I have a service that implements functionality to return data from sentiment analysis APIs. The client can request results from one or all engines and I want to collate all the data together. I want to process these async and wait for them all to complete before returning the result set. I'm new to async programming and I really cant figure out how to arrange the code and how to implement it syntactically. Here's an EXAMPLE of what I'm TRYING to achieve (I know this doesn't work, but you get the idea; hopefully :-) ):
private ISentimentResponse ProcessRequest(ISentimentRequest request, SentimentEngineServices selectedEngines)
SentimentResponse response = new SentimentResponse();
List<Task> taskList = new List<Task>();
foreach (SentimentEngineServices engineService in (SentimentEngineServices[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(SentimentEngineServices)))
if (((int)engineService & (int)selectedEngines) > 0)
ISentimentEngine engine = _engineFactory.GetSentimentEngine(engineService, null);
Task<ISentimentEngineResult> task = new Task<ISentimentEngineResult>(engine.AnalyseSentimentASync(request));
if (taskList.Count > 0)
ISentimentEngineResult[] results = Task<ISentimentEngineResult>.WaitAll(taskList);
foreach (result in results)
return response;
The engine has the following code implementation of engine.AnalyseSentimentASync:
public ISentimentEngineResult AnalyseSentiment(ISentimentRequest request)
MultiLanguageBatchInput sentimentList = SentimentRequestToMicrosoftBatchInput(request, Properties.Settings.Default.DefaultLanguage);
SentimentBatchResult sentiment = _client.Sentiment(sentimentList);
KeyPhraseBatchResult keyPhrases = _client.KeyPhrases(sentimentList);
return MicrosoftBatchResultsToSentimentEngineResult(sentiment, keyPhrases);
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.LogMessage(ex,$"{EngineName} threw an unknown exception: ", LoggingLevel.Error);
public async Task<ISentimentEngineResult> AnalyseSentimentAsync(ISentimentRequest request)
return AnalyseSentiment(request);
What do I need to do and is there any better way to achieve this?
I've looked everywhere for an example but I cant find one that addresses my implementation requirements, or the whole approach is completely wrong!
Thanks all,
This is how you can convert it to async:
public async Task<ISentimentEngineResult> AnalyseSentimentAsync(ISentimentRequest request)
MultiLanguageBatchInput sentimentList = SentimentRequestToMicrosoftBatchInput(request, Properties.Settings.Default.DefaultLanguage);
SentimentBatchResult sentiment = await _client.SentimentAsync(sentimentList);
KeyPhraseBatchResult keyPhrases = await _client.KeyPhrasesAsync(sentimentList);
return MicrosoftBatchResultsToSentimentEngineResult(sentiment, keyPhrases);
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.LogMessage(ex,$"{EngineName} threw an unknown exception: ", LoggingLevel.Error);
private async Task<ISentimentResponse> ProcessRequestAsync(ISentimentRequest request, SentimentEngineServices selectedEngines)
SentimentResponse response = new SentimentResponse();
List<Task<ISentimentEngineResult>> taskList = new List<Task<ISentimentEngineResult>>();
foreach (SentimentEngineServices engineService in (SentimentEngineServices[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(SentimentEngineServices)))
if (((int)engineService & (int)selectedEngines) > 0)
ISentimentEngine engine = _engineFactory.GetSentimentEngine(engineService, null);
Task<ISentimentEngineResult> task = engine.AnalyseSentimentASync(request);
if (taskList.Count > 0)
ISentimentEngineResult[] results = await Task.WhenAll(taskList);
foreach (result in results)
return response;
Remember that you have to call it from some kind of event handler. I don't know what framework you are using (wpf, asp.net, windows service, webapi).
Ok, so here it is:
public ISentimentResponse AnalyseSentiment(ISentimentRequest request, SentimentEngineServices selectedEngines)
if (selectedEngines == SentimentEngineServices.None) throw new ArgumentException(nameof(selectedEngines));
return ProcessRequestAsync(request, selectedEngines).Result;
private async Task<ISentimentResponse> ProcessRequestAsync(ISentimentRequest request, SentimentEngineServices selectedEngines)
SentimentResponse response = new SentimentResponse();
List<Task<ISentimentEngineResult>> taskList = new List<Task<ISentimentEngineResult>>();
foreach (SentimentEngineServices engineService in (SentimentEngineServices[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(SentimentEngineServices)))
if (((int)engineService & (int)selectedEngines) > 0)
ISentimentEngine engine = _engineFactory.GetSentimentEngine(engineService, null);
Task<ISentimentEngineResult> task = engine.AnalyseSentimentASync(request);
if (taskList.Count > 0)
ISentimentEngineResult[] results = await Task.WhenAll(taskList);
foreach (var result in results)
return response;
And the sentiment interface implementation:
public async Task<ISentimentEngineResult> AnalyseSentiment(ISentimentRequest request)
MultiLanguageBatchInput sentimentList = SentimentRequestToMicrosoftBatchInput(request, Properties.Settings.Default.DefaultLanguage);
SentimentBatchResult sentiment = await _client.SentimentAsync(sentimentList);
KeyPhraseBatchResult keyPhrases = await _client.KeyPhrasesAsync(sentimentList);
return MicrosoftBatchResultsToSentimentEngineResult(sentiment, keyPhrases);
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.LogMessage(ex,$"{EngineName} threw an unknown exception: ", LoggingLevel.Error);
Thanks FCin.
I have a method which needs to break after the BadRequestException() is thrown.
Currently after BadRequestException() is thrown, frontend shows loading bar buffering infinitely.
Please find my code below
public FeSite GetSiteBySiteId(string envCode, string siteId)
var watch = new Stopwatch();
FeSite result = this.ExecuteAndParseWebRequestForEnv<FeSite>(envCode, $"sites/{siteId}", HttpMethod.Get);
this.LogService.Info($"FeeDataAcccess - GetSitebySiteId - {watch.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms");
return result;
catch (Exception e)
this.LogService.Error($"GetSiteBySiteId - {e.Message}");
throw new BadRequestException("Invalid siteId!");
Below method calls GetSiteBySiteId() method:
public string GetDevicesSerialNumberBySiteId(string envCode, string siteId)
var siteSerialNumber = "";
if (siteId != null)
var result = this.feeDataAccess.GetSiteBySiteId(envCode, siteId);
List<string> gatewaySiteSNlist = result.Gateways.Select(x => x.SerialNumber).ToList();
foreach (var item in gatewaySiteSNlist)
var siteSN = item;
siteSerialNumber += $";{siteSN};";
return siteSerialNumber;
I have tried this code below :
public FeSite GetSiteBySiteId(string envCode, string siteId)
var watch = new Stopwatch();
FeSite result = this.ExecuteAndParseWebRequestForEnv<FeSite>(envCode, $"sites/{siteId}", HttpMethod.Get);
this.LogService.Info($"FeeDataAcccess - GetSitebySiteId - {watch.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms");
return result;
catch (Exception e)
this.LogService.Error($"GetSiteBySiteId - {e.Message}");
throw new BadRequestException("Invalid siteId!");
while (false);
But I get error "No enclosing loop out of which to break or continue"
How to fix this? Thanks in advance.
public string GetDevicesSerialNumberBySiteId(string envCode, string siteId)
var siteSerialNumber = "";
if (siteId != null)
var result = this.feeDataAccess.GetSiteBySiteId(envCode, siteId);
List<string> gatewaySiteSNlist = result.Gateways.Select(x => x.SerialNumber).ToList();
foreach (var item in gatewaySiteSNlist)
var siteSN = item;
siteSerialNumber += $";{siteSN};";
//BadRequestException catch and error handling goes here
return siteSerialNumber;
I am running this piece of code in my application.
public Task<BulkResponse<JObject>> GetRelatedObjectsAsync(IEnumerable<PrimaryObjectInfo> primaryObjectInfos)
var allSecondaries = new List<Tuple<int, List<JObject>>>();
var exceptionsDict = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, Exception>();
var relatedObjectsTasks = primaryObjectInfos.Select(async primaryObjectInfo =>
var secondaryObject = await objectManager.GetRelatedObjectsAsync(primaryObjectInfo);
allSecondaries.Add(Tuple.Create(primaryObjectInfo.Index, secondaryObject.ToList()));
catch (Exception ex)
exceptionsDict.TryAdd(primaryObjectInfo.Index, ex);
await Task.WhenAll(relatedObjectsTasks);
return ConvertToBulkResponse(allSecondaries, exceptionsDict);
When I run this code allSecondaries object sometimes returns valid list of results and sometimes the code ends up catching exceptions for the parallel threads I have for each primaryObjectInfo.
Async method objectManager.GetRelatedObjectsAsync() internally call 4-5 async functions and there are functions where parameters are passed by reference. (ref keyword)
Am I using the right data structure to consolidate the result from all parallel threads ?
If yes, what could be the reason I am getting different result every time?
You'd better split the execution from the results gathering:
public Task<BulkResponse<JObject>> GetRelatedObjectsAsync(
IEnumerable<PrimaryObjectInfo> primaryObjectInfos)
var relatedObjectsTasks = primaryObjectInfos
async primaryObjectInfo =>
await objectManager.GetRelatedObjectsAsync(primaryObjectInfo)))
await Task.WhenAll(relatedObjectsTasks);
// observe each task's, exception
var allSecondaries = new List<(int index, List<JObject> related)>();
var exceptionsDict = new Dictionary<int, Exception>();
foreach (var relatedObjectsTask in relatedObjectsTasks)
catch (Exception ex)
exceptionsDict.Add(relatedObjectsTask.index, ex);
return ConvertToBulkResponse(allSecondaries, exceptionsDict);
You could look into each task's IsFaulted/Exception and IsCancelled properties instead of causing exceptions to be thrown:
foreach (var relatedObjectsTask in relatedObjectsTasks)
if (relatedObjectsTask.IsCancelled)
new TaskCancelledException(relatedObjectsTask));
else if (relatedObjectsTask.IsFaulted)
exceptionsDict.TryAdd(relatedObjectsTask.index, ex);
I'm using C# .net core to read upload data from multipart post user sending multiple files.
How can I prevent use waiting infinite after read last file in
var cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
section = await multipartReader.ReadNextSectionAsync(cancellationTokenSource.Token);
catch (Exception ex)
Altough I've set cancelationToken for 1 second but it goes infinite, and won't go to
next line if I will send another request.
public static async Task<HttpRequest> FromHttpContextAsync(HttpContext httpContext)
bool multipart = false;
HttpRequest retVal = new HttpRequest(httpContext);
var sb = new StringBuilder();
var sr = new StreamReader(httpContext.Stream, Encoding.UTF8);
var line1 = await sr.ReadLineAsync();
var Line1Parts = (line1).Split(' ');
retVal.Methode = Line1Parts[0].ToLower();
retVal.RawUrl = System.Net.WebUtility.UrlDecode(Line1Parts[1]).Replace("&", "&");
var urlPart = retVal.RawUrl.Split('?');
retVal.Url = urlPart[0];
if (urlPart.Length > 1)
foreach (var part in urlPart[1].Split(new[] { '&' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
var tmp = part.Split(new[] { '=' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
retVal.QueryStrings.Add(tmp[0], tmp[1]);
catch (Exception ex)
string line = await sr.ReadLineAsync();
int contentLength = 0;
while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line))
var tmp = line.Split(':');
var key = tmp[0].Trim().ToLower();
retVal.Header.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>(tmp[0], tmp[1]));
switch (key)
case "cookie":
foreach (var part in tmp[1].Split(new[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
var pares = part.Split('=');
if (pares.Length == 2)
retVal.Cookies.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>(pares[0], pares[1]));
case "content-length":
contentLength = int.Parse(tmp[1]);
line = await sr.ReadLineAsync();
if (sb.ToString().Contains("Content-Type: multipart/form-data"))
string boundary = FindBoundary(sb.ToString());
MultipartReader multipartReader = new MultipartReader(boundary, httpContext.Stream);
var section = await multipartReader.ReadNextSectionAsync();
while (section != null)
// process each image
const int chunkSize = 1024;
var buffer = new byte[chunkSize];
var bytesRead = 0;
var fileName = GetFileName(section.ContentDisposition);
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
bytesRead = await section.Body.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
catch (Exception ex)
stream.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
} while (bytesRead > 0);
retVal.Files.Add(new Tuple<string, string, byte[]>("", fileName, stream.ToArray()));
var cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
section = await multipartReader.ReadNextSectionAsync(cancellationTokenSource.Token);
catch (Exception ex)
foreach (var file in retVal.Files)
File.WriteAllBytes("d:\\" + file.Item2, file.Item3);
HttpContext is inline class of this project and this is the source of HttpContext :
public class HttpContext
public HttpRequest Request { get; private set; }
public HttpResponse Response { get; private set; }
public Stream Stream { private set; get; }
private HttpContext(Stream networkStream)
Stream = networkStream;
public async static Task<HttpContext> FromHttpContextAsync(Stream networkStream)
var retVal = new HttpContext(networkStream);
retVal.Request = await HttpRequest.FromHttpContextAsync(retVal);
retVal.Response = HttpResponse.FromHttpContext(retVal);
return retVal;
While the lack of details and context makes trying to reproduce this issue really hard, I suspect the problem here is due to the fact NetworkStreams (used, under the covers, by your MultipartReader instance) do not yet fully support CancellationTokens. In fact, almost every Socket-related operation on .NET Core just checks for the eventually passed CancellationToken upfront - which is useless, in my opinion.
The good news is that the .NET Core team is actively working on this and I believe the issue will be completely solved in .NET Core 3.0:
As a temporary ugly workaround, you can change your code to wait for both a fabricated delay task and your call to ReadNextSectionAsync(), assuming you don't want to re-used that stalled socket / NetworkStream after that:
var timeoutTask = Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)).ConfigureAwait(false);
var readNextSectionTask = multipartReader.ReadNextSectionAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
if (await Task.WhenAny(timeoutTask, readNextSectionTask).ConfigureAwait(false) == timeoutTask)
// TODO: Handle the timeout
section = await readNextSectionTask;
Additionally, the fact you are not configuring your awaitable may act as a possible deadlock source (it is unclear to me whether you are running this code on ASP.NET Core itself or on some other synchronization context provider). To exclude this possibility, I would suggest to call ConfigureAwait(false) right after your await calls, as you can see on my previous code block.
I have a piece of code that execute HTTP requests (inside a loop) from some currency API and do some work on the data which received.
Because it was slow, I changed it to asynchronously function using: Task.Run()
However, when I measure calculation time (using Stopwatch..) of the function
with the async method, it takes more time (or even) than the sync one.
How can it possible? Am I do it wrong?
public IHttpActionResult GetCurrenciesData(InputCurrenciesData cls)
var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
var data2 = GetBL.mySyncMethod(cls.currenciesList);
string first = watch.Elapsed.ToString(); // --> this faster
watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
var data = GetBL.myAsyncMethod(cls.currenciesList);
string second = watch.Elapsed.ToString(); // --> this slower
return Ok(data);
catch (Exception ex)
getGeneric.WriteError(ex.Message, ex.StackTrace);
return BadRequest();
Example code of the sync function:
public GenericClass mySyncMethod(string[] currencies)
foreach (string currency in currencies)
return getDataChart;
catch (Exception ex)
WriteError(ex.Message, ex.StackTrace);
return null;
Example of the async :
public GenericClass myAsyncMethod(string[] currencies)
List<Task> TaskList = new List<Task>();
foreach (string currency in currenies)
var myTask = new Task(() =>
return getDataChart;
catch (Exception ex)
WriteError(ex.Message, ex.StackTrace);
return null;
The code of the function getDataFromApi:
private void getDataFromApi(string currency)
string currencyCode = getCurrenciesDictionary[currency];
//Get api's URL from Web.config and concatenation the wanted currency code
string URL = string.Format(GetConfig("Api"), currencyCode);
/*HTTP request to retrieve data from Api*/
using (HttpClientHandler handler = new HttpClientHandler())
handler.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
using (HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(handler))
var ResultAsync = httpClient.GetAsync(URL).Result;
if (ResultAsync.IsSuccessStatusCode)
var content = ResultAsync.Content;
string Data = content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
var ret = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RootObject>(Data);
/*add new class to currencyRate list - class which represent the currency and its rates*/
getDataChart.CurrencyRate.Add(new CurrencyRate
Currency = currency,
Rates = ret.dataset.data.AsEnumerable().
Select(date => Double.Parse(date[1].ToString())).ToList()
catch (Exception ex)
WriteError(ex.Message + " currency: " + currency + "/n/ URL: " + URL, ex.StackTrace);
try and read some of this guy:
he's telling in a few words how it works. The main point is that you get some overhead using async/await, however, you're freeing resources. So any task that will run, will run on the synchronized context. but you can handle much more request.
Besides the fact that you are not really using async functionality with the .result kills actually the async part.
In a short line, doing it async doesn't necessarily speed it up. If you have more CPU-bound tasks, that can run simultaneously you will major performance, however, in your case, you will not performance, but resources like Kevin tells in his comments.
hope it helps!
I am new with Async and await using C# Programming. In WebAPI, we have created two API Controllers one with Async and await Programming and other is without that. We have done load testing using JMeter and we have got following results.
Users Sync Async
100 No Errors No Errors
500 No Errors No Errors
750 No Errors Errors - (59.0 %) - 502 Bad Gateway
763 No Errors Errors
764 No Errors Errors
765 Errors - (0.13 %) - 502 Bad Gateway Errors
1000 Errors Errors
Can you any please explain/suggest which approach is best or how can we proceed ?
API Code :
GetPersonalDetailsController - Async and await Used
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> GET([FromUri] RequestQueryListDTO objAPIRequest)
DateTime startResponseTime = DateTime.Now;
Response objResponse = null;
string strResponse = string.Empty;
var HeaderType = Request.Content.Headers.ContentType;
ProductBAL objProductBAL = null;
if (objAPIRequest != null)
Task<Response> tskGetProductDetails = Task<Response>.Run(() =>
objProductBAL = new ProductBAL();
return objProductBAL.GetProductDetails(objAPIRequest);
//Business Access Layer Logic calling
objResponse = await tskGetProductDetails;
objResponse = new Response();
objResponse.ReturnCode = -1;
objResponse.ReturnMessage = "Missing Parameters.";
catch (Exception ex)
\\ Exception Logging
objProductBAL = null;
objResponse.ResponseTime = Math.Round((DateTime.Now - startResponseTime).TotalMilliseconds).ToString();
if (objResponse.ReturnCode == Convert.ToInt32(General.ReturnCode))
return Content<Response>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, objResponse);
return Ok(objResponse);
GetPDPController - Without using Async and await
public IHttpActionResult GET([FromUri] RequestQueryListDTO objAPIRequest)
DateTime startResponseTime = DateTime.Now;
Response objResponse = null;
string strResponse = string.Empty;
var HeaderType = Request.Content.Headers.ContentType;
if (objAPIRequest != null)
//Business Access Layer Logic calling
objResponse = new Response();
objResponse.ReturnCode = -1;
objResponse.ReturnMessage = "Missing Parameters.";
catch (Exception ex)
// Exception Logging Code
objProductBAL = null;
objResponse.ResponseTime = Math.Round((DateTime.Now - startResponseTime).TotalMilliseconds).ToString();
if (objResponse.ReturnCode == Convert.ToInt32(General.ReturnCode))
return Content<Response>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, objResponse);
return Ok(objResponse);
My suggestion is have two methods, one Async and one not. That way you can test more.
you would then need to change the signature of the calling method aka GET
public IHttpActionResult GET([FromUri] RequestQueryListDTO objAPIRequest)
var objResponse = new Response();
//check the properties of objAPIRequest
//add stuff if you want
return Content<Response>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, objResponse);
//Business Access Layer Logic calling
ProductBAL objProductBAL = new ProductBAL();
//you need to change this to async
var productDetails = objProductBAL.GetProductDetails(objAPIRequest);
return Ok(objResponse);