I have a controller method:
public async Task SaveRouting(string points, int tripId, decimal totalMileage)
if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
await _serviceTrip.UpdateTotalMileageAsync(tripId, totalMileage);
throw new Exception("Only ajax calls are allowed");
so, as we can see, this method returns Task, so nothing to client. But if something wrong (i.e. totalMileage is less or equal 0) I want to return 422 status code and dictionary with invalid data, like:
{ "totalMileage" : "Total mileage should be greater than 0" }
How to do it?
I try to do it:
if (totalMileage <= 0)
Response.StatusCode = 422; // 422 Unprocessable Entity Explained
but how to describe an error?
If you want to describe the error after setting Response.StatusCode, then you have to write into the body of the http response by calling Response.Body.Write(byte[],int, int).
Therefore, you can convert your response message to a byte array using the following method:
public byte[] ConvertStringToArray(string s)
return new UTF8Encoding().GetBytes(s);
And then use it like this:
byte[] bytes = ConvertStringToArray("Total mileage should be greater than 0");
Response.StatusCode = 422;
But you can further simplify this using extension methods on ControllerBase
If I have to much activities, does it cause blocking resources or request time out?
Here is my scenario:
I have an api controller which sends an Order request to consumer; I use Request/Response patern to recieve ErrorMessage property from consumer and base on that property response back, if it's null I would want to return OK() otherwise, return BadRequest or Ok but with a message like: Product out of stock to notify to the client.
In my consumer, I have build a routing slip which have 2 activities:
CreateOrderActivity: Which creates an order with order details.
ReserveProductActivity: Which reduces the quantity of product in stock, if product quantity < 0 I'll publish a message with an ErrorMessage back to the consumer and compensate the previous activity.
public async Task Consume(ConsumeContext<ProcessOrder> context)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Message.ErrorMessage))
await context.RespondAsync<OrderSubmitted>(new
RoutingSlipBuilder builder = new RoutingSlipBuilder(context.Message.OrderId);
// get configs
var settings = new Settings(_configuration);
// Add activities
builder.AddActivity(settings.CreateOrderActivityName, settings.CreateOrderExecuteAddress);
builder.SetVariables(new { context.Message.OrderId, context.Message.Address, context.Message.CreatedDate, context.Message.OrderDetails });
builder.AddActivity(settings.ReserveProductActivityName, settings.ReserveProductExecuteAddress);
builder.SetVariables(new { context.Message.OrderDetails });
await context.Execute(builder.Build());
await context.RespondAsync<OrderSubmitted>(new
catch (Exception ex)
_log.LogError("Can not create Order {OrderId}", context.Message.OrderId);
throw new Exception(ex.Message);
Code for ReserveProductActivity:
public async Task<ExecutionResult> Execute(ExecuteContext<ReserveProductArguments> context)
var orderDetails = context.Arguments.OrderDetails;
foreach (var orderDetail in orderDetails)
var product = await _productRepository.GetByProductId(orderDetail.ProductId);
if (product == null) continue;
var quantity = product.SetQuantity(product.QuantityInStock - orderDetail.Quantity);
if (quantity < 0)
var errorMessage = "Out of stock.";
await context.Publish<ProcessOrder>(new
ErrorMessage = errorMessage
throw new RoutingSlipException(errorMessage);
await _productRepository.Update(product);
return context.Completed(new Log(orderDetails.Select(x => x.ProductId).ToList()));
This line of code in a consumer method await context.Execute(builder.Build())
At first I thought it would build the routing slip and execute all activities first before going to the next line but it's not. Instead it's immediately going to the next line of code (which responses back to controller) and then after execute activities, which is not what I want. I need to check the quantity of product in 2nd activity first and base on that return back to the controller.
(In current, it always responses back to controller first - the line after buider.Buid(), and then if quantity < 0 it still goes to the very first if condition of the consume method but since it already responses, I cannot trigger response inside that if statement again).
So in short, if product is still available in 2nd activity I can send the reponse back like normal (which executes the code after context.Execute(builder.Build()), but if quantity < 0 - which I publish back to the consumer method with ErrorMessage, I would like it to jump to the very first if condition of Consume method (if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Message.ErrorMessage)) ...) and base on the ErrorMessage notify the client.
Is there something wrong with this approach? How can I achieve something like this?
It isn't documented, but it is possible to use a proxy to execute a routing slip, and response to the request with the result of the routing slip. You can see the details in the unit tests:
You could create the proxy, which builds the routing slip and executes it, and the response proxy - both of which are then configured on a receive endpoint as .Instance consumers.
class RequestProxy :
protected override void BuildRoutingSlip(RoutingSlipBuilder builder, ConsumeContext<Request> request)
// get configs
var settings = new Settings(_configuration);
// Add activities
builder.AddActivity(settings.CreateOrderActivityName, settings.CreateOrderExecuteAddress);
builder.SetVariables(new { context.Message.OrderId, context.Message.Address, context.Message.CreatedDate, context.Message.OrderDetails });
builder.AddActivity(settings.ReserveProductActivityName, settings.ReserveProductExecuteAddress);
builder.SetVariables(new { context.Message.OrderDetails });
class ResponseProxy :
RoutingSlipResponseProxy<Request, Response>
protected override Response CreateResponseMessage(ConsumeContext<RoutingSlipCompleted> context, Request request)
return new Response();
You could then call it from the consumer, or put the ordering logic in the proxy - whichever makes sense, and then use the request client from your controller to send the request and await the response.
I have a code parsing a website and adding some values to a list. Sometimes I need to parse the website two times and add the second parsevalues to the same list.
This is some of the code:
public async Task<IEnumerable<Info>>....
var values = new List<Info>();
var request = something;
var request_rewritten = rewritten request to run the second time;
if request contains something do all the under two times. Both for the request and the rewritten request and add it to result.
var response = await RequestBytes(request);
var results = Encoding.GetEncoding("iso-8859-1").GetString(response.Content);
_fDom = results;
do something and a lot of code
return result
If request contains something I need try try a second time. Both for the original request and the rewritten request and add both to the result. Can this be done?
You can follow this pattern. Add an additional parameter to your method indicating retries remaining.
void DoSomething(arg1, arg2, int retriesRemaining = 0)
if (retriesRemaining) DoSomething(arg1, arg2, --retriesRemaining);
I suppose if you want to avoid writing a method (which is the best answer to your question) you can use a flag:
bool bRunAgain = true;
while (bRunAgain)
// Your logic, check result and see if you need to run it again
if (your condition to run again == false)
bRunAgain = false;
Here is a common solution. Pass an action to this method and specify retries count
public bool ExecuteWithRetry(Action doWork, int maxTries=1) {
for(var tryCount=1; tryCount<=maxTries; tryCount++){
} catch(Exception ex){
Console.WriteLine("Oops, no luck with DoWork()");
return false;
return true;
so in your method
void Something(){
if(ExecuteWithRetry(()=>NotTrustyMethod(), 2)) {
} else {
void NotTrustyMethod(){ ...}
This solution you can use for any case where you need retry option for methods with any type of arguments (or without them)
I am working on making a WEB API post that takes in JSON and turns it into a model object so it can be put in the database.
[SwaggerResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created, CreatedMessage)]
[SwaggerResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, BadRequestMessage, typeof(HttpError))]
[SwaggerResponse(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, UnauthorizedMessage, typeof(HttpError))]
[SwaggerResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, UnknownErrorMessage, typeof(HttpError))]
public async Threading.Task<IHttpActionResult> PostDocument([FromBody] Api.Document documentModel)
// Check if the request contains multipart/form-data.
if (!Request.Content.IsMimeMultipartContent())
throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.UnsupportedMediaType);
// Put the files in a temporary location
// so then we can ReadAsMultiPartAsync and get access to the other data submitted
var tempPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/Temp/" + Guid.NewGuid());
var deserializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(Api.Document));
HttpContext.Current.Request.InputStream.Position = 0;
Api.Document docModel = (Api.Document)deserializer.ReadObject(HttpContext.Current.Request.InputStream);
if (docModel != null)
// We don't have the json data so delete the TempFiles and return BadRequest
Directory.Delete(tempPath, true);
return ResponseMessage(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
return await PostOrStatusCodeAsync(docModel, RouteNames.GetById).ConfigureAwait(true);
However, the docModel is flagging a warning that it will always be null. Why would it be null after deserializing incoming json?
The key thing is this:
if (docModel != null)
// We don't have the json data so delete the TempFiles and return BadRequest
Directory.Delete(tempPath, true);
return ResponseMessage(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
return await PostOrStatusCodeAsync(docModel, RouteNames.GetById).ConfigureAwait(true);
If docModel is not null, you return with BadRequest. The place it is flagging it always being null is only reached if the if test is false. I suspect you have the wrong relational operator on your 'if' statement.
On line 197 it will always be null because if it's not it will enter on the if on line 190 which returns on line 194 thus never reaching line 197 if it's not null.
Let's suppose I have the following variable:
System.Net.HttpStatusCode status = System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK;
How can I check if this is a success status code or a failure one?
For instance, I can do the following:
int code = (int)status;
if(code >= 200 && code < 300) {
I can also have some kind of white list:
HttpStatusCode[] successStatus = new HttpStatusCode[] {
if(successStatus.Contains(status)) //LINQ
None of these alternatives convinces me, and I was hoping for a .NET class or method that can do this work for me, such as:
bool isSuccess = HttpUtilities.IsSuccess(status);
If you're using the HttpClient class, then you'll get a HttpResponseMessage back.
This class has a useful property called IsSuccessStatusCode that will do the check for you.
using (var client = new HttpClient())
var response = await client.PostAsync(uri, content);
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
In case you're curious, this property is implemented as:
public bool IsSuccessStatusCode
get { return ((int)statusCode >= 200) && ((int)statusCode <= 299); }
So you can just reuse this algorithm if you're not using HttpClient directly.
You can also use EnsureSuccessStatusCode to throw an exception in case the response was not successful.
The accepted answer bothers me a bit as it contains magic numbers, (although they are in standard) in its second part. And first part is not generic to plain integer status codes, although it is close to my answer.
You could achieve exactly the same result by instantiating HttpResponseMessage with your status code and checking for success. It does throw an argument exception if the value is smaller than zero or greater than 999.
if (new HttpResponseMessage((HttpStatusCode)statusCode).IsSuccessStatusCode)
// ...
This is not exactly concise, but you could make it an extension.
I am partial to the discoverability of extension methods.
public static class HttpStatusCodeExtensions
public static bool IsSuccessStatusCode(this HttpStatusCode statusCode)
var asInt = (int)statusCode;
return asInt >= 200 && asInt <= 299;
As long as your namespace is in scope, usage would be statusCode.IsSuccessStatusCode().
The HttpResponseMessage class has a IsSuccessStatusCode property, looking at the source code it is like this so as usr has already suggested 200-299 is probably the best you can do.
public bool IsSuccessStatusCode
get { return ((int)statusCode >= 200) && ((int)statusCode <= 299); }
Adding to #TomDoesCode answer If you are using HttpWebResponse
you can add this extension method:
public static bool IsSuccessStatusCode(this HttpWebResponse httpWebResponse)
return ((int)httpWebResponse.StatusCode >= 200) && ((int)httpWebResponse.StatusCode <= 299);
It depends on what HTTP resource you are calling. Usually, the 2xx range is defined as the range of success status codes. That's clearly a convention that not every HTTP server will adhere to.
For example, submitting a form on a website will often return a 302 redirect.
If you want to devise a general method then the code >= 200 && code < 300 idea is probably your best shot.
If you are calling your own server then you probably should make sure that you standardize on 200.
This is an extension of the previous answer, that avoids the creation and subsequent garbage collection of a new object for each invocation.
public static class StatusCodeExtensions
private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<HttpStatusCode, bool> IsSuccessStatusCode = new ConcurrentDictionary<HttpStatusCode, bool>();
public static bool IsSuccess(this HttpStatusCode statusCode) => IsSuccessStatusCode.GetOrAdd(statusCode, c => new HttpResponseMessage(c).IsSuccessStatusCode);
I have a simple Action on a controller which returns a PDF.
Works fine.
public FileResult GetReport(string id)
byte[] fileBytes = _manager.GetReport(id);
string fileName = id+ ".pdf";
return File(fileBytes, MediaTypeNames.Application.Octet, fileName);
When the manager fails to get the report I get back null or an empty byte[].
How can I communicate to the browser that there was a problem, when the result is set to a FileResult?
I would change the return type of your method to ActionResult.
public ActionResult GetReport(string id)
byte[] fileBytes = _manager.GetReport(id);
if (fileBytes != null && fileBytes.Any()){
string fileName = id+ ".pdf";
return File(fileBytes, MediaTypeNames.Application.Octet, fileName);
else {
//do whatever you want here
return RedirectToAction("GetReportError");
The FileResult class inherits from ActionResult. So, you can define your Action like this:
public ActionResult GetReport(string id)
byte[] fileBytes = _manager.GetReport(id);
string fileName = id + ".pdf";
if(fileBytes == null || fileBytes.Length == 0)
return View("Error");
return File(fileBytes, MediaTypeNames.Application.Octet, fileName);
If you want to "communicate to the browser" that there was an error, the standard "HTTP way" is to return status code 500, especially if your request is invoked using Ajax, so that you can gracefully handle the exception.
I would suggest to simply throw an Exception when no report found for the provided id:
public FileResult GetReport(string id)
// could internally throw the Exception inside 'GetReport' method
byte[] fileBytes = _manager.GetReport(id);
// or...
if (fileBytes == null || !fileBytes.Any())
throw new Exception(String.Format("No report found with id {0}", id));
return File(fileBytes, MediaTypeNames.Application.Octet, fileName = id+ ".pdf");
Explicitly redirecting to an error page or returning a ViewResult is not the best approach in ASP.NET MVC as this is usually the role of the HandleError filter (which is applied by default) that can be easily configured to either redirect or render some View with the Exception details (while still maintaining HTTP status 500).
This is all true assuming that a failure to fetch a report is indeed considered an exception. If it's not (for example, if we expect some report to not have an available file to dump), explicitly returning a Redirect/View result is totally acceptable.
Another workaround for handling prerequisites is to split download process into two stages. First is to check preconditions in server side method which is executed as ajax/post method.
Then if these preconditions are fulfilled you can start download request (e.g. in onSuccess callback where it is checked the return value indicating fulfillment) in which (on server side) you will handle potential exceptions in a way as it was described in above posts.