How can I modify a static property? - c#

I am tring to motify a static property, I don't know where I am getting wrong. Here is the code.
public static string Id
get { return Id; }
if (Id.Length < Idlen)
var zero = new string('0', Idlen - Id.Length);
Id = zero + Id;
Id = value;
Id = Id.Substring(Id.Length - Idlen);
Id = value;
public static int Idlen { get; set; }

So here is an example of what I think you are trying to achieve. (Although ReSharper is telling me not to use these field names...)
private static string _Id;
public static string Id
get => _Id;
set // You want to use value here (new value), not Id (old value)
if (value == null)
// Consider what you want to do if user calls Id = null
_Id = new string('0', Idlen);
else if (value.Length < Idlen)
var zero = new string('0', Idlen - value.Length);
_Id = zero + value;
_Id = value.Substring(value.Length - Idlen);
public static int Idlen { get; set; }


EF6 duplicate entries on related entities

Ok, so I'm really frustrated with the duplication issues of EF6. I have searched the forum extensively and tried different things, but I can't seem to figure this one out.
My base model is a trainingprogram, that consists of many blocks, which in turn hold a list of circuits. Every circuit holds a number of exercisesets and progressions for each exercise. All the relevant parts of the model are in the minimal workin example below.
I have a controller that I use to persist training programs to the DB. Whenever I call dbcontext.SaveChanges(), my database i populated with duplicates of the related entities, although I have tried setting the state to unchanged, attaching the enities to the context and what not. Pretty much everything gets duplicated - exercises, categories and progressionschemes.
This is really a blocker, so any help is appreciated.
public HttpResponseMessage AddProgram(TrainingProgram program)
int id = -1;
using (var dbcontext = new ApplicationDbContext())
foreach (TrainingBlock b in program.Blocks)
foreach (ExercisePairing c in b.Circuits)
foreach (ProgressionScheme ps in c.Progressions.Select(x => x.Progression).Distinct().ToList())
var ep = dbcontext.Progressions.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == ps.Name && p.Id == ps.Id);
if (ep is null)
//dbcontext.Entry(ps).State = EntityState.Unchanged;// Attach(ps);
foreach (Exercise s in c.Sets.Select(x => x.Exercise).Distinct().ToList())
//dbcontext.Entry(s).State = EntityState.Unchanged;
//dbcontext.Entry(s.Category).State = EntityState.Unchanged;
id = program.Id;
catch (Exception ex)
return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, id);
public class ExercisePairing:BaseClass
private List<ExerciseSet> sets = new List<ExerciseSet>();
private List<ProgressionForExercise> progressions = new List<ProgressionForExercise>();
private int id;
public class ProgressionForExercise:BaseClass
public int Id { get; set; }
private Exercise exercise;
public int ExerciseId { get; set; }
public int ProgressionId { get; set; }
public Exercise Exercise
get => exercise;
exercise = value;
ExerciseId = exercise.Id;
private ProgressionScheme progression;
public ProgressionScheme Progression
get =>progression ;
progression = value;
ProgressionId = progression.Id;
public class Exercise : BaseClass
private int id;
private string name;
private string description;
private string videourl;
private ExerciseCategory category;
public int CategoryId { get; set; }
public ExerciseCategory Category
get => category;
category = value;
public int Id
get => id;
id = value;
public class ExerciseCategory:BaseClass
private string name;
private int id;
public int Id
get => id;
id = value;
public string Name
get => name;
name = value;
public class ProgressionScheme:BaseClass
private int id;
private string name;
private string description;
public int Id
get => id;
id = value;
public string Name
get => name;
name = value;
I now solved the issue by basically re-wrtiting my controller code like so:
public HttpResponseMessage AddProgram(TrainingProgram program)
int id = -1;
using (var dbcontext = new ApplicationDbContext())
TrainingProgram tp = new TrainingProgram();
tp.Title = program.Title;
tp.Remarks = program.Remarks;
tp.CreationDate = program.CreationDate;
tp.Creator = program.Creator;
tp.Blocks = new List<TrainingBlock>();
foreach (TrainingBlock b in program.Blocks)
TrainingBlock tb = new TrainingBlock();
tb.Title = b.Title;
tb.Remarks = b.Remarks;
tb.Circuits = new List<ExercisePairing>();
foreach (ExercisePairing c in b.Circuits)
ExercisePairing ep = new ExercisePairing();
ep.Sets = new List<ExerciseSet>();
foreach(ExerciseSet s in c.Sets)
ExerciseSet es = new ExerciseSet();
Exercise ex = dbcontext.Exercises.Find(s.Exercise.Id);
es.Exercise = ex;
ExerciseCategory ec = dbcontext.ExerciseCategories.Find(s.Exercise.Category.Id);
es.Exercise.Category = ec;
es.Reps = s.Reps;
es.Intensity = s.Intensity;
es.Unit = s.Unit;
ep.Progressions = new List<ProgressionForExercise>();
foreach (ProgressionForExercise pro in c.Progressions)
Exercise ex = dbcontext.Exercises.Find(pro.Exercise.Id);
ProgressionScheme ps = dbcontext.Progressions.Find(pro.Progression.Id);
ProgressionForExercise p4e = new ProgressionForExercise();
p4e.Exercise = ex;
p4e.Progression = ps;
id = tp.Id;
catch (Exception ex)
return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, id);
So in essence, I am avoiding the duplicates by only using the very objects that are present in the Context. Although this works, I am not sure if I am happy with that. If a simple CRUD peration takes that much code, I fail to see the upside of using EF VS simply using an SQL insert statement, which would be much more efficient in this case IMHO. Also, why does EF ignore the primary keys and insist on using its wn instances of my enitities? All of this is very strange.

How to read null values out of a integer column in sql to C#?

i am trying to make a project for my school. I am trying to read a table where some null values are in an integer column. I've made it an integer but i can't get the null values into the integer.
I've already searched in stackoverflow but none of the answers i could make at my project. Can someone provide me some help, tell me where i have to put the code to make it work again. I just started as programmer.
This is my database conn string + reader:
public static List<Klant> GetAlleklanten()
var result = new List<Klant>();
using (var conn = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString))
const string query = "select k.klantid, k.naam, k.adres, k.telefoonnummer, k.woonplaats,, k.wachtwoord, kp.klantpasid from klant k left join klantpas kp on k.klantid = kp.klantid";
SqlCommand selectKamers = new SqlCommand(query, conn);
SqlDataReader reader = selectKamers.ExecuteReader();
while (reader.Read())
Klant klant = new Klant((int)reader["klantid"], (string)reader["naam"], (string)reader["adres"], (string)reader["telefoonnummer"], (string)reader["woonplaats"], (string)reader["email"], (string)reader["wachtwoord"], (int)reader["klantpasid"]);
return result;
klantpasid is the one that also can return a null value instead of an integer.
Here is the class where the klantpasid is in the construtor:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace FontysHotel
public class Klant
// instantie variabelen
private int klantid;
private string naam;
private string adres;
private string telefoonnummer;
private string woonplaats;
private string email;
private string wachtwoord;
private int? klantpasid;
// properties
public int Klantid
return klantid;
klantid = value;
public string Naam
return naam;
naam = value;
public string Adres
return adres;
adres = value;
public string Telefoonnummer
return telefoonnummer;
telefoonnummer = value;
public string Woonplaats
return woonplaats;
woonplaats = value;
public string Email
return email;
email = value;
public string Wachtwoord
return wachtwoord;
wachtwoord = value;
public int? Klantpasid
return klantpasid;
klantpasid = value;
// Constructor
public Klant(int klantid, string naam, string adres, string telefoonnummer, string woonplaats, string email, string wachtwoord, int klantpasid)
Klantid = klantid;
Naam = naam;
Adres = adres;
Telefoonnummer = telefoonnummer;
Woonplaats = woonplaats;
Email = email;
Wachtwoord = wachtwoord;
Klantpasid = klantpasid;
Please provide me some help, tell me where i have to place the right code so i can continue my school project. The error i am getting now is ''' The specified conversion is invalid
You can check klantid for DBNull.Value, and if it is, assign corresponding special int value; so instead of
reader.IsDBNull(reader.GetOrdinal("klantid")) ? -1 : Conver.ToInt32(reader["klantid"])
a better way is to declare private int klantid; as private int? klantid; (nullable int):
private int? klantid; // it can accept null now
public int? Klantid
return klantid;
klantid = value;
then while reading from reader we can use turnary operator:
KlantId = !reader.IsDBNull(reader.GetOrdinal("klantid"))
? Conver.ToInt32(reader["klantid"])
: null;
I know a fix for you,
You change Klantpasid from int? to int
If klantpasid is null in your database, we set the value to 0 instead of null
public int Klantpasid
return klantpasid;
if( value == null){
klantpasid = 0;
}else {
klantpasid = value;
You can declare your property as nullable
public int? Klantid
return klantid;
klantid = value;
Check out more on documentation.
When you read your data with a DataReader, it will return DBNull.Value. Whe you want to fill your Klant.Klantpasid value (which is of type Nullable<int>), you will have to convert the value to Nullable<int> yourself. When ADO.NET was first implemented, there were no nullable values, so they introduced DBNull instead. More modern approaches like Entity Framework use nullable types instead.
You can write a helper method to help converting your read value to a nullable type:
static T? AsNullable<T>(object value) where T : struct {
switch (value) {
case T converted:
return converted;
case DBNull:
return default(T?);
throw new InvalidCastException();
So instead of...
(int)reader["klantpasid"] write:
And of course you change the type of your constructor parameter from int to int?.

Huge List<T> processing and Pdf generate

I have a pdf file as Byte[] and I'm using iTextSharp to modify the file and embed a specific details in it.
in the List I have min. 25K objects, and I need to generate 25K pdf files.
I'm using Parallel.ForEach but it takes 16.40 mins to be done in Total.
I used ToLookUp method like this:
var valuesToLookupWith = Recipients.ToLookup(item => item.ID);
List<int> Ids = Recipients.Select(item => item.ID).ToList();
Partitioner<int> partitioner = Partitioner.Create(Ids, EnumerablePartitionerOptions.NoBuffering);
Parallel.ForEach(partitioner, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 6 } ,(id) =>
var item = valuesToLookupWith[id].ToList().FirstOrDefault();
item.Attachment = AttachmentEngine.GeneratePdfFromPdfFile((fileAsByteArray,id, ""));
and I used ForEach and also it takes approx. > 25 minutes.
foreach (int id in Ids)
var item = valuesToLookupWith[id].ToList().FirstOrDefault();
item.Attachment = AttachmentEngine.GeneratePdfFromPdfFile(fileAsByteArray,id, "");
any suggested way to speedup the process please?
FYI I'm not writing anything on the disk, all is done in memory as Byte[] and then I'm writing the values back to the Db.
and also all the time spent - mentioned in the question is only the time spent for Parallel.ForEach / ForEach statements.
Db calls is not an issue for me at all, I'm making only two calls to the Db , one when I load list of recipients from it and another call when writing values back to the Db
public static byte[] GeneratePdfFromPdfFile(byte[] file, int id, string landingPage)
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
//Create an iTextSharp Document which is an abstraction of a PDF but **NOT** a PDF
var doc = new iTextSharp.text.Document();
//Create a writer that's bound to our PDF abstraction and our stream
var writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, ms);
//Open the document for writing
PdfContentByte cb = writer.DirectContent;
// doc.NewPage();
//var srHtml = new StringReader(source);
////parse html code to xml
//iTextSharp.tool.xml.XMLWorkerHelper.GetInstance().ParseXHtml(writer, doc, srHtml);
PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(file);
for (int pageNumber = 1; pageNumber < reader.NumberOfPages + 1; pageNumber++)
//Insert to Destination on the first page
PdfImportedPage page = writer.GetImportedPage(reader, pageNumber);
int rotation = reader.GetPageRotation(pageNumber);
if (rotation == 90 || rotation == 270)
cb.AddTemplate(page, 0, -1f, 1f, 0, 0, reader.GetPageSizeWithRotation(pageNumber).Height);
cb.AddTemplate(page, 1f, 0, 0, 1f, 0, 0);
// Add a new page to the pdf file
// set pdf open action to open the link embedded in the file.
string _embeddedURL = "http://" + landingPage + "/Default.aspx?code=" + GetCampaignRecipientCode(id) + "&m=" + eventCode18;
PdfAction act = new PdfAction(_embeddedURL);
return ms.ToArray();
catch { return null; }
Recipient Class:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace CampaignLauncherLibrary
public class CampaignRecipientLib
private int _id;
private int _crid;
private string _crcode;
private int _cmpId;
private string _cmpStatus;
private string _email;
private string _firstName;
private string _lastName;
private string _language;
private string _cmpDefaultlanguage;
private bool _isdoubleBarrle;
private DateTime? _scheduled;
private string _offset;
private string _emailTo;
private string _emailFrom;
private string _emailBody;
private string _emailSubject;
private byte[] _emailAttachment;
private string _emailReplyTo;
private string _attachmentName;
private bool _readytobesent;
private bool _pickupready;
private TimeSpan _Toffset;
private int? _cmprIDnextRecipient;
private string _CampaignGroupCode;
private bool _Reschedule;
private List<int> _Campaigns;
private List<int> _SentCampaigns;
private bool _restrictToWorkHours;
private TimeSpan? _whStart;
private TimeSpan? _whEnd;
private string _emailName;
public CampaignRecipientLib()
public CampaignRecipientLib(CampaignRecipientLib _recipient)
ID = _recipient.ID;
CampaignId = _recipient.CampaignId;
CampaignStatus = _recipient.CampaignStatus;
CMPRID = _recipient.CMPRID;
CMPRCode = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
Email = _recipient.Email;
FirstName = _recipient.FirstName;
LastName = _recipient.LastName;
Language = _recipient.Language;
DefaultLanguage = _recipient.DefaultLanguage;
IsdoubleBarrle = _recipient.IsdoubleBarrle;
Scheduled = _recipient.Scheduled;
Offset = _recipient.Offset;
EmailTo = _recipient.EmailTo;
EmailFrom = _recipient.EmailFrom;
EmailBody = _recipient.EmailBody;
EmailSubject = _recipient.EmailSubject;
EmailAttachment = _recipient.EmailAttachment;
EmailReplyTo = _recipient.EmailReplyTo;
AttachmentName = _recipient.AttachmentName;
ReadyTobeSent = _recipient.ReadyTobeSent;
PickupReady = _recipient.PickupReady;
IDnextRecipient = _recipient.IDnextRecipient;
CampaignGroupCode = _recipient.CampaignGroupCode;
Reschedule = _recipient.Reschedule;
Campaigns = _recipient.Campaigns;
SentCampaigns = _recipient.SentCampaigns;
EmailName = _recipient.EmailName;
Toffset = _recipient.Toffset;
public void AssingRandomCampaign()
int result = 0;
List<int> cmp = _Campaigns;
List<int> sentcmp = _SentCampaigns;
if (cmp.Where(x => !sentcmp.Distinct().Contains(x)).ToList().Count > 0)
cmp = cmp.Where(x => !sentcmp.Distinct().Contains(x)).ToList();
result = cmp.Shuffle().Take(1).ToList()[0];
int N = 0;
if (sentcmp.Count == 2) N = 1;
else if (sentcmp.Count == 3) N = 2;
else N = sentcmp.Count % 2 == 0 ? 2 : 3;
List<int> lastN = sentcmp.Skip(Math.Max(0, sentcmp.Count) - N).ToList();
cmp = cmp.Where(predicate: x => !lastN.Contains(x)).ToList();
sentcmp = sentcmp.Where(predicate: x => cmp.Contains(x)).ToList();
List<int> grpOccurrences = sentcmp.GroupBy(i => i).OrderByDescending(item => item.Count()).SelectMany(i => i).Distinct().ToList();
result = grpOccurrences.Shuffle().PickRandom(1).ToList()[0];
if (result > 0)
CampaignId = result;
public bool reAdjustScheduleDate()
Scheduled = Utilities.FixDate(Scheduled.Value, RestrictToWorkHours, Offset, WhStart, WhEnd);
catch (Exception ex)
return false;
return true;
public TimeSpan Toffset
get { return _Toffset; }
set { _Toffset = value; }
public string EmailName
get { return _emailName; }
set { _emailName = value; }
public int? IDnextRecipient
get { return _cmprIDnextRecipient; }
set { _cmprIDnextRecipient = value; }
public string CampaignGroupCode
get { return _CampaignGroupCode; }
set { _CampaignGroupCode = value; }
public bool RestrictToWorkHours
get { return _restrictToWorkHours; }
set { _restrictToWorkHours = value; }
public TimeSpan? WhStart
get { return _whStart; }
set { _whStart = value; }
public TimeSpan? WhEnd
get { return _whEnd; }
set { _whEnd = value; }
public bool Reschedule
get { return _Reschedule; }
set { _Reschedule = value; }
public List<int> Campaigns
get { return _Campaigns; }
set { _Campaigns = value; }
public List<int> SentCampaigns
get { return _SentCampaigns; }
set { _SentCampaigns = value; }
public int ID
get { return _id; }
set { _id = value; }
public int CMPRID
get { return _crid; }
set { _crid = value; }
public string CMPRCode
get { return _crcode; }
set { _crcode = value; }
public int CampaignId
get { return _cmpId; }
set { _cmpId = value; }
public string CampaignStatus
get { return _cmpStatus; }
set { _cmpStatus = value; }
public string Email
get { return _email; }
set { _email = value; }
public string FirstName
get { return _firstName; }
set { _firstName = value; }
public string LastName
get { return _lastName; }
set { _lastName = value; }
public string Language
get { return _language; }
set { _language = value; }
public string DefaultLanguage
get { return _cmpDefaultlanguage; }
set { _cmpDefaultlanguage = value; }
public bool IsdoubleBarrle
get { return _isdoubleBarrle; }
set { _isdoubleBarrle = value; }
public DateTime? Scheduled
get { return _scheduled; }
set { _scheduled = value; }
public string EmailTo
get { return _emailTo; }
set { _emailTo = value; }
public string Offset
get { return _offset; }
set { _offset = value; }
public string EmailFrom
get { return _emailFrom; }
set { _emailFrom = value; }
public string EmailBody
get { return _emailBody; }
set { _emailBody = value; }
public string EmailSubject
get { return _emailSubject; }
set { _emailSubject = value; }
public byte[] EmailAttachment
get { return _emailAttachment; }
set { _emailAttachment = value; }
public string EmailReplyTo
get { return _emailReplyTo; }
set { _emailReplyTo = value; }
public string AttachmentName
get { return _attachmentName; }
set { _attachmentName = value; }
public bool ReadyTobeSent
get { return _readytobesent; }
set { _readytobesent = value; }
public bool PickupReady
get { return _pickupready; }
set { _pickupready = value; }

Encounter Nullpointer error [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What is a NullReferenceException, and how do I fix it?
(27 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I am having problem with nullpointer. I cant seem to understand why my code is wrong. Any help will be greatly appreciated. This is my code:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Product aProd = new Product();
// Get Product ID from querystring
string prodID = Request.QueryString["ProdID"].ToString(); (null pointer occurs at this line. )
prod = aProd.getProduct(prodID);
//Display product details on web form
lbl_ProdName.Text = prod.Product_Name;
lbl_ProdDesc.Text = prod.Product_Desc;
lbl_Price.Text = prod.Unit_Price.ToString("c");
img_Product.ImageUrl = "~\\Images\\" + prod.Product_Image;
//Store the value in invisible fields
lbl_Price.Text = prod.Unit_Price.ToString();
lbl_ProdID.Text = prodID.ToString();
These are the code for Product.cs. I still have no idea where my codes went wrong
public class Product
string _connStr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["HealthDBContext"].ConnectionString;
private string _prodID = null;
private string _prodName = string.Empty;
private string _prodDesc = ""; // this is another way to specify empty string
private decimal _unitPrice = 0;
private string _prodImage = "";
private int _stockLevel = 0;
// Default constructor
public Product()
// Constructor that take in all data required to build a Product object
public Product(string prodID, string prodName, string prodDesc,
decimal unitPrice, string prodImage, int stockLevel)
_prodID = prodID;
_prodName = prodName;
_prodDesc = prodDesc;
_unitPrice = unitPrice;
_prodImage = prodImage;
_stockLevel = stockLevel;
// Constructor that take in all except product ID
public Product(string prodName, string prodDesc,
decimal unitPrice, string prodImage, int stockLevel)
: this(null, prodName, prodDesc, unitPrice, prodImage, stockLevel)
// Constructor that take in only Product ID. The other attributes will be set to 0 or empty.
public Product(string prodID)
: this(prodID, "", "", 0, "", 0)
// Get/Set the attributes of the Product object.
// Note the attribute name (e.g. Product_ID) is same as the actual database field name.
// This is for ease of referencing.
public string Product_ID
get { return _prodID; }
set { _prodID = value; }
public string Product_Name
get { return _prodName; }
set { _prodName = value; }
public string Product_Desc
get { return _prodDesc; }
set { _prodDesc = value; }
public decimal Unit_Price
get { return _unitPrice; }
set { _unitPrice = value; }
public string Product_Image
get { return _prodImage; }
set { _prodImage = value; }
public int Stock_Level
get { return _stockLevel; }
set { _stockLevel = value; }
Request.QueryString["ProdID"] is returning null.
So your ToString() call cause a System.NullPointerException
Solution : ensure that your Request.QueryString["ProdID"] call sends you back the correct object, or test the result yourself:
var obj = Request.QueryString["ProdID"];
string prodID = obj == null ? String.Empty : obj.ToString();

GetIpForwardTable returns garbage on WIndows CE with PInvoke

I have a following problem. I created a PInvoke in a Windows CE .NET managed project for GetIpForwardTable function. When I call the function in returns the result, but the results are different from the result returned by the route command. There are more entries in the table, Mask and Destination changed places and NextHop is always set to
Here is the class (one needs to call IPForwardEntry.GetIpForwardTable()).
public class IPForwardEntry
public enum ForwardType
Other = 1,
Invalid = 2,
Direct = 3,
Indirect = 4
public enum ForwardProtocol
Other = 1,
Local = 2,
NetMGMT = 3,
ICMP = 4,
EGP = 5,
GGP = 6,
Hello = 7,
RIP = 8,
IS_IS = 9,
ES_IS = 10,
CISCO = 11,
BBN = 12,
OSPF = 13,
BGP = 14,
NT_STATIC = 10006,
public struct MIB_IPFORWARDROW
public uint dwForwardDest;
public uint dwForwardMask;
public int dwForwardPolicy;
public uint dwForwardNextHop;
public int dwForwardIfIndex;
public ForwardType dwForwardType;
public ForwardProtocol dwForwardProto;
public int dwForwardAge;
public int dwForwardNextHopAS;
public int dwForwardMetric1;
public int dwForwardMetric2;
public int dwForwardMetric3;
public int dwForwardMetric4;
public int dwForwardMetric5;
private IPForwardEntry(MIB_IPFORWARDROW forwardRow)
myForwardRow = forwardRow;
private MIB_IPFORWARDROW myForwardRow;
private const int NO_ERROR = 0;
private static extern int CreateIpForwardEntry(MIB_IPFORWARDROW[] pRoute);
private static extern int GetIpForwardTable(MIB_IPFORWARDROW[] pIpForwardTable, ref long pdwSize, bool bOrder);
public static IPForwardEntry[] GetIpForwardTable()
long tableSize = 0;
GetIpForwardTable(null, ref tableSize, true);
MIB_IPFORWARDROW[] forwardTable = new MIB_IPFORWARDROW[tableSize / Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(MIB_IPFORWARDROW)) + 1];
long tableSizeOld = tableSize;
if (GetIpForwardTable(forwardTable, ref tableSize, false) != NO_ERROR)
throw new SystemException();
if (tableSizeOld != tableSize)
throw new SystemException();
IPForwardEntry[] result = new IPForwardEntry[forwardTable.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < forwardTable.Length; i++)
result[i] = new IPForwardEntry(forwardTable[i]);
return result;
#region members
public IPAddress FordwardDestination
return new IPAddress(myForwardRow.dwForwardDest);
myForwardRow.dwForwardDest = (uint) value.Address;
public IPAddress ForwardMask
return new IPAddress(myForwardRow.dwForwardMask);
myForwardRow.dwForwardMask = (uint) value.Address;
public int ForwardPolicy
return myForwardRow.dwForwardPolicy;
myForwardRow.dwForwardPolicy = value;
public IPAddress ForwardNextHop
return new IPAddress(myForwardRow.dwForwardNextHop);
myForwardRow.dwForwardNextHop = (uint) value.Address;
public int ForwardInterfaceIndex
return myForwardRow.dwForwardIfIndex;
myForwardRow.dwForwardIfIndex = value;
public ForwardType ForwrdType
return myForwardRow.dwForwardType;
myForwardRow.dwForwardType = value;
public ForwardProtocol Protocol
return myForwardRow.dwForwardProto;
myForwardRow.dwForwardProto = value;
public int ForwardAge
return myForwardRow.dwForwardAge;
myForwardRow.dwForwardAge = value;
public int ForwardNextHopAS
return myForwardRow.dwForwardNextHopAS;
myForwardRow.dwForwardNextHopAS = value;
public int ForwardMetric1
return myForwardRow.dwForwardMetric1;
myForwardRow.dwForwardMetric1 = value;
public int ForwardMetric2
return myForwardRow.dwForwardMetric2;
myForwardRow.dwForwardMetric2 = value;
public int ForwardMetric3
return myForwardRow.dwForwardMetric3;
myForwardRow.dwForwardMetric3 = value;
public int ForwardMetric4
return myForwardRow.dwForwardMetric4;
myForwardRow.dwForwardMetric4 = value;
public int ForwardMetric5
return myForwardRow.dwForwardMetric5;
myForwardRow.dwForwardMetric5 = value;
GetIpForwardTable doesn't return an array of MIB_IPFORWARDROW objects, it returns a MIB_IPFORWARDTABLE, that contains an array of rows and the number. So that's at least one issue. There are likely others as this is not a straightforward P/Invoke set for marshaling.
For what it's worth, I've already implemented all of this code in the Smart Device Framework, specifically in the OpenNETCF.Net.NetworkInformation.IPRoutingTable class
I dont know how the function works, but the following looks very suspicious.
new MIB_IPFORWARDROW[tableSize / Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(MIB_IPFORWARDROW)) + 1]
Why are you dividing by the sizeof?
