Creating custom Simple Injector Scope in Web Forms - c#

I have a text box and a button in my Windows forms application. When the start key is pressed with the value written in the textbox, a new Form should be opened with this value. I want to create a scope for each opened form. And when I close the form I want to close the relevant scope.
How do I create a custom scope with the simple injector?
Here is a simple sample code
static class Program
static readonly Container container;
static Program()
container = new Container();
static void Main()
class User
public int UserID { get; set; }
public string UserName { get; set; }
class MyCustomClass
User _user;
public MyCustomClass(User user)
_user = user;
public void Print()
class MyProgram
public void StartNewScope(string username, int userid)
//Start a new scope for this user
//End parameter can be different...
public void EndScope(string username)
//End relevant scpoe

The default scoping mechanism in Simple Injector is ambient. This means that you can create a scope, and anywhere within the context of that scope, you can resolve instances. This works great when you have a request of some sort, and within that particular 'bubble', there is only on scope required.
This model, however, is less intuitive when working with Win Forms, when you want to let each Form with its dependencies live in its own scope, since a Form does not live in an isolated context, such as thread or asynchronous context. In that case ambient scoping does not work.
A possible solution to this problem is given in this great answer. The prescribed solution is to register forms as transient and prevent having any scoped dependencies as part of the Form's object graph. Instead, you ensure that a scope is started when a button is pressed, which will end when the button event ends. This can be done, as the answer describes, using some infrastructural code that's part of your Composition Root.
I can highly advise that solution, because it brings an interesting architectural style to the table that is based around the SOLID principles, and as advantage, solves many maintainability issues typical applications have.
If that, however, is not an option, it is possible to switch to ambient-less scoping in Simple Injector.
This requires three things:
Using the ScopedLifestyle.Flowing lifestyle
Manually creating Scope instances
Resolving directly from a Scope instance
The following code shows this in action:
var container = new Container();
// Uses the non-ambient scoped lifestyle
container.Options.DefaultScopedLifestyle = ScopedLifestyle.Flowing;
using (var scope = new Scope(container))
var form = scope.GetInstance<MyForm>();
Sometimes the lifetime of a Form isn't that clear, which will happens when you call Form.Show() instead of Form.ShowDialog. In that case you can tie the lifetime of the scope to that of the Form by hooking onto the Closed event. When .NET closes and disposes the form, so will the Scope with all its Scoped dependencies.
You can do this as follows:
var scope = new Scope(container);
var form = scope.GetInstance<MyForm>();
from.Closed += (s, e) => scope.Dispose();


Context Based Dependency Injection in Multi-Threaded Application

I have a Service running on a server which listens to a Message Que. When a message is received, a new Thread is started and the message is passed to that Thread for processing.
I have defined an interface which provides access the current user for consumption in various classes used for the message processing:
public interface IUserContext {
User CurrentUser { get; }
This user will likely change from message to message.
My question is how do I register an implementation of IUserContext in SimpleInjector so that the correct User, contained in the incoming message, is properly returned by the CurrentUser property?
In my Asp.Net application this was accomplished by the following:
container.Register<IUserContext>(() => {
User user = null;
try {
user = HttpContext.Current?.Session[USER_CONTEXT] as IUser;
catch { }
return new UserContext(user);
I would imagine this would be accomplished using Lifetime Scoping, but I can't define that in a static class and set the User in each thread, because it could corrupt another process. This is my best guess at the implementation?
public static Func<User> UserContext { get; set; }
Then in my code in the new Thread:
using (container.BeginLifetimeScope()) {
var user = GetUserContext(message);
UserContextInitializer.UserContext = () => new UserContext(user);
Then registration would look something like this:
container.Register<IUserContext>(() => UserContextInitializer.UserContext);
Thread Safety aside, Is this the correct approach to implement this in SimpleInjector? Is there another pattern which would be more correct?
Let's start with your ASP.NET-specific IUserContext registration:
container.Register<IUserContext>(() => {
User user = null;
try {
user = HttpContext.Current?.Session[USER_CONTEXT] as IUser;
catch { }
return new UserContext(user);
This registration is problematic, because the UserContext component depends on the availability of runtime data, while, as described here, the creation of object graphs should be separated from runtime data and runtime data should flow through the system.
In other words, you should rewrite your UserContext class to the following:
public class AspNetUserContext : IUserContext
User CurrentUser => (User)HttpContext.Current.Session[USER_CONTEXT];
This allows this ASP.NET-specific IUserContext implementation to be registered as follows:
container.RegisterInstance<IUserContext>(new AspNetUserContext());
Of course, the previous does not solve the problem in your Windows Service, but the previous does lay the foundation for the solution.
For the Windows Service you need a custom implementation (an adapter) as well:
public class ServiceUserContext : IUserContext
User CurrentUser { get; set; }
This implementation is much simpler and here ServiceUserContext's CurrentUser property is a writable property. This solves your problem elegantly, because you can now do the following:
// Windows Service Registration:
container.Register<IUserContext, ServiceUserContext>(Lifestyle.Scoped);
// Code in the new Thread:
using (container.BeginLifetimeScope())
var userContext = container.GetInstance<ServiceUserContext>();
// Set the user of the scoped ServiceUserContext
userContext.CurrentUser = GetUserContext(message);
var handler = container.GetInstance<IHandleMessages<SomeMessage>>();
Here, the solution is, as well, the separation of creation of object graphs and the use of runtime data. In this case, the runtime data is provided to the object graph after construction (i.e. using userContext.CurrentUser = GetUserContext(message)).

Autofac: creating nested scopes per instance on-the-fly

I would like to implement an application-wide container and a (nested) one for each project created by the user. I looked into Owned<T>, but then - as far as I could figure it out - my internal collection of projects would have to be <Owned<Project>> which I do not want and also I failed to inject a project dependency into objects used within the project scope ("circular component dependency"). I considered using a new ContainerBuilder within the project factory, but then the "nested" aspect is missing.
A few exapmles of classes (with the dependencies) I would like to have:
In a global scope: ProjectManager(IProjectFactory)
In each project's scope: Project(IDocumentFactory documentFactory), Document(IProject project, IProjectSettings settings).
So for the project's scope I would register IDocumentFactory, IProjectSettings (and the project itself?).
When a project is closed/disposed all created dependencies should, of course, also be disposed.
If possible, the concrete classes (except for the ProjectFactory) should be Autofac-agnostic.
FYI: The application is a desktop application using C# and Autofac 4.8.
UPDATE: Thanks for your comments, the discussion helped me find my own opinion. Currently I'm settling for something like this in my ProjectFactory:
public Project Create()
var scope = _globalScope.BeginLifetimeScope(MyIocHelper.RegisterProjectDependencies);
var p = scope.Resolve<Project>();
_projectScopes.Add(p, scope);
p.Disposing += project_Disposing;
return p;
Things to note:
As far as I can tell, using a tag for the lifetime scope is not necessary.
Project raises a Disposing event when its Dispose method is called the first time.
The factory keeps a Dictionary<Project, ILifetimeScope> and cleans it up when the project is disposed.
You can accomplish what you are looking for with a combination of named lifetime scopes and instance-per-lifetime-scope registrations.
Documentation here:
You need to:
register your ProjectManager as SingleInstance
register Project as this:
This will guarantee that a Project can be resolved (e.g. by a Document) once per each scope tagged as "project".
Implement an OpenProject (or something along) method in ProjectManager. This method should instantiate a LifetimeScope tagged as "project", register in it the IDocumentFactory, IProjectSettings, so they are resolved only once for each project scope, and attach the scope itself onto the Project instance. This is crucial: you need the scope to be disposed when you dispose the project.
public class ProjectManager : IProjectFactory
private readonly ILifetimeScope _scope;
public ProjectManager(ILifetimeScope scope)
// this is going to be the global scope.
_scope = scope;
public Project OpenProject(IDocumentFactory docFactory, IProjectSettings settings)
var projectScope = _scope.BeginLifetimeScope("project");
return projectScope.Resolve<Project>();
public class ProjectScope : IDisposable
private readonly ILifetimeScope _scope;
public ProjectManager(ILifetimeScope scope)
// this is going to be the project scope.
_scope = scope;
public void Dispose() {
if (_scope != null) {
_scope = null;
public class Project : IDisposable
private readonly ProjectScope _scope;
public Project(ProjectScope scope /*, ...*/)
_scope = scope;
public void Dispose() {
// pay attention that this method will be called 2 times, once by you
// and another time by the underlying LifetimeScope. So this code should
// handle that gracefully (so the _scope == null).
if (_scope != null) {
_scope = null;
Given all this, you keep every using Autofac out of every class, with the 2 exceptions of the global manager and the ProjectScope. You can change some bits on how the scope is handled, if you accept a single using Autofac in the Project class itself: you can get directly the ILifetimeScope and dispose of it directly.
Hope this helps!

Proper way to override dependencies within a scope

I'm using Simple Injector. I have a background processor which is using DI from the start. It will pickup jobs to run, and run them. However, each job needs to run within its own scope so that I can override some contextual dependencies. For example, the job needs to run within a specific security context (the one from which it was created), so I need to start a new scope and override the ISecurityContext injection so the job will be properly secured.
To accomplish this, I was creating a new container (with the proper ISecurityContext) and starting a scope, then running the job, but I'm not sure if this is an appropriate thing to do.
private readonly Func<ISecurityContext, Container> _containerFactory;
internal async Task RunJob(BackgroundJob job) {
var parameters = job.GetParameters();
var securityContext = parameters.SecurityContext;
using (var container = _containerFactory(securityContext))
using (AsyncScopedLifestyle.BeginScope(container)) {
// Run the job within this scope.
DI Bits
container.RegisterSingleton<Func<ISecurityContext, Container>>(() => securityContext => {
var c = new Container();
c.Options.AllowOverridingRegistrations = true;
c.Register<ISecurityContext>(() => securityContext, Lifestyle.Scoped);
return c;
It doesn't feel right to me, but I'm not sure what the correct solution is.
The Simple Injector documentation warns about what you are doing by stating:
Warning: Do not create an infinite number of Container instances (such as one instance per request). Doing so will drain the performance of your application. The library is optimized for using a very limited number of Container instances. Creating and initializing Container instances has a large overhead, but resolving from the Container is extremely fast once initialized.
In general, you should create only one Container instance per application. This not only holds from a performance perspective, but the creation of this sort of 'child containers' in general is littered with quirks and flaws. For instance, how to ensure that registrations are singletons across the application?
So instead, don't abuse the container for your runtime state, but store it elsewhere. You can use a Scope instance as dictionary for scoped state, but it's as easy to create a simple wrapper for ISecurityContext that is registered as Scoped instance and gets initialized directly after the scope is created as seen in the following example.
// Can be part of your Composition Root
internal sealed class SecurityContextWrapper : ISecurityContext
// One of the rare cases that Property Injection makes sense.
public ISecurityContext WrappedSecurityContext { get; set; }
// Implement ISecurityContext methods here that delegate to WrappedSecurityContext.
// Composition Root. Only have 1 container for the complete application
c = new Container();
c.Register<ISecurityContext, SecurityContextWrapper>(Lifestyle.Scoped);
// Job logic
private readonly Container _container;
internal async Task RunJob(BackgroundJob job) {
var parameters = job.GetParameters();
var securityContext = parameters.SecurityContext;
using (AsyncScopedLifestyle.BeginScope(_container)) {
// Resolve the wapper inside the scope
var wrapper = _container.GetInstance<SecurityContextWrapper>();
// Set it's wrapped value.
wrapper.WrappedSecurityContext = securityContext;
// Run the job within this scope.
Alternatively, if you use Scope as state, you can inject a Scope instance as constructor argument of SecurityContextWrapper. That removes the need to use Property Injection, but does make your SecurityContextWrapper dependent on Simple Injector:
// Can be part of your Composition Root
internal sealed class SecurityContextWrapper : ISecurityContext
ISecurityContext _wrappedSecurityContext;
public SecurityContextWrapper(Scope scope)
_wrappedSecurityContext= (ISecurityContext)scope.GetItem(typeof(ISecurityContext));
// Implement ISecurityContext methods here that delegate to WrappedSecurityContext.
// Composition Root. Only have 1 container for the complete application
c = new Container();
c.Register<ISecurityContext, SecurityContextWrapper>(Lifestyle.Scoped);
// Job logic
private readonly Container _container;
internal async Task RunJob(BackgroundJob job) {
var parameters = job.GetParameters();
var securityContext = parameters.SecurityContext;
using (var scope = AsyncScopedLifestyle.BeginScope(_container)) {
// Set it's wrapped value.
scope.SetItem(typeof(ISecurityContext), securityContext);
// Run the job within this scope.

AutoFac - Initialize heavy-weight singletons on app_start

Our configuration is, MVC5 C# app, using AutoFac.
We have a number of singletons, which if they're initialized with the first request, causes a bad experience for the user, because their initialization takes around 3-4 seconds in total. We're using AutoFac for Dependency injection, I'm wondering if there's any way of making sure the singletons (or these specific ones) are built on App_Start so we don't lose time when the user sends the first request? If not, what's the best way of solving this problem?
The general solution to this type of problem is to hide such heavy weight objects after a proxy implementation. This way you can trigger the initialization process directly at application startup, while the operation runs in the background without requests to be blocked (unless they require the uninitialized data during their request).
In case your code looks like this:
// The abstraction in question
public interface IMyService
ServiceData GetData();
// The heavy implementation
public class HeavyInitializationService : IMyServic {
public HeavyInitializationService() {
// Load data here
public ServiceData GetData() => ...
A proxy can be created as follows:
public class LazyMyServiceProxy : IMyService {
private readonly Lazy<IMyService> lazyService;
public LazyMyServiceProxy(Lazy<IMyService> lazyService) {
this.lazyService = lazyService;
public ServiceData GetData() => this.lazyService.Value.GetData();
You can use this proxy as follows:
Lazy<IMyService> lazyService = new Lazy<IMyService>(() =>
new HeavyInitializationService());
container.Register<IMyService>(c => new LazyMyServiceProxy(lazyService))
// Trigger the creation of the heavy data on a background thread:
Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
// Triggers the creation of HeavyInitializationService on background thread.
var v = lazyService.Value;

How does autofac determine lifetime scope on injected parameters

I have been having a nasty Memory Leak issue while using Autofac, which I think I may have resolved. But, I am curious about if the service StatsService injected in the StatsRefreshMessageHandler class is using the lifetime scope of the Helpers class which called it.
Register Service
My helpers class is injected with a lifetime scope, it then calls the appropriate message handler. In this example it will be the StatsRefreshMessageHandler
public class Helpers
private ILifetimeScope _lifetimeScope;
private ILifetimeScope _lifetimeScope;
public Helpers(ILifetimeScope lifetimeScope)
_lifetimeScope = lifetimeScope;
public void ProcessMessage<T>(T message) where T : class
//Voodoo to construct the right message handler type
Type handlerType = typeof(IMessageHandler<>);
Type[] typeArgs = { message.GetType() };
Type constructed = handlerType.MakeGenericType(typeArgs);
//Handle the message
using (var messageScope = _lifetimeScope.BeginLifetimeScope())
var handler = messageScope.Resolve(constructed);
var methodInfo = constructed.GetMethod("Handle");
//this is where it call the message handler
methodInfo.Invoke(handler, new[] { message });
And the class (StatsRefreshMessageHandler) below uses standard IOC Injection... But, the question here is where is StatsService resolving from? I assume it is from the lifetime scope of the caller (Helpers), but if it is resolving from the root Kernel, then I still am going to have problems.
public class StatsRefreshMessageHandler : IMessageHandler<StatsRefreshMessage>
private readonly StatsService _statsService;
public StatsRefreshMessageHandler(StatsService statsService)
_statsService = statsService;
public void Handle(StatsRefreshMessage message)
Console.WriteLine("DONE STATS");
There is some detailed documentation about how lifetime scope is determined for objects on the Autofac site. That can probably help clear up some of the questions you may have.
Some quick answers:
The handler you resolve from the messageScope will go in the lifetime scope for which it was registered:
SingleInstance registration will come from the container so it can be shared later with other resolve calls.
InstancePerLifetimeScope and InstancePerDependency will come from the messageScope and will be disposed when `messageScope is disposed.
The StatsService in the constructor of StatsRefreshMessageHandler will also come from messageScope because that's where the handler (the consumer) is being resolved. It will also obey the lifetime scope registration as noted above (e.g., if StatsService is SingleInstance it will end up in the container).
