I have created checkboxes. When user checks an item, the item is displayed in datagridview.
This is the code of checkbox in XAML
<ListBox HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Name="APIList"
ItemsSource="{Binding Tables[0]}"
ItemTemplate="{StaticResource NameColumnTemplate}"
SelectionChanged="lst_SelectionChanged" CheckBox.Click="lst_SelectionChanged"/>
<Button Content="listbox" Name="btnShowSelectedItems"
Click="btnShowSelectedItems_Click" />
This is the code behind
private void btnShowSelectedItems_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
string path, name;
int i = 0,c=0, result;
string[] lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(#"D:\7th semester\FYP\source\repos\dllPaths.txt");
string[] selecteditem = new string[50];
var showapi = APIList.ItemsSource as List<showAPI>;
foreach (var item in showapi)
if (item.IsSelected == true)
selecteditem[i] = item.apiName;
When user click on button checked items display in table but if user again check more items and again click on button nothing happen and result remain unchanged.
In short this button work only once.
I'm trying to use a ListBox to choose an entry and then display a picture belonging to this selected entry. But just at the beginning I got my first problem: filling the ListBox with binding is working, but if I click on one line in my running program, it doesn't select the line. I can just see the highlighted hover effect, but not select a line. Any ideas what my mistake could be?
This is my XAML:
<ListBox x:Name="entrySelection" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=entryItems}" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="335" Margin="428,349,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="540" FontSize="24"/>
And in MainWindow.xaml.cs I'm filling the ListBox with entries:
private void fillEntrySelectionListBox()
//Fill listBox with entries for active user
DataContext = this;
entryItems = new ObservableCollection<ComboBoxItem>();
foreach (HistoryEntry h in activeUser.History)
var cbItem = new ComboBoxItem();
cbItem.Content = h.toString();
this.entrySelection.ItemsSource = entryItems;
labelEntrySelection.Text = "Einträge für: " + activeUser.Id;
//show image matching the selected entry
if (activeUser.History != null)
int index = entrySelection.SelectedIndex;
if (index != -1 && index < activeUser.History.Count)
this.entryImage.Source = activeUser.History[index].Image;
So I can see my ListBox correctly filled, but not select anything - so I can't go on with loading the picture matching the selected entry.
I'm still quite new to programming, so any help would be great :)
EDIT: If someone takes a look at this thread later: here's the - quite obvious -solution
XAML now looks like this
<ListBox x:Name="entrySelection" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=entryItems}" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="335" Margin="428,349,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="540" FontFamily="Siemens sans" FontSize="24">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Text}"/>
Code behind to fill it:
//Fill listbox with entries for selected user
DataContext = this;
entryItems = new ObservableCollection<DataItem>();
foreach (HistoryEntry h in selectedUser.History)
var lbItem = new DataItem(h.toString());
this.entrySelection.ItemsSource = entryItems;
labelEntrySelection.Text = "Einträge für: " + selectedUser.Id;
And new Class DataItem:
class DataItem
private String text;
public DataItem(String s)
text = s;
public String Text
return text;
You are filling it with ComboBoxItem, which is not relevant to the ListBox, and also wrong by definition.
You need to have the ObservableCollection filled with data items.
Meaning, make a class that contains the data you want to store, and the ListBox will generate a ListBoxItem automatically per data item.
I have two pages: the first is mainpage.xaml and the second is favoriteslist.xaml.
In mainpage.xaml I have a text block, which shows some dynamic text automatically.
And I have a button also on mainpage.xaml.
From which I want when I click on that button, text appears on text block should go to favorite list in favoriteslist.xaml page.
If text already favorite, which text appears on text block should be removed from favorite list on button click.
So finally I need help to implement this functionality textblock which shows dynamically already created but I only need to know how to develop add to favorite functionality.
<TextBlock x:Name="StringTextBlock" Text="" Margin="9,-7,0,0" Style="{StaticResource PhoneTextTitle1Style}" />
<Button Grid.Row="2" x:Name="AddToFavoritesButton"
Content="Add" Style="{StaticResource ButtonStyle2}" Margin="2"
private void AddToFavoritesButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
<ListBox x:Name="FavoriteListBox" />
I would use IsolatedStorageSettings to store the list and compare the dynamic text to the list in the isolatedstoragesettings upon button click. Then on FavouritesList page, set itemsource of the listbox to the list in IsolatedStorageSettings.So here are the steps to be followed:
1. Create a model/class to set the dynamic text being shown on the text block
public class favourites
public string myText { get; set; }
2. In the button click event on MainPage.xaml.cs, first set the dynamic text (where ever you are getting it from) to the text block if you need to and then create the list and/or compare
private void AddToFavoritesButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
//your dynamic text set to textblock
StringTextBlock.Text = myDynamicText;
//Set value of your text to member variable of the model/class
favourites f = new favourites();
f.myText = myDynamicText;
IsolatedStorageSettings settings = IsolatedStorageSettings.ApplicationSettings;
/*Check if "FavouritesList" key is present in IsolatedStorageSettings
which means already a list had been added. If yes, retrieve the
list, compare each item with your dynamic text, add or remove
accordingly and replace the new list in IsolatedStorageSettings
with same key. */
if (settings.Contains("FavouritesList"))
List<favourites> l = (List<favourites>)settings["FavouritesList"];
for(int i = 0; i <= l.Count()-1; i++)
if (l[i].Equals(myDynamicText))
settings["FavouritesList"] = l;
settings["FavouritesList"] = l;
//If no key in IsolatedStorageSettings means no data has been added
//in list and IsolatedStorageSettings. So add new data
List<favourites> l = new List<favourites>();
settings["FavouritesList"] = l;
Now all that is left is show the always updated list in the FavouritesList Page. I added a 'NoData' textblock that should be visible when there is nothing in the list. Else the list will be displayed.
In FavouritesList.xaml
<ListBox x:Name="FavoriteListBox" Visibility="Collapsed">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding myText}"/>
<TextBlock Name="NoData"
Text="No Data"
In FavouritesList.xaml.cs
IsolatedStorageSettings settings = IsolatedStorageSettings.ApplicationSettings;
if (settings.Contains("FavouritesList"))
List<favourites> l = (List<favourites>)settings["FavouritesList"];
if(l.Count!= 0)
NoData.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
FavoriteListBox.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
FavoriteListBox.ItemsSource = l;
FavoriteListBox.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
NoData.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
I have not tested this but should definitely work. Hope it helps!
I'm trying to remove items/rows from a ListView but the difficulty is that I need to also pass in some delegate or fire some event or something, so when a person clicks a button to remove that row, my code handles some other logic, elsewhere (eg. remove the item from the DB or whatever).
I have a custom control I made:
public class SportsTeam : StackLayout { .. }
Inside this control, one of the elements is a ListView which lists all the people in a sporting team.
var viewModel = teamMembers.Select(x => new SportsTeamViewModel(x));
return new ListView
HasUnevenRows = true,
ItemSource = viewModel,
ItemTemplate = new DataTemplate(typeof(SportsTeamViewCell));
Inside the SportsTeamViewCell I have the following:
private Grid CreateContent()
var grid = new Grid();
// Setup row and column definitions.
// Add items to the Grid
var removeButton = RemoveButton;
Grid.SetRowSpan(removeButton, 2);
return grid;
private Button RemoveButton
var button = new Button
Image = "Icons/remove.png"
return button;
From here, I don't know how to make it so that the button fires an event or some delete could be passed in via the constructor, so some custom logic is performed against the individual cell/row/item that is to be removed.
Here is what you could do :
This be my model class :
public class Item
public string ItemName { get; set; }
public string ItemDetails { get; set; }
And in my XAML or you can write this in code as well, bind to the Command Parameter of your Item template :
<Button Text="Delete" CommandParameter="{Binding ItemName}" Clicked="DeleteClicked"></Button>
Full Item Template will be like below :
<StackLayout Orientation="Horizontal">
<Label Text="{Binding ItemName}" HorizontalOptions="StartAndExpand" FontSize="30"></Label>
<Button Text="Delete" CommandParameter="{Binding ItemName}" Clicked="DeleteClicked">
And in you code file you can do this :
public void DeleteClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
var item = (Xamarin.Forms.Button)sender;
Item listitem = (from itm in allItems
where itm.ItemName == item.CommandParameter.ToString()
select itm)
IMPORTANT : This would only delete the item from the bound collection. To delete it from the original list you need to use ObservableCollection
Here is the full source code of the explained scenario - Handling Child Control Event in Listview using XAMARIN.FORMS.
Also the Tutorial - How to handle Row selection and delete Button in Row For Custom ListView using Xamarin.Forms explain deletion from a listview as well.
I've found a similar approach and I want to share it. I filled the list with an ObservableCollection<MyObject>. Then I filled the CommandParameter with just CommandParameter="{Binding .}". So I got the whole Object back. Then you can just cast the CommandParameterto your Object and remove it from the ObservableCollection<MyObject> List
CommandParameter="{Binding .}"
Filling my List:
savingExpensesCollection = new ObservableCollection<SavingsExpensesEntry> ();
savingExpensesCollection .Add (new SavingsExpensesEntry ("1000 mAh Akku", "Dampfgarten", new DateTime (635808692400000000), 8.95));
savingExpensesCollection .Add (new SavingsExpensesEntry ("Cool-Mint Aroma", "Dampfgarten", new DateTime (635808692400000000), 3.95));
savingExpensesCollection .Add (new SavingsExpensesEntry ("Basis", "Dampfgarten", new DateTime (635808692400000000), 13.65));
savingExpensesList.ItemsSource = savingExpenses;
void OnDelete(object sender, EventArgs e)
var menuItem = ((MenuItem)sender);
SavingsExpensesEntry see ((SavingsExpensesEntry)menuItem.CommandParameter);
savingExpensesCollection .Remove (see);
I've using a MenuItem but it's the same approach with a Button
I just did using delete button
public void OnDelete(object sender, EventArgs e)
var mi = ((MenuItem)sender);
PhotoViewModel photo= ((photoViewModel)mi.CommandParameter);
i have an issue with selectedItem of a listbox. When I select an item of the listbox, a popup would be displayed where you click the add button to select an image (it contains a value of selectedItem) which is working fine. But after clicking the add button to select the image, then you realise the image is wrong, so you click the add button again to select another image, it started problem because selectedItem is null. How to handle it? How to stay the value of selectedItem? Your given code much appreciated.
if (lstDinner.SelectedItem != null)
output = _imageInserter.InsertImage(imageName, lstDinner.SelectedItem.ToString());
PopupToysImage.IsOpen = true;
strDinner.DinnersDetails = lstDinner.SelectedItem.ToString()
// strDinner.DinnersDetails = null that cause a problem.
output = _imageInserter.InsertImage(imageName, strDinner.DinnersDetails);
PopupDinnerImage.IsOpen = true;
<ListBox Style="{DynamicResource ListBoxStyle1}" DisplayMemberPath="Dinner" BorderBrush="#FFF0F0F0" x:Name="lstDinner" FontSize="20" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="0,110,0,72.667" Width="436" SelectionMode="Extended" PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown="MouseDownHandler" ScrollViewer.CanContentScroll="True" UseLayoutRounding="False" KeyDown="lstDinner_KeyDown" MouseDoubleClick="lstDinner_MouseDoubleClick" >
events in C#:
private void MouseDownHandler(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
var parent = (ListBox)sender;
_dragSource = parent;
var data = GetObjectDataFromPoint(parent, e.GetPosition(parent));
if (e.ChangedButton == MouseButton.Left && e.ClickCount == 1)
if (data != null)
DragDrop.DoDragDrop(parent, data, DragDropEffects.Move);
private void lstDinner_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.Key == Key.Delete)
private void lstDinner_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
_dinnerImage = new DinnerImageExtractor();
BitmapImage getImage = new BitmapImage();
if (lstDinner.SelectedItem != null)
getImage = _dinnerImage.GetDinnerImages(lstDinner.SelectedItem.ToString());
if (getImage != null)
DinnerImagePopup.Source = getImage;
DinnerImagePopup.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/DinnerApplicationWPF;component/Menu/Images/noImage-icon-pink.png", UriKind.Relative));
PopupDinnerImage.IsOpen = true;
// PopupInstrcution.IsOpen = false;
I would suggest something like this
if ( lstDinner.SelectedItem == null)
output = _imageInserter.InsertImage(imageName, lstToys.SelectedItem.ToString());
PopupToysImage.IsOpen = true;
Note: This may not work as I dont have your actual code. I have added DataBind() in the if statement, if the selected item was null. It should refresh the list.
Best thing is to use two different Listbox item templates for selected and unselected items. So without displaying popup, you can add button into the selected item template.
Are you disabling the ListBox while you select the image?
If so I believe by simply disabling the ListBox the SelectedItem will be set to null.
I imagine you want your event handlers (like the mouse double click) to happen when an item in your list is double clicked, not when the ListBox is double clicked. You need to change your XAML to this:
<ListBox Style="{DynamicResource ListBoxStyle1}" DisplayMemberPath="Dinner" BorderBrush="#FFF0F0F0" x:Name="lstDinner" FontSize="20" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="0,110,0,72.667" Width="436" SelectionMode="Extended" PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown="MouseDownHandler" ScrollViewer.CanContentScroll="True" UseLayoutRounding="False" KeyDown="lstDinner_KeyDown">
<Style TargetType="ListBoxItem">
<EventSetter Event="MouseDoubleClick" Handler="lstDinner_MouseDoubleClick" />
My selected item does not come up null when I run this code.
I have this ListBox:
<ListBox x:Name="PlaylistList" AlternationCount="2" SelectionChanged="DidChangeSelection">
<GroupStyle />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}"/>
And i want to add option to add new item to the ListBox. And i want to do it by adding a TextBox to the ListBox when the user press a Button and then the user press enter and add the text in the TextBox to the ListBox.
I try to add text box to the listbox but i can add only one type of ListBox.ItemTemplate, how can i handle it?
Updated to add textbox inside Listbox:
To add new item into ListBox, in Button Click code-behind do:
TextBox TextBoxItem = new TextBox();
// set TextBoxItem properties here
Your ListBox:
ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Reason}"
Make a ObversableCollection for the Items of the ListBox
public ObservableCollection<IdObject> items
get { return (ObservableCollection<IdObject>)GetValue(ApplicationsProperty); }
set { SetValue(ApplicationsProperty, value); }
items = new ObservableCollection<IdObject>();
My ID-Object in this case has the following properties:
private int _id = 0;
private string _description = "";
Bind the collection to the ListBox:
MyListBox.ItemsSource = items;
Then make a TextBox with a Button, and an event for pressing the button, where you add the text to the observable collection:
items.Add(new IdObject(someId, TextBox.Text));
The ListBox will update, when the ObservableCollection is changed
Write this code when your button is clicked so that the textbox text will be added to the listbox.
private void addEventButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Adds events to listbox.
if (this.titleTextBox.Text != "")