How to set/get pixel from Softwarebitmap - c#

I am trying to change pixels from a Softwarebitmap.
I want to know if there is an equivalent for Bitmap.Get/SetPixel(x,y,color) in Softwarebitmap UWP.

If you want to read and write softwareBitmap that you should use unsafe code.
To use softwareBitmap is hard that you should write some code.
First using some code.
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
Then create an interface
unsafe interface IMemoryBufferByteAccess
void GetBuffer(out byte* buffer, out uint capacity);
You can use this code to change the pixel.
Creating the soft bitmap.
var softwareBitmap = new SoftwareBitmap(BitmapPixelFormat.Bgra8, 100, 100, BitmapAlphaMode.Straight);
Writing pixel.
using (var buffer = softwareBitmap.LockBuffer(BitmapBufferAccessMode.ReadWrite))
using (var reference = buffer.CreateReference())
((IMemoryBufferByteAccess) reference).GetBuffer(out var dataInBytes, out _);
// Fill-in the BGRA plane
BitmapPlaneDescription bufferLayout = buffer.GetPlaneDescription(0);
for (int i = 0; i < bufferLayout.Height; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < bufferLayout.Width; j++)
byte value = (byte) ((float) j / bufferLayout.Width * 255);
dataInBytes[bufferLayout.StartIndex + bufferLayout.Stride * i + 4 * j + 0] = value; // B
dataInBytes[bufferLayout.StartIndex + bufferLayout.Stride * i + 4 * j + 1] = value; // G
dataInBytes[bufferLayout.StartIndex + bufferLayout.Stride * i + 4 * j + 2] = value; // R
dataInBytes[bufferLayout.StartIndex + bufferLayout.Stride * i + 4 * j + 3] = (byte) 255; // A
You can write the pixel for write the dataInBytes and you should use byte.
For the pixel is BGRA and you should write this byte.
If you want to show it, you need to Convert when the BitmapPixelFormat isnt Bgra8 and the BitmapAlphaMode is Straight and you can use this code.
if (softwareBitmap.BitmapPixelFormat != BitmapPixelFormat.Bgra8 ||
softwareBitmap.BitmapAlphaMode == BitmapAlphaMode.Straight)
softwareBitmap = SoftwareBitmap.Convert(softwareBitmap, BitmapPixelFormat.Bgra8, BitmapAlphaMode.Premultiplied);
This code can show it to Image.
var source = new SoftwareBitmapSource();
await source.SetBitmapAsync(softwareBitmap);
Image.Source = source;
See: Create, edit, and save bitmap images - UWP app developer


Fast data manipulation in C# .NET: RRGGBB to Bitmap / C# Video / Image Processing

I am getting image data from a camera which comes as an array of ushorts from an unmanaged dll.
I have managed to get the data into managed land at a speed which is pretty good.
// cpp .NET
static void imageCallback(unsigned short * rawData, unsigned int length) {
array<unsigned short>^ imageData = gcnew array<unsigned short>(length);
unsigned int headLength = 512; // header length in shorts
pin_ptr<unsigned short> imageDataStart = &imageData[0];
memcpy(imageDataStart, rawData + headLength, length);
The data comes ordered as "RGBRGBRGB...." ushorts for each color channel.
The managed array is then sent to C# via a delegate. Then I have to convert the raw data and stuff it into a (8 bit valued) bitmap via the usual methods like so:
public static Bitmap RGBDataToBitmap(ushort[] data, int Width, int Height, int bitDepth)
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(Width, Height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
var rawdata = bmp.LockBits(new Rectangle(Point.Empty, bmp.Size), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, bmp.PixelFormat);
var pixelSize = rawdata.PixelFormat == PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb ? 4 : 3; // only works with 32 or 24 pixel-size bitmap!
var padding = rawdata.Stride - (rawdata.Width * pixelSize);
var bytes = new byte[rawdata.Height * rawdata.Stride];
var index = 0;
var pixel = 0;
// scale to 8 bits
var scalar = Math.Pow(2, -(bitDepth - 8));
for (var y = 0; y < Height; y++)
for (var x = 0; x < Width; x++)
int Rlevel = (int)Math.Round(data[pixel + 0] * scalar);
int Glevel = (int)Math.Round(data[pixel + 1] * scalar);
int Blevel = (int)Math.Round(data[pixel + 2] * scalar);
pixel += 3;
bytes[index + 3] = 255; // A component
bytes[index + 2] = Convert.ToByte(Blevel); // B component
bytes[index + 1] = Convert.ToByte(Glevel); // G component
bytes[index + 0] = Convert.ToByte(Rlevel); // R component
index += pixelSize;
index += padding;
// copy back the bytes from array to the bitmap
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(bytes, 0, rawdata.Scan0, bytes.Length);
return bmp;
If I time this operation (rawdata to bitmap) it takes ~0.5 seconds. The frames are coming in at ~12 times per second so this is too slow.
Does anyone see a way that I make this operation faster in C#? Or does anyone have any guidance for another method?
The goal is to have a live video image in C#.
Per the suggestions below, if I change the for loop to this:
// scale to 8 bits
var bitminus8 = bitDepth - 8;
var scalar = Math.Pow(2, -(bitminus8));
Parallel.For(0, Height, y =>
var index = y * Width;
for (var x = 0; x < Width; x++)
var idx = index + x;
byte Rlevel = (byte)(data[idx * 3 + 0] >> bitminus8);
byte Glevel = (byte)(data[idx * 3 + 1] >> bitminus8);
byte Blevel = (byte)(data[idx * 3 + 2] >> bitminus8);
bytes[idx * 4 + 3] = 255; // A component
bytes[idx * 4 + 2] = Blevel; // B component
bytes[idx * 4 + 1] = Glevel; // G component
bytes[idx * 4 + 0] = Rlevel; // R component
This goes from 0.5 seconds to 0.04 seconds. Nice bit about the byte conversion, that made a big difference.

Bitmap outside array bounds

I have the following code:
if (source != null)
int count = 0;
int stride = (source.PixelWidth * source.Format.BitsPerPixel + 7) / 8;
byte[] pixels = new byte[source.PixelHeight * stride];
source.CopyPixels(pixels, stride, 0);
for (int y = 0; y < source.PixelHeight; y = y + 2)
for (int x = 0; x < source.PixelWidth; x = x + 2)
int index = y * stride + 4 * x;
count = index;
byte red = pixels[index];
byte green = pixels[index + 1];
byte blue = pixels[index + 2];
byte alpha = pixels[index + 3];
MessageBox.Show("Array Length, pixels: " + pixels.Count() + "," + count);
However, i am having an issue where certain bitmap images, when stepped through throw an exception
"System.IndexOutOfRangeException" as the index passes the pixel [ ] array count, does anyone know how to solve this efficiently without oversizing the array?
I want to display the progress as i go along hence the need for an accurate array :)
Thanks in advance.
You should be able to step through your code and figure out when index is larger than your pixels buffer size.
Add some debugging output to your code and step through it. Something like:
if (source != null)
int count = 0;
int stride = (source.PixelWidth * source.Format.BitsPerPixel + 7) / 8;
byte[] pixels = new byte[source.PixelHeight * stride];
source.CopyPixels(pixels, stride, 0);
for (int y = 0; y < source.PixelHeight; y = y + 2)
for (int x = 0; x < source.PixelWidth; x = x + 2)
int index = y * stride + 4 * x;
count = index;
int bufsize = source.PixelHeight * stride;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"bufsize={bufsize}, index={index}, x={x}, y={y}");
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((index+3) <= bufsize);
byte red = pixels[index];
byte green = pixels[index + 1];
byte blue = pixels[index + 2];
byte alpha = pixels[index + 3];
MessageBox.Show("Array Length, pixels: " + pixels.Count() + "," + count);
A big part about writing code is learning how to debug, use the debugger, and to verify the correctness of your algorithms. Good luck with your project.
This code will crash on any image where Format.BitsPerPixel is less than 32 e.g. 24-bit RGB with no alpha. You also shouldn't assume that stride is what you think it is, you should use the value returned from LockBits.

Runtime.interop ArgumentNullException using ZXing

I am trying to parse a QR Code in a Windows Store-app using ZXing.Net, but when I try to run it using the latest version from their webpage it gives me a ArgumentNullException in BitmapLuminanceSource.Silverlight.cs on line 50
The line looks like this
var data = System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.WindowsRuntimeBufferExtensions.ToArray(writeableBitmap.PixelBuffer, 0, (int)writeableBitmap.PixelBuffer.Length);
The WriteableBitmap is not null, so I do not what, what is null.
Can anybody help me?
It is from this method
public BitmapLuminanceSource(WriteableBitmap writeableBitmap)
: base(writeableBitmap.PixelWidth, writeableBitmap.PixelHeight)
var height = writeableBitmap.PixelHeight;
var width = writeableBitmap.PixelWidth;
var stride = width * 4;
luminances = new byte[width * height];
Color c;
var data = System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.WindowsRuntimeBufferExtensions.ToArray(writeableBitmap.PixelBuffer, 0, (int)writeableBitmap.PixelBuffer.Length);
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
int offset = y * stride;
for (int x = 0, xl = 0; x < stride; x += 4, xl++)
c = Color.FromArgb(
data[x + offset],
data[x + offset + 1],
data[x + offset + 2],
data[x + offset + 3]);
luminances[y * width + xl] = (byte)(0.3 * c.R + 0.59 * c.G + 0.11 * c.B + 0.01);
var pixels = writeableBitmap.Pixels;
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
int offset = y * width;
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
int srcPixel = pixels[x + offset];
c = Color.FromArgb((byte)((srcPixel >> 0x18) & 0xff),
(byte)((srcPixel >> 0x10) & 0xff),
(byte)((srcPixel >> 8) & 0xff),
(byte)(srcPixel & 0xff));
luminances[offset + x] = (byte)(0.3 * c.R + 0.59 * c.G + 0.11 * c.B + 0.01);
The WriteableBitmat is created using this code
// Get the File
var File = await FilePick.PickSingleFileAsync();
// Convert the File to a Bitmap
var Stream = await File.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.Read);
var Bmp = new BitmapImage();
var WBmp = new WriteableBitmap(Bmp.PixelWidth, Bmp.PixelHeight);
By using Damir Arh's answer, the error is moved a bit to the following code
c = Color.FromArgb(
data[x + offset],
data[x + offset + 1],
data[x + offset + 2],
data[x + offset + 3]);
Where I get an IndexOutOfRangeException, when
x = 580
xl = 145
offset = 31104
y = 36
height = 216
width = 216
stride = 864
data = {byte[31684]}
I can of course see why it is out of range, but I can not see how to fix it
It was fixed using Damir Arh's updated answer with Stream.Seek(0)
I made a quick port of the Silverlight example that's available from the project homepage and it worked:
var dlg = new FileOpenPicker();
var file = await dlg.PickSingleFileAsync();
if (file != null)
currentBarcode = new WriteableBitmap(89, 89);
using (var stream = await file.OpenReadAsync())
imgDecoderBarcode.Source = currentBarcode;
var result = reader.Decode(currentBarcode);
if (result != null)
txtDecoderType.Text = result.BarcodeFormat.ToString();
txtDecoderContent.Text = result.Text;
txtDecoderType.Text = String.Empty;
txtDecoderContent.Text = "No barcode found.";
I also tried calling the offending line from the code you posted and there was no exception thrown:
var dlg = new FileOpenPicker();
var file = await dlg.PickSingleFileAsync();
if (file != null)
currentBarcode = new WriteableBitmap(89, 89);
using (var stream = await file.OpenReadAsync())
var data = System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.WindowsRuntimeBufferExtensions.ToArray(currentBarcode.PixelBuffer, 0, (int)currentBarcode.PixelBuffer.Length);
The problem in your case is how you're creating the WriteableBitmap that is being passed to this method. Because you first load a Bitmap from the same stream you're already positioned at its end when you set it as the source for WritableBitmap. You need to reposition yourself to the beginning of the stream so that the data can be loaded once more:
// Convert the File to a Bitmap
var Stream = await File.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.Read);
var Bmp = new BitmapImage();
var WBmp = new WriteableBitmap(Bmp.PixelWidth, Bmp.PixelHeight);

Memory Object Allocation failure using c# and opencl

I am writing an image processing program with the express purpose to alter large images, the one I'm working with is 8165 pixels by 4915 pixels. I was told to implement gpu processing, so after some research I decided to go with OpenCL. I started implementing the OpenCL C# wrapper OpenCLTemplate.
My code takes in a bitmap and uses lockbits to lock its memory location. I then copy the order of each bit into an array, run the array through the openCL kernel, and it inverts each bit in the array. I then run the inverted bits back into the memory location of the image. I split this process into ten chunks so that i can increment a progress bar.
My code works perfectly with smaller images, but when I try to run it with my big image I keep getting a MemObjectAllocationFailure when trying to execute the kernel. I don't know why its doing this and i would appreciate any help in figuring out why or how to fix it.
using OpenCLTemplate;
public static void Invert(Bitmap image, ToolStripProgressBar progressBar)
string openCLInvert = #"
__kernel void Filter(__global uchar * Img0,
__global float * ImgF)
// Gets information about work-item
int x = get_global_id(0);
int y = get_global_id(1);
// Gets information about work size
int width = get_global_size(0);
int height = get_global_size(1);
int ind = 4 * (x + width * y );
// Inverts image colors
ImgF[ind]= 255.0f - (float)Img0[ind];
ImgF[1 + ind]= 255.0f - (float)Img0[1 + ind];
ImgF[2 + ind]= 255.0f - (float)Img0[2 + ind];
// Leave alpha component equal
ImgF[ind + 3] = (float)Img0[ind + 3];
//Lock the image in memory and get image lock data
var imageData = image.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, image.Width, image.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
int adjustedHeight = (((i + 1) * imageData.Height) / 10) - ((i * imageData.Height) / 10);
int count = 0;
byte[] Data = new byte[(4 * imageData.Stride * adjustedHeight)];
var startPointer = (byte*)imageData.Scan0;
for (int y = ((i * imageData.Height) / 10); y < (((i + 1) * imageData.Height) / 10); y++)
for (int x = 0; x < imageData.Width; x++)
byte* Byte = (byte*)(startPointer + (y * imageData.Stride) + (x * 4));
Data[count] = *Byte;
Data[count + 1] = *(Byte + 1);
Data[count + 2] = *(Byte + 2);
Data[count + 3] = *(Byte + 3);
count += 4;
CLCalc.Program.Kernel kernel = new CLCalc.Program.Kernel("Filter");
CLCalc.Program.Variable CLData = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(Data);
float[] imgProcessed = new float[Data.Length];
CLCalc.Program.Variable CLFiltered = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(imgProcessed);
CLCalc.Program.Variable[] args = new CLCalc.Program.Variable[] { CLData, CLFiltered };
kernel.Execute(args, new int[] { imageData.Width, adjustedHeight });
count = 0;
for (int y = ((i * imageData.Height) / 10); y < (((i + 1) * imageData.Height) / 10); y++)
for (int x = 0; x < imageData.Width; x++)
byte* Byte = (byte*)(startPointer + (y * imageData.Stride) + (x * 4));
*Byte = (byte)imgProcessed[count];
*(Byte + 1) = (byte)imgProcessed[count + 1];
*(Byte + 2) = (byte)imgProcessed[count + 2];
*(Byte + 3) = (byte)imgProcessed[count + 3];
count += 4;
//Unlock image
You may have reached a memory allocation limit of your OpenCL driver/device. Check the values returned by clGetDeviceInfo. There is a limit for the size of one single memory object. The OpenCL driver may allow the total size of all allocated memory objects to exceed the memory size on your device, and will copy them to/from host memory when needed.
To process large images, you may have to split them into smaller pieces, and process them separately.

Converting a bitmap to monochrome

I am trying to save an image as monochrome (black&white, 1 bit-depth) but I'm coming up lost how to do it.
I am starting with a png and converting to a bitmap for printing (it's a thermal printer and only supports black anyway - plus its slow as hell for large images if I try to send them as color/grayscale).
My code so far is dead simple to convert it to a bitmap, but it is retaining the original colour depth.
Image image = Image.FromFile("C:\\test.png");
byte[] bitmapFileData = null;
int bitsPerPixel = 1;
int bitmapDataLength;
using (MemoryStream str = new MemoryStream())
image.Save(str, ImageFormat.Bmp);
bitmapFileData = str.ToArray();
Here's some code I put together that takes a full colour (24 bits/pixel) image, and converts it to a 1 bit/pixel output bitmap, applying a standard RGB to greyscale conversion, and then using Floyd-Steinberg to convert greyscale to the 1 bit/pixel output.
Note that this should by no means be considered an "ideal" implementation, but it does work. There are a number of improvements that could be applied if you wanted. For example, it copies the entire input image into the data array, whereas we really only need to keep two lines in memory (the "current" and "next" lines) for accumulating the error data. Despite this, performance seems acceptable.
public static Bitmap ConvertTo1Bit(Bitmap input)
var masks = new byte[] { 0x80, 0x40, 0x20, 0x10, 0x08, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01 };
var output = new Bitmap(input.Width, input.Height, PixelFormat.Format1bppIndexed);
var data = new sbyte[input.Width, input.Height];
var inputData = input.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, input.Width, input.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
var scanLine = inputData.Scan0;
var line = new byte[inputData.Stride];
for (var y = 0; y < inputData.Height; y++, scanLine += inputData.Stride)
Marshal.Copy(scanLine, line, 0, line.Length);
for (var x = 0; x < input.Width; x++)
data[x, y] = (sbyte)(64 * (GetGreyLevel(line[x * 3 + 2], line[x * 3 + 1], line[x * 3 + 0]) - 0.5));
var outputData = output.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, output.Width, output.Height), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, PixelFormat.Format1bppIndexed);
var scanLine = outputData.Scan0;
for (var y = 0; y < outputData.Height; y++, scanLine += outputData.Stride)
var line = new byte[outputData.Stride];
for (var x = 0; x < input.Width; x++)
var j = data[x, y] > 0;
if (j) line[x / 8] |= masks[x % 8];
var error = (sbyte)(data[x, y] - (j ? 32 : -32));
if (x < input.Width - 1) data[x + 1, y] += (sbyte)(7 * error / 16);
if (y < input.Height - 1)
if (x > 0) data[x - 1, y + 1] += (sbyte)(3 * error / 16);
data[x, y + 1] += (sbyte)(5 * error / 16);
if (x < input.Width - 1) data[x + 1, y + 1] += (sbyte)(1 * error / 16);
Marshal.Copy(line, 0, scanLine, outputData.Stride);
return output;
public static double GetGreyLevel(byte r, byte g, byte b)
return (r * 0.299 + g * 0.587 + b * 0.114) / 255;
What you want is a good dithering algorithm like Floyd-Steinberg or Bayer ordered. You can either implement the binarization yourself or use a library like AForge.NET to do it for you (download the image processing samples). You can find the binarization documentation here.
