I have a data access layer which returns repositories.
For example, I have the following repository interfaces:
I have Entity Framework implementations of these repositories. These implementations get injected at a runtime with Ninject.
I have One controller with multiple repositories given below
IUploadRepository _uploadRepository;
ISalesRepository _salesRepository;
ITRSalesRepository _trsalesRepository;
ILocalPurchaseRepository _localRepository;
with single controller named -HomeController
In order to functional operation , I need to use DBContext into implementation thats why I implement all those interface like given below:
public class UploadRepository : IUploadRepository
private readonly XMANEntities _entities;
public UploadRepository(XMANEntities entities)
_entities = entities;
*here goes all implementation with context for specific*
Here now I have a constructor within a HomeController which looks this:
public class HomeController : Controller
private IUploadRepository uploadRepository;
public HomeController()
this.uploadRepository = new UploadRepository(new XMANContext());
public HomeController(IUploadRepository uploadRepository)
this.uploadRepository = uploadRepository;
How can I use others in this controller.Is it bad practice to inject multiple repo's into a controller?
i have tried this way like given below:
public HomeController() : this(new UploadRepository(
new XMANEntities()), new SalesRepository(new XMANEntities()),
new TRSalesRepository(
new XMANEntities()), new LocalPurchaseRepository(new XMANEntities()))
public HomeController(UploadRepository uploadRepository, SalesRepository salesRepository,
TRSalesRepository trsalesRepository, LocalPurchaseRepository localPurchaseRepository)
this.uploadRepository = uploadRepository;
this.salesRepository = salesRepository;
this.trsalesRepository = trsalesRepository;
this.localPurchaseRepository = localPurchaseRepository;
It's perfectly acceptable to inject multiple dependencies on an object. However, avoid it as much as possible (Except for transactional objects) to prevent mixing of responsibilities. An approach that you can look at is stored procedures.
private IUploadRepository _uploadRepository;
private ISalesRepository _salesRepository;
private ITRSalesRepository _trsalesRepository;
private ILocalPurchaseRepository _localRepository;
public HomeController(
IUploadRepository uploadRepository,
ISalesRepository salesRepository,
ITRSalesRepository trsalesRepository,
ILocalPurchaseRepository localRepository
this._uploadRepository = uploadRepository;
this._salesRepository= salesRepository;
this._trsalesRepository= trsalesRepository;
this._localRepository= localRepository;
I've been working on several non-web applications with Entity Framework and always it was struggling for me to find a correct approach for implementing Generic Repository with DbContext.
I've searched a lot, many of articles are about web applications which have short-living contexts. In desktop approaches I can't find suitable method.
One approach is DbContext per ViewModel but I don't agree with coupling View with Repository layers.
Another one is using using clause this way:
using(var context = new AppDbContext())
// ...
but this way we will not have Unit of Work and also can't use IoC Containers.
So what is the best practice for using DbContext in desktop applications?
A DbContext is meant to be short-lived: it represents a unit-of-work in itself. If you need long-term object state management then you can use the ObjectStateManager in Entity Framework directly.
For ensuring access to a DbContext, add an interface IDbContextFactory<TDbContext> (or just IMyDbContextFactory if you only have a single DbContext type) and inject that into your ViewModels and use a short-lived DbContext from it:
interface IDbContextFactory<TDbContext>
where TDbContext : DbContext
TDbContext Create();
// Configure:
void ConfigureServices( YourContainer container )
container.RegisterSingleton( IDbContextFactory<YourDbContextType1>, // etc );
container.RegisterSingleton( IDbContextFactory<YourDbContextType2>, // etc );
container.RegisterSingleton( IDbContextFactory<YourDbContextType3>, // etc );
// Usage:
public class LongLivedViewModel
private readonly IDbContextFactory<YourDbContextType3> dbFactory;
public LongLivedViewModel( IDbContextFactory<YourDbContextType3> dbFactory)
this.dbFactory = dbFactory ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dbFactory));
this.DoSomethingCommand = new RelayCommand( this.DoSomethingAsync )
public RelayCommand DoSomethingCommand { get; }
public async RelayCommand DoSomethingAsync()
using( YourDbContextType3 db = this.dbFactory.Create() )
// do stuff
await db.SaveChangesAsync();
Entity Framework Core has a built in IDbContextFactory interface.
If using SQL Server, for instance, you declare the following in the ConfigureServices method (which in WPF is generally put in App.xaml.cs).
private static void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
options =>
Make sure MyDbContext exposes this constructor:
public class MyDbContext : DbContext
public MyDbContext(DbContextOptions<MyDbContext> options)
: base(options)
After that use constructor injection in the class that will be using the context (which could be either in the ViewModel layer or the Model layer, depending on your architecture):
private readonly IDbContextFactory<MyDbContext> _contextFactory;
public ModelClass(IDbContextFactory<MyDbContext> contextFactory)
this._contextFactory = contextFactory;
public void DatabaseOperationMethod()
using (var context = this._contextFactory.CreateDbContext())
// Do database stuff
I am working on a project with Entity Framework where i have implemented Repository pattern and DI (Microsoft Unity), now to maintain the database transactions i want to implement the UnitOfWork pattern, but i am totally confused about how shall i implement it in my current project, i google around few posts, but could not find anything doable with my existing project.
Below is the EF and Repository structure along with DI (Microsoft Unity).
public class GenericDo
public DateTime CreatedDate {get;set;}
public string CreatedBy {get;set;}
public class UsersDo : GenericDo
public int UserId {get;set;}
public string Username {get;set;}
public class UserProfileDo : GenericDo
public int Id {get;set}
public int UserId {get;set;}
public string Address {get;set;}
public interface IGenericDao : IGenericDao<GenericDo> {}
public interface IGenericDao<T>
void Add(T entity);
T Get(object Id);
public interface IUsersDao : IUsersDao<UsersDo> {}
public interface IUserProfileDao : IUserProfileDao<UserProfileDo>{}
Interface Implementation:
public class GenericDao<T> : IGenericDao<T> where T : class
private readonly DataContext context;
public GenericDao(DataContext _context)
this.context = _context;
public void Add(T entity)
public T Get(object Id)
return context.Set<T>().Find(Id);
public class UsersDao : GenericDao<UsersDo>, IUsersDao
public UsersDao(DataContext context) : base (context){}
public class UserPorfileDao : GenericDao<UserProfileDo>, IUserProfileDao
public UserPorfileDao(DataContext context) : base (context){}
Dependency Injection Setup in Global.asax.
var container = this.AddUnity();
container.RegisterType<IUsersDao, UsersDao>();
container.RegisterType<IUserProfileDao, UserProfileDao>();
Now in my main webpage(ASP.Net)
public partial class Default : System.Web.UI.Page
private readonly IUsersDao usersDao;
private readonly IUserProfileDao userProfileDao;
public Default(IUsersDao _userDao, IUserProfileDao _userProfileDao)
this.usersDao = _userDao;
this.userProfileDao = _userProfileDao;
// Now for testing purpose, i update record.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
UsersDo user = usersDao.Get(1);
user.Username = "new system";
UserProfileDo userProfile = userProfileDao.Get(1);
userProfile.Address = "new address";
// Now here i am confused about setting up common Save method to update database with transaction.
EntityFramework's DbContext already implements Unit of Work, so it is not necessary to add yet another layer of abstraction to implement this.
One could even doubt if creating a Repository pattern is actually helpful if you're using Entity Framework. Instead of using a layered architecture and using a Repository, you could investigate whether it is not better to use a more sliced architecture and use the DbContext directly.
Also, what is the benefit of having a 'Generic Dao' that just delegates calls to Entity Frameworks DbContext ? It's just yet another level of abstraction which adds extra complexity but doesn't give you any added value.
Unit of work ecapsulates the database operations in a single object and keeps track of them. In Entity Framework DbContext implements this behaviour and DbSet<> implements the repository. The reason why people create their own wrappers around is to be able to swap Entity Framework for another ORM, if needed or to mock Entity Framework for testing,.
UnitOfWork pattern is used with Entity Framework.
The repository and unit of work patterns are intended to create an abstraction layer between the data access layer and the business logic layer of an application. Implementing these patterns can help insulate your application from changes in the data store and can facilitate automated unit testing or test-driven development (TDD).
First step is to create repositories. Repository is a class which exposes methods to business layer
Second step: You can create UnitOfWork implementation as shown below. There are properties corresponding to every repository. Then you inject Unit of Work in your business layer to use the repository methods.
public class UnitOfWork : IDisposable
private SchoolContext context = new SchoolContext();
private GenericRepository<Department> departmentRepository;
private GenericRepository<Course> courseRepository;
public GenericRepository<Department> DepartmentRepository
if (this.departmentRepository == null)
this.departmentRepository = new GenericRepository<Department>(context);
return departmentRepository;
refer documentation at: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/mvc/overview/older-versions/getting-started-with-ef-5-using-mvc-4/implementing-the-repository-and-unit-of-work-patterns-in-an-asp-net-mvc-application
One way is to create use class inheritance, but is there any other way I could reuse methods that I created in one controller in another controller?
EDIT: should I use a custom basecontroller like this?
public class BaseController : Controller
private readonly ApplicationDbContext _context;
private readonly IIdentityService _identityService;
public BaseController(ApplicationDbContext context, IIdentityService identityService)
_context = context;
_identityService = identityService;
public BaseController()
//reusable methods
public async Task<Account> GetAccount()
//code to do something, i.e query database
public class MyController : BaseController
private readonly ApplicationDbContext _context;
private readonly IIdentityService _identityService;
public MyController(ApplicationDbContext context, IIdentityService identityService)
_context = context;
_identityService = identityService;
public async Task<IActionResult> DoSomething()
var account = await GetAccount();
//do something
Return Ok();
There are several aspects we want to touch:
if code you have is useful in all controllers, most of the time it is good practice to create BaseApiController that will inherit from ApiController and put things that are used across all controllers there. (You also inherit your controllers from that class of course)
if code is some kind of business logic and is not strictly speaking related to handling http request one way or another ( i.e. you have model Square and you want to calculate area and return it from controller method). Things like that you want to refactor to specific service which might or might not be model, dedicated service, static class or something completely different
Generally when you find something you want to use in two places it's a candidate to be spun into it's own class. Then both controllers can use the common class.
I have some code (C# .Net Core WebAPI) I wish to unit test but need some help as the dependencies looks a bit odd to me.
The code came from some sample code (I found on the web) for accessing MongoDb using .Net Core WebAPI, which initially looked ok, until now..
Both the DbContext and the Repository have the same dependency - and the Repository just passes it through to the DbContext anyway - as the Repository instantiates the DbContext:
public class LogItemRepository : ILogItemRepository
private readonly DbContext _context = null;
public LogItemRepository(IOptions<DbSettings> settings)
_context = new DbContext(settings);
public class DbContext
private readonly IMongoDatabase _database = null;
public DbContext(IOptions<DbSettings> settings)
var client = new MongoClient(settings.Value.ConnectionString);
if (client != null)
_database = client.GetDatabase(settings.Value.Database);
public IMongoCollection<LogItem> LogItemsCollection
return _database.GetCollection<LogItem>("LogItem");
I'm not familiar with the Options pattern, but from a quick read it looks good. But I'm not convinced it's good practice to make child dependencies (the options), dependencies of the parent (as in the example above).
Instead should I be making an interface, IDbContext, and using that as the dependency for the repository? That's what I would have done in the past - but not sure if this breaks the options pattern.
I suspect this is subjective, but I'd like some others input.
While primarily opinion based, common practice is to not instantiate the db context within the constructor of the repository. That tightly couples the repository to the context. Inject an abstraction as you stated in your OP.
I may be splitting hairs here but there is still too much tight coupling in the example provided.
First abstract the context
public interface IDbContext {
IMongoCollection<LogItem> LogItemsCollection { get; }
and also have IMongoDatabase be an explicit dependency
public class DbContext : IDbContext {
private readonly IMongoDatabase database = null;
public DbContext(IMongoDatabase database)
this.database = database;
public IMongoCollection<LogItem> LogItemsCollection {
get {
return database.GetCollection<LogItem>("LogItem");
configure service with what ever options are needed at the composition root (Startup). You would even consider encapsulating it in an extension method.
services.AddScoped<IMongoDatabase>(provider => {
var settings = provider.GetService<IOptions<DbSettings>>();
var client = new MongoClient(settings.Value.ConnectionString);
return client.GetDatabase(settings.Value.Database);
services.AddScoped<IDbContext, DbContext>();
services.AddScoped<ILogItemRepository, LogItemRepository>();
//...NOTE: Use the desired service lifetime. This is just an example
That now leaves the repository to be explicitly dependent on the context abstraction
public class LogItemRepository : ILogItemRepository {
private readonly IDbContext context = null;
public LogItemRepository(IDbContext context) {
this.context = context;
//...other code
All layers are now decoupled and explicitly state what their dependencies are, allowing for more isolated unit tests to be done as needed.
I have a simple repository that fetches some data using EF6. I'm also using a DI framework to inject the dependencies.
namespace Domain
public interface IMyRespository
List<MyObject> FetchObjects();
namespace Data
public class MyRepository : IMyRepository
private readonly MyDbContext _context;
public MyRepository(MyDbContext context)
_context = context;
public List<MyObjects> FetchObjects()
return _context.MyObjects.ToList();
A new requirement states that I need to log each FetchObjects() call and it's outputs. I thought this would be perfect example to apply the Decorator pattern.
namespace Domain
public class MyRepositoryDecorator : IMyRepository
private readonly IMyRepository _inner;
private readonly ILogRepository _logRepository;
public MyRepositoryDecorator(IMyRepository inner, ILogRepository logRepository)
_inner = inner;
_logRepository = logRepository;
public List<MyObjects> FetchObjects()
var objects = _inner.FetchObjects();
var logObject = new LogObject(objects);
return objects;
Now I'm looking to employ the UnitOfWork pattern and I'm unsure how to implement in this case.
As I understand it some component needs to manage the UnitOfWork. So in this case a service class would make some calls and at the end call Save/Commit on the UnitOfWork class.
However if the repository interface indicates a readonly action there is no reason for the service class to wrap the call in a UnitOfWork and call Save/Commit at the end. It would look really weird too. However the decorator requires this to do it's job.
I'm probably missing some essential construct here. Any ideas on how to properly approach this scenario?
It would be a bad idea to mix UoW with Repository using Decorator (or similar) simply because it is not unusual for UoW to span across multiple repositories.
Also it is not up to the Repository to decide whether UoW should be committed or not. Repositories should know as less as possible about UoWs, ideally (and it is the case most of the time) nothing.
In your scenario the UnitOfWork class would pretty much only handles the transaction, so it can be implemented as a simple wrapper around TransactionScope, something like:
public sealed class UnitOfWork : IDisposable {
private readonly TransactionScope _transaction;
public UnitOfWork() { _transaction = new TransactionScope(); }
public void Commit { _transaction.Commit(); }
public void Dispose { _transaction.Dispose(); }
Now it is up to the service to instantiate/commit UoW, not up to Repository:
//assuming in a service
public void DoSomething() {
using(var uow = new UnitOfWork()) {
And if your service only wants to read the data, then just do not use UnitOfWork in that operation (or use it without calling Commit so it will just be disposed).
In case if your repository needs to know about UoW, it will normally be passed as another parameter in its behavior method.
Note that it is not done because Repository wants to call Commit, but sometimes (rarely) it is needed for the repository to "enlist" to UoW. These cases are rather more complex.