c# return loop without using foreach - c#

Hello I need some help in my Code
Code in test.cs:
public class test
public string[] content ={
public IEnumerable<string> Name
var username = content.Where(a => a.StartsWith("Username:")).ToList();
for(int i = 0; i < username.Count(); i++)
yield return username[i].Substring(username[i].IndexOf(":") +1); // Displays the usernames (Peter, Nike)
public IEnumerable<string> ID
var username = content.Where(a => a.StartsWith("ID:")).ToList();
for (int i = 0; i < username.Count(); i++)
yield return username[i].Substring(username[i].IndexOf(":") +1); // Displays the ID (1, 2)
Code in main file:
var test = new test();
foreach (var l in test.Name)
All works fine it displays the names right, but I dont want use foreach i want add it like:
treeView1.Nodes.Add("Name: " + test.Name + " ID:" + test.ID);
thanxs for helping

You can convert to array and then use a for loop (assuming you're sure that elements are in pairs):
var names = test.Name.ToArray();
var ids = test.Id.ToArray();
for (var i = 0; i < names.Length; i++)
treeView1.Nodes.Add("Name: " + names[i] + " ID: " + ids[i]);

public class test
public string[] content ={
public Dictionary<string, string> contents;
public Dictionary<string, string> Contents
if (contents == null)
return contents;
private void InitContents()
contents = new Dictionary<string, string>();
for (var i = 0; i < content.Length; i++)
contents.Add(GetValue(content[i]), GetValue(content[i + 1]));
private string GetValue(string data)
return data.Substring(data.IndexOf(":", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1);
public IEnumerable<string> GetContents()
return Contents.Select(x => "Name: " + x.Key + " ID:" + x.Value);
then use:
treeView1.Nodes.AddRange(yourTests.Contents.Select(x=>new TreeNode("Name:"+x.Key+"Id:"+x.Value))))


Why a method is modifying a List<string> variable in my Load Page?

I want to create two List with methods, the first method create a new list, and the second modify the first one but return a new one. For example, the first list has 200 items, and after add and delete some items in the second method, the returned one has 120 items.
But the second method is actually modifying the first list (now both list has 120 items).
What am I doing wrong?.
PD. I'm learning
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
List<string> firstList = OEEClass.GetCompleteListDocument(DateTime.Today, "BZX"); // Let say it has 200 items
List<string> modifiedList = OEEClass.ModifyList(firstList); // The returned list has less items
public class OEEClass
public static List<string> GetCompleteListDocument(DateTime Fecha, string noMaquina)
var rawDoc = new HtmlDocument();
var tempList = new List<string>();
string url = #"C:/www/WPCS-Feedback/" + Fecha.Year + "/" + Fecha.Month + "/" + Fecha.Day.ToString("d2") + "/" + "Production state data.htm";
if (File.Exists(url) == true)
string cleanString = rawDoc.DocumentNode.InnerText.Trim().Replace(" ", "");
cleanString = Regex.Replace(cleanString, #"^\s+$[\r\n]*", string.Empty, RegexOptions.Multiline);
tempList = Regex.Split(cleanString, "\r\n|\r|\n").ToList();
tempList.RemoveRange(0, 5);
for (int j = 0; j < tempList.Count; j++)
if (tempList[j].StartsWith("ProductionTerminated") || tempList[j].StartsWith("ProductionInterrumpted"))
tempList.Insert(j + 4, "PressSingleCycleActivated=0");
return tempList;
public static List<string> ModifyList(List<string> completeListDocument)
for (int i = 0; i < completeListDocument.Count; i++)
if (completeListDocument[i].StartsWith("MachineSetup"))
completeListDocument.RemoveRange(i, 6);
return completeListDocument;
The simplest thing you can do is make a copy of your list before modifying it:
public static List<string> ModifyList(List<string> completeListDocument)
var results = new List<string>(completeListDocument);
for (int i = 0; i < results.Count; i++)
if (results[i].StartsWith("MachineSetup"))
results.RemoveRange(i, 6);
return results;

How to parse nested parenthesis only in first level in C#

I would like to write C# code that parses nested parenthesis to array elements, but only on first level. An example is needed for sure:
I want this string:
"(example (to (parsing nested paren) but) (first lvl only))"
tp be parsed into:
["example", "(to (parsing nested paren) but)", "(first lvl only)"]
I was thinking about using regex but can't figure out how to properly use them without implementing this behaviour from scratch.
In the case of malformed inputs I would like to return an empty array, or an array ["error"]
I developed a parser for your example. I also checked some other examples which you can see in the code.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class Program
public static void Main()
string str = "(example (to (parsing nested paren) but) (first lvl only))"; // => [example , (to (parsing nested paren) but) , (first lvl only)]
//string str = "(first)(second)(third)"; // => [first , second , third]
//string str = "(first(second)third)"; // => [first , (second) , third]
//string str = "(first(second)(third)fourth)"; // => [first , (second) , (third) , fourth]
//string str = "(first((second)(third))fourth)"; // => [first , ((second)(third)) , fourth]
//string str = "just Text"; // => [ERROR]
//string str = "start with Text (first , second)"; // => [ERROR]
//string str = "(first , second) end with text"; // => [ERROR]
//string str = ""; // => [ERROR]
//string str = "("; // => [ERROR]
//string str = "(first()(second)(third))fourth)"; // => [ERROR]
//string str = "(((extra close pareanthese))))"; // => [ERROR]
var res = Parser.parse(str);
static void showRes(ArrayList res)
var strings = res.ToArray();
var theString = string.Join(" , ", strings);
Console.WriteLine("[" + theString + "]");
public class Parser
static Dictionary<TokenType, TokenType> getRules()
var rules = new Dictionary<TokenType, TokenType>();
rules.Add(TokenType.END, TokenType.CLOSE_PARENTHESE);
return rules;
static bool isValid(Token prev, Token cur)
var rules = Parser.getRules();
return rules.ContainsKey(cur.type) && ((prev.type & rules[cur.type]) == prev.type);
public static ArrayList parse(string sourceText)
ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
int openParenthesesCount = 0;
Lexer lexer = new Lexer(sourceText);
Token prevToken = lexer.getStartToken();
Token currentToken = lexer.readNextToken();
string tmpText = "";
while (currentToken.type != TokenType.END)
if (currentToken.type == TokenType.OPEN_PARENTHESE)
if (openParenthesesCount > 1)
tmpText += currentToken.token;
else if (currentToken.type == TokenType.CLOSE_PARENTHESE)
if (openParenthesesCount < 0)
return Parser.Error();
if (openParenthesesCount > 0)
tmpText += currentToken.token;
else if (currentToken.type == TokenType.SIMPLE_TEXT)
tmpText += currentToken.token;
if (!Parser.isValid(prevToken, currentToken))
return Parser.Error();
if (openParenthesesCount == 1 && tmpText.Trim() != "")
tmpText = "";
prevToken = currentToken;
currentToken = lexer.readNextToken();
if (openParenthesesCount != 0)
return Parser.Error();
if (!Parser.isValid(prevToken, currentToken))
return Parser.Error();
if (tmpText.Trim() != "")
return result;
static ArrayList Error()
var er = new ArrayList();
return er;
class Lexer
string _txt;
int _index;
public Lexer(string text)
this._index = 0;
this._txt = text;
public Token getStartToken()
return new Token(-1, TokenType.START, "");
public Token readNextToken()
if (this._index >= this._txt.Length)
return new Token(-1, TokenType.END, "");
Token t = null;
string txt = "";
if (this._txt[this._index] == '(')
txt = "(";
t = new Token(this._index, TokenType.OPEN_PARENTHESE, txt);
else if (this._txt[this._index] == ')')
txt = ")";
t = new Token(this._index, TokenType.CLOSE_PARENTHESE, txt);
txt = this._readText();
t = new Token(this._index, TokenType.SIMPLE_TEXT, txt);
this._index += txt.Length;
return t;
private string _readText()
string txt = "";
int i = this._index;
while (i < this._txt.Length && this._txt[i] != '(' && this._txt[i] != ')')
txt = txt + this._txt[i];
return txt;
class Token
public int position
private set;
public TokenType type
private set;
public string token
private set;
public Token(int position, TokenType type, string token)
this.position = position;
this.type = type;
this.token = token;
enum TokenType
START = 1,
END = 16
well, regex will do the job:
var text = #"(example (to (parsing nested paren) but) (first lvl only))";
var pattern = #"\(([\w\s]+) (\([\w\s]+ \([\w\s]+\) [\w\s]+\)) (\([\w\s]+\))\)*";
Regex r = new Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
Match m = r.Match(text);
string group_1 = m.Groups[1].Value; //example
string group_2 = m.Groups[2].Value; //(to (parsing nested paren) but)
string group_3 = m.Groups[3].Value; //(first lvl only)
return new string[]{group_1,group_2,group_3};
catch(Exception ex){
return new string[]{"error"};
hopefully this helps, tested here in dotnetfiddle
this might get you started into building the right expression according to whatever patterns you are falling into and maybe build a recursive function to parse the rest into the desired output :)
RegEx is not recursive. You either count bracket level, or recurse.
An non-recursive parser loop I tested for the example you show is..
string SplitFirstLevel(string s)
List<string> result = new List<string>();
int p = 0, level = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++)
if (s[i] == '(')
if (level == 1) p = i + 1;
if (level == 2)
result.Add('"' + s.Substring(p, i - p) + '"');
p = i;
if (s[i] == ')')
if (--level == 0)
result.Add('"' + s.Substring(p, i - p) + '"');
return "[" + String.Join(",", result) + "]";
Note: after some more testing, I see your specification is unclear. How to delimit orphaned level 1 terms, that is terms without bracketing ?
For example, my parser translates
(example (to (parsing nested paren) but) (first lvl only))
["example ","(to (parsing nested paren) but) ","(first lvl only)"]
(example (to (parsing nested paren)) but (first lvl only))
["example ","(to (parsing nested paren)) but ","(first lvl only)"]
In either case, "example" gets a separate term, while "but" is grouped with the first term. In the first example this is logical, it is in the bracketing, but it may be unwanted behaviour in the second case, where "but" should be separated, like "example", which also has no bracketing (?)

Swiftly search for multiple partial strings in a huge string

I need to check whether all parts of a string like
are in a big string like:
My code splits the first string on & and uses Contains. But the duration is too long, as the big string is up to 800000 characters.
Is there a better/faster method for this?
public partial class UserDefinedFunctions
public static SqlInt32 EquipmentCompare(SqlString equip, SqlString comp)
SqlInt32 result = 1;
if (comp.IsNull)
result = 1;
string equipment = "&" + equip.ToString();
string compString = comp.ToString() + "! ";
while (compString.Length > 1)
string sub = compString.Substring(0, compString.IndexOf("!"));
compString = compString.Substring(compString.IndexOf("!")+1);
string[] elements = sub.Split('&');
foreach (string i in elements)
if (i.StartsWith("~"))
if (equipment.Contains("&" + i.Substring(1) + "&"))
result = 0;
else if (!equipment.Contains("&" + i + "&"))
result = 0;
result = 1;
if (result == 1)
return result;
I think you may speed up your code by using HashSet. Try this:
var str1 = "A=1&AW=43&KO=96&R=7&WW=15&ZJ=80";
var str2 = "A=1&AG=77&AW=43&.....&KF=11&KO=96&.....&QW=55&R=7&....&WV=1&WW=15&....ZJ=80&";
var largeStringSet = new HashSet<string>(str2.Split('&'));
var allPartsIncluded = str1.Split('&').All(s => largeStringSet.Contains(s));

Sort Array on on Value Difference

I Have An Array,for example
string[] stArr= new string[5] { "1#3", "19#24", "10#12", "13#18", "20#21" };
i want to sort this array on
and the sorting result should be like
string[] stArr= new string[5] { "20#21", "1#3", "10#12", "13#18", "20#21" };
I have to find the solution for all possible cases.
1>length of the array is not fixed(element in the array)
2>y always greater than x e.g x#y
3> i can not use list
You can use LINQ:
var sorted = stArr.OrderBy(s => s.Split('#')
.Select(n => Int32.Parse(n))
.Aggregate((first,second) => first - second));
For Your Case:
stArr = stArr.OrderBy(s => s.Split('#')
.Select(n => Int32.Parse(n))
.Aggregate((first,second) => first - second)).ToArray();
try this
string[] stArr = new string[5] { "1#3", "19#24", "10#12", "13#18", "20#21" };
Array.Sort(stArr, new Comparison<string>(compare));
int compare(string z, string t)
var xarr = z.Split('#');
var yarr = t.Split('#');
var x1 = int.Parse(xarr[0]);
var y1 = int.Parse(xarr[1]);
var x2 = int.Parse(yarr[0]);
var y2 = int.Parse(yarr[1]);
return (y1 - x1).CompareTo(y2 - x2);
Solving this problem is identical to solving any other sorting problem where the order is to be specified by your code - you have to write a custom comparison method, and pass it to the built-in sorter.
In your situation, it means writing something like this:
private static int FindDiff(string s) {
// Split the string at #
// Parse both sides as int
// return rightSide-leftSide
private static int CompareDiff(string a, string b) {
return FindDiff(a).CompareTo(FindDiff(b));
public static void Main() {
... // Prepare your array
string[] stArr = ...
Array.Sort(stArr, CompareDiff);
This approach uses Array.Sort overload with the Comparison<T> delegate implemented in the CompareDiff method. The heart of the solution is the FindDiff method, which takes a string, and produces a numeric value which must be used for comparison.
you can try the following ( using traditional way)
public class Program
public static void Main()
string[] strArr= new string[5] { "1#3", "19#24", "10#12", "13#18", "20#21" };
var list = new List<Item>();
foreach(var item in strArr){
list.Add(new Item(item));
strArr = list.OrderBy(t=>t.Sort).Select(t=>t.Value).ToArray();
foreach(var item in strArr)
public class Item
public Item(string str)
var split = str.Split('#');
A = Convert.ToInt32(split[0]);
B = Convert.ToInt32(split[1]);
public int A{get; set;}
public int B{get; set;}
public int Sort { get { return Math.Abs(B - A);}}
public string Value { get { return string.Format("{0}#{1}",B,A); }}
here a working demo
hope it will help you
Without LINQ and Lists :) Old School.
static void Sort(string [] strArray)
string[] order = new string[strArray.Length];
string[] sortedarray = new string[strArray.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < strArray.Length; i++)
string[] values = strArray[i].ToString().Split('#');
int index=int.Parse(values[1].ToString()) - int.Parse(values[0].ToString());
order[i] = strArray[i].ToString() + "," + index;
for (int i = 0; i < order.Length; i++)
string[] values2 = order[i].ToString().Split(',');
if (sortedarray[int.Parse(values2[1].ToString())-1] == null)
sortedarray[int.Parse(values2[1].ToString())-1] = values2[0].ToString();
if ((int.Parse(values2[1].ToString())) >= sortedarray.Length)
sortedarray[(int.Parse(values2[1].ToString())-1) - 1] = values2[0].ToString();
else if ((int.Parse(values2[1].ToString())) < sortedarray.Length)
sortedarray[(int.Parse(values2[1].ToString())-1) + 1] = values2[0].ToString();
for (int i = 0; i < sortedarray.Length; i++)
catch (Exception ex)

C# List & Sort URLs by FileName

I want to make this:
To This:
I found filenames with regex. And I sorted them. So my codes are here:
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string gelenler = textBox2.Text;
gelenler = gelenler.Replace("\r\n\r\n", "\r\n");
string cikti = string.Empty;
string regex = #"([^\/\\]+\.\w+)$";
string[] parca = Regex.Split(gelenler, "\r\n");
string[] parca2 = new string[parca.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < parca.Length; i++)
string ad = match(regex, parca[i]);
parca2[i] = ad;
for (int j = 0; j < parca2.Length; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < parca2.Length; i++)
if (parca2[i].IndexOf(match(regex,parca[j]))!=-1)
textBox1.Text += parca[i] + Environment.NewLine;
parca[i] = "";
textBox1.Text += "#############" + Environment.NewLine;
private string match(string regex, string html, int i = 1)
return new Regex(regex, RegexOptions.Multiline).Match(html).Groups[i].Value.Trim();
But didn't working. Any ideas ?
//Sorry my English
I think always the best idea is to use existing .net framework stuff, as in this case Path.GetFileName:
var strings = new[]
strings = strings.OrderBy(x => Path.GetFileName(x)).ToArray();
foreach (var s in strings)
I think you mean grouping the files; in which case the following code can be used:
IEnumerable<IGrouping<string, string>> groups = strings.GroupBy(x => Path.GetFileName(x)).OrderBy(g => g.Key);
foreach (var group in groups)
foreach (var str in group)
You should use the Uri class. Use the Segements property in order to get the file name (it will be the last segment).
var uris = new[]
new Uri("http://anywhere.com/file/mybirthday.avi"),
new Uri("http://anywhere.com/file/yourbirthday.avi"),
new Uri("http://somewhere.com/file/mybirthday.avi"),
new Uri("http://somewhere.com/file/yourbirthday.avi")
var filename = uris.OrderBy(x => x.Segments[x.Segments.Length - 1]).ToArray();
foreach (var f in filename)
