Using MWS API to get FBA Inventory Reconciliation report data - c#

I'm looking how to query undocumented MWS API for Inventory Reconciliation report (List of api names for seller central fulfillment reports ) using C# Client Library or any other client libraries, or using Amazon MWS Scratchpad - for the latter the rules to set the values of the fields MarketplaceIdList.Id.1, StartDate, EndDate and ReportOptions are unclear for me: I'm setting the first three fields as I usually do for the other report types and I leave the ReportOptions field empty - and the MWS API call via C# library for _GET_FBA_RECONCILIATION_REPORT_DATA_ report is accepted but it finally gets 'No Data Available' status.
Sample workaround code to download manually requested via web site most recent _GET_FBA_RECONCILIATION_REPORT_DATA_ report using MWS API C# Client library:
//private string ACCESS_KEY_ID => ...
//private string SECRET_ACCESS_KEY => ...
//private string MERCHANT_ID => ...
//private string MAKETPLACE_ID => ...
//private string APPLICATION_NAME => ...
//private string APPLICATION_VERSION => ...
public void DownloadMostRecentFBAInventoryReconciliationReport(string downloadedReportFullPath)
string reportId = "";
var config = new MarketplaceWebService.MarketplaceWebServiceConfig();
config.ServiceURL = "";
var service = new MarketplaceWebService.MarketplaceWebServiceClient(ACCESS_KEY_ID, SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, config);
// find most recent report id for '_GET_FBA_RECONCILIATION_REPORT_DATA_' report type
var request = new MarketplaceWebService.Model.GetReportRequestListRequest();
request.Merchant = MERCHANT_ID;
request.ReportTypeList = new MarketplaceWebService.Model.TypeList();
var response = service.GetReportRequestList(request);
foreach (MarketplaceWebService.Model.ReportRequestInfo info in response.GetReportRequestListResult.ReportRequestInfo)
if (!info.ReportProcessingStatus.Equals("_DONE_")) continue;
reportId = info.GeneratedReportId;
// if most recent reportId found - download report's (.csv) data file into {{ downloadedReportFullPath }}
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(reportId))
var request = new MarketplaceWebService.Model.GetReportRequest();
request.Merchant = MERCHANT_ID;
request.ReportId = reportId;
request.Report = File.Open(downloadedReportFullPath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
var response = service.GetReport(request);


Retrieve all contents of Zoho module via REST API c#

I am trying to get the full contents of my modules From Zoho to our local Server. The deluge code does work as it returns to me the data which is being sent via the API. However, once it reaches the API, it is null. Any idea?
Below is the deluge code:
// Create a map that holds the values of the new contact that needs to be created
evaluation_info = Map();
data = Map();
response = invokeurl
url :""
type :POST
info data; (data returns all the data from publishers)
Here is my ASP.NET core restful API. It does ping it and create the file but the content of the file is null.
public class PublisherController : ControllerBase
[HttpGet("[action]"), HttpPost("[action]")]
public void Publish(string data)
(it's already null when it comes here. why?)
string JSONresult = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data);
string path = #"C:\storage\journalytics_evaluationsv2.json";
using (var file = new StreamWriter(path, true))
What am I missing? Thank you
After contacting Zoho support, the solution he offered was to loop through the data in order to get all the contents from a module (if they are more than 200 records. With the solution provided, one doesn't really need the deluge code anymore as long as you have the ZOHO api set to your account in code. This was my final solution. This solution is not scalable at all. It's best to work with the BULK CSV.
// Our own ZohoAPI which lets us connect and authenticate etc. Yours may look slightly different
ZohoApi zohoApi = new ZohoApi();
ZCRMRestClient restClient = ZCRMRestClient.GetInstance();
var allMedicalJournals = new List<ZCRMRecord>();
for (int i = 1; i <= 30; i++)
List<ZCRMRecord> accountAccessRecords2 =
restClient.GetModuleInstance("Journals").SearchByCriteria("Tag:equals:MedicalSet", i, 200).BulkData.ToList();
foreach (var newData in accountAccessRecords2)

How to create new AutoML DataSet for simple classification (C#)

As part of ML automation process I want to dynamically create new AutoML model. I'm using C# (.net framework) and Google.Cloud.AutoML.V1.
After trying to run CreateDataSet code:
var autoMlClient = AutoMlClient.Create();
var parent = LocationName.FromProjectLocation(_projectId, _locationId);
var dataset = new Google.Cloud.AutoML.V1.Dataset();
dataset.DisplayName = "NewDataSet";
var response = autoMlClient.CreateDataset(parent, dataset);
I get the following error:
Field: dataset.dataset_metadata; Message: Required field not set
According to this user manual I should set Dataset Metadata Type, but the list contains only specific types of classifications (Translation/ImageClassifications etc.), I can't find a simple classification type.
How do I create a simple classification data set with the API ? in the AutoML UI its just with a simple button click ("NEW DATASET") - and have to provide only name & region - no classification type.
I also tried to set:
dataset.TextClassificationDatasetMetadata =
new TextClassificationDatasetMetadata() { ClassificationType = ClassificationType.Multiclass };
But I was unable to import data to it (got too many errors of invalid inputs from the input CSV file), I guess its related to the reason that the input format is not suitable for Text Classification.
I've just notice that the Nuget works with AutoML v1 but v1 beta does contains TablesDatasetMetadata Dataset Metadata Type for normal classifications. I'm speechless.
I also experienced this scenario today while creating a dataset using the NodeJS client. Since the Google AutoML table service is in the beta level you need to use the beta version of the AutoML client. In the Google cloud documentation they have used the beta client to create a dataset.
In NodeJS importing the beta version require('#google-cloud/automl').v1beta1.AutoMlClient instead of importing the normal version (v1) require('#google-cloud/automl').v1 worked for me to successfully execute the create dataset functionality.
In C# you can achieve the same through a POST request. Hope this helps :)
After #RajithaWarusavitarana comment, and my last question update , below is the code that did the trick. The token is being generated by GoogleClientAPI nuget and AutoML is handled by REST.
string GcpGlobalEndPointUrl = "";
string GcpGlobalLocation = "us-central1"; // api "parent" parameter
public string GetToken(string jsonFilePath)
var serviceAccountCredentialFileContents = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(jsonFilePath);
var credentialParameters = NewtonsoftJsonSerializer.Instance.Deserialize<JsonCredentialParameters>(serviceAccountCredentialFileContents);
var initializer = new ServiceAccountCredential.Initializer(credentialParameters.ClientEmail)
Scopes = new List<string> { "" }
var cred = new ServiceAccountCredential(initializer.FromPrivateKey(credentialParameters.PrivateKey));
string accessToken = cred.GetAccessTokenForRequestAsync("").Result;
return accessToken;
public void GetDataSetList(string projectId, string token)
var restClient = new RestClient(GcpGlobalEndPointUrl);
var createDataSetReqUrl = $"v1beta1/projects/{projectId}/locations/{GcpGlobalLocation}/datasets";
var createDataSetReq = new RestRequest(createDataSetReqUrl, Method.GET);
createDataSetReq.AddHeader("Authorization", $"Bearer {token}");
var createDatasetResponse = restClient.Execute(createDataSetReq);
I took the token generation code from google-api-dotnet-client Test File

Cross-workspace queries in azure log analytics .NET SDK

I'm using azure log analytics .NET SDK to execute some log analytics queries.
The nugget package I'm using for this SDK is Microsoft.Azure.OperationalInsights.
This allows me to issue some simple queries like in the following code sample :
Authentication & Simple query :
partial class QueryProvider
private OperationalInsightsDataClient _operationalInsightsDataClient;
private async void Authenticate()
// Retrieving the credentials and settings data from the app settings .
var domain = SettingsHelpers.PullSettingsByKey("domain");
var clientId = SettingsHelpers.PullSettingsByKey("clientId");
var workspaceId = SettingsHelpers.PullSettingsByKey("workspaceId");
var authEndpoint = SettingsHelpers.PullSettingsByKey("authEndpoint");
var clientSecret = SettingsHelpers.PullSettingsByKey("clientSecret");
var tokenAudience = SettingsHelpers.PullSettingsByKey("tokenAudience");
// Authenticating to the azure log analytics service .
var azureActiveDirectorySettings = new ActiveDirectoryServiceSettings
AuthenticationEndpoint = new Uri(authEndpoint),
TokenAudience = new Uri(tokenAudience),
ValidateAuthority = true
var credentials = await ApplicationTokenProvider.LoginSilentAsync
, clientId
, clientSecret
, azureActiveDirectorySettings
_operationalInsightsDataClient = new OperationalInsightsDataClient(credentials);
_operationalInsightsDataClient.WorkspaceId = workspaceId;
public async Task<string> LogAnalyticsSamleQuery()
var query = #"Usage
| where TimeGenerated > ago(3h)
| where DataType == 'Perf'
| where QuantityUnit == 'MBytes'
| summarize avg(Quantity) by Computer
| sort by avg_Quantity desc nulls last";
var jsonResult = await _operationalInsightsDataClient.QueryAsync(query);
return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonResult.Results);
Now I want to write a method that runs a cross-workspace query , I get the workspaces Ids dynamically and I want to build o query that references all those workspaces .
I did not find any sample in the doc to build such queries .
I found an attribute of OperationalInsightDataClient class called AdditionalWorkspaces but it's unclear how to use it to achieve the goal .
Any help would be very appreciated .
Use the ListWorkspaces method, store workspace Id , CustomerIdor Name in List.
var ws = new List<string>();
foreach (var w in workspaces)
AdditionalWorkspaces is used to store workspaces you want to query, but has no influence on the query result.
_operationalInsightsDataClient.AdditionalWorkspaces = ws;
To cross-workspace query, add the list of workspace-Id in the query method.
var jsonResult = await _operationalInsightsDataClient.QueryAsync(query,null, _operationalInsightsDataClient.AdditionalWorkspaces);

How to retrieve a list of subnets for launching a Fargate task?

I'm using the AWS SDK with C# in Visual Studio 2017, and have a prototype working which launches a Fargate service in ECS. As part of the setup, you instantiate a CreateServiceRequest object which requires a NetworkConfiguration.AwsVpcConfiguration setting with SecurityGroups and Subnets.
var request = new CreateServiceRequest();
request.ServiceName = "myService";
request.TaskDefinition = "myTask"; // family[:revision] of the task definition to use
request.ClientToken = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", ""); // max 32 characters!
request.Cluster = "default";
request.DesiredCount = 1;
request.LaunchType = LaunchType.FARGATE;
request.DeploymentConfiguration = new DeploymentConfiguration
MaximumPercent = 100,
MinimumHealthyPercent = 50
// configure the network and security groups for the task
List<string> securityGroups = new List<string>();
List<string> subnets = new List<string>();
request.NetworkConfiguration = new NetworkConfiguration
AwsvpcConfiguration = new AwsVpcConfiguration
AssignPublicIp = AssignPublicIp.ENABLED,
SecurityGroups = securityGroups,
Subnets = subnets
When I configure a service manually via the AWS Console, they display a list of subnets from which to choose. So, I'm wondering how I might programmatically retrieve that list of subnets which are available in our VPC.
I'm searching their SDK documentation for possible solutions, any pointers to their docs or examples is appreciated!
Take a look at EC2Client, you'll find a lot of VPC-related APIs are associated with the EC2 service. Specifically check out AmazonEC2Client.DescribeSubnets(DescribeSubnetsRequest), method documentation here:
Response contains a list of Amazon.EC2.Model.Subnet that you will retrieve string property SubnetId from, when deciding which subnet to pass on to your Fargate request.
Example Usage (From the linked documentation):
var response = client.DescribeSubnets(new DescribeSubnetsRequest
Filters = new List<filter> {
new Filter {
Name = "vpc-id",
Values = new List<string> {
List<subnet> subnets = response.Subnets;
Further Reading
AWS Documentation - EC2Client - Search this document for 'DescribeSubnets' to find async variants of this SDK method.

Amazon Product Advertising API for & C#

I want to fetch books using Amazon Product Advertising API with and C#. All the guides and codes are so confusing as to they don't give you a single method to search the books.
Is there any single stub that can be used to call the service and fetch the books based on the ISBN.
There's a good sample solution you can download.
They give you a class called SignedRequestHelper, then you make a call like this:
public static void Main()
SignedRequestHelper helper = new SignedRequestHelper(MY_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, MY_AWS_SECRET_KEY, DESTINATION);
* The helper supports two forms of requests - dictionary form and query string form.
String requestUrl;
String title;
* Here is an ItemLookup example where the request is stored as a dictionary.
IDictionary<string, string> r1 = new Dictionary<string, String>();
r1["Service"] = "AWSECommerceService";
r1["Version"] = "2009-03-31";
r1["Operation"] = "ItemLookup";
r1["ItemId"] = ITEM_ID;
r1["ResponseGroup"] = "Small";
/* Random params for testing */
r1["AnUrl"] = "";
r1["AnEmailAddress"] = "";
r1["AUnicodeString"] = "αβγδεٵٶٷٸٹٺチャーハン叉焼";
r1["Latin1Chars"] = "ĀāĂ㥹ĆćĈĉĊċČčĎďĐđĒēĔĕĖėĘęĚěĜĝĞğĠġĢģĤĥĦħĨĩĪīĬĭĮįİıIJij";
requestUrl = helper.Sign(r1);
title = FetchTitle(requestUrl);
System.Console.WriteLine("Method 1: ItemLookup Dictionary form.");
System.Console.WriteLine("Title is \"" + title + "\"");
You need to use the ItemLookup (like the example) but set the IdType to ISBN. Then set the ItemId to the actual ISBN. Here are the details on ItemLookup:
I get this when I use that sample. looks like there has been a change in the API recently.
System.InvalidOperationException: There is an error in the XML document. ---> Sy
stem.InvalidOperationException: <ItemLookupResponse xmlns=''> was not expected.
To fetch books install this library (Install-Package Nager.AmazonProductAdvertising)
var authentication = new AmazonAuthentication("accesskey", "secretkey");
var client = new AmazonProductAdvertisingClient(authentication, AmazonEndpoint.UK);
var result = await client.GetItemsAsync("978-0261102385");
