i have followed this link To write custom modules. In this tutorial A module named tempSensor sending data to another Module CSharpModule. As far as tutorial is concerned, I successfully implemented it.
What i want to do is: Receiving telemetry data from IoTDevice to IoTEdge Device.
Architecture: Azure IoTHub connected with IoT devices and an IoTEdge device
What i have tried: I tried to send telemetry data from a simulated device connected to ioTEdge with connectionString.
The code to send data is here
//DeviceClient connected to IoTEdge
s_deviceClient = DeviceClient.CreateFromConnectionString(s_connectionString);
private static async void SendDeviceToCloudMessagesAsync()
// Initial telemetry values
double minTemperature = 20;
double minHumidity = 60;
Random rand = new Random();
while (true)
double currentTemperature = minTemperature + rand.NextDouble() * 15;
double currentHumidity = minHumidity + rand.NextDouble() * 20;
// Create JSON message
var telemetryDataPoint = new
temperature = currentTemperature,
humidity = currentHumidity
var messageString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(telemetryDataPoint);
var message = new Message(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(messageString));
// Add a custom application property to the message.
message.Properties.Add("temperatureAlert", (currentTemperature > 30) ? "true" : "false");
// Send the tlemetry message to endpoint output1
await s_deviceClient.SendEventAsync("ouput1",message);
//await s_deviceClient.SendEventAsync(message);
Console.WriteLine("{0} > Sending message: {1}", DateTime.Now, messageString);
await Task.Delay(s_telemetryInterval * 10000);
IoTEdge custom module code's receiving end is here...
static async Task Init()
AmqpTransportSettings amqpSetting = new AmqpTransportSettings(TransportType.Amqp_Tcp_Only);
ITransportSettings[] settings = { amqpSetting };
// Open a connection to the Edge runtime
ModuleClient ioTHubModuleClient = await ModuleClient.CreateFromEnvironmentAsync(settings);
await ioTHubModuleClient.OpenAsync();
Console.WriteLine("IoT Hub module client initialized.");
// Register a callback for messages that are received by the module.
// await ioTHubModuleClient.SetImputMessageHandlerAsync("input1", PipeMessage, iotHubModuleClient);
// Read the TemperatureThreshold value from the module twin's desired properties
var moduleTwin = await ioTHubModuleClient.GetTwinAsync();
var moduleTwinCollection = moduleTwin.Properties.Desired;
try {
temperatureThreshold = moduleTwinCollection["iothub-connection-device-id"];
} catch(ArgumentOutOfRangeException e) {
Console.WriteLine($"Property TemperatureThreshold not exist: {e.Message}");
// Attach a callback for updates to the module twin's desired properties.
await ioTHubModuleClient.SetDesiredPropertyUpdateCallbackAsync(OnDesiredPropertiesUpdate, null);
// Register a callback for messages that are received by the module
await ioTHubModuleClient.SetInputMessageHandlerAsync("input1", PipeMessage, ioTHubModuleClient);
The route information from deployment.template.json file of custom module is as following.
"routes": {
"aggregationModuleToIoTHub": "FROM /messages/modules/aggregationModule/outputs/* INTO $upstream"
But the problem is the callback PipeMessage never called. My understanding is no message is coming at IoTEdge endpoint messages/input1.
To make sure I understand your question, you are trying to send code from an IoT Device outside of IoT Edge into IoT Edge, and then route that data through a module in IoT Edge up to IoT Hub? is that correct? If that's the case, we call the IoT Device a downstream or "leaf" device. IoT Edge needs to be set up as a 'transparent gateway' like this documentation. Once you do that, you need to add ;GatewayHostName= to the end of your connection string where is the name you used as the 'hostname' parameter in your config.yaml file.
I am learning Azure Events Hub. A simple application i have downloaded from this link https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/event-hubs/event-hubs-dotnet-standard-getstarted-send . But when i try to send message, its giving me this error:
10/23/2018 11:11:13 PM > Exception: Put token failed. status-code:
404, status-description: The messaging entity
'sb://demo.servicebus.windows.net/myTeam' could not
be found. TrackingId:[My Tracking ID],
Timestamp:10/23/2018 5:11:18 PM.
In Azure Event Hub Dashboard all incoming requests (sending from console app) are visible with chart. but those are all request actually failed when i tried in console application
N.B:the given connectionstring is not real
public class Program
private static EventHubClient eventHubClient;
private const string EventHubConnectionString = "Endpoint=sb://iot-bd-madness.servicebus.windows.net/;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=";
private const string EventHubName = "Iot-Bd-Madness";
public static void Main(string[] args)
private static async Task MainAsync(string[] args)
// Creates an EventHubsConnectionStringBuilder object from a the connection string, and sets the EntityPath.
// Typically the connection string should have the Entity Path in it, but for the sake of this simple scenario
// we are using the connection string from the namespace.
var connectionStringBuilder = new EventHubsConnectionStringBuilder(EventHubConnectionString)
EntityPath = EventHubName
eventHubClient = EventHubClient.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionStringBuilder.ToString());
await SendMessagesToEventHub(100);
await eventHubClient.CloseAsync();
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");
// Creates an Event Hub client and sends 100 messages to the event hub.
private static async Task SendMessagesToEventHub(int numMessagesToSend)
for (var i = 0; i < numMessagesToSend; i++)
var message = $"Message {i}";
Console.WriteLine($"Sending message: {message}");
await eventHubClient.SendAsync(new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message)));
catch (Exception exception)
Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now} > Exception: {exception.Message}");
await Task.Delay(10);
Console.WriteLine($"{numMessagesToSend} messages sent.");
I ran into same problem. My EventHubName = "myeventhubname" was wrong. I passed the Event Hubs Namespace value - rounded in red. It gave error.
I changed it to value under Event Hub page left column -> click Entities -> Event Hubs
I used the name that was shown in the table rounded in green.
I'm developing a c# desktop api with forms where I want to receive ACC data from a BLE server und display them in a chart.
So I'm running in a connection problem and I can't find any solution.
I can find my LE server Device with the watcher.
DevicePairingResult dpr = await device.DeviceInformation.Pairing.PairAsync(DevicePairingProtectionLevel.Encryption);
returns me "AlreadyPaired"
But when I do
device = await BluetoothLEDevice.FromBluetoothAddressAsync(bluetoothAddress: eventArgs.BluetoothAddress);
mGattService = device.GetGattService(MotionService_GUID);
mCharacteristic = mGattService.GetCharacteristics(ACC_Characteristic_GUID)[0];
and then
var con = device.ConnectionStatus;
I receive "Disconnected" in con.
I am bound with de device on windows( I searched for it in Windows and entered the Code) but I am not connected(based on the Status in the windows info center).
I've read in another Thread in the windows c# developer page that it should not be necessary anymore to pair the device manually.
I'm pretty shure that the rest of my code works because sometimes I can get a connection( pretty confusing for me) and see the right Data in my chart.
Right now I just want to reach a stable connection before changing other part of my code.
Anyone any idea how to solve this?
Thx medTech
Here is part of the Code:
Scanning for BLE
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Create Bluetooth Listener
var watcher = new BluetoothLEAdvertisementWatcher();
watcher.ScanningMode = BluetoothLEScanningMode.Active;
// Register callback for when we see an advertisements
watcher.Received += OnAdvertisementReceivedAsync;
// Wait 5 seconds to make sure the device is really out of range
watcher.SignalStrengthFilter.OutOfRangeTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(5000);
watcher.SignalStrengthFilter.SamplingInterval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(2000);
// Starting watching for advertisements
Connect to Server:
private async void OnAdvertisementReceivedAsync(BluetoothLEAdvertisementWatcher watcher, BluetoothLEAdvertisementReceivedEventArgs eventArgs)
// Filter for specific Device
if (eventArgs.Advertisement.LocalName == "MYDEVICE")
var MotionService_GUID = new Guid("00002000-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB");
var ACC_Characteristic_GUID = new Guid("00002001-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB");
device = await BluetoothLEDevice.FromBluetoothAddressAsync(bluetoothAddress: eventArgs.BluetoothAddress);
DevicePairingResult dpr = await device.DeviceInformation.Pairing.PairAsync(DevicePairingProtectionLevel.Encryption);
mGattService = device.GetGattService(MotionService_GUID);
mCharacteristic = mGattService.GetCharacteristics(ACC_Characteristic_GUID)[0];
GattDeviceServicesResult result = await device.GetGattServicesAsync();
GattCommunicationStatus status1 = await ReadFromCharacteristicAsync(mCharacteristic);
var con = device.ConnectionStatus;
while (status1 == GattCommunicationStatus.Success)
status1 = await ReadFromCharacteristicAsync(mCharacteristic);
status1 = GattCommunicationStatus.Unreachable;
Read from Characteristic:
async Task ReadFromCharacteristicAsync(GattCharacteristic mCharacteristic)
GattReadResult readResult = await mCharacteristic.ReadValueAsync(BluetoothCacheMode.Uncached);
if (readResult.Status == GattCommunicationStatus.Success)
byte[] data = new byte[readResult.Value.Length];
if (chart1.IsHandleCreated)
this.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { updateChart(data); });
return readResult.Status;
return readResult.Status;
Terminate Connection
private async Task<bool> ClearBluetoothLEDeviceAsync()
await device.DeviceInformation.Pairing.UnpairAsync();
device = null;
return true;
SO now when I connect the first time to the Server, I only receive zeros which shows me that the there might be a authentication Error.
After that I always receive this Error:
"System.ArgumentException" in mscorlib.dll with a notification that there is noch executable Code left because all Threads are doing some asynchronous stuff.
This Error gets thrown when I try to read from the Characteristic.
I never coded in c# before so I am not shure if there is an error in my asynchronous part oder the communication part.
Thanks you
Pairing is not the same as connecting!
I really advise using the BLE-advertisementWatcher to select and connect to your device.
The reason is that many BLE-devices don't save their pairing status.
In windows device-watcher once paired, the device stays paired even if it is switched off or out of reach.
Also many times the connection status is kept, unless the device is unpaired and disposed in code or removed in windows settings.
All BLE-devices that I know of start advertising as soon as there is no connection for some time.
This time depends on the device, but most of the time within seconds.
So don't pair but just connect if the device is advertising.
I'm trying to subscribe to real-time updates with Cloud Firestore in c# using Google.Cloud.Firestore.V1Beta1. I'm using the following code, which receives updates for a short time, until the stream is closed. Has anyone got FirestoreClient.Listen to work?
// Create client
FirestoreClient firestoreClient = FirestoreClient.Create();
// Initialize streaming call, retrieving the stream object
FirestoreClient.ListenStream duplexStream = firestoreClient.Listen();
// Create task to do something with responses from server
Task responseHandlerTask = Task.Run(async () =>
IAsyncEnumerator<ListenResponse> responseStream = duplexStream.ResponseStream;
while (await responseStream.MoveNext())
ListenResponse response = responseStream.Current;
// Send requests to the server
var citiesPath = string.Format("projects/{0}/databases/{1}/documents/cities/CJThcwCipOtIEAm2tEMY", projectId, databaseId);
// Initialize a request
var dt = new DocumentsTarget { };
ListenRequest request = new ListenRequest
Database = new DatabaseRootName(projectId, databaseId).ToString(),
AddTarget = new Target
Documents = dt
// Stream a request to the server
await duplexStream.WriteAsync(request);
// Await the response handler.
// This will complete once all server responses have been processed.
Console.WriteLine("Awaiting responseHandlerTask");
await responseHandlerTask;
Edit 1:
I've tried setting the expiration explicitly to never expire, but still no luck, I get 5 minutes in then receive a RST_STREAM.
//Setup no expiration for the listen
CallSettings listenSettings = CallSettings.FromCallTiming(CallTiming.FromExpiration(Expiration.None));
// Initialize streaming call, retrieving the stream object
FirestoreClient.ListenStream duplexStream = firestoreClient.Listen(listenSettings);
Edit 2:
It seems like a bit of a kludge, but I found it works to keep track of the last resetToken, catch the exception, then restart the request with the request token. I've updated the code that makes the original request to take an optional resumeToken.
ListenRequest request = new ListenRequest
Database = new DatabaseRootName(projectId, databaseId).ToString(),
AddTarget = new Target
Documents = dt
if (resumeToken != null)
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Resuming a listen with token {0}", resumeToken.ToBase64()));
request.AddTarget.ResumeToken = resumeToken;
// Stream a request to the server
await duplexStream.WriteAsync(request);
It's not perfect, but I think it's the way Google implemented it in Node.js. It does result in an API call every 5 minutes, so there is some expense to it. Maybe that's the why it works this way?
Until Jon finishes the official support, you can use something I put together if you need it right away. https://github.com/cleversolutions/FirebaseDotNetRamblings/blob/master/FirebaseDocumentListener.cs Its an extension method you can drop into your project and use like this:
//Create our database connection
FirestoreDb db = FirestoreDb.Create(projectId);
//Create a query
CollectionReference collection = db.Collection("cities");
Query qref = collection.Where("Capital", QueryOperator.Equal, true);
//Listen to realtime updates
FirebaseDocumentListener listener = qref.AddSnapshotListener();
//Listen to document changes
listener.DocumentChanged += (obj, e) =>
var city = e.DocumentSnapshot.Deserialize<City>();
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("City {0} Changed/Added with pop {1}", city.Name, city.Population));
I need to send a message to Azure Iot Hub (https://azure.microsoft.com/it-it/services/iot-hub/) from an Universal App installed in my Raspberry. I've to use HTTP protocol because Raspberry doesn't supports AMQP.
I use the following code:
public sealed partial class MainPage : Page
private DispatcherTimer _timer = null;
private DeviceClient _deviceClient = null;
private const string _deviceConnectionString = "<myConnectionString>";
public MainPage()
_deviceClient = DeviceClient.CreateFromConnectionString(_deviceConnectionString, TransportType.Http1);
_timer = new DispatcherTimer();
_timer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);
_timer.Tick += _timer_Tick;
private async void _timer_Tick(object sender, object e)
string msg = "{deviceId: 'myFirstDevice', timestamp: " + DateTime.Now.Ticks + " }";
Message eventMessage = new Message(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(msg));
await _deviceClient.SendEventAsync(eventMessage);
SendEventAsync gives me:
Exception thrown: 'Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client.Exceptions.IotHubCommunicationException' in mscorlib.ni.dll
Message: {"An error occurred while sending the request."}
I've included in my project Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client as documented here: https://github.com/Azure/azure-iot-sdks/issues/65 with no results.
"dependencies": {
"Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client": "5.2.3",
"Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client": "1.0.0-preview-007",
"Microsoft.NETCore.UniversalWindowsPlatform": "5.0.0"
"frameworks": {
"uap10.0": {}
If I try the SAME code in a Console application it works as expected.
#danvy is right you need to generate a SAS token,here is a signature generator https://github.com/sandrinodimattia/RedDog/releases
There could be multiple ways to send events, you are using http, check out this sample
// Generate a SAS key with the Signature Generator.:
var sas = "SharedAccessSignature sr=https%3a%2f%2freddogeventhub.servicebus.windows.net%2ftemperature%2fpublishers%2flivingroom%2fmessages&sig=I7n%2bqlIExBRs23V4mcYYfYVYhc6adOlMAeTY9VM9kNg%3d&se=1405562228&skn=SenderDevice";
// Namespace info.
var serviceNamespace = "myeventhub";
var hubName = "temperature";
var deviceName = "livingroom";
// Create client.
var httpClient = new HttpClient();
httpClient.BaseAddress =
new Uri(String.Format("https://{0}.servicebus.windows.net/", serviceNamespace));
.TryAddWithoutValidation("Authorization", sas);
Console.WriteLine("Starting device: {0}", deviceName);
// Keep sending.
while (true)
var eventData = new
Temperature = new Random().Next(20, 50)
var postResult = httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync(
String.Format("{0}/publishers/{1}/messages", hubName, deviceName), eventData).Result;
Console.WriteLine("Sent temperature using HttpClient: {0}",
Console.WriteLine(" > Response: {0}",
Console.WriteLine(" > Response Content: {0}",
Thread.Sleep(new Random().Next(1000, 5000));
Check out this article for more details http://fabriccontroller.net/iot-with-azure-service-bus-event-hubs-authenticating-and-sending-from-any-type-of-device-net-and-js-samples/
try to set a connection string to your device (_deviceConnectionString) using this tutorial
You can do it by hand using the information you get from the IoT Hub directly or from the dashboard created by the IoT Suite wizard. It will look like this
_deviceConnectionString = "HostName=YourIoTHubName.azure-devices.net;DeviceId=YourDeviceId;SharedAccessKey=YourDeviceSharedAccessKey";
Did you generate the DeviceId and device key correctly using CreateDeviceIdentity tool?
Here is the guide: https://blogs.windows.com/buildingapps/2015/12/09/windows-iot-core-and-azure-iot-hub-putting-the-i-in-iot/
After hours of searching I found an hardware problem. My Raspberry was trying to use the non-configured Wi-Fi dongle to send the request while for all other requests used the network cable. Removing the dongle did the trick.
On initialize of my router application I call the following code. It binds fine, receives messages fine but refuses to work for the On_ReceiveXXX methods unless it's a direct response. I want to know why
public void Initialize(string frontEndAddress, string backEndAddress)
_poller = new Poller();
_timeAllowedBetweenPings = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1);
_lastPingResponse = DateTime.Now;
using (var ctx = NetMQContext.Create())
_frontEnd = ctx.CreateRouterSocket();
_backEnd = ctx.CreateRouterSocket();
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("[Router]: Connected to {0}", frontEndAddress));
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("[Router]: Connected to {0}", backEndAddress));
_frontEnd.ReceiveReady += On_ReceiveFrontEnd;
_backEnd.ReceiveReady += On_ReceiveBackEnd;
var timer = new NetMQTimer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
timer.Elapsed += On_Ping;
This fails to call the dealer ReceiveReady event:
private void On_ReceiveFrontEnd(object sender, NetMQSocketEventArgs e)
_lastPingResponse = DateTime.Now;
var frontEndMsg = e.Socket.ReceiveMultipartBytes();
var streamData = frontEndMsg.Last();
ApplicationMessage msg = PackageHelper.DeserializeOutgoing(streamData);
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Command received: {0}", msg.CO));
BUT if I change the line
It suddenly works... so messages coming from my front end application can only be responded to, not passed on to the back end application. The same is true the other way round, for the back end messages.
When working with router the first frame is the routing id and it specific to the socket. So you can't pass the entire message from router to router. Change the backend to dealer and it will work, or prefix the message with routing id of the backend socket.