I'm working with a client's API that has multiple different 'services' (around 10 so far), each one imports as its own namespace. Part of their standard API call pattern involves returning an array of error messages:
public class Error {
public String ErrorMessage {get;set}
public int errorNumber {get;set}
I've been trying to clean up and unify our handling of those messages. I tried to make a single function to handle them, eg:
void CheckErrors(List<Error> errors) {
if(errors != null && errors.Count() > 0)
throw new Exception(errors.First().ErrorMessage);
(the actual function is more complex but that gives the general idea)
However, it turns out that every one of their services has its own (identical) definition of this Error class. In C++ I could just template this function and it would work fine, or in a dynamic language it'd just work, but in C# I haven't been able to find a way to do this without making 10+ copies of the same function, each with a different namespace on the Error type.
In my own code I could just add an interface to these classes, but since it's not my code I don't think you can do that in C#? I could make a wrapper class that inherits from each of these and implements the interface, but I'm still stuck with duplicate code for every namespace/service.
Is there any cleaner way to handle this?
You could consider using a late binding solution either using reflection or dynamic. Both have the same drawback: you loose compile time type safety but if its a very isolated and contained piece of code it should be tolerable:
void CheckErrors(List<object> errors) {
if(errors != null && errors.Count() > 0)
var firstError = errors.First();
throw new Exception(
.ToString()); }
void CheckErrors(List<dynamic> errors) {
if(errors != null && errors.Count() > 0)
throw new Exception(errors.First().ErrorMessage); }
Bear with me... you may need yet another Error class that is identical in properties to their Error class, but that you define in your namespace.
Your method CheckErrors uses your definition of Error.
Finally, you can use AutoMapper to map between their Error types and yours. This is pretty much exactly what AutoMapper is designed for. Since all your contracts are identical, the AutoMapper configuration should be trivial. Of course, you incur some runtime expense of mapping, but I think this would lead to the cleanest statically typed solution given that you can't change their interfaces.
The AutoMapper config + usage will look something like this:
//See AutoMapper docs for where to put config, it shouldn't happen on every call
var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg =>
cfg.CreateMap<TheirApi.Error, MyNamespace.MyErrorDefinition>();
var mapper = config.CreateMapper();
MyErrorDefinition myErrors = mapper.Map<List<MyErrorDefinition>>(listOfTheirErrorObjects);
Another way is to use lambdas:
void CheckErrors<T>(IEnumerable<T> errors, Func<T,string> getMessage)
if (errors?.Count() > 0) throw new Exception(getMessage(errors.First()));
Then call it like this:
CheckErrors(errors, (e) => e.ErrorMessage);
I would define my own Error class that has a constructor that accepts any error object from your vendor and converts it. For example:
public class Error
public string Message { get; private set; }
public int ErrorNumber { get; private set; }
public Error(object vendorError)
var t = vendorError.GetType();
foreach (var source in t.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public))
foreach (var dest in typeof(Error).GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public))
if (dest.Name != source.Name) continue;
if (dest.PropertyType != source.PropertyType) continue;
dest.SetValue(this, source.GetValue(vendorError, null));
Then when you have an error list from your third party library, you can convert it using LINQ:
var myErrorList = vendorErrorList.Select( e => new Error(e) );
And now you can access the properties per normal.
See my example on DotNetFiddle
This question already has answers here:
How enumerate all classes with custom class attribute?
(8 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I'm working on a command tool in C#, although not for a terminal command-line. I have read the documentation on reflection and attributes but I'm not sure exactly what the "right" way to go about this is.
The problem isn't very complicated, but it needs to be easily extended. I need to just have Commands that are picked up and loaded in where their triggering strings are checked and if they match, methods are called. How I went about it just as a proof-of-concept was:
public class CommandAttribute : Attribute
public string Name { get; private set; } //e.g Help
public string TriggerString { get; private set; } //e.g. help, but generally think ls, pwd, etc
public CommandAttribute(string name, string triggerStrings)
this.Name = name;
this.TriggerString = triggerString;
Now, I decorated the class and it will implement methods from an interface. Eventually there will be many commands and my idea is to make it easy for someone with minimal programming experience to jump in and make a command.
using Foo.Commands.Attributes;
using Foo.Infrastructure;
namespace Foo.Commands
[Command("Help", "help")]
public class Help : IBotCommand
// as an example, if the message's contents match up with this command's triggerstring
public async Task ExecuteAction()
This gets injected into the console app where it will load the commands and get passed messages
public interface ICommandHandler
Task LoadCommands();
Task CheckMessageForCommands();
Then, everything with a matching attribute will get loaded in and when a message is received, it will check its contents against all CommandAttribute decorated classes' triggering strings, and if it matches, call the method ExecuteAction on that command class.
What I've seen/tried: I understand how to use reflection to get custom attribute data, however I'm confused as to getting the methods and calling them, and how all of this should be configured to be fairly performant with reflection being used. I see CLI tools and chat bots that use a similar method, I just cannot peek into their handlers to see how these get loaded in and I can't find a resource that explains how to go about accessing the methods of these classes. Attributes may not be the right answer here but I'm not sure how else to go about it.
Really, my main question is:
How do I setup The CommandHandler to load all of the attribute-decorated classes and call their methods, and how they should be instantiated within it. I know the second piece may be a bit more subjective but would newing them up be improper? Should they somehow be added to DI?
My solution ended up just using the Activator and lists. I still need to tweak this for performance and run more extensive stress tests, but here is my quick code for it:
// for reference: DiscordCommandAttribute is in Foo.Commands library where all the commands are, so for now it's the target as I removed the base class
// IDiscordCommand has every method needed, so casting it as that means down the line I can call my methods off of it. The base class was just for some reflection logic I was testing and was removed, so it's gone
public void LoadCommands() // called in ctor
var commands =
from t in typeof(DiscordCommandAttribute).Assembly.GetTypes()
let attribute = t.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(DiscordCommandAttribute), true)
where attribute != null
select new { Type = t, Attribute = attribute };
foreach (var obj in commands)
_commandAttributes.Add(obj.Attribute as DiscordCommandAttribute);
There is probably a more sugary way to handle adding the objects to the lists, and some other data structure besides Lists might be more suitable, I'm just not sure if HashSet is right because it's not a direct Equals call. Eventually I will genericize the interface for this class and hide all of this logic in a base class. Still a lot of work to do.
Currently, just putting a stopwatch start before calling LoadCommands shows that the entire load takes 4ms. This is with 3 classes and a pretty anemic attribute, but I'm not too worried about the scale as I want any overhead on launch and not during command handling.
Using some code I wrote for this answer, you can find all types that implement an interface, e.g. IBotCommand, and then retrieve the custom attribute:
public static class TypeExt {
public static bool IsBuiltin(this Type aType) => new[] { "/dotnet/shared/microsoft", "/windows/microsoft.net" }.Any(p => aType.Assembly.CodeBase.ToLowerInvariant().Contains(p));
static Dictionary<Type, HashSet<Type>> FoundTypes = null;
static List<Type> LoadableTypes = null;
public static void RefreshLoadableTypes() {
LoadableTypes = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().SelectMany(a => a.GetLoadableTypes()).ToList();
FoundTypes = new Dictionary<Type, HashSet<Type>>();
public static IEnumerable<Type> ImplementingTypes(this Type interfaceType, bool includeAbstractClasses = false, bool includeStructs = false, bool includeSystemTypes = false, bool includeInterfaces = false) {
if (FoundTypes != null && FoundTypes.TryGetValue(interfaceType, out var ft))
return ft;
else {
if (LoadableTypes == null)
var ans = LoadableTypes
.Where(aType => (includeAbstractClasses || !aType.IsAbstract) &&
(includeInterfaces ? aType != interfaceType : !aType.IsInterface) &&
(includeStructs || !aType.IsValueType) &&
(includeSystemTypes || !aType.IsBuiltin()) &&
interfaceType.IsAssignableFrom(aType) &&
FoundTypes[interfaceType] = ans;
return ans;
public static class AssemblyExt {
public static IEnumerable<Type> GetLoadableTypes(this Assembly assembly) {
if (assembly == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("assembly");
try {
return assembly.GetTypes();
catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException e) {
return e.Types.Where(t => t != null);
Note: If you create types at runtime, you will need to run RefreshLoadableTypes to ensure they get returned.
If you are concerned about IBotCommand implementors existing without the CommandAttribute, you can filter the ImplementingTypes, otherwise:
var botCommands = typeof(IBotCommand)
.Select(t => new { Type = t, attrib = t.GetTypeInfo().GetCustomAttribute<CommandAttribute>(false) })
.Select(ta => new {
TriggerString = ta.attrib.TriggerString
.ToDictionary(tct => tct.TriggerString, tct => tct.Type);
With an extension method for your command Types:
public static class CmdTypeExt {
public static Task ExecuteAction(this Type commandType) {
var cmdObj = (IBotCommand)Activator.CreateInstance(commandType);
return cmdObj.ExecuteAction();
You can use the Dictionary like:
var cmdString = Console.ReadLine();
if (botCommands.TryGetValue(cmdString, out var cmdType))
await cmdType.ExecuteAction();
Overall, I might suggest having a method attribute and having static methods in static classes for commands, so multiple (related?) commands can be bundled in a single class.
PS My command interpreters have help associates with each command, and categories to group commands, so perhaps some more attribute parameters and/or another IBotCommand method to return a help string.
I would like to generate a text output list that traverses my constructor dependencies for a class or list of classes. I assume I would use reflection in some way to do this? And have protection against circular dependencies.
https://stackoverflow.com/a/29704045/254257 This seems to be what I would want, but they provided no code. That question is on a similar track, but they just assume you have start with a dictionary with your dependencies already outlined as strings. So I guess how would I get that to start with.
Say I have the following:
public class UserService(IGroupService groupService, ILoggingService loggingService)
public class GroupService(IUserService userService, IRoleService roleService, ILoggingService loggingService)
public class RoleService(ILoggingService loggingService)
I would want some code to output something like this:
--------UserService CIRCULAR DEPENDENCY (stops going any deeper)
If I wanted to check dependencies on only the UserService, with the actual concrete implementation of the interfaces.
I know I can var type = typeof(UserService) as a starting point, but I've only ever worked with properties before so not sure what to do next.
I would imagine I would somehow need to get the constructor parameters, the types of those, then get the actual implementations and repeat, somehow also making sure I don't get stuck in a loop if I have any circular dependencies. Not sure how to do any of that so help would be appreciated.
Well it took some figuring out and it's probably not perfect, but for my code it worked. I started at Chetan's comment and just went down the rabbit hole. I made it a Utility:
public static class DependencyChainUtil
public static TypeModel GetDependencyChainForType(Type type)
var currentChainClassList = new List<string>();
var model = GetDependencyChainForType(type, currentChainClassList);
return model;
private static TypeModel GetDependencyChainForType(Type type, List<string> currentChainClassList)
if (type != null)
var model = new TypeModel() {Type = type};
if (currentChainClassList.Any(x => x == type.FullName))
model.IsCircularReference = true;
var constructorInfo = type.GetConstructors().Where(x => x.GetParameters().Length > 0);
foreach (var info in constructorInfo)
foreach (var parameterInfo in info.GetParameters())
var subType = parameterInfo.ParameterType;
if (subType.IsInterface)
var types = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()
.SelectMany(s => s.GetTypes()).Where(x => x.GetInterfaces().Contains(subType))
if (types.Any())
subType = types.FirstOrDefault();
model.ConstructorDependencies.Add(GetDependencyChainForType(subType, currentChainClassList));
return model;
throw new ArgumentNullException("Parameter 'type' is null.");
public static string OutputTextOfDependencyChain(TypeModel model)
var output = "";
var depth = 0;
if (model != null)
output = OutputTextOfDependencyChain(model, output, depth);
return output;
private static string OutputTextOfDependencyChain(TypeModel model, string output, int depth)
//prepend depth markers
output += new String(Enumerable.Range(0, depth*4).SelectMany(x => "-").ToArray());
output += model.Type.Name;
output += model.IsCircularReference ? "(CYCLIC DEPENDENCY)" : null;
output += "<br/>";
foreach (var typeModel in model.ConstructorDependencies)
output = OutputTextOfDependencyChain(typeModel, output, depth);
return output;
public class TypeModel
public Type Type { get; set; }
public List<TypeModel> ConstructorDependencies { get; set; }
public bool IsCircularReference { get; set; }
public TypeModel()
ConstructorDependencies = new List<TypeModel>();
The problem you are having stems from the fact that you are using a DI Container. Such problem is much less likely to appear when using Pure DI, since in that case the C# compiler will verify object construction, and it would be practically impossible to get such cyclic dependency.
When you use a DI Container, make sure that you use a DI Container that allows detecting cyclic dependencies and communicates a meaningful error. As a matter of fact, any of the mature DI Containers do communicate cyclic dependency errors very clearly. If your DI Container of choice does throw a stack overflow exception, please consider switching to a mature container.
Simple Injector, for instance, will throw an exception with the following message:
The configuration is invalid. Creating the instance for type IGroupService failed. The type GroupService is directly or indirectly depending on itself. The cyclic graph contains the following types: GroupService -> UserService -> GroupService.
In other words, Simple Injector shows the cyclic graph as follows:
GroupService -> UserService -> GroupService
So you don't really need object graph to be visualized, and in fact most containers won't be able to do this, because of the cyclic dependency. In case your object graph was acyclic, Simple Injector would visualize the graph as follows when you drill into the container using the Visual Studio debugger:
Or you can achieve the same by using Simple Injector's API programmatically:
var graph = container.GetRegistration(typeof(UserService)).VisualizeObjectGraph();
Which results in the following text:
Please note that your mileage might vary with other DI Containers, but again, most of the more mature libraries out their contain these types of features.
I converted a (C#) struct into a class and need to go through all uses of the type to ensure that there are no undesired effects of the former implicit copy and now reference behaviours.
Is there a way to find all references, where this specific type is used/involved?
I tried Find all Referenceson the type, and get all locations where the type name is explicitely stated, which is a good start.
However, I don't get the locations where an instance of this type is returned and modified. Specifically the lines where I assign the return value to an implicitely typed variable using var, or all assignments to previously defined variables.
Are there any features or tricks I could use? I guess, this particular case of struct-to-class conversion occurs quite often. Maybe you have some advice how to find all possible issues?
You could rename manually the class... every error is one place where it is used. But I think that the Visual Studio will stop after a certain number of errors.
You could mark as [Obsolete] the class, all its properties, all its methods. Then you would have a warning every time you used them.
Note that the [Obsolete] "trick" has some limitations:
public class MyClass
public static void Test1(MyClass test2) // This line has a warning
var y = test2; // ***This line doesn't have a warning***
MyClass z = test2; // This line has a warning
so it is the same as Find all References...
Another solution, based on FxCop/Code Analysis of Visual Studio:
This is a custom rule, based on the instructions of http://blogs.msdn.com/b/codeanalysis/archive/2010/03/26/how-to-write-custom-static-code-analysis-rules-and-integrate-them-into-visual-studio-2010.aspx
The Default Namespace of the assembly (you can set in the properties) must be MyCustomFxCopRules. The Platform target x86.
using Microsoft.FxCop.Sdk;
namespace MyCustomFxCopRules
public class StructAssignmentFinder : BaseIntrospectionRule
public StructAssignmentFinder()
: base("StructAssignmentFinder", "MyCustomFxCopRules.RuleMetadata", typeof(StructAssignmentFinder).Assembly)
var ms = new MyStruct();
var tt = ms;
public override TargetVisibilities TargetVisibility
return TargetVisibilities.All;
public override ProblemCollection Check(ModuleNode module)
return Problems;
public override void VisitAssignmentStatement(AssignmentStatement assignment)
// You could even use FullName
if ((assignment.Source != null && assignment.Source.Type != null && assignment.Source.Type.Name.Name == "MyStruct") ||
(assignment.Target != null && assignment.Target.Type != null && assignment.Target.Type.Name.Name == "MyStruct"))
Problem problem = new Problem(GetNamedResolution("Struct", assignment.Target.Type.Name.Name), assignment);
public override void VisitConstruct(Construct construct)
Method targetMethod = (Method)((MemberBinding)construct.Constructor).BoundMember;
if (targetMethod.Parameters.Any(x => x.Type.Name.Name == "MyStruct"))
Problem problem = new Problem(GetNamedResolution("ParameterType", "MyStruct", targetMethod.Name.Name), construct);
public override void VisitMethodCall(MethodCall call)
Method targetMethod = (Method)((MemberBinding)call.Callee).BoundMember;
if (targetMethod.ReturnType.Name.Name == "MyStruct")
Problem problem = new Problem(GetNamedResolution("ReturnType", targetMethod.ReturnType.Name.Name, targetMethod.Name.Name), call);
if (targetMethod.Parameters.Any(x => x.Type.Name.Name == "MyStruct"))
Problem problem = new Problem(GetNamedResolution("ParameterType", "MyStruct", targetMethod.Name.Name), call);
The RuleMetadata.xml (it must be an Embedded Resource)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Rules FriendlyName="Rules about Structs">
<Rule TypeName="StructAssignmentRule" Category="MyRules" CheckId="CR1000">
<Name>Struct Assignment Finder</Name>
<Description>Struct Assignment Finder</Description>
<Resolution Name="Struct">There is an assignment of struct '{0}'.</Resolution>
<Resolution Name="ReturnType">'{0}' is the return type for a call to '{1}'.</Resolution>
<Resolution Name="ParameterType">'{0}' is a parameter type for a call to '{1}'.</Resolution>
<MessageLevel Certainty="100">Warning</MessageLevel>
Based on this, it is then easy to add other rules for other corner cases that I surely forgot :-)
The test file I was using:
public struct MyStruct
class Test
public Test()
var ms = new MyStruct();
var ms2 = ms;
ms3 = ms;
ms = ms3;
ms4 = ms;
ms = ms4;
ms4 = ms4;
new MyObject(default(MyStruct));
public MyStruct ms3;
public MyStruct ms4 { get; set; }
public class MyObject
public MyObject(MyStruct par1)
Note that debugging rules is tricky... It is quite easy to debug with the FxCopCmd.exe, but impossible (I think, not sure) to debug when called directly by Visual Studio.
The answers and comments led me to a satisfactory solution, that possibly helps others, so I thought I'd post it.
The question was not so much to find all uses, but only the "problematic" ones, namely the write accesses to the public members. Instead of finding all references to the members, as suggested in this answer I only want to find the write access. Therefore, I used a rewriting strategy like indicated in this answer and made all members write only, so the compiler would complain about the dangerous write accesses only.
This in turn transformed the struct/class into an immutable type as outlined in the comments. This made a much cleaner design. I simply rewrote all write accesses where the compiler complained, to respect the immutable design. Thereafter, struct and class are largely exchangable and the switching was easy.
Only trouble were calls to the default constructors of the struct, which was no longer present in the class. But I no longer needed them, since with the class I could simply set these cases to null.
You could do a Find All References on each of the class non-private members, one at a time. It would show every read and write to those members.
If you have Visual Studio Web Essentials Extension installed then its very easy.
Check screenshot below. On clicking on highlighted link in red you can see all reference of particular type.
I created a class where the main task is get data from the DB and mapping it to some object. The problem is the same class needs to map different datareader to different object. So, what I tried to do is to get out the mapping method using delegates.
Here is part of my code. See the important rows in bold.
public class GetDetails<T>
**public delegate void DelegateMapping(T position, IDataReader reader);**
**public DelegateMapping mappingMethod;**
public T Get(T instance)
//Get IDs and Add to list
_db.ExecuteReader(storedProcedure.ToString(), CommandType.StoredProcedure, reader =>
while ( reader.Read() )
**mappingMethod(instance, reader);**
}, parameterList.ToArray());
return instance;
And this is the class which is calling and using the "GetDetails" class
public class PositionDB : DbBase
public Position GetPositionDetails(string IDs)
GetDetails<Position> getIDs = new GetDetails<Position>(base.db);
getIDs.storedProcedure = StoredProcedure.NET_ADM_GetPositionDetails;
//Set the Delegated Method
**getIDs.mappingMethod = MappingPositionDetails;**
//Set Parameters
getIDs.parameterList.AddInParam("PositionIds", DbType.String, IDs);
//Return the PositionId Collection
return getIDs.Get(new Position());
**private void MappingPositionDetails(Position position, IDataReader reader)
position.Id = reader["CompPositionId"];
position.Description = reader["Description"];
position.ExpirationDate = reader["ExpirationDate"];
position.Title = reader["Title"];
The code is working OK.
The questios are:
Did I use delegate correctly?
This kind of solution can cause problems in the future (performance)?
There is another better solution?
Thank you very much
To specifically answer your questions:
Yes, you did use delegates correctly
Yes, it can cause problems due to concurrency issues while multithreading
I think so, I detailed one possible solution below
I would propose three changes:
Move the delegate call into the method (concurrency issues, one thread could change the mapping delegate while another thread tries to access it, now trying to map a reader to completely different object than provided)
Use the already present generic Action/Func delegates, no need to define your own.
Use lambda expressions to define the mapping, no need for extra methods
Notice: 2 and 3 will need at least .net 3.5.
Employing these two proposals, your code would look like this:
public class GetDetails<T>
public T Get (T instance, Action<T, IDataReader> mappingMethod)
//Get IDs and Add to list
_db.ExecuteReader(storedProcedure.ToString(), CommandType.StoredProcedure, reader =>
while ( reader.Read() )
mappingMethod(instance, reader);
}, parameterList.ToArray());
return instance;
Now you can use this method in a multi-threaded environment as well.
just realized it's just part of the code. I corrected my proposal to take this into account.
Yes (There's some improvements you could make, see 3)
Not performance wise, maybe some issues in discoverability.
I would use polymorphism to eliminate the delegate completely for discoerability. Perhaps using an abstract method/class. Also depending on which .NET version you're developing for you can use lambdas and simpler types.
public Action<Position, IDataReader> Mapping { get; set; }
getIDs.Mapping = (position, reader) =>
position.Id = reader["CompPositionId"];
position.Description = reader["Description"];
position.ExpirationDate = reader["ExpirationDate"];
position.Title = reader["Title"];
To give an idea of my requirement, consider these classes -
class A { }
class B {
String m_sName;
public String Name {
get { return m_sName; }
set { m_sName = value; }
int m_iVal;
public int Val {
get { return m_iVal; }
set { m_iVal = value; }
A m_objA;
public A AObject {
get { return m_objA; }
set { m_objA = value; }
Now, I need to identify the classes of the objects passed to a function
void MyFunc(object obj) {
Type type = obj.GetType();
foreach (PropertyInfo pi in type.GetProperties()) {
if (pi.PropertyType.IsClass) { //I need objects only
if (!type.IsGenericType && type.FullName.ToLower() == "system.string") {
object _obj = pi.GetValue(obj, null);
//do something
I don't like this piece of code -
if (!type.IsGenericType && type.FullName.ToLower() == "system.string") {
because then i have to filter out classes like, System.Int16, System.Int32, System.Boolean and so on.
Is there an elegant way through which I can find out if the object is of a class defined by me and not of system provided basic classes?
One possible approach would be to use the Type.Assembly property and filter out anything that is not declared in one of your assemblies. The drawback of this approach is that you need to know all your assemblies at execution time, which might be hard in certain (not as common) scenarios.
There isn't really a reliable way. One thing that comes to mind is to look at the assembly the given type is defined: type.Assembly and compare this against a list of known assemblies.
As far as I Know there is no way to know if a class is from the BCL or is a user defined class but maybe you could just cache some assembly information from some well known framework dll.
You could cycle through all the classes in mscorlib.dll and put them into a List and then checking your class names against that list.
You could have a look at the PublicKeyToken attribute of the AssemblyQualifiedName on the type's Assembly property. But you would have to gather up the different tokens used by the framework for different versions of the runtime and compare to those.
The easiest way, if you have the possibility, is to mark your own classes with an attribute that you can check for (instead of checking for generics and the name of the type).
I've got a cheap and quick solution that might work:
if( type.IsClass && ! type.IsSealed )
The System.String object is a class but it is also sealed against inheritance. This works as long as you aren't using sealed classes in your code.