I have some code that creates a digital signature. The message as well as the signature is passed from one system to another. When its received, the signature is verified. This code has been run through Fortify, a service that analyzes code for security vulnerabilities. Fortify is reporting that "The method CreateDigitalSignature() in RSACryptography.cs performs public key RSA encryption without OAEP padding".
I see a parameter on the RSACryptoServiceProvider.Encrypt() method that if true, means to use OAEP padding. But I'm not using Encrypt(). I'm using a RSAPKCS1SignatureFormatter to generate and a RSAPKCS1SignatureDeformatter to verify the signature. So my question is how do I add the padding? Am I supposed to Encrypt the signature before sending it back? See my code where I have marked "IS WHAT I NEED TO DO" where I have added Encrypt and Decrypt calls. Is that what I need to do or something else?
// create a digital signature
// returns true if successful. Also, the public key (as an xml string) that can be sent to the other party to verify messages sent
public bool CreateDigitalSignature(string msgToSend, out string publicKey, out string signature)
bool rc = false;
publicKey = null;
signature = null;
// get the hash of the message to send
byte[] hashValue = GetHashedBytes(msgToSend);
// Load or generate a public/private key pair.
// If it already exists in the key container it will be loaded, otherwise, a new key pair is created
CspParameters cp = new CspParameters();
cp.KeyContainerName = KeyStoreContainerName;
RSACryptoServiceProvider RSA = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(cp);
// get some info about the key:
CspKeyContainerInfo info = new CspKeyContainerInfo(cp);
//Create an RSAPKCS1SignatureFormatter object and pass it the RSACryptoServiceProvider to transfer the private key.
RSAPKCS1SignatureFormatter RSAFormatter = new RSAPKCS1SignatureFormatter(RSA);
// Set the hash algorithm
RSAFormatter.SetHashAlgorithm(hashAlgorithm); // "SHA256", "SHA1", etc.
//Create a signature for the hashed value of the data
byte[] signedHashValue = RSAFormatter.CreateSignature(hashValue);
// fortify says I need to use OAEP padding
// IS THIS WHAT I NEED TO DO? Encrypt the signature before I convert it to a string?
signedHashValue = RSA.Encrypt(signedHashValue, true);
// convert the signature to a string
signature = Convert.ToBase64String(signedHashValue);
// get the public key to return so it can be pased to the receiver and used to verify the signature
// There are two ways - either export the parameters or create an xml string
// Using export: This gets public key inforation only (specify true to get both public and private keys)
// RSAParameters RSAKeyInfo = RSA.ExportParameters(false);
// get a string value of the public key
publicKey = RSA.ToXmlString(false);
// demonstration only. how to get the private key
//string privateKey = RSA.ToXmlString(true);
rc = true;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
return rc;
And then to verify the signature:
public bool VerifySignature(string origintalData, string publicKeyXml, string signature)
bool verified = false;
// get the hashed value of the original data. used the specified algoritm stored in the this class
byte[] hashValue = GetHashedBytes(origintalData);
// get a byte array of the signature
byte[] signaturebytes = Convert.FromBase64String(signature);
// create a crypto provider
RSACryptoServiceProvider RSA = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();
// set the public key of the crypto service provider
// create a deformatter
RSAPKCS1SignatureDeformatter RSADeformatter = new RSAPKCS1SignatureDeformatter(RSA);
// set the hash algorithm. The sender must use the same algorithm
// As per Fortify, need to use OAEP padding
// IS THIS WHAT i NEED TO DO - decrypt the signature before veryfying it?
signaturebytes = RSA.Decrypt(signaturebytes, true);
// verify the signature
verified = RSADeformatter.VerifySignature(hashValue, signaturebytes);
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
return verified;
After upgrading from .Net 4.5.1 to 4.6.1. I can use
byte[] signedHashValue = RSA.SignData(bytes, HashAlgorithmName.SHA256, RSASignaturePadding.Pkcs1)
and the corresponding method
RSA.VerifyData(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(originalData), signaturebytes, HashAlgorithmName.SHA256, RSASignaturePadding.Pkcs1)
but I can't specify RSASignaturePadding.Pss. If I do I get an exception "Specified padding mode is not valid for this algorithm."
Also I get the same signature as before, so I feel I haven't really accomplished anything. No way to use AOEP padding?
Trying to generate a CSR. so I only have public key exponent and modulus since the private key is in HSM.
So i generate an RSA object to pass CertificateRequest.
public static RSA GetRsaPublicKey(byte[] modulus, byte[] exponent)
RSA rsa = RSA.Create();
RSAParameters keyInfo = new RSAParameters
Modulus = modulus,
Exponent = exponent
return rsa;
But when calling CreateSigningRequest() or CreateSelfSigned() methods it throws exception:
'Key does not exist.'
The tried to use this overload CertificateRequest(X500DistinguishedName, PublicKey, HashAlgorithmName).
But unable to construct PublicKey 2nd argument.
I then found this method but getting this error:
var gen = X509SignatureGenerator.CreateForRSA(rsa, RSASignaturePadding.Pkcs1);
var req = new CertificateRequest(new X500DistinguishedName(subject), gen.PublicKey, HashAlgorithmName.SHA256);
var bytes = req.CreateSigningRequest();//exception thrown
This method cannot be used since no signing key was provided via a
constructor, use an overload accepting an X509SignatureGenerator
Any help plz? on how to create a CSR without private key.
Certification Signing Requests contain the public key, but they are signed with the private key to prove that the private key holder authorized the options included in the request.
If you know that the CA you are sending the request to isn’t going to verify the signature, you could make a custom X509SignatureGenerator that produces the right algorithm identifier, but just writes a gibberish signature.
Thanks for the help #bartonjs.
Here is my solution that worked based on this: https://source.dot.net/#System.Security.Cryptography/System/Security/Cryptography/X509Certificates/X509SignatureGenerator.cs
public class CustomX509SignatureGenerator : X509SignatureGenerator
private readonly byte[] publicKey;
public CustomX509SignatureGenerator(byte[] publicKey)
this.publicKey = publicKey;
protected override PublicKey BuildPublicKey()
Oid oid = new Oid("1.2.840.113549.1.1.1");
// The OID is being passed to everything here because that's what X509Certificate2.PublicKey does.
return new PublicKey(
// Encode the DER-NULL even though it is OPTIONAL, because everyone else does.
// This is due to one version of the ASN.1 not including OPTIONAL, and that was
// the version that got predominately implemented for RSA. Now it's convention.
new AsnEncodedData(oid, stackalloc byte[] { 0x05, 0x00 }),
new AsnEncodedData(oid, this.publicKey));
// https://source.dot.net/#System.Security.Cryptography/Oids.cs,2f70bfb7d65ebf89,references
public override byte[] GetSignatureAlgorithmIdentifier(HashAlgorithmName hashAlgorithm)
var oid = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.11";
AsnWriter writer = new AsnWriter(AsnEncodingRules.DER);
return writer.Encode();
// Gibberish
public override byte[] SignData(byte[] data, HashAlgorithmName hashAlgorithm)
return new byte[2] { 0xAA, 0xBB };
// then call
var csrBytes = req.CreateSigningRequest(new CustomX509SignatureGenerator(rsa.ExportRSAPublicKey()));
I am using the following code to successfully produce a signature for my SAML. I have the POST sorted using XML sign, however REDIRECT is completely different. I am unable to produce the same signature as https://www.samltool.com/sign_logout_req.php and when I try and validate a genuine signature it is failing.
I took it back to basics and tried to see if I could sign it in the same manner and I cannot which suggests something is wrong with the way I am forming the data.
The following details (into samltool.com):
<saml:LogoutRequest ID="_02380F63816E0E92D6537758C37FE05F" Version="2.0" IssueInstant="2017-06-21T15:34:59.911Z" Destination="https://myteststs.net/appname/auth/" xmlns:saml="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol"><saml:Issuer xmlns:saml="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion">https://w.sp-app.com</saml:Issuer><saml:NameID xmlns:saml="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion">1869374313</saml:NameID></saml:LogoutRequest>
Private key (testcert)
So... using the ssotool it produces the signature :
However.. using the code below (and many.. many.. variations) I cannot get it to produce that same signature. Please note the samlrequest is base64encoded with compression as recommended (but you can deflate it to the same output). I have followed this specification too (
static byte[] Sign(string data, string certSubject)
// Access Personal (MY) certificate store of current user
X509Store my = new X509Store(StoreName.My, StoreLocation.LocalMachine);
// Find the certificate we’ll use to sign
RSACryptoServiceProvider csp = null;
foreach (X509Certificate2 cert in my.Certificates)
if (cert.Subject.Contains(certSubject))
// Get its associated CSP and private key
csp = (RSACryptoServiceProvider)cert.PrivateKey;
if (csp == null)
throw new Exception("No valid cert was found");
string certAlgorithm = csp.SignatureAlgorithm;
// Hash the data
SHA1Managed sha1 = new SHA1Managed();
UnicodeEncoding encoding = new UnicodeEncoding();
byte[] dataRaw = encoding.GetBytes(data);
byte[] hash = sha1.ComputeHash(dataRaw);
// Sign the hash
return csp.SignHash(hash, CryptoConfig.MapNameToOID("SHA1"));
static bool Verify(string text, byte[] signature, string certPublic)
// Load the certificate we’ll use to verify the signature from a file
X509Certificate2 appSigningX509Certificate = null;
var appSigningCertificateBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(certPublic);
appSigningX509Certificate = new X509Certificate2(appSigningCertificateBytes);
// Get its associated CSP and public key
RSACryptoServiceProvider csp = (RSACryptoServiceProvider)appSigningX509Certificate.PublicKey.Key;
// Hash the data
SHA1Managed sha1 = new SHA1Managed();
UnicodeEncoding encoding = new UnicodeEncoding();
byte[] data = encoding.GetBytes(text);
byte[] hash = sha1.ComputeHash(data);
// Verify the signature with the hash
return csp.VerifyHash(hash, CryptoConfig.MapNameToOID("SHA1"), signature);
static void Main(string[] args)
// Usage sample
string samlRequestCompressed = "nZFPS8QwEMW/Ssl906TZ/gttQWwLhdWDyh68SKjBLbRJ7ExQv71traA38TiPee/9hilATaM82Rfr8U6/eg0YdHVJnlgkMtYmIuNJw5o8qpNYpGmcXYu0bVjckuCsZxisKUlEGQk6AK87A6gMLhLj6YElh4g/8FiKo4xzmnP+SIJ6aRiMws15QXQgwxC1Uab/MGrSdFBTP1r/TI3GUDm3iqE7KI+XkATv02hArtAl8bORVsEAct0Bib28v7o5yYVHutmi7e1IqmK7cMOb/2xXAHpeGUn1zfhGYaFwjvZ2KsIfoXvD7RLS1f9p4FmSi/QouNhzv6Kqffr1nOoT";
string relaystate = "RELAYTEST";
string algorithm = "http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#rsa-sha1";
string data = String.Empty;
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(relaystate))
data = String.Format("SAMLRequest={0}&SigAlg={1}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(samlRequestCompressed), HttpUtility.UrlEncode(algorithm));
data = String.Format("SAMLRequest={0}&RelayState={1}&SigAlg={2}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(samlRequestCompressed,Encoding.UTF8), HttpUtility.UrlEncode(relaystate,Encoding.UTF8), HttpUtility.UrlEncode(algorithm,Encoding.UTF8));
// Sign text
byte[] signature = Sign(data, "{2F879585-7C54-450D-88FB-A3F713646EC6}");
string b64encodedSig = Convert.ToBase64String(signature);
string expectedSig = "IG4VDmVwQRZWa75NmwjtqKlPVdCx6tm73gL7j3xvrqXsfirunUtr626SBmQJ4mke77bYzXg8D1hAy5EREOhz2QH23j47XexqbVSNTtAkZV7KP1/lO8K01tiQr8SGJqzdFor/FZZscIDFlw3cBLXhGSwWK9i0qO/e55qkgxJS9OA=";
if (b64encodedSig != expectedSig)
Console.WriteLine("Not what i expected");
// Verify signature. Testcert.cer corresponds to “cn=my cert subject”
if (Verify(data, signature, cert))
Console.WriteLine("Signature verified");
Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Signature not valid!");
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("EXCEPTION: " +ex.Message);
I cannot seem to understand how to produce the sign data in the same way. I have also confirmed the locally installed certificate is exactly the same as the one above.
I have resolved this now.
The solution was that the HttpUtility.URLEncode is not encoding it to the same standard as the SAML standards (or OneLogin). I figured it out by looking at the compressed data and that matched but the URL Encoded one different.
The answer was to use Uri.EscapeString.
In order to get the same signature as OneLogin, you have to use the same URL encoding as them. Other URL encodings will result in different signatures, but they are perfectly valid as well.
See the SAML specification (
Further, note that URL-encoding is not canonical; that is, there are multiple legal encodings for a given value. The relying party MUST therefore perform the verification step using the original URL-encoded values it received on the query string. It is not sufficient to re-encode the parameters after they have been processed by software because the resulting encoding may not match the signer's encoding.
As noted in another answer to this question, OneLogin seems to use URL encoding matching System.Net.WebUtility.UrlEncode() in .NET -- but note also that they do not URL encode the base64-encoded signature itself, even though it can contain characters such as [+/=]. The SAML specification is not very clear, but seems to suggest that this is wrong,
Note that some characters in the base64-encoded signature value may themselves require URL-encoding before being added.
This last bit is crucial to be able to validate your signature with their tools.
I am encrypting the message in .NET with RSACryptoServiceProvider with private key. (PKCS#1 v1.5)
When I try to decrypt in .NET with the following code that uses public key everything works fine:
private static string Decrypt(string key, string content)
byte[] rgb = Convert.FromBase64String(content);
var cryptoServiceProvider = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(new CspParameters()
ProviderType = 1
return Convert.ToBase64String(cryptoServiceProvider.Decrypt(rgb, false));
When on the other hand I try to find an algorithm to make the same decrypt method in Android, I am failing to decrypt it properly with public key. I exported the modulus and exponent from public key in .NET in order to load it properly on Android.
The method in Android is here:
public String Decrypt(String input) {
try {
KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
String modulusString = "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";
String exponentString = "AQAB";
byte[] modulusBytes = Base64.decode(modulusString.getBytes("UTF-8"), Base64.DEFAULT);
byte[] dBytes = Base64.decode(exponentString.getBytes("UTF-8"), Base64.DEFAULT);
BigInteger modulus = new BigInteger(1, modulusBytes);
BigInteger d = new BigInteger(1, dBytes);
RSAPublicKeySpec keySpec = new RSAPublicKeySpec(modulus, d);
PublicKey key = keyFactory.generatePublic(keySpec);
//at one point I read somewhere that .net reverses the byte array so that it needs to be reversed for java, but who knows any more
/*byte[] inputArrayReversed = Base64.decode(input.getBytes("UTF-8"), Base64.DEFAULT);
for (int i = 0; i < inputArrayReversed.length / 2; i++) {
byte temp = inputArrayReversed[i];
inputArrayReversed[i] = inputArrayReversed[inputArrayReversed.length - 1];
inputArrayReversed[inputArrayReversed.length - 1] = temp;
byte[] decryptedText = null;
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding");
cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key);
decryptedText = cipher.doFinal(Base64.decode(input.getBytes("UTF-8"), Base64.DEFAULT));
return Base64.encodeToString(decryptedText, Base64.NO_WRAP);
//return new String(decryptedText, "UTF-8");
} catch (Exception e) {
return "";
Actually I tried also with different algorithms specified in Cypher class, also tried many other combinations, tried using SpongyCastle instead of built in Android RSA providers, but nothing worked. If anybody has any clue to point me in right direction, I would be absolutely grateful.
First hint is that decrypted string from .NET comes as around 25 characters long, and when I get Android to return decrypted string without exceptions it is usually much longer, around 500 bytes.
Second hint deleted
Third hint I also tried spongycastle, but it didn't help that much
Anyways, thank you in advance for any help!!!
Second hint is deleted because was wrong, disregard it. Now I have one question if the following can prove that the public key is loaded correctly, just to rule that problem out.
BigInteger modulus and exponent in the upper Android code and the following BigIntegers in .NET show equal integer values.
var parameters = csp.ExportParameters(false);
var modulusInteger = new BigInteger(parameters.Modulus.Reverse().Concat(new byte[] { 0 }).ToArray());
var exponentInteger = new BigInteger(parameters.Exponent.Reverse().Concat(new byte[] { 0 }).ToArray());
This and This SO answers provide some interesting clues
Heeh, the mistake was one of the basics, we had an architecture where we were doing encryption with public key and decryption with private key. The problem was in the architecture itself because as we initially set it up, we were sending private keys to all our client apps, which is big security flaw.
My mistake was that I assumed that on the client we have public key and actually from private key all the time I was trying to load the public key and then do decrypt.
If I knew the PKI in depth and communicated a bit better with my colleague, I could have noticed few things:
Decrypt can be done with private key only, while one the other hand verify can be done with public key, so when I saw Decrypt being used on client in .NET, I should have assumed that on the client we have private key (which is a security flaw in the end in the way we want to use PKI)
Few things that I already knew or learnt and want to share with others:
Private key should be kept secret, whether you want to have it on server or preferably only on one client because public key can easily be guessed from private key and then someone can easily repeat your whole encryption process easily and breach your security
PKI works for two scenarios:
First scenario is when you want to Encrypt something and that only specific person/computer can Decrypt it. In first scenario as you see, many stakeholders can have someone's Public key and send messages to him and that only he can read them with his Private key. Second scenario is when you want to be sure that the message that came to you was not altered and was sent by specific person/computer. In that case you Sign data with Private key and Verify it on the other end with Public key. The only process that is suitable for us is Sign <-> Verify because we send plain text license with signature in it, and thus on the client we want to be sure that nobody tampered with the plain text license and that it came from us.
In your code, if Decrypt or Verify functions throw exceptions in 50% of the time it is because of loading the incorrect key or incorrectly loading the correct key and in the other 50% it is because you are using the incorrect algorithm or because algorithm parameters are incorrectly set or because the algorithm implementations between platforms are incompatible (the last one is very rare)
.NET server code
public string Sign(string privateKey, string data)
//// Write the message to a byte array using UTF8 as the encoding.
var encoder = new UTF8Encoding();
byte[] byteData = encoder.GetBytes(data);
//// Sign the data, using SHA512 as the hashing algorithm
byte[] encryptedBytes = _rsaProvider.SignData(byteData, new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider());
return Convert.ToBase64String(encryptedBytes);
.NET client code (Win Mobile)
private bool Verify(string key, string signature, string data)
CspParameters cspParams = new CspParameters { ProviderType = 1 };
RSACryptoServiceProvider rsaProvider = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(cspParams);
byte[] signatureBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(signature);
var encoder = new UTF8Encoding();
byte[] dataBytes = encoder.GetBytes(data);
return rsaProvider.VerifyData(dataBytes, new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider(), signatureBytes);
Android client code:
public boolean Verify(RSAPublicKey key, String signature, String data)
Signature sign = Signature.getInstance("SHA1withRSA");
return sign.verify(Base64.decode(signature.getBytes("UTF-8"), Base64.NO_WRAP));
catch (Exception e)
return false;
in .NET public key is exported in xml format with following code:
public string ExportPublicToXML(string publicKey)
RSACryptoServiceProvider csp = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(new CspParameters()
ProviderType = 1
return csp.ToXmlString(false);
and then modulus and exponent are used in Android to load public key:
private RSAPublicKey GetPublicKey(String keyXmlString) throws InvalidKeySpecException, UnsupportedEncodingException, NoSuchAlgorithmException
KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
String modulusString = keyXmlString.substring(keyXmlString.indexOf("<Modulus>"), keyXmlString.indexOf("</Modulus>")).replace("<Modulus>", "");
String exponentString = keyXmlString.substring(keyXmlString.indexOf("<Exponent>"), keyXmlString.indexOf("</Exponent>")).replace("<Exponent>", "");
byte[] modulusBytes = Base64.decode(modulusString.getBytes("UTF-8"), Base64.DEFAULT);
byte[] dBytes = Base64.decode(exponentString.getBytes("UTF-8"), Base64.DEFAULT);
BigInteger modulus = new BigInteger(1, modulusBytes);
BigInteger d = new BigInteger(1, dBytes);
RSAPublicKeySpec keySpec = new RSAPublicKeySpec(modulus, d);
return (RSAPublicKey) keyFactory.generatePublic(keySpec);
I have 2 Projects in the same solution, in one project I encrypt a message using SignData and in the other project I am recreating the message that was encrypted in the first project and I compare the results to see if they are the same. But the encryption from the first project doesn't return the same value like the encryption from the second project. How can I make so that if i give the same byte array in both the projects I get the same value returned. I think that RSA generates 2 different keys but I use the same container
param.KeyContainerName = "SignatureContainer101";
Is there any way that I can do this without passing any Key? I need it to run locally on the same machine. Or any other suggestions in what I can do to get the same result?
This is the code I am using:
public static byte[] SignData(byte[] message)
//convert data to be signed in a byte array
byte[] byteSignature2;
CspParameters param = new CspParameters();
//Giving container a name, so we can use the same keys for verifying data.
param.KeyContainerName = "SignatureContainer101";
//Initializing RSACryptoServiceProvider
using (RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(param))
//We want RSACryptoServiceProvider to save keys in keystore
//because we want to keep signature generation routine seperate
//from verifying data against signature.
rsa.PersistKeyInCsp = true;
byte[] byteSignature = rsa.SignData(message, "SHA256");
byteSignature2 = new byte[byteSignature.Length];
byteSignature2 = byteSignature;
return byteSignature2;
public static bool VerifyData(byte[] originalMessage, byte[] signedMessage)
bool isSuccess = false;
CspParameters param = new CspParameters();
//Utilizing the same key container which was created during
//signature generation process i.e. in GetDataSignature(string data) function.
//If we don't utilize the same keycontainer, VerifyData will always return false
//because RSACryptoSeriveProvider initialization will generate new keys.
param.KeyContainerName = "SignatureContainer101";
//Initializing RSACryptoServiceProvider
using (RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(param))
//verifying data against signature
isSuccess = rsa.VerifyData(originalMessage, "SHA256", signedMessage);
return isSuccess;
I am not sure what is the problem, exactly.
How can I make so that if i give the same byte array in both the projects I get the same value returned.
Do you expect SignData to return exactly the same bytes when called twice on an identical message with an identical key? It won’t and it shouldn’t. Every time an “identical” asymmetric (public-key) encryption/signing is done, it should have a different result. That is achieved using a random piece of padding used in the process. It is needed because in public-key cryptography, one of the keys is public, and if no randomness was used, it would make the cryptographic properties weaker. (For more information, see e.g. this answer on Security SE.)
So, you should not compare the result byte-by-byte, you should use the VerifyData method to check whether the signature is correct, not whether it is identical.
I found no problem in you code. It works! This is what I've done:
public partial class Program
protected override void Execute()
var message1 = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hello there,");
var message2 = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hello there");
var signed = SignData(message1);
var notOK = VerifyData(message2, signed);
var oK = VerifyData(message1, signed);
public static byte[] SignData(byte[] message)
byte[] byteSignature2;
var param = new CspParameters
KeyContainerName = "SignatureContainer101"
using (var rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(param))
rsa.PersistKeyInCsp = true;
var byteSignature = rsa.SignData(message, "SHA256");
byteSignature2 = byteSignature;
return byteSignature2;
public static bool VerifyData(byte[] originalMessage, byte[] signedMessage)
bool isSuccess;
var param = new CspParameters
KeyContainerName = "SignatureContainer101"
using (var rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(param))
isSuccess = rsa.VerifyData(originalMessage, "SHA256", signedMessage);
return isSuccess;
I'm looking to convert some C# code to the equivalent in Java.
The C# code takes some string content, and a signature (generated using the private key, on a seperate machine) and combined with the public key it verifies the signature matches, providing a level of assurance that the request has not been tampered with.
public bool VerifySignature(string content, byte[] signatureBytes, AsymmetricAlgorithm publicKey)
var hash = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider();
byte[] dataBuffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(content);
var cs = new CryptoStream(Stream.Null, hash, CryptoStreamMode.Write);
cs.Write(dataBuffer, 0, dataBuffer.Length);
var deformatter = new RSAPKCS1SignatureDeformatter(publicKey);
return deformatter.VerifySignature(hash, signatureBytes);
The public key itself is an X509 Certificate - constructed from a .cer file, stored as assembly resource i.e.
byte[] data; // data is read from a resource stream.
var publicKey = new X509Certificate2(data, "", X509KeyStorageFlags.MachineKeySet).PublicKey.Key
What I'm looking to do is emulate this functionality in Java, so I can verify the signature generated by some code in C#... I've started investigating the crypto functionality of Java, but I'm a bit of a java noob. Here's what I've come up with so far:
byte[] certContents=null;
byte[] signature=null;
String contents = "abc";
// load cert
CertificateFactory factory = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) factory.generateCertificate(new ByteArrayInputStream(certContents));
// grab public key
RSAPublicKey publicKey = (RSAPublicKey)cert.getPublicKey();
// get sha1 hash for contents
Mac mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA1");
byte[] hash = mac.doFinal();
// get cipher
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA");
cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, publicKey);
// verify signature of contents matches signature passed to method somehow (and this is where I'm stuck)
Can anyone provide any insight into how I can verify the signature - or provide links to some resources which might explain the java.crypto and java.security.cert usage better then the run of the mill java docs.
That C# code looks really confusing to me. It use SHA1CryptoServiceProvider but uses MD5 hash so I can't tell which hashing algorithm it's using. I assume it's MD5.
The signature verification process involves padding so your code wouldn't work. Following is some snippet from my code and you can use it to verify the signature. data is the bytes to sign and sigBytes holds the signature.
String algorithm = "MD5withRSA";
// Initialize JCE provider
Signature verifier = Signature.getInstance(algorithm);
// Do the verification
boolean result=false;
try {
verifier.initVerify(cert); // This one checks key usage in the cert
result = verifier.verify(sigBytes);
catch (Exception e) {
throw new VerificationException("Verification error: "+e, e);