Wait for application launch without using Thread.Sleep() using FLAUI - c#

I am new to using FLAUI and Automation Testing and would like to use it to test my system. At the moment I am using a Thread.Sleep() to wait till the application launches to then find the Login textbox. Is there a more efficient way to do this rather than using Thread.Sleep()?
At the moment i launch the application and use Thread.sleep(10000) to wait until the applicationis fully launched and that the logIn textbox is find-able before clicking on the control to input the password to enter the application. However I understand that Thread.Sleep is the worst way to tell the system to wait especially in automated tests. Could anyone offer any other things i could test out?

It is always the best to use Retry mechanism and wait until your main window loads and controls are visible. For example, after calling Application.Launch you can retry up to 30 seconds to find main window, and txtLogin in it:
Retry.WhileException(() =>
using (var automation = new UIA3Automation())
Window mainWindow = Application.GetMainWindow(automation, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60));
Assert.IsNotNull(Mainwindow, "Main window is not found");
TextBox loginTextBox = mainWindow.FindFirstDescendant(x => x.ByAutomationId("txtLogin")).AsTextBox();
Assert.IsNotNull(loginTextBox, "txtLogin is not found");
}, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30), null, true);

The question already has good answers, but I found another way to wait for any element (including main window) using the Retry class in FlaUI.Core.Tools.Retry class
public class SmokeTests
private Application _theApp;
private UIA3Automation _automation;
private Window _mainWindow;
private const int BigWaitTimeout = 3000;
private const int SmallWaitTimeout = 1000;
public void Setup()
_theApp = FlaUI.Core.Application.Launch(new ProcessStartInfo("YOUR_APPLICATION.exe", "/quickStart"));
_automation = new UIA3Automation();
_mainWindow = _theApp.GetMainWindow(_automation);
public void Teardown()
public void Foo()
// This will wait until the element is available, or timeout passed
var examplesWrapPanel = WaitForElement(() => _mainWindow.FindFirstDescendant(cf => cf.ByAutomationId("ExamplesWrapPanel")));
// This will wait for the child element or timeout
var exampleButton = WaitForElement(() => examplesWrapPanel?.FindFirstDescendant(cf => cf.ByAutomationId("Another Automation Id")).AsButton());
// Do something with your elements
private T WaitForElement<T>(Func<T> getter)
var retry = Retry.WhileNull<T>(
() => getter(),
if (!retry.Success)
Assert.Fail("Failed to get an element within a wait timeout");
return retry.Result;

private void RunProc()
public async Task StartProcessAsync()
var result= await Task.Run(()=>RunProc());
Task.Delay(new TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));

Did you try this solution?
public static void LaunchApplication(string exePath, string arguments, bool waitForExit, bool waitForStart, int waitForStartTimeout)
ProcessStartInfo thisProcessInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
thisProcessInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
thisProcessInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
thisProcessInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = false;
thisProcessInfo.FileName = exePath;
thisProcessInfo.Arguments = arguments;
using(Process thisProcess = Process.Start(thisProcessInfo))


CefSharp how to rename and embed BrowserSubProcess.exe

iam quite desperate here. I couldn't find any example code for this in C#.
I want to rename BrowserSubProcess.exe and i want it to embed my main exe, if possible.
I am aware of this solution;
Rename CefSharp.BrowserSubprocess winforms
but i couldn't implemented it. I need sample program or code to understand. I hope #amaitland will see this and helps me.
I embed the BrowserSubProcess Program.cs to my Program.cs so it is embedded now.
static class Program
/// <summary>
/// The main entry point for the application.
/// </summary>
static void Main(string[] args)
if (args.Count() < 5)
Application.Run(new LoginForm());
static int MyBrowserSubProcess(string[] args)
Debug.WriteLine("BrowserSubprocess starting up with command line: " + String.Join("\n", args));
int result;
var type = args.GetArgumentValue(CefSharpArguments.SubProcessTypeArgument);
var parentProcessId = -1;
// The Crashpad Handler doesn't have any HostProcessIdArgument, so we must not try to
// parse it lest we want an ArgumentNullException.
if (type != "crashpad-handler")
parentProcessId = int.Parse(args.GetArgumentValue(CefSharpArguments.HostProcessIdArgument));
if (args.HasArgument(CefSharpArguments.ExitIfParentProcessClosed))
Task.Factory.StartNew(() => AwaitParentProcessExit(parentProcessId), TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning);
// Use our custom subProcess provides features like EvaluateJavascript
if (type == "renderer")
var wcfEnabled = args.HasArgument(CefSharpArguments.WcfEnabledArgument);
var subProcess = wcfEnabled ? new WcfEnabledSubProcess(parentProcessId, args) : new SubProcess(args);
using (subProcess)
result = subProcess.Run();
result = SubProcess.ExecuteProcess();
Debug.WriteLine("BrowserSubprocess shutting down.");
return result;
private static async void AwaitParentProcessExit(int parentProcessId)
var parentProcess = Process.GetProcessById(parentProcessId);
catch (Exception e)
//main process probably died already
await Task.Delay(1000); //wait a bit before exiting
Debug.WriteLine("BrowserSubprocess shutting down forcibly.");
And my BrowserSubprocessPath is my main exe.
settings.BrowserSubprocessPath = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName;
I finally managed to rename this sub process! Haven't found any solution how to do it through the CefSharp API, but found my own worked solution.
So, In your code that uses CefSharp add one setting to the Cef Settings, before Cef.Initialize()
using CefSharp;
using CefSharp.Wpf;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Windows;
public App()
var settings = new CefSettings
BrowserSubprocessPath = Path.Combine(GetAppPath(), $#"runtimes\win-x64\native{ GetAppName() }.exe")
private static string GetAppPath()
return new FileInfo(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location).DirectoryName;
private static string GetAppName()
return Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name;
After this go to the bin\Debug\net6.0-windows\runtimes\win-x64\native\ and rename CefSharp.BrowserSubprocess.exe to Name you want to use.
Done. Now it will use this file with custom name you need.
P.S. For the auto name set you can always use Post-Build event with command to rename the file after project built and set the name same as your assembly name. I use this approach for my needs.

How can you wait on AppDomain to process async callback in C# and then return the results?

I have some code that loads up and AppDomain(call it domain) calling an object function within the domain. The purpose is to get a list of items from a usb device using the device API to retrieve the information. The API requires a callback to return the information.
var AppDomain.CreateDomain(
var proxy = domain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(proxy.Assembly.FullName, proxy.FullName
?? throw new InvalidOperationException()) as Proxy;
var ids = obj.GetIdentifications();
The proxy code loaded into the domain is as follows
public class Proxy : MarshalByRefObject
public List<String> GetIdentifications()
var control = new R100DeviceControl();
control.OnUserDB += Control_OnUserDB;
int nResult = control.DownloadUserDB(out int count);
// need to be able to return the list here but obviously that is not
// going to work.
private void Control_OnUserDB(List<String> result)
// Get the list of string from here
Is there a way to be able to wait on the device and return the information as needed when the callback is called? Since the GetIdentifications() has already returned I don't know how to get the
You can consider wrapping the Event-Based Asynchronous Pattern (EAP) operations as one task by using a TaskCompletionSource<TResult> so that the event can be awaited.
public class Proxy : MarshalByRefObject {
public List<String> GetIdentifications() {
var task = GetIdentificationsAsync();
return task.Result;
private Task<List<String>> GetIdentificationsAsync() {
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<List<string>>();
try {
var control = new R100DeviceControl();
Action<List<string>> handler = null;
handler = result => {
// Once event raised then set the
// Result property on the underlying Task.
control.OnUserDB -= handler;//optional to unsubscribe from event
control.OnUserDB += handler;
int count = 0;
//call async event
int nResult = control.DownloadUserDB(out count);
} catch (Exception ex) {
//Bubble the error up to be handled by calling client
// Return the underlying Task. The client code
// waits on the Result property, and handles exceptions
// in the try-catch block there.
return tcs.Task;
You can also improve on it by adding the ability to cancel using a CancellationToken for longer than expected callbacks.
With that the proxy can then be awaited
List<string> ids = proxy.GetIdentifications();
Reference How to: Wrap EAP Patterns in a Task
NOTE: Though there may be more elegant solutions to the problem of asynchronous processing, the fact that this occurs in a child AppDomain warrants child AppDomain best practices. (see links below)
do not allow code meant for a child AppDomain to be executed in the parent domain
do not allow complex types to bubble to the parent AppDomain
do not allow exceptions to cross AppDomain boundaries in the form of custom exception types
I am using it for fault tolerance
First I would probably add a Open or similar method to give time for the data to materialise.
var proxy = domain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(proxy.Assembly.FullName, proxy.FullName
?? throw new InvalidOperationException()) as Proxy;
proxy.Open(); // <------ new method here
. some time later
var ids = obj.GetIdentifications();
Then in your proxy make these changes to allow for data processing to occur in the background so that by the time you call GetNotifications data may be ready.
public class Proxy : MarshalByRefObject
ConcurrentBag<string> _results = new ConcurrentBag<string>();
public void Open()
var control = new R100DeviceControl();
control.OnUserDB += Control_OnUserDB;
// you may need to store nResult and count in a field?
nResult = control.DownloadUserDB(out int count);
public List<String> GetIdentifications()
var copy = new List<string>();
while (_results.TryTake(out var x))
return copy;
private void Control_OnUserDB(List<String> result)
// Get the list of string from here
_results.Add (result);
Now you could probably improve upon GetNotifications to accept a timeout in the event either GetNotifications is called before data is ready or if you call it multiply but before subsequent data to arrive.
How to: Run Partially Trusted Code in a Sandbox
Not sure why you just don't maintain a little state and then wait for the results in the call:
public class Proxy : MarshalByRefObject
bool runningCommand;
int lastResult;
R100DeviceControl DeviceControl { get{ if(deviceControl == null){ deviceControl = new R100DeviceControl(); deviceControl.OnUserDB += Control_OnUserDB; } return deviceControl; } }
public List<String> GetIdentifications()
if(runningCommand) return null;
runningCommand = true;
lastResult = control.DownloadUserDB(out int count);
private void Control_OnUserDB(List<String> result)
runningCommand = false;
// Get the list of string from here
Once you have a pattern like this you can easily switch between async and otherwise whereas before it will look a little harder to understand because you integrated the async logic, this way you can implement the sync method and then make an async wrapper if you desire.

Using MutationObserver in GeckoFx with C#?

I am using GeckoFx to perform a login to a specific website. This website edits the page with new information should the login fail (or require additional authentication, such as a ReCaptcha). Unfortunately, it is vital that I have access an event when the page is updated. I have tried numerous approaches mainly
A continual check if the uri is still the same upon each login attempt and a subsequent check on the specific element in question (to see if the display: none property was changed. (This resulted in an infinite loop as it seems GeckoFx updates the page in a nonblocking way, causing the program to go into an infinite loop)
Sleeping for ~5 seconds between login requests and using the aforementioned uri check. All this did (predictably, I was grasping at straws) was freeze the browser for 5 seconds and still fail to update the page
Searching the GeckoFx codebase for a specific event when the page is updated similar to the DocumentCompleted event (no such luck).
The most common approach I have read about (and one that makes the most sense) is to use a MutationObserver. It seems that all of the answers across the internet involve injecting Javascript in order to perform the requisite task. Seeing as all of my programming background has not touched web development whatsoever, I'm trying to stick to what I know.
Here is my approach so far, unfortunately, it is not much.
public class GeckoTestWebLogin
private readonly string _user;
private readonly string _pass;
public GeckoWebBrowser Gweb;
public Uri LoginUri { get; } = new Uri("https://website.com/login/");
public bool LoginCompleted { get; private set; } = false;
public bool Loaded { get; private set; } = false;
public GeckoTestWebLogin(string user, string pass)
_user = user;
_pass = pass;
Xpcom.EnableProfileMonitoring = false;
//this code is for testing purposes, it will be removed upon project completion
Gweb = new GeckoWebBrowser();
Gweb.DocumentCompleted += DocLoaded;
//right about here is where I get lost, where can I set a callback method for the observer to report back to? Is this even how it works?
MutationObserver mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(Gweb.Window.DomWindow, (nsISupports)Gweb.Document.DomObject);
private void TestObservedEvent(string parms, object[] objs)
MessageBox.Show("The page was changed # " + DateTime.Now);
public void DocLoaded(object obj, GeckoDocumentCompletedEventArgs e)
Loaded = true;
if (Gweb.Url != LoginUri) return;
private void AttemptLogin()
GeckoElementCollection elements = Gweb.Document.GetElementsByTagName("input");
foreach (GeckoHtmlElement element in elements)
switch (element.Id)
case "username":
element.SetAttribute("value", _user);
case "password":
element.SetAttribute("value", _pass);
case "importantchangedinfo":
GeckoHtmlElement authcodeModal =
if (authcodeModal.Attributes["style"].NodeValue != "display: none")
InputForm form = new InputForm { InputDescription = "Captcha Required!" };
elements.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == "captchabox")?.SetAttribute("value", form.Input);
elements.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == "Login")?.Click();
public void Login()
//this will cause the DocLoaded event to fire after completion
As stated in the above code in the comments, I am completely lost at
MutationObserver mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(Gweb.Window.DomWindow, (nsISupports)Gweb.Document.DomObject);
I can't seem to find anything in GeckoFx's source for MutationObserver that would allow me to set a callback/event/whathaveyou. Is my approach the correct way to go about things or am I left with no options other than to inject Javascript into the page?
Much appreciated, thank you in advance.
Here is my attempt at option 2 in Tom's answer:
(Added into GeckoTestWebLogin)
public void DocLoaded(object obj, GeckoDocumentCompletedEventArgs e)
Loaded = true;
if (Gweb.Url != LoginUri) return;
MutationEventListener mutationListener = new MutationEventListener();
mutationListener.OnDomMutation += TestObservedEvent;
nsIDOMEventTarget target = Xpcom.QueryInterface<nsIDOMEventTarget>(/*Lost here*/);
using (nsAString modified = new nsAString("DOMSubtreeModified"))
target.AddEventListener(modified, mutationListener, true, false, 0);
public delegate void OnDomMutation(/*DomMutationArgs args*/);
public class MutationEventListener : nsIDOMEventListener
public event OnDomMutation OnDomMutation;
public void HandleEvent(nsIDOMEvent domEvent)
OnDomMutation?.Invoke(/*new DomMutationArgs(domEvent, this)*/);
I don't think Geckofx's webidl compiler is currently advanced enough to generate the callback constructor.
Option 1. - Enhance MutationObserver source.
You could modify MutationObserver source manually to add the necessary constructor callback. Then recompile Geckofx. (I haven't look to see how difficult this is)
Option 2. - Use old style Mutation events.
public class DOMSubtreeModifiedEventListener : nsIDOMEventListener
... // Implement HandleEvent
Then something like (maybe in DocumentCompleted event handler):
_domSubtreeModifiedEventListener = new DOMSubtreeModifiedEventListener(this);
var target = Xpcom.QueryInterface<nsIDOMEventTarget>(body);
using (nsAString subtreeModified = new nsAString("DOMSubtreeModified"))
target.AddEventListener(subtreeModified, _domSubtreeModifiedEventListener, true, false, 0);
Option 3. - Use Idle + Check.
Add an winforms Application.idle event handler - and examine the document, to know when its ready.
Option 4. - Inject a javascript callback.
(As you have already mentioned) - This example is waiting until after a resize is done.
basically inject: "<body onresize=fireResizedEventAfterDelay()>" : then inject something like this:
string fireResizedEventAfterDelayScript = "<script>\n" +
"var resizeListner;" +
"var msDelay = 20;" +
"function fireResizedEventAfterDelay() {" +
"clearTimeout(resizeListner);" +
"resizeListner = setTimeout(function() { document.dispatchEvent (new MessageEvent('resized')); }, msDelay);" +
"}\n" +
Then in the C#:
browser.AddMessageEventListener("resized", (s) => runafterImDone())

How to update gui in c# wpf from asynchronous method callback

I've search on stackoverflow and also in net and I couldn't find solution to my problem.
I read from a stream in async way. I want callback to update gui
private void ClientLoggedCallback(IAsyncResult res)
MailClient.Helpers.Client.getInstance().asyncRecieveEncryptedProtocolMessage(new AsyncCallback(LoginInfo_recieved));
catch { }
private void LoginInfo_recieved(IAsyncResult res)
MailClient.AsyncState state = (MailClient.AsyncState)res.AsyncState;
string answer = Aes.DecryptStringFromBytes_Aes(state.buffer, state.AES_KEY, state.AES_IV);
if (answer.Contains("OK"))
string[] answer_params = answer.Split(',');
LoggedUserInfo.USER_ID = Convert.ToInt32(answer_params[1]);
LoggedUserInfo.USER_LOGIN = answer_params[2];
//this.TargetWindow = new MessageListsWindow();
Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, new Action(() => this.TargetWindow = new MessageListsWindow()));
//System.Windows.Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, new Action(() => this.TargetWindow = new MessageListsWindow()));
//zle dane
System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Zle dane");
catch(Exception exep) { }
This is declaration of asyncSendEncryptedProtocolMessage
asyncSendEncryptedProtocolMessage(string message, AsyncCallback callBack)
use function
clientStream.BeginWrite(encryptedMessage, 0, encryptedMessage.Length, callBack, st);
when code executes I get exception "The calling thread must be STA, because many UI components require this." I read about "SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA);" but I don't know how to apply it to callback. I've also tried with STAThread attribute but it doesn't work. I use MVVM Light framework.
" w System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherObject.VerifyAccess()\r\n w System.Windows.Application.get_MainWindow()\r\n w MailClient.ViewModel.MainWindowModel.LoginInfo_recieved(IAsyncResult res) w c:\\Users\\oem\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2012\\Projects\\MvvmLight3\\MailClient\\ViewModel\\MainWindowModel.cs:wiersz 171"
public static void Dispatch(this DispatcherObject source, Action func)
if (source.Dispatcher.CheckAccess())
And then use it like this:
.asyncRecieveEncryptedProtocolMessage(new AsyncCallback(()=>

Shared Variable between Watin ApartmentState.STA Thread and parent Thread?

I'm trying to get Watin working in my SSIS script Task to do some automation by opening IE in a new thread, do something, find the final value and basically return/set that value in the parent thread.
So I have this for now:
public partial class TestWatin{
public void Main()
String finalValueFromWeb = "";
Thread runnerThread = new Thread(delegate() { getDAFValue(ref finalValueFromWeb ); });
runnerThread.ApartmentState = ApartmentState.STA;
//here i want to use the value of finalValueFromWeb to download a file
//but if i try to access finalValueFromWeb the process would fail.
//do the Watin stuff here
public void findHiddenURL(String refObject)
//setup page controls, press search, grab the value of "hiddenURL"
IE ie = new IE("some_webadress_to_go_to");
ie.Visible = false;
Link link = ie.Link("hiddenURL");
//fails here?
refObject = link.Url;
What I basically want to is for findHiddenURL() to find me a value which is a string containing some CSV url. I then want to use that string to download the CSV and process it.
The problem is when I try to set the value of finalValueFromWeb inside findHiddenURL() where the process fails. The Exception message says The Object Reference is not set to an instance of an object
Can someone please tell me how I should be going about this problem? What is the proper way of doing this type of thing? Thanks
Make the variable a member of the class and try to lock it. You can use c# lock :
protected string finalValueFromWeb ;
public void Main()
public void findHiddenURL(String refObject)
finalValueFromWeb = link.Url;
