Azure Functions V2 With Service Bus Trigger in Development Team - c#

We have Azure Functions (V2) that have been created with the Service Bus Trigger.
public static async Task Run(
[ServiceBusTrigger("%MyQueueName%", Connection = "ServiceBusConnectionString")]
byte[] messageBytes,
TraceWriter log)
// code to handle message
The queue name is defined in the local.settings.json file:
"Values": {
"MyQueueName": "local-name-of-my-queue-in-azure",
This works quite well as when deployed we can set the environment variables to be dev-queue-name, live-queue-name etc for the various deployed environments that we have.
However, when more than one developer is connected locally, given that the local.settings.json file is in source control and needs to be to properly maintain the environment variables, then the local function app runners will all connect to the same queue, and it is random as to which developer's application will pick up and process the messages.
What we need is for each developer to have their own queue, but we do not want to have to remove the JSON config file from source control so that we can maintain a different file (as it contains other pieces of information that need updating).
How can we get each developer / computer running our application to have a unique queue name (but known so that we can create the service bus queues in the cloud)?

You can override the setting value via Environment variables. Settings specified as a system environment variable take precedence over values in the local.settings.json file. Just define an Environment variable called MyQueueName.
Having said that, I think that committing local.settings.json to source control is generally not recommended. I suppose you also store your Service Bus connection string there, which means you store your secrets in source control.
Note that default .gitignore file has it listed out.
If you need it in source control, I would commit a version of local.settings.json with all variables with fake values, and then make each developer setup the proper values locally and then ignore the changes on commit (set assume-unchanged).


Clearing history while debugging azure durable functions

Durable functions keep a state in storage, this is what makes them work, but it is very troublesome while debugging and developing. I have a large number of runs which have not completed and that the system tries to run again when I start the process. Some of the runs have erroneous data same which causes exceptions while others have been terminated early as something did not work as expected.
I don't want to run all the old cases when starting my application in debug (running against my local storage account). How can I automatically clear all data so only new functions will trigger?
You can use Azure Core Tools to purge the orchestration instance state.
First you need to make sure that the Azure Core Tools is installed for your particular Azure Function version. You can do this using the NPM package manager. (Note that this is for the Azure Functions Version - V3.)
npm install -g azure-functions-core-tools#3
Then open a command prompt in the root directory of your Azure Functions project. The Azure Core Tools requires the host.json file from your project to identify your orchestration instances.
You can use the following to look at all of the available actions:
func durable
You can then purge the instance history using the following:
func durable purge-history
There is now this VsCode extension, which now also has 'Purge Durable Functions History' feature. Type 'Purge Durable Functions History' in your Command Palette - and there you go. If you're not using VsCode, then the same tool is available as a standalone service, that you can either run locally or deploy into Azure.
You may call the PurgeInstanceHistoryAsync method with one of the following:
An orchestration instance ID
public static Task Run(
[DurableClient] IDurableOrchestrationClient client,
[ManualTrigger] string instanceId)
return client.PurgeInstanceHistoryAsync(instanceId);
Time interval
public static Task Run(
[DurableClient] IDurableOrchestrationClient client,
[TimerTrigger("0 0 12 * * *")]TimerInfo myTimer)
return client.PurgeInstanceHistoryAsync(
new List<OrchestrationStatus>
Reference for code snippets above:
For everyone else wondering just how on earth to do this.
Install the Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer
Add a connection to azure storage, but choose Local storage emulator
4. Use the defaults / click next.
At this point, Click on Local & Attached in the Explorer. Click on (Emulator Default Ports) (Key) -> Tables. Delete the task hug history table, and relaunch your application.
From this point, its only a matter of dev time to figure out a way to do it programatically.

Using Azure Functions with a different storage account depending on environment

I'm currently setting up a multiple publisher/single subscriber architecture, using Azure Storage Queues to buffer events and Azure Functions as the subscriber.
Publisher -> Queue -> Function
Creating the function is no problem, the part I am trying to work out is how to set up a development and a production deployment of the same function. I have created the function in Visual Studio, and the connection is a constant string literal:
public static class FooAdded
public static void Run([QueueTrigger("tracker-readings", Connection = "")]string myQueueItem, TraceWriter log)
log.Info($"C# Queue trigger function processed: {myQueueItem}");
How can I provide a different value for the connection, depending on whether I deploy to the development environment or the live environment?
To set up local debug environment
You can use local.settings.json file to define the local settings. The prerequisite for using Azure storage locally is that you need to have Azure Storage Emulator running on your machine. In the local.settings.json file define the Azure Storage Account connection string as UseDevelopmentStorage=true. The file should look something like this:
"IsEncrypted": false,
"Values": {
"AzureWebJobsStorage": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true",
"AzureWebJobsDashboard": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true"
By default, if no value is provided for the Connection property of the QueueTrigger attribute, it will use the AzureWebJobsStorage setting:
public static class FooAdded
public static void Run([QueueTrigger("tracker-readings")]string myQueueItem, TraceWriter log)
log.Info($"C# Queue trigger function processed: {myQueueItem}");
Alternatively, if you want to explicitly specify a connection string, then you can set the Connection to the name of the connection string (not the connection string itself), and add an entry for it in the Values section of the configuration file:
QueueTrigger("tracker-readings", Connection = "CustomConnection")
In the local.settings.json file:
"IsEncrypted": false,
"Values": {
"AzureWebJobsStorage": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true",
"AzureWebJobsDashboard": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true",
"CustomConnection": "Some custom connection string"
For more details refer to the official documentation:
Develop and run Azure functions locally
App settings reference
To set up an Azure environment:
The values in local.settings.json do not get published to Azure, and so a value for each setting needs to be defined in the Azure environment that you are deploying to. Note that the values for AzureWebJobsStorage and AzureWebJobsDashboard are set automatically based off the storage account you choose when creating the function.
The easiest way to define settings is through the Azure portal. Go to Application Settings in the Function App and define the actual value of the storage account connection string. You do not need to make any code changes to the azure function, it will automatically pick up the connection string from application settings.
Alternatively, you can use Azure Resource Manager templates, to deploy and update the environment settings programmatically.
Each function app you create in Azure has its own environment, so after providing values for the relevant settings, you can deploy your function to multiple environments in Azure (Dev/Test/Prod etc.) as well as debug your code locally without changing connection strings everytime.
Have the connection string in an environment variable(or an app setting in app services). You can then have the app setting set to to different values in different environments.
I am trying to work out is how to set up a development and a production deployment of the same function.
I am not clear why you want to create a function both as production and development.
Actually, Azure billing is based on your app service plan, so you create one more azure function may not cost more. You could create two function to distinguish them more clearly.
If you still want to use a single function, as Travis said, you could set two connection string in app settings for different environment.
This is a well known scenario and fully supported. All you need to do manage you deployment with the ARM Template and a Parameter File.
Deploy resources with Resource Manager templates and Azure PowerShell
The connection string, along with any other Sub/Resource Group dependent settings are just parameters.
You can set Connection to a config value (something like Connection=AppSettingsKey.DatabaseConnectionString) and then have different settings for different platforms (dev, staging, prod).
Depending on your tooling for build and deployment, you can inject config values for connection strings during one of these steps.
Another option would be to use a Keyvault secret that stores the connection string.

relying on a stateful service for configuration values?

We have approximately 100 microservices running. Each microservice has an entire set of configuration files such as applicationmanifest.xml, settings.xml, node1.xml, etc.
This is getting to be a configuration nightmare.
After exploring this, someone has suggested:
You can keep configs inside stateful service, then change parameters
through your API.
The problem I see with this, is that there is now a single point of a failure: the service that provides the configuration values.
Is there a centralized solution to maintaining so much configuration data for every microservice?
While a central configuration service seems like the way to do, if you do it you introduce a few problem that you must get right each time). When you have an central configuration service it MUST be updated with the correct configuration before you start your code upgrade and you must of course keep previous configurations around in case your deployment rolls back. Here's the configuration slide that I presented when I was on the Service Fabric team.
Service Fabric ships with the ability to version configuration, you should use that, but not in the manner that Service Fabric recommends. For my projects, I use the Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration for configuration. Capture the configuration events
context.CodePackageActivationContext.ConfigurationPackageAddedEvent += CodePackageActivationContext_ConfigurationPackageAddedEvent;
context.CodePackageActivationContext.ConfigurationPackageModifiedEvent += CodePackageActivationContext_ConfigurationPackageModifiedEvent;
context.CodePackageActivationContext.ConfigurationPackageRemovedEvent += Context_ConfigurationPackageRemovedEvent;
Each of these event handler can call to load the configuration like this
protected IConfigurationRoot LoadConfiguration()
ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
// Get the name of the environment this service is running within.
EnvironmentName = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(EnvironmentVariableName);
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(EnvironmentName))
var err = $"Environment is not defined using '{EnvironmentVariableName}'.";
throw new ArgumentException(err);
// Enumerate the configuration packaged. Look for the service type name, service name or settings.
IList<string> names = Context?.CodePackageActivationContext?.GetConfigurationPackageNames();
if (null != names)
foreach (string name in names)
if (name.Equals(GenericStatelessService.ConfigPackageName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
var newPackage = Context.CodePackageActivationContext.GetConfigurationPackageObject(name);
// Set the base path to be the configuration directory, then add the JSON file for the service name and the service type name.
.AddJsonFile($"{ServiceInstanceName}-{EnvironmentName}.json", true, true)
.AddJsonFile($"{Context.ServiceTypeName}-{EnvironmentName}.json", true, true);
// Load the settings into memory.
// Swap in a new configuration.
return builder.Build();
You can now interact with Configuration using the .Net configuration. Last thing to cover is the format of the configuration files. In the PackageRoot | Config directory, you simply include your configuration files. I happen to use the Name of the service + datacenter.
The files internal look like this, where there is a JSON property for each service fabric class.
"Logging": {
"SeqUri": "http://localhost:5341",
"MaxFileSizeMB": "100",
"DaysToKeep": "1",
"FlushInterval": "00:01:00",
"SeqDefaultLogLevel": "Verbose",
"FileDefaultLogLevel": "Verbose"
"ApplicationOperations": {
"your values here": "<values>"
If you stuck this long, the big advantage of this is that the configuration gets deployed at the same time as the code and if the code rolls back, so does the configuration, leaving you in a know state.
NOTE: It seems your question is blurred between whether to use a single configuration service is reliable or whether to use static vs dynamic configuration.
For the debate on static vs dynamic configuration, see my answer to the OP's other question.
A config service sounds reasonable particularly when you consider that Service Fabric is designed to be realiable, even stateful services.
Service Fabric enables you to build and manage scalable and reliable applications composed of microservices that run at high density on a shared pool of machines, which is referred to as a cluster
Develop highly reliable stateless and stateful microservices. Tell me more...
Stateful services store state in a reliable distrubuted dictionary enclosed in a transaction which guarentees the data is stored if the transaction was successful.
The problem I see with this, is that there is now a single point of a failure: the service that provides the configuration values.
Not necessarily. It's not really the service that is the single point of failure but a "fault domain" as defined by Service Fabric and your chosen Azure data centre deployment options.
A Fault Domain is any area of coordinated failure. A single machine is a Fault Domain (since it can fail on its own for various reasons, from power supply failures to drive failures to bad NIC firmware). Machines connected to the same Ethernet switch are in the same Fault Domain, as are machines sharing a single source of power or in a single location. Since it's natural for hardware faults to overlap, Fault Domains are inherently hierarchal and are represented as URIs in Service Fabric.
It is important that Fault Domains are set up correctly since Service Fabric uses this information to safely place services. Service Fabric doesn't want to place services such that the loss of a Fault Domain (caused by the failure of some component) causes a service to go down. In the Azure environment Service Fabric uses the Fault Domain information provided by the environment to correctly configure the nodes in the cluster on your behalf. For Service Fabric Standalone, Fault Domains are defined at the time that the cluster is set up
So you would probably want to have at least two configuration services running on two separate fault domains.
Describing a service fabric cluster

Changing the default name for connection strings AzureWebJobsStorage and AzureWebJobsDashboard for WebJobs

I am adding a webjob project to a website project. Webjob project requires AzureWebJobsStorage and AzureWebJobsDashboard connection strings in the environment when deployed to Azure. Is it possible to change the name of these connection strings, i.e. MyAzureWebJobsDashboard and MyAzureWebJobsDashboard?
The connection string names themselves are not configurable. They are settable via the JobHostConfiguration.StorageConnectionString and JobHostConfiguration.DashboardConnectionString properties, which would allow you to read and set them however you choose.
However, that won't work for the WebJobs Dashboard itself - it reads the settings directly from the app settings set in the portal and expects these well known names.

Azure File System - Can I "Watch" or only poll?

I am an experienced windows C# developer, but new to the world of Azure, and so trying to figure out a "best practice" as I implement one or more Azure Cloud Services.
I have a number of (external, and outside of my control) sources that can all save files to a folder (or possibly a set of folders). In the current state of my system under Windows, I have a FileSystemWatcher set up to monitor a folder and raise an event when a file appears there.
In the world of Azure, what is the equivalent way to do this? Or is there?
I am aware I could create a timer (or sleep) to pass some time (say 30 seconds), and poll the folder, but I'm just not sure that's the "best" way in a cloud environment.
It is important to note that I have no control over the inputs - in other words the files are saved by an external device over which I have no control; so I can't, for example, push a message onto a queue when the file is saved, and respond to that message...
Although, in the end, that's the goal... So I intend to have a "Watcher" service which will (via events or polling) detect the presence of one or more files, and push a message onto the appropriate queue for the next step in my workflow to respond to.
It should be noted that I am using VS2015, and the latest Azure SDK stuff, so I'm not limited by anything legacy.
What I have so far is basically this (a snippet of a larger code base):
storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting("StorageConnectionString"));
// Create a CloudFileClient object for credentialed access to File storage.
fileClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudFileClient();
// Obtain the file share name from the config file
string sharenameString = CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting("NLRB.Scanning.FileSharename");
// Get a reference to the file share.
share = fileClient.GetShareReference(sharenameString);
// Ensure that the share exists.
if (share.Exists())
Trace.WriteLine("Share exists.");
// Get a reference to the root directory for the share.
rootDir = share.GetRootDirectoryReference();
//Here is where I want to start watching the folder represented by rootDir...
Thanks in advance.
If you're using an attached disk (or local scratch disk), the behavior would be like on any other Windows machine, so you'd just set up a file watcher accordingly with FileSystemWatcher and deal with callbacks as you normally would.
There's Azure File Service, which is SMB as-a-service and would support any actions you'd be able to do on a regular SMB volume on your local network.
There's Azure blob storage. These can not be watched. You'd have to poll for changes to, say, a blob container.
You could create a loop that polls the root directory periodically using
CloudFileDirectory.ListFilesAndDirectories method.
You could also write a small recursive method to call this in sub directories.
To detect differences you can build up an in memory hash map of all files and directories. If you want something like a persistent distributed cache then you can use ie. Redis to keep this list of files/directories. Every time you poll if the file or directory is not in your list then you detected a new file/ directory under root.
You could separate the responsibility of detection and business logic ie. a worker role keeps polling the directory and writes the new files to a queue and the consumer end another worker role/ web service that does the processing with that information.
Azure Blob Storage pushes events through Azure Event Grid. Blob storage has two event types, Microsoft.Storage.BlobCreated and Microsoft.Storage.BlobDeleted. So instead of long polling you can simply react to the created event.
See this link for more information:
I had a very similar requirement. I used BOX application. It has a Webhook feature for events occurring in Files or Folders: such as Add, Move, Delete etc..
Also there are some newer alternatives with Azure Autromation.
I'm pretty new to Azure too, and actually I'm investigating a file watcher type thing. I'm considering something involving Azure Functions, because of this, which looks like a way of triggering some code when a blog is created or updated. There's a way of specifying a pattern too:
