How to insert model from mapping table - c#

I have idea to insert my model from excel using mapping from table. Because my excel hv more then 100 column. It will be tired if I code manualy like I do. I hv idea to save to database the name of header excel, the function, and row for my table
First, I read my excel then capture to dataset, then foreach dataset, then for each list mapping, then using if to know is empty or not, then read function using replace, then set model using mapping table
What I do:
public ActionResult upload(HttpPostedFileBase uploadFile)
private DB_Entities db = new DB_Entities();
dataset ds = new dataset();
ds = GetFileExcel(uploadFile);
foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables["Header$"].Rows)
tbl_header header = new tbl_header();
string name = dr["Name"].ToString();
if (name != "") {
var resultName = Convert.ToInt32(name); = resultName;
string address = dr["Address"].ToString();
if (address != "") {
var resultAddress = DateTime.ParseExact(address, "dd MMM yyyy", provider);
header.address = resultAddress;
string country = dr["Country"].ToString();
if (country != "") {
var resultCountry = db.tbl_Item.Where(a => a.Code == country).Select(a => a.Id).SingleOrDefault(); = ResultCountry;
public partial class tblT_Pengeluaran_Header
public int name { get; set; }
public DateTime address { get; set; }
public int country { get; set; }
What I want:
public ActionResult upload(HttpPostedFileBase uploadFile)
private DB_Entities db = new DB_Entities();
dataset ds = new dataset();
ds = GetFileExcel(uploadFile);
var mapping = db.Tbl_Mapping.toList();
foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables["Header$"].Rows)
tbl_header header = new tbl_header();
//foreach list mapping to doing:
// string excel = ReadExcel
// if (excel != "") {
// string resultFunction = ReadFunction.Replace('[data]',excel);
// var result = Execute(resultFunction);
// header.ReadTable = result;
// }
table Mapping Example: Tbl_Mapping
table | excel | function
name | Name | Convert.ToInt32([data]);
address | Address | DateTime.ParseExact([data], "dd MMM yyyy", provider);
country | Country | db.tbl_Item.Where(a => a.Code == [data]).Select(a => a.Id).SingleOrDefault();
How to do this? any idea??? Thank you

I can see two issues in your code.
The country object fetch from the database within the foreach
The DB save within the foreach.
The above both are bad for the performance. Consider the below instead.
First, fetch all countries from the dataset and do single DB lookup and use AddRange instead of add.
For the Dataset to mapping object conversion, use Linq as below.
public ActionResult upload(HttpPostedFileBase uploadFile)
private DB_Entities db = new DB_Entities();
DataSet ds = GetFileExcel(uploadFile);
string[] countryCodes = ds.Tables["Header$"].AsEnumerable().Select(row => row.Field<string>("country")).ToArray();
var selectedCountries = db.tbl_Item.Where(q => countryCodes.Contains(q)).Select(s => new { Id = s.Id, Code = s.Code }).ToList();
List<tbl_header> headers = ds.Tables["Header$"].AsEnumerable().Select
row => new tbl_header
name = row.Field<string>("Name") == string.Empty ? 0 : int.Parse(row.Field<string>("Name")),
address = row.Field<string>("Address") == string.Empty ? DateTime.MinValue : DateTime.ParseExact((row.Field<string>("Address")), "dd MMM yyyy", provider),
country = selectedCountries.SingleOrDefault(q=> q.Code == row.Field<string>("Country")).Id


how to optimize the time in executing the query in c# react

I am new to React and new to Web API. I am uploading data in a tabulator in react front end from the value that I am passing through the web API. I am passing value through the getReports function like this:
public IHttpActionResult GetReports(string jwt, List<object> data)
if (!Common.VerificationToken.VerifyJWToken(jwt))
return null;
var to = data[0];
var from = data[1];
DateTime toDate = Convert.ToDateTime(to);
DateTime fromDate = Convert.ToDateTime(from);
var ReportData = db.T_CQL_COIL_DESC.Where(t => t.CCD_CREATED_ON >= toDate &&
t.CCD_CREATED_ON <= fromDate).ToList();
ReportsDTO dto = new ReportsDTO();
List<ReportsDTO> ReportDTO = new List<ReportsDTO>();
foreach (var report in ReportData)
List<vehicledetail> vehicle = new List<vehicledetail>();
var imgurl = "";
dto = new ReportsDTO();
dto.Type = report.CCD_OP_TYPE;
dto.ID = report.CCD_COIL_ID;
vehicle = GetVehicleID(dto.ID);
vehicledetail vehicledetails = vehicle[0];
dto.vehicleno = vehicledetails.vehicleno.ToString();
dto.wagonno = vehicledetails.wagonno.ToString();
dto.Active = report.CCD_ACTIVE;
dto.ImgURL = report.CCD_IMAGE_URL != null ? imgurl + report.CCD_IMAGE_URL : "NA";
dto.Desc = report.CCD_VIEW_DESC != null ? report.CCD_VIEW_DESC : "NA";
return Ok(ReportDTO);
catch (Exception ex)
return Content(HttpStatusCode.NoContent, "Something went wrong");
The data in vehicledetail in vehicledetail vehicledetails = vehicle[0]; is getting populated from this function:
public List<vehicledetail> GetVehicleID(string coilID)
List<vehicledetail> vehicle = new List<vehicledetail>();
vehicledetail vehicledetails = new vehicledetail();
string oradb = Utilities.STAR_DB;
OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection(oradb);
string query = "SELECT a.Vbeln, b.WAGON_NO FROM sapr3.lips a, sapr3.ZVTRRDA b WHERE
a.MANDT='600' AND a.CHARG='" + coilID + "' AND a.LFIMG > 0 AND a.MANDT = b.MANDT AND
OracleDataAdapter da = new OracleDataAdapter(query, conn);
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
vehicledetails.vehicleno = row["VBELN"].ToString();
vehicledetails.wagonno = row["WAGON_NO"].ToString();
return (vehicle);
It is working fine but it is taking 30 seconds to load the below data:
How do I optimize this . Please help. Note: that it is taking 30 seconds to upload this data
Few other things aside, the major problem seems to be that you are querying database for each vehicle.
In this particular scenario it might very well be better to select all vehicle ids and query them all.
var vehicleIds = reportData.SelectMany(t => t.ID);
You can then form a query that will get all vehicle details together. This will reduce the number of database calls and it can have massive impact on time.
Another thing to check is if there's any index created on the vehicle id column in database as that may also help speed things up.

export file with

This project is an ASP.Net Api project with Angular. What I'm trying to do is export data from a database table and into an excel file. So far, I've managed to export all the table data into an excel file, but struggle to select 2 or 3 fields in the table to export.
public IActionResult DownloadExcel(string field)
string dbFileName = "DbTableName.xlsx";
FileInfo file = new FileInfo(dbFileName);
byte[] fileContents;
var stream = new MemoryStream();
using (ExcelPackage package = new ExcelPackage(file))
IList<UserTable> userList = _context.UserTable.ToList();
ExcelWorksheet worksheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("DbTableName");
int totalUserRows = userList.Count();
return File(fileContents, fileType, dbFileName);
There's no need to write so many if ... else if ... else if ... else if ... to get the related field names.
A nicer way is to
Use a field list (IList<string>)as a parameter.
And then generate a required field list by intersect.
Finally, we could use reflection to retrieve all the related values.
public IActionResult DownloadExcel(IList<string> fields)
// get the required field list
var userType = typeof(UserTable);
fields = userType.GetProperties().Select(p => p.Name).Intersect(fields).ToList();
if(fields.Count == 0){ return BadRequest(); }
using (ExcelPackage package = new ExcelPackage())
IList<UserTable> userList = _context.UserTable.ToList();
ExcelWorksheet worksheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("DbTableName");
// generate header line
for(var i= 0; i< fields.Count; i++ ){
var fieldName = fields[i];
var pi= userType.GetProperty(fieldName);
var displayName = pi.GetCustomAttribute<DisplayNameAttribute>()?.DisplayName;
worksheet.Cells[1,i+1].Value = string.IsNullOrEmpty(displayName ) ? fieldName : displayName ;
// generate row lines
int totalUserRows = userList.Count();
for(var r=0; r< userList.Count(); r++){
var row = userList[r];
for(var c=0 ; c< fields.Count;c++){
var fieldName = fields[c];
var pi = userType.GetProperty(fieldName);
// because the first row is header
worksheet.Cells[r+2, c+1].Value = pi.GetValue(row);
var stream = new MemoryStream(package.GetAsByteArray());
return new FileStreamResult(stream,"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet");
You could configure the display name using the DsiplayNameAttribute:
public class UserTable
public int Id{get;set;}
[DisplayName("First Name")]
public string fName { get; set; }
[DisplayName("Last Name")]
public string lName { get; set; }
public string gender { get; set; }
It's possible to add any properties as you like without hard-coding in your DownloadExcel method.
Demo :
passing a field list fields[0]=fName&fields[1]=lName&fields[2]=Non-Exist will generate an excel as below:
To export all the fields, we could assume the client will not pass a fields parameter. That means when the fields is null or if the fields.Count==0, we'll export all the fields:
public IActionResult DownloadExcel(IList<string> fields)
// get the required field list
var userType = typeof(UserTable);
var pis= userType.GetProperties().Select(p => p.Name);
if(fields?.Count >0){
fields = pis.Intersect(fields).ToList();
} else{
fields = pis.ToList();
using (ExcelPackage package = new ExcelPackage()){
if you want to use the datatable then we can define which you need to select from the datatable in this way
string[] selectedColumns = new[] { "Column1","Column2"};
DataTable dt= new DataView(fromDataTable).ToTable(false, selectedColumns);
or else if you wanna you list then you can use linq for selection of particular columns
var xyz = from a in prod.Categories
where a.CatName.EndsWith("A")
select new { CatName=a.CatName, CatID=a.CatID, CatQty = a.CatQty};

Closed XML Reading in a table Through Empty Rows

I have a method that reads from a spreadsheet to create an Auction for my application. I am getting the exception below, and I was wondering why the range of my sheet was set to that and then how to change the range so that I can read the rest of my excel file.
public ActionResult Upload(UploadFile UploadFile)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
if (UploadFile.ExcelFile.ContentLength > 0)
if (UploadFile.ExcelFile.FileName.EndsWith(".xlsx") || UploadFile.ExcelFile.FileName.EndsWith(".xls"))
XLWorkbook wb;
//incase if the file is corrupt
wb = new XLWorkbook(UploadFile.ExcelFile.InputStream);
catch (Exception ex)
ModelState.AddModelError(String.Empty, $"Check your file. {ex.Message}");
return View();
IXLWorksheet ws = null;
try//incase if the sheet you are looking for is not found
ws = wb.Worksheet("sheet1");
ModelState.AddModelError(String.Empty, "Sheet not found");
return View();
var firstRowUsed = ws.FirstRowUsed();
var auctionRow = firstRowUsed.RowUsed().RowBelow();
//create auction
string auctionName = auctionRow.Cell(1).Value.ToString();
DateTimeOffset startDate = DateTimeOffset.Parse(auctionRow.Cell(2).Value.ToString());
DateTimeOffset endDate = DateTimeOffset.Parse(auctionRow.Cell(3).Value.ToString());
string folderName = auctionRow.Cell(4).Value.ToString();
Models.Auction auction = new Models.Auction(auctionName, startDate, endDate, folderName);
//find the next table
var nextRow = auctionRow.RowBelow();
while (nextRow.IsEmpty())
nextRow = nextRow.RowBelow();
const int catNameCol = 1;
var firstCatRow = nextRow.RowUsed();
var catRow = firstCatRow.RowBelow();
//get categories from ws table and add to the auction
while (!catRow.Cell(catNameCol).IsEmpty())
string catName = catRow.Cell(1).Value.ToString();
int seqNo = Convert.ToInt32(catRow.Cell(2).Value.ToString());
string fileName = catRow.Cell(3).Value.ToString();
Cat cat = new Cat(auction.AuctionId, catName, seqNo, fileName);
catRow = catRow.RowBelow();
var findNextRow = catRow.RowBelow();
while (findNextRow.IsEmpty())
findNextRow = findNextRow.RowBelow();
const int itemNameCol = 1;
var itemRow = findNextRow.RowUsed().RowBelow();
while (!itemRow.Cell(itemNameCol).IsEmpty())
string itemName = itemRow.Cell(1).Value.ToString();
string itemDesc = itemRow.Cell(2).Value.ToString();
string catName = itemRow.Cell(3).Value.ToString();
string modelNo = itemRow.Cell(4).Value.ToString();
decimal retailValue = Convert.ToDecimal(itemRow.Cell(5).Value.ToString());
string fileName = itemRow.Cell(6).Value.ToString();
decimal initialBid = Convert.ToDecimal(itemRow.Cell(7).Value.ToString());
decimal increment = Convert.ToDecimal(itemRow.Cell(8).Value.ToString());
Cat itemCat = null;
foreach (var cat in auction.Cats)
if (catName == cat.CatName.Trim())
itemCat = cat;
Item item = new Item(itemName, itemDesc, modelNo, retailValue, fileName, startDate, endDate, initialBid, increment, null, null, null, itemCat);
itemRow = itemRow.RowBelow();
ModelState.AddModelError(String.Empty, "Only .xlsx and .xls files are allowed");
return View();
ModelState.AddModelError(String.Empty, "Not a valid file");
return View();
return View();
Format of Excel Doc:
I am really new to this so let me know if there is some syntax to accomplish what I am trying to and fix this exception. Also let me know if there are anything that sticks out that I can change/improve. Thank you kindly
nextRow is a truncated row "C15: F15", and the data you are looking for is greater than this range. I think that there is also a ClosedXML error here.
In your case, it helps to take the entire row of the worksheet and then get used cells.
Try next:
var firstCatRow = nextRow.WorksheetRow().RowUsed();

Enter new data in db (EF)

I have method in controller
It receive data from post request and write to table
Here is code
public IHttpActionResult PostTimeTable(TimeTable timeTable)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return BadRequest(ModelState);
if (ModelState.IsValid)
DateTime dt = DateTime.Today;
TimeTable c = (from x in db.TimeTables
where x.Company == timeTable.Company && x.INN == timeTable.INN
select x).First();
c.StartPause = timeTable.StartPause;
c.StartDay = timeTable.StartDay;
c.EndPause = timeTable.EndPause;
c.EndDay = timeTable.EndDay;
return CreatedAtRoute("DefaultApi", new { id = timeTable.Id }, timeTable);
But it works well when record with INN and Company already in db.
But if it not in database I need to create new entry.
How I need to modify this method?
You can use a flag (exisingCompanyFlag) for edit mode or add new mode like this
bool existingCompanyFlag = true;
TimeTable c = (from x in db.TimeTables
where x.Company == timeTable.Company && x.INN == timeTable.INN
select x).FirstOrDefult();
if (c == null)
existingCompanyFlag = false;
c = new TimeTable();
c.StartPause = timeTable.StartPause;
c.StartDay = timeTable.StartDay;
c.EndPause = timeTable.EndPause;
c.EndDay = timeTable.EndDay;
if (!existingCompanyFlag)
You need a separate branch in your code for the insert case.
if (ModelState.IsValid) {
if (addingNewRow) {
TimeTable tt = new TimeTable {
// Populate properties (except identity columns)
} else {
// update
To link to other entities use one of:
Assign instances:
x.Company = theCompany;
or, assign the instance id
x.CompanyId = companyId;
(#1 is easier if you already have the other entity loaded or are creating it – EF will sort out the ids – while #2 saves loading the whole other entity.)

What can be used instead of Datatable in LINQ

I have a SQL query that returns a Datatable:
var routesTable = _dbhelper.Select("SELECT [RouteId],[UserId],[SourceName],[CreationTime] FROM [Routes] WHERE UserId=#UserId AND RouteId=#RouteId", inputParams);
and then we can work with Datatable object of routesTable
if (routesTable.Rows.Count == 1)
result = new Route(routeId)
Name = (string)routesTable.Rows[0]["SourceName"],
Time = routesTable.Rows[0]["CreationTime"] is DBNull ? new DateTime() : Convert.ToDateTime(routesTable.Rows[0]["CreationTime"])
result.TrackPoints = GetTrackPointsForRoute(routeId);
I want to change this code to linq but I don't know how can I simulate Datatable in LINQ ,I wrote this part:
Route result = null;
aspnetdbDataContext aspdb = new aspnetdbDataContext();
var Result = from r in aspdb.RouteLinqs
where r.UserId == userId && r.RouteId==routeId
select r;
but I don't know how can I change this part:
if (routesTable.Rows.Count == 1)
result = new Route(routeId)
Name = (string)routesTable.Rows[0]["SourceName"],
Time = routesTable.Rows[0]["CreationTime"] is DBNull ? new DateTime() : Convert.ToDateTime(routesTable.Rows[0]["CreationTime"])
would you please tell me how can I do this?
here you can see the whole block of code in original
public Route GetById(int routeId, Guid userId)
Route result = null;
var inputParams = new Dictionary<string, object>
{"UserId", userId},
{"RouteId", routeId}
var routesTable = _dbhelper.Select("SELECT [RouteId],[UserId],[SourceName],[CreationTime] FROM [Routes] WHERE UserId=#UserId AND RouteId=#RouteId", inputParams);
if (routesTable.Rows.Count == 1)
result = new Route(routeId)
Name = (string)routesTable.Rows[0]["SourceName"],
Time = routesTable.Rows[0]["CreationTime"] is DBNull ? new DateTime() : Convert.ToDateTime(routesTable.Rows[0]["CreationTime"])
result.TrackPoints = GetTrackPointsForRoute(routeId);
return result;
SELECT Function:
public DataTable Select(string query, Dictionary<string, object> parameters)
var dt = new DataTable();
using (_command = new SqlCommand(query, _connnection))
using (_adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(_command))
return dt;
and the GetTrackPointsForRoute
private List<TrackPoint> GetTrackPointsForRoute(int routeId)
aspnetdbDataContext aspdb = new aspnetdbDataContext();
var result = new List<TrackPoint>();
var trackPointsTable = from t in aspdb.TrackPointlinqs
where t.RouteFK == routeId
select t;
foreach (var trackPointRow in trackPointsTable)
var trackPoint = new TrackPoint
Id = (int)trackPointRow.TrackPointId,
Elevation = Convert.ToSingle(trackPointRow.Elevation),
Latitude = Convert.ToDouble(trackPointRow.Latitude),
Longitude = Convert.ToDouble(trackPointRow.Longitude),
Time = trackPointRow.TrackTime is DBNull ? new DateTime() : (DateTime)trackPointRow.TrackTime
return result;
var firstRoute = aspdb.RouteLinqs
.Where(r => r.UserId == userId && r.RouteId == routeId)
if (firstRoute == null)
return null;
return new Route(routeId)
Name = first.SourceName,
Time = first.CreationTime ?? new DateTime(),
TrackPoints = GetTrackPointsForRoute(routeId)
If this is LINQ to SQL you can simplify it further (this won't work with LINQ to Entity Framework though):
return aspdb.RouteLinqs
.Where(r => r.UserId == userId && r.RouteId == routeId)
.Select(r => new Route(routeId)
Name = r.SourceName,
Time = r.CreationTime ?? new DateTime(),
TrackPoints = GetTrackPointsForRoute(routeId)
Note: You probably can replace GetTrackPointsForRoute with a join to the child table, meaning that the entire method can be done with a single call to the database, rather than one call to get the routes, and a second call to get the points. To do this you should learn about associations and joins in LINQ to SQL.
