Linq to SQL C#: items between dates - c#

I have 2 tables in my SQL server 2012:
Errors (id, cityID, centerID, date)
InspectionVisits (id, cityID, centerID, datePerformed)
I am trying to get the number of errors between inspection visits to see if there is an improvement in the center with the specific centerID and build a chart.
This is my code so far but I can't find out how I can write the where clause to get the number of errors between these inspection visits:
var errorsPerIV = from e in dc.Errors
where e.cityID == ctid && e.centerID == centerid
group e by into g
join iv in dc.InspectionVisits on g.FirstOrDefault().cityID equals iv.cityID
where iv.centerID == g.FirstOrDefault().centerID
select new
Day = g.Key.Day + "/" +
g.Key.Month + "/" +
Errors = g.Count()
Sample Case
Something like: 5 errors between Inspection_Visit_1 and Inspection_Visit_2, 2 errors between Inspection_Visit_2 and Inspection_Visit_3 and 1 error between Inspection_Visit_3 and today.
Maybe it could work if I show queries per day and mark only the inspection visits in the chart's x axis.

I'm not sure if there is a better way, but you could do something like the following
Suppose you have a class like
public class Summary
public DateTime? PreviousInspection;
public DateTime? NextInspection;
public int Errors;
then you can get most of the information by having a query like
var errorsPerIV = (from e in dc.Errors
where e.cityID == ctid && e.centreID == centreid
// Find the date of the previous inspection (if any)
let previousInspection = (from i in dc.InspectionVisits where i.cityID == e.cityID && i.centreID == e.centreID && i.datePerformed <= orderby i.datePerformed descending select i.datePerformed).FirstOrDefault()
// Find the date of the next inspection (if any)
let nextInspection = (from i in dc.InspectionVisits where i.cityID == e.cityID && i.centreID == e.centreID && i.datePerformed > orderby i.datePerformed ascending select i.datePerformed).FirstOrDefault()
group e by new { previousInspection , nextInspection } into results
orderby results.Key.previousInspection
select new Summary
PreviousInspection = results.Key.previousInspection,
NextInspection = results.Key.nextInspection ,
Errors = results.Count()
However if there are no errors between two visits, then these visits will not appear in your list, so you need to find all the visits and see if there missing, ie something like
var inspectionsDates = (from i in InspectionVisits where i.cityID == ctid && i.centreID == centreid orderby i.datePerformed select i.datePerformed).ToList();
for(int i=0; i< inspectionsDates.Count-1; i++)
if (!errorsPerIV.Any(a=>a.PreviousInspection == inspectionsDates[i]))
errorsPerIV.Add(new Summary() { PreviousInspection = inspectionsDates[i], NextInspection = inspectionsDates[i + 1], Errors = 0});

I think this would be easiest processed on the client side.
First you want to get the interesting InspectionVisits and order them by date, then convert to an Enumerable to pull them to the client:
var orderedIVs = InspectionVisits.Where(iv => iv.cityID == ctid && iv.centerID == centerid).Select(iv => iv.dateperformed).OrderBy(ivdp => ivdp).AsEnumerable();
Now using an extension method that processes along the Enumerable to compute a running value (it is called Scan because it is modeled after the APL Scan operator, which is like an Aggregate that returns all the intermediate values):
// TKey combineFn(T prev, T cur)
// TKey lastKeyFn(T cur)
public static IEnumerable<TResult> Scan<T, TResult>(this IEnumerable<T> src, Func<T, T, TResult> combineFn, Func<T, TResult> lastKeyFn) {
using (var srce = src.GetEnumerator()) {
if (srce.MoveNext()) {
var prev = srce.Current;
while (srce.MoveNext()) {
yield return combineFn(prev, srce.Current);
prev = srce.Current;
yield return lastKeyFn(prev);
You can compute the periods for the inspection visits:
var IVPeriods = orderedIVs.Scan((prev, cur) => new { Begin = prev, End = cur }, cur => new { Begin = cur, End = DateTime.Now });
Finally, with the periods you can count the Errors that occurred between each period:
var errorsPerIV = IVPeriods.Select(ivp => new { Day = ivp.Begin.Date, Count = Errors.Where(e => ivp.Begin <= && <= ivp.End).Count() });
If you want to process this on the server side, you must join the InspectionVisits table to itself so you can create the periods. I have not tested this with SQL server:
var orderedIVs = InspectionVisits.Where(iv => iv.cityID == ctid && iv.centerID == centerid).Select(iv => iv.dateperformed).OrderBy(ivdp => ivdp);
var IVPeriods = (from ivb in orderedIVs
from ive in orderedIVs
where ivb < ive
group ive by ivb into iveg
select new { Begin = iveg.Key, End = iveg.OrderBy(iv => iv).First() })
.Concat((from ivb in orderedIVs orderby ivb descending select new { Begin = ivb, End = DateTime.Now }).Take(1));
var errorsPerIV = IVPeriods.Select(ivp => new { Day = ivp.Begin.Date, Count = Errors.Where(e => ivp.Begin <= && <= ivp.End).Count() });


Why Same where clause need to write multiple times in a Linq Query for following SQL

What will be the proper linq syntax of below SQL Query ?
select, a.AppointmentStatusID, ad.ID as DetailID
from [dbo].[Appointment] a, [dbo].[AppointmentDetail] ad
where a.[ID] = ad.[AppointmentID]
and a.CompanyID = 'a3dea87a-804e-4115-98cf-472988cf1678'
and a.LocationID = '3165caca-2a48-46f0-bbed-578cff29167t'
and ad.AppDateFrom <= {ts '2017-11-14 23:59:31'}
and ad.AppDateTo >= {ts '2017-11-14 00:00:00'}
and ad.[ApprovalStatusID] = 2
Problem I faced:
I required to filter Where Condition two times 1st at the time within the join & 2nd time during the object.Select expression, please check bellow
var results = (from a in appointments
join ad in _appointmentDetailRepository.GetAll() on a.ID equals ad.AppointmentID
where ad.ApprovalStatusID == 2
&& DbFunctions.TruncateTime(ad.AppDateFrom) <= DbFunctions.TruncateTime(viewmodel.AppointmentDate)
&& DbFunctions.TruncateTime(ad.AppDateTo) >= DbFunctions.TruncateTime(viewmodel.AppointmentDate)
orderby a.ID
select new Appointment
ID = a.ID,
CompanyID = a.CompanyID,
LocationID = a.LocationID,
AppointmentDetail = a.AppointmentDetail.Select(ad => new AppointmentDetail
ID = ad.ID,
AppDateFrom = ad.AppDateFrom,
AppDateTo = ad.AppDateTo,
AppointmentStatusID = ad.AppointmentStatusID,
}).Where(ad=> ad.ApprovalStatusID == 2
&& DbFunctions.TruncateTime(ad.AppDateFrom) <= DbFunctions.TruncateTime(viewmodel.AppointmentDate)
&& DbFunctions.TruncateTime(ad.AppDateTo) >= DbFunctions.TruncateTime(viewmodel.AppointmentDate)).ToList()
}).GroupBy(x => x.ID).Select(x => x.DefaultIfEmpty().FirstOrDefault());
Query : Why I required to write Where clause 2 times ?
Required Result
An Appointment Object --> Containing ICollection<AppoinmentDetails> if Details.Where Condition == True
From what I see (without knowing the model you have), it looks like you should use the already joined and filtered Details from ad instead of looking it up again from the Property a.AppointmentDetail...
select new Appointment
ID = a.ID,
CompanyID = a.CompanyID,
LocationID = a.LocationID,
AppointmentDetail = ad.ToList(), // <-- don't you think?
For the given SQL query
select, a.AppointmentStatusID, ad.ID as DetailID
from [dbo].[Appointment] a, [dbo].[AppointmentDetail] ad
where a.[ID] = ad.[AppointmentID]
and a.CompanyID = 'a3dea87a-804e-4115-98cf-472988cf1678'
and a.LocationID = '3165caca-2a48-46f0-bbed-578cff29167t'
and ad.AppDateFrom <= {ts '2017-11-14 23:59:31'}
and ad.AppDateTo >= {ts '2017-11-14 00:00:00'}
and ad.[ApprovalStatusID] = 2
LINQ query can be written as
var results = (from a in appointments
join ad in appointmentDetails on a.ID equals ad.AppointmentID
where ad.ApprovalStatusID == 2
&& a.CompanyID == "a3dea87a-804e-4115-98cf-472988cf1678"
&& a.LocationID == "3165caca-2a48-46f0-bbed-578cff29167t"
&& ad.AppDateFrom.Date <= viewmodel.AppointmentDate.Date
&& ad.AppDateTo.Date >= viewmodel.AppointmentDate.Date
select new
ID = a.ID,
AppointmentStatusID = a.AppointmentStatusID,
DetailID = ad.ID
You can also write it like
var results = appointmentDetails
.Where(ad => ad.AppDateFrom.Date <= viewmodel.AppointmentDate.Date
&& ad.AppDateTo.Date >= viewmodel.AppointmentDate.Date
&& ad.ApprovalStatusID == 2
&& ad.Appointment.CompanyID == "a3dea87a-804e-4115-98cf-472988cf1678"
&& ad.Appointment.LocationID == "3165caca-2a48-46f0-bbed-578cff29167t")
.Select(ad =>
ID = ad.Appointment.ID,
AppointmentStatusID = ad.Appointment.AppointmentStatusID,
DetailID = ad.ID
As per the updated question, to get the the Appointment object with a collection of AppointmentDetails, please try this query
var results = appointmentDetails
.Where(ad => ad.AppDateFrom.Date <= viewmodel.AppointmentDate.Date
&& ad.AppDateTo.Date >= viewmodel.AppointmentDate.Date
&& ad.ApprovalStatusID == 2
&& ad.Appointment.CompanyID == "a3dea87a-804e-4115-98cf-472988cf1678"
&& ad.Appointment.LocationID == "3165caca-2a48-46f0-bbed-578cff29167t")
.Select(ad =>
ID = ad.Appointment.ID,
AppointmentStatusID = ad.Appointment.AppointmentStatusID,
Detail = ad
.GroupBy(a => new { a.ID, a.AppointmentStatusID })
.Select(a => new Appointment
ID = a.Key.ID,
AppointmentStatusID = a.Key.AppointmentStatusID,
AppointmentDetails = a.Select(d => d.Detail).ToList()

Linq Min in Select new & Multiple GroupBy columns

I want to write following query in Linq
WHERE TIME_FLD1='T0003' AND INDATE >= '31/05/2015' AND INDATE <= '31/05/2015'
AND TIME_DATE1='31/05/2015'
SO I am trying this :-
var data = ctx.tblInOut.Where(m => m.CompanyId == companyId && m.Time_Field1 == item.ShiftCode && m.InDate == StrInStart && m.InDate <= StrInEnd && m.Time_Date1 == InputDate).Select(m =>
EmployeeId = m.EmployeeId,
InDate = Min(m.InDate),
Time_Date1 = m.Time_Date1,
InOutFlag = m.InOutFlag
I am stuck in Min Part. How to get Min in Select? And How to add multiple GroupBy in Linq?
Try something like this:
var data = ctx.tblInOut
.Where(m =>
m.CompanyId == companyId &&
m.Time_Field1 == item.ShiftCode &&
m.InDate == StrInStart &&
m.InDate <= StrInEnd &&
m.Time_Date1 == InputDate
.GroupBy(m =>
new {
.Select(g =>
InDate = m.Min(gg => gg.InDate),
Something = "I",
SomeDate = "31/05/2015"
To get Min, you must group first - otherwise it's trying to call Min on a single element.
.Key simply references the key of the group (in this case, a tuple of Code, Date1, Time_FLD1, Time_FLD2)

Get all if variable is null else get matching

Can't figure out the logic for Get all records if variable is null else get where officername = officer.
var res = (from h in db.BalanceHistories
where temp.Contains(h.LoanType ?? 0)
&& ((officer != null && h.OfficerName.ToLower() == officer.ToLower()) || ("Get all records"))
group h by new { h.Date.Value.Month, h.Date.Value.Year } into p
select new
Month = p.Key.Month,
Year = p.Key.Year,
Count = p.Count(),
Balance = p.Sum(x => x.Balance),
Delinquent = p.Sum(x => x.Delinquent)
While you can make a compound if statement, this will (usually -- currently always) pass this compound statement on to the database. In many cases, this can cause index misses which if done correctly wouldn't be missed. In non-Microsoft SQL servers, these types of queries are also known to just plain not work (MySQL, DB2). It's better to just write the query correctly in the first place:
var query = db.BalanceHistories
.Where(h=>temp.Contains(h.LoanType ?? 0));
if (officer!=null)
// Depending on your database, the ToLower()s here may not be needed.
query=query.Where(h=>h.OfficerName.ToLower() == officer.ToLower()))
var res=(from h in query
group h by new { h.Date.Value.Month, h.Date.Value.Year } into p
select new
Month = p.Key.Month,
Year = p.Key.Year,
Count = p.Count(),
Balance = p.Sum(x => x.Balance),
Delinquent = p.Sum(x => x.Delinquent)
Just swap ("Get all records") with (officer == null), Although i would suggest you to put this condition at first.
If officer == null than respect to short circut law we will return true and the rest of our condition won't matter.
Else means officer != null and thus we want to check if it matches our h.OfficerName data.
End result:
res = (from h in db.BalanceHistories
where temp.Contains(h.LoanType ?? 0)
&& (
officer == null
|| h.OfficerName.ToLower() == officer.ToLower())
group h by new { h.Date.Value.Month, h.Date.Value.Year } into p
select new
Month = p.Key.Month,
Year = p.Key.Year,
Count = p.Count(),
Balance = p.Sum(x => x.Balance),
Delinquent = p.Sum(x => x.Delinquent)
Have you tried:
var res = (from h in db.BalanceHistories
where temp.Contains(h.LoanType ?? 0)
&& ((officer == null) || (h.OfficerName.ToLower() == officer.ToLower()))
group h by new { h.Date.Value.Month, h.Date.Value.Year } into p
select new
Month = p.Key.Month,
Year = p.Key.Year,
Count = p.Count(),
Balance = p.Sum(x => x.Balance),
Delinquent = p.Sum(x => x.Delinquent)

LINQ pivot top 5 rows to columns

The desired output is a set of rows containing details about a physician and the top 5 procedures they performed (by volume) that are not in our benchmarking tables - with a minimum of one per month. Even with my limited LINQ experience, I have managed to get this working, but the performance in abysmal. In the spirit of becoming better at LINQ, I thought I'd see if there was a better way to approach this (besides coding in SQL).
Here is the entire method, although I believe it is the final statement (var report =) that deserves the most attention.
//Get the Providers for the selected AccessLevel & Report Period
var providerRiskLevels = GetProviderRiskLevelForAccessLevel(userAccessLevelId, reportPeriodId, providerNamePiece);
short benchmarkYear = (
from rp in db.ReportPeriods
where rp.ReportPeriodId == reportPeriodId
select rp.BenchmarkDataYear
byte Duration = (
from rp in db.ReportPeriods
where rp.ReportPeriodId == reportPeriodId
select rp.Duration
//Summarize counts by procedure code (ignoring modifiers)
var codeCounts =
from pp in db.ProviderProductions
//332 - restrict to valid codes
join pc in db.ProcedureCodes on pp.ProcedureCode equals pc.ProcedureCode1
where pp.ReportPeriodId == reportPeriodId
//show deleted codes as potential issue
&& pc.TerminatedDate == null
&& (codeFilter == null || pp.ProcedureCode == codeFilter)
join pc in db.PspsProcedures
on new { col1 = pp.ProcedureCode, col2 = benchmarkYear } equals new { col1 = pc.ProcedureCode, col2 = pc.Year } into left
from l_d in left.DefaultIfEmpty()
where l_d == null
group pp by
new { pp.ProviderId, pp.ProcedureCode }
into g
orderby g.Key.ProviderId, g.Sum(x => x.Volume) descending
where g.Sum(x => x.Volume) > Duration
select new NewCodesEntity
ProviderId = g.Key.ProviderId,
ProcedureCode = g.Key.ProcedureCode,
Volume = g.Sum(x => x.Volume)
//Get top 5 procedures performed by provider
var newCodes =
from cc in codeCounts
group cc by
new { cc.ProviderId }
into g
select new ProviderNewCodesEntity
ProviderId = g.Key.ProviderId,
Codes = g.OrderByDescending(x => x.Volume).Take(5).ToList()
//Build the report
var report =
from pr in providerRiskLevels
join nc in newCodes on pr.Provider.ProviderId equals nc.ProviderId
where pr.RiskCategoryId == RiskCategoryIds.VisibleRisk
&& (filterRiskLevelNums.Contains(pr.RiskLevelNum))
&& (filterSpecialtyId == 0 || pr.Provider.Specialty.SpecialtyId == filterSpecialtyId)
select new ProbeAuditEntity
ProviderId = pr.Provider.ProviderId,
ProviderName = pr.Provider.Name,
ProviderCode = pr.Provider.ProviderCode,
SpecialtyName = pr.Provider.Specialty.Name,
SpecialtyCode = pr.Provider.Specialty.SpecialtyCode,
VisibleRisk = pr.RiskScore,
NewCode1 = nc.Codes.OrderByDescending(c => c.Volume).FirstOrDefault().ProcedureCode,
NewCode2 = nc.Codes.OrderByDescending(c => c.Volume).Skip(1).FirstOrDefault().ProcedureCode,
NewCode3 = nc.Codes.OrderByDescending(c => c.Volume).Skip(2).FirstOrDefault().ProcedureCode,
NewCode4 = nc.Codes.OrderByDescending(c => c.Volume).Skip(3).FirstOrDefault().ProcedureCode,
NewCode5 = nc.Codes.OrderByDescending(c => c.Volume).Skip(4).FirstOrDefault().ProcedureCode
return report;
I appreciate your suggestions.
Give this a try for the report:
//Build the report
var report =
(from pr in providerRiskLevels
join nc in newCodes on pr.Provider.ProviderId equals nc.ProviderId
where pr.RiskCategoryId == RiskCategoryIds.VisibleRisk
&& filterRiskLevelNums.Contains(pr.RiskLevelNum)
&& (filterSpecialtyId == 0
|| pr.Provider.Specialty.SpecialtyId == filterSpecialtyId)
select new
RiskLevel = pr,
NewCodes = nc.Codes.OrderByDescending(c => c.Volumn).Select(c => c.ProcedureCode).Take(5)
.Select(x => new ProbeAuditEntity
ProviderId = x.RiskLevel.Provider.ProviderId,
ProviderName = x.RiskLevel.Provider.Name,
ProviderCode = x.RiskLevel.Provider.ProviderCode,
SpecialtyName = x.RiskLevel.Provider.Specialty.Name,
SpecialtyCode = x.RiskLevel.Provider.Specialty.SpecialtyCode,
VisibleRisk = x.RiskLevel.RiskScore,
NewCodes = x.NewCodes.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(<DefaultProcedureCodeHere>, 5)).Take(5)
Or, if ProbeAuditEntity is a class you could do this:
//Build the report
var report =
(from pr in providerRiskLevels
join nc in newCodes on pr.Provider.ProviderId equals nc.ProviderId
where pr.RiskCategoryId == RiskCategoryIds.VisibleRisk
&& filterRiskLevelNums.Contains(pr.RiskLevelNum)
&& (filterSpecialtyId == 0
|| pr.Provider.Specialty.SpecialtyId == filterSpecialtyId)
select new ProbeAuditEntity
ProviderId = x.RiskLevel.Provider.ProviderId,
ProviderName = x.RiskLevel.Provider.Name,
ProviderCode = x.RiskLevel.Provider.ProviderCode,
SpecialtyName = x.RiskLevel.Provider.Specialty.Name,
SpecialtyCode = x.RiskLevel.Provider.Specialty.SpecialtyCode,
VisibleRisk = x.RiskLevel.RiskScore,
NewCodes = nc.Codes.OrderByDescending(c => c.Volumn).Select(c => c.ProcedureCode).Take(5)
.ForEach(x => x.NewCodes = x.NewCodes.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(<DefaultProcedureCodeHere>, 5)).Take(5);

Subquery to get maximum value in LINQ query in C#

I'm trying to create a sub-query to obtain the latest date from a table, unrelated to the rest of the query.
My query is below. I'd like to select the highest date in a sub-table as a value and project it to my model below.
My other tabe is Feedback and contains a date value and a username field
return (from t1 in db.TaskAppointmentOpens
from t2 in db.Tasks.Where(t => (t.Task_ID == t1.Parent_Task_ID))
from t3 in db.UserNames.Where(t => (t.User_Username == t2.OwnerTypeItem_ID))
where ((t2.Item_ID > 0) && (t2.Type_ID > 0) && (t2.Creator == user) && (t1.AppointmentEnd < DateTime.Now) && (t1.AppointmentStart > EntityFunctions.AddMonths(DateTime.Now, -6)) && (from i in db.AppointmentFeedbacks where i.AppointmentId == t1.ID select i).Count() == 0)
group new {t2, t3} by new {
t2.OwnerTypeItem_ID, t3.Name
} into g
let oldestAppointment = g.Min(uh => uh.t2.Due_Date)
select new TelesalesNeglectedFeedbackModel
UserFullName = g.Key.Name,
QtyOutstanding = g.Select(x => x.t2.Task_ID).Distinct().Count(),
OldestAppointment = oldestAppointment
LastDateInOtherTable = HERE <======
You should be able to access the table and field this way:
LastDateInOtherTable = db.Feedback.Max(f => f.Date)
Or use a let clause as you've done for the other column and then assign it later:
let lastDate = db.Feedback.Max(f => f.Date)
LastDateInOtherTable = lastDate
