
Note that it will waste space if the enum values are non-contiguous, and won't cope with enum values that are too large for an int. I did say this example was very simple.
/// <summary>An array indexed by an Enum</summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Type stored in array</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="U">Indexer Enum type</typeparam>
public class ArrayByEnum<T,U> : IEnumerable where U : Enum // requires C# 7.3 or later
private readonly T[] _array;
private readonly int _lower;
public ArrayByEnum()
_lower = Convert.ToInt32(Enum.GetValues(typeof(U)).Cast<U>().Min());
int upper = Convert.ToInt32(Enum.GetValues(typeof(U)).Cast<U>().Max());
_array = new T[1 + upper - _lower];
public T this[U key]
get { return _array[Convert.ToInt32(key) - _lower]; }
set { _array[Convert.ToInt32(key) - _lower] = value; }
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
return Enum.GetValues(typeof(U)).Cast<U>().Select(i => this[i]).GetEnumerator();
ArrayByEnum<string,MyEnum> myArray = new ArrayByEnum<string,MyEnum>();
myArray[MyEnum.First] = "Hello";
myArray[YourEnum.Other] = "World"; // compiler error
You could make a class or struct that could do the work for you
public class Caster
public enum DayOfWeek
Sunday = 0,
public Caster() {}
public Caster(string[] data) { this.Data = data; }
public string this[DayOfWeek dow]{
get { return this.Data[(int)dow]; }
public string[] Data { get; set; }
public static implicit operator string[](Caster caster) { return caster.Data; }
public static implicit operator Caster(string[] data) { return new Caster(data); }
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Caster message_array = new string[7];
For lack of a better place to put this, I am posting a generic version of the Caster class below. Unfortunately, it relies on runtime checks to enforce TKey as an enum.
public enum DayOfWeek
Sunday = 0,
public class TypeNotSupportedException : ApplicationException
public TypeNotSupportedException(Type type)
: base(string.Format("The type \"{0}\" is not supported in this context.", type.Name))
public class CannotBeIndexerException : ApplicationException
public CannotBeIndexerException(Type enumUnderlyingType, Type indexerType)
: base(
string.Format("The base type of the enum (\"{0}\") cannot be safely cast to \"{1}\".",
enumUnderlyingType.Name, indexerType)
public class Caster<TKey, TValue>
private readonly Type baseEnumType;
public Caster()
baseEnumType = typeof(TKey);
if (!baseEnumType.IsEnum)
throw new TypeNotSupportedException(baseEnumType);
public Caster(TValue[] data)
: this()
Data = data;
public TValue this[TKey key]
var enumUnderlyingType = Enum.GetUnderlyingType(baseEnumType);
var intType = typeof(int);
if (!enumUnderlyingType.IsAssignableFrom(intType))
throw new CannotBeIndexerException(enumUnderlyingType, intType);
var index = (int) Enum.Parse(baseEnumType, key.ToString());
return Data[index];
public TValue[] Data { get; set; }
public static implicit operator TValue[](Caster<TKey, TValue> caster)
return caster.Data;
public static implicit operator Caster<TKey, TValue>(TValue[] data)
return new Caster<TKey, TValue>(data);
// declaring and using it.
Caster<DayOfWeek, string> messageArray =
Here you go:
string[] message_array = Enum.GetNames(typeof(DaysOfTheWeek));
If you really need the length, then just take the .Length on the result :)
You can get values with:
string[] message_array = Enum.GetValues(typeof(DaysOfTheWeek));
Compact form of enum used as index and assigning whatever type to a Dictionary
and strongly typed. In this case float values are returned but values could be complex Class instances having properties and methods and more:
enum opacityLevel { Min, Default, Max }
private static readonly Dictionary<opacityLevel, float> _oLevels = new Dictionary<opacityLevel, float>
{ opacityLevel.Max, 40.0 },
{ opacityLevel.Default, 50.0 },
{ opacityLevel.Min, 100.0 }
//Access float value like this
var x = _oLevels[opacitylevel.Default];
If all you need is essentially a map, but don't want to incur performance overhead associated with dictionary lookups, this might work:
public class EnumIndexedArray<TKey, T> : IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<TKey, T>> where TKey : struct
public EnumIndexedArray()
if (!typeof (TKey).IsEnum) throw new InvalidOperationException("Generic type argument is not an Enum");
var size = Convert.ToInt32(Keys.Max()) + 1;
Values = new T[size];
protected T[] Values;
public static IEnumerable<TKey> Keys
get { return Enum.GetValues(typeof (TKey)).OfType<TKey>(); }
public T this[TKey index]
get { return Values[Convert.ToInt32(index)]; }
set { Values[Convert.ToInt32(index)] = value; }
private IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<TKey, T>> CreateEnumerable()
return Keys.Select(key => new KeyValuePair<TKey, T>(key, Values[Convert.ToInt32(key)]));
public IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<TKey, T>> GetEnumerator()
return CreateEnumerable().GetEnumerator();
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return GetEnumerator();
So in your case you could derive:
class DaysOfWeekToStringsMap:EnumIndexedArray<DayOfWeek,string>{};
var map = new DaysOfWeekToStringsMap();
//using the Keys static property
foreach(var day in DaysOfWeekToStringsMap.Keys){
map[day] = day.ToString();
foreach(var day in DaysOfWeekToStringsMap.Keys){
Console.WriteLine("map[{0}]={1}",day, map[day]);
// using iterator
foreach(var value in map){
Console.WriteLine("map[{0}]={1}",value.Key, value.Value);
Obviously this implementation is backed by an array, so non-contiguous enums like this:
Ok = 1,
NotOk = 1000000
would result in excessive memory usage.
If you require maximum possible performance you might want to make it less generic and loose all generic enum handling code I had to use to get it to compile and work. I didn't benchmark this though, so maybe it's no big deal.
Caching the Keys static property might also help.
I realize this is an old question, but there have been a number of comments about the fact that all solutions so far have run-time checks to ensure the data type is an enum. Here is a complete solution (with some examples) of a solution with compile time checks (as well as some comments and discussions from my fellow developers)
//There is no good way to constrain a generic class parameter to an Enum. The hack below does work at compile time,
// though it is convoluted. For examples of how to use the two classes EnumIndexedArray and ObjEnumIndexedArray,
// see AssetClassArray below. Or, e.g.
// EConstraint.EnumIndexedArray<int, YourEnum> x = new EConstraint.EnumIndexedArray<int, YourEnum>();
// See this post
// and the answer/comments by Julien Lebosquain
public class EConstraint : HackForCompileTimeConstraintOfTEnumToAnEnum<System.Enum> { }//THIS MUST BE THE ONLY IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ABSTRACT HackForCompileTimeConstraintOfTEnumToAnEnum
public abstract class HackForCompileTimeConstraintOfTEnumToAnEnum<SystemEnum> where SystemEnum : class
//For object types T, users should use EnumIndexedObjectArray below.
public class EnumIndexedArray<T, TEnum>
where TEnum : struct, SystemEnum
//Needs to be public so that we can easily do things like
// - just not worth writing up all the equivalent methods, and we can't inherit from T[] and guarantee proper initialization.
//Also, note that we cannot use Length here for initialization, even if Length were defined the same as GetNumEnums up to
// static qualification, because we cannot use a non-static for initialization here.
// Since we want Length to be non-static, in keeping with other definitions of the Length property, we define the separate static
// GetNumEnums, and then define the non-static Length in terms of the actual size of the data array, just for clarity,
// safety and certainty (in case someone does something stupid like resizing data).
public T[] data = new T[GetNumEnums()];
//First, a couple of statics allowing easy use of the enums themselves.
public static TEnum[] GetEnums()
return (TEnum[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(TEnum));
public TEnum[] getEnums()
return GetEnums();
//Provide a static method of getting the number of enums. The Length property also returns this, but it is not static and cannot be use in many circumstances.
public static int GetNumEnums()
return GetEnums().Length;
//This should always return the same as GetNumEnums, but is not static and does it in a way that guarantees consistency with the member array.
public int Length { get { return data.Length; } }
//public int Count { get { return data.Length; } }
public EnumIndexedArray() { }
// [WDS 2015-04-17] Remove. This can be dangerous. Just force people to use EnumIndexedArray(T[] inputArray).
// [DIM 2015-04-18] Actually, if you think about it, EnumIndexedArray(T[] inputArray) is just as dangerous:
// For value types, both are fine. For object types, the latter causes each object in the input array to be referenced twice,
// while the former causes the single object t to be multiply referenced. Two references to each of many is no less dangerous
// than 3 or more references to one. So all of these are dangerous for object types.
// We could remove all these ctors from this base class, and create a separate
// EnumIndexedValueArray<T, TEnum> : EnumIndexedArray<T, TEnum> where T: struct ...
// but then specializing to TEnum = AssetClass would have to be done twice below, once for value types and once
// for object types, with a repetition of all the property definitions. Violating the DRY principle that much
// just to protect against stupid usage, clearly documented as dangerous, is not worth it IMHO.
public EnumIndexedArray(T t)
int i = Length;
while (--i >= 0)
this[i] = t;
public EnumIndexedArray(T[] inputArray)
if (inputArray.Length > Length)
throw new Exception(string.Format("Length of enum-indexed array ({0}) to big. Can't be more than {1}.", inputArray.Length, Length));
Array.Copy(inputArray, data, inputArray.Length);
public EnumIndexedArray(EnumIndexedArray<T, TEnum> inputArray)
Array.Copy(, data, data.Length);
//Clean data access
public T this[int ac] { get { return data[ac]; } set { data[ac] = value; } }
public T this[TEnum ac] { get { return data[Convert.ToInt32(ac)]; } set { data[Convert.ToInt32(ac)] = value; } }
public class EnumIndexedObjectArray<T, TEnum> : EnumIndexedArray<T, TEnum>
where TEnum : struct, SystemEnum
where T : new()
public EnumIndexedObjectArray(bool doInitializeWithNewObjects = true)
if (doInitializeWithNewObjects)
for (int i = Length; i > 0; this[--i] = new T()) ;
// The other ctor's are dangerous for object arrays
public class EnumIndexedArrayComparator<T, TEnum> : EqualityComparer<EnumIndexedArray<T, TEnum>>
where TEnum : struct, SystemEnum
private readonly EqualityComparer<T> elementComparer = EqualityComparer<T>.Default;
public override bool Equals(EnumIndexedArray<T, TEnum> lhs, EnumIndexedArray<T, TEnum> rhs)
if (lhs == rhs)
return true;
if (lhs == null || rhs == null)
return false;
//These cases should not be possible because of the way these classes are constructed.
// HOWEVER, the data member is public, so somebody _could_ do something stupid and make
// data=null, or make ==, even though lhs!=rhs (above check)
//On the other hand, these are just optimizations, so it won't be an issue if we reomve them anyway,
// Unless someone does something really dumb like setting .data to null or resizing to an incorrect size,
// in which case things will crash, but any developer who does this deserves to have it crash painfully...
//if ( ==
// return true;
//if ( == null || == null)
// return false;
int i = lhs.Length;
//if (rhs.Length != i)
// return false;
while (--i >= 0)
if (!elementComparer.Equals(lhs[i], rhs[i]))
return false;
return true;
public override int GetHashCode(EnumIndexedArray<T, TEnum> enumIndexedArray)
//This doesn't work: for two arrays ar1 and ar2, ar1.GetHashCode() != ar2.GetHashCode() even when ar1[i]==ar2[i] for all i (unless of course they are the exact same array object)
//return engineArray.GetHashCode();
//Code taken from comment by Jon Skeet - of course - in
//31 and 17 are used commonly elsewhere, but maybe because everyone is using Skeet's post.
//On the other hand, this is really not very critical.
int hash = 17;
int i = enumIndexedArray.Length;
while (--i >= 0)
hash = hash * 31 + elementComparer.GetHashCode(enumIndexedArray[i]);
return hash;
//Because of the above hack, this fails at compile time - as it should. It would, otherwise, only fail at run time.
//public class ThisShouldNotCompile : EConstraint.EnumIndexedArray<int, bool>
//An example
public enum AssetClass { Ir, FxFwd, Cm, Eq, FxOpt, Cr };
public class AssetClassArrayComparator<T> : EConstraint.EnumIndexedArrayComparator<T, AssetClass> { }
public class AssetClassIndexedArray<T> : EConstraint.EnumIndexedArray<T, AssetClass>
public AssetClassIndexedArray()
public AssetClassIndexedArray(T t) : base(t)
public AssetClassIndexedArray(T[] inputArray) : base(inputArray)
public AssetClassIndexedArray(EConstraint.EnumIndexedArray<T, AssetClass> inputArray) : base(inputArray)
public T Cm { get { return this[AssetClass.Cm ]; } set { this[AssetClass.Cm ] = value; } }
public T FxFwd { get { return this[AssetClass.FxFwd]; } set { this[AssetClass.FxFwd] = value; } }
public T Ir { get { return this[AssetClass.Ir ]; } set { this[AssetClass.Ir ] = value; } }
public T Eq { get { return this[AssetClass.Eq ]; } set { this[AssetClass.Eq ] = value; } }
public T FxOpt { get { return this[AssetClass.FxOpt]; } set { this[AssetClass.FxOpt] = value; } }
public T Cr { get { return this[AssetClass.Cr ]; } set { this[AssetClass.Cr ] = value; } }
//Inherit from AssetClassArray<T>, not EnumIndexedObjectArray<T, AssetClass>, so we get the benefit of the public access getters and setters above
public class AssetClassIndexedObjectArray<T> : AssetClassIndexedArray<T> where T : new()
public AssetClassIndexedObjectArray(bool bInitializeWithNewObjects = true)
if (bInitializeWithNewObjects)
for (int i = Length; i > 0; this[--i] = new T()) ;
If you are using C# 7.3 or later, PLEASE don't use this ugly solution. See Ian Goldby's answer from 2018.
You can always do some extra mapping to get an array index of an enum value in a consistent and defined way:
int ArrayIndexFromDaysOfTheWeekEnum(DaysOfWeek day)
switch (day)
case DaysOfWeek.Sunday: return 0;
case DaysOfWeek.Monday: return 1;
default: throw ...;
Be as specific as you can. One day someone will modify your enum and the code will fail because the enum's value was (mis)used as an array index.
For future reference the above problem can be summarized as follows:
I come from Delphi where you can define an array as follows:
TDaysOfTheWeek = (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday);
TDaysOfTheWeekStrings = array[TDaysOfTheWeek];
Then you can iterate through the array using Min and Max:
for Dow := Min(TDaysOfTheWeek) to Max(TDaysOfTheWeek)
DaysOfTheWeekStrings[Dow] := '';
Though this is quite a contrived example, when you are dealing with array positions later in the code I can just type DaysOfTheWeekStrings[TDaysOfTheWeek.Monday]. This has the advantage of the fact that I should the TDaysOfTheWeek increase in size then I do not have to remember the new size of the array etc..... However back to the C# world. I have found this example C# Enum Array Example.
It was a very good answer by #ian-goldby, but it didn't address the issue raised by #zar-shardan, which is an issue I hit myself. Below is my take on a solution, with a an extension class for converting an IEnumerable, and a test class below that:
/// <summary>
/// An array indexed by an enumerated type instead of an integer
/// </summary>
public class ArrayIndexedByEnum<TKey, TElement> : IEnumerable<TElement> where TKey : Enum
private readonly Array _array;
private readonly Dictionary<TKey, TElement> _dictionary;
/// <summary>
/// Creates the initial array, populated with the defaults for TElement
/// </summary>
public ArrayIndexedByEnum()
var min = Convert.ToInt64(Enum.GetValues(typeof(TKey)).Cast<TKey>().Min());
var max = Convert.ToInt64(Enum.GetValues(typeof(TKey)).Cast<TKey>().Max());
var size = max - min + 1;
// Check that we aren't creating a ridiculously big array, if we are,
// then use a dictionary instead
if (min >= Int32.MinValue &&
max <= Int32.MaxValue &&
size < Enum.GetValues(typeof(TKey)).Length * 3L)
var lowerBound = Convert.ToInt32(min);
var upperBound = Convert.ToInt32(max);
_array = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(TElement), new int[] {(int)size }, new int[] { lowerBound });
_dictionary = new Dictionary<TKey, TElement>();
foreach (var value in Enum.GetValues(typeof(TKey)).Cast<TKey>())
_dictionary[value] = default(TElement);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the element by enumerated type
/// </summary>
public TElement this[TKey key]
get => (TElement)(_array?.GetValue(Convert.ToInt32(key)) ?? _dictionary[key]);
if (_array != null)
_array.SetValue(value, Convert.ToInt32(key));
_dictionary[key] = value;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a generic enumerator
/// </summary>
public IEnumerator<TElement> GetEnumerator()
return Enum.GetValues(typeof(TKey)).Cast<TKey>().Select(k => this[k]).GetEnumerator();
System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return GetEnumerator();
Here's the extension class:
/// <summary>
/// Extensions for converting IEnumerable<TElement> to ArrayIndexedByEnum
/// </summary>
public static class ArrayIndexedByEnumExtensions
/// <summary>
/// Creates a ArrayIndexedByEnumExtensions from an System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable
/// according to specified key selector and element selector functions.
/// </summary>
public static ArrayIndexedByEnum<TKey, TElement> ToArrayIndexedByEnum<TSource, TKey, TElement>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector, Func<TSource, TElement> elementSelector) where TKey : Enum
var array = new ArrayIndexedByEnum<TKey, TElement>();
foreach(var item in source)
array[keySelector(item)] = elementSelector(item);
return array;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a ArrayIndexedByEnum from an System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable
/// according to a specified key selector function.
/// </summary>
public static ArrayIndexedByEnum<TKey, TSource> ToArrayIndexedByEnum<TSource, TKey>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector) where TKey : Enum
return source.ToArrayIndexedByEnum(keySelector, i => i);
And here are my tests:
public class ArrayIndexedByEnumUnitTest
private enum OddNumbersEnum : UInt16
One = 1,
Three = 3,
Five = 5,
Seven = 7,
Nine = 9
private enum PowersOf2 : Int64
TwoP0 = 1,
TwoP1 = 2,
TwoP2 = 4,
TwoP3 = 8,
TwoP4 = 16,
TwoP5 = 32,
TwoP6 = 64,
TwoP7 = 128,
TwoP8 = 256,
TwoP9 = 512,
TwoP10 = 1_024,
TwoP11 = 2_048,
TwoP12 = 4_096,
TwoP13 = 8_192,
TwoP14 = 16_384,
TwoP15 = 32_768,
TwoP16 = 65_536,
TwoP17 = 131_072,
TwoP18 = 262_144,
TwoP19 = 524_288,
TwoP20 = 1_048_576,
TwoP21 = 2_097_152,
TwoP22 = 4_194_304,
TwoP23 = 8_388_608,
TwoP24 = 16_777_216,
TwoP25 = 33_554_432,
TwoP26 = 67_108_864,
TwoP27 = 134_217_728,
TwoP28 = 268_435_456,
TwoP29 = 536_870_912,
TwoP30 = 1_073_741_824,
TwoP31 = 2_147_483_648,
TwoP32 = 4_294_967_296,
TwoP33 = 8_589_934_592,
TwoP34 = 17_179_869_184,
TwoP35 = 34_359_738_368,
TwoP36 = 68_719_476_736,
TwoP37 = 137_438_953_472,
TwoP38 = 274_877_906_944,
TwoP39 = 549_755_813_888,
TwoP40 = 1_099_511_627_776,
TwoP41 = 2_199_023_255_552,
TwoP42 = 4_398_046_511_104,
TwoP43 = 8_796_093_022_208,
TwoP44 = 17_592_186_044_416,
TwoP45 = 35_184_372_088_832,
TwoP46 = 70_368_744_177_664,
TwoP47 = 140_737_488_355_328,
TwoP48 = 281_474_976_710_656,
TwoP49 = 562_949_953_421_312,
TwoP50 = 1_125_899_906_842_620,
TwoP51 = 2_251_799_813_685_250,
TwoP52 = 4_503_599_627_370_500,
TwoP53 = 9_007_199_254_740_990,
TwoP54 = 18_014_398_509_482_000,
TwoP55 = 36_028_797_018_964_000,
TwoP56 = 72_057_594_037_927_900,
TwoP57 = 144_115_188_075_856_000,
TwoP58 = 288_230_376_151_712_000,
TwoP59 = 576_460_752_303_423_000,
TwoP60 = 1_152_921_504_606_850_000,
public void TestSimpleArray()
var array = new ArrayIndexedByEnum<OddNumbersEnum, string>();
var odds = Enum.GetValues(typeof(OddNumbersEnum)).Cast<OddNumbersEnum>().ToList();
// Store all the values
foreach (var odd in odds)
array[odd] = odd.ToString();
// Check the retrieved values are the same as what was stored
foreach (var odd in odds)
Assert.AreEqual(odd.ToString(), array[odd]);
public void TestPossiblyHugeArray()
var array = new ArrayIndexedByEnum<PowersOf2, string>();
var powersOf2s = Enum.GetValues(typeof(PowersOf2)).Cast<PowersOf2>().ToList();
// Store all the values
foreach (var powerOf2 in powersOf2s)
array[powerOf2] = powerOf2.ToString();
// Check the retrieved values are the same as what was stored
foreach (var powerOf2 in powersOf2s)
Assert.AreEqual(powerOf2.ToString(), array[powerOf2]);
