What is the regular expression to validate a comma delimited list like this one:
12365, 45236, 458, 1, 99996332, ......
I suggest you to do in the following way:
which would work for a list containing 1 or more elements.
This regex extracts an element from a comma separated list, regardless of contents:
If you just replace the comma with something else, it should work for any delimiter.
It depends a bit on your exact requirements. I'm assuming: all numbers, any length, numbers cannot have leading zeros nor contain commas or decimal points. individual numbers always separated by a comma then a space, and the last number does NOT have a comma and space after it. Any of these being wrong would simplify the solution.
([1-9][0-9]*,[ ])*[1-9][0-9]*
Here's how I built that mentally:
[0-9] any digit.
[1-9][0-9]* leading non-zero digit followed by any number of digits
[1-9][0-9]*, as above, followed by a comma
[1-9][0-9]*[ ] as above, followed by a space
([1-9][0-9]*[ ])* as above, repeated 0 or more times
([1-9][0-9]*[ ])*[1-9][0-9]* as above, with a final number that doesn't have a comma.
Match duplicate comma-delimited items:
This regex can be used to split the values of a comma delimitted list. List elements may be quoted, unquoted or empty. Commas inside a pair of quotation marks are not matched.
/^\d+(?:, ?\d+)*$/
i used this for a list of items that had to be alphanumeric without underscores at the front of each item.
You might want to specify language just to be safe, but
(\d+, ?)+(\d+)?
ought to work
I had a slightly different requirement, to parse an encoded dictionary/hashtable with escaped commas, like this:
"1=This is something, 2=This is something,,with an escaped comma, 3=This is something else"
I think this is an elegant solution, with a trick that avoids a lot of regex complexity:
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(encodedValues))
return null;
var retVal = new Dictionary<int, string>();
var reFields = new Regex(#"([0-9]+)\=(([A-Za-z0-9\s]|(,,))+),");
foreach (Match match in reFields.Matches(encodedValues + ","))
var id = match.Groups[1].Value;
var value = match.Groups[2].Value;
retVal[int.Parse(id)] = value.Replace(",,", ",");
return retVal;
I think it can be adapted to the original question with an expression like #"([0-9]+),\s?" and parse on Groups[0].
I hope it's helpful to somebody and thanks for the tips on getting it close to there, especially Asaph!
In JavaScript, use split to help out, and catch any negative digits as well:
// ["-1", "2", "-3"]
// may need trimming if digits are space-separated
The following will match any comma delimited word/digit/space combination
Why don't you work with groups:
^(\d+(, )?)+$
If you had a more complicated regex, i.e: for valid urls rather than just numbers. You could do the following where you loop through each element and test each of them individually against your regex:
const validRelativeUrlRegex = /^(^$|(?!.*(\W\W))\/[a-zA-Z0-9\/-]+[^\W_]$)/;
const relativeUrls = "/url1,/url-2,url3";
const startsWithComma = relativeUrls.startsWith(",");
const endsWithComma = relativeUrls.endsWith(",");
const areAllURLsValid = relativeUrls
.every(url => validRelativeUrlRegex.test(url));
const isValid = areAllURLsValid && !endsWithComma && !startsWithComma
Suppose I have a string
Likes (20)
I want to fetch the sub-string enclosed in round brackets (in above case its 20) from this string. This sub-string can change dynamically at runtime. It might be any other number from 0 to infinity. To achieve this my idea is to use a for loop that traverses the whole string and then when a ( is present, it starts adding the characters to another character array and when ) is encountered, it stops adding the characters and returns the array. But I think this might have poor performance. I know very little about regular expressions, so is there a regular expression solution available or any function that can do that in an efficient way?
If you don't fancy using regex you could use Split:
string foo = "Likes (20)";
string[] arr = foo.Split(new char[]{ '(', ')' }, StringSplitOptions.None);
string count = arr[1];
Count = 20
This will work fine regardless of the number in the brackets ()
Likes (242535345)
Will give:
Works also with pure string methods:
string result = "Likes (20)";
int index = result.IndexOf('(');
if (index >= 0)
result = result.Substring(index + 1); // take part behind (
index = result.IndexOf(')');
if (index >= 0)
result = result.Remove(index); // remove part from )
For a strict matching, you can do:
Regex reg = new Regex(#"^Likes\((\d+)\)$");
Match m = reg.Match(yourstring);
this way you'll have all you need in m.Groups[1].Value.
As suggested from I4V, assuming you have only that sequence of digits in the whole string, as in your example, you can use the simpler version:
var res = Regex.Match(str,#"\d+")
and in this canse, you can get the value you are looking for with res.Value
In case the value enclosed in brackets is not just numbers, you can just change the \d with something like [\w\d\s] if you want to allow in there alphabetic characters, digits and spaces.
Even with Linq:
var s = "Likes (20)";
var s1 = new string(s.SkipWhile(x => x != '(').Skip(1).TakeWhile(x => x != ')').ToArray());
const string likes = "Likes (20)";
int likesCount = int.Parse(likes.Substring(likes.IndexOf('(') + 1, (likes.Length - likes.IndexOf(')') + 1 )));
Matching when the part in paranthesis is supposed to be a number;
string inputstring="Likes (20)"
Regex reg=new Regex(#"\((\d+)\)")
string num= reg.Match(inputstring).Groups[1].Value
By definition regexp matches a substring, so unless you indicate otherwise the string you are looking for can occur at any place in your string.
\d stand for digits. It will match any single digit.
We want it to potentially be repeated several times, and we want at least one. The + sign is regexp for previous symbol or group repeated 1 or more times.
So \d+ will match one or more digits. It will match 20.
To insure that we get the number that is in paranteses we say that it should be between ( and ). These are special characters in regexp so we need to escape them.
(\d+) would match (20), and we are almost there.
Since we want the part inside the parantheses, and not including the parantheses we tell regexp that the digits part is a single group.
We do that by using parantheses in our regexp. ((\d+)) will still match (20), but now it will note that 20 is a subgroup of this match and we can fetch it by Match.Groups[].
For any string in parantheses things gets a little bit harder.
Regex reg=new Regex(#"\((.+)\)")
Would work for many strings. (the dot matches any character) But if the input is something like "This is an example(parantesis1)(parantesis2)", you would match (parantesis1)(parantesis2) with parantesis1)(parantesis2 as the captured subgroup. This is unlikely to be what you are after.
The solution can be to do the matching for "any character exept a closing paranthesis"
Regex reg=new Regex(#"\(([^\(]+)\)")
This will find (parantesis1) as the first match, with parantesis1 as .Groups[1].
It will still fail for nested paranthesis, but since regular expressions are not the correct tool for nested paranthesis I feel that this case is a bit out of scope.
If you know that the string always starts with "Likes " before the group then Saves solution is better.
I need to make a validation in a string with positional information using regex.
I need to get match position 5 until 10 and has to be only numbers.
How can I do this using RegEx?
hmm does it really have to be regex?
I would have done like this.
var myString = "020005254877841100557810AAAAAA841158891BBBB";
var isValid = myString.Substring(4, 5).All(Char.IsDigit);
If you absolutely HAVE to use regex, here it is.... (Though I think you should go with something like Jonas W's answer).
Match m = Regex.Match(myString, "^.{4}\d{5}.*");
//do stuff
The regex means, "from the beginning of the string (^), match 4 of any character (.{4}), then five digits, (\d{5}), then however many of any other characters (.*)"
If you really feel you must use a regex this will be the one:
You can also do multiple checks like this:
That one will match all numbers or all non-digit characters, but not a mix or anything with whitespace.
To build on what FailedDev mentioned.
string myString = "020005254877841100557810AAAAAA841158891BBBB";
myString.Substring(5, 5); //will get the substring at index 5 to 10.
double Num;
bool isNum = double.TryParse(myString, out Num); //returns true of all numbers
Hope that helps,
I'm trying to get an int[] from the following string. I was initially doing a Regex().Split() but as you can see there isn't a definite way to split this string. I could split on [a-z] but then I have to remove the commas afterwards. It's late and I can't think of a nice way to do this.
Any suggestions?
Split on the following:
You may get an empty element at the beginning if your string doesn't begin with a number and/or an empty element at the end if your string doesn't end with a number. If this happens you can trim those elements. Better yet, if Regex().Split() supports some kind of flag to not return empty strings, use that.
A simple solution here is to match the string with the pattern \d+.
Sometimes it is easier to split by the values you don't want to match, but here it serves as an anti-pattern.:
MatchCollection numbers = Regex.Matches(s, #"\d+");
Another solution is to use regular String.Split and some LINQ magic. First we split by commas, and then check that all letters in a given token are digits:
var numbers = s.Split(',').Where(word => word.All(Char.IsDigit));
It is an commonly ignored fact the \d in .Net matches all Unicode digits, and not just [0-9] (try ١٢٣ in your array, just for fun). A more robust solution is to try to parse each token according to your defined culture, and return the valid numbers. This can easily be adapted to support decimals, exponents or ethnic numeric formats:
static IEnumerable<int> GetIntegers(string s)
CultureInfo culture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
string[] tokens = s.Split(',');
foreach (string token in tokens)
int number;
if (Int32.TryParse(token, NumberStyles.Integer, culture, out number))
yield return number;
I'm completely incapable of regular expressions, and so I need some help with a problem that I think would best be solved by using regular expressions.
I have list of strings in C#:
List<string> lstNames = new List<string>();
foreach (string n in lstNames) {
// logic goes here that somehow uses regex to remove all special characters
string regExp = "NO_IDEA";
string tmp = Regex.Replace(n, regExp, "");
I need to be able to loop over the list and return each item without any special characters. For example, item one would be "TRA9423", item two would be "TRA42101" and item three would be TRA109AD.
Is there a regular expression that can accomplish this for me?
Also, the list contains more than 4000 items, so I need the search and replace to be efficient and quick if possible.
I should have specified that any character beside a-z, A-Z and 0-9 is special in my circumstance.
It really depends on your definition of special characters. I find that a whitelist rather than a blacklist is the best approach in most situations:
tmp = Regex.Replace(n, "[^0-9a-zA-Z]+", "");
You should be careful with your current approach because the following two items will be converted to the same string and will therefore be indistinguishable:
[^a-zA-Z0-9] is a character class matches any non-alphanumeric characters.
Alternatively, [^\w\d] does the same thing.
string regExp = "[^\w\d]";
string tmp = Regex.Replace(n, regExp, "");
This should do it:
Basically it matches all non-alphanumeric characters.
You can use:
string regExp = "\\W";
This is equivalent to Daniel's "[^a-zA-Z0-9]"
\W matches any nonword character. Equivalent to the Unicode categories [^\p{Ll}\p{Lu}\p{Lt}\p{Lo}\p{Nd}\p{Pc}].
For my purposes I wanted all English ASCII chars, so this worked.
html = Regex.Replace(html, "[^\x00-\x80]+", "")
Depending on your definition of "special character", I think "[^a-zA-Z0-9]" would probably do the trick. That would find anything that is not a small letter, a capital letter, or a digit.
tmp = Regex.Replace(n, #"\W+", "");
\w matches letters, digits, and underscores, \W is the negated version.
If you don't want to use Regex then another option is to use
You can use this to loop through each char of the string and only return if true.
public static string Letters(this string input)
return string.Concat(input.Where(x => char.IsLetter(x) && !char.IsSymbol(x) && !char.IsWhiteSpace(x)));
I'm working with X12 EDI Files (Specifically 835s for those of you in Health Care), and I have a particular vendor who's using a non-HIPAA compliant version (3090, I think). The problem is that in a particular segment (PLB- again, for those who care) they're sending a code which is no longer supported by the HIPAA Standard. I need to locate the specific code, and update it with a corrected code.
I think a Regex would be best for this, but I'm still very new to Regex, and I'm not sure where to begin. My current methodology is to turn the file into an array of strings, find the array that starts with "PLB", break that into an array of strings, find the code, and change it. As you can guess, that's very verbose code for something which should be (I'd think) fairly simple.
Here's a sample of what I'm looking for:
And here's what I want to change it to:
Any suggestions?
UPDATE: After review, I found I hadn't quite defined my question well enough. The record above is an example, but it is not necessarilly a specific formatting match- there are three things which could change between this record and some other (in another file) I'd have to fix. They are:
The Pipe (|) could potentially be any non-alpha numeric character. The file itself will define which character (normally a Pipe or Asterisk).
The > could also be any other non-alpha numeric character (most often : or >)
The set of numbers immediately following the PLB is an identifier, and could change in format and length. I've only ever seen numeric Ids there, but technically it could be alpha numeric, and it won't necessarilly be 10 characters.
My Plan is to use String.Format() with my Regex match string so that | and > can be replaced with the correct characters.
And for the record. Yes, I hate ANSI X12.
Assuming that the "offending" code is always 49, you can use the following:
resultString = Regex.Replace(subjectString, #"(?<=~PLB|\d{10}|\d{8}|)49(?=>\w+|)", "CS");
This looks for 49 if it's the first element after a | delimiter, preceded by a group of 8 digits, another |, a group of 10 digits, yet another |, and ~PLB. It also looks if it is followed by >, then any number of alphanumeric characters, and one more |.
With the new requirements (and the lucky coincidence that .NET is one of the few regex flavors that allow variable repetition inside lookbehind), you can change that to:
resultString = Regex.Replace(subjectString, #"(?<=~PLB\1\w+\1\d{8}(\W))49(?=\W\w+\1)", "CS");
Now any non-alphanumeric character is allowed as separator instead of | or > (but in the case of | it has to be always the same one), and the restrictions on the number of characters for the first field have been loosened.
Another, similar approach that works on any valid X12 file to replace a single data value with another on a matching segment:
public void ReplaceData(string filePath, string segmentName,
int elementPosition, int componentPosition,
string oldData, string newData)
string text = File.ReadAllText(filePath);
Match match = Regex.Match(text,
if (!match.Success)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Not an X12 file");
char elementSeparator = match.Groups["e"].Value[0];
char componentSeparator = match.Groups["c"].Value[0];
char segmentTerminator = match.Groups["s"].Value[0];
var segments = text
.Select(s => s.Split(elementSeparator)
.Select(e => e.Split(componentSeparator)).ToArray())
foreach (var segment in segments.Where(s => s[0][0] == segmentName &&
s.Count() > elementPosition &&
s[elementPosition].Count() > componentPosition &&
s[elementPosition][componentPosition] == oldData))
segment[elementPosition][componentPosition] = newData;
string.Join(segmentTerminator.ToString(), segments
.Select(e => string.Join(elementSeparator.ToString(),
e.Select(c => string.Join(componentSeparator.ToString(), c))
The regular expression used validates a proper X12 interchange envelope and assures that all segments within the file contain at least a one character name element. It also parses out the element and component separators as well as the segment terminator.
Assuming that your code is always a two digit number that comes after a pipe character | and before the greater than sign > you can do it like this:
var result = Regex.Replace(yourString, #"(\|)(\d{2})(>)", #"$1CS$3");
You can break it down with regex yes.
If i understand your example correctly the 2 characters between the | and the > need to be letters and not digits.
This pattern will match the old one and capture the characters between the | and the >. Which you can then use to modify (lookup in a db or something) and do a replace with the following pattern:
This will look for the ~PLB|#|#| at the start and replace the 2 numbers before the > with CS.
Regex.Replace(testString, #"(?<=~PLB|[0-9]{10}|[0-9]{8})(\|)([0-9]{2})(>)", #"$1CS$3")
The X12 protocol standard allows the specification of element and component separators in the header, so anything that hard-codes the "|" and ">" characters could eventually break. Since the standard mandates that the characters used as separators (and segment terminators, e.g., "~") cannot appear within the data (there is no escape sequence to allow them to be embedded), parsing the syntax is very simple. Maybe you're already doing something similar to this, but for readability...
// The original segment string (without segment terminator):
string segment = "PLB|1902841224|20100228|49>KC15X078001104|.08";
// Parse the segment into elements, then the fourth element
// into components (bounds checking is omitted for brevity):
var elements = segment.Split('|');
var components = elements[3].Split('>');
// If the first component is the bad value, replace it with
// the correct value (again, not checking bounds):
if (components[0] == "49")
components[0] = "CS";
// Reassemble the segment by joining the components into
// the fourth element, then the elements back into the
// segment string:
elements[3] = string.Join(">", components);
segment = string.Join("|", elements);
Obviously more verbose than a single regular expression but parsing X12 files is as easy as splitting strings on a single character. Except for the fixed length header (which defines the delimiters), an entire transaction set can be parsed with Split:
// Starting with a string that contains the entire 835 transaction set:
var segments = transactionSet.Split('~');
var segmentElements = segments.Select(s => s.Split('|')).ToArray();
// segmentElements contains an array of element arrays,
// each composite element can be split further into components as shown earlier
What I found is working is the following:
parts = original.Split(record);
for(int i = parts.Length -1; i >= 0; i--)
string s = parts[i];
string nString =String.Empty;
if (s.StartsWith("PLB"))
string[] elems = s.Split(elem);
if (elems[3].Contains("49" + subelem.ToString()))
string regex = string.Format(#"(\{0})49({1})", elem, subelem);
nString = Regex.Replace(s, regex, #"$1CS$2");
I'm still having to split my original file into a set of strings and then evaluate each string, but the that seams to be working now.
If anyone knows how to get around that string.Split up at the top, I'd love to see a sample.