I was wondering if there is any way to set a value to an entity onsave?
Because I'm working on a multi tenant web application and I would like to set the the current tenant ID (through simple DI service).
I tried using HasDefaultValue() in Fluent API, however this will try to convert to a SQL function. So this doesn't work for me.
builder.Entity<Order>( )
.HasQueryFilter(p => p.TenantId == _tenantProvider.GetTenantId())
.Property(p => p.TenantId)
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
You could override the DbContext.SaveChanges() method and iterate the ChangeTracker entries:
public override int SaveChanges()
foreach (var entityEntry in ChangeTracker.Entries()) // Iterate all made changes
if (entityEntry.Entity is Order order)
if (entityEntry.State == EntityState.Added) // If you want to update TenantId when Order is added
order.TenantId = _tenantProvider.GetTenantId();
else if (entityEntry.State == EntityState.Modified) // If you want to update TenantId when Order is modified
order.TenantId = _tenantProvider.GetTenantId();
return base.SaveChanges();
Of course, this needs the tenant provider to be injected into your context.
EF Core value generation on add with custom ValueGenerator
Generates values for properties when an entity is added to a context.
could be utilized to assign TenantId to the new entities. Inside the Next method you could obtain the TenantId from the context (or some service).
Taking your sample, the value generator could be a nested class inside your DbContext like this:
class TenantIdValueGenerator : ValueGenerator<int>
public override bool GeneratesTemporaryValues => false;
public override int Next(EntityEntry entry) => GetTenantId(entry.Context);
int GetTenantId(DbContext context) => ((YourDbContext)context)._tenantProvider.GetTenantId();
The all you need is to assign the generator to TenantId property using some of the HasValueGenerator fluent API.
The only problem is that by design the value generators are called only if the property does not have explicitly set value (for int property - if the value is 0).
So the better approach it to abstract (and fully control) the TenantId property by removing it from entity models and replacing it with shadow property.
Hence my suggestion is, remove the TenantId from entity classes and call the following method inside your OnModelCreating for each entity that needs TenantId column:
void ConfigureTenant<TEntity>(ModelBuilder modelBuilder) where TEntity : class
modelBuilder.Entity<TEntity>(builder =>
builder.HasQueryFilter(e => EF.Property<int>(e, "TenantId") == _tenantProvider.GetTenantId());
If you are using EF Core 5+, then you have the option of using the SavingChanges event. This will allow you to set your custom logic for both SaveChanges and SaveChangesAsync without having to override both methods.
public MyDbContext(DbContextOptions<MyDbContext> dbContextOptions, ITenantProvider tenantProvider) : base(dbContextOptions)
SavingChanges += (sender, args) =>
foreach (var orderEntity in ChangeTracker.Entries<Order>())
if (orderEntity.State == EntityState.Added)
orderEntity.Entity.TenantId = tenantProvider.GetTenantId();
So I just get started,
I have an entity which keeps the data from other entities not by a direct relation but with keeping the EntityId and EntityType(Enum).
When I read these records from GraphQL I expect to resolve a field with a resolver as follow,
public class AssignmentResolver
public object GetEntity( Assignment assignment, AppDbContext context)
if(assignment.EntityType == AssignmentEntityType.PERSON)
return context.People.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == assignment.EntityId);
// And more checks
return null;
Then I can say
public class AssignmentQueryType: ObjectType<Assignment>
protected override void Configure(IObjectTypeDescriptor<Assignment> descriptor)
descriptor.Field("entity").ResolveWith<AssignmentResolver>(x => x.GetEntity(default!, default!));
I wanna know if this is right or is there a better way...
I mean the better way would be using a document database for this but that's not an option for now.
I also maybe instead of putting the EntityType and EntityId can simply set an actual relation to those other entities but I wanna see if this current way is possible.
Well that was fast.
I found my problem. It seems that in the resolver I cannot just return an object because the schema should be clear when being read.
So from the resolver if I return a viewModel which is shared between all those entities then we are good to go.
So the GetEntity code will change to
public EntityViewModel GetEntity( Assignment assignment, [Service] AppDbContext context)
if(assignment.EntityType == AssignmentEntityType.PERSON)
var entity = context.People.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == assignment.EntityId);
return new EntityViewModel(entity);
// And more checks
return null;
I want to use annotations for setting the default value for my properties in Entity Framework Core. The issue is that the database is not setting the default values so the value is not being passed down to the database layer.
I want to do something similar to modelBuilder's HasDefaultValueSql:
public int LengthInMeters {get; set;}
How do you convert the below code to attributes?
modelBuilder.Entity<Patient>().Property(c => c.LengthInMeters).HasDefaultValueSql("400");
Using default values by themselves doesn't work. I want to use attributes alone without having to mess with the migrations.
Problems: I've tried other methods with EF but Entity Framework Core doesn't have some items. Such as modelBuilder.Conventions nor AttributeToColumnAnnotationConvention nor CSharpMigrationCodeGenerator nor modelBuilder.Properties()
This is what I ended up doing, if someone has a cleaner not as intensive way of implementation let me know.
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
foreach (var entityType in modelBuilder.Model.GetEntityTypes())
foreach (var property in entityType.GetProperties())
var memberInfo = property.PropertyInfo ?? (MemberInfo)property.FieldInfo;
if (memberInfo == null) continue;
var defaultValue = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(memberInfo, typeof(DefaultValueAttribute)) as DefaultValueAttribute;
if (defaultValue == null) continue;
property.SqlServer().DefaultValue = defaultValue.Value;
I can set the default value in the database using the default value attribute
public int LengthInMeters {get; set;}
Struggled a while getting this job done in another way using EF-Core conventions. I discovered a way to add so called "Plugins" which implement the IConventionSetPlugin interface with which you can add custom conventions. It needs some additional code to get EntityFramework to use the plugin.
But first things first, let's create our PropertyAttributeConvention.
public class DefaultValueAttributeConvention : PropertyAttributeConventionBase<DefaultValueAttribute>
public DefaultValueAttributeConvention(ProviderConventionSetBuilderDependencies dependencies) : base(dependencies) { }
protected override void ProcessPropertyAdded(IConventionPropertyBuilder propertyBuilder, DefaultValueAttribute attribute,
MemberInfo clrMember, IConventionContext context)
propertyBuilder.HasDefaultValue(attribute.Value, fromDataAnnotation: true);
Here we just say the ef propertybuilder to use the default value defined in our [DefaultValue] attribute.
To add the convention we need to create a custom plugin class:
public class CustomConventionSetPlugin : IConventionSetPlugin
public ConventionSet ModifyConventions(ConventionSet conventionSet)
conventionSet.PropertyAddedConventions.Add(new DefaultValueAttributeConvention(null));
return conventionSet;
For our plugin to get used, we have to create an ef extension class (which itself contains another ExtensionInfo class)
public class CustomDbContextOptionsExtension : IDbContextOptionsExtension
public void ApplyServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddSingleton<IConventionSetPlugin, CustomConventionSetPlugin>();
public void Validate(IDbContextOptions options) { }
public DbContextOptionsExtensionInfo Info => new CustomDbContextOptionsExtensionInfo(this);
private class CustomDbContextOptionsExtensionInfo : DbContextOptionsExtensionInfo
public CustomDbContextOptionsExtensionInfo(IDbContextOptionsExtension extension) : base(extension) { }
public override long GetServiceProviderHashCode() => 0;
public override void PopulateDebugInfo(IDictionary<string, string> debugInfo) { }
public override bool IsDatabaseProvider => false;
public override string LogFragment => "";
In the extension class we're adding our plugin class to the EF-ServiceCollection.
The last step is to go to our DbContext and add our extension. This can be done in the OnConfigure method:
public class MyDatacontext : DbContext
protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
((IDbContextOptionsBuilderInfrastructure)optionsBuilder).AddOrUpdateExtension(new CustomDbContextOptionsExtension());
Now the [DefaultValue] attribute can be used on our entity properties.
If we want to add different custom conventions we dont have to create all that extension/plugin classes again. Just create a new convention class and add it through our existing plugin class to the convetionSet.
Install Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Relational package, it should solve most of your migration issues when moving to EF core.
Imagine that I want to add an IsDeleted colum or some auditing columns to all of my entities. I could create a base class from which all of my entities will inherit and this will solve my problem, however I cannot specify the order in which the column will be created so I will end up with all the auditing fields before the fields of my entity, which I do not want. I want them to be at the end of the table.
In the standard version of entity framework we can do this by using annotations that specify the order of the columns. However, such a thing does not exist for EF core at the moment.
I could do it with the fluent api on the OnModelCreating() method, the problem is that I only know how to do it individually for each of my entities, which means I would have to write the same code for every entity I have.
Is there any way I can do it generically for all of my entities? Some sort of for loop that iterates through all the entities registered in the DbSets on my dbcontext?
Your question title is about adding the same properties to multiple entities. However, you actually know how to achieve this (use a base type) and your actual question is how to ensure that these properties come last in the generated tables' columns.
Although column order shouldn't really matter nowadays, I'll show an alternative that you may like better than a base type and also positions the common properties at the end of the table. It makes use of shadow properties:
Shadow properties are properties that are not defined in your .NET entity class but are defined for that entity type in the EF Core model.
Most of the times, auditing properties don't need much visibility in the application, so I think shadow properties is exactly what you need. Here's an example:
I have two classes:
public class Planet
public Planet()
Moons = new HashSet<Moon>();
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<Moon> Moons { get; set; }
public class Moon
public int ID { get; set; }
public int PlanetID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public Planet Planet { get; set; }
As you see: they don't have auditing properties, they're nicely mean and lean POCOs. (By the way, for convenience I lump IsDeleted together with "audit properties", although it isn't one and it may require another approach).
And maybe that's the main message here: the class model isn't bothered with auditing concerns (single responsibility), it's all EF's business.
The audit properties are added as shadow properties. Since we want to do that for each entity we define a base IEntityTypeConfiguration:
public abstract class BaseEntityTypeConfiguration<T> : IEntityTypeConfiguration<T>
where T : class
public virtual void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<T> builder)
The concrete configurations are derived from this base class:
public class PlanetConfig : BaseEntityTypeConfiguration<Planet>
public override void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<Planet> builder)
builder.Property(p => p.ID).ValueGeneratedOnAdd();
// Follows the default convention but added to make a difference :)
builder.HasMany(p => p.Moons)
.WithOne(m => m.Planet)
.HasForeignKey(m => m.PlanetID);
public class MoonConfig : BaseEntityTypeConfiguration<Moon>
public override void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<Moon> builder)
builder.Property(p => p.ID).ValueGeneratedOnAdd();
These should be added to the context's model in OnModelCreating:
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
modelBuilder.ApplyConfiguration(new PlanetConfig());
modelBuilder.ApplyConfiguration(new MoonConfig());
This will generate database tables having columns InsertDateTime, IsDeleted and UpdateDateTime at the end (independent of when base.Configure(builder) is called, BTW), albeit in that order (alphabetical). I guess that's close enough.
To make the picture complete, here's how to set the values fully automatically in a SaveChanges override:
public override int SaveChanges()
foreach(var entry in this.ChangeTracker.Entries()
.Where(e => e.Properties.Any(p => p.Metadata.Name == "UpdateDateTime")
&& e.State != Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.EntityState.Added))
entry.Property("UpdateDateTime").CurrentValue = DateTime.Now;
return base.SaveChanges();
Small detail: I make sure that when an entity is inserted the database defaults set both fields (see above: ValueGeneratedOnAdd(), and hence the exclusion of added entities) so there won't be confusing differences caused by client clocks being slightly off. I assume that updating will always be well later.
And to set IsDeleted you could add this method to the context:
public void MarkForDelete<T>(T entity)
where T : class
var entry = this.Entry(entity);
// TODO: check entry.State
if(entry.Properties.Any(p => p.Metadata.Name == "IsDeleted"))
entry.Property("IsDeleted").CurrentValue = true;
entry.State = Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.EntityState.Deleted;
...or turn to one of the proposed mechanisms out there to convert EntityState.Deleted to IsDeleted = true.
You can always generate an initial migration for the model and manually rearrange the column order in the Migration.
Here is the open issue tracking support for explicit column ordering in EF Core: https://github.com/aspnet/EntityFrameworkCore/issues/10059
Also see this question and answer on using Shadow Properties and Query Filters for soft deletes. EF Core: Soft delete with shadow properties and query filters
I'm trying to implement Soft Delete in a .NET Core 1.1.* Web App, backed by Entity Framework Core 1.1.*. I'm using Sql Server as my DB.
Migrating to .NET core 2.* is not an option at the moment.
After reading books, tuts and 3ds, I've implemented this feature using a Discriminator column. The deletion procedure is apparently working as expected. What's wrong is the data retrieval: deleted entities are still shown within my EF query results.
Current situation
Here's some C# code. I'll keep things as simple as possible
The interfaces:
// Soft deletion interface
public intercace ISoftDeletable
// Another interface for some shadow properties
public interface IEntity
The base class:
public abstract class Entity : IEntity, ISoftDeletable
public int MyBaseProp { get; set; }
One of my derived classes:
public class MyDerivedEntity: Entity
public string Name { get; set; }
public IList<MyChildEntity> Children { get; set; }
public class MyChildEntity: Entity
public string MyChildProp { get; set; }
The Context
public class MyContext: DbContext
public MyContext(DbContextOptions<MyContext> options)
: base(options)
{ }
public DbSet<MyDerivedEntity> EntitiesToUse { get; set; }
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder builder)
foreach (var entity in builder.Model.GetEntityTypes())
if (typeof(IEntity).IsAssignableFrom(entity.ClrType))
if (typeof(ISoftDeletable).IsAssignableFrom(entity.ClrType))
// Discriminator column
builder.Entity(entity.ClrType).HasDiscriminator("IsDeleted", typeof(bool)).HasValue(false);
// Shadow Property
builder.Entity(entity.ClrType).Property(typeof(bool), "IsDeleted").IsRequired(true).HasDefaultValue(false);
builder.Entity(entity.ClrType).Property(typeof(bool), "IsDeleted").Metadata.IsReadOnlyAfterSave = false;
// Other model configurations
// SaveChangesAsync are almost the same
public override int SaveChanges()
return base.SaveChanges();
private void AuditEntities()
foreach (EntityEntry<IEntity> entry in ChangeTracker.Entries<IEntity>())
// do something with MyShadowProperty...
foreach (EntityEntry<ISoftDeletable> entry in changeTracker.Entries<ISoftDeletable>().Where(w => w.State == EntityState.Deleted))
// Set the entity as Softly Deleted
entry.Property("IsDeleted").CurrentValue = true;
// Ensure the entity state is modified to prevend hard deletion
entry.State = EntityState.Modified;
The Problem
Everything works as expected, except the data retrieval.
Here's a sample call:
var results = await _context.EntitiesToUse.Include(e => e.SomeChildEntity).AsNoTracking();
I expect the results to include only available myDerivedEntities with .IsDeleted == false. The problem is that my deleted entities are not filtered out. Why?
Please, what's wrong with my code? Am I missing something?
Thank you all so much!
Entity Framework Core 2.0 supports Global Query Filter
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
modelBuilder.Entity<ISoftDeletable>().HasQueryFilter(e => !e.IsDeleted);
You can find more info and examples here
I recommend you the built-in EF Core Global Query Filter but in some situations, Entity Framework Plus could also help.
Disclaimer: I'm the owner of this project
EF+ Query Filter allows you to filter DbSet Globally and by Instance.
// using Z.EntityFramework.Plus; // Don't forget to include this.
var ctx = new EntitiesContext();
ctx.Filter<IUser>(q => q.Where(x => !x.IsSystemUser ));
// SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE IsSystemUser = FALSE
var list = ctx.Customers.ToList();
Wiki: EF+ Query Filter
EDIT: Answer sub-question
Please, Is your library compatible with EF Core 1.1
Yes, it should be compatible with .NET Standard 1.3
I am using EF 6.
What I am looking for, is for all my models, I want to modify the model just before it is either created or updated.
Is there an event that I could hook into to make this easy?
If you are using the DbContext API then you can override the SaveChanges method where you can use the ChangeTracker to get the tracked entites and do your custom logic based on the returned DbEntry.State property (EntityState enum):
public class MyContext : DbContext
public override int SaveChanges()
foreach (var entry in ChangeTracker.Entries<YourEntity>())
if (entry.State == EntityState.Added)
// do something with entry.Entity
if (entry.State == EntityState.Modified)
// do something with entry.Entity
// etc.
return base.SaveChanges();