As I am working on processing bulk of emails, I have used the Task method to process those emails asynchronously without affecting the primary work. (Basically sending email functionality should work on different thread than primary thread.) Imagine you're processing more than 1K email per 30 seconds in Windows Service.
The issue I am facing is-- many time the Task method is not executed, it completely behave randomly. Technically, it schedules the task randomly. Sometime I receive the call in SendEmail method and sometime not. I have tried both the approaches as mentioned below.
Method 1
public void ProcessMails()
Task.Run(() => SendEmail(emailModel));
Method 2
public async void ProcessMails()
// here the SendEmail method is awaitable, but I have not used 'await' because
// I need non-blocking operation on main thread.
Would anybody please let me know what could be the problem OR I am missing anything here?
As has been noted it seems as though you're running out resources to schedule tasks that ultimately send your emails. Right now the sample code tries to force feed all the work that needs to get scheduled immediatly.
The other answer provided suggects using a blocking collection but I think there is a cleaner easier way. This sample should at least give you the right idea.
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow;
namespace ClassLibrary1
public class MailHandler
private EmailLibrary emailLibrary = new EmailLibrary();
private ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions options = new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions() { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Environment.ProcessorCount };
private ActionBlock<string> messageHandler;
public MailHandler() => messageHandler = new ActionBlock<string>(msg => DelegateSendEmail(msg), options);
public Task ProcessMail(string message) => messageHandler.SendAsync(message);
private Task DelegateSendEmail(string message) => emailLibrary.SendEmail(message);
public class EmailLibrary
public Task SendEmail(string message) => Task.Delay(1000);
Given the fairly high frequency of sending email, it is likely that you are scheduling too many Tasks for the Scheduler.
In Method 1, calling Task.Run will create a new task each time, each of which needs to be scheduled on a thread. It is quite likely that you are exhausting your thread pool by doing this.
Although Method 2 will be less Task hungry, even with unawaited Task invocation (fire and forget), the completion of the continuation after the async method will still need to be scheduled on the Threadpool, which will adversely affect your system.
Instead of unawaited Tasks or Task.Run, and since you are a Windows Service, I would instead have a long-running background thread dedicated to sending emails. This thread can work independently to your primary work, and emails can be scheduled to this thread via a queue.
If a single mail sending thread is insufficient to keep pace with the mails, you can extend the number of EmailSender threads, but constrain this to a reasonable, finite number).
You should explore other optimizations too, which again will improve the throughput of your email sender e.g.
Can the email senders keep long lived connections to the mail server?
Does the mail server accept batches of email?
Here's an example using BlockingCollection with a backing ConcurrentQueue of your email message Model.
Creating a queue which is shared between the producer "PrimaryWork" thread and the "EmailConsumer" thread (obviously, if you have an IoC container, it's best registered there)
Enqueuing mails on the primary work thread
The consumer EmailSender runs a loop on the blocking collection queue until CompleteAdding is called
I've used a TaskCompletionSource to provide a Task which will complete once all messages have been sent, i.e. so that graceful exit is possible without losing emails still in the queue.
public class PrimaryWork
private readonly BlockingCollection<EmailModel> _enqueuer;
public PrimaryWork(BlockingCollection<EmailModel> enqueuer)
_enqueuer = enqueuer;
public void DoWork()
// ... do your work
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)
EnqueueEmail(new EmailModel {
To = $"recipient{i}",
Message = $"Message {i}" });
// i.e. Queue work for the email sender
private void EnqueueEmail(EmailModel message)
public class EmailSender
private readonly BlockingCollection<EmailModel> _mailQueue;
private readonly TaskCompletionSource<string> _tcsIsCompleted
= new TaskCompletionSource<string>();
public EmailSender(BlockingCollection<EmailModel> mailQueue)
_mailQueue = mailQueue;
public void Start()
Task.Run(() =>
while (!_mailQueue.IsCompleted)
var nextMessage = _mailQueue.Take();
catch (Exception)
public async Task Stop()
await _tcsIsCompleted.Task;
private async Task SendEmail(EmailModel message)
// IO bound work to the email server goes here ...
Example of bootstrapping and starting the above producer / consumer classes:
public static async Task Main(string[] args)
var theQueue = new BlockingCollection<EmailModel>(new ConcurrentQueue<EmailModel>());
var primaryWork = new PrimaryWork(theQueue);
var mailSender = new EmailSender(theQueue);
// Wait for all mails to be sent
await mailSender.Stop();
I've put a complete sample up on Bitbucket here
Other Notes
The blocking collection (and the backing ConcurrentQueue) are thread safe, so you can concurrently use more than one many producer and consumer thread.
As per above, batching is encouraged, and asynchronous parallelism is possible (Since each mail sender uses a thread, Task.WaitAll(tasks) will wait for a batch of tasks). A totally asynchronous sender could obviously use await Task.WhenAll(tasks).
As per comments below, I believe the nature of your system (i.e. Windows Service, with 2k messages / minute) warrants at least one dedicated thread for email sending, despite emailing likely being inherently IO bound.
I'm not sure if the title makes sense, it was the best I could come up with, so here's my scenario.
I have an ASP.NET Core app that I'm using more as a shell and for DI configuration. In Startup it adds a bunch of IHostedServices as singletons, along with their dependencies, also as singletons, with minor exceptions for SqlConnection and DbContext which we'll get to later. The hosted services are groups of similar services that:
Listen for incoming reports from GPS devices and put into a listening buffer.
Parse items out of the listening buffer and put into a parsed buffer.
Eventually there's a single service that reads the parsed buffer and actually processes the parsed reports. It does this by passing the report it took out of the buffer to a handler and awaits for it to complete to move to the next. This has worked well for the past year, but it appears we're running into a scalability issue now because its processing one report at a time and the average time to process is 62ms on the server which includes the Dapper trip to the database to get the data needed and the EF Core trip to save changes.
If however the handler decides that a report's information requires triggering background jobs, then I suspect it takes 100ms or more to complete. Over time, the buffer fills up faster than the handler can process to the point of holding 10s if not 100s of thousands of reports until they can be processed. This is an issue because notifications are delayed and because it has the potential for data loss if the buffer is still full by the time the server restarts at midnight.
All that being said, I'm trying to figure out how to make the processing parallel. After lots of experimentation yesterday, I settled on using Parallel.ForEach over the buffer using GetConsumingEnumerable(). This works well, except for a weird behavior I don't know what to do about or even call. As the buffer is filled and the ForEach is iterating over it it will begin to "chunk" the processing into ever increasing multiples of two. The size of the chunking is affected by the MaxDegreeOfParallelism setting. For example (N# = Next # of reports in buffer):
MDP = 1
N3 = 1 at a time
N6 = 2 at a time
N12 = 4 at a time
MDP = 2
N6 = 1 at a time
N12 = 2 at a time
N24 = 4 at a time
MDP = 4
N12 = 1 at a time
N24 = 2 at a time
N48 = 4 at a time
MDP = 8 (my CPU core count)
N24 = 1 at a time
N48 = 2 at a time
N96 = 4 at a time
This is arguably worse than the serial execution I have now because by the end of the day it will buffer and wait for, say, half a million reports before actually processing them.
Is there a way to fix this? I'm not very experienced with Parallel.ForEach so from my point of view this is strange behavior. Ultimately I'm looking for a way to parallel process the reports as soon as they are in the buffer, so if there's other ways to accomplish this I'm all ears. This is roughly what I have for the code. The handler that processes the reports does use IServiceProvider to create a scope and get an instance of SqlConnection and DbContext. Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
public sealed class GpsReportService :
IHostedService {
private readonly GpsReportBuffer _buffer;
private readonly Config _config;
private readonly GpsReportHandler _handler;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
public GpsReportService(
GpsReportBuffer buffer,
Config config,
GpsReportHandler handler,
ILogger<GpsReportService> logger) {
_buffer = buffer;
_config = config;
_handler = handler;
_logger = logger;
public Task StartAsync(
CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
_logger.LogInformation("GPS Report Service => starting");
Task.Run(Process, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);// Is ConfigureAwait here correct usage?
_logger.LogInformation("GPS Report Service => started");
return Task.CompletedTask;
public Task StopAsync(
CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
_logger.LogInformation("GPS Parsing Service => stopping");
_logger.LogInformation("GPS Parsing Service => stopped");
return Task.CompletedTask;
// ========================================================================
// Utilities
// ========================================================================
private void Process() {
var options = new ParallelOptions {
MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 8,
CancellationToken = CancellationToken.None
Parallel.ForEach(_buffer.GetConsumingEnumerable(), options, async report => {
try {
await _handler.ProcessAsync(report).ConfigureAwait(false);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (_config.IsDevelopment) {
_logger.LogError(e, "GPS Report Service");
private async Task ProcessAsync() {
while (!_buffer.IsCompleted) {
try {
var took = _buffer.TryTake(out var report, 10);
if (!took) {
await _handler.ProcessAsync(report!).ConfigureAwait(false);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (_config.IsDevelopment) {
_logger.LogError(e, "GPS Report Service");
public sealed class GpsReportBuffer :
BlockingCollection<GpsReport> {
You can't use Parallel methods with async delegates - at least, not yet.
Since you already have a "pipeline" style of architecture, I recommend looking into TPL Dataflow. A single ActionBlock may be all that you need, and once you have that working, other blocks in TPL Dataflow may replace other parts of your pipeline.
If you prefer to stick with your existing buffer, then you should use asynchronous concurrency instead of Parallel:
private void Process() {
var throttler = new SemaphoreSlim(8);
var tasks = _buffer.GetConsumingEnumerable()
.Select(async report =>
await throttler.WaitAsync();
try {
await _handler.ProcessAsync(report).ConfigureAwait(false);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (_config.IsDevelopment) {
_logger.LogError(e, "GPS Report Service");
finally {
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
You have an event stream processing/dataflow problem, not a parallelism problem. If you use the appropriate classes, like the Dataflow blocks, Channels, or Reactive Extensions the problem is simplified a lot.
Even if you want to use a single buffer and a fat worker method though, the appropriate buffer class is the asynchronous Channel, not BlockingCollection. The code could become as simple as:
protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
await foreach(GpsMessage msg in _reader.ReadAllAsync(stopppingToken))
await _handler.ProcessAsync(msg);
The first option shows how to use a Dataflow to create a pipeline. The second, how to use Channel instead of BlockingCollection to process multiple queued items concurrently
A pipeline with Dataflow
Once you break the process into independent methods, it's easy to create a pipeline of processing steps using any library.
Task<IEnumerable<GpsMessage>> Poller(DateTime time,IList<Device> devices,CancellationToken token=default)
foreach(var device in devices)
var msg=await device.ReadMessage();
yield return msg;
GpsReport Parser(GpsMessage msg)
//Do some parsing magic.
return report;
async Task<GpsReport> Enrich(GpsReport report,string connectionString,CancellationToken token=default)
//Depend on connection pooling to eliminate the cost of connections
//We may have to use a pool of opened connections otherwise
using var con=new SqlConnection(connectionString);
var extraData=await con.QueryAsync<Extra>(sql,new {deviceId=report.DeviceId},token);
return report;
async Task BulkImport(SqlReport[] reports,CancellationToken token=default)
using var bcp=new SqlBulkCopy(...);
using var reader=ObjectReader.Create(reports);
await bcp.WriteToServerAsync(reader,token);
In the BulkImport method I use FasMember's ObjectReader to create an IDataReader wrapper over the reports so I can use them with SqlBulkCopy. Another option would be to convert them to a DataTable, but that would create an extra copy of the data in memory.
Combining all these with Dataflow is relatively easy.
var execOptions=new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 10
_poller = new TransformManyBlock<DateTime,GpsBuffer>(time=>Poller(time,devices));
_parser = new TransformBlock<GpsBuffer,GpsReport>(b=>Parser(b),execOptions);
var enricher = new TransformBlock<GpsReport,GpsReport>(rpt=>Enrich(rpt,connStr),execOptions);
_batch = new BatchBlock<GpsReport>(50);
_bcpBlock = new ActionBlock<GpsReport[]>(reports=>BulkImport(reports));
Each block has an input and output buffer (except ActionBlock). Each block takes care of processing the messages in its input buffer and processes it. By default, each block uses only one worker task, but that can be changed. The message order is maintained, so if we use eg 10 worker tasks for the parser block, the messages will still be emitted in the order they were received.
Next comes linking the blocks.
var linkOptions=new DataflowLinkOptions {PropagateCompletion=true};
After that, a timer can be used to "ping" the head block, the poller, whenever we want:
private void Ping(object state)
public Task StartAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
_logger.LogInformation("Timed Hosted Service running.");
_timer = new Timer(Ping, null, TimeSpan.Zero,
return Task.CompletedTask;
To stop the pipeline gracefully, we call Complete() on the head block and await the Completion task on the last block. Assuming the hosted service is similar to the timed background service example:
public Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
_timer?.Change(Timeout.Infinite, 0);
await _bcpBlock.Completion;
Using Channel as an Async queue
A Channel is a far better alternative for asynchronous publisher/subscriber scenarios than BlockingCollection. Roughly, it's an asynchronous queue that goes to extremes to prevent the publisher from reading, or the subscriber from writing, by forcing callers to use the ChannelWriter and ChannelReader classes. In fact, it's quite common to only pass those classes around, never the Channel instance itself.
In your publishing code, you can create a Channel<T> and pass its Reader to the GpsReportService service. Let's assume the publisher is another service that implements an IGpsPublisher interface :
public interface IGpsPublisher
ChannelReader<GspMessage> Reader{get;}
and the implementation
Channel<GpsMessage> _channel=Channel.CreateUnbounded<GpsMessage>();
public ChannelReader<GspMessage> Reader=>_channel;
private async void Ping(object state)
foreach(var device in devices)
var msg=await device.ReadMessage();
await _channel.Writer.WriteAsync(msg);
public Task StartAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
_timer = new Timer(Ping, null, TimeSpan.Zero,
return Task.CompletedTask;
public Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
_timer?.Change(Timeout.Infinite, 0);
This can be passed to GpsReportService as a dependency that will be resolved by the DI container:
public sealed class GpsReportService : BackgroundService
private readonly ChannelReader<GpsMessage> _reader;
public GpsReportService(
IGpsPublisher publisher,
_reader = publisher.Reader;
And used
protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
await foreach(GpsMessage msg in _reader.ReadAllAsync(stopppingToken))
await _handler.ProcessAsync(msg);
Once the publisher completes, the subscriber loop will also complete once all messages are processed.
To process in parallel, you can start multiple loops concurrently:
async Task Process(ChannelReader<GgpsMessage> reader,CancellationToken token)
await foreach(GpsMessage msg in reader.ReadAllAsync(token))
await _handler.ProcessAsync(msg);
protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
var tasks=Enumerable.Range(0,10)
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
Explaining the pipeline
I have a similar situation: every 15 minutes I request air ticket sales reports from airlines (actually GDSs), parse them to extract data and ticket numbers, download the ticket record for each ticket to get some extra data and save everything to the database. I have to do that for 20+ cities (ticket reports are per city) with each report having from 10 to over 100K tickets.
This almost begs for a pipeline. Using your example, you can create a pipeline with the following steps/blocks:
Listen for GPS messages and emit the unparsed message.
Parse the message and emit the parsed message
Load any extra data needed per message and emit a combined record
Handle the combined record and emit the result
(Optional) batch results
Save the results to the database
All three options (Dataflow, Channels, Rx) take care of buffering between the steps. Dataflow is a some-assembly-required library for pipelines processing independent events, Rx is ready-made to analyze streams of events where time is important (eg to calculate average speed in a sliding window), Channels is Lego bricks that can do anything but need to be put together.
Why not Parallel.ForEach
Parallel.ForEach is meant for data parallelism, not async operations. It's meant to process large chunks of in-memory data, independent of each other. Amdah's Law explains that parallelization benefits are limited by the synchronous part of an operation, so all data parallelism libraries try to reduce that by partitioning, and using one core/machine/node to process each partition.
Parallel.ForEach also works by partitioning the data and using roughly one worker task per CPU core, to reduce synchronization between cores. It will even use the current thread which leads to the mistaken assumption it's blocking. When all cores are busy, why not use the thread? It won't be able to run anyway.
The Parallel.ForEach employs chunk partitioning by default, which is intended for reducing the synchronization overhead in CPU-intensive applications, but can result to problematic behavior in some usage scenarios. The chunk partitioning can be disabled by passing as argument a Partitioner<T> instead of an IEnumerable<T>:
EnumerablePartitionerOptions.NoBuffering), options, ...
You can also find a custom partitioner, tailored specifically for BlockingCollection<T>s, in this article: ParallelExtensionsExtras Tour – #4 – BlockingCollectionExtensions
That said, the Parallel.ForEach is not async-friendly, meaning that it doesn't understand async delegates. The lambda passed is async void, which is something to avoid. So I would recommend using an ActionBlock<T> instead.
I have following code:
while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
var connection = await listener.AcceptAsync(cancellationToken);
HandleConnectionAsync(connection, cancellationToken)
The FireAndForget is an extension method:
public static async void FireAndForget(this ValueTask task, Action<Exception> exceptionHandler)
await task.ConfigureAwait(false);
catch (Exception e)
The while loop is the server lifecycle. When new connection is accepted then it starts some "background task" so it can handle this new connection and then while loop goes back to accepting new connections without awaiting anything - pausing the lifecycle.
I cannot await HandleConnectionAsync (pause the lifecycle) here, because I want to immediately accept another connection (if there is one) and be able to handle multiple connections concurrently. HandleConnectionAsync is I/O bound and handles one connection at time until closed (task completes after some time).
The connections have to be handled separately - I don't want to have a situation when some error while handling one connection have any influence on other connections.
The "fire and forget" solution I have here works, but the general rule is to always await asynchronous methods and never use async void.
It seems like I've broken the rules, so is there a better, maybe more reliable way to handle variable (number of tasks varies in time) number of asynchronous I/O bound tasks concurrently in a situation described here?
More information:
Each call to AcceptAsync allocates system resources even before returning the connection and I want to avoid that whenever possible (the connection may not be returned for hours (code may "await" for hours) - until some external client decides to connect to my server). It is better to assume that this is the method I don't want to be called concurrently/in parallel - just one AcceptAsync at time is enough
Please take into account that I can have millions of clients per day connecting and disconnecting to my server and server (while loop) can work for many many days
I don't know how many connections I will need to handle at a specific time
I do know the maximum number of connections my program will be able to handle concurrently
If I hit the maximum number of connections limit then AcceptAsync won't return new connection until some other active connection closes, so I don't need to worry about that, but any solution based on this limit have to take into account that the active connections may be closed and I still need to handle new connections - number of connections varies over time. "fire and forget" have no issues with that
The code for HandleConnectionAsync is not relevant - it just handles one connection at time until closed (task completes after some time) and is I/O bound (HandleConnectionAsync handles one connection at time, but of course we can start multiple HandleConnectionAsync tasks to handle multiple connections concurrently - which is what I did with "fire and forget")
I'm assuming that changing to something like SignalR isn't an acceptable solution. That would be my first recommendation.
Custom server sockets is a scenario where some kind of "fire and forget" is acceptable. I'm considering adding a "task manager" kind of type to AsyncEx to make this kind of solution easier, but haven't done it yet.
The bottom line is that you need to manage your list of connections yourself. The "connection" object can include a Task that represents the handling loop; that's fine. It's also useful (especially for debugging or management purposes) to have other properties on there as well, such as the remote IP.
So I would approach it something like this:
private readonly object _mutex = new object();
private readonly List<State> _connections = new List<State>();
private void Add(State state)
lock (_mutex)
private void Remove(State state)
lock (_mutex)
public async Task RunAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
while (true)
var connection = await listener.AcceptAsync(cancellationToken);
Add(new State(this, connection));
private sealed class State
private readonly Parent _parent;
public State(Parent parent, Connection connection, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
_parent = parent;
Task = ExecuteAsync(connection, cancellationToken);
private static async Task ExecuteAsync(Connection connection, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
try { await HandleConnectionAsync(connection, cancellationToken); }
finally { _parent.Remove(this); }
public Task Task { get; }
// other properties as desired, e.g., RemoteAddress
You now have a collection of connections. You can either ignore the tasks in the State objects (as the code above is doing), which is just like fire-and-forget. Or you can await them all at some point. E.g.:
public async Task RunAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
while (true)
var connection = await listener.AcceptAsync(cancellationToken);
Add(new State(this, connection));
catch (OperationCanceledException)
// Wait for all connections to cancel.
// I'm not really sure why you would *want* to do this, though.
List<State> connections;
lock (_mutex) { connections = _connections.ToList(); }
await Task.WhenAll(connections.Select(x => x.Task));
Then it's easy to extend the State object so you can do things that are sometimes useful for a server app to do, e.g.:
List all remote addresses this server has connections to.
Wait until a specific connection is done.
Use one pattern for cancellation. Passing the token will result in an OperationCanceledException, which is the normal cancellation pattern. The code also was formerly doing a while (!IsCancellationRequested), resulting in a successful completion on cancellation, which is not the normal cancellation pattern. So I removed that so the code is no longer using two cancellation patterns.
When working with raw sockets, in the general case, you need to be constantly reading (even when you're writing) and periodically writing (even if you have no data to send). So your HandleConnectionAsync should be starting an asynchronous reader and writer and then using Task.WhenAll.
I removed the call to HandleException because (probably) whatever it does should be handled by State.ExecuteAsync. It's not hard to add it back in if necessary.
If there is a limit to the maximum number of allowed concurrent tasks, you should use SemaphoreSlim:
int allowedConcurrent = //..
var semaphore = new SemaphoreSlim(allowedConcurrent);
var tasks = new List<Task>();
while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
Func<Task> func = async () =>
var connection = await listener.AcceptAsync(cancellationToken);
await HandleConnectionAsync(connection, cancellationToken);
await semaphore.WaitAsync(); // Will return immediately if the number of concurrent tasks does not exceed allowed
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
This will accumulate the tasks into a list, then Task.WhenAll can wait for them all to complete.
First things first:
Don't do async void...
Then you can implement a producer/consumer pattern for this, the below pseudocode is just to guide, you need to make sure your Consumer is a Singleton in your app
public class Data
public Uri Url { get; set; }
public class Producer
private Consumer _consumer = new Consumer();
public void DoStuff()
var data = new Data();
public class Consumer
private readonly List<Data> _toDo = new List<Data>();
private bool _stop = false;
public Consumer()
private async Task Loop()
while (!_stop)
Data toDo = null;
lock (_toDo)
if (_toDo.Any())
toDo = _toDo.First();
if (toDo != null)
await DoSomething(toDo);
private async Task DoSomething(Data toDo)
public void Enqueue(Data data)
lock (_toDo)
So your calling method produces what you need to do the background task and the consumer performs that, that's another fire and forget.
You should consider too what happens if something goes wrong at an application level, should you store the Data in the Consumer.Enqueue() so if the app starts again can do the missing job...
Hope this helps
I have an MVC 5 application and wanted to test if the requests were running in parallel. To do so I used the code below, and opened multiple pages all making the same request.
Below is a relatively simple method where I wanted to the parallel nature.
public async Task<ActionResult> Login(string returnUrl, string message = "")
var rng = new Random();
var wait = rng.Next(3, 10);
var threadGuid = Guid.NewGuid();
DebugHelper.WriteToDebugLog($"Thread {threadGuid} about to wait {wait} seconds");
await Task.Delay(wait * 1000);
DebugHelper.WriteToDebugLog($"Thread {threadGuid} finished");
return View();
The class DebugHelper is just used so that I can write to a file safely.
public static class DebugHelper
private static readonly object WriteLock = new object();
public static void WriteToDebugLog(string message, string path = "C:\\Temp\\Log.txt")
lock (WriteLock)
File.AppendAllLines(path, new string[] { "", GetDateString(), message });
I'm consistently getting this type of output which suggests the threads are blocking each other.
Thread 6e42a6c5-d3cb-4541-b8aa-34b290952973 about to wait 7 seconds
Thread 6e42a6c5-d3cb-4541-b8aa-34b290952973 finished
Thread 90923f55-befd-4224-bdd8-b67f787839fc about to wait 4 seconds
Thread 90923f55-befd-4224-bdd8-b67f787839fc finished
Thread fa2d8d30-b762-4262-b188-0b34da5f4f04 about to wait 3 seconds
Thread fa2d8d30-b762-4262-b188-0b34da5f4f04 finished
Thread 37311a0e-d19e-4563-b92a-5e5e3def379a about to wait 8 seconds
Thread 37311a0e-d19e-4563-b92a-5e5e3def379a finished
Why is this occurring?
I was under the impression that any ASP.NET application was multithreaded to begin with, so even in a situation where I don't have the async/await setup, I thought it would run these threads simultaneously.
As suggested in the answers/comments, my methodology was wrong. After using the following code I could see quite clearly in the logs that it was indeed running in parallel.
var targetTime = DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);
while(DateTime.UtcNow < targetTime)
DebugHelper.WriteToDebugLog($"Thread {threadGuid} with ID {threadId} doing stuff");
await Task.Delay(1000);
It simply boils down to the fact that your debug logging with its WriteLock and synchronous File.AppendAllLines forces a synchronization lock onto all asynchronous functions that call it.
You would do far better to have an asynchronous write to debug process that would allow your tasks to continue running.
Product/consumer patter, semaphores, events, use of asynchronous file access APIs all spring to mind.
If you are using session at all it can lock the user to a single thread. Check for controller level, page level, or filter/attribute session use. If you are unsure try adding
to the controller.
Also, await by default will continue on the same thread that began the await. Try using configureAwait(false) to allow it to be flexible in the threads it uses.
await Task.Delay(wait * 1000).ConfigureAwait(false);
I have a MessagesManager thread to which different threads may send messages and then this MessagesManager thread is responsible to publish these messages inside SendMessageToTcpIP() (start point of MessagesManager thread ).
class MessagesManager : IMessageNotifier
private readonly AutoResetEvent _waitTillMessageQueueEmptyARE = new AutoResetEvent(false);
private ConcurrentQueue<string> MessagesQueue = new ConcurrentQueue<string>();
public void PublishMessage(string Message)
public void SendMessageToTcpIP()
//keep waiting till a new message comes
while (MessagesQueue.Count() == 0)
//Copy the Concurrent Queue into a local queue - keep dequeuing the item once it is inserts into the local Queue
Queue<string> localMessagesQueue = new Queue<string>();
while (!MessagesQueue.IsEmpty)
string message;
bool isRemoved = MessagesQueue.TryDequeue(out message);
if (isRemoved)
//Use the Local Queue for further processing
while (localMessagesQueue.Count() != 0)
TcpIpMessageSenderClient.ConnectAndSendMessage(localMessagesQueue.Dequeue().PadRight(80, ' '));
The different threads (3-4) send their message by calling the PublishMessage(string Message) (using same object to MessageManager). Once the message comes, I push that message into a concurrent queue and notifies the SendMessageToTcpIP() by setting _waitTillMessageQueueEmptyARE.Set();. Inside SendMessageToTcpIP(), I am copying the message from the concurrent queue inside a local queue and then publish one by one.
QUESTIONS: Is it thread safe to do enqueuing and dequeuing in this way? Could there be some strange effects due to it?
While this is probably thread-safe, there are built-in classes in .NET to help with "many publishers one consumer" pattern, like BlockingCollection. You can rewrite your class like this:
class MessagesManager : IDisposable {
// note that your ConcurrentQueue is still in play, passed to constructor
private readonly BlockingCollection<string> MessagesQueue = new BlockingCollection<string>(new ConcurrentQueue<string>());
public MessagesManager() {
// start consumer thread here
new Thread(SendLoop) {
IsBackground = true
public void PublishMessage(string Message) {
// no need to notify here, will be done for you
private void SendLoop() {
// this blocks until new items are available
foreach (var item in MessagesQueue.GetConsumingEnumerable()) {
// ensure that you handle exceptions here, or whole thing will break on exception
TcpIpMessageSenderClient.ConnectAndSendMessage(item.PadRight(80, ' '));
Thread.Sleep(2000); // only if you are sure this is required
public void Dispose() {
// this will "complete" GetConsumingEnumerable, so your thread will complete
.NET already provides ActionBlock< T> that allows posting messages to a buffer and processing them asynchronously. By default, only one message is processed at a time.
Your code could be rewritten as:
//In an initialization function
ActionBlock<string> _hmiAgent=new ActionBlock<string>(async msg=>{
TcpIpMessageSenderClient.ConnectAndSendMessage(msg.PadRight(80, ' '));
await Task.Delay(2000);
//In some other thread ...
foreach ( ....)
// When the application closes
await _hmiAgent.Completion;
ActionBlock offers many benefits - you can specify a limit to the number of items it can accept in a buffer and specify that multiple messages can be processed in parallel. You can also combine multiple blocks in a processing pipeline. In a desktop application, a message can be posted to a pipeline in response to an event, get processed by separate blocks and results posted to a final block that updates the UI.
Padding, for example, could be performed by an intermediary TransformBlock< TIn,TOut>. This transformation is trivial and the cost of using the block is greater than the method, but that's just an illustration:
//In an initialization function
TransformBlock<string> _hmiAgent=new TransformBlock<string,string>(
msg=>msg.PadRight(80, ' '));
ActionBlock<string> _tcpBlock=new ActionBlock<string>(async msg=>{
await Task.Delay(2000);
var linkOptions=new DataflowLinkOptions{PropagateCompletion = true};
The posting code doesn't change at all
When the application terminates, we need to wait for the _tcpBlock to complete:
await _tcpBlock.Completion;
Visual Studio 2015+ itself uses TPL Dataflow for such scenarios
Bar Arnon provides a better example in TPL Dataflow Is The Best Library You're Not Using, that shows how both synchronous and asynchronous methods can be used in a block.
The code is thread safe since both ConcurrentQueue and AutoResetEvent are thread safe. your strings are anyway being read and never being written to, so this code is thread safe.
However, You have to make sure you call SendMessageToTcpIP in some sort of a loop.
otherwise , you have a dangerous race condition - some messages may get lost:
while (!MessagesQueue.IsEmpty)
string message;
bool isRemoved = MessagesQueue.TryDequeue(out message);
if (isRemoved)
//<<--- what happens if another thread enqueues a message here?
while (localMessagesQueue.Count() != 0)
TcpIpMessageSenderClient.ConnectAndSendMessage(localMessagesQueue.Dequeue().PadRight(80, ' '));
Other than that, AutoResetEvent is extremely heavy object. it uses a kernel object to synchronize threads. every call is a system call which may be costly. consider using user mode synchronization object (doesn't .net provides some sort of condition variable?)
This is an refactored code snippet of how I would implement this functionality:
class MessagesManager {
private readonly AutoResetEvent messagesAvailableSignal = new AutoResetEvent(false);
private readonly ConcurrentQueue<string> messageQueue = new ConcurrentQueue<string>();
public void PublishMessage(string Message) {
public void SendMessageToTcpIP() {
while (true) {
while (!messageQueue.IsEmpty) {
string message;
if (messageQueue.TryDequeue(out message)) {
TcpIpMessageSenderClient.ConnectAndSendMessage(message.PadRight(80, ' '));
Points to note here:
This drains the queue completely: if there is at least one message, it will process all of them
The 2000ms Thread sleep is removed
I'm calling a service over HTTP (ultimately using the HttpClient.SendAsync method) from within my code. This code is then called into from a WebAPI controller action. Mostly, it works fine (tests pass) but then when I deploy on say IIS, I experience a deadlock because caller of the async method call has been blocked and the continuation cannot proceed on that thread until it finishes (which it won't).
While I could make most of my methods async I don't feel as if I have a basic understanding of when I'd must do this.
For example, let's say I did make most of my methods async (since they ultimately call other async service methods) how would I then invoke the first async method of my program if I built say a message loop where I want some control of the degree of parallelism?
Since the HttpClient doesn't have any synchronous methods, what can I safely presume to do if I have an abstraction that isn't async aware? I've read about the ConfigureAwait(false) but I don't really understand what it does. It's strange to me that it's set after the async invocation. To me that feels as if a race waiting to happen... however unlikely...
WebAPI example:
public HttpResponseMessage Get()
var userContext = contextService.GetUserContext(); // <-- synchronous
return ...
// Some IUserContextService implementation
public IUserContext GetUserContext()
var httpClient = new HttpClient();
var result = httpClient.GetAsync(...).Result; // <-- I really don't care if this is asynchronous or not
return new HttpUserContext(result);
Message loop example:
var mq = new MessageQueue();
// we then run say 8 tasks that do this
for (;;)
var m = mq.Get();
var c = GetCommand(m);
When you have a message loop that allow things to happen in parallel and you have asynchronous methods, there's a opportunity to minimize latency. Basically, what I want to accomplish in this instance is to minimize latency and idle time. Though I'm actually unsure as to how to invoke into the command that's associated with the message that arrives off the queue.
To be more specific, if the command invocation needs to do service requests there's going to be latency in the invocation that could be used to get the next message. Stuff like that. I can totally do this simply by wrapping up things in queues and coordinating this myself but I'd like to see this work with just some async/await stuff.
While I could make most of my methods async I don't feel as if I have a basic understanding of when I'd must do this.
Start at the lowest level. It sounds like you've already got a start, but if you're looking for more at the lowest level, then the rule of thumb is anything I/O-based should be made async (e.g., HttpClient).
Then it's a matter of repeating the async infection. You want to use async methods, so you call them with await. So that method must be async. So all of its callers must use await, so they must also be async, etc.
how would I then invoke the first async method of my program if I built say a message loop where I want some control of the degree of parallelism?
It's easiest to put the framework in charge of this. E.g., you can just return a Task<T> from a WebAPI action, and the framework understands that. Similarly, UI applications have a message loop built-in that async will work naturally with.
If you have a situation where the framework doesn't understand Task or have a built-in message loop (usually a Console application or a Win32 service), you can use the AsyncContext type in my AsyncEx library. AsyncContext just installs a "main loop" (that is compatible with async) onto the current thread.
Since the HttpClient doesn't have any synchronous methods, what can I safely presume to do if I have an abstraction that isn't async aware?
The correct approach is to change the abstraction. Do not attempt to block on asynchronous code; I describe that common deadlock scenario in detail on my blog.
You change the abstraction by making it async-friendly. For example, change IUserContext IUserContextService.GetUserContext() to Task<IUserContext> IUserContextService.GetUserContextAsync().
I've read about the ConfigureAwait(false) but I don't really understand what it does. It's strange to me that it's set after the async invocation.
You may find my async intro helpful. I won't say much more about ConfigureAwait in this answer because I think it's not directly applicable to a good solution for this question (but I'm not saying it's bad; it actually should be used unless you can't use it).
Just bear in mind that async is an operator with precedence rules and all that. It feels magical at first, but it's really not so much. This code:
var result = await httpClient.GetAsync(url).ConfigureAwait(false);
is exactly the same as this code:
var asyncOperation = httpClient.GetAsync(url).ConfigureAwait(false);
var result = await asyncOperation;
There are usually no race conditions in async code because - even though the method is asynchronous - it is also sequential. The method can be paused at an await, and it will not be resumed until that await completes.
When you have a message loop that allow things to happen in parallel and you have asynchronous methods, there's a opportunity to minimize latency.
This is the second time you've mentioned a "message loop" "in parallel", but I think what you actually want is to have multiple (asynchronous) consumers working off the same queue, correct? That's easy enough to do with async (note that there is just a single message loop on a single thread in this example; when everything is async, that's usually all you need):
await tasks.WhenAll(ConsumerAsync(), ConsumerAsync(), ConsumerAsync());
async Task ConsumerAsync()
for (;;) // TODO: consider a CancellationToken for orderly shutdown
var m = await mq.ReceiveAsync();
var c = GetCommand(m);
await c.InvokeAsync();
// Extension method
public static Task<Message> ReceiveAsync(this MessageQueue mq)
return Task<Message>.Factory.FromAsync(mq.BeginReceive, mq.EndReceive, null);
You'd probably also be interested in TPL Dataflow. Dataflow is a library that understands and works well with async code, and has nice parallel options built-in.
While I appreciate the insight from community members it's always difficult to express the intent of what I'm trying to do but tremendously helpful to get advice about circumstances surrounding the problem. With that, I eventually arrived that the following code.
public class AsyncOperatingContext
struct Continuation
private readonly SendOrPostCallback d;
private readonly object state;
public Continuation(SendOrPostCallback d, object state)
this.d = d;
this.state = state;
public void Run()
class BlockingSynchronizationContext : SynchronizationContext
readonly BlockingCollection<Continuation> _workQueue;
public BlockingSynchronizationContext(BlockingCollection<Continuation> workQueue)
_workQueue = workQueue;
public override void Post(SendOrPostCallback d, object state)
_workQueue.TryAdd(new Continuation(d, state));
/// <summary>
/// Gets the recommended max degree of parallelism. (Your main program message loop could use this value.)
/// </summary>
public static int MaxDegreeOfParallelism { get { return Environment.ProcessorCount; } }
#region Helper methods
/// <summary>
/// Run an async task. This method will block execution (and use the calling thread as a worker thread) until the async task has completed.
/// </summary>
public static T Run<T>(Func<Task<T>> main, int degreeOfParallelism = 1)
var asyncOperatingContext = new AsyncOperatingContext();
asyncOperatingContext.DegreeOfParallelism = degreeOfParallelism;
return asyncOperatingContext.RunMain(main);
/// <summary>
/// Run an async task. This method will block execution (and use the calling thread as a worker thread) until the async task has completed.
/// </summary>
public static void Run(Func<Task> main, int degreeOfParallelism = 1)
var asyncOperatingContext = new AsyncOperatingContext();
asyncOperatingContext.DegreeOfParallelism = degreeOfParallelism;
private readonly BlockingCollection<Continuation> _workQueue;
public int DegreeOfParallelism { get; set; }
public AsyncOperatingContext()
_workQueue = new BlockingCollection<Continuation>();
/// <summary>
/// Initialize the current thread's SynchronizationContext so that work is scheduled to run through this AsyncOperatingContext.
/// </summary>
protected void InitializeSynchronizationContext()
SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext(new BlockingSynchronizationContext(_workQueue));
protected void RunMessageLoop()
while (!_workQueue.IsCompleted)
Continuation continuation;
if (_workQueue.TryTake(out continuation, Timeout.Infinite))
protected T RunMain<T>(Func<Task<T>> main)
var degreeOfParallelism = DegreeOfParallelism;
if (!((1 <= degreeOfParallelism) & (degreeOfParallelism <= 5000))) // sanity check
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("DegreeOfParallelism must be between 1 and 5000.", "DegreeOfParallelism");
var currentSynchronizationContext = SynchronizationContext.Current;
InitializeSynchronizationContext(); // must set SynchronizationContext before main() task is scheduled
var mainTask = main(); // schedule "main" task
mainTask.ContinueWith(task => _workQueue.CompleteAdding());
// for single threading we don't need worker threads so we don't use any
// otherwise (for increased parallelism) we simply launch X worker threads
if (degreeOfParallelism > 1)
for (int i = 1; i < degreeOfParallelism; i++)
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_ => {
// do we really need to restore the SynchronizationContext here as well?
SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext(currentSynchronizationContext); // restore
return mainTask.Result;
protected void RunMain(Func<Task> main)
// The return value doesn't matter here
RunMain(async () => { await main(); return 0; });
This class is complete and it does a couple of things that I found difficult to grasp.
As general advice you should allow the TAP (task-based asynchronous) pattern to propagate through your code. This may imply quite a bit of refactoring (or redesign). Ideally you should be allowed to break this up into pieces and make progress as you work towards to overall goal of making your program more asynchronous.
Something that's inherently dangerous to do is to call asynchronous code callously in an synchronous fashion. By this we mean invoking the Wait or Result methods. These can lead to deadlocks. One way to work around something like that is to use the AsyncOperatingContext.Run method. It will use the current thread to run a message loop until the asynchronous call is complete. It will swap out whatever SynchronizationContext is associated with the current thread temporarily to do so.
Note: I don't know if this is enough, or if you are allowed to swap back the SynchronizationContext this way, assuming that you can, this should work. I've already been bitten by the ASP.NET deadlock issue and this could possibly function as a workaround.
Lastly, I found myself asking the question, what is the corresponding equivalent of Main(string[]) in an async context? Turns out that's the message loop.
What I've found is that there are two things that make out this async machinery.
SynchronizationContext.Post and the message loop. In my AsyncOperatingContext I provide a very simple message loop:
protected void RunMessageLoop()
while (!_workQueue.IsCompleted)
Continuation continuation;
if (_workQueue.TryTake(out continuation, Timeout.Infinite))
My SynchronizationContext.Post thus becomes:
public override void Post(SendOrPostCallback d, object state)
_workQueue.TryAdd(new Continuation(d, state));
And our entry point, basically the equivalent of an async main from synchronous context (simplified version from original source):
SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext(new BlockingSynchronizationContext(_workQueue));
var mainTask = main(); // schedule "main" task
mainTask.ContinueWith(task => _workQueue.CompleteAdding());
return mainTask.Result;
All of this is costly and we can't just go replace calls to async methods with this but it does allow us to rather quickly create the facilities required to keep writing async code where needed without having to deal with the whole program. It's also very clear from this implementation where the worker threads go and how the impact concurrency of your program.
I look at this and think to myself, yeap, that's how Node.js does it. Though JavaScript does not have this nice async/await language support that C# currently does.
As an added bonus, I have complete control of the degree of parallelism, and if I want, I can run my async tasks completely single threaded. Though, If I do so and call Wait or Result on any task, it will deadlock the program because it will block the only message loop available.