HttpClient and Connection: close HttpRequestHeaders - c#

I'm making a static wrapper for HttpClient, that object identifier is 'Client'. The code is below. As I add to the options class, I encounter ConnectionClose and I'm thinking of making it configurable as I want other developers to be able to configure it as desired.
But everything I read about Connection: close in the header indicates I want it keep-alive. Should this value just be false all the time? Or are there valid use cases for the close value of true?
protected void Setup(ApiCallerOptions options)
Client = CreateHttpClient();
Options = options;
ServicePointManager.FindServicePoint(new Uri(options.BaseAddress))
.ConnectionLeaseTimeout = options.ConnectionLeaseTimeout;
Client.BaseAddress = new Uri(options.BaseAddress);
Client.DefaultRequestHeaders.ConnectionClose = false;

14.10 Connection
Can be used for debugging issues related to connections that are kept alive or you simply do not wish to have a persistent connection whatever the reason. These are pretty much the use cases when set explicitly to true HttpClient instance.
To answer your question it should just be false else performance will be degraded.


Is setting the Authorization header in HttpClient safe?

I'm working in a MVC5 ASP.NET project, and learned that to send authenticated requests to a WEB API from the controller I could do the following to add a token to the header(using an example code):
public static class APICaller
// Use a single instance for HttpClient to reduce overhead
private static readonly HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
//Set the Authorization Header
public static string SetHeader( string token )
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", token);
Is setting the header this way on the HttpClient thread-safe? Will other users have a way to access this same token, given that there is only one instance of this HttpClient?
I'd like to ask one more question to get a better understanding of how it works. Would I need to add the header each time I'm making a request with the same HttpClient object?
With the approach you have, once you've set the default request header on your static instance, it will remain set without you having to keep setting it. This means that if you have multiple requests coming into your server, you could end up in a situation where the header is set for one user and then changed by another request before that first request makes it out the door.
One option to avoid this would be to use SendAsync when using user-specific authorisation headers. This allows you to tie the header to a specific message, rather than setting it as a default for the HttpClient itself.
The code is a bit more verbose, but would look something like this:
using (var httpRequestMessage = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, "http://path/to/wherever"))
httpRequestMessage.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", "TheToken");
using (var httpResponseMessage = httpClient.SendAsync(httpRequestMessage))
// ...
As you can see, the header is set specially on each request and therefore the issue of mixing up the headers goes away. The obvious downside is that this syntax is more verbose.
Will other users have a way to access this same token, given that there is only one instance of this HttpClient?
Yes, that is why you need to be careful when setting the default headers.
Would I need to add the header each time I'm making a request with the same HttpClient object?
No, because you set the default header all requests created with that object will have the header.
For things like a Bearer token it is better to not put in the default headers and instead put it in the request header by creating a new HttpRequestMessage object, setting the headers you need there, then using HttpClient.SendAsync( passing in the request message to send the headers along with your request.

Why would my C# app fail on this REST request but but works fine through a browser?

I have a C# app and I am accessing some data over REST so I pass in a URL to get a JSON payload back. I access a few different URLs programmatically and they all work fine using this code below except one call.
Here is my code:
var url = "";
var results = GetHTTPClient().GetStringAsync(url).Result;
var restResponse = new RestSharp.RestResponse();
restResponse.Content = results;
var _deserializer = new JsonDeserializer();
where GetHTTPClient() is using this code below:
private HttpClient GetHTTPClient()
var httpClient = new HttpClient(new HttpClientHandler()
Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("usr", "pwd"),
UseDefaultCredentials = false,
UseProxy = true,
Proxy = new WebProxy(new Uri("")),
AllowAutoRedirect = false
httpClient.Timeout = new TimeSpan(0,0, 3500);
return httpClient;
so as i said, the above code works fine but a bunch of different request but for one particular request, I am getting an exception inside of the
call with the error:
Unable to read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
I get that error after waiting for about 10 minutes. What is interesting is that if I put that same URL that isn't working into Internet Explorer directly I do get the JSON payload back (after about 10 minutes as well). So i am confused at why
It would work fine directly from the browser but fail when using the code above.
It fails on this one request but other requests using the same code work fine programmatically.
Any suggestions for things to try or things I should ask the owner of the server to check out on their end to help diagnose what is going on?
I think the timeout is not an issue here, as the error states that connection has been closed remotely and the set timeout is about 58 minutes, which is more than enough compared to your other figures.
Have you tried looking at the requests itself? Might want to edit your question with those results.
If you remove line httpClient.Timeout = new TimeSpan(0,0, 3500); the issue should be solved but if the request would last 20 minutes you should wait all the time.

Big size of ServicePoint object after several hours sending HTTP request in parallel

We are using HttpClient to send requests to remote Web API in parallel:
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> PostAsync(HttpRequestInfo httpRequestInfo)
using (var httpClient = new HttpClient())
httpClient.BaseAddress = new Uri(httpRequestInfo.BaseUrl);
if (httpRequestInfo.RequestHeaders.Any())
foreach (var requestHeader in httpRequestInfo.RequestHeaders)
httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add(requestHeader.Key, requestHeader.Value);
return await httpClient.PostAsync(httpRequestInfo.RequestUrl, httpRequestInfo.RequestBody);
This API can be called by several threads concurrently. After running about four hours we found memory leaks issue happened, from profiling tool, it seems there are two ServicePoint objects, one of which is quite big, about 160 MB.
From my knowledge, I can see some problems above codes:
We should share HttpClient instance as possible as we can. In our case, the request address and headers may vary a lot, so is this a point we can do something or it doesn't hurt too much performance? I just think of that we can prepare a dictionary to store and look up HttpClient instances.
We didn't modify the DefaultConnectionLimit of ServicePoint, so in default it can only send two requests to the same server concurrently. If we change this value to larger one, the memory leaks problem can be solved?
We also suppressed the HTTPS certificate validation: ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = delegate { return true; }; Does this have something to do with the problem?
Due to this issue is not easily reproduced(need a lot of time), I just need some thoughts so that I can optimize our code for long time running.
Explain the situation myself, just in case others also meet this issue later.
First, this is not memory leak, it's something performance problem.
We test our application in virtual machine, on which we opened the proxy. It leads to the internet is quite slow. So in our case, each HTTP request might cost 3-4 seconds. As time going, there will be a lot of connections in the ServicePoint queue. Therefore, it's not memory leaks, that's just because the previous connections are not finished quickly enough.
Just make sure each HTTP request is not that slow, everything becomes normal.
We also tried to reduce the HttpClient instances, to increase the HTTP request performance:
private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<HttpRequestInfo, HttpClient> _httpClients;
private HttpClient GetHttpClient(HttpRequestInfo httpRequestInfo)
if (_httpClients.ContainsKey(httpRequestInfo))
HttpClient value;
if (!_httpClients.TryGetValue(httpRequestInfo, out value))
throw new InvalidOperationException("It seems there is no related http client in the dictionary.");
return value;
var httpClient = new HttpClient { BaseAddress = new Uri(httpRequestInfo.BaseUrl) };
if (httpRequestInfo.RequestHeaders.Any())
foreach (var requestHeader in httpRequestInfo.RequestHeaders)
httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add(requestHeader.Key, requestHeader.Value);
httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.ExpectContinue = false;
httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.ConnectionClose = true;
httpClient.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2);
if (!_httpClients.TryAdd(httpRequestInfo, httpClient))
throw new InvalidOperationException("Adding new http client thrown an exception.");
return httpClient;
In our case, only the request body is different for same server address. I also override the Equals and GetHashCode method of HttpRequestInfo.
Meanwhile, we set ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = int.MaxValue;
Hopes this can help you.

How to determine if an HttpResponseMessage was fulfilled from cache using HttpClient

What is the equivalent to WebResponse.IsFromCache when using HttpClient and HttpResponseMessage?
Is there some HTTP header in the response that I can look at?
FYI: The Windows.Web.Http HttpClient (a similar API targetted at Windows 8.1 app development) does include an HttpResponseMessage.Source field that specifies where the result came from (common values are "cache" and "network").
The Windows.Web.Http classes are usable from C# and other .NET languages, from C++, and from JavaScript (when running as a WwaHost app like from the Windows app store).
Can I ask what you're trying to achieve? Are trying to avoid caching?
The reason for asking is I've looked at the source code for HttpClient (specifically HttpClientHandler) and the source for HttpWebResponse and I dont believe you can get this information from the headers.
HttpClient/HttpClientHandler does use HttpWebResponse internally however it does not expose all properties from HttpWebResponse :
private HttpResponseMessage CreateResponseMessage(HttpWebResponse webResponse, HttpRequestMessage request)
HttpResponseMessage httpResponseMessage = new HttpResponseMessage(webResponse.StatusCode);
httpResponseMessage.ReasonPhrase = webResponse.StatusDescription;
httpResponseMessage.Version = webResponse.ProtocolVersion;
httpResponseMessage.RequestMessage = request;
httpResponseMessage.Content = (HttpContent) new StreamContent((Stream) new HttpClientHandler.WebExceptionWrapperStream(webResponse.GetResponseStream()));
//this line doesnt exist, would be nice
httpResponseMessage.IsFromCache = webResponse.IsFromCache;// <-- MISSING!
So your options the way I see it are:
a) Look at the source code for HttpWebRequest to determine the logic for IsFromCache and retrofit this somehow into HttpClient (this may not even be possible, depends on what the logic actually does/needs)
b)ask the ASP.NET team for this property to be included with HttpResponseMessage. either directly as a property or perhaps they could 'keep' the HttpWebResponse
Neither of these options are that great sorry, hence my original question, what are you trying to acheive?
I've been struggling with this scenario recently as well.
What I needed was an integration test to verify that:
Responses for a newly created resource had the correct headers set by the server.
Subsequent requests for that resource were fulfilled from the client-cache.
Responses for an existing resource had the correct headers set by the server as well.
What I ended up doing was a twofold check:
A non-caching HttpClient to check the initial response:
new WebRequestHandler
AllowAutoRedirect = true,
UseCookies = true,
CookieContainer = new CookieContainer(),
CachePolicy = new HttpRequestCachePolicy(HttpRequestCacheLevel.Refresh)
var client = new HttpClient(handler)
and a second HTTP client to check the client-side cache:
new WebRequestHandler
AllowAutoRedirect = true,
UseCookies = true,
CookieContainer = new CookieContainer(),
CachePolicy = new HttpRequestCachePolicy(HttpRequestCacheLevel.Default)
var client = new HttpClient(handler)
To verify the source of response messages I compare the HttpResponseMessage.Headers.Date values from steps 1 and 2 (which will be the same if the response came from the client cache). For my third step I can just re-use the client from the first step and append an arbitrary string to the URL.
Disclaimer: this applies to .NET Framework 4.7 and ignores best practices concerning HttpClient usage but is seems to do the trick for me in my test suite. An explicit property like the one mentioned above would be preferable but does not seem to be available. Since the last reply here is already a few years old there might be better ways to handle this, but I couldn't think of one.

Force connection to close with HttpClient in WCF

We're using the HttpClient class from "Rest toolkit" for WCF ( ) to inteface a Rest-server we've created.
The server currently always close the connection, regardless of the "connection" header (it is in developement, so that is ok for now).
How can I tell the HttpClient instance to always close the connection (or accept that the server closes it)? I tried adding the " Connection: close" header, but resulted in an exeption ("connection" was not an allowed header). I also tried to set DefaultHeaders.Connection.Close = true, but this didn't seem to make any difference. I can still see the connection with netstat after the POST is done.
(body and uri are strings)
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
client.DefaultHeaders.Connection = new Connection();
client.DefaultHeaders.Connection.Close = true;
HttpContent content = HttpContent.Create(body);
HttpResponseMessage res = client.Post(new Uri(uri), content);
The problem here is that the next time we do a POST, the call just blocks. We think this is due to the fact that the connection is kept alive by the client, and this is not supported by the server.
I wrote most of the HttpClient code; here are some thoughts:
You don't need to tell HttpClient to accept the server closing the connection -- it should just work automatically -- the server can always close the connection whether or not the client includes the "Connection: close" header
Use response.Dispose() -- the underlying connection may not be able to initiate a new connection / send bytes until you're done reading the bytes that are pending
client.DefaultHeaders.Add("Connection", "close"); should work -- if you get an exception, please open an issue on the codeplex site
You can inspect response.Request.Headers to see what's going out on the wire
You can skip the "new Uri()" in Post(new Uri(x)) -- passing a string will call the right constructor (new Uri(x, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute)) for you
By default, the timeouts are the same as HttpWebRequest -- you might want to turn them down via client.TransportSettings.ReadWriteTimeout / client.TransportSettings.ConnectionTimeout to distinguish between blocking forever and timing out
Have you tried disposing the response when you're done with it?
// do stuff
using (HttpResponseMessage res = client.Post(new Uri(uri), content))
// do stuff
