I'm still learning Unity and just trying to create simple games to get the hang of things. I ran into an issue where I can't edit the parameter of my method when its assigned in the OnClick method in the inspector in a button. I attached my script to a game object and place the object into the OnClick function and select the correct function but I cannot edit the parameter field...
Is it supposed to behave like this or am I missing something? The function is public and I'm not sure what else I should be looking at. I'm trying to assign the values to the buttons in the grid so that when they click a space (button) in the TicTacToe grid it sends the value to the controller so that it knows which space will have to display the player's sprite.
public void TicTacToe(int space)
Any help is appreciated.
I'm trying to execute a function using a Button in Unity, but the dropdown menu for the funtions only shows me the default functions that all GameObjects have
I have created an empty GameObject that has the HighscoreList script and draged this object onto the onClick() Object selector, but I can't find any of the functions that I created
What the editor shows me:
The function im trying to call:
public void AddItem(int score, string name)
Node n = new Node(new HighscoreData(score, name));
start = start.addItem(n);
Through unity event you can only have functions with a maximum of 1 parameter.
If the script does not compile errors and inherits MonoBehavior.
This reason may be caused by directly mounting the script to the OnClick event. However, the OnClick event should use the GameObject containing the script.
Here are relevant steps:
Mount the script on the parent object.
GameObject should be mounted on the OnClick event.
The results are as follows.
I'm having trouble assigning two Buttons to the Prefab after it is instantiated.
The buttons are in the scene and i don't know how to assign them.
Drag and Drop doesn't work of course. I'm aware of that.
When I make something like
btnnext = GameObject.Find("Next").GetComponent<Button>();
in the Start() function of the Prefabs script it doesn't work either.
Are there any other workarounds?
As #slowikowskiarkadiusz said GameObject.Find is not the best solution, because it's slow and error prone. But there is an easy solution.
On the script which is placed on the prefab make a public function, called AssignButton:
class ScriptOnPrefab : MonoBehaviour {
public void AssignButton(Button button) {
btnnext = button;
In the script where you instantite the prefab, you then link the buttons and assign them:
var instance = Instantiate(prefab);
var scriptOnPrefab = instance.GetComponent<ScriptOnPrefab>();
Note: For this to work that the ScriptOnPrefab has to be on the root of the prefab, note on child objects.
Note: prefab is linked as a GameObject.
Note: If you link the prefab as ScriptOnPrefab you can skip the GetComponent step and immediatelly call the Assign method.
By 'doesn't work either' you mean that btnnext is null or you mean that .GetComponent<Button>() throws an exception? The first case would mean the object named "Next" that was found doesn't have a Button component on it. You can check if you're expecting it to have the Button component or maybe something slightly different. You could also have multiple objects named "Next" and the one you're getting is not the one you expect to get. The second case would mean that your object is most likely inactive. Find(string) doesn't search within inactive objects.
That being said - Find(string) is not reliable in any capacity and I would advice to avoid it (it's also terribly slow). Instead I would create a script to be placed on the object with the button. Inside of that script in the Awake() method I would assign the instance of the Button component to some kind of a public static field, so the other script can later pick it up (if you are dealing with two buttons it might be a list or two separate fields. Depends on your case I guess).
I have three buttons, when you tap one button, a panel with a text appear.
The problem is when I attached the script, nothing happens.
The "click" is registered but the the panel never appears.
My script is attached to each of the button and is something like this:
public GameObject panel; //i use to put the panel in unity
bool selected = false;
void Start () {
void OnSelect() {
selected = !selected;
I probably have to do something else with the panel but I can't figure it out.
Do it like this:
(1) Add the canvas to your project
(2) BIG TIP - be sure to select Scale with screen size.
That's the only one you ever use. Unity accidentally set the wrong default there, they have not fixed it yet.
(3) In your Canvas, add a BUTTON Make it say perhaps "Test"
(3) In your Canvas, add another BUTTON Make it say perhaps "Another Test"
(4) Make a script something like this...
public class MainScreen:MonoBehaviour
public void UserClickedTest()
public void UserClickedAnotherTest()
Debug.Log("another test..");
(5) put ONE copy of that script on ANY object you like. You can put it on your camera, on the canvas, or anywhere else that makes sense
For now let's say you put it on your CAMERA object, for example.
(6) Click on the button "Test" .....
And do this ...
click the PLUS button under OnClick
you see the slot that says "_main" in this example. DRAG your CAMERA item from HEIRARCHY, to that slot
Using the drop down menu:
select the "UserClickedTest()" function ...
good eh?
Now for the other button, do the same but select the "UserClickedAnotherTest()" function.
You're done! Run and test!
You can't use the OnSelect system unless you use ISelectHandler and more stuff: it is difficult for beginners. I strongly recommend the OP masters the simpler technique I explain here. Enjoy!
Maybe you attached the script to the panel. If so, your scripts can not be executed as long as your GameObject is SetActive(false).
I hope I was able to help you.
void OnMouseDown() {
SceneManager.LoadScene ("Scene2");
I have tried every conceivable method. The method posted has worked for me using GameObjects with colliders. Instead, this time I am using a button on a 2D canvas. It does not work in this context.
How do I load a new scene using a button in a canvas? I have tried so many different things. This should be simple.
Thanks for any advice.
Here (link: Unity page) you can find a video tutorial how to use Button on canvas in UnityGUI. It's for Unity 4.6 but its really simillar to newest (5.3.1).
It's quite simple. U can make a script with public method e.g
public void LoadScene2()
SceneManager.LoadScene ("Scene2");
Attach this script to some GameObject e.g Controller. And add event in Button inspector.
In my opinion there is a better solution for the one shown by #Paweł Marecki
I use this in my projects.
OK so you will simply create a script called ButtonManager and inside it you can make a method like this
public void ChangeToScene(string sceneName)
Now you have your canvas button, you will select it and look for "Event Trigger"
(i got this image from google to help) add a new mouse down event.
Create an empty GameObject on your Scene, name it "ButtonManager" and drag it onto the event box.
Now you need to click that dropDown list and find your "ChangeToScene" method.
You will see that an editor field appears below, type your desired scene name and hit play :P
This way you will always use this script when you want to change scenes.
You can add other methods and add functionality, but the beautiful part is that you dont need to create a method each time the name of the scene changes.
I'm working with MonoTouch and I have come up with three questions around buttons that I'm hoping someone can help me with.
I'm trying to change the "Back" button in the title bar. How do I do this? I've seen the thread posted here: How to change text on a back button. However, that doesn't work. I get the vibe that I'm not accessing the controller property. Currently, I receive a NullReferenceException when I attempt to set the button text in the ViewDidLoad method. Currently, I'm trying to set the text like such:
this.NavigationItem.BackBarButtonItem.Title = "Back";
I have the suspicion that I'm not accessing the root controller, but I'm not sure how to do this.
For a "back" button on a separate page, I want to perform a custom action. I want it to go back like it does. But before that happens, I want to execute some custom code. How do I do this?
I need to create something that looks like a hyperlink within a paragraph of text. How do I do that?
MonoTouch seems cool. However, the learning curve is a bit steeper than I had anticipated. Thank you!
For your first question the MonoTouch-specific answer (to the question you provided) works perfectly.
this.NavigationItem.BackBarButtonItem = new UIBarButtonItem ("MyBack", UIBarButtonItemStyle.Plain, null);
Make sure to the all the answers. This code needs to be called in the pushing controller, not the controller being pushed.
For your second question you likely noticed a few overloads that takes a Selector or a delegate. However they won't work for a Back button.
One way to work around this iOS limitation is to override ViewDidAppear or ViewDidDisappear to get similar notification.
I solved your third question by creating a custom button in de viewbuilder. Setting the type to custom removes de standard borders and makes it look like a line of text. Simply change its size and style it to make it look more like an hyperlink. I left an empty space in my text and and put my custom button in that space.
I created an extension method that allows you to change the back button text and optionally handle the TouchUp action with your own code. It also keeps the same border look as the default back button.
public static class MyExtensions
public static void SetCustomBackButton(this UIViewController uiViewController, string buttonText, Action onClick)
uiViewController.NavigationItem.HidesBackButton = true;
var dummyButton = UIButton.FromType (UIButtonType.Custom);
var backButton = (UIButton)MonoTouch.ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject (
MonoTouch.ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_int (
dummyButton.ClassHandle, MonoTouch.ObjCRuntime.Selector.GetHandle ("buttonWithType:"), 101));
backButton.SetTitle (buttonText, UIControlState.Normal);
backButton.TouchUpInside += delegate {
if (onClick != null)
onClick ();
uiViewController.NavigationController.PopViewControllerAnimated (true);
uiViewController.NavigationItem.LeftBarButtonItem = new UIBarButtonItem (backButton);