I'm storing users table-column-configuration in a simple class:
public class ColumnUserSetting : IComparable<ColumnUserSetting>
public String TableWrapperName { get; set; }
public String ColumnName { get; set; }
public Boolean Enabled { get; set; }
public int Width { get; set; }
public int Position { get; set; }
these classes are stored inside a SortedSet - so, it needed to implement IComparable<>, which i implemented based on position, as the documentation says its about position comparison - nothing said they can't be the same:
public class ColumnUserSetting : IComparable<ColumnUserSetting>
public String TableWrapperName { get; set; }
public String ColumnName { get; set; }
public Boolean Enabled { get; set; }
public int Width { get; set; }
public int Position { get; set; }
public int CompareTo(ColumnUserSetting other)
if (other.Position == this.Position) return 0;
if (other.Position > this.Position) return -1;
return 1;
However, this seems to behave like "equals" in the same run. Entries having the SAME Position are overwriting each other within the set. (Even if table an column is different)
the MSDN Docu says: "Types that implement IComparable must override Equals. Types that override Equals must also override GetHashCode; otherwise, Hashtable might not work correctly."
So, I implemented these two as well, with no success:
public class ColumnUserSetting : IComparable<ColumnUserSetting>
public String TableWrapperName { get; set; }
public String ColumnName { get; set; }
public Boolean Enabled { get; set; }
public int Width { get; set; }
public int Position { get; set; }
public int CompareTo(ColumnUserSetting other)
if (other.Position == this.Position) return 0;
if (other.Position > this.Position) return -1;
return 1;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (!(obj is ColumnUserSetting))
return false;
ColumnUserSetting cus = (ColumnUserSetting)obj;
return (this.TableWrapperName == cus.TableWrapperName &&
this.ColumnName == cus.TableWrapperName &&
this.Enabled == cus.Enabled &&
this.Width == cus.Width &&
this.Position == cus.Position);
public override int GetHashCode()
var hashcode = 352033288;
hashcode = hashcode * -1521134295 + TableWrapperName.GetHashCode();
hashcode = hashcode * -1521134295 + ColumnName.GetHashCode();
hashcode = hashcode * -1521134295 + Enabled.GetHashCode();
hashcode = hashcode * -1521134295 + Width.GetHashCode();
hashcode = hashcode * -1521134295 + Position.GetHashCode();
return hashcode;
Only way to get the SortedSet to work as expected was to handle entries of different tables with another result from CompareTo:
public int CompareTo(ColumnUserSetting other)
if (this.TableWrapperName != other.TableWrapperName)
return String.Compare(this.TableWrapperName, other.TableWrapperName);
if (other.Position == this.Position) return 0;
if (other.Position > this.Position) return -1;
return 1;
Is this a bug or a feature?
If we inspect the reference source code for SortedSet, we can look at the implementation of AddIfNotPresent(). This returns true if an item was added, or false if the item already exists.
Near the start of the method, we have:
int order = 0;
while (current != null) {
order = comparer.Compare(item, current.Item);
if (order == 0) {
// We could have changed root node to red during the search process.
// We need to set it to black before we return.
root.IsRed = false;
return false;
So it is only calling the Compare() method to see if the item is the same. Thus, for your class, it only cares if Position is the same. If it is, the new item is not added.
I would say that this is a deliberate design - it's not a bug.
You will have to change your CompareTo() implementation so that it compares all the same elements as the Equals(). Just call each element's CompareTo() to do a complete ordering.
The goal is to create a method which generically performs calculations on a property of a list of objects in a performant manner. Below is the entire test code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace TestApp
public class Minute
public DateTime DateTimeUtc { get; set; }
public float Source { get; set; }
public float Mult2 { get; set; }
public float Mult3 { get; set; }
public float Mult4 { get; set; }
class Program
public static List<Minute> Minutes = new List<Minute>();
static void Main(string[] args)
for (int i = 1; i < 10000000; i++)
Minute newMinute = new Minute();
newMinute.Source = i;
GenerateMult2(Minutes, 2); // 160 ms
GenerateMult2Generic(Minutes, typeof(Minute), nameof(Minute.Source), nameof(Minute.Mult2),2); // 4300 ms
public static void GenerateMult2(List<Minute> Minutes, int multiplier)
for (int i = 0; i < Minutes.Count; i++)
// Simplified calculation, there will eventually be a lot more code that goes here!
Minutes[i].Mult2 = Minutes[i].Source * multiplier;
public static void GenerateMult2Generic<T>(List<T> SourceList, Type ContainerType, string propNameSource, string propNameMult, int multiplier)
var propertyInfoSource = ContainerType.GetProperty(propNameSource);
var propertyInfoMult = ContainerType.GetProperty(propNameMult);
foreach (T item in SourceList)
float sourceValue = (float)propertyInfoSource.GetValue(item);
propertyInfoMult.SetValue(item, sourceValue * multiplier);
In this test app there is a method called GenerateMult2, whose purpose is to make some calculation on one of the properties in a list of Minute objects. This method works fine and is fast. The problem is that the method is too specific. If I wanted to do the same calculations on the properties Mult3 and Mult4, I would need to make a separate method for each of these properties, which is too much duplicated code. I want to make this method more generic, which is, I want the method to accept lists of other types as well, for example a list of Day objects or Second objects. Furthermore, I want to tell the method which property to perform the calculations on.
So I've made an attempt at creating a generic method called GenerateMult2Generic. This method performs the exact same calculation as the GenerateMult2 method, and is multipurpose, which is what I want. The huge disadvantage is that it's way too slow due to the reflections.
How can the GenerateMult2 method be made in a generic fashion, but with a performance penalty of no more than 5%?
Update with solution
Having studied the answers here, the best is one that was given by Ed Plunkett, but somehow was removed. Therefore, I'm posting the original code updated with the ideas from that answer:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace TestApp
public class Minute : BaseTime
public float MovingAverageFast { get; set; }
public float MovingAverageSlow { get; set; }
public float RsiFast { get; set; }
public float RsiSlow { get; set; }
public class Day : BaseTime
public float MovingAverageFast { get; set; }
public float MovingAverageSlow { get; set; }
public float RsiFast { get; set; }
public float RsiSlow { get; set; }
public class BaseTime
public DateTime DateTimeUtc { get; set; }
public float Source { get; set; }
class Program
public static List<Minute> Minutes = new List<Minute>();
public static List<Day> Days = new List<Day>();
static void Main(string[] args)
Minutes = Enumerable.Range(1, 10000000).Select(n => new Minute { Source = n }).ToList();
Days = Enumerable.Range(1, 10000000).Select(n => new Day { Source = n }).ToList();
// Generating data for Minutes
GenerateMovingAverage(Minutes, 100, (m, value) => ((Minute)m).MovingAverageFast = value);
GenerateMovingAverage(Minutes, 500, (m, value) => ((Minute)m).MovingAverageSlow = value);
GenerateRsi(Minutes, 60, (m, value) => ((Minute)m).RsiFast = value);
GenerateRsi(Minutes, 250, (m, value) => ((Minute)m).RsiSlow = value);
// Generating data for Days
GenerateMovingAverage(Days, 8, (d, value) => ((Day)d).MovingAverageFast = value);
GenerateMovingAverage(Days, 45, (d, value) => ((Day)d).MovingAverageSlow = value);
GenerateRsi(Days, 5, (d, value) => ((Day)d).RsiFast = value);
GenerateRsi(Days, 21, (d, value) => ((Day)d).RsiSlow = value);
public static void GenerateMovingAverage(IEnumerable<BaseTime> BaseTimeObjects, int Period, Action<BaseTime, float> setter)
foreach (var BaseTimeObject in BaseTimeObjects)
float newValue;
newValue = BaseTimeObject.Source * Period; // pseudo calculation for generating moving average
setter(BaseTimeObject, newValue);
public static void GenerateRsi(IEnumerable<BaseTime> BaseTimeObjects, int Period, Action<BaseTime, float> setter)
foreach (var BaseTimeObject in BaseTimeObjects)
float newValue;
newValue = BaseTimeObject.Source / Period; // pseudo calculation for generating rsi
setter(BaseTimeObject, newValue);
The key idea here is setting the property via an Action in the caller. With this solution, the calculation methods are reused for any object and any property with good performance.
In addition to what #iSR5 wrote, you might consider using a factory design pattern, making classes that do the actual calculations. This would be good if you don't know what you actually need to do until run time.
public interface IMultiValueGenerator
void GenerateValue(ITimeMulti multi, int multiplier);
public class Multi2Generator : IMultiValueGenerator
public void GenerateValue(ITimeMulti multi, int multiplier)
multi.Mult2 = multi.Source * multiplier;
public static class MultiGeneratorFactory
public static IMultiValueGenerator GetGenerator(...)
if (condition)
return new Multi2Generator();
// etc
Not sure if I've got the full picture here, but from my understanding, you'll need to have an interface with a base class. The interface is the one that you'll use to define the object, while the base class is the container for all common operations, which can be inhered by the class children. Then, you can create child class (as many as you want) and inherit the base class. The child class will have its required properties, methods, and logic if needed.
Enough talking, let's take it in code :
interface ITimeMulti
DateTime DateTimeUtc { get; set; }
float Source { get; set; }
// will be used for number of available properties.
int MultCount { get; }
// the main method for generating the multipliers.
void Generate(int multNumber, int multiplier);
Simple ? let's now create the base class :
public class TimeMulti : ITimeMulti
public DateTime DateTimeUtc { get; set; }
public float Source { get; set; }
// Using Dictionary will be much faster than Reflection
protected static Dictionary<string, float> Multipliers { get; set; }
// Number of Properties (the set should be within the derived classes)
public int MultCount { get; protected set; }
// This is a restriction to create this instance from the derived classes only
private TimeMulti() { }
// for derived classes
protected TimeMulti(int multCount)
// Should be in this constructor only
// This is the main method to generate the multiplication part.
public void Generate(int multNumber, int multiplier)
if (multNumber == 0)
Multipliers["Mult"] = Source * multiplier;
else if (Multipliers.ContainsKey("Mult" + multNumber))
// store the value in the dictionary (this is for reference)
Multipliers["Mult" + multNumber] = SetMult(multNumber, Source * multiplier);
throw new NullReferenceException();
// On new instance, this will fired, which will setup the dictionary
protected void Initiate(int numberOfMultipliers)
// Ensure you have an active instance of the dictionary
if (Multipliers == null)
Multipliers = new Dictionary<string, float>();
// Ensurance
if(numberOfMultipliers > 0)
MultCount = numberOfMultipliers;
for (int x = 1; x <= numberOfMultipliers; x++)
if (!Multipliers.ContainsKey("Mult" + x))
Multipliers.Add("Mult" + x, 0);
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
// this is where we will replace Reflection, here is just returning the multValue
// we will override it on the derived classes
protected virtual float SetMult(int MultNumber, float multValue) => multValue;
Now, the derived class
public class Minute : TimeMulti
public float Mult1 { get; set; }
public float Mult2 { get; set; }
public float Mult3 { get; set; }
public float Mult4 { get; set; }
// MultCount = 4
public Minute(): base(4) { }
// This method will set the value of the property using switch statment, with this, you will avoid Reflection.
protected override float SetMult(int multNumber, float multValue)
switch (multNumber)
case 1:
Mult1 = multValue;
case 2:
Mult2 = multValue;
case 3:
Mult3 = multValue;
case 4:
Mult4 = multValue;
return multValue;
Now, you can do this :
class Program
// Create List with type of the ITimeMulti interface
public static List<ITimeMulti> Minutes = new List<ITimeMulti>();
static void Main(string[] args)
// Generate a sample
for (int i = 1; i < 10000000; i++)
Minutes.Add(new Minute() { Source = i});
// Calculate
GenerateMultipliers(Minutes, 1, 2);
public static void GenerateMultipliers(List<ITimeMulti> source, int multNumber, int multiplier)
for (int i = 0; i < source.Count; i++)
source[i].Generate(multNumber, multiplier);
If you want to create a new derived class :
public class Day : TimeMulti
// Properties
public float Mult1 { get; set; }
// Constructor
public Day(): base(1) { }
// This method to map the values to the properties
protected override float SetMult(int multNumber, float multValue)
switch (multNumber)
case 1:
Mult1 = multValue;
return multValue;
This is just an example to give you a new ideas, you can do your own magic. I wouldn't go with Mult1 ...etc. I would go with a unique and a descriptive names.
Updated :
You can improve the performance of your updated code, by gathering all common properties in the base and make use of virtual and override if you want to have something override-able in a child class. Or, use interface and struct instead of classes. Also, instead of using IEnumerable use Array this would improve your performance as well.
public class BaseTime
// shared proprties
public DateTime DateTimeUtc { get; set; }
public float Source { get; set; }
public float MovingAverageFast { get; set; }
public float MovingAverageSlow { get; set; }
public float RsiFast { get; set; }
public float RsiSlow { get; set; }
public class Minute : BaseTime
// add your custom code for Minute
// No need for recreating them, since it's already inherited from the base
public class Day : BaseTime
// add your custom code for Day
// No need for recreating them, since it's already inherited from the base
class Program
public static BaseTime[] Minutes;
public static BaseTime[] Days;
static void Main(string[] args)
Minutes = Enumerable.Range(1, 10000000).Select(n => (BaseTime) new Minute { Source = n }).ToArray();
Days = Enumerable.Range(1, 10000000).Select(n => (BaseTime) new Day { Source = n }).ToArray();
// Generating data for Minutes
GenerateMovingAverage(Minutes, 100, (m, value) => m.MovingAverageFast = value);
GenerateRsi(Minutes, 60, (m, value) => m.RsiFast = value);
GenerateRsi(Minutes, 250, (m, value) => m.RsiSlow = value);
// Generating data for Days
GenerateMovingAverage(Days, 8, (d, value) => d.MovingAverageFast = value);
GenerateMovingAverage(Days, 45, (d, value) => d.MovingAverageSlow = value);
GenerateRsi(Days, 5, (d, value) => d.RsiFast = value);
GenerateRsi(Days, 21, (d, value) => d.RsiSlow = value);
public static void GenerateMovingAverage(BaseTime[] BaseTimeObjects, int Period, Action<BaseTime, float> setter)
foreach (var BaseTimeObject in BaseTimeObjects)
setter(BaseTimeObject, BaseTimeObject.Source * Period);
public static void GenerateRsi(BaseTime[] BaseTimeObjects, int Period, Action<BaseTime, float> setter)
foreach (var BaseTimeObject in BaseTimeObjects)
setter(BaseTimeObject, BaseTimeObject.Source / Period);
I have a problem. I created a TriangleGrid using SkiaSharp. While I was drawing the grid I saved each triangle info in a Dictionary. The Dictionary looks like this:
public class TriangleRegistryObject
public float x1 { get; set; }
public float y1 { get; set; }
public float x2 { get; set; }
public float y2 { get; set; }
public float x3 { get; set; }
public float y3 { get; set; }
public bool Selected { get; set; }
public bool Visible { get; set; }
Now when I select a Triangle I set the boolean Selected to true. At the end I want to check if the Triangles I have selected are connected with eachother. I thought I could count the connected lines. Here is an example image:
Now I want to count the purple lines where Selected=true.
I have every coordinate (x1, y1) (x2, y2) and (x3, y3).
Here is the code I use that return 0 for me!
public static bool ValidLayout()
bool IsValid;
int sharedEdges;
int SelectedTriangles = TriangleRegistry.Count(tr => tr.Value.Selected.Equals(true));
var triangles = new List<TriangleRegistryList>();
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, TriangleRegistryObject> row in TriangleRegistry.Where(n => n.Value.Selected == true).ToList())
triangles.Add(new TriangleRegistryList { x1 = row.Value.x1,
y1 = row.Value.y1,
x2 = row.Value.x2,
y2 = row.Value.y2,
x3 = row.Value.x3,
y3 = row.Value.y3
sharedEdges = triangles.GetKCombs(2).Where(t => t.First().IsAdjacentTo(t.Skip(1).Take(1).Single())).Count();
if (sharedEdges >= (SelectedTriangles - 1))
IsValid = true;
IsValid = false;
return IsValid;
But I have no idea how I can compare the coordinates with each other, to count the connected lines!
Can someone help me?
Here is a very simple solution. It definitely isn't the most efficient, but it gets the job done.
I've added a method to your triangle class that returns true if it shares at least 2 vertices with another triangle.
I've also used a method of finding the distinct permutations that is slightly modified from the one discussed here.
public class Program
public static void Main()
var triangles = new List<TriangleRegistryObject>{
new TriangleRegistryObject{x1=10,y1=10, x2=12,y2=10, x3=1,y3=11},
new TriangleRegistryObject{x1=9,y1=11, x2=11,y2=11, x3=10,y3=10},
new TriangleRegistryObject{x1=9,y1=11, x2=11,y2=11, x3=10,y3=12},
new TriangleRegistryObject{x1=34,y1=14, x2=15,y2=11, x3=10,y3=12},
var sharedEdges = triangles.GetPairs().Where(t => t.first.IsAdjacentTo(t.second)).Count();
Console.WriteLine($"Number shared edges: {sharedEdges}");
public class TriangleRegistryObject
public float x1 { get; set; }
public float y1 { get; set; }
public float x2 { get; set; }
public float y2 { get; set; }
public float x3 { get; set; }
public float y3 { get; set; }
public bool Selected { get; set; }
public bool Visible { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<(float x, float y)> GetPoints()
yield return (x1, y1);
yield return (x2, y2);
yield return (x3, y3);
public bool IsAdjacentTo(TriangleRegistryObject other)
return this.GetPoints().Intersect(other.GetPoints()).Count() >= 2;
public static class EnumerableExtensions
public static IEnumerable<(T first, T second)> GetPairs<T>(this IEnumerable<T> list)
return list.SelectMany((value, index) => list.Skip(index + 1),
(first, second) => (first, second));
I am using the HashSet and Dictionary in C# to implement a Graph structure. I have a problem with the uniqueness of HashSet elements when the HashSet key is a customized class. Here I have:
public class Point
public int x { get; set; }
public int y { get; set; }
public class Vertex
public Vertex(Point point)
VertexLabel = point;
public Point VertexLabel { get; private set; }
public class Edge
public Edge(Vertex to, Vertex from, double weight)
FromVertex = from;
ToVertex = to;
Weight = weight;
public Vertex FromVertex { get; private set; }
public Vertex ToVertex { get; private set; }
public double Weight { get; private set; }
public class Graph
public Graph()
_Vertexes = new HashSet<Vertex>();
_VertexEdgeMapping = new Dictionary<Vertex, LinkedList<Edge>>();
private HashSet<Vertex> _Vertexes;
private Dictionary<Vertex, LinkedList<Edge>> _VertexEdgeMapping;
The problem is that when I have same vertexes and I want to add them to the graph, they get duplicated. how can I define a way that the HashSet would understand the uniqueness of my vertexes?
Override Equals and GetHashCode in Vertex (and probably Point for simplicity), quite possibly implement IEquatable<T> as you go
Create your own implementation of IEqualityComparer<Vertex> and pass that to the constructor of the HashSet<Vertex>
The first option is likely to be the simplest, but I would strongly recommend that you make Point immutable first: mutable types (or types containing mutable types) don't make good hash keys. I'd probably make it a struct, too:
public struct Point : IEquatable<Point>
private readonly int x, y;
public int X { get { return x; } }
public int Y { get { return y; } }
public Point(int x, int y)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public override int GetHashCode()
return 31 * x + 17 * y; // Or something like that
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return obj is Point && Equals((Point) obj);
public bool Equals(Point p)
return x == p.x && y == p.y;
// TODO: Consider overloading the == and != operators
... then override GetHashCode and Equals and implement IEquatable<> in Vertex too, e.g.
// Note: sealed to avoid oddities around equality and inheritance
public sealed class Vertex : IEquatable<Vertex>
public Vertex(Point point)
VertexLabel = point;
public Point VertexLabel { get; private set; }
public override int GetHashCode()
return VertexLabel.GetHashCode();
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return Equals(obj as Vertex);
public bool Equals(Vertex vertex)
return vertex != null && vertex.VertexLabel.Equals(VertexLabel);
Override GetHashCode() and Equals() methods of Vertex class.
Below is example, but you should use a bit better hashing algorithm than mine :)
public class Vertex
public Vertex(Point point)
VertexLabel = point;
public Point VertexLabel { get; private set; }
public override int GetHashCode()
return VertexLabel.X + VertexLabel.Y;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
//your logic for comparing Vertex
As others have said, override the GetHashCode() of the Vertex class.
Also override the .Equals method. Dictionary will use both GetHashCode and Equals to determine equality.
This is why Dictionary isn't replacing vertices. Vertices with the same coordinates are still fundamentally different as far as the Dictionary is concerned.
I won't pollute your question with yet another source code example as Jon and gzaxx have offered 2 very fine examples already.
I'm trying to sort a custom BindingList. But i came across the problem that my Comparer does not recognize the properties of my class.
The "x.Code_PK_OriginalValue" is not recognized. The weird thing is that intellisense marks "Begrenzingen" in Comparer class different as "Begrenzingen" in the first code block beneath.
BindingListX<Begrenzingen> lst = new BindingListX<Begr.....;
lst.OrderBy(t => t, new CustomComparer<Begrenzingen>());
public class CustomComparer<Begrenzingen> : IComparer<Begrenzingen>
private readonly Comparison<Begrenzingen> _comparison;
public CustomComparer()
_comparison = new Comparison<Begrenzingen>(
(Begrenzingen x, Begrenzingen y) =>
return x.Code_PK_OriginalValue.CompareTo(y.Code_PK_OriginalValue);
public int Compare(Begrenzingen x, Begrenzingen y)
return _comparison(x, y);
public class BindingListX<T> : BindingList<T>
public void OrderBy(Func<T,T> keySelector, IComparer<T> comparer)
this.Items.OrderBy(keySelector, comparer);
public class Begrenzingen : DefaultTable, IComparable<Begrenzingen>
public Begrenzingen()
{ //New -> Insert DB
Code_PK_OriginalValue = -1;
isDeleted = false;
public decimal Code_PK_OriginalValue { get; set; }
public decimal Code_PK { get; set; }
public string Naam { get; set; }
public decimal? SeqLayer { get; set; }
public Boolean isDeleted { get; set; }
public string SeqLayerDisplayValue {
get {
if (SeqLayer == null) return string.Empty;
return (from sdo in MainWindow.Main.SdoLayers where sdo.SeqLayer == this.SeqLayer select sdo.DisplayValue).First();
public override string ToString()
return String.Format("{0};{1};{2};{3}", Code_PK_OriginalValue, Code_PK, Naam, SeqLayer);
public int CompareTo(Begrenzingen o)
return Code_PK.CompareTo(o.Code_PK);
How about just lst.OrderBy(t => t.Code_PK_OriginalValue);