I'd like to make a scientific calculator in C#, but I didn't find gamma function to
calculate fractal factorials.
The function's description is below:
How can I reach gamma function in C#?
Install the Math.NET package from nuget
Documentation on the Gamma Function : https://numerics.mathdotnet.com/Functions.html
The Math.NET package is indeed an easy way to get the gamma function. Please keep in mind that gamma(x) is equal to (x-1)!. So, gamma(4.1) = 6.813 while 4.1! = 27.932. To get 4.1! from gamma(4.1), you can multiply gamma(4.1) by 4.1, or simply take the gamma of 5.1 instead. (I see no need to show a bunch of digits of precision here.)
In C#:
using MathNet.Numerics; //at beginning of program
private double Factorial(double x)
double r = x;
r *= SpecialFunctions.Gamma(x);
return r;
//This could be simplified into:
//return x * SpecialFunctions.Gamma(x);
private double Factorial2(double x)
double r;
r = SpecialFunctions.Gamma(x + 1);
return r;
If for some reason you don't want to use Math.Net, you can write your own gamma function as follows:
static int g = 7;
static double[] p = {0.99999999999980993, 676.5203681218851, -1259.1392167224028,
771.32342877765313, -176.61502916214059, 12.507343278686905,
-0.13857109526572012, 9.9843695780195716e-6, 1.5056327351493116e-7};
Complex MyGamma(Complex z)
// Reflection formula
if (z.Real < 0.5)
return Math.PI / (Complex.Sin(Math.PI * z) * MyGamma(1 - z));
z -= 1;
Complex x = p[0];
for (var i = 1; i < g + 2; i++)
x += p[i] / (z + i);
Complex t = z + g + 0.5;
return Complex.Sqrt(2 * Math.PI) * (Complex.Pow(t, z + 0.5)) * Complex.Exp(-t) * x;
Note that you can replace the data type Complex with double and the Complex. functions with Math. if you don't need complex numbers, like so:
double MyGammaDouble(double z)
if (z < 0.5)
return Math.PI / (Math.Sin(Math.PI * z) * MyGammaDouble(1 - z));
z -= 1;
double x = p[0];
for (var i = 1; i < g + 2; i++)
x += p[i] / (z + i);
double t = z + g + 0.5;
return Math.Sqrt(2 * Math.PI) * (Math.Pow(t, z + 0.5)) * Math.Exp(-t) * x;
This is from an old wiki page (which has been replaced) but is copied here.
So I'm running iterations with this formula:
double x = 10 / 0.25 * ((0.0002 * x1 * (10 - 0.25 * x1)) + 0.00217 * x2 * (20 - 0.25 * x2)); With this process: Xn+1 = f(Xn).
And if you start from negative X you will eventually end up with (-/+) infinity, so after 6 iterations I'm supposed to get infinity, but what I got surprised me and I couldn't find anywhere what that is, I got "-?", I've tried comparing it to +/- infinity and tried to compare it to int numbers just to clarify what it is, but I cant get anything out of it, for example, I've tried if ("-?" > 1000) break;, and it doesn't outcome as "true". Neither am I getting any errors by comparing it to int/double, I need to stop iterations when I start going into infinity, how can I do that?
public static double CalculateX1(double x1, double x2)
double x = 10 / 0.25 * ((0.0002 * x1 * (10 - 0.25 * x1)) + 0.00217 * x2 * (20 - 0.25 * x2));
return x;
public static double CalculateX2(double x2, double x1)
double y = 20 / 0.25 * ((0.00052 * x2 * (20 - 0.25 * x2)) + 0.0075 * x1 * (10 - 0.25 * x1));
return y;
static void Main(string[] args)
string writePath = #"C:\Users\evluc\Desktop\cord.txt";
double X = -5;
double Y = -5;
int pointer = 1;
double[,] coordinates = new double[10001, 2];
coordinates[0, 0] = X;
coordinates[0, 1] = Y;
for (int i = 0; i < 5000; i++)
//double XTemp = CalculateX1(X, Y);
//double YTemp = CalculateX2(Y, X);
//X = CalculateX1(coordinates[pointer - 1, 0], coordinates[pointer - 1, 1]);
//Y = CalculateX2(coordinates[pointer - 1, 1], coordinates[pointer - 1, 0]);
coordinates[pointer, 0] = CalculateX1(coordinates[pointer - 1, 0], coordinates[pointer - 1, 1]);
coordinates[pointer, 1] = CalculateX2(coordinates[pointer - 1, 1], coordinates[pointer - 1, 0]);
if (Math.Abs(coordinates[pointer, 0]) > 1000 || Math.Abs(coordinates[pointer, 1]) > 1000)
for (int i = 0; i < 5000; i++)
Console.WriteLine("X = " + coordinates[i, 0] + "," + "Y = " + coordinates[i, 1] + "; ");
I think whatever you use to display/inspect the value cannot print ∞.
double d = double.MinValue;
d *= 2;
Console.WriteLine($"{d}: IsInfinity: {double.IsNegativeInfinity(d)}");
-∞: IsInfinity: True
Stopping at infinity
Here's a loop that stops at infinity:
double d = 2;
var i = 1;
d = i*d*d;
i = -i;
So I have to make a program that prints how many times it has to make a certain calculation. However, when I print the result, I seem to be getting 16000 numbers that just add +1 every new time. My question is how to fix this. I have no idea...
Thank you for your help!
My code:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
double a = 0;
double b = 0;
double distance = 0;
int i = 1;
for (double x = -2; x < 2; x = x+0.01)
for (double y = -2; y < 2; y = y+ 0.01)
while(distance <= 2 || i < 100)
a = a * a - b * b + x;
b = 2 * a * b + y;
double a2b2 = Math.Pow(a, 2) + Math.Pow(b, 2);
distance = Math.Sqrt(a2b2);
I assume you're trying to plot a fractal of some description - I haven't checked the maths, but it reminds me of code I've used to generate Mandelbrot set images before now.
The problem is that you should be creating an independent calculation for each point - but you're maintaining the state of a, b, i and distance between points. That means once distance has become greater than 2 and i is greater than 100, you'll never get into the inside of the while loop. Just move the declaration and initialization of those variables to inside your inner for loop.
Additionally, the conditions for your while loop should be ANDed together rather than ORed together, assuming that the idea is to effectively limit it to 100 iterations per point.
for (double x = -2; x < 2; x += 0.01)
for (double y = -2; y < 2; y += 0.01)
// Initialize the local variables here, as they're meant to be independent for each point.
double a = 0;
double b = 0;
double distance = 0;
int i = 1;
while (distance <= 2 && i < 100)
a = a * a - b * b + x;
b = 2 * a * b + y;
double a2b2 = Math.Pow(a, 2) + Math.Pow(b, 2);
distance = Math.Sqrt(a2b2);
The double type means floating point type. See wiki. This type is not the right numeric type for precise addition like you use. Instead of that use decimal type.
I am having trouble with my Monte Carlo Pi program calculating properly.
Basically, pi is only displaying up to 2 decimal points only at the moment, and I feel the calculation has gone wrong somewhere as the closest pi calculation as number gets higher is 2.98-3.04.
My code is pasted below.
static void Main(string[] args)
double n;
double count;
double c = 0.0;
double x = 0.0, y = 0.0;
double pi;
string input;
Console.WriteLine("Please input a number of dots for Monte Carlo to calculate pi.");
input = Console.ReadLine();
n = double.Parse(input);
Random rand = new Random();
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++ )
x = rand.Next(-1, 1);
y = rand.Next(-1, 1);
if (((x * x) + (y * y) <= 1))
pi = 4.0 * ( c / i );
Console.WriteLine("pi: {0,-10:0.00} Dots in square: {1,-15:0} Dots in circle: {2,-20:0}", pi, i, c);
These calls
x = rand.Next(-1, 1);
y = rand.Next(-1, 1);
give you an integer. But you need doubles:
x = rand.NextDouble() * 2 - 1;
y = rand.NextDouble() * 2 - 1;
The random numbers should be generated between 0 and 1 and not -1 and 1.
Used this fixed version of your code as "mysterious code" for students.
using System;
namespace mysCode
class Program
static double euclideanDistance(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
double dX = x2 - x1;
double dY = y2 - y1;
return Math.Sqrt(dX * dX + dY * dY);
static void Main(string[] args)
double n;
double c = 0.0;
double x = 0.0, y = 0.0;
double result;
string input;
Console.WriteLine("Quick, pick an integer");
input = Console.ReadLine();
n = double.Parse(input);
Random rand = new Random();
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
x = rand.NextDouble();
y = rand.NextDouble();
if (euclideanDistance(x, y, 0, 0) <= 1)
result = 4.0 * (c / i);
Console.WriteLine("Result: " + result);
It coverages very slowly, I get 3.14152314152314 after 1M iterations.
similarly to the question: Inverted beta in MySQL I need to use the BetaInv function inside a SQL Server stored procedure.
function is described here: Excel's BETAINV
is anybody aware of anything similar in TSQL or would you wrap it in a CLR .NET managed SQL user defined function?
I really need to use it within the stored procedure and not as post executing code in the C# side after data has been retrieved with the stored procedure because I should keep all logic on the db server for better reuse.
can I assume that a .NET managed udf running in the SQL Server would perform as fast as a normal native TSQL function?
I've in the end implemented the whole function myself, here the source code in case somebody needs it:
public static class UDFs
private const int MAXIT = 100;
private const double EPS = 0.0000003;
private const double FPMIN = 1.0E-30;
[SqlFunction(Name = "BetaInv", DataAccess = DataAccessKind.Read)]
public static SqlDouble BetaInv(SqlDouble p, SqlDouble alpha, SqlDouble beta, SqlDouble A, SqlDouble B)
return InverseBeta(p.Value, alpha.Value, beta.Value, A.Value, B.Value);
private static double InverseBeta(double p, double alpha, double beta, double A, double B)
double x = 0;
double a = 0;
double b = 1;
double precision = Math.Pow(10, -6); // converge until there is 6 decimal places precision
while ((b - a) > precision)
x = (a + b) / 2;
if (IncompleteBetaFunction(x, alpha, beta) > p)
b = x;
a = x;
if ((B > 0) && (A > 0))
x = x * (B - A) + A;
return x;
private static double IncompleteBetaFunction(double x, double a, double b)
double bt = 0;
if (x <= 0.0)
return 0;
if (x >= 1)
return 1;
bt = System.Math.Exp(Gammln(a + b) - Gammln(a) - Gammln(b) + a * System.Math.Log(x) + b * System.Math.Log(1.0 - x));
if (x < ((a + 1.0) / (a + b + 2.0)))
// Use continued fraction directly.
return (bt * betacf(a, b, x) / a);
// Use continued fraction after making the symmetry transformation.
return (1.0 - bt * betacf(b, a, 1.0 - x) / b);
private static double betacf(double a, double b, double x)
int m, m2;
double aa, c, d, del, h, qab, qam, qap;
qab = a + b; // These q’s will be used in factors that occur in the coe.cients (6.4.6).
qap = a + 1.0;
qam = a - 1.0;
c = 1.0; // First step of Lentz’s method.
d = 1.0 - qab * x / qap;
if (System.Math.Abs(d) < FPMIN)
d = FPMIN;
d = 1.0 / d;
h = d;
for (m = 1; m <= MAXIT; ++m)
m2 = 2 * m;
aa = m * (b - m) * x / ((qam + m2) * (a + m2));
d = 1.0 + aa * d; //One step (the even one) of the recurrence.
if (System.Math.Abs(d) < FPMIN)
d = FPMIN;
c = 1.0 + aa / c;
if (System.Math.Abs(c) < FPMIN)
c = FPMIN;
d = 1.0 / d;
h *= d * c;
aa = -(a + m) * (qab + m) * x / ((a + m2) * (qap + m2));
d = 1.0 + aa * d; // Next step of the recurrence (the odd one).
if (System.Math.Abs(d) < FPMIN)
d = FPMIN;
c = 1.0 + aa / c;
if (System.Math.Abs(c) < FPMIN)
c = FPMIN;
d = 1.0 / d;
del = d * c;
h *= del;
if (System.Math.Abs(del - 1.0) < EPS)
// Are we done?
if (m > MAXIT)
return 0;
return h;
public static double Gammln(double xx)
double x, y, tmp, ser;
double[] cof = new double[] { 76.180091729471457, -86.505320329416776, 24.014098240830911, -1.231739572450155, 0.001208650973866179, -0.000005395239384953 };
y = xx;
x = xx;
tmp = x + 5.5;
tmp -= (x + 0.5) * System.Math.Log(tmp);
ser = 1.0000000001900149;
for (int j = 0; j <= 5; ++j)
y += 1;
ser += cof[j] / y;
return -tmp + System.Math.Log(2.5066282746310007 * ser / x);
as you can see in the code, the SqlFunction is calling the InverseBeta private method which does the job using couple of other methods.
results are the same of Excel.BetaInv up to 5 or 6 digits after comma.
for (iy = 0; iy < h; iy++)
double angy = (camera.fov_y / h) * iy;
for (ix = 0; ix < w; ix++)
double angx = (camera.fov_x / w) * ix;
//output[ix,iy].r = (int)Math.Round(255 * (angy / camera.fov_y);
//output[ix,iy].b = (int)Math.Round(255 * (angy / camera.fov_y);
double tr = (angx / camera.fov_x) * 255D;
double tb = (angy / camera.fov_y) * 255D;
output.SetPixel(ix, iy, Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToInt32(tr), 0, Convert.ToInt32(tb)) );
Can anyone see any immediate problems with that code?
The variables tr and tb always evaluate to 0.
I'm happy to provide more information if it is needed.
You haven't given the types for the other variables - in particular, what are the types of camera.fov_x and camera.fov_y? If they're both integers, then the lines initializing angx and angy will be evaluated using integer arithmetic.
This can be fixed by casting one of the operands:
double angy = ((double) camera.fov_y / h) * iy;
The fovy and fovx variables are already doubles though, this isn't the problem.
Could you give a complete example of this, which we can compile and test ourselves?
EDIT: Koistya Navin's edit is overkill. You only need one operand of an expression to be a double for the whole thing to be computed using double arithmetic. (It needs to be the right expression though - if you do (a/b) * c and cast c a double, the multiplication will be done with double arithmetic but a/b might still be done as integers.)
Here's the listing changed appropriately to make sure double arithmetic is used everywhere it should be:
// Changed loops to declare the variable, for stylistic purposes
for (int iy = 0; iy < h; iy++)
// Changed here - cast camera.fov_y
double angy = ((double) camera.fov_y / h) * iy;
for (int ix = 0; ix < w; ix++)
// Changed here - cast camera.fov_x
double angx = ((double) camera.fov_x / w) * ix;
//output[ix,iy].r = (int)Math.Round(255 * (angy / camera.fov_y);
//output[ix,iy].b = (int)Math.Round(255 * (angy / camera.fov_y);
double tr = (angx / camera.fov_x) * 255D;
double tb = (angy / camera.fov_y) * 255D;
Console.Write("({0},{1})", Math.Round(tr), Math.Round(tb));
output.SetPixel(ix, iy, Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToInt32(tr),
Convert.ToInt32(tb)) );
Don't forget to cast your integers to doubles. For example:
for (iy = 0; iy < h; iy++)
double angy = ((double) camera.fov_y / h) * iy;
for (ix = 0; ix < w; ix++)
double angx = ((double) camera.fov_x / (double) w) * (double) ix;
output[ix,iy].r = (int) Math.Round(255 * (angy / camera.fov_y);
output[ix,iy].b = (int) Math.Round(255 * (angy / camera.fov_y);
double tr = (angx / camera.fov_x) * 255D;
double tb = (angy / camera.fov_y) * 255D;
Console.Write("({0},{1})",Math.Round(tr), Math.Round(tb));
output.SetPixel(ix, iy, Color.FromArgb(
Convert.ToInt32(tr), 0, Convert.ToInt32(tb)) );
Quick Reference:
int * double = double
int / double = double
double * int = double
double / int = double
int * int = int
int / int = int // be carefull here!
1 / 10 = 0 (not 0.1D)
10 / 11 = 0 (not 1)
1D / 10 = 0.1D
1 / 10D = 0.1D
1D / 10D = 0.1D
It know it's not part of your original question, but using SetPixel(..) is not very efficient and could be a problem if you are planning to use it in a ray-tracing engine.
You might want to use the LockBits() method, see this answer and this one for more details. They other way to go is to access the data using "unsafe" C# code, which allows you to uses pointers to the data. See this question for more info, I got a ~x2 speed-up by using "unsafe" code.