if (rowCount == 1)
query =
(from x in partJoinTableRepository.GetPartJoinQuery()
join y in partRepository.GetPartsQuery() on x.PartId equals y.Id
join z in partProductTypeReposiotry.GetPartProductTypesQuery() on x.PartId equals z.PartId
where y.IsSkipped == 0 && (y.IsDisabled != "Y" || y.IsDisabled == null) && z.CreatedDate == x.CreatedDate
&& x.CreatedDate == Convert.ToDateTime(fromDate) && cpaclassids.Contains(x.ProductTypeId.ToString())
select x).Cast<PartJoinTable>().AsQueryable();
predicate = PredicateBuilder.True(query);
query = query.Join(partJoinTableRepository.GetPartJoinQuery(), "PartID", "PartID", "inner", "row1", null).Cast<PartJoinTable>().AsQueryable();
// predicate = PredicateBuilder.True(query);
} //query contains multiple dynamic inner joins
//repids contains the list ,I used the predicate builder for the linq to create AND Queries
foreach(var item in repids)
predicate = PredicateBuilder.True(query);
if (typeid == "3")
predicate = predicate.And(z => ids.Contains(z.ProductTypeId.ToString()) &&
z.CreatedDate == Convert.ToDateTime(fromDate));
var count = query.Where(predicate).Distinct().Count();
Here Predicate is not appended with more than one And condition. It is taking the last And Condition and the other And conditions are eliminated.
You are overwriting your predicate each loop.
This should work
predicate = PredicateBuilder.True(query);
foreach(var item in repids)
if (typeid == "3")
predicate = predicate.And(z => ids.Contains(z.ProductTypeId.ToString()) &&
z.CreatedDate == Convert.ToDateTime(fromDate));
I'm trying to run this query, but it tells me this error:
42P18: could not determine data type of parameter $12
bds.DataSource = (from vendas in conexao.Vendas
join nota in conexao.NotaFiscal on vendas.IdNotaFIscal equals nota.Id
join clientes in conexao.Cliente on vendas.IdCliente equals clientes.Id
where (nota.DataEmissao >= periodoInicial || periodoInicial == null) &&
(nota.DataEmissao <= periodoFinal || periodoFinal == null) &&
(clientes.Id == idCliente || idCliente == null) &&
(nota.NumeroNotaFiscal >= notaInicial || notaInicial == null) &&
(nota.NumeroNotaFiscal <= notaFinal || notaFinal == null) &&
(nota.Modelo == mod || mod == null)
orderby nota.Id descending
select new
Id = nota.Id,
ClienteId = clientes.NomeRazao,
Chave = nota.Chave,
DataEmissao = nota.DataEmissao,
Status = nota.Status,
NumeroNota = nota.NumeroNotaFiscal,
Modelo = nota.Modelo,
The error occurs in this line below, if I withdraw, works normal, I have tried to change, however I need this filter.I can't understand what I'm doing wrong.
(nota.Modelo == mod || mod == null)
And here's how I fill out the variable
string mod = String.Empty;
if(modelo != "TODOS") mod = modelo == "NF-E" ? "55" : modelo== "NFC-e" ? "65" : null;
Any idea how I can fix it? Thank you.
Try to separate filtering. Such parameters is bad for LINQ Translation and performance. I hope it will solve your problem.
var query =
from vendas in conexao.Vendas
join nota in conexao.NotaFiscal on vendas.IdNotaFIscal equals nota.Id
join clientes in conexao.Cliente on vendas.IdCliente equals clientes.Id
select new { vendas, nota, clientes };
if (periodoInicial != null)
query = query.Where(x => x.nota.DataEmissao >= periodoInicial);
if (periodoFinal != null
query = query.Where(x => x.nota.DataEmissao <= periodoFinal);
if (idCliente != null)
query = query.Where(x => x.clientes.Id == idCliente);
if (notaInicial != null)
query = query.Where(x => x.nota.NumeroNotaFiscal >= notaInicial);
if (notaFinal != null)
query = query.Where(x => x.nota.NumeroNotaFiscal <= notaFinal);
if (mod != null)
query = query.Where(x => x.nota.Modelo == mod);
var result =
from q in query
orderby q.nota.Id descending
select new
Id = q.nota.Id,
ClienteId = q.clientes.NomeRazao,
Chave = q.nota.Chave,
DataEmissao = q.nota.DataEmissao,
Status = q.nota.Status,
NumeroNota = q.nota.NumeroNotaFiscal,
Modelo = q.nota.Modelo,
bds.DataSource = result.ToList();
Below is a piece of code that I do in a loop:
At the beginning, in the first query, I get a list of location IDs. The list can be long.
Ultimately, I need to find for which LocationId FamiliId > 0
I have it done in a loop but I would like to do it in one question. Is it possible and if so how?
var locationIds = context.TblUsersDistricts
.Where(d => d.UserId == userId && d.ValidityTo == null)
.Select(x => x.LocationId).ToList();
int familyId = 0;
foreach(var item in locationIds) {
familyId = (from I in context.TblInsuree
join F in imisContext.TblFamilies on I.FamilyId equals F.FamilyId
join V in imisContext.TblVillages on F.LocationId equals V.VillageId
join W in imisContext.TblWards on V.WardId equals W.WardId
join D in imisContext.TblDistricts on W.DistrictId equals D.DistrictId
where(I.Chfid == chfid &&
D.DistrictId == item &&
F.ValidityTo == null &&
I.ValidityTo == null &&
V.ValidityTo == null &&
W.ValidityTo == null &&
D.ValidityTo == null)
select F.FamilyId)
if (familyId > 0) break;
It sounds like you want:
var familyId = (
from item in locationIds
from I in context.TblInsuree
// ... etc
&& D.ValidityTo == null)
select F.FamilyId)
How can I build the where clause dynamically, Some time the OwnerID will be zero only itemID and LocationIDwill be provided as the search criteria, in that case the LINQ should be
(from s in repository.ItemOwners.Include("OwnerDetails")
where s.ItemId == searchCriteria.ItemID &&
s.OwnerDetails.LocationId == searchCriteria.LocationID
select new { s.OwnerDetails.OwnerName, s.OwnerDetails.MobNumber }).ToList();
Some time the OwnerID and ItemId will be zero then only the LocationID will be provided as the search criteria, in that case the LINQ should be
(from s in repository.ItemOwners.Include("OwnerDetails")
where s.OwnerDetails.LocationId == searchCriteria.LocationID
select new { s.OwnerDetails.OwnerName, s.OwnerDetails.MobNumber }).ToList();
Some time the whole OwnerID, ItemID and LocationID will be provided as the search criteria, then the LINQ will be like this
(from s in repository.ItemOwners.Include("OwnerDetails")
where s.OwnerId == searchCriteria.OwnerID &&
s.ItemId == searchCriteria.ItemID &&
s.OwnerDetails.LocationId == searchCriteria.LocationID
select new { s.OwnerDetails.OwnerName, s.OwnerDetails.MobNumber }).ToList();
Here only the where clause is changing, Please help me to solve. How I can I build the where clause dynamically (Please note, here I am having a navigation property which is OwnerDetails.LocationId).
You can easily do it by using method-based query. You can add the conditions one at a time and call Select and ToList at the end:
// Where(x => true) might not be necessary, you can try skipping it.
var query = repository.ItemOwners.Include("OwnerDetails").Where(x => true);
if (searchCriteria.OwnerID != null)
query = query.Where(s => s.OwnerID == searchCriteria.OwnerID);
if (searchCriteria.ItemID != null)
query = query.Where(s => s.ItemID == searchCriteria.ItemID);
if (searchCriteria.OwnerID != null)
query = query.Where(s => s..OwnerDetails.LocationId == searchCriteria.LocationID);
var results = query.Select(s => new { s.OwnerDetails.OwnerName, s.OwnerDetails.MobNumber }).ToList();
Simplest is just check the zero condition in the Where clause:
(from s in repository.ItemOwners.Include("OwnerDetails")
where (searchCriteria.OwnerID == 0 || s.OwnerId == searchCriteria.OwnerID) &&
(searchCriteria.ItemID == 0 || s.ItemId == searchCriteria.ItemID) &&
s.OwnerDetails.LocationId == searchCriteria.LocationID
select new { s.OwnerDetails.OwnerName, s.OwnerDetails.MobNumber }).ToList();
I have a where clause that looks up child objects on an entity:
var Lookup = row.Offenses.Where(x => x.Desc == co.Desc && x.Action == co.Action && x.AppealYN == co.AppealYN && x.OffDate == co.OffDate).ToList();
Sometimes the co.OffDate can be null, which will cause an exception. Right now, the only way I can think of to get around that, is to use an if statement:
if (co.OffDate.HasValue)
var Lookup = row.Offenses.Where(x => x.Desc == co.Desc && x.Action == co.Action && x.AppealYN == co.AppealYN && x.OffDate == co.OffDate).ToList();
var Lookup = row.Offenses.Where(x => x.Desc == co.Desc && x.Action == co.Action && x.AppealYN == co.AppealYN).ToList();
Is there anyway I can re-write the linq query to accomplish what the if statement does? I still want to do a lookup, even if the co.OffDate is null.
You could insert a ternary into your Where filter:
var Lookup = row.Offenses
.Where(x =>
x.Desc == co.Desc
&& x.Action == co.Action
&& x.AppealYN == co.AppealYN
&& (co.OffDate.HasValue ? x.OffDate == co.OffDate : true)
I would rewrite it to be more readable (in my opinion):
var query = row.Offenses.Where(x => x.Desc == co.Desc
&& x.Action == co.Action
&& x.AppealYN == co.AppealYN)
if (co.OffenseDate.HasValue)
query = query.Where(x.OffDate == co.OffenseDate);
var Lookup = query.ToList();
I'm trying to return a result and a nested result in a linq to entities query.
Orders[] orderlist =
(from m in db.Orders.Include("OrderLines")
&& m.Branch == branch
&& (m.OrderStatus == "1" || m.OrderStatus == "4")
&& m.SpecialInstrs == string.Empty
select m
HOW??---> m.OrderLines = m.OrderLines.Where(p => (p.LineType == "1" || p.LineType == "7") && p.MBomFlag != "C").ToArray()
The problem is that the include returns all the FK'd OrderLines for each order when I really only want certain order lines.
How do I do this?
Orders and OrderList are both POCO entities generated by L2E and the poco entity generator.
You can manually join them:
Orders[] orderlist = (from m in db.Orders
join p in db.Orderlines
on p.OrderId = m.Id
where areas.Contains(m.Area)
&& m.Branch == branch
&& (m.OrderStatus == "1" || m.OrderStatus == "4")
&& m.SpecialInstrs == string.Empty
&& (p.LineType == "1" || p.LineType == "7")
&& p.MBomFlag != "C"
select m).ToArray();