Is there a way to bridge empty lines with Substring? - c#

With the following code, I delete line by line in a TextBox (0, 39). Now there is on the last place a money amount (1 any Articel 10.00) which I want to deduct from the total amount. For that, I use the Substring. But there I get errors, as probably the empty spaces are not interpreted. Is there a simple solution to this? Thanks
private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (TextBox1.Text.Length > 0)
txtTotal.Text = (Double.Parse(txtTotal.Text) - Double.Parse(TextBox1.Text.Substring(8, 2))).ToString("0.00");
TextBox1.Text = TextBox1.Text.Remove(0, 39);
if (TextBox1.Text.Length == 0)
MessageBox.Show("The cart is empty");

Few things you can do to make your life easier (assuming you have to keep a TextBox as you have stated to others.)
Before I get into the details however, the issue seems to be you're having trouble parsing text that represents lines of data, data which contains amounts which you want to act on. If this is an incorrect assumption, disregard this answer.
Ok, back to it...
Rather than trying to work with the text directly in the TextBox, start by reading in your entire string as a list of lines (i.e. List<String>). You can do that with the Split function or with RegEx expressions. See here
Use RegEx expressions for each line to identify not just the type of line it is (an 'item' line or the 'All' line at the bottom) as well as the various parts of those lines. For instance, you can use a RegEx that starts at the end of the line and goes backwards looking for a number (in the form of a string.) Use the result of that for your Parse method to get the actual numeric value.
Finally, if you still need to remove the lines of text (I'm not sure if you're removing the text just for your logic or if you need to display it) simply remove them from your list of strings for the lines. If it needs to be displayed back in the UI (doubtful as it seems it should be blank at the end of processing) just use Join to convert the lines back to a string, then set that back to the TextBox.Text property.
Hope this helps!
P.S. To (try and) avoid comments such as the ones you got about your design, it may help to start your question by saying something like 'Unfortunately I'm restricted to using a TextBox due to issues outside of this question, hence I'm looking for an answer here.' At least that should cut back on those responses telling you to 'Do it differently!' instead of answering your question.


How do you delete text surrounding a string that you want?

I've looked online for this but not been able to find an answer unfortunately (sorry if there is something I have missed).
I have some code which filters out a specific string (which can change depending on what is read from the serial port). I want to be able to delete all of the characters which I am not using.
e.g. the string I want from the text below is "ThisIsTheStringIWant"
Now, I already have a function with some code which will identify this and print it to where I want. However, as the comms could be coming in from multiple ports at any frequency, before printing the string to where I want it, I need to have a piece of code which will recognise everything I don't want and delete it from my buffer.
e.g. Using the same random text above, I want to get rid of the two random strings at the ends (which are before and after "ThisIsTheStringIWant" in the middle).
I have tried using the highest voted answer from this question, however I can't find a way to delete the unwanted text before my wanted string. Remove characters after specific character in string, then remove substring?
If anyone can help, that would be great!
Sorry, I should have probably made my question clearer.
Any possible number of characters could be before and/or after the actual string I want, and as the string I want is coming from a serial port it will be different every time depending on what comms are coming in from the serial port. On my application I have a cell in a DGV called "Extract" and by typing in the first bit of the comms I am expecting (in this case, the extract would be This). But that will be different depending on what I am doing.
Find the position of the string you want, delete from the beginning to the predecessor of that position, then delete everything from the length of your string to the end.
String: efefhokiehfdThisIsTheStringIWantcbunlokew
Step 1 - "ThisIsTheStringIWant" starts at position 13, so delete the first twelve, leaving...
String: ThisIsTheStringIWantcbunlokew
Step 2 - "ThisIsTheStringIWant" is 20 characters long, so delete from character 21 to the length of the string, leaving:
String: ThisIsTheStringIWant

RichTextBox inserting text

For Windows Forms.
I am trying to insert text into the .rtf field of a RichTextBox.
I have tried two methods. When I use .Rtf.insert, nothing happens at all.
When I edit the .rtf string based on the selected text positions myself, I either end up adding gibberish to the thing or getting an error that says that the file format is invalid. My best guess is that this is because the .rtf string is in .rtf format and the selection index that I am using is based on the plain text string and so I am inserting the text in the wrong location in the .rtf string and messing up the RTF code.
But knowing what the problem is (if I am correct) hasn't helped me solve it.
Is there a way to get .rtf.insert to work correctly, or is there a way to translate the selected text indexes to the actual .rtf text positions so that something like the code below would work? I am assuming that the RichTextBox itself must know how to translate the one index into another because it can insert characters when the user types just fine.
Here is my code snippet. The point of the code is to insert a marker into the text that will later be parsed and replaced with a student's first name. There will be other such codes. "codeLeader" and "codeEnder" are just the strings I use to surround the codes with. In this case I am using "[*" and *]" to indicate that there is a code I will need to parse, but I put them into separate strings so that I can easily change it if I wish. I have actually already written the parsing code, which works just fine on rich text. It is just inserting the text into the richTextBox itself that is the problem. In other words, if I were to type the codes by hand it would work just fine. But this would be troublesome for the user because some of the codes will use index numbers.
private void studentFirstNameCode_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string ins = f1ref.codeLeader;
ins += "SNFirst" + f1ref.codeEnder;
int start = editorField.richTextBox1.SelectionStart;
if (start == -1) { start = 0; }
int end = start + editorField.richTextBox1.SelectionLength;
if (end == -1) { end = 0; }
string pre = editorField.richTextBox1.Rtf.Substring(0, start);
string post = editorField.richTextBox1.Rtf.Substring(end);
string newstring = pre + ins + post;
editorField.richTextBox1.Rtf = newstring;
// this also doesn't work. gives no result at all.
// editorField.richTextBox1.Rtf.Insert(start, newstring);
I don't think that you need to use the RTF property to simple insert a text inside the RichTextBox actual text. In particular because you don't seem to add an RTF formatted text.
If you don't want to use RTF then the simplest way to accomplish your goal is just one line of code
editorField.SelectedText = yourParameterText;
This will work as you have pasted the text from the clipboard in the selected position (eventually replacing text if something is selected) and the base work of correctly formatting your text inside the RTF is done by the control itself
I have found a work-around by using .SendKeys. This makes the text appear a bit slowly (as if typed very quickly) so isn't optimal, but it does work.
It is enough for a workable solution, but I am still troubled by the problem. It seems like this issue should have a more elegant solution than this.

How to remove strings from a string based on the contents of a string array?

Checks if something contains any instance of any element in myString. Something may be "Sideboard: 1 Forest", "SB: 1 Mountain", "SB 1 Plains", etc. If something does contain any of the elements of the array, those elements will always be followed by a white space, a number, a white space, and a string: " 1 Swamp".
string[] myString = {"Side", "side", "Board", "board", "Sideboard", "sideboard", "SB", "sb", "SB:", "sb:"};
if(myString.Any(s => something.Contains(s)))
// newSomething = something but with any instance of any element in myString removed
// from the start of something up to the first whitespace.
I need help with the removing part of the comment in the above if statement block.
Those are some blunt responses, but I understand!
I did go through the introduction and tried to searched for relevant stuff but couldn't find this situation. This is a little program I made for personal use, not for an assignment. I do not know anything about regular expressions.
As for clarification, at the point in the program where "something" is found to contain any of the elements in the "myString" array, I then want to remove those elements only from the start of the string in "something".
Ex: something = "Sideboard: 1 Inside Out"
I want to remove "myString" elements only from the beginning of the string and before the number because the strings after the number may also contain elements of "myString".
Also, upon submitting this question, I instantly figured out a way to do the removing: I just used TrimStart() with an array containing the individual characters of the elements in "myString". This did what I wanted but I kept this question up to look for a more elegant solution. So, for all intents and purposes, this question is already answered.
Thanks for the help!
string newSomething = something.Substring(0, something.IndexOf(' '));
The above code will return a string ending at the first instance of a space in the 'something' string. If there are no spaces in the 'something' string, there will be an exception.
Not sure if this is what you were looking for, good luck.

Parsing a CSV file

We have an integration with another system that relies on passing CSV files back and forth (really old school).
The structure is generally:
ID, Name, PhoneNumber, comments, fathersname
1, tom, 555-1234, just some random text, bill
2, jill smith, 555-4234, other random text, richard
Every so often we see this:
3, jacked up, 999-1231, here
be dragons
amongst us, ted
The primary problem I care about is detecting that a line breaker (\n) occurs in the middle of the record when that is the record terminator.
Is there anyway I can preprocess this to reliably fix it?
Note that we have zero control over what the other system emits.
So you should be able to do something more or less like this:
for (int i = 0; i < lines.Count; i++)
var fields = lines[i].Split(',').ToList();
while (fields.Count < numFields)//here be dragons amonst us
i++;//include next line in this line
//check to make sure we haven't run out of lines.
//combine end of previous field with start of the next one,
//and add the line break back in.
var innerFields = lines[i].Split(',');
fields[fields.Count - 1] += "\n" + innerFields[0];
//we now know we have a "real" full line
(For simplicity I assumed all lines were read in at the start; I assume you could alter it to lazily fetch each line easily enough.)
Let me start and say that the CSV file in your example is invalid. If a line break occurs inside a string, it should be wrapped with double quote characters.
Now for the answer - In order to parse this invalid csv format you must do several assumptions. In this case I made 2 assumptions: 1) The ID column must be numeric 2) The comment field can not contain digits.
Based on these assumptions you can check the first character after the line break character. If it is digit, you assume its a new record. If not you should treat it as a continue value of the comment field.
I don't know if the second assumption is valid, if not, you can enhance the logic so it will cover the business rules of the system.
Good Luck!
Firstly I would recommend using a tool to manage reading and writing your csv files, I use the FileHelpers library which is great.
You can essentially type your records and it will do all the validation and such for you. Worth the effort.
To your question perhaps you can do some preprocessing on the file and use Regex to replace any line breaks with a space?
I do something similar (not with files but) try
line.Replace(Environment.NewLine, " ");
With FileHelpers you could write a custom converter to do this during processing, or hook into the BeforeRead event.

Replacing part of text in richtextbox

I need to compare a value in a string to what user typed in a richtextbox.
For example: if a richtextbox holds string rtbText = "aaaka" and I compare this to another variable string comparable = "ka"(I want it to compare backwards). I want the last 2 letters from rtbText (comparable has only 2 letters) to be replaced with something that was predetermined(doesn't really matter what).
So rtbText should look like this:
rtbText = "aaa(something)"
This doesn't really have to be compared it can just count letters in comparable and based on that it can remove 2 letters from rtbText and replace them with something else.
Here is what I have:
int coLen = comparable.Length;
comparable = null;
TextPointer caretBack = rtb.CaretPosition.GetPositionAtOffset(coLen, LogicalDirection.Backward);
TextRange rtbText = new TextRange(rtb.CaretPosition, caretBack);
string text = rtbText.Text;
rtbText returns an empty string or I get an error for everything longer than 3 characters. What am I doing wrong?
Let me elaborate it a little bit further. I have a listbox that holds replacements for values that user types in rtb. The values(replacements) are coming from there, meaning that I don't really need to go through the whole text to check values. I just need to check the values right before caret. I am comparing these values to what I have stored in another variable (comparable).
Please let me know if you don't understand something.
I did my best to explain what needs to be done.
Thank you
You could use Regex.Replace.
// this replaces all occurances of "ka" with "Replacement"
Regex replace = new Regex("ka");
string result = replace.Replace("aaaka","Replacemenet");
gumenimeda, I had similar problems few weeks ago. I found my self doing the following (I asume you will have more than one occurance in the RichTextBox that you will need to change), note that I did it for Windows Forms where I have access directly to the Rtf text of the control, not quite sure if it will work well in your scenario:
I find all the occurancies of the string (using IndexOf for example) and store them in a List for example.
Sort the list in descending order (max index goes first, the one before him second, etc)
Start replacing the occurancies directly in the RichTextBox, by removing the characters I don't need and appending the characters I need.
The sorting in step 2 is necessary as we always want to start from the last occurance going up to the first. Starting from the first occurance or any other and going down will have an unpleasant surprise - if the length of the chunk you want to remove and the length of the chunk you want to append are different in length, the string will be modified and all other occurancies will be invalid (for example if the second occurance was in at position 12 and your new string is 2 characters longer than the original, it will become 14th). This is not an issue if we go from the last to the first occurance as the change in string will not affect the next occurance in the list).
Ofcourse I can not be sure that this is the fastest way that can be used to achieve the desired result. It's just what I came up with and what worked for me.
Good luck!
