Generic Add method in class composed of multiple lists - c#

I have a class composed of multiple lists and I have generic methods to allow me to do CRUD (and other) operations over those lists.
I'm basically trying to do a variation of DbContext.Set<T> with List.
This is my situation:
public class A
private IList<B> Bs;
private IList<C> Cs;
public A()
Administrators = new List<B>();
Developers = new List<C>();
public void Add<T>(T entity)
var propertyIWant = this.GetType().GetProperties().Where(p => p.GetType() == typeof(IList<T>));
var propertyAsList = propertyIWant as List<T>;
public void Delete<T>(T entity)
//Same idea
//Other methods
The problem is that my code gives me a list of the desired type, but no the actual list (i.e. the property).
So any modifications to that list don't modify the property.
I'd like to be able to do something akin to A.List<T> to get the list of that type (like DbContext can do with DbContext.Set<T>).

You have made a few mistakes here.
Bs and Cs are fields, not properties, so you should use GetFields.
Bs and Cs are private, so you should use the binding flags NonPublic and Instance
The result you get from Where is an IEnumerable<T>. You should call FirstOrDefault or SingleOrDefault to get a single field info.
After getting the field info, you need to call GetValue to get the field's value.
p.GetType() returns typeof(FieldInfo), not the declared type of the field. You should use FieldType instead.
Here is the fixed version:
public void Add<T>(T entity)
var fieldIWant = this.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).Where(p => p.FieldType == typeof(IList<T>)).SingleOrDefault();
if (fieldIWant != null) {
var value = (IList<T>)fieldIWant.GetValue(this);
Or, as thehennyy said in the comments, you should probably look into expression trees, specifically MemberExpressions to do this. Reflection is quite slow.


Concatenating Lists at runtime

I am handling classes that wrap collections. For example:
public class CollA
public List<SomeType> Items {get;set;}
// other properties I'm not interested in
I am guaranteed that the collection classes will have exactly ONE property that is of List<T>
Now, I find myself with a requirement such that I may have many instances of CollA and I am asked to return a new instance of CollA where the property Items contains a union of the Items properties of the individual CollA instances. So, for example:
var A = new CollA(Items = new List<SomeType>
new SomeType("A"), new SomeType("B")
var B = new CollA(Items = new List<SomeType>
new SomeType("C"), new SomeType("D")
var result = SomeMythicalCombine(A, B);
// result.Items == { new SomeType("A"), new SomeType("B"), new SomeType("C"), new SomeType("D") }
This, if the types are all known at compile time is easy, but I need to do it with the types not being known until runtime.
I've got part of the way, I think, using reflection....
public T SomeMythicalCombine (params object[] collections)
var collectionType = typeof(T);
var listProperty = collectionType.GetProperties()
.Single(p=> typeof(IList).IsAssignableFrom(p.PropertyType));
var listPropertyName = listProperty.Name;
var result = Activator.CreateInstance(collectionType);
var innerType = listProperty.PropertyType.GenericTypeArguments[0];
var listType = typeof(List<>).MakeGenericType(innerType);
var list = Activator.CreateInstance(listType);
foreach(var collection in collections)
var listValues = collection.GetType().GetProperty(listPropertyName).GetValue(collection);
// listItems is an object here and I need to find a way of casting it
// to something I can iterate over so I can call (list as IList).Add(something)
// Then, I think, all I need to do is set the appropriate property on the
// the result item
result.GetType().GetProperty(listPropertyName).SetValue(result, list);
return result as T;
Can anyone fill in the gap in my thinking, please?
So basically if you know the type at compile time, you can do this:
var result = new CollA { Items = new[] { A, B }.SelectMany(c => c.Items).ToList() };
If you can require all your collection wrappers to implement an interface, it should be pretty simple to extract this into a generic method.
public interface ICollectionWrapper<T> { List<T> Items { get; set; } }
T SomeMythicalCombine<T, T2>(params T[] wrappers) where T : ICollectionWrapper<T2>, new()
return new T() { Items = wrappers.SelectMany(w => w.Items).ToList() };
That presupposes you can call the method with the right generic parameter. If your calling code knows the types of the collections you're dealing with, you can do this:
var result = SomeMythicalCombine(A, B);
But honestly if your calling code knows that, you might be better off using the first code snippet: it's concise and clear enough. Assuming you literally have a collection of objects that you just happen to know will all have the same run-time type, you should be able to use a little reflection to get that type and invoke the helper method with the right generic parameters. It's not ideal, but it might be faster/simpler than writing the entire method to work using reflection.
you can do this : var combined = A.Items.Concat(B.Items).
However, if the property is a part of interface or base class implementation, then you can target the implementation instead something like this :
public IList<TResult> SomeMythicalCombine<TResult>(params IInterface[] collection) // use interface or base class
// assuming that all collection would have the same element type.
if it is not a part of other implementations, then you can implement an interface and apply it to all classes, this would be an insurance that this collection will always be there as long as the class implements the interface.
if it's hard to achieve that, then you can and you see that reflection is your best option, you can use something like this :
// assuming all collections have the same property of type List<TResult> type.
// if they're different, then return an object instead. and change List<TResult> to IList
public IEnumerable<TResult> CombineLists<T, TResult>(params T[] instances)
where T : class
if (instances?.Any() == false) yield break;
foreach(var obj in instances)
if (obj == null) continue;
var list = obj.GetType()
.FirstOrDefault(p => typeof(List<TResult>).IsAssignableFrom(p.PropertyType))
?.GetValue(obj) as List<TResult>;
if (list?.Count == 0) continue;
foreach (var item in list)
yield return item;
usage :
var combined = CombineLists<CollA, string>(A, B);

Use IQueryable.OrderBy for a composite key without loading all the items?

I am retrieving some tuples from a database that are mapped to entity classes by means of Entity Framework.
For these entities, I have a key selector function (supplied at runtime by other developers) that I would like to pass to Queryable.OrderBy. The key selector function is provided upon "registration" of the entity type in my system - which happens by means of a method that looks roughly like this:
public void RegisterEntity<TEntity, TKey>(string entityName, TKey defaultKey, Func<TEntity, TKey> keySelectorFunc)
I would like to execute this OrderBy call before materializing the results to entity objects (i.e. in such a way that the OrderBy call still gets translated to SQL under the hood).
The problem is that the entities have composite keys, and thus, the key selector function will return a custom object instantiated in the function. You can imagine it like this:
var keySelectorFunc = e => new CustomKey(e.Value1, e.Value2);
As usual, Entity Framework does not like this (the usual "Only parameterless constructors and initializers are supported in LINQ to Entities" error).
Is there any way to use such a custom key selector function to return a custom key? Do I have to resort to anonymous classes? Or should I move the OrderBy call to a place after I have left the LINQ-to-Entities world?
In this particular case it would be easy to use Sort method of Generic List.
Sort method requires the type of the list to implement IComparable interface and it uses the implementation of CompareTo method from IComparable interface. Otherwise implementation of IComparer also can be passed to this method.
So if your entity class is already implemeting IComparable interface then this should surely work for you. You will have to to .ToList() on the IQueryable result of course before you can call the Sort method on it.
public class Category : IComparable<Category>
public int CategoryId { get; internal set; }
public string CategoryName { get; internal set; }
public int CompareTo(Category x)
return String.Compare(x.CategoryName, this.CategoryName, StringComparison.InvariantCulture);
List<Category> categories = new List<Category>();
categories.Add(new Category {CategoryName = "Cate1"});
categories.Add(new Category {CategoryName = "Cate2"});
foreach (var cat in categories)
This displays me category names in reverse order based on the comparison logic I have written in the CompareTo method of Category Class.
In this case I think the best way is use a custom ExtensionMethod to avoid any overhead of coding or unnecessary complexity to do that.
See if it implementation can help you.
First we create your customkey class that is responsable to create the statement expressions:
class CustomKey
public CustomKey(params string[] value)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Select at least one Property for this operation");
Values = new List<string>();
private List<string> Values { get; set; }
// this method run throughout all property configured to create the expressions
public void ForEachProperty<TSource, TKey>(Action<Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>, bool> method)
bool firstItem = true;
Values.ForEach(f =>
var expression = CreateExpression<TSource, TKey>(f);
method(expression, firstItem);
firstItem = false;
// this method is responsable to create each expression
Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>> CreateExpression<TSource, TKey>(string property)
var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TSource), "x");
var member = typeof(TSource).GetMember(property).FirstOrDefault();
Expression body = Expression.MakeMemberAccess(parameter, member);
return Expression.Lambda<Func<TSource, TKey>>(Expression.Convert(body, typeof(object)), parameter);
After that we create your custom ExtesionMethod, somethink like that:
public static class OrderByExtensionClass
// instead of try passing an expression, we pass our CustomKey object with the columns to sort.
// than this method create the apropriate OrderBy Expression statement
public static IOrderedQueryable<TSource> OrderBy<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, CustomKey customKey)
// the parameter isFirst is just to control where we are to build the expression
customKey.ForEachProperty<TSource, object>((expression, isFirst) =>
if (isFirst)
source = source.OrderBy(expression);
source = ((IOrderedQueryable<TSource>)source).ThenBy(expression);
return ((IOrderedQueryable<TSource>)source);
After that we just do:
CustomKey custom = new CustomKey("Name", "Age");
I hope it can help you.
Part of the problem, I think, is that OrderBy wouldn't know what to do with a complex type. SQL Server knows how to order by primitive types, but that's about it. You would have to do something like ...OrderBy(x=>x.Field1).ThenBy(x=>x.Field2). You could write an extension method that takes the key, extracts the property names from the key, and builds the .OrderBy().ThenBy() expression, as long as you know what the key will be before executing the query. Otherwise yeah, you may have to materialize the results before ordering.

Getting all ICollection properties through reflection

I'm trying to fetch all ICollection<T> properties from class of unknown type. Also, type T (what the collection is of) is not known at compile time. Firstly I've tried this approach:
foreach (var property in entity.GetType().GetProperties())
if (typeof(ICollection).IsAssignableFrom(property.PropertyType) || typeof(ICollection<>).IsAssignableFrom(property.PropertyType))
// do something
but it's not working (evaluating false even for ICollection properties).
I got it working like this:
foreach (var property in entity.GetType().GetProperties())
var getMethod = property.GetGetMethod();
var test = getMethod.Invoke(entity, null);
if (test is ICollection)
// do something
but I do not want to execute all getters. Why is the first piece of code not working? How can I find ICollection properties without executing all getters?
It turns out that with IsAssignableFrom check you can't find whether the interface is a derivative of another interface:
will both write false;
With little help from here this is the best solution I can come of:
static IEnumerable<PropertyInfo> GetICollectionOrICollectionOfTProperties(this Type type)
// Get properties with PropertyType declared as interface
var interfaceProps =
from prop in type.GetProperties()
from interfaceType in prop.PropertyType.GetInterfaces()
where interfaceType.IsGenericType
let baseInterface = interfaceType.GetGenericTypeDefinition()
where (baseInterface == typeof(ICollection<>)) || (baseInterface == typeof(ICollection))
select prop;
// Get properties with PropertyType declared(probably) as solid types.
var nonInterfaceProps =
from prop in type.GetProperties()
where typeof(ICollection).IsAssignableFrom(prop.PropertyType) || typeof(ICollection<>).IsAssignableFrom(prop.PropertyType)
select prop;
// Combine both queries into one resulting
return interfaceProps.Union(nonInterfaceProps);
This solution may yield some duplicates(it is hardly possible, but to be sure use Distinct) and it doesn't look very nice.
But it works well on such class with properties with both the interface return types and concrete return types :
class Collections
public List<Int32> ListTProp
public IDictionary<Int32, String> IDictionaryProp
public ICollection ICollectionProp
public ICollection<DateTime> IDateTimeCollectionProp
After attempting to use the accepted answer I had a situation where only partial matches where being returned. My object had 3 ICollection<T> properties and I was only being returned with 2. I spent some time testing and trying to figure out why, but I moved on and wrote this:
public static IEnumerable<PropertyInfo> GetICollectionProperties(object entity)
return entity.GetType().GetProperties()
.Where(p => p.PropertyType.IsGenericType
&& p.PropertyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(ICollection<>));
I have tested with the same test cases and I am getting the correct results returned from this method.
This will not pick up non-generic ICollections, but the OP did ask for ICollection<T>properties, all-though it could be easily re-factored to include. It will also not return properties that are not exactly of type ICollection (ie, Eugene's List and IDictionary in his test case would not be returned (but again, what the OP wanted)).

Casting List<object> to List<T> at runtime

I 'm trying to build a DI container and I 've stumbled on to the following problem: I have a method that retrieves a list of registered instances for a given type and I want to use that to inject IEnumerable<T> properties in a given object. An example of what I am trying to achieve would be the following:
class A { public IList<IExample> Objects { get; set; } }
class B: IExample {}
class C: IExample {}
Container.Register<IExample>(new B());
Container.Register<IExample>(new C());
var obj = new A();
Debug.Assert(A.Objects != null && A.Objects.Count == 2);
My Retrieve method returns an IList<object>, mainly because I have no type information at that moment, so I am attempting to convert that list into a List<T> at injection time. Here is a succint form of the methods doing the work:
public virtual IList<object> Retrieve(Type type)
var instances = Registry[type];
foreach(var instance in instances)
Inject(type, instance); // omitted
return instances;
public virtual void Inject<T>(T instance)
var properties = typeof (T).GetProperties();
foreach (var propertyInfo in properties)
var propertyType = propertyInfo.PropertyType;
if (!IsIEnumerable(propertyType)) continue;
var genericType = propertyType.GetGenericArguments()[0];
GetListType(genericType, Retrieve(genericType)), null);
protected virtual object GetListType(Type type, IEnumerable<object> items)
return items.Select(item => Convert.ChangeType(item, type)).ToList();
The code returns the error: System.InvalidCastException : Object must implement IConvertible. Sadly, I don't know how to proceed from here. Perhaps I am doing this all wrong. I 've thought of using generics or injecting multiple properties by hand, but I'd really like to not have to do that.
Thanks in advance for any help or ideas.
You could create a generic list like this:
public virtual IList Retrieve(Type type)
// ...
listType = typeof(List<>).MakeGenericType(new Type[] { type });
IList list = (IList)Activator.CreateInstance(listType);
// ...
return list
this list can be casted to IList<T>, because it is one.
You could consider to use IEnumerable and Cast<T>, but then you don't have an instance of a list. I don'^t know how important it is to have one.

DRY this method

I need help making this method generic. It is repeated about ten times to get lists for different web list controls (substituting "MyType" for the type used in the particular control).
private static IList<MyType> GetList(RequestForm form)
// get base list
IMyTypeRepository myTypeRepository = new MyTypeRepository(new HybridSessionBuilder());
IList<MyType> myTypes = myTypeRepository.GetAll();
// create results list
IList<MyType> result = new List<MyType>();
// iterate for active + used list items
foreach (MyType myType in myTypes)
if (myType.Active || form.SolutionType.Contains(myType.Value))
// return sorted results
result.OrderBy(o => o.DisplayOrder);
return result;
Let me know if this isn't enough information. I think this requires more advanced language features that I'm just getting acquainted with. Maybe I should make them all use the same repository?
Thanks for your help.
Thanks for your help. I don't have any peer support, so this board is fantastic and I learned something from each of you. I wish I could accept all the answers.
You could firstly make your function a bit more terse like this:
private static IList<MyType> GetList(RequestForm form)
// get base list
IMyTypeRepository myTypeRepository =
new MyTypeRepository(new HybridSessionBuilder());
IList<MyType> myTypes = myTypeRepository.GetAll();
return myTypes.Where(x => x.Active || form.SolutionType.Contains(x.Value))
.OrderBy(x => x.DisplayOrder).ToList();
At that point, most of the content of the function is directly related to MyType, so how you can further improve it depends largely on how MyType relates to the other types involved. For example, here is a hypothetical version that you could write if your other types followed a reasonable-looking (to me) contract:
private static IList<T> GetList(RequestForm form) where T : OrderedValueContainer
// we'll want to somehow genericize the idea of a TypeRepository that can
// produce these types; if that can't be done, we're probably better off
// passing a repository into this function rather than creating it here
var repository = new TypeRepository<T>(new HybridSessionBuilder());
IList<T> myTypes = repository.GetAll();
// the hypothetical OrderedValueContainer class/interface
// contains definitions for Active, Value, and DisplayOrder
return myTypes.Where(x => x.Active || form.SolutionType.Contains(x.Value))
.OrderBy(x => x.DisplayOrder).ToList();
If all the types implement the same interface, (if they don't then make them, and make sure to add all the properties to the interface that are needed in this method) then you can do something like this:
private static IList<T> GetList(RequestForm form)
where T: IMyInterface
// get base list
IMyTypeRepository myTypeRepository = new MyTypeRepository(new HybridSessionBuilder());
IList<T> myTypes = myTypeRepository.GetAll();
// create results list
IList<T> result = new List<T>();
// iterate for active + used list items
foreach (T myType in myTypes)
if (myType.Active || form.SolutionType.Contains(myType.Value))
// return sorted results
return result.OrderBy(o => o.DisplayOrder).ToList();
One other change I made is the last line, where you had the orderby on a seperate line and were never actually capturing the Ordered list.
EDIT: To solve the repository problem, you can have a repository factory of sorts that returns the correct repository based on the type of T:
public static IMyTypeRepository GetRepository(Type t)
if(t == typeof(Type1))
return Type1Repository();
if(t == typeof(Type2))
return Type2Repository();
Assuming of course that all your repositories implement the IMyRepository interface.
First of all, all your types must implement a common interface that define properties like Active, Value ...
Also, for what I can tell, there must be a repository interface for all repositories independently of the MyType so that you can use a generic method like this. The GetAll() method should be defined in the IRepository.
public interface IRepository<T> where T : IMyType
IList<T> GetAll();
public class RepositoryFactory
public static IRepository<T> createRepository<T>(ISessionBuilder sb) where T : IMyType
// create repository
public interface IMyType
bool Active { get; }
string Value { get; }
private static IList<T> GetList(RequestForm form) where T : IMyType
// get base list
IRepository<T> repository = RepositoryFactory.createRepository<T>(new HybridSessionBuilder());
IList<T> myTypes = repository.GetAll();
// create results list
IList<T> result = new List<T>();
// iterate for active + used list items
foreach (T myType in myTypes)
if (myType.Active || form.SolutionType.Contains(myType.Value))
// return sorted results
return result.OrderBy(o => o.DisplayOrder).ToList();
Assuming that the repositories share a common interface, the issue with the repository should be easy to fix: add a static function such as
public static IRepository RepositoryForType(Type t)
if(t == typeof(SomeClass))
return new SomeClassRepository(new HybridSession());
else if ...
else throw new InvalidOperationException("No repository for type " + t.Name);
This should require you the least amount of changes to your existing code, but mind that in the future you'll have to add classes support for new repositories in this function as you add new repositories in your project (if you're using unit testing you'll easily figure out if you forgot about this helper anyway).
