Get the center point between many GameObjects in Unity - c#

I have created a game in which you can control X characters at the same time in the same form and they can die at any time. My problem is when I want the game camera to include all these gameobjects.
I thought that a good option is to calculate the central point between the gameobjects in the scene and make the camera follow that point at a certain distance.
I already have the camera code, but I still need to know how to get that central point or another way of doing it. In addition, the camera does not follow any of the axes (X, Y, Z) linearly, since it is placed in such a way that is the view is isometric (the game is in 3D).
As a last important fact, it is that all gameobjects that are running in the game (that are alive), are stored in a public static List <GameObject> to be able to access the components of these gameobjects at any time. Also, if a character (gameobject) dies or is born, the list is updated without problems.
I leave you a graphic example with three different cases, being the black points, the characters that are in the scene (gameobjects) and the red points, the central point (vector) that I would like to find.
Also, I leave the camera code so you can test if you have any solution:
public class Camera_Movement : MonoBehaviour {
Vector3 newPos;
public static List<GameObject> playersInGame = new List<GameObject>();
void Update() {
// Get Central Vector
// Replace playersInGame[0].transform.position with central vector
//newPos = Vector3.Lerp(gameObject.transform.position, "central vector", Time.deltaTime);
newPos = Vector3.Lerp(gameObject.transform.position, playersInGame[0].transform.position, Time.deltaTime);
gameObject.transform.position = new Vector3(newPos.x, newPos.y, newPos.z);
Thank you very much in advance!

You need to take the average x and and average y.
That would look like the following:
var totalX = 0f;
var totalY = 0f;
foreach(var player in playersInGame)
totalX += player.transform.position.x;
totalY += player.transform.position.y;
var centerX = totalX / playersInGame.Count;
var centerY = totalY / playersInGame.Count;
Let me know if this works for you (don't have access to Unity at the moment), but I put together an example here:

To have a solution that your camera can be best positioned to see all of your objects, then try this:
public Vector3 FindCenterOfTransforms(List<Transform> transforms)
var bound = new Bounds(transforms[0].position,;
for(int i = 1; i < transforms.Count; i++)


When making the camera follow a ball, which one should control the camera position? The ball or the camera itself?

I am learning Unity3D and now creating a trivial (useless) game as follows.
The ball rolls down the inclined floor and the camera must follows the ball with the following relationship
x camera = x ball
y camera = y ball + 3
z camera = z - 10
There are two possible ways to control the camera position.
The ball controls the camera
In this scenario, I attach the following script to the ball.
public class Ball : MonoBehaviour
private Transform cameraTransform;
void Start() { }
void Update()
Vector3 newCameraPos = new Vector3
x = transform.position.x,
y = transform.position.y + 3f,
z = transform.position.z - 10f
cameraTransform.position = newCameraPos;
The camera controls itself
In this scenario, I attach the following script to the camera.
public class Camera : MonoBehaviour
private Transform ballTransform;
void Start() { }
void Update()
Vector3 newCameraPos = new Vector3
x = ballTransform.position.x,
y = ballTransform.position.y + 3f,
z = ballTransform.position.z - 10f
this.transform.position = newCameraPos;
Even though both methods work as expected, I am wondering whether there are any pros and cons for each method. Which one should I use?
As you've already mentioned, both examples work as expected.
What I like to do though, is assign functionality to the object that is responsible for performing the 'action'. In this case the camera is 'following' something. At the moment, it is following the ball, but later if you wanted to make it follow something else, would it make sense to have to navigate to your ball gameobject to change that behaviour? I think not.
By assigning functionality to objects based on 'responsibilities' you will often find that your code ends up being much more modular in the long run.
Of course this sort of practice is nothing new to game development, or software development at all. It complements the Single Responsibility Principle and shares many of its qualities.
But, at the end of the day, if you're working on your code alone, then you will know the codebase inside out. So it's up to you really!
I would also suggest creating Components based off of those responsibilities whenever possible. So instead of having one generic Camera component, I would create a FollowTarget component and attach that to the camera. In doing so, you will have enabled the ability to use that very same Component to make some other, arbitrary object follow another arbitrary object in your game.
Happy learning!

Moving Prefabs, Unity Spawner, Move Position

I have one problem. I want my prefabs to spawn every time my player picks them up. I did research on Google and YouTube and I tried to use the random function and instantiate. I don't know how to use them. I wrote this code I saw on YouTube and my prefab Sphere moves like 1cm to z position. I want to every time when I pick up object or my player go to spawn more of this on the z position. How do I do this?
My smaller script:
public GameObject Sphere;
public float zrange;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
void RandomPosition()
zrange = Random.Range(0f, 2f);
this.transform.position = new Vector3(0, 0, zrange);
You achieve that by not messing with the x and y values (your code sets them both to 0).
Vector3 p = transform.position;
p.z = zrange;
transform.position = p;
This assumes that your code to instantiate the object is already correctly placing the object. If not, more information is needed.

Issues with transform.Rotate in Unity

I have been working on programming a graph in Unity that rotates based on head movement. I have been having multiple issues with the rotation aspect of it.
A sample of the Autowalk class, which I am using to find the angle that the graph needs to rotate based on where the user is facing:
public class AutoWalk : MonoBehaviour {
//VR head
private Transform vrHead;
//angular displacement from normal
public float xAng, yAng, zAng;
//previous values
public float xOrig, yOrig, zOrig;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
//Find the VR head
vrHead = Camera.main.transform;
//finding the initial direction
Vector3 orig = vrHead.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward);
xOrig = orig.x;
yOrig = orig.y;
zOrig = orig.z;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
//find the forward direction
Vector3 forward = vrHead.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward);
float xForward = forward.x;
float yForward = forward.y;
float zForward = forward.z;
//find the angle between the initial and current direction
xAng = Vector3.Angle(new Vector3(xOrig, 0, 0), new Vector3(xForward, 0, 0));
yAng = Vector3.Angle(new Vector3(0, yOrig, 0), new Vector3(0, yForward, 0));
zAng = Vector3.Angle(new Vector3(0, 0, zOrig), new Vector3(0, 0, zForward));
//set new original angle
xOrig = xAng;
yOrig = yAng;
zOrig = zAng;
From there I go to the ReadingPoints class, which contains all of the points on the graphs (spheres) and axes (stretched out cubes):
public class ReadingPoints : MonoBehaviour {
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
float xAngl = GameObject.Find("GvrMain").GetComponent<AutoWalk>().xAng;
float yAngl = GameObject.Find("GvrMain").GetComponent<AutoWalk>().yAng;
float zAngl = GameObject.Find("GvrMain").GetComponent<AutoWalk>().zAng;
if ((xAngl != prevXAngl) || (yAngl!=prevYAngl) || (zAngl!=prevZAngl))
//rotate depending on the angle from normal
foreach (GameObject o in allObjects)
o.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(xAngl, yAngl, zAngl), Space.World);
prevXAngl = xAngl;
prevYAngl = yAngl;
prevZAngl = zAngl;
allObjects, as the name implies, contains the points and the axes.
Anyway, the first issue that is upon running the program is that the graph appears to be torn apart.
How the graph is supposed to look (this is what it looks like when o.transform.Rotate(...) is commented out)
Here is how it actually looks :( Also, the graph does not rotate when I move, and I have no idea why (I thought I might be using the Rotate function improperly but perhaps I also didn't find the correct angles?). Any ideas of what went wrong are much appreciated, thank you!
First of all I think you should start using Quaternions (
Secondly; while you rotate a object with a Camera attached its line of view will change and eventually the object(Graph) will be out of view. If you want as much of the full graph as possible to remain in view of camera as long as possible. You should give the Quaternion of the graph the opposite rotation of that applied to your Camera or the object it is attached to.
Make sure your all elements of your graph are children of a central gameobject in your graph, and only manipulate that point.

Unity C# - Spawning GameObjects randomly around a point

I am not sure how to approach this problem or whether there are any built in Unity functions that can help with this problem so any advice is appreciated.
Here is an image that'll help describe what I want to do:
I want to spawn Game Objects around a given point within the limits of a set radius. However their position in this radius should be randomly selected. This position should have the same Y axis as the origin point (which is on the ground). The next main problem is that each object should not clash and overlap another game object and should not enter their personal space (the orange circle).
My code so far isn't great:
public class Spawner : MonoBehaviour {
public int spawnRadius = 30; // not sure how large this is yet..
public int agentRadius = 5; // agent's personal space
public GameObject agent; // added in Unity GUI
Vector3 originPoint;
void CreateGroup() {
GameObject spawner = GetRandomSpawnPoint ();
originPoint = spawner.gameObject.transform.position;
for (int i = 0; i < groupSize; i++) {
CreateAgent ();
public void CreateAgent() {
float directionFacing = Random.Range (0f, 360f);
// need to pick a random position around originPoint but inside spawnRadius
// must not be too close to another agent inside spawnRadius
Instantiate (agent, originPoint, Quaternion.Euler (new Vector3 (0f, directionFacing, 0f)));
Thank you for any advice you can offer!
For personal space you can use colliders to avoid overlapping.
For spawning in circle you can use Random.insideUnitSphere. You can modify your method as,
public void CreateAgent() {
float directionFacing = Random.Range (0f, 360f);
// need to pick a random position around originPoint but inside spawnRadius
// must not be too close to another agent inside spawnRadius
Vector3 point = (Random.insideUnitSphere * spawnRadius) + originPoint;
Instantiate (agent, point, Quaternion.Euler (new Vector3 (0f, directionFacing, 0f)));
Hope this helps you.
For spawning the object within the circle, you could define the radius of your spawn circle and just add random numbers between -radius and radius to the position of the spawner like this:
float radius = 5f;
originPoint = spawner.gameObject.transform.position;
originPoint.x += Random.Range(-radius, radius);
originPoint.z += Random.Range(-radius, radius);
For detecting if the spawn point is to close to another game object, how about checking the distance between them like so:
if(Vector3.Distance(originPoint, otherGameObject.transform.position < personalSpaceRadius)
// pick new origin Point
I'm not that skilled in unity3d, so sry for maybe not the best answer^^
To check which gameobjects are in the spawn area in the first place, you could use the Physics.OverlapSphere Function defined here:

Calculating/Predicting a way

I'm just starting with physics, so I'm not always sure about what I'm doing. It's a 2D project but I'm using 3D physical objects like SphereCollider etc..
What I have:
Objects floating in space and affecting each other through gravity:
protected virtual IEnumerator OnTriggerStay(Collider other) {
yield return new WaitForFixedUpdate();
if(other.attachedRigidbody) {
Vector3 offsetVector = this.transform.position - other.transform.position;
float distance = offsetVector.magnitude;
float gravityForce = (other.rigidbody.mass * mass) / Mathf.Pow(distance, 2);
// Clamp gravity.
if(gravityForce > 1.0F) {
gravityForce = 1.0F;
other.attachedRigidbody.constantForce.force = offsetVector.normalized * gravityForce;
There are controllable objects on which the player can click and drag a line away from the object in order to give it a force (shoot) in the opposite direction.
What I want to achieve:
The player should see a rough prediction of the way while aiming. That means that the way-prediction needs to take in account the current velocity, the force which would be applied when the player release the mouse button and the gravity of the surrounding objects.
What I have tried so far:
For testing purposes I just save the computed/predicted positions in an array and draw those positions in OnDrawGizmos().
I wrote a method which returns the gravity influence for a certain position called computeGravityForPosition(Vector3 position).
And thats how I try to calculate the positions:
private void drawWayPrediction() {
Vector3 pos = this.transform.position;
// The offsetVector for the shooting action.
Vector3 forceVector = pos - Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
forceVector.z = 0.0F;
// The predicted momentum scaled up to increase the strength.
Vector3 force = (forceVector.normalized * forceVector.magnitude);
// 1. I guess that this is wrong, but don't know how to do it properly.
momentum = this.rigidbody.velocity + force;
for(int i = 0; i < predictionPoints.Length; i++) {
float t = i * Time.fixedDeltaTime;
momentum += computeGravityForPosition(pos);
pos += momentum * t * t;
predictionPoints[i] = pos;
At the beginning, when the objects just slowly approaching each other it looks okay. After the first shot, the prediction is completely wrong. I guess it is because of 1. in the code. Just adding the force to the velocity is probably horrible wrong.
Thank you very much for your time.
I removed seemingly unnessecary parts.
I still think that the main problem lays in 1. in the code. I just don't know how to mix up the current movement of the object (from which I only have the current velocity as far as I know the physics engine of unity) with the new created force:
Vector3 forceVector = pos - Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
Vector3 force = (forceVector.normalized * forceVector.magnitude);
So if you are using a new version of unity probably above 2018, you can use the nice method
Physics.Simulate(dt); // delta time, dt, is the amount of time to simulate.
By using this function you can manually advance the simulation.
This method should be applied to a different physics scene.
Therefore I suggest that when you click you will simulate a few physics steps (the more you will simulate the more accurate indication the player will get),
with every step you store the position of the object and when you are done simulating draw a line between all the points.
In my opinion, it should run quite fast if done correctly.
The code should look something like this:
public PhysicsScene physicsScene;
GameObject actualBall;
GameObject simulatedBall;
OnClick() {
if (!physicsScene.IsValid())
return; // do nothing if the physics Scene is not valid.
for (int i=0; i < 10; i++) {
// store the position.
// draw a line from the stored points.
In addition there is this video that I hope will help, good luck
I hope I answered your question and if not tell me :)
Disclaimer : Unfortunately I suck at math so can't provide any code for the calculations.
Now that the legal stuff is out of the way :)
In my opinion you are looking at this all wrong. What you need is to calculate the curve (path of the objects trajectory) and then simply plot the curve in OnDrawGizmos with a line renderer.
You don't need to simulate the behaviour of the object. Not only is this a LOT faster but it's also simpler in terms of TimeScale shenanigans. By changing the TimeScale you are also affecting the TimeScale of your trajectory simulation which will most likely look and feel weird.
By doing a basic trajectory calculation you will not have this issue.
PS: This link might help.
