How to get previous data in Xamarin.Forms - c#

I am working on an application which is going to show updated dollar and euro rates for Turkey. I want to print green and red arrows depending on if rates went up or down since the last time user opened the app. So my question is how can I get previous data and how can I compare them with the current data?
namespace Subasi.A.M.D
public partial class MainPage : ContentPage
float banknoteSellingUSD = 0;
float banknoteBuyingUSD = 0;
public MainPage()
if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.iOS)
Padding = new Thickness(10, 50, 0, 0);
else if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.Android)
Padding = new Thickness(10, 20, 0, 0);
else if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.WinPhone)
Padding = new Thickness(30, 20, 0, 0);
private void Button_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
XmlDocument doc1 = new XmlDocument();
XmlElement root = doc1.DocumentElement;
XmlNodeList nodes = root.SelectNodes("Currency");
foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
var attributeKod = node.Attributes["Kod"].Value;
if (attributeKod.Equals("USD"))
var GETbanknoteSellingUSD = node.SelectNodes("BanknoteSelling")[0].InnerText;
var GETbanknoteBuyingUSD = node.SelectNodes("BanknoteBuying")[0].InnerText;
//if (banknoteSellingUSD > float.Parse(GETbanknoteSellingUSD)) isusdup = false;
//else isusdup = true;
banknoteSellingUSD = float.Parse(GETbanknoteSellingUSD);
banknoteBuyingUSD = float.Parse(GETbanknoteBuyingUSD);
labelUSDBuying.Text = banknoteSellingUSD.ToString("0.00");
labelUSDSelling.Text = banknoteBuyingUSD.ToString("0.00");
var attributeKod1 = node.Attributes["Kod"].Value;
if (attributeKod1.Equals("EUR"))
var GETbanknoteSellingEU = node.SelectNodes("BanknoteSelling")[0].InnerText;
var GETbanknoteBuyingEU = node.SelectNodes("BanknoteBuying")[0].InnerText;
var banknoteSellingEU = float.Parse(GETbanknoteSellingEU);
var banknoteBuyingEU = float.Parse(GETbanknoteBuyingEU);
labelEUSelling.Text = banknoteSellingEU.ToString("0.00");
labelEUBuying.Text = banknoteBuyingEU.ToString("0.00");

print green and red arrows depending on if rates went up or down since the last time user opened the app
To achieve this, you will have to store the previous value. The easiest way may be to use the properties dictionary (see here). You can store simple properties within that.
You could capsule the behavior in a class
public class ExchangeCourseSource : IExchangeCourseSource
public ExchangeCourseSource(XmlDocument sourceDocument)
this.sourceDocument = sourceDocument;
public ExchangeCourse GetCourse(string currency)
// parse from XML (see your code)
class ExchangeCourse
public string Currency { get; set; }
public double ExchangeRate { get; set; }
public double Difference { get; set; }
and decorate this with a class that stores and retrieved the courses to and fro the properties dictionary
public class StoredExchangeCourseSourceDecorator : IExchangeCourseSource
public ExchangeCourseSource(IExchangeCourceSource source, Application application)
this.source = source;
this.application = application;
public ExchangeCourse GetCourse(string currency)
var exchangeCourse = source.GetCourse(currency);
var storedCourse = GetStoredCourse(currency);
exchangeCourse.Difference = exchangeCourse.ExchangeRate - storedCourse;
return exchangeCourse;
private bool HasStoredCourse(string currency)
return application.Properties.ContainsKey(currency);
private double GetStoredCourse(string currency)
return (double)application.Properties[currency];
private void StoreCourse(ExchangeCourse exchangeCourse)
application.Properties[exchangeCourse.Currency] = exchangeCourse.ExchangeRate;

OK, so to answer the question, You have to store data somewhere, the easiest method will be in ISharedPreferences to save and restore data.
From AndroidDeveloper :
If you don't need to store a lot of data and it doesn't require
structure, you should use SharedPreferences. The SharedPreferences
APIs allow you to read and write persistent key-value pairs of
primitive data types: booleans, floats, ints, longs, and strings.
The key-value pairs are written to XML files that persist across user
sessions, even if your app is killed. You can manually specify a name
for the file or use per-activity files to save your data.
So it's a good place to store some info and retrieve them.
All you have to do is to get an instance from ISharedPreferences and use ISharedPreferencesEditor to insert and retrieve data.
You find it in Android.Content Namespace
To save your data you can apply this code :
ISharedPreferences preference = PreferenceManager.GetDefaultSharedPreferences(this);
ISharedPreferencesEditor editor = preference.Edit();
editor.PutString("key", "Value");
In your case, you can PutFloat
So your data which is "Value" is saved with a key named "key" is now saved
then you can retrieve data by :
ISharedPreferences preference = PreferenceManager.GetDefaultSharedPreferences(this);
var a = preference .GetString("key", "null");//"null" is the default value if the value not found. and the key, it to retrieve a specific data as we stored the data with the key named "key"
In your case, use GetFloat
So you get your value stored in a variable a.
All you have to do is : Store your data in the Sharedpreference when a new data changed or OnSleep() method which will be called when the app closed, then in OnCreate() method in your app, call the data saved in the SharedPreference and compare it with the new data.


Dropdownlist for, selection options text (from database) becomes vertically single letter using C# razor

I'm trying to create a drop down list for from a dataset column in my SQL Server database. I have successfully linked the data. However, in view, the dropdown list data appears to have a vertically text.
Please see the screen captured below:
What causes this? Please help!
I'm just going to post the relevant code to easy to see.
Here is the line of the html code (I put index 0 for savedCompCoList for testing only to only get the first row):
<div>#Html.DropDownListFor(x => x.objBV.objCompCo.SavedCompCoSelected, new SelectList(Model.objBV.objCompCo.SavedCompCoList[0].CompCo_ID_With_date_List), "Select List", new { style = "width: 250px;" }))</div>
Using xmlDocument for connection to database:
public static XmlDocument GetSavedCompCo()
XmlDocument xmlTmp = DatabaseLib.RunStoredProcedure(UDV.spGetSavedCompCoListBV, UDV.connStringUserDB);
return xmlTmp;
Using Web method:
public XmlDocument GetSavedCompCo() { return BDOLibrary_Val_BV.CompsLib.GetSavedCompCo(); }
My model - here is the loop that loop though (this may be the cause):
public class CompCo
private readonly BDOWebService.BDOWebService webS = new BDOWebService.BDOWebService(); //EC: web service
//EC: variables
public List<SavedCompCo> SavedCompCoList { get; set; }
public int SavedCompCoSelected { get; set; }
public CompCo()
Comps = new List<Company>();
private void initSavedCompCoList()
SavedCompCoList = new List<SavedCompCo>();
XmlDocument xmlTmp = webS.GetSavedCompCo();
XmlNodeList nodeListSavedCompCo_ID_With_Date = xmlTmp.GetElementsByTagName("CompCo_ID_With_Date");
for (int i = 0; i < nodeListSavedCompCo_ID_With_Date.Count; i++)
SavedCompCo SavedCompCoTemp = new SavedCompCo();
SavedCompCoTemp.CompCo_ID_With_date_List = nodeListSavedCompCo_ID_With_Date[i].InnerText.Trim();
Please help and thanks in advance!

Question about file reading and comparing

First Off I have a File That Looks Like This:
//Manager Ids
ManagerName: FirstName_LastName
ManagerLoginId: 12345
And a Text Box That has a five digit code(ex. 12345) That gets entered. When the Enter Key Is pressed it is assigned to a String called: "EnteredEmployeeId", Then What I need is to search the Entire file above for "EnteredEmployeeId" and if it matches then it will open another page, if it doesn't find that number then display a message(That tells you no employee Id found).
So essentially Im trying to open a file search the entire document for the Id then return true or false to allow it too either display an error or open a new page, and reset the EnteredEmployeeId to nothing.
My Code So Far:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace Rent_a_Car
public partial class Employee_Login_Page : Form
public Employee_Login_Page()
string ManagersPath = #"C:\Users\Name\Visual Studios Project Custom Files\Rent A Car Employee Id's\Managers\Manager_Ids.txt"; //Path To Manager Logins
string EnteredEmployeeId;
private void textBox1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void Employee_Id_TextBox_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
if (!char.IsControl(e.KeyChar) && !char.IsDigit(e.KeyChar) && //Checks Characters entered are Numbers Only and allows them
(e.KeyChar != '0'))
e.Handled = true;
else if (e.KeyChar == (char)13) //Checks if The "Enter" Key is pressed
EnteredEmployeeId = Employee_Id_TextBox.Text; //Assigns EnteredEmployeeId To the Entered Numbes In Text Box
bool result = ***IsNumberInFile***(EnteredEmployeeId, "ManagerLoginId:", ManagersPath);
if (result)
//open new window
MessageBox.Show("User Not Found");
This function will read through whole file and find if there is inserted code. It will work with strings (as it is output of your text box) and will return only true or false (employee is or is not in file) not his name, surname etc.
static bool IsNumberInFile(string numberAsString, string LineName, string FileName)
var lines = File.ReadAllLines(FileName);
foreach(var line in lines)
var trimmedLine = line.Replace(" ", ""); //To remove all spaces in file. Not expecting any spaces in the middle of number
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(trimmedLine) && trimmedLine.Split(':')[0].Equals(LineName) && trimmedLine.Split(':')[1].Equals(numberAsString))
return true;
return false;
//Example of use
String ManagersPath = #"C:\Users\Name\Visual Studios Project Custom Files\Employee Id's\Managers\Manager_Ids.txt"; //Path To Manager Logins
String EnteredEmployeeId;
private void textBox1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void Employee_Id_TextBox_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
if (!char.IsControl(e.KeyChar) && !char.IsDigit(e.KeyChar) && //Checks Characters entered are Numbers Only and allows them
(e.KeyChar != '0'))
e.Handled = true;
else if (e.KeyChar == (char)13) //Checks if The "Enter" Key is pressed
EnteredEmployeeId = Employee_Id_TextBox.Text; //Assigns EnteredEmployeeId To the Entered Numbes In Text Box
bool result = IsNumberInFile(EnteredEmployeeId, "ManagerLoginId" , ManagersPath)
//User is in file
//User is not in file
Short answer
Is your question about how to read your file?
private bool ManagerExists(int managerId)
return this.ReadManagers().Where(manager => manager.Id == managerId).Any();
private IEnumerable<Manager> ReadManagers()
using (var reader = System.IO.File.OpenText(managersFileName))
while (!reader.EndOfStream)
string lineManagerName = reader.ReadLine();
string lineMangerId = reader.ReadLine();
string managerName = ExtractValue(lineManagerName);
int managerId = Int32.Parse(ExtractValue(lineManagerId));
yield return new Manager
Id = managerId,
Name = managerName,
private string ExtractValue(string text)
// the value of the read text starts after the space:
const char separator = ' ';
int indexSeparator = text.IndexOf(separator);
return text.SubString(indexSeparator + 1);
Long Answer
I see several problems in your design.
The most important thing is that you intertwine your manager handling with your form.
You should separate your concerns.
Apparently you have the notion of a sequence of Managers, each Manager has a Name (first name, last name) and a ManagerId, and in future maybe other properties.
This sequence is persistable: it is saved somewhere, and if you load it again, you have the same sequence of Managers.
In this version you want to be able to see if a Manager with a given ManagerId exists. Maybe in future you might want more functionality, like fetching information of a Manager with a certain Id, or Fetch All managers, or let's go crazy: Add / Remove / Change managers!
You see in this description I didn't mention your Forms at all. Because I separated it from your Forms, you can use it in other forms, or even in a class that has nothing to do with a Form, for instance you can use it in a unit test.
I described what I needed in such a general from, that in future I might even change it. Users of my persistable manager collection wouldn't even notice it: I can put it in a JSON file, or XML; I can save the data in a Dictionary, a database, or maybe even fetch it from the internet.
All that users need to know, is that they have to create an instance of the class, using some parameters, and bingo, you can fetch Managers.
You also give users the freedom to decide how the data is to be saved: if they want to save it in a JSON file, changes in your form class will be minimal.
An object that stores sequences of objects is quite often called a Repository.
Let's create some classes:
interface IManager
public int Id {get;}
public string Name {get; set;}
interface IManagerRepository
bool ManagerExists(int managerId);
// possible future extensions: Add / Retrieve / Update / Delete (CRUD)
IManager Add(IManager manager);
IManager Find(int managerId);
void Update(IManager manager);
void Delete(int ManagerId);
class Manager : IManager
public Id {get; set;}
public string Name {get; set;}
class ManagerFileRepository : IManagerRepository,
public ManagerFileRepository(string fileName)
// TODO implement
// TODO: implement.
The ManagerFileRepository saves the managers in a file. It hides for the outside world how the file is internally structured. It could be your file format, it could be a CSV-file, or JSON / XML.
I also separated an interface, so if you later decide to save the data somewhere else, for instance in a Dictionary (for unit tests), or in a database, users of your Repository class won't see the difference.
Let's first see if you can use this class.
class MyForm : Form
const string managerFileName = ...
private IManagerRepository ManagerRepository {get;}
public MyForm()
this.ManagerRepository = new ManagerFileRepository(managerFileName);
public bool ManagerExists(int managerId)
return this.ManagerRepository.ManagerExists(managerId);
Now let's handle your keyPress:
private void Employee_Id_TextBox_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
TextBox textBox = (TextBox)sender;
... // code about numbers and enter key
int enteredManagerId = Int32.Parse(textBox.Text);
bool managerExists = this.ManagerExists(enteredManagerId);
if (managerExists) { ... }
This code seems to do what you want in an easy way. It looks transparent. The managerRepository is testable, reusable, simple to extend or change, because users won't notice this. So the class looks good. Let's implement
Implement ManagerFileRepository
There are several ways to implement reading the file:
(1) Read everything at construction time
and keep the read data in memory. If you add Managers they are not saved until you say so. Advantages: after initial startup it is fast. You can make changes and later decide not to save them anyway, so it is just like editing any other file. Disadvantage: if your program crashes, you have lost your changes.
(2) Read the file every time you need information
Advantage: data is always up-to-date, even if others edited the file while your program runs. If you change the manager collection it is immediately saved, so other can use it.
Which solution you choose depends on the size of the file and the importance of never losing data. If you file contains millions of records, then maybe it wasn't very wise to save the data in a file. Consider SQLite to save it in a small fairly fast database.
class ManagerFileRepository : IManagerRepository, IEnumerable<IManager>
private readonly IDictionary<int, IManager> managers;
public ManagerFileRepository(string FileName)
this.managers = ReadManagers(fileName);
public bool ManagerExists(int managerId)
return this.Managers.HasKey(managerId);
private static IEnumerable<IManager> ReadManagers(string fileName)
// See the short answer above
Room for improvement
If you will be using your manager repository for more things, consider to let the repository implement ICollection<IManager> and IReadOnlyCollection<IManager>. This is quite simple:
public IEnumerable<IManager> GetEnumerator()
return this.managers.Values.GetEnumerator();
public void Add(IManager manager)
this.managers.Add(manager.Id, manager);
// etc.
If you add functions to change the manager collection you'll also need a Save method:
public void Save()
using (var writer = File.CreateText(FullFileName))
const string namePrefix = "ManagerName: ";
const string idPrefix = "ManagerLoginId: ";
foreach (var manager in managers.Values)
string managerLine = namePrefix + manager.Name;
string idLine = idPrefix + manager.Id.ToString();
Another method of improvement: your file structure. Consider using a more standard file structure: CSV, JSON, XML. There are numerous NUGET packages (CSVHelper, NewtonSoft.Json) that makes reading and writing Managers much more robust.
Because you separated the concerns of persisting your managers from your form, you can reuse the manager repository, especially if you need functionality to Add / Retrieve / Update / Delete managers.
Because of the separation it is much easier to unit test your functions. And future changes won't hinder users of the repository, because they won't notice that the data has changed.
If your Manager_Ids.txt is in the following format, you can use File.ReadLine() method to traverse the text and query it.
ManagerName: FirstName_LastName1
ManagerLoginId: 12345
ManagerName: FirstName_LastName2
ManagerLoginId: 23456
Here is the demo that traverse the .txt.
string ManagersPath = #"D:\Manager_Ids.txt";
string EnteredEmployeeId;
private void textBox_id_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
int counter = 0;
bool exist = false;
string line;
string str = "";
if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter)
EnteredEmployeeId = textBox_id.Text;
System.IO.StreamReader file =
new System.IO.StreamReader(ManagersPath);
while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null)
str += line + "|";
if (counter % 2 != 0)
if (str.Split('|')[1].Split(':')[1].Trim() == EnteredEmployeeId)
str = str.Replace("|", "\n");
exist = true;
str = "";
if (!exist)
MessageBox.Show("No such id");
Besides, I recommend to use "xml", "json" or other formats to serialize the data. About storing the data in "xml", you can refer to the following simple demo.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
And then use LINQ to XML to query the id.
string ManagersPath = #"D:\Manager_Ids.xml";
string EnteredEmployeeId;
private void textBox_id_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter)
EnteredEmployeeId = textBox_id.Text;
XElement root = XElement.Load(ManagersPath);
IEnumerable<XElement> manager =
from el in root.Elements("Manager")
where (string)el.Element("ManagerLoginId") == EnteredEmployeeId
select el;
if(manager.Count() == 0)
MessageBox.Show("No such id");
foreach (XElement el in manager)
MessageBox.Show("ManagerName: " + (string)el.Element("ManagerName") + "\n"
+ "ManagerLoginId: " + (string)el.Element("ManagerLoginId"));

How to change a ClassificationFormatDefinition

My Visual Studio extension (VSIX) is derived from the Ook Language Example (found here). Basically, I have the following ClassificationFormatDefinition with a function loadSavedColor that loads the color the user has configured. Everything works fine.
internal sealed class OokE : ClassificationFormatDefinition
public OokE()
DisplayName = "ook!"; //human readable version of the name
ForegroundColor = loadSavedColor();
Question: After the user has configured a new color, I like to invalidate the existing instance of class OokE or change the existing instances and set ForegroundColor. But whatever I do the syntax color is not updated.
I've tried:
Get a reference to class OokE and update ForegroundColor.
Invalidate the corresponding ClassificationTypeDefinition:
internal static ClassificationTypeDefinition ookExclamation = null;
After hours of sifting through code I could create something that works. The following method UpdateFont called with colorKeyName equal to "some_unique_name" does the trick. I hope it is useful for someone.
private void UpdateFont(string colorKeyName, Color c)
var guid2 = Guid.Parse("{A27B4E24-A735-4d1d-B8E7-9716E1E3D8E0}");
var store = GetService(typeof(SVsFontAndColorStorage)) as IVsFontAndColorStorage;
if (store.OpenCategory(ref guid2, (uint)flags) != VSConstants.S_OK) return;
store.SetItem(colorKeyName, new[]{ new ColorableItemInfo
bForegroundValid = 1,
crForeground = (uint)ColorTranslator.ToWin32(c)
After setting the new color, you will need to clear the cache with the following code:
IVsFontAndColorCacheManager cacheManager = this.GetService(typeof(SVsFontAndColorCacheManager)) as IVsFontAndColorCacheManager;
var guid = new Guid("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000");
cacheManager.RefreshCache(ref guid);
guid = new Guid("{A27B4E24-A735-4d1d-B8E7-9716E1E3D8E0}"); // Text editor category

How to read and create new user by every 4th line

So, I read a text file. It looks like this:
adamsmith - ID
Adam Smith - Name
B1u2d3a4 - Password
Mary Wilson
George Johnson
Sophie Black
And so on, there are all the users.
The user class:
class User
private string myID;
private string myName;
private string myPW;
private bool isTeacher;
public string ID
return myID;
myID = value;
public string Name
return myName;
myName = value;
public string PW
return myPW;
PW = value;
public bool teacher
return teacher;
isTeacher = value;
public override string ToString()
return myName;
The Form1_Load method:
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
List<User> users = new List<User>();
string line;
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("danet.txt"))
while ((line=sr.ReadLine())!=null)
User user = new User();
I want to read the text and store the informations. By this method I get 4 times more user than I should. I was thinking of using for and a couple of things, but I didn't get to a solution.
New answer
Your reader assumes the every fourth line is the user-id, it is not, the absolute first line is a STUDENT/TEACHER line. Either this is a typo, or you have to change your format.
Your PW property will cause a StackOverflowException,
public string PW
return myPW;
PW = value;
Change the setter to myPW = value;, or just convert them to auto-properties.
Your teacher property has the same error, but on the getter.
You have also missed the () on one of your ReadLine's, but let's just assume this is a typo.
Not using a text-file, but just a string so I'm using a StringReader instead, but it's the same concept.
string stuff =
Adam Smith
Mary Wilson
George Johnson
Sophie Black
public void Main(string[] args)
string line;
var users = new List<User>();
using (var sr = new StringReader(stuff))
while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
User user = new User();
user.ID = line;
user.Name = sr.ReadLine();
user.PW = sr.ReadLine();
user.teacher = sr.ReadLine() == "TEACHER";
Old answer
There is nothing inherently erroneous with you code. But since you have not provided an actual example of what your "danet.txt" looks like, one must assume the error lies within the data itself.
Your "parser" (if you want to call it that) is not forgiving, i.e. if there is an empty line in your source file or if you just mess up one line (say forget putting in a password or ID) then everything would get offset – but as far as your "parser" is concerned, nothing is wrong.
By default formats which depend on "line positions" or "line offset" are prone to break, especially if the file itself is created by hand versus being auto-generated.
Why not use a denoted format instead? Such as XML, JSON or even just INI. C# can handle either of these, either built in or by external libraries (see the links).
There will never be any way for your "line-by-line" parser to not break if the user makes a faulty input, that is unless you have very strict formats for IDs, names, passwords and "student/teachers". and then validate them, using regular expressions (or similar). But that would defeat the purpose of a simple "line-by-line" format. And by then, you might as well go with a more "complex" format.
while ((line=sr.ReadLine())!=null)
User user = new User();
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
switch (i)
case 1:
user.ID = line;
case 2:

Get data from an object and put it in a textbox

I have an object which contains 2 pieces of information in objData[0]. The information is System_ID and Network_ID. The data is coming from a query to a database.
I want to get the data out of the object and display it in two separate text boxes, one for system_ID and one for Network_ID. Right now I am putting them into a combo box.
See below my code:
//get network ID and systenm name
private void cmbAddItem_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
FASystems fSys = new FASystems(sConn);
object objData = fSys.getSystemNetworkIDFriendlyName(cmbAddItem.Text.ToString());
cmbNetworkID.DataSource = objData;
cmbNetworkID.DisplayMember = "Network_ID";
cmbSysName.DataSource = objData;
cmbSysName.DisplayMember = "System_Name";
// txtNetworkID.Text = objData[0].Network_ID;
Assuming your C# compiler is 3.0 or up use the var keyword on the api call
var objData = fSys.getSystemNetworkIDFriendlyName(cmbAddItem.Text.ToString());
Let's assume you're correct that there is an array now in objData with a type in it that has at least Network_ID as a member...
txtNetworkID.Text = objData[0].Network_ID;
should work then.
Can you post the function declaration for getSystemNetworkIDFriendlyName and show how you are populating the return type?
I recommend creating a new class to store the NetworkID and SystemID
class SystemInfo
public string NetworkID { get; set; }
public string SystemId { get; set; }
Rewrite the function getSystemNetworkIDFriendlyName to return an instance of SystemInfo. Then populating your textbox becomes:
FASystems fSys = new FASystems(sConn);
SystemInfo inf o= fSys.getSystemNetworkIDFriendlyName(cmbAddItem.Text.ToString());
txtNetworkID.Text = info.NetworkID;
Hope this helps,
