Displaying an Image from Azure Storage before downloading - C# - c#

I'm writing a program that will allow the user to download selected images from Azure Blob Storage.
I have it working, however, currently, the images are downloaded to a file and then this file path is used to display the images. I want the images to be displayed and then allow the user to select which images can be downloaded.
Below is my code for downloading the images.
for (int i = 1; i<=dira.ListBlobs().Count(); i++)
CloudBlob blob = dira.GetBlobReference(i + ".png");
blob.DownloadToFile(localFilePath + "/" + i.ToString() + ".png", FileMode.Create);
// MessageBox.Show(i.ToString());
catch (StorageException ex)
Then my code for displaying the downloaded image is here:
pictureBox1.BackgroundImage= Image.FromFile(filePath + ".png");
How would I display the images before they have been downloaded?

As you said above, we can download them to memory.
Here is simple code for your reference:
CloudBlob blob = dira.GetBlobReference(i + ".png");
MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
pictureBox1.BackgroundImage = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(memoryStream);

If you want to really save some network traffic (aka time to download) between PC and Blob storage all you have to do is create thumbnail in Azure.
I found a very nice and complete example how to do that.
Mechanism is pretty neat and 'cloudy'
Please bear in mind, that above could raise your Azure bill. As in other cases in this too you need to consider what are your priorities:
I need to be super quick and save network for my users -> create thumbnails in Azure
I want to save costs on my side and performance is not a concern -> download full sized image and create thumbnail on host

You can not show images without downloading it
But instead,
You should create a thumbnail image with your actual image so when you show the list to a user you can download thumbnails from the server and then actual images on user selection
you can create thumbnail using below code
public static System.Drawing.Bitmap ResizeImage(System.Drawing.Image image, int width, int height)
//a holder for the result
Bitmap result = new Bitmap(width, height);
//use a graphics object to draw the resized image into the bitmap
using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(result))
//set the resize quality modes to high quality
graphics.CompositingQuality = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CompositingQuality.HighQuality;
graphics.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
graphics.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
//draw the image into the target bitmap
graphics.DrawImage(image, 0, 0, result.Width, result.Height);
//return the resulting bitmap
return result;
Ref:- C# Creating thumbnail


Way to decode an image into a thumbnail, skipping loading the image completely

I am currently trying to create thumbnails the moment I am decoding them to avoid loading the entire image into memory and then scaling it. Secondly I want to get rid from my other thumbnail code which is using ShellObjects and what the OS file explorer cached as thumbnails. The problem with the later is that its depending on if there is anything cached.
The following code is my attempt to create an image the moment its decoded which fails with a Format Unknown error. I am pretty close to have the solution so I am coming here because I have not found an answer. Every "solution" I found loaded the entire file, creating two images, scaling the original which creates more overhead than what I believe is needed to accomplish this. Pretty resource intensive for an image manager with a thousand image files being loaded asynchronously.)
public static async Task<Texture2D> GetThumbnail(string filePath)
// Decode the image directly in the given DecodePixelHeight (or width), maintaining aspect ratio.
var thumbnail = new BitmapImage();
thumbnail.UriSource = new Uri(filePath, UriKind.Absolute);
thumbnail.DecodePixelHeight = 144; //Fit to this height.
// Here I am trying reset a format. I am aiming to not need this step.
// Format the bitmap image into a known format.
var formatted = new FormatConvertedBitmap();
formatted.Source = thumbnail;
formatted.DestinationFormat = System.Windows.Media.PixelFormats.Default;
using var stream = new MemoryStream();
var bytesPerPixel = (formatted.DestinationFormat.BitsPerPixel + 7) / 8;
var stride = 4 * ((formatted.PixelWidth * bytesPerPixel + 3) / 4);
var buffer = new byte[formatted.PixelHeight * stride];
formatted.CopyPixels(buffer, stride, 0);
await stream.WriteAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
return Texture2D.FromStream(___.GraphicsDevice, stream);

C# / Xamarin: Saving image and Sharing on Whatsapp

I'm trying to save a image from Bitmap and share it in whatsapp, but, when I save it in my phone and try to open it, the image goes all black, so, when I share it, I share a black image. In other phone that I tested, I could open the saved image, but in this phone that I'm testing, I can't. Both are the same Android version.
In this phone that appears a black image, I can see on the preview (gallery) the photo, but, it goes black when I try to open it.
This is my code to save the bitmap:
public SKBitmap SaveImage(float ySize, SKBitmap bmpFormatted, SKBitmap standardBmp, int SKCanvasHeight)
float width = (float)screenSize.Width;
bmpFormatted = new SKBitmap((int)width, SKCanvasHeight);
SKRectI rect = new SKRectI(0, 0, (int)width, (int)ySize);
standardBmp.ExtractSubset(bmpFormatted, rect);
SKData data = bmpFormatted.Encode(SKEncodedImageFormat.Png, 100);
byte[] bmpByte = data.ToArray();
string directory = Path.Combine(Android.OS.Environment.ExternalStorageDirectory.AbsolutePath, Android.OS.Environment.DirectoryDownloads);
string path = Path.Combine(directory, "bmpSaved.png");
File.WriteAllBytes(path, bmpByte);
return bmpFormatted;
And this is my code to share the saved bitmap:
string directory = Path.Combine(Android.OS.Environment.ExternalStorageDirectory.AbsolutePath, Android.OS.Environment.DirectoryDownloads);
string path = Path.Combine(directory, "bmpSaved.png");
var _context = Android.App.Application.Context;
Intent sendIntent = new Intent(global::Android.Content.Intent.ActionSend);
sendIntent.PutExtra(global::Android.Content.Intent.ExtraText, "Whatsapp");
sendIntent.PutExtra(Intent.ExtraStream, Android.Net.Uri.Parse("file://" + path));
_context.StartActivity(Intent.CreateChooser(sendIntent, "Share"));
return Task.FromResult(0);
Is there any kind of difference or another way to do it? Because I need to it works in both phones.
Any ideas?
So if someone has the same problem that I was having, try this (for me it worked):
using (var image = surface.Snapshot())
using (var data = image.Encode(SKEncodedImageFormat.Png, 100))
using (var stream = File.OpenWrite(Path.Combine(directory, "1.png")))
// save the data to a stream
Thanks to: https://stackoverflow.com/a/59393550/14700237

.NET saving screenshots results in exception "A generic error occurred in GDI+" [duplicate]

I am working on to upload and save a thumbnail copy of that image in a thumbnail folder.
I am using following link:
newBMP.Save(directory + "tn_" + filename);
is causing exception "A generic error occurred in GDI+."
I have tried to give permission on folder, also tried to use a new separate bmp object when saving.
protected void ResizeAndSave(PropBannerImage objPropBannerImage)
// Create a bitmap of the content of the fileUpload control in memory
Bitmap originalBMP = new Bitmap(fuImage.FileContent);
// Calculate the new image dimensions
int origWidth = originalBMP.Width;
int origHeight = originalBMP.Height;
int sngRatio = origWidth / origHeight;
int thumbWidth = 100;
int thumbHeight = thumbWidth / sngRatio;
int bannerWidth = 100;
int bannerHeight = bannerWidth / sngRatio;
// Create a new bitmap which will hold the previous resized bitmap
Bitmap thumbBMP = new Bitmap(originalBMP, thumbWidth, thumbHeight);
Bitmap bannerBMP = new Bitmap(originalBMP, bannerWidth, bannerHeight);
// Create a graphic based on the new bitmap
Graphics oGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(thumbBMP);
// Set the properties for the new graphic file
oGraphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; oGraphics.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
// Draw the new graphic based on the resized bitmap
oGraphics.DrawImage(originalBMP, 0, 0, thumbWidth, thumbHeight);
Bitmap newBitmap = new Bitmap(thumbBMP);
thumbBMP = null;
// Save the new graphic file to the server
newBitmap.Save("~/image/thumbs/" + "t" + objPropBannerImage.ImageId, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
oGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(bannerBMP);
// Set the properties for the new graphic file
oGraphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; oGraphics.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
// Draw the new graphic based on the resized bitmap
oGraphics.DrawImage(originalBMP, 0, 0, bannerWidth, bannerHeight);
// Save the new graphic file to the server
bannerBMP.Save("~/image/" + objPropBannerImage.ImageId + ".jpg");
// Once finished with the bitmap objects, we deallocate them.
When either a Bitmap object or an Image object is constructed from a
file, the file remains locked for the lifetime of the object. As a
result, you cannot change an image and save it back to the same file
where it originated.
A generic error occurred in GDI+, JPEG Image to MemoryStream
Image.Save(..) throws a GDI+ exception because the memory stream is closed
just writing from memory...
save to an 'intermediary' memory stream, that should work
e.g. try this one - replace
Bitmap newBitmap = new Bitmap(thumbBMP);
thumbBMP = null;
newBitmap.Save("~/image/thumbs/" + "t" + objPropBannerImage.ImageId, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
with something like:
string outputFileName = "...";
using (MemoryStream memory = new MemoryStream())
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(outputFileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
thumbBMP.Save(memory, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
byte[] bytes = memory.ToArray();
fs.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
This error message is displayed if the path you pass to Bitmap.Save() is invalid (folder doesn't exist etc).
// Once finished with the bitmap objects, we deallocate them.
This is a programming style that you'll regret sooner or later. Sooner is knocking on the door, you forgot one. You are not disposing newBitmap. Which keeps a lock on the file until the garbage collector runs. If it doesn't run then the second time you try to save to the same file you'll get the klaboom. GDI+ exceptions are too miserable to give a good diagnostic so serious head-scratching ensues. Beyond the thousands of googlable posts that mention this mistake.
Always favor using the using statement. Which never forgets to dispose an object, even if the code throws an exception.
using (var newBitmap = new Bitmap(thumbBMP)) {
newBitmap.Save("~/image/thumbs/" + "t" + objPropBannerImage.ImageId, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
Albeit that it is very unclear why you even create a new bitmap, saving thumbBMP should already be good enough. Anyhoo, give the rest of your disposable objects the same using love.
In my case the bitmap image file already existed in the system drive, so my app threw the error "A Generic error occured in GDI+".
Verify that the destination folder exists
Verify that there isn't already a file with the same name in the destination folder
Check your folder's permission where the image is saved
Right cLick on folder then go :
Properties > Security > Edit > Add-- select "everyone" and check Allow "Full Control"
I was facing the same issue A generic error occurred in GDI+ on saving while working on MVC app, I was getting this error because I was writing wrong path to save image, I corrected saving path and it worked fine for me.
img1.Save(Server.MapPath("/Upload/test.png", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
--Above code need one change, as you need to put close brackets on Server.MapPath() method after writing its param.
Like this-
img1.Save(Server.MapPath("/Upload/test.png"), System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
GDI+ exceptions occured due to below points
Folder access issue
Missing properties of images
If folder issue - please provide access to application
If Missing properties then use below code
Code 1
using (Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(webStream))
using (Bitmap newImage = new Bitmap(bmp))
newImage.Save("c:\temp\test.jpg", ImageFormat.Jpeg);
Code 2
using (Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(webStream))
using (Bitmap newImage = new Bitmap(bmp))
newImage.SetResolution(bmp.HorizontalResolution, bmp.VerticalResolution);
Rectangle lockedRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height);
BitmapData bmpData = newImage.LockBits(lockedRect, ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, bmp.PixelFormat);
bmpData.PixelFormat = bmp.PixelFormat;
using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(newImage))
gr.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
gr.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
gr.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;
foreach (var item in bmp.PropertyItems)
newImage.Save("c:\temp\test.jpg", ImageFormat.Jpeg);
Different between code 1 and code 2
Code - 1 : it will just create image and can open it on normal image viewer
the image can't open in Photoshop
Image size will be double
Code - 2 : to open image in image edition tools use code
by using code 1 it just create images but it not assign image marks.
I always check/test these:
Does the path + filename contain illegal characters for the given filesystem?
Does the file already exist? (Bad)
Does the path already exist? (Good)
If the path is relative: am I expecting it in the right parent directory (mostly bin/Debug ;-) )?
Is the path writable for the program and as which user does it run? (Services can be tricky here!)
Does the full path really, really not contain illegal chars? (some unicode chars are close to invisible)
I never had any problems with Bitmap.Save() apart from this list.
I had a different issue with the same exception.
In short:
Make sure that the Bitmap's object Stream is not being disposed before calling .Save .
Full story:
There was a method that returned a Bitmap object, built from a MemoryStream in the following way:
private Bitmap getImage(byte[] imageBinaryData){
Bitmap image;
using (var stream = new MemoryStream(imageBinaryData))
image = new Bitmap(stream);
return image;
then someone used the returned image to save it as a file
The problem was that the original stream was already disposed when trying to save the image, throwing the GDI+ exeption.
A fix to this problem was to return the Bitmap without disposing the stream itself but the returned Bitmap object.
private Bitmap getImage(byte[] imageBinaryData){
Bitmap image;
var stream = new MemoryStream(imageBinaryData))
image = new Bitmap(stream);
return image;
using (var image = getImage(binData))
I got it working using FileStream, get help from these
System.Drawing.Image imageToBeResized = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(fuImage.PostedFile.InputStream);
int imageHeight = imageToBeResized.Height;
int imageWidth = imageToBeResized.Width;
int maxHeight = 240;
int maxWidth = 320;
imageHeight = (imageHeight * maxWidth) / imageWidth;
imageWidth = maxWidth;
if (imageHeight > maxHeight)
imageWidth = (imageWidth * maxHeight) / imageHeight;
imageHeight = maxHeight;
Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(imageToBeResized, imageWidth, imageHeight);
System.IO.MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
bitmap.Save(stream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
stream.Position = 0;
byte[] image = new byte[stream.Length + 1];
stream.Read(image, 0, image.Length);
System.IO.FileStream fs
= new System.IO.FileStream(Server.MapPath("~/image/a.jpg"), System.IO.FileMode.Create
, System.IO.FileAccess.ReadWrite);
fs.Write(image, 0, image.Length);
For me it was a permission problem. Somebody removed write permissions on the folder for the user account under which the application was running.
Create folder path image/thumbs on your hard disk => Problem solved!
I used below logic while saving a .png format. This is to ensure the file is already existing or not.. if exist then saving it by adding 1 in the filename
Bitmap btImage = new Bitmap("D:\\Oldfoldername\\filename.png");
string path="D:\\Newfoldername\\filename.png";
int Count=0;
if (System.IO.File.Exists(path))
path = "D:\\Newfoldername\\filename"+"_"+ ++Count + ".png";
} while (System.IO.File.Exists(path));
btImage.Save(path, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
I encountered this error while trying to convert Tiff images to Jpeg. For me the issue stemmed from the tiff dimensions being too large. Anything up to around 62000 pixels was fine, anything above this size produced the error.
for me it was a path issue when saving the image.
int count = Directory.EnumerateFiles(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/images/savedimages"), "*").Count();
var img = Base64ToImage(imgRaw);
string path = "images/savedimages/upImages" + (count + 1) + ".png";
return path;
So I fixed it by adding the following forward slash
String path = "images/savedimages....
should be
String path = "/images/savedimages....
Hope that helps anyone stuck!
from msdn: public void Save (string filename); which is quite surprising to me because we dont just have to pass in the filename, we have to pass the filename along with the path for example: MyDirectory/MyImage.jpeg, here MyImage.jpeg does not actually exist yet, but our file will be saved with this name.
Another important point here is that if you are using Save() in a web application then use Server.MapPath() along with it which basically just returns the physical path for the virtual path which is passed in. Something like: image.Save(Server.MapPath("~/images/im111.jpeg"));
I use this solution
int G = 0;
private void toolStripMenuItem17_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Directory.CreateDirectory("picture");// هذه العملية للرسم بدون ان يحذف بقية الرسومات
G = G + 1;
memoryImage1.Save("picture\\picture" + G.ToString() + ".jpg");
pictureBox1.Image = Image.FromFile("picture\\picture" + G.ToString() + ".jpg");
The code below solved my problem
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(pictureBox1.Image);

Unable to Save .jpg file using Server.MapPath [duplicate]

I am working on to upload and save a thumbnail copy of that image in a thumbnail folder.
I am using following link:
newBMP.Save(directory + "tn_" + filename);
is causing exception "A generic error occurred in GDI+."
I have tried to give permission on folder, also tried to use a new separate bmp object when saving.
protected void ResizeAndSave(PropBannerImage objPropBannerImage)
// Create a bitmap of the content of the fileUpload control in memory
Bitmap originalBMP = new Bitmap(fuImage.FileContent);
// Calculate the new image dimensions
int origWidth = originalBMP.Width;
int origHeight = originalBMP.Height;
int sngRatio = origWidth / origHeight;
int thumbWidth = 100;
int thumbHeight = thumbWidth / sngRatio;
int bannerWidth = 100;
int bannerHeight = bannerWidth / sngRatio;
// Create a new bitmap which will hold the previous resized bitmap
Bitmap thumbBMP = new Bitmap(originalBMP, thumbWidth, thumbHeight);
Bitmap bannerBMP = new Bitmap(originalBMP, bannerWidth, bannerHeight);
// Create a graphic based on the new bitmap
Graphics oGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(thumbBMP);
// Set the properties for the new graphic file
oGraphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; oGraphics.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
// Draw the new graphic based on the resized bitmap
oGraphics.DrawImage(originalBMP, 0, 0, thumbWidth, thumbHeight);
Bitmap newBitmap = new Bitmap(thumbBMP);
thumbBMP = null;
// Save the new graphic file to the server
newBitmap.Save("~/image/thumbs/" + "t" + objPropBannerImage.ImageId, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
oGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(bannerBMP);
// Set the properties for the new graphic file
oGraphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; oGraphics.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
// Draw the new graphic based on the resized bitmap
oGraphics.DrawImage(originalBMP, 0, 0, bannerWidth, bannerHeight);
// Save the new graphic file to the server
bannerBMP.Save("~/image/" + objPropBannerImage.ImageId + ".jpg");
// Once finished with the bitmap objects, we deallocate them.
When either a Bitmap object or an Image object is constructed from a
file, the file remains locked for the lifetime of the object. As a
result, you cannot change an image and save it back to the same file
where it originated.
A generic error occurred in GDI+, JPEG Image to MemoryStream
Image.Save(..) throws a GDI+ exception because the memory stream is closed
just writing from memory...
save to an 'intermediary' memory stream, that should work
e.g. try this one - replace
Bitmap newBitmap = new Bitmap(thumbBMP);
thumbBMP = null;
newBitmap.Save("~/image/thumbs/" + "t" + objPropBannerImage.ImageId, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
with something like:
string outputFileName = "...";
using (MemoryStream memory = new MemoryStream())
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(outputFileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
thumbBMP.Save(memory, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
byte[] bytes = memory.ToArray();
fs.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
This error message is displayed if the path you pass to Bitmap.Save() is invalid (folder doesn't exist etc).
// Once finished with the bitmap objects, we deallocate them.
This is a programming style that you'll regret sooner or later. Sooner is knocking on the door, you forgot one. You are not disposing newBitmap. Which keeps a lock on the file until the garbage collector runs. If it doesn't run then the second time you try to save to the same file you'll get the klaboom. GDI+ exceptions are too miserable to give a good diagnostic so serious head-scratching ensues. Beyond the thousands of googlable posts that mention this mistake.
Always favor using the using statement. Which never forgets to dispose an object, even if the code throws an exception.
using (var newBitmap = new Bitmap(thumbBMP)) {
newBitmap.Save("~/image/thumbs/" + "t" + objPropBannerImage.ImageId, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
Albeit that it is very unclear why you even create a new bitmap, saving thumbBMP should already be good enough. Anyhoo, give the rest of your disposable objects the same using love.
In my case the bitmap image file already existed in the system drive, so my app threw the error "A Generic error occured in GDI+".
Verify that the destination folder exists
Verify that there isn't already a file with the same name in the destination folder
Check your folder's permission where the image is saved
Right cLick on folder then go :
Properties > Security > Edit > Add-- select "everyone" and check Allow "Full Control"
I was facing the same issue A generic error occurred in GDI+ on saving while working on MVC app, I was getting this error because I was writing wrong path to save image, I corrected saving path and it worked fine for me.
img1.Save(Server.MapPath("/Upload/test.png", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
--Above code need one change, as you need to put close brackets on Server.MapPath() method after writing its param.
Like this-
img1.Save(Server.MapPath("/Upload/test.png"), System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
GDI+ exceptions occured due to below points
Folder access issue
Missing properties of images
If folder issue - please provide access to application
If Missing properties then use below code
Code 1
using (Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(webStream))
using (Bitmap newImage = new Bitmap(bmp))
newImage.Save("c:\temp\test.jpg", ImageFormat.Jpeg);
Code 2
using (Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(webStream))
using (Bitmap newImage = new Bitmap(bmp))
newImage.SetResolution(bmp.HorizontalResolution, bmp.VerticalResolution);
Rectangle lockedRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height);
BitmapData bmpData = newImage.LockBits(lockedRect, ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, bmp.PixelFormat);
bmpData.PixelFormat = bmp.PixelFormat;
using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(newImage))
gr.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
gr.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
gr.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;
foreach (var item in bmp.PropertyItems)
newImage.Save("c:\temp\test.jpg", ImageFormat.Jpeg);
Different between code 1 and code 2
Code - 1 : it will just create image and can open it on normal image viewer
the image can't open in Photoshop
Image size will be double
Code - 2 : to open image in image edition tools use code
by using code 1 it just create images but it not assign image marks.
I always check/test these:
Does the path + filename contain illegal characters for the given filesystem?
Does the file already exist? (Bad)
Does the path already exist? (Good)
If the path is relative: am I expecting it in the right parent directory (mostly bin/Debug ;-) )?
Is the path writable for the program and as which user does it run? (Services can be tricky here!)
Does the full path really, really not contain illegal chars? (some unicode chars are close to invisible)
I never had any problems with Bitmap.Save() apart from this list.
I had a different issue with the same exception.
In short:
Make sure that the Bitmap's object Stream is not being disposed before calling .Save .
Full story:
There was a method that returned a Bitmap object, built from a MemoryStream in the following way:
private Bitmap getImage(byte[] imageBinaryData){
Bitmap image;
using (var stream = new MemoryStream(imageBinaryData))
image = new Bitmap(stream);
return image;
then someone used the returned image to save it as a file
The problem was that the original stream was already disposed when trying to save the image, throwing the GDI+ exeption.
A fix to this problem was to return the Bitmap without disposing the stream itself but the returned Bitmap object.
private Bitmap getImage(byte[] imageBinaryData){
Bitmap image;
var stream = new MemoryStream(imageBinaryData))
image = new Bitmap(stream);
return image;
using (var image = getImage(binData))
I got it working using FileStream, get help from these
System.Drawing.Image imageToBeResized = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(fuImage.PostedFile.InputStream);
int imageHeight = imageToBeResized.Height;
int imageWidth = imageToBeResized.Width;
int maxHeight = 240;
int maxWidth = 320;
imageHeight = (imageHeight * maxWidth) / imageWidth;
imageWidth = maxWidth;
if (imageHeight > maxHeight)
imageWidth = (imageWidth * maxHeight) / imageHeight;
imageHeight = maxHeight;
Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(imageToBeResized, imageWidth, imageHeight);
System.IO.MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
bitmap.Save(stream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
stream.Position = 0;
byte[] image = new byte[stream.Length + 1];
stream.Read(image, 0, image.Length);
System.IO.FileStream fs
= new System.IO.FileStream(Server.MapPath("~/image/a.jpg"), System.IO.FileMode.Create
, System.IO.FileAccess.ReadWrite);
fs.Write(image, 0, image.Length);
For me it was a permission problem. Somebody removed write permissions on the folder for the user account under which the application was running.
Create folder path image/thumbs on your hard disk => Problem solved!
I used below logic while saving a .png format. This is to ensure the file is already existing or not.. if exist then saving it by adding 1 in the filename
Bitmap btImage = new Bitmap("D:\\Oldfoldername\\filename.png");
string path="D:\\Newfoldername\\filename.png";
int Count=0;
if (System.IO.File.Exists(path))
path = "D:\\Newfoldername\\filename"+"_"+ ++Count + ".png";
} while (System.IO.File.Exists(path));
btImage.Save(path, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
I encountered this error while trying to convert Tiff images to Jpeg. For me the issue stemmed from the tiff dimensions being too large. Anything up to around 62000 pixels was fine, anything above this size produced the error.
for me it was a path issue when saving the image.
int count = Directory.EnumerateFiles(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/images/savedimages"), "*").Count();
var img = Base64ToImage(imgRaw);
string path = "images/savedimages/upImages" + (count + 1) + ".png";
return path;
So I fixed it by adding the following forward slash
String path = "images/savedimages....
should be
String path = "/images/savedimages....
Hope that helps anyone stuck!
from msdn: public void Save (string filename); which is quite surprising to me because we dont just have to pass in the filename, we have to pass the filename along with the path for example: MyDirectory/MyImage.jpeg, here MyImage.jpeg does not actually exist yet, but our file will be saved with this name.
Another important point here is that if you are using Save() in a web application then use Server.MapPath() along with it which basically just returns the physical path for the virtual path which is passed in. Something like: image.Save(Server.MapPath("~/images/im111.jpeg"));
I use this solution
int G = 0;
private void toolStripMenuItem17_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Directory.CreateDirectory("picture");// هذه العملية للرسم بدون ان يحذف بقية الرسومات
G = G + 1;
memoryImage1.Save("picture\\picture" + G.ToString() + ".jpg");
pictureBox1.Image = Image.FromFile("picture\\picture" + G.ToString() + ".jpg");
The code below solved my problem
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(pictureBox1.Image);

Change Size of Jpeg File in C#

I need to transfer some images through Network, I saved images with Jpeg and 40% quality as following:
public void SaveJpeg(string path, Image image, int quality) {
if((quality < 0) || (quality > 100)) {
string error = string.Format("Jpeg image quality must be
between 0 and 100, with 100 being the highest quality. A value of {0} was
specified.", quality);
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(error);
EncoderParameter qualityParam = new
EncoderParameter(System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder.Quality, quality);
ImageCodecInfo jpegCodec = GetEncoderInfo("image/jpeg");
EncoderParameters encoderParams = new EncoderParameters(1);
encoderParams.Param[0] = qualityParam;
image.Save(path, jpegCodec, encoderParams);
But with this way the size of Jpeg files not enough small, Also I change the quality but that's not good appearance. Is there any way to save pictures with smaller file size and proper appearance? I don't know but is there any way to use System.Drawing.Graphics object, also I don't need to zip files, or change dimension of images, at now just the size of picture file is important.
With image compression, there's a fine line between creating a small file and creating a poor quality image. JPEG is a lossy compression format which means that data is removed when compressed, which is why constantly re-encoding a JPEG file will continually decrease its quality.
On the other hand, PNG files are lossless but may still result in bigger files. You could try encoding the file as a PNG using PngBitmapEncoder. This will ensure the quality remains high, but the size may or may not decrease enough for your program (it depends on the image).
If you're performing this on a local machine and don't need to do it too often (e.g. for many concurrent users), you could invoke an external program to do it for you. PNG Monster is very good at compressing PNG files without decreasing the quality. You could call this from your program and send the resulting PNG file. (You may want to check the licensing terms to ensure that it's compatible with your program).
There aren't many ways where you can maintain a high quality and perform a high compression at the same time, without manipulating the image (e.g. changing dimension).
I have a method for creating and saving the thumbnail of an uploaded picture, I think NewImageSize method might help you.It also handles the quality issue.
public Size NewImageSize(int OriginalHeight, int OriginalWidth, double FormatSize)
Size NewSize;
double tempval;
if (OriginalHeight > FormatSize && OriginalWidth > FormatSize)
if (OriginalHeight > OriginalWidth)
tempval = FormatSize / Convert.ToDouble(OriginalHeight);
tempval = FormatSize / Convert.ToDouble(OriginalWidth);
NewSize = new Size(Convert.ToInt32(tempval * OriginalWidth), Convert.ToInt32(tempval * OriginalHeight));
NewSize = new Size(OriginalWidth, OriginalHeight); return NewSize;
private bool save_image_with_thumb(string image_name, string path)
ResimFileUpload1.SaveAs(path + image_name + ".jpg"); //normal resim kaydet
///////Thumbnail yarat ve kaydet//////////////
Bitmap myBitmap;
myBitmap = new Bitmap(path + image_name + ".jpg");
Size thumbsize = NewImageSize(myBitmap.Height, myBitmap.Width, 100);
System.Drawing.Image.GetThumbnailImageAbort myCallBack = new System.Drawing.Image.GetThumbnailImageAbort(ThumbnailCallback);
// If jpg file is a jpeg, create a thumbnail filename that is unique.
string sThumbFile = path + image_name + "_t.jpg";
// Save thumbnail and output it onto the webpage
System.Drawing.Image myThumbnail = myBitmap.GetThumbnailImage(thumbsize.Width, thumbsize.Height, myCallBack, IntPtr.Zero);
// Destroy objects
return true;
catch //yaratamazsa normal ve thumb iptal
return false;
