I'm trying to connect to an IBM WebSphere MQ 8.x, but what should be simple as it's with RabbitMQ seems so difficult on IBM world.
I've created a Console Application (.NET Framework), referenced the amqmdnet.dll
and here's my snippet
var connectionName = "X.X.X.X(4418)";
Hashtable properties = new Hashtable();
properties.Add(MQC.CONNECTION_NAME_PROPERTY, connectionName);
var mqQMgr = new MQQueueManager("DEFAULT.XXXMQCOL1",properties );
What I got when trying to connect is IBM.WMQ.MQException: 'MQRC_Q_MGR_NAME_ERROR'
For that concern the Queue name I've put the name I found on the node
The Channel property is a channel I've defined in the queue node of websphere
I've tried to telnet on ip:port and it connects
Any suggestion?
Even if I do "Start" from context menu, it remains inactive, can this lead to the constructor's hang?
I've managed it. I was going wrong on two steps
I have the LISTENER.TCP stopped under the listeners
I was pointing at 4418 which is the Queue Manager port and I had to point at 1414 (Listener.TCP port)
Now I'm able to connect, admin you can close it
You appear to be using sender and/or receiver channels. Use SVRCONN for clients
I'm developing a new service based on our infrastructure that uses IBMMQ 8.0 (I've to admit that I'm not a guru of IBMMQ and I've used it as a simple integration without diving in it's implementation).
I'm trying right now to use It with amqpnetlite (in order to use it with .NET Core).
Till now here's my snippet
Address address = new Address("amqp://");
Connection connection = new Connection(address);
Session session = new Session(connection);
Message message = new Message("Hello AMQP!");
var sender = new SenderLink(session, "AONMQCOL1", "MQ_TEST");
Console.WriteLine("Sent Hello AMQP!");
I got an exception AmqpException: The transport 'TcpTransport' is closed. when performing the Send. On the connection object I've got IsClosed = false so I think the connection is open.
Just as confirmation, what should I put as "address" and "name" on the SenderLink's constructor?
What is the exact version of MQ Server you are running? i.e. issue the dspmqver command.
You need to be at Command Level 801 which was added in Fixack 2 of IBM MQ v8. i.e. IBM MQ v8.0.0.2. See here for more details.
Did you start the AMQP service and then start the channel?
i.e. runmqsc commands:
Finally, are you connecting to the correct port #? The default port # is 5672.
A. Description
I am using ZeroMQ monitor and I find that it works when logic disconnection but does not work when network broken down (unplug my cable).
For example:
I launch client app on an android pad, then launch a server app on my windows laptop. They are connected through a router with cables.
Everything will be OK with monitor if I close or open either client app or server app manually. Namely, the monitor on both sides can receive a 'Connect' or an 'Accept' and a 'Disconnect' event.
But If I unplug cable on the server side, while the client and server are connected and running, the monitors on both sides can not detect the 'Disconnect' event.
Is the monitor designed like this?
If so, are there any solutions to detect network broken down ( a cable unplug event ) except heartbeats?
If not, how to use the ZeroMQ's original monitor mechanism to solve this problem? Can a setTCPKeepAlive() interface be useful?
B. System environment
My scenario is as below.
OS: Android, running on a pad, IDE: Android studio 2.3, lib:jeromq-0.4.3
// Java Code
String monitorAddr = "inproc://client.req";
ZContext ctx = new ZContext();
ZMQ.Socket clientSocket = ctx.createSocket(ZMQ.REQ);
// Then start a montitor thread which is implemented by my own.
OS: Windows 7 ( 64 bit ), running on my laptop, IDE: VS2013, lib: Clrzmq4
// C# Code
const string MonitorEndpoint = "inproc://server.rep";
var ctx = new ZContext();
var serverSocket = new ZSocket(ctx,ZSocketType.REP);
ZError error;
// Create serverSocket pair socket
if (!serverSocket.Monitor(MonitorEndpoint, ZMonitorEvents.AllEvents, out error))
if (error == ZError.ETERM)
return ; // Interrupted
throw new ZException(error);
// Create a monitor
ZMonitor _monitor = ZMonitor.Create(ctx, MonitorEndpoint);
_monitor.AllEvents += _monitor_AllEvents;
AFAIK there is no built in heartbeat within ZeroMQ. I know there was some discussion on the topic within the ZMQ community some years ago, and that discussion may still be going on.
It is comparatively simple to incorporate your own heartbeat messaging in your application's use of ZeroMQ, especially if you use something like Google Protocol Buffers to encode different message types; the heartbeat is just another message.
Doing heartbeats in your application (rather than relying on some inbuilt mechanism) is ultimately more flexible; you can choose the heartbeat rate, you can choose what to do if the heartbeat fails, you can decide when heartbeating is important and not important, etc.
Consider heartbeats within a PUB/SUB pattern; it's a bit difficult for the ZMQ authors to decide on your behalf what connection / disconnection / connection-break events matter to you. And if they do build in a mechanism, but an application developer didn't want it, then it is a waste of bandwidth.
It's far easier for the ZMQ authors to leave that kind of application architectural issue to the application author (that's you!) to deal with.
With your specific example, an unplugged network cable simply looks (so far as any software can determine) like no traffic is flowing; it's the same as the application not sending anything. ZMQ doesn't send anything if the application hasn't sent anything.
If you look at the events that the socket monitor can report on, they're all the consequence of something flowing over the network connection, or something done to the socket by the application.
Trying to go lower than ZMQ protocol itself and access the TCP connection that specific ZeroMQ sockets use (while others do not) doesn't sound like a good idea; it would required to break encapsulation in multiple classes.
The answer #bazza gave in 2017 was entirely correct at the time.
However, newer versions of ZMQ (specifically ZMTP) include an heartbeat functionality.
Check ZMQ documentation for
Java functions
heartbeat interval
milliseconds between ZMPT PINGs
local heartbeat timeout
how long the local socket waits between received packets until it considers the connection timed out
remote heartbeat timeout
if and when remote side shall consider the connection timed out
ZMQ_HEARTBEAT_CONTEXT is still in draft state as of 2022. It is supposed to send an byte[] context with every ping.
Now, by design of ZMQ, quoting from chapter 2 of its documentation,
The network connection itself happens in the background, and ZeroMQ
will automatically reconnect if the network connection is broken
(e.g., if the peer disappears and then comes back).
Thus, answering your main question, I'd expect the monitor to give you ZMQ_EVENT_CONNECT_RETRIED / ZMQ_EVENT_CONNECTED events after the underlying connection was detected as disrupted.
I am working on a 'Smart Device Project' using .Net Framework 3.5. I am trying to connect to some Java SOAP services on a remote server.
In order to do that, I added 'Web References' to my project.
When I try to call my web service I get a WebException 'Unable to connect to the remote server' with the inner exception being 'No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it'.
I searched quite a lot on the Web and StackOverflow and found a lot of ASP configuration and 'Unavaliable port' answers, but as I have another application using the exact same Service successfully, I can't get why the new one isn't getting through (It did sometimes through my tests so I suppose my client implementation isn't that bad)
I tried to look if there was some connection issue on the port by using some TcpClient:
System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient client = new System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient();
client.Connect("myServerName", 8087);
} catch (Exception ex)
This connection succeed.
Here is a sample on how I call my WebService:
WSServiceExtended srv = new WSServiceExtended();
srv.Proxy = new System.Net.WebProxy();
ServeurWSI wsi = new ServeurWSI();
srv.Url = "http://myServerName:8087/myServerApp/services/myService";
wsr = srv.login(wsi);
The service is called 'Extended' because I overrided the auto-generated one in order to add Cookie managment since I am using the Compact Framework. Following the sample in this thread:
I made some new tests with the Web references and got it to work.
When I add the Web Reference, I have to put some Url to the Web Service. When I set it with the actual hostname instead of the 'localhost' everything is fine.
But then, since I set it manually to the real address just before the call, it shouldn't matter
srv.Url = "http://myServerName:8087/myServerApp/services/myService";
I might have forgotten some specifics about my environnement.
The Web Services are exposed on my computer on some Tomcat Server.
The application I am working on is also developped on this computer (That's why I can add Web References by putting 'localhost' in the address)
The application is then deployed on a distant device (Windows CE) that will make calls the Web Services through WIFI (There, localhost wouldn't work then)
I tried calling the Web services from other computers successfully.
I'm beginning to think that there might be some differential between the called Url and the one that is set, otherwise, how would I have a difference in behaviour such as the one described in the first edit?
Well..Seems like it's not a network issue but a .Net compact framework (usage?) issue...
The Url property of the Web Service implementation is simply ignored and the one in the Reference.cs is used in place.
If someone had some idea on how I could troubleshot this, I would really appreciate it.
That error means that you reached a server and the server said "no way". So you're either hitting the wrong server or the wrong port.
I find the telnet client is useful for testing stuff like this. From the command line, you can do:
telnet [servername] [port]
So something like:
telnet myServerName 8087
If it goes to a blank screen, then it connected successfully. If it does not connect, it'll tell you.
The telnet client is no longer installed by default in Windows 7+, so you'll have to install it. See here for instructions: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-ca/library/cc771275
If the connection does open, you could paste in an actual HTTP request to see what happens. A simple GET would look something like this:
GET /myServerApp/services/myService HTTP/1.1
Host: myServerName:8087
One reason for this error can be that the service binds to only a certain IP address. It could well be that the service only listens on the IP that is assigned to the host name, but not on the localhost IP (
For example:
If the host myServerName has the public IP, your service can choose to listen on all IPs assigned to the host (sometimes specifying, or it can specifically listen on only. In that case you will not be able to connect through, because the service simply doesn't listen on that IP.
You can "use" this inverse of this feature to make a service accessible only to local clients, not on the public IP-Address, by listening on only, but not on the public IP. This is sometimes used on Linux for example to make MySQL only accessible on the host itself.
I was starting to forget this post but I finally found the problem that was messing things up and it has nothing to do with programmation.
I was doing the calls while the device was connected to the computer via the 'Windows Mobile Device Center' allowing to access the device from Windows.
While connected, the host provided is ignored and all calls on the specified port are handled by the connected computer.
Disconnecting the device allows to communicate properly...
I am new to IBM Websphere MQ.
In our projet, I have implemented code to read messages from IBM MQ.
I have installed IBM WebSphere client and I am using references of IBM.XMS and IBM.XMS.Client.WMQ to create the connection and read the message from the queue.
XMSFactoryFactory xff = XMSFactoryFactory.GetInstance(XMSC.CT_WMQ);
IConnectionFactory cf = xff.CreateConnectionFactory();
I have set the necessary properties like HostName, Channel, Port, QueueManager.
I have created the MessageListener:
MessageListener messageListener = new MessageListener(Method to process the message);
I have assigned listener to consumer:
consumer.MessageListener = messageListener;
I am able to connect to queue manager, read the message and display that message in WPF window.
Now for above code I have to write the UnitTest.
As per my knowledge, in unittest we won't be creating connection and reading from queue so how can I mock above code so that I can pass dummy message and check that.
The XMS API you are calling will actually communicate with a queue manager. So without a queue manager the API's will fail and so will the unit test.
I can't reconnect to MQQueueManager after a while as an exception (reason code 2059 - MQRC_Q_MGR_NOT_AVAILABLE) is thrown when I'm constructing new object of MQQueueManager. My client app is written in .NET/C# and I'm running it on Win2003.
However I can connect to QM after I have restarted my client app. This would indicate that some state is incorrect in QM libraries? How can I reset the state in code so that I could reconnect to QM? Is there a way to reset/disconnect all active TCP connections to QM from client app code?
My connection code:
Hashtable properties = new Hashtable();
properties.Add( MQC.HOST_NAME_PROPERTY, Host );
properties.Add( MQC.PORT_PROPERTY, Port );
properties.Add( MQC.USER_ID_PROPERTY, UserId );
properties.Add( MQC.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, Password );
properties.Add( MQC.CHANNEL_PROPERTY, ChannelName );
properties.Add( MQC.TRANSPORT_PROPERTY, TransportType );
// Following line throws an exception randomly
MQQueueManager queueManager = new MQQueueManager( qmName, properties );
Stack trace:
Source: amqmdnet
CompletionCode: 2
ReasonCode: 2059
Reason: 2059
Stack Trace:
at IBM.WMQ.MQBase.throwNewMQException()
at IBM.WMQ.MQQueueManager.Connect(String queueManagerName)
at IBM.WMQ.MQQueueManager..ctor(String qmName, Hashtable properties)
at WebSphereMQOutboundAdapter.WebSphereMQOutbound.ConnectToWebSphereMQ()
Connections are per-thread so if you are attempting to create a new connection while the previous QMgr object is still instantiated, you would get this. If you close the previous connection and destroy the object before creating a new object you should be OK. Since queues and other WMQ objects depend on a connection handle these will also need to be destroyed and then reinstantiated after the new connection is made.
There are of course a few other explanations for this behavior but these are much less likely. For example, it is possible that a channel exit or (in WMQ v7) configuration could be limiting the number of simultaneous connections from a given IP address. When a connection is severed rather than closed, the channel agent holding the connection on the QMgr side has to time out before the QMgr sees the connection as closed. If connection limiting is in place, these "ghost" connections reduce the available pool. But as I said, this is far less common than programs not cleaning up old objects prior to a reconnect attempt.
There is also the possibility that this is a bug. To reduce that possibility, and for a variety of other reasons such as WMQ v6 going end of life next year, I'd recommend use of WMQ v7.0.1.2 for this project, at both the client and server side. In general, you can use v7.0.1.2 client with a v6.0.x server as long as you stick to v6 functionality. Among other things, .Net code is better integrated in v7 and the Cat-3 SupportPacs are now included in the base install media rather than a separate download.
After some months fighting with this issue and IBM support, the best solution I found is to change the connect/disconnect code in IBM MQ Driver.
Instead of calling manager.Disconnect() and manager.Close() for each GET/PUT, connect once and then reconnect only if you have some exception (like loosing connection).
What I've figure out is that some bug exists in IBM MQ Driver that caches some information for each connect/disconnect. When this buffer is full, the application stops reconnecting.
The driver version (client DLL's) I have this issue is: