I know that Linq cannot handle ToString() and I've read a few work arounds, most seem to be doing the casting outside of the Linq query, but this is for the output where I am trying to shove it into a list and this is where it is blowing up.
As the code will show below I did some casting elsewhere already in order to make it fit in Linq, but the very last part has the tostring and this I need to rewrite too but I'm not sure how.
DateTime edate = DateTime.Parse(end);
DateTime sdate = DateTime.Parse(start);
var reading = (from rainfall in db.trend_data
join mid in db.measurements on rainfall.measurement_id equals mid.measurement_id
join siteid in db.sites on mid.site_id equals siteid.site_id
where siteid.site_name == insite && rainfall.trend_data_time >= sdate && rainfall.trend_data_time <= edate
select new GaugeData() { SiteID = siteid.site_name, Data_Time = rainfall.trend_data_time, Trend_Data = float.Parse(rainfall.trend_data_avg.ToString()) }).ToList();
Linq will handle it, however Linq2Entities will not since EF will want to relay that expression to the DbProvider which doesn't understand/translate all .Net methods.
When it comes to extracting data from entities, the path with the least pain is to have your entity definitions should use the compatible .Net types matching the SQL data types. Then when you want to load that data into view models / DTOs where you might want to perform formatting or data type translation, let the ViewModel/DTO handle that or pre-materialized your Linq2Entity query into an anonymous type list and then process the translations /w Linq2Object.
Without knowing the data type of your TrendDataAvg, an example with a value stored as a decimal, but you want to work with float:
Formatting in ViewModel example:
public class TrendData // Entity
{ // ...
public decimal trend_data_avg { get; set; }
// ...
public class GuageData // ViewModel
public decimal trend_data_avg { get; set; } // Raw value.
public float Trend_Data // Formatted value.
get { return Convert.ToSingle(trend_data_avg); }
var reading = (from rainfall in db.trend_data
join mid in db.measurements on rainfall.measurement_id equals mid.measurement_id
join siteid in db.sites on mid.site_id equals siteid.site_id
where siteid.site_name == insite && rainfall.trend_data_time >= sdate && rainfall.trend_data_time <= edate
select new GaugeData() { SiteID = siteid.site_name, Data_Time = rainfall.trend_data_time, trend_data_avg = rainfall.trend_data_avg }).ToList();
Anonymous Types Example:
public class GuageData // ViewModel
public float Trend_Data { get; set; }
var reading = (from rainfall in db.trend_data
join mid in db.measurements on rainfall.measurement_id equals mid.measurement_id
join siteid in db.sites on mid.site_id equals siteid.site_id
where siteid.site_name == insite && rainfall.trend_data_time >= sdate && rainfall.trend_data_time <= edate
select new
}.ToList() // Materializes our Linq2Entity query to POCO anon type.
.Select( x=> new GaugeData
SiteID = site_name,
Data_Time = trend_data_time,
Trend_Data = Convert.ToSingle(trend_data_avg)
Note: If you use the Anonymous Type method and want to utilize paging, additional filtering, etc. then be sure to do it before the initial .ToList() call so that it is processed by the Linq2EF. Otherwise you would be fetching a much larger set of data from EF than is necessary with potential performance and resource utilization issues.
Additionally, if you set up your navigation properties in your entities you can avoid all of the explicit join syntax. EF is designed to do the lifting when it comes to the relational DB, not just an alternate syntax to T-SQL.
// Given trend data has a single measurement referencing a single site.
var gaugeData = db.trend_data
.Where(x => x.trend_data_time >= sdate
&& x.trend_data_time <= edate
&& x.measurement.site.site_name == insite))
.Select(x => new
.Select( x=> new GaugeData
SiteID = site_name,
Data_Time = trend_data_time,
Trend_Data = Convert.ToSingle(trend_data_avg)
You could use the Convert.ToSingle() method, float is an alias for system.single.
Trend_Data = Convert.ToSingle(rainfall.trend_data_avg)
I need to use Linq to Entity Framework to query a LOCATION table to get the record of the location code with the MAX effective date, then use that result as a join in the next query.
I BELIEVE I need to do convert before the IQueryable is used, because I have that last clause in the second query where I want to exclude records where the FLOOR code is in the excludedSchools list. That excludedSchools list will have the newLocationCode in it.
So, I need to update the values in the IQueryable result before I use it. Can I do this? Here is my code:
using (var db = new TheContext())
IQueryable<LocationTable> locatinWithMaxEffDate =
(from lc in db.LocationTable
where lc.EFF_STATUS == "A" && lc.EFFDT <= DateTime.Now
group lc by lc.LOCATION into g
select g.OrderByDescending(x => x.EFFDT).FirstOrDefault()
foreach (var location in locatinWithMaxEffDate.ToList())
string newLocationCode;
if(codeMappingDictionary.TryGetValue(location.FLOOR, out newLocationCode))
// how do I update locatinWithMaxEffDate FLOOR value
// with newLocationCode so it works in the query below?
location.FLOOR = newLocationCode;
var query =
(from fim in db.PS_PPS_FIM_EE_DATA
join mloc in locatinWithMaxEffDate on fim.LOCATION equals mloc.LOCATION
fim.EMPL_STATUS == PsPpsFimEeData.EmployeeStatusValues.Active
&& fim.AUTO_UPDATE == PsPpsFimEeData.AutoUpdateValues.Enabled
&& includeJobCodes.Contains(fim.JOBCODE)
&& !excludedSchools.Contains(mloc.FLOOR)
select new PpsAdministratorResult
SchoolId = mloc.FLOOR,
Login = fim.OPRID,
EmployeeId = fim.EMPLID,
With the code above, the locatinWithMaxEffDate does not have the updated FLOOR values. I can see why this is, but can't seem to fix it.
So far, I have tried introducing another list to ADD() the new location record to, then casting that as an IQueryable, but I get an error about primitive vs concrete types.
I decided to make things easier on myself. Since both sets of data are very small (fewer than 1000 records each) I call take the entire set of data as an annonymous type:
using (var db = new TheContext())
IQueryable<LocationTable> locatinWithMaxEffDate =
(from lc in db.LocationTable
where lc.EFF_STATUS == "A" && lc.EFFDT <= DateTime.Now
group lc by lc.LOCATION into g
select g.OrderByDescending(x => x.EFFDT).FirstOrDefault()
var query =
(from fim in db.PS_PPS_FIM_EE_DATA
join mloc in locatinWithMaxEffDate on fim.LOCATION equals mloc.LOCATION
fim.EMPL_STATUS == PsPpsFimEeData.EmployeeStatusValues.Active
&& fim.AUTO_UPDATE == PsPpsFimEeData.AutoUpdateValues.Enabled
&& includeJobCodes.Contains(fim.JOBCODE)
select new PpsAdministratorResult
SchoolId = mloc.FLOOR,
Login = fim.OPRID,
EmployeeId = fim.EMPLID,
Then, just work with the two objects:
List<PpsAdministratorResult> administratorList = new List<PpsAdministratorResult>();
foreach (var location in query.ToList())
string newLocationCode;
if(schoolCodeMappings.TryGetValue(location.SchoolId, out newLocationCode)) // && newLocationCode.Contains(location.LOCATION))
location.SchoolId = newLocationCode;
if( !excludedSchools.Contains(location.SchoolId) )
Now, I have the list I want.
I'm summarizing data to build an alert system. This query counts how many points an employee has based on some criteria. The one below is working fine. However, the query can be longer depending on the User's location. For example, below I have only have 3 unions but for other Employees' locations more unions may be needed. For example in Location B they may also want to add an alert if a ReasonTypeID == is 3 and any entries in the last 90 days.
So I was thinking on building a table that I can add parameters on a location by location basis. I've read about dynamic linq library and I can use that for the WHERE statements but how would I add another query concatenation on the fly?
Here is what I have now.
public class TMAlert
public string EmpID { get; set; }
public string FullName { get; set; }
public decimal? PointSummary { get; set; }
public string WarningLabel { get; set; }
public bool AlertFlag { get; set; }
IEnumerable<TMAlert> tmAlert = (
from a in allEntries
where a.Date >= DateTime.Now.AddDays(-30) && a.ReasonTypeID == 1
group a by new
} into g
select new TMAlert
EmpID = g.Key.EmpID,
FullName = g.Key.FullName,
WarningLabel = "Last 30 Days",
PointSummary = g.Sum(a => a.Points),
AlertFlag = (g.Sum(a => a.Points) >= 4) ? true : false
}).Concat(from a in allEntries
where a.Date >= DateTime.Now.AddDays(-90) && a.ReasonTypeID == 1
group a by new
} into g
select new TMAlert
EmpID = g.Key.EmpID,
FullName = g.Key.FullName,
WarningLabel = "Last 90 Days",
PointSummary = g.Sum(a => a.Points),
AlertFlag = (g.Sum(a => a.Points) >= 9) ? true : false
}).Concat(from a in allEntries
where a.Date >= (
from o in allEntries
where o.EmpID == a.EmpID && a.WarningTypeID == 2
select (DateTime?)o.Date).Max()
group a by new
} into g
select new TMAlert
EmpID = g.Key.EmpID,
FullName = g.Key.FullName,
WarningLabel = "60 Since Warning type 2 ",
PointSummary = g.Sum(a => a.Points),
AlertFlag = (g.Sum(a => a.Points) >= 4) ? true : false
I was thinking to build a criteria table then build the queries on the fly based on the table.
for example
for each entry in criteriaTable
add dynamic linq entry.Param
is this possible or are there better ways to do this?
There is a way to combine linq queries dynamically. I use it to add conditional filters to my where statements when showing a filtered list of data.
I initialize the lambda expression like this
Expression<Func<CatalogItem, bool>> Filter = CatalogItem => true;
then as I go I add to it.
if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchVal)) {Filter = Filter.Compose(CatalogItem => CatalogItem.Title.ToLower().Contains(searchVal), Expression.And);}
I may have different if conditions that cause me to add more and more to my filter then finally I want to apply that filter against my collection.
IQueryable<CatalogItem> FilteredList = Items.AsQueryable().Where(Filter);
In this case Items is a list of CatalogItems that was pulled from the database earlier. I am using IQueryable instead of just List<> cause I need to act on the results afterwards.
List<CatalogItem> Items;//fill Items list here;
I know this is in-line Linq as opposed to the structure you use but I really can't get into the other form of linq querying as this is so quick and dirty for me. If you have to use the other linq form these rules may still apply.
I have a model called ElectricityBillSiteExceeding that looks like this:
public class ElectricityBillSiteExceeding
public string GroupInvoiceNumber { get; set; }
public int ElectricityBillMainId { get; set; }
public string SiteNo { get; set; }
public decimal BillSiteTotal { get; set; }
public decimal MaximumAmount { get; set; }
I want to create a list of this type and use it to feed a grid on one of my pages, the purpose is to show which site has bills that exceed the max amount allowed.
I have written the SQL which will give me this dataset, it looks like this:
SELECT SUM(ElectricityBillSiteTotal),
FROM dbo.ElectricityBillSites ebs
LEFT JOIN dbo.ElectricityBillMains ebm
ON ebs.ElectricityBillMainId = ebm.ElectricityBillMainId
LEFT JOIN dbo.ElectricitySites es
ON ebs.SiteNo = es.SiteNumber
GROUP BY ebs.ElectricityBillMainId, SiteNo, ebm.GroupInvoiceNumber, es.MaximumAmount
HAVING SUM(ElectricityBillSiteTotal) <> 0 AND SUM(ElectricityBillSiteTotal) > es.MaximumAmount
I'm now in my repository trying to write the method which will go to the database and fetch this dataset so that I can power my grid for the user to see.
This is where I'm struggling. I have written a basic LINQ statement to select from a couple of tables, however I'm unsure how I can incorporate the group by and having clause from my SQL and also how I can then turn this IQueryable object into my List<ElectricityBillSiteExceeding> object.
What I have so far
public List<ElectricityBillSiteExceeding> GetAllElectricityBillSiteExceedings()
var groupedBillSitesThatExceed = from billSites in _context.ElectricityBillSites
join billMains in _context.ElectricityBillMains on billSites.ElectricityBillMainId equals
join sites in _context.ElectricitySites on billSites.SiteNo equals sites.SiteNumber
//TODO: group by total, mainId, siteNo, GroupInv, MaxAmt and Having no total = 0 and total > max
select new
groupInv = billMains.GroupInvoiceNumber,
mainId = billMains.ElectricityBillMainId,
siteNo = billSites.SiteNo,
total = billSites.ElectricityBillSiteTotal,
max = sites.MaximumAmount
//TODO: Map the result set of the linq to my model and return
throw new NotImplementedException();
Can anyone point me in the right direction here?
The correct Linq query for your sql is the following. See Left Join to understand the DefaultIfEmpty and also the notes there about the use of ?. in the following group by.
(About the having - in linq you just provide a where after the group by)
var result = from ebs in ElectricityBillSites
join ebm in ElectricityBillMains on ebs.ElectricityBillMainId equals ebm.ElectricityBillMainId into ebmj
from ebm in ebmj.DefaultIfEmpty()
join es in ElectricitySites on ebs.SiteNo equals es.SiteNumber into esj
from es in esj.DefaultIfEmpty()
group new { ebs, ebm, es } by new { ebs.ElectricityBillMainId, ebs.SiteNo, ebm?.GroupInvoiceNumber, es?.MaximumAmount } into grouping
let sum = grouping.Sum(item => item.ebs.ElectricityBillSiteTotal)
where sum > 0 && sum > grouping.Key.MaximumAmount
orderby sum descending
select new ElectricityBillSiteExceeding
GroupInvoiceNumber = grouping.Key.GroupInvoiceNumber,
ElectricityBillMainId = grouping.Key.ElectricityBillMainId,
SiteNo = grouping.Key.SiteNo,
BillSiteTotal = sum,
MaximumAmount = grouping.Key.MaximumAmount
The error you get:
An expression tree lambda may not contain a null propagating operator
By reading this I conclude that you have an older versino of the provider and thus replace the group by code from the code above with the following:
let GroupInvoiceNumber = ebm == null ? null : ebm.GroupInvoiceNumber
let MaximumAmount = es == null ? 0 : es.MaximumAmount
group new { ebs, ebm, es } by new { ebs.ElectricityBillMainId, ebs.SiteNo, GroupInvoiceNumber, MaximumAmount } into grouping
Before getting into grouping , you need to be aware that the default join in LINQ is always an INNER JOIN. Take a look at the MSDN page How to: Perform Left Outer Joins. However, in the solution I'm presenting below, I'm using INNER JOINs since you are using fields from the other tables in your grouping and having clauses.
For reference on grouping using LINQ, check out How to: Group Query Results on MSDN.
A solution specific to your case is going to look something like:
public List<ElectricityBillSiteExceeding> GetAllElectricityBillSiteExceedings()
var qryGroupedBillSitesThatExceed = from billSites in _context.ElectricityBillSites
join billMains in _context.ElectricityBillMains on billSites.ElectricityBillMainId equals billMains.ElectricityBillMainId
join sites in _context.ElectricitySites on billSites.SiteNo equals sites.SiteNumber
where billSites.ElectricityBillSiteTotal != 0 && billSites.ElectricityBillSiteTotal > sites.MaximumAmount
group new { billMains.GroupInvoiceNumber, billMains.ElectricityBillMainId, billSites.SiteNo, billSites.ElectricityBillSiteTotal, sites.MaximumAmount }
by new { billMains.GroupInvoiceNumber, billMains.ElectricityBillMainId, billSites.SiteNo, billSites.ElectricityBillSiteTotal, sites.MaximumAmount } into eGroup
select eGroup.Key;
var inMemGroupedBillSitesThatExceed = qryGroupedBillSitesThatExceed.AsEnumerable();
var finalResult = inMemGroupedBillSitesThatExceed.Select(r => new ElectricityBillSiteExceeding()
BillSiteTotal = r.ElectricityBillSiteTotal,
ElectricityBillMainId = r.ElectricityBillMainId,
GroupInvoiceNumber = r.GroupInvoiceNumber,
MaximumAmount = r.MaximumAmount,
SiteNo = r.SiteNo,
return finalResult.ToList();
This probably will be enough. You could use AutoMapper. It will trivialize mapping to classes.
var resultList = groupedBillSitesThatExceed
.AsEnumerable() //Query will be completed here and loaded from sql to memory
// From here we could use any of our class or methods
.Select(x => new ElectricityBillSiteExceeding
//Map your properties here
.ToList(); //Only if you want List instead IEnumerable
return resultList;
Got a dictionary with the persons Id as a key. And each value is a List with a class that contains a datetime.
I want to get all contracts from the database where each date in the list is in between the contracts from and until -date. There could be multiple for each person.
I can't use .Any() function. If I do I'll get this error: " Local sequence cannot be used in LINQ to SQL implementation of query operators except the Contains() operator."
This is an example with the .Any method that doesn't work with linq to sql. And I need an other way to manage this.
public class SimpleObject
public bool Test { get; set; }
public DateTime DateTime { get; set; }
private void Test(Dictionary<int, List<SimpleObject>> dataBaseObjDictionary)
using (var db = TpContext.Create())
var selectedObj = db.Contracts.Where(x => dataBaseObjDictionary.ContainsKey(x.PersonRef) && dataBaseObjDictionary.Values.Any(y => y.Any(a => x.FromDate <= a.DateTime) && y.Any(a=>a.DateTime >= x.UntilDate)));
I think this should do it. It looks like you were relying on y to be the same with the two y.anys. In addition, you were checking if a was greater than until date and greater than from date so I fixed those.
var selectedObj = db.Contracts.Where(x => dataBaseObjDictionary.ContainsKey(x.PersonRef)
&& dataBaseObjDictionary.Values.Any(
y => y.Any(a => x.FromDate <= a.DateTime
&& a.DateTime <= x.UntilDate)
Hi this is my first question so apologies if it is really basic - I am very new to programming!!!
Using c# in MVC I am trying to select object which has a Date property from entitymodel context. This date then selects the relevant Weight object and so on to get my list of "Set" objects.
The code works and does what I want but would like some general guidance on how to make this code more concise. Here is the code:
public ActionResult showDiary(string datein)
LocalTestEntities1 dblists = new LocalTestEntities1();
DateTime date = Convert.ToDateTime(datein);
IEnumerable<ExerciseDiary> diary = from o in dblists.ExerciseDiaries where o.Date == date select o;
var mydiary = diary.ToList();
ExerciseDiary thediary = mydiary[0];
IQueryable<Weight> weights = from o in dblists.Weights where o.DiaryID == thediary.ID select o;
var selectedWeight = weights.ToList();
Weight weight = selectedWeight[0];
IEnumerable<Set> sets = from x in dblists.Sets where x.WeightId == weight.WeightID select x;
return View(sets);
It seems that I am taking too many steps here. I know that I am only returning one object to diary. Is there a way to get this object from dblists without sending to an IEnumerable?
Using the First() method will make things a little more concise:
public ActionResult showDiary(string datein)
using (LocalTestEntities1 dblists = new LocalTestEntities1())
DateTime date = Convert.ToDateTime(datein);
var thediary = (from o in dblists.ExerciseDiaries
where o.Date == date
select o).First();
var weight = (from o in dblists.Weights
where o.DiaryID == thediary.ID
select o).First();
var sets = (from x in dblists.Sets
where x.WeightId == weight.WeightID
select x).ToList();
return View(sets);
You should also wrap your LINQ to Entities data access in a using block so it's properly disposed of.
There's always many ways to do things, but... I think the easiest way would be to use First() since you are always just grabbing the first result in a list.
Another way to make it a little cleaner is to put your LINQ statements on multiple lines like I did for sets.
You can also use var, which some people like and others don't to have the compiler infer the type. I did this with sets below. I feel it cleans up the code a bit when you have large declarations with IEnumerable and generics.
public ActionResult showDiary(string datein)
LocalTestEntities1 dblists = new LocalTestEntities1();
DateTime date = Convert.ToDateTime(datein);
ExerciseDiary thediary = dblists.ExerciseDiaries.First(o => o.Date == date);
Weight weight = dblists.Weights.First(o.DiaryID == thediary.ID);
var sets = from x in dblists.Sets
where x.WeightId == weight.WeightID
select x;
return View(sets);
IMO this is easier to read than what you had in your answer above.
Be careful using First() because it will throw an exception if there are no records.
public ActionResult showDiary(string datein)
using( var dblists = new LocalTestEntities1())
var date = Convert.ToDateTime(datein);
var thediary = dblists.ExerciseDiaries.First(o => o.Date == date);
var weight = dblists.Weights.First(o => o.DiaryID ==thediary.ID);
var sets = dblists.Sets.Where(x => x.WeightId == weight.WeightID).AsEnumerable();
return View(sets);
Warning: If it's possible the data wont always be there. Use FirstOrDefault instead and check for null values.