How to use array of textbox in button_click method? - c#

I've create an array of textboxes of rows and colums in EnterColsAndRows class. I need to use it in button_click method to create an array of int variables for each row and column.
public partial class EnterColsAndRows : Form
public int width_of_nonogram;
public int height_of_nonogram;
public EnterColsAndRows(int width, int height)
width_of_nonogram = width;
height_of_nonogram = height;
TextBox[] textBox1 = new TextBox[width_of_nonogram];
TextBox[] textBox2 = new TextBox[height_of_nonogram];
for (int i = 0; i < width_of_nonogram; i++)
textBox1[i] = new TextBox();
textBox1[i].Text = "Col " + (i + 1);
Point p = new Point(20, 30 * i);
textBox1[i].Location = p;
for (int i = 0; i < height_of_nonogram; i++)
textBox2[i] = new TextBox();
textBox2[i].Text = "Row " + (i + 1);
Point p = new Point(200, 30 * i);
textBox2[i].Location = p;
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

You need to read about classes fields and properties
private TextBox[] textBox1;
private TextBox[] textBox2;;
public EnterColsAndRows(int width, int height)
textBox1 = new TextBox[width_of_nonogram];
textBox2 = new TextBox[height_of_nonogram];
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(textBox1 != null && textBox1.Length > 0)
textBox1[0].Text = "Awesome, i am"
Further reading
Classes (C# Programming Guide)
Fields (C# Programming Guide)

To access textbox array what you can do is :
foreach (Control x in this.Controls)
if (x is TextBox)
var textbox = ((TextBox)x);//Your code goes here.
With this you will be able to access all the textboxes, what you can do is assign name to the textboxes in the EnterColsAndRows function and use it in the above code.


C# How to define event for dynamically created control?

I have written a code that create buttons dynamically. The code works well, and create controls when I click on a button. Now the next task is, I want to define click event for these dynamically created controls. How can I do this ? Below is the code, Please modify this code and paste in a reply, so that I can understand easily.
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
// create controls dynamically on form
int n = 4;
private void btnDisplay_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
Button[] button = new Button[n];
int previousButtonPositionY;
int previousButtonHeight;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
button[i] = new Button();
button[i].Name = "btnButton" + i;
button[i].Text = "btnButton" + i;
if (i > 0)
previousButtonPositionY = button[i - 1].Location.Y;
previousButtonHeight = button[i - 1].Height;
previousButtonPositionY = 50;
previousButtonHeight = 0;
button[i].Location = new Point(0, previousButtonPositionY + previousButtonHeight);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
After you have initialized your button you can add an onclick event to it with
button[i].Click += new EventHandler(button_Click);
More here:

Get text from dynamically created TextBox

I have a button when clicked creates textboxes dynamically:
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
Name.Add(new TextBox());
System.Drawing.Point locate = new System.Drawing.Point(137, 158 + i * 25);
(Name[i] as TextBox).Location = locate;
(Name[i] as TextBox).Size = new System.Drawing.Size(156, 20);
StartTab.Controls.Add(Name[i] as TextBox);
I want to get the text entered in Name[i] convert to a string then set it to labels
You can use Control.ControlCollection.Find.
TextBox txtName = (TextBox)this.Controls.Find("txtNameOfTextbox", true)[0];
if (txtName != null)
return txtName.Text;
You don't say what type that Name is, it looks like a list of some sort. Try using a List<TextBox> that way you can just access the TextBox properties directly. Something like this. I am also not sure what Control that StartTab is, so I just used a Panel for this test code. (you should also be aware that Name masks the Form's Name property that is why I changed your list to name)
public partial class Form1 : Form
List<TextBox> name = new List<TextBox>();
int length = 5;
public Form1()
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
name.Add(new TextBox() { Location = new System.Drawing.Point(137, 158 + i * 25),
Size = new System.Drawing.Size(156, 20) });
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
StartTab.Controls.Add(new Label() {Location = new System.Drawing.Point(name[i].Location.X + name[i].Width + 20,
Text = name[i].Text,
AutoSize = true });

Disabling a dynamic button

Hi I have a small winforms program that will soon develop into something more. The program has 2 panels panel1 and panel2 these panels are populated dynamically with some form controls. the first panel is populated with combo-boxes and the second with a grid of buttons. What I want to achieve is to be able to disable the right button depending on what the user selects from the combobox. Each column of the grid represent a day of the week and the combobox will be used to disable the wanted day by selecting it from the list if you like.
To do this statically is straight forward, however my program will soon expand so that it can handle a large database so that's why I am doing this dynamically. Basically this is where I'm stuck at the moment I want to simply disable the right button.
Below is the interface that i have so far:
And this is my code if any help:
public Form1()
Button[] btn = new Button[2];
ComboBox[] cmb = new ComboBox[1];
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
public void createColumns(int s)
for (int i = 0; i < btn.Length; ++i)
btn[i] = new Button();
btn[i].SetBounds(40 * i, s, 35, 35);
btn[i].Text = Convert.ToString(i);
for (int i = 0; i < cmb.Length; ++i)
cmb[i] = new ComboBox();
cmb[i].SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(cmb_SelectedIndexChanged);
cmb[i].Text = "Disable";
cmb[i].SetBounds(40 * i, s, 70, 70);
void cmb_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
ComboBox senderCmb = (ComboBox)sender;
if (senderCmb.SelectedIndex == 1)
btn[1].Enabled = false;
public void placeRows()
for (int i = 0; i < 80; i = i + 40)
Alternative 1
Every control has a Tag property.
You can set the Tag property of your buttons to represent the column they are in.
When a selection is made in the combo box, simply search through all buttons, and enable or disable the button based on whether each button's Tag property matches the selected text in the combo box.
Alternative 2
Create a
Dictionary<string, List<Button>> buttonMap;
where the key is the value representing the column ("Tuesday") and the value is a list of buttons with that tag. When creating the buttons initially, also populate that dictionary.
If you go with Alternative 2, you'll have to remember the previously selected value of the checkbox so you can re-enable buttons that are no longer disabled.
If you have lots of buttons, you may find that Alternative 2 is noticeably faster.
Here's a complete working sample of Alternative 1.
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
const int ROWS = 2;
const int COLS = 2;
Button[,] btn = new Button[ROWS,COLS];
ComboBox[] cmb = new ComboBox[ROWS];
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
private readonly string[] cbTexts = new string[] { "Monday", "Tuesday" };
public void createColumns(int rowIndex)
int s = rowIndex * 40;
// Your original code kept overwriting btn[i] for each column. You need a 2-D array
// indexed by the row and column
for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < COLS; colIndex++)
btn[rowIndex, colIndex] = new Button();
btn[rowIndex, colIndex].SetBounds(40 * colIndex, s, 35, 35);
btn[rowIndex, colIndex].Text = Convert.ToString(colIndex);
btn[rowIndex, colIndex].Tag = cbTexts[colIndex];
panel1.Controls.Add(btn[rowIndex, colIndex]);
cmb[rowIndex] = new ComboBox();
cmb[rowIndex].SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(cmb_SelectedIndexChanged);
cmb[rowIndex].Text = "Disable";
foreach (string cbText in cbTexts)
cmb[rowIndex].SetBounds(40, s, 70, 70);
cmb[rowIndex].Tag = rowIndex; // Store the row index so we know which buttons to affect
void cmb_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
ComboBox senderCmb = (ComboBox)sender;
int row = (int)senderCmb.Tag;
for (int col = 0; col < COLS; col++)
Button b = btn[row, col];
// These three lines can be combined to one. I broke it out
// just to highlight what is happening.
string text = ((string)b.Tag);
bool match = text == senderCmb.SelectedItem.ToString();
b.Enabled = match;
public void placeRows()
for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < 2; rowIndex++)

C# deleting dynamic textboxes by checkboxing

I am writing a code in C# I have 2 Forms and the code creates textboxes and corresponding checkboxes dynamically. The code I wrote creates dynamic textboxes and checkboxes successfully. However, I am not able to delete the row of textboxes in a selected checkbox line.
public void CreateTextBox(int i, StringReader sr)
ProductForm form2 = new ProductForm();
_cb = new CheckBox[i];
form2.Visible = true;
int x = 10;
int y = 30;
int width = 100;
int height = 20;
for (int n = 0; n < i; n++)
String line = sr.ReadLine();
String[] line_ = line.Split(new char[] {'\t'});
String cbName = "chkBox_" + n.ToString();
_cb[n] = new CheckBox();
_cb[n].Name = cbName;
_cb[n].Location = new Point(2, y);
_cb[n].Checked = false;
if (line.Length > 3)
for (int row = 0; row < 4; row++)
String name = "txtBox_" + row.ToString();
TextBox tb = new TextBox();
tb.Name = name;
tb.Text = line_[row].ToString();
tb.Location = new Point(x, y);
tb.Height = height;
if (row == 1)
tb.Width = width * row;
if (row == 3)
tb.Width = width * 5;
tb.Width = width - 20;
x += 10 + width;
x = 10;
y += 25;
private void DeleteTextBoxButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Here should I add a code in order to delete dynamically created
//textboxes by clicking checkbox and button
Not sure of your question. But if I am right, this could do the trick.
SOLUTION1: While creating all the controls, add them to a List<Controls>. When you are checking the checkbox to delete the row, get the name of the checkbox, search it in the List<Controls>. So this way can get the index of the row of the checkbox clicked. Now delete the controls of that rows.
SOLUTION2: Create your controls in a TablelayoutPanel and everything will be easy.
Copy paste everything in the form1, se btn_click as a event handler for a button. Let the size of the form a bit big. Everything should work fine now. If not working, let me know.
class MyControl
public TextBox txt1 { get; set; }
public TextBox txt2 { get; set; }
public TextBox txt3 { get; set; }
public TextBox txt4 { get; set; }
public CheckBox cb { get; set; }
public MyControl(TextBox txt1, TextBox txt2, TextBox txt3, TextBox txt4, CheckBox cb)
this.txt1 = txt1;
this.txt2 = txt2;
this.txt3 = txt3;
this.txt4 = txt4;
this.cb = cb;
List<MyControl> list = new List<MyControl>();
public int x = 50, n = 1;
TextBox txtTemp, txt1, txt2, txt3, txt4;
CheckBox cbTemp;
private void btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
txtTemp = new TextBox();
txtTemp.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(10, x);
txtTemp.Name = "txt1_" + n;
txt1 = txtTemp;
txtTemp = new TextBox();
txtTemp.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(120, x);
txtTemp.Name = "txt2_" + n;
txt2 = txtTemp;
txtTemp = new TextBox();
txtTemp.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(230, x);
txtTemp.Name = "txt3_" + n;
txt3 = txtTemp;
txtTemp = new TextBox();
txtTemp.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(350, x);
txtTemp.Name = "txt4_" + n;
txt4 = txtTemp;
cbTemp = new CheckBox();
cbTemp.Name = "cb1_" + n;
cbTemp.Enter += new EventHandler(cbTemp_Enter);
cbTemp.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(490, x);
list.Add(new MyControl(txt1, txt2, txt3, txt4, cbTemp));
x += 40;
void cbTemp_Enter(object sender, EventArgs e)
if ((MessageBox.Show("Are you Sure?", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)) == DialogResult.No)
CheckBox cbMain = (CheckBox)sender;
int index = Search(cbMain);
private int Search(CheckBox cbMain)
int temp = 0;
foreach (MyControl item in list)
if(cbMain.Name == item.cb.Name)
temp = list.IndexOf(item);
return temp;
For WinForms, I recommend putting the generated TextBoxes into the Tag field of the CheckBox. Then keep a managed list of all CheckBoxes. Once they click the delete button, iterate through the collection of CheckBoxes. If their state is checked, pull the TextBox out of the Tag field, remove it from the form collection, then delete it.
NOTE: This code is untested but should work in principle.
UPDATE: Reading your latest comment, instead of storing a single TextBox in the Tag, just create another List of them and store the entire list in the tag. Then iterate through those in the delete method.
private List<CheckBox> _checkboxes = new List<CheckBox>();
public void CreateTextBox( int i, StringReader r )
// ... do your stuff here
_cb[n].Tag = tb;
// ... finish up
_checkboxes.Add( _cb[n] );
public void DeleteTextBoxButton_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
foreach( var cb in _checkboxes )
if( cb.Checked )
TextBox tb = cb.Tag as TextBox;
if( tb != null )
form2.Controls.Remove( tb );

c# creating dynamic textbox in a second form

I am trying to write a code in order to create dynamic textboxes.
I have Function class and have a second form in my program named ProductForm.cs
What I wanna do is to read some data with a function named GetSpecs in my Function.cs and than inside GetSpecs I want to call a function in another class and send data to my other function under ProductForm.cs class.
I am getting blank form at the end.
a part of my GetSpecs function:
private String GetSpecs(String webData)
ProductForm form2 = new ProductForm();
public void CreateTextBox(int i)
ProductForm form2 = new ProductForm();
form2.Visible = true;
int x = 10;
int y = 10;
int width = 100;
int height = 20;
for (int n = 0; n < i; n++)
for (int row = 0; row < 4; row++)
String name = "txtBox_" + row.ToString();
TextBox tb = new TextBox();
tb.Name = name;
tb.Location = new Point(x, y);
tb.Height = height;
tb.Width = width + row * 2;
x += 25 + row * 2;
y += 25;
I get a blank form of ProductForm. Textboxes are not created or I cannot see them.
If I put textbox inside
private void ProductForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
I can see textboxes.
You're creating showing a brand new ProductForm instance (in the form2 variable), then adding controls to this (which is never shown).
You are adding the controls to the current form: this.Controls.Add(tb);, you need to add them to the other form:
