Smoothing noises with different amplitudes (Part 2) - c#

Well, I'm continuing this question without answer (Smoothing random noises with different amplitudes) and I have another question.
I have opted to use the contour/shadow of a shape (Translating/transforming? list of points from its center with an offset/distance).
This contour/shadow is bigger than the current path. I used this repository ( to recreate the shadow. And this works pretty well, except for one fact.
To know the height of all points (obtained by this shadow algorithm (Line 13 of ModifiedShadow.cs & Line 69 of CircleOutline.cs)) I get the distance of the current point to the center and I divide between the maximum distance to the center:
float dist = orig.Max(v => (v - Center).magnitude);
foreach Point in poly --> float d = 1f - (Center - p).magnitude / dist;
Where orig is the entire list of points obtained by the shadow algorithm.
D is the height of the shadow.
But the problem is obvious I get a perfect circle:
In red and black to see the contrast:
And this is not what I want:
As you can see this not a perfect gradient. Let's explain what's happening.
I use this library to generate noises:
Note: If you want to know what I use to get noises with different amplitude: Smoothing random noises with different amplitudes (see first block of code), to see this in action, see this repo
Green background color represent noises with a mean height of -0.25 and an amplitude of 0.3
White background color represent noises with a mean height of 0 and an amplitude of 0.1
Red means 1 (total interpolation for noises corresponding to white pixels)
Black means 0 (total interpolation for noises corresponding to green pixels)
That's why we have this output:
Actually, I have tried comparing distances of each individual point to the center, but this output a weird and unexpected result.
Actually, I don't know what to try...

The problem is that the lerp percentage (e.g., from high/low or "red" to "black" in your visualization) is only a function of the point's distance from the center, which is divided by a constant (which happens to be the maximum distance of any point from the center). That's why it appears circular.
For instance, the centermost point on the left side of the polygon might be 300 pixels away from the center, while the centermost point on the right might be 5 pixels. Both need to be red, but basing it off of 0 distance from center = red won't have either be red, and basing it off the min distance from center = red will only have red on the right side.
The relevant minimum and maximum distances will change depending on where the point is
One alternative method is for each point: find the closest white pixel, and find the closest green pixel, (or, the closest shadow pixel that is adjacent to green/white, such as here). Then, choose your redness depending on how the distances compare between those two points and the current point.
Therefore, you could do this (pseudo-C#):
foreach pixel p in shadow_region {
// technically, closest shadow pixel which is adjacent to x Pixel:
float closestGreen_distance = +inf;
float closestWhite_distance = +inf;
// Possibly: find all shadow-adjacent pixels prior to the outer loop
// and cache them. Then, you only have to loop through those pixels.
foreach pixel p2 in shadow {
float p2Dist = (p-p2).magnitude;
if (p2 is adjacent to green) {
if (p2Dist < closestGreen_distance) {
closestGreen_distance = p2Dist;
if (p2 is adjacent to white) {
if (p2Dist < closestWhite_distance) {
closestWhite_distance = p2Dist;
float d = 1f - closestWhite_distance / (closestWhite_distance + closestGreen_distance)
Using the code you've posted in the comments, this might look like:
foreach (Point p in value)
float minOuterDistance = outerPoints.Min(p2 => (p - p2).magnitude);
float minInnerDistance = innerPoints.Min(p2 => (p - p2).magnitude);
float d = 1f - minInnerDistance / (minInnerDistance + minOuterDistance);
Color32? colorValue = func?.Invoke(p.x, p.y, d);
if (colorValue.HasValue)
target[F.P(p.x, p.y, width, height)] = colorValue.Value;
The above part was chosen for the solution. The below part, mentioned as another option, turned out to be unnecessary.
If you can't determine if a shadow pixel is adjacent to white/green, here's an alternative that only requires the calculation of the normals of each vertex in your pink (original) outline.
Create outer "yellow" vertices by going to each pink vertex and following its normal outward. Create inner "blue" vertices by going to each pink vertex and following its normal inward.
Then, when looping through each pixel in the shadow, loop through the yellow vertices to get your "closest to green" and through the blue to get "closest to white".
The problem is that since your shapes aren't fully convex, these projected blue and yellow outlines might be inside-out in some places, so you would need to deal with that somehow. I'm having trouble determining an exact method of dealing with that but here's what I have so far:
One step is to ignore any blues/yellows that have outward-normals that point towards the current shadow pixel.
However, if the current pixel is inside of a point where the yellow/blue shape is inside out, I'm not sure how to proceed. There might be something to ignoring blue/yellow vertexes that are closer to the closest pink vertex than they should be.
extremely rough pseudocode:
list yellow_vertex_list = new list
list blue_vertex_list = new list
foreach pink vertex p:
given float dist;
vertex yellowvertex = new vertex(p+normal*dist)
vertex bluevertex = new vertex(p-normal*dist)
create shadow
for each pixel p in shadow:
foreach vertex v in blue_vertex_list
if v.normal points towards v: break;
if v is the wrong side of inside-out region: break;
if v is closest so far:
closest_blue = v
closest_blue_dist = (v-p).magnitude
foreach vertex v in yellow_vertex_list
if v.normal points towards v break;
if v is the wrong side of inside-out region: break;
if v is closest so far:
closest_yellow = v
closest_yellow_dist = (v-p).magnitude
float d = 1f - closest_blue_dist / (closest_blue_dist + closest_yellow_dist)


How to find the area that two triangles are in contact

Given the positions of the vertices, and the surface normals. How can I calculate the area(which may be 0) that the 2 triangles are in contact? These triangles are also in 3D space so if they aren't lined up properly, just jammed into each other, the contact area should be 0.
(In C#)
This is not a trivial problem, so let's break it down into steps.
Check if the two triangles are coplanar, otherwise the area is 0.
Project the triangles onto a 2D surface
Calculate the intersection polygon
Calculate the area
1. Checking for coplanarity
For the two triangles to be coplanar, all vertices of one triangle must lie in the plane determined by the other one.
Using the algorithm described here we can check for every vertex whether that is the case, but due to the fact that floating point numbers are not perfectly precise, you will need to define some error theshold to determine what still counts as coplanar.
Assuming va and vb are the vectors of the triangles A and B respectively, the code could look something like this.
(Note: I have never worked with Unity and am writing all of the code from memory, so please excuse if it isn't 100% correct).
public static bool AreTrianglesCoplanar(Vector3[] va, Vector3[] vb) {
// make sure these are actually triangles
Debug.Assert(va.Length == 3);
Debug.Assert(vb.Length == 3);
// calculate the (scaled) normal of triangle A
var normal = Vector3.Cross(va[1] - va[0], va[2] - va[0]);
// iterate all vertices of triangle B
for(var vertex in vb) {
// calculate the dot product between the normal and the vector va[0] --> vertex
// the dot product will be 0 (or very small) if the angle between these vectors
// is a right angle (90°)
float dot = Vector3.Dot(normal, vertex - va[0]).
// the error threshold
const float epsilon = 0.001f;
// if the dot product is above the threshold, the vertex lies outside the plane
// in that case the two triangles are not coplanar
if(Math.Abs(dot) > epsilon)
return false;
return true;
2. Projecting the triangles into 2D space
We now know that all six vertices are in the same 2D plane embedded into 3D space, but all of our vertex coordinates are still three-dimensional. So the next step would be to project our points into a 2D coordinate system, such that their relative position is preserved.
This answer explains the math pretty well.
First, we need to find a set of three vectors forming an orthonormal basis (they must be orthoginal to each other and of length 1).
One of them is just the plane's normal vector, so we need two more vectors that are orthogonal to the first, and also orthogonal to each other.
By definition, all vectors in the plane defined by our triangles are orthogonal to the normal vector, so we can just pick one (for example the vector from va[0] to va[1]) and normalize it.
The third vector has to be orthogonal to both of the others, we can find such a vector by taking the cross product of the previous two.
We also need to choose a point in the plane as our origin point, for example va[0].
With all of these parameters, and using the formula from the linked amswer, we can determine our new projected (x, y) coordinates (t_1 and t_2 from the other answer). Note that -- because all of our points lie in the plane defining that normal vector -- the third coordinate (called s in the other answer) will always be (close to) zero.
public static void ProjectTo2DPlane(
Vector3[] va, Vector3[] vb
out Vector2[] vaProjected, out Vector2[] vbProjecte
) {
// calculate the three coordinate system axes
var normal = Vector3.Cross(va[1] - va[0], va[2] - va[0]).normalized;
var e1 = Vector3.Normalize(va[1] - va[0]);
var e2 = Vector3.Cross(normal, e1);
// select an origin point
var origin = va[0];
// projection function we will apply to every vertex
Vector2 ProjectVertex(Vector3 vertex) {
float s = Dot(normal, vertex - origin);
float t1 = Dot(e1, vertex - origin);
float t2 = Dot(e2, vertex - origin);
// sanity check: this should be close to zero
// (otherwise the point is outside the plane)
Debug.Assert(Math.Abs(s) < 0.001);
return new Vector2(t1, t2);
// project the vertices using Linq
vaProjected = va.Select(ProjectVertex).ToArray();
vbProjected = vb.Select(ProjectVertex).ToArray();
Sanity check:
The vertex va[0] should be projected to (0, 0).
The vertex va[1] should be projected to (*, 0), so somewhere on the new x axis.
3. / 4. Calculating the intersection area in 2D
This answer this answer mentions the algorithms necessary for the last step.
The Sutherland-Hodgman algorithm successively clips one triangles with each side of the other. The result of this will be either a triangle, a quadrilateral or an empty polygon.
Finally, the shoelace formula can be used to calculate the area of the resulting clipping polygon.
Bringing it all together
Assuming you implemented the two functions CalculateIntersecionPolygon and CalculatePolygonArea, the final intersection area could be calculated like this:
public static float CalculateIntersectionArea(Mesh triangleA, Mesh triangleB) {
var verticesA = triangleA.GetVertices();
var verticesB = triangleB.GetVertices();
if(!AreTrianglesCoplanar(verticesA, verticesB))
return 0f; // the triangles are not coplanar
ProjectTo2DPlane(verticesA, verticesB, out Vector2[] projectedA, out Vector2[] projectedB);
CalculateIntersecionPolygon(projectedA, projectedB, out List<Vector2> intersection);
if(intersection.Count == 0)
return 0f; // the triangles didn't overlap
return CalculatePolygonArea(intersection);

How to find the smallest sector of a circle that covers a polygon?

Given the circle C: (O, r) and the polygon P, how can I find the smallest sector of C that covers P?
Assume that the radius of the circle is large enough, so the main problem is to find the initial and final angles of the sector.
I tried to draw rays from center of circle toward each of angles of the polygon and check if the ray overlaps the polygon. But there might be more than two rays that only touch the polygon. I can not rely on the selection of unique rays based on their direction angle, due to double precision. So finding min and max angles in the list of touched rays is useless. Beside that, I have problem with choosing either of sectors created by two terminal angles, since initial angle can be greater than final angle when computed by atan2.
So what is the proper way to find such a sector?
Three example polygons (in WKT format):
POLYGON((52.87404 30.85613, 42.55699 28.46292, 41.54373 24.319989, 53.57623 21.300564, 62.94891 28.46292, 49.39652 27.550071, 52.87404 30.85613))
POLYGON((52.94294 30.920592, 42.55699 28.46292, 43.61965 35.545578, 55.85037 34.862696, 59.12524 36.621547, 47.68664 39.877048, 35.69973 36.198265, 37.30512 29.196711, 31.09762 28.46292, 41.54373 24.319989, 53.57623 21.300564, 62.94891 28.46292, 49.39652 27.550071, 52.94294 30.920592))
POLYGON((52.94294 30.920592, 42.55699 28.46292, 43.61965 35.545578, 52.45594 37.266299, 59.30560 29.196711, 64.12177 33.290489, 58.81733 36.554277, 47.68664 39.877048, 35.69973 36.198265, 37.30512 29.196711, 31.09762 28.46292, 41.54373 24.319989, 53.57623 21.300564, 62.94891 28.46292, 49.39652 27.550071, 52.94294 30.920592))
Center and radius of circle for all examples:
O: (45, 30)
r: 25
For starters we can handle your data as point cloud (polygon vertexes) p[i] and some circle defined by center p0 and radius r. If your point cloud is entirely inside circle you can ignore the radius.
We can exploit atan2 however to avoid problems with crossing and sector selection we do not enlarge min/max bounds as usual for standard cartesian BBOX computation instead:
compute atan2 angle for each point and remember it in array a[]
sort a[]
find biggest distance between consequent angles in a[]
Do not forget that angle difference can be |Pi| tops so if it is more you need to +/- 2*PI. Also handle a[] as cyclic buffer.
This is my simple C++/VCL attempt:
float p0[]={52.87404,30.856130,42.55699,28.46292,41.54373,24.319989,53.57623,21.300564,62.94891,28.46292,49.39652,27.550071,52.87404,30.85613,};
float p1[]={52.94294,30.920592,42.55699,28.46292,43.61965,35.545578,55.85037,34.862696,59.12524,36.621547,47.68664,39.877048,35.69973,36.198265,37.30512,29.196711,31.09762,28.46292,41.54373,24.319989,53.57623,21.300564,62.94891,28.46292,49.39652,27.550071,52.94294,30.920592,};
float p2[]={52.94294,30.920592,42.55699,28.46292,43.61965,35.545578,52.45594,37.266299,59.30560,29.196711,64.12177,33.290489,58.81733,36.554277,47.68664,39.877048,35.69973,36.198265,37.30512,29.196711,31.09762,28.46292,41.54373,24.319989,53.57623,21.300564,62.94891,28.46292,49.39652,27.550071,52.94294,30.920592,};
float x0=45.0,y0=30.0,R=25.0;
template <class T> void sort_asc_bubble(T *a,int n)
int i,e; T a0,a1;
for (e=1;e;n--) // loop until no swap occurs
for (e=0,a0=a[0],a1=a[1],i=1;i<n;a0=a1,i++,a1=a[i])// proces unsorted part of array
if (a0>a1) // condition if swap needed
{ a[i-1]=a1; a[i]=a0; a1=a0; e=1; } // swap and allow to process array again
void get_sector(float x0,float y0,float r,float *p,int n,float &a0,float &a1)
// x0,y0 circle center
// r circle radius
// p[n] polyline vertexes
// a0,a1 output angle range a0<=a1
int i,j,m=n>>1;
float x,y,*a;
a=new float[m];
// process points and compute angles
for (j=0,i=0;i<n;j++)
x=p[i]-x0; i++;
y=p[i]-y0; i++;
// sort by angle
// get max distance
a0=a[m-1]; a1=a[0]; x=a1-a0;
while (x<-M_PI) x+=2.0*M_PI;
while (x>+M_PI) x-=2.0*M_PI;
if (x<0.0) x=-x;
for (j=1;j<m;j++)
while (y<-M_PI) y+=2.0*M_PI;
while (y>+M_PI) y-=2.0*M_PI;
if (y<0.0) y=-y;
if (y>x){ a0=a[j-1]; a1=a[j]; x=y; }
void TMain::draw()
int i,n;
float x,y,r,*p,a0=0.0,a1=0.0;
float ax,ay,bx,by;
float zoom=7.0;
p=p0; n=sizeof(p0)/sizeof(p0[0]);
// p=p1; n=sizeof(p1)/sizeof(p1[0]);
// p=p2; n=sizeof(p2)/sizeof(p2[0]);
// clear buffer
// circle
x=x0; y=y0; r=R;
x*=zoom; y*=zoom; r*=zoom;
ax*=zoom; ay*=zoom;
bx*=zoom; by*=zoom;
// PCL
for (i=0;i<n;)
x=p[i]; i++;
y=p[i]; i++;
x*=zoom; y*=zoom;
// render backbuffer
You can ignore the void TMain::draw() function its just example of usage and this is the preview:
However as you have polygon (lines) to avoid wrong results You have two simple options:
sample lines with more than just 2 points
this way the angular gap should be bigger than distances between points in the point cloud. So if you sample lines with enough points the result will be correct. However wrongly selected number of points per line will lead to wrong result in edge cases. On the other hand implementing this is just simple DDA interpolation added to current code.
convert to handling angle intervals instead of angles a[]
so for each line compute angular interval <a0,a1> with predefined poygon winding rule (so CW or CCW but consistent). And instead of array a[] you would have ordered list of intervals where you would either insert new interval or merge with existing if overlap. This approach is safe but merging angular intervals is not that easy. If the input data is polyline (like yours) that means each next line start from the previous line endpoint so you can ignore the list of intervals and just enlarge the single one instead but still you need to handle the enlargement correctly which is not trivial.
[Edit1] using the first approach the updated function look like this:
void get_sector_pol(float x0,float y0,float r,float *p,int n,float &a0,float &a1)
// x0,y0 circle center
// r circle radius
// p[n] point cloud
// a0,a1 output angle range a0<=a1
int i,j,k,N=10,m=(n>>1)*N;
float ax,ay,bx,by,x,y,dx,dy,*a,_N=1.0/N;
a=new float[m];
// process points and compute angles
bx=p[n-2]-x0; i++;
by=p[n-1]-y0; i++;
for (j=0,i=0;i<n;)
ax=bx; ay=by;
bx=p[i]-x0; i++;
by=p[i]-y0; i++;
dx=_N*(bx-ax); x=ax;
dy=_N*(by-ay); y=ay;
for (k=0;k<N;k++,x+=dx,y+=dy,j++) a[j]=atan2(y,x);
// sort by angle
// get max distance
a0=a[m-1]; a1=a[0]; x=a1-a0;
while (x<-M_PI) x+=2.0*M_PI;
while (x>+M_PI) x-=2.0*M_PI;
if (x<0.0) x=-x;
for (j=1;j<m;j++)
while (y<-M_PI) y+=2.0*M_PI;
while (y>+M_PI) y-=2.0*M_PI;
if (y<0.0) y=-y;
if (y>x){ a0=a[j-1]; a1=a[j]; x=y; }
As you can see its almost the same just simple DDA is added to the first loop win N points per line. Here preview for the second polygon which fails with just point cloud approach:

find the center point of coordinate 2d array c#

Is there a formula to average all the x, y coordinates and find the location in the dead center of them.
I have 100x100 squares and inside them are large clumps of 1x1 red and black points, I want to determine out of the red points which one is in the middle.
I looked into line of best fit formulas but I am not sure if this is what I need.
Sometimes all the red will be on one side, or the other side. I want to essentially draw a line then find the center point of that line, or just find the center point of the red squares only. based on the 100x100 grid.
List<Point> dots = new List<Point>();
int totalX = 0, totalY = 0;
foreach (Point p in dots)
totalX += p.X;
totalY += p.Y;
int centerX = totalX / dots.Count;
int centerY = totalY / dots.Count;
Simply average separately the x coordinates and the y coordinates, the result will be the coordinates of the "center".
What if there are two or more subsets of red points ? Do you want the black point inside them?
Otherwis, if I understood your question, just give a weight of 1 to red points and 0 to blacks. Then do the weighted mean on X and Y coordinate

Trying to accurately measure 3D distance from a 2D image

I am trying to extract out 3D distance in mm between two known points in a 2D image. I am using square AR markers in order to get the camera coordinates relative to the markers in the scene. The points are the corners of these markers.
An example is shown below:
The code is written in C# and I am using XNA. I am using for the CoPlanar POSIT
The steps I take in order to work out the distance:
1. Mark corners on screen. Corners are represented in 2D vector form, Image centre is (0,0). Up is positive in the Y direction, right is positive in the X direction.
2. Use Co-Planar POSIT algorithm to get pose of each marker:
float focalLength = 640; //Needed for POSIT
float halfCornerSize = 50; //Represents 1/2 an edge i.e. 50mm
AVector[] modelPoints = new AVector3[]
new AVector3( -halfCornerSize, 0, halfCornerSize ),
new AVector3( halfCornerSize, 0, halfCornerSize ),
new AVector3( halfCornerSize, 0, -halfCornerSize ),
new AVector3( -halfCornerSize, 0, -halfCornerSize ),
CoplanarPosit coPosit = new CoplanarPosit(modelPoints, focalLength);
coPosit.EstimatePose(cornersToEstimate, out marker1Rot, out marker1Trans);
3. Convert to XNA rotation/translation matrix (AForge uses OpenGL matrix form):
float yaw, pitch, roll;
marker1Rot.ExtractYawPitchRoll(out yaw, out pitch, out roll);
Matrix xnaRot = Matrix.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(-yaw, -pitch, roll);
Matrix xnaTranslation = Matrix.CreateTranslation(marker1Trans.X, marker1Trans.Y, -marker1Trans.Z);
Matrix transform = xnaRot * xnaTranslation;
4. Find 3D coordinates of the corners:
//Model corner points
cornerModel = new Vector3[]
new Vector3(halfCornerSize,0,-halfCornerSize),
new Vector3(-halfCornerSize,0,-halfCornerSize),
new Vector3(halfCornerSize,0,halfCornerSize),
new Vector3(-halfCornerSize,0,halfCornerSize)
Matrix markerTransform = Matrix.CreateTranslation(cornerModel[i].X, cornerModel[i].Y, cornerModel[i].Z);
cornerPositions3d1[i] = (markerTransform * transform).Translation;
//DEBUG: project corner onto screen - represented by brown dots
Vector3 t3 = viewPort.Project(markerTransform.Translation, projectionMatrix, viewMatrix, transform);
cornersProjected1[i].X = t3.X; cornersProjected1[i].Y = t3.Y;
5. Look at the 3D distance between two corners on a marker, this represents 100mm. Find the scaling factor needed to convert this 3D distance to 100mm. (I actually get the average scaling factor):
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
//Distance scale;
distanceScale1 += (halfCornerSize * 2) / Vector3.Distance(cornerPositions3d1[i], cornerPositions3d1[(i + 1) % 4]);
distanceScale1 /= 4;
6. Finally I find the 3D distance between related corners and multiply by the scaling factor to get distance in mm:
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
distance[i] = Vector3.Distance(cornerPositions3d1[i], cornerPositions3d2[i]) * scalingFactor;
The distances acquired are never truly correct. I used the cutting board as it allowed me easy calculation of what the distances should be. The above image calculated a distance of 147mm (expected 150mm) for corner 1 (red to purple). The image below shows 188mm (expected 200mm).
What is also worrying is the fact that when measuring the distance between marker corners sharing an edge on the same marker, the 3D distances obtained are never the same. Another thing I noticed is that the brown dots never seem to exactly match up with the colored dots. The colored dots are the coordinates used as input to the CoPlanar posit. The brown dots are the calculated positions from the center of the marker calculated via POSIT.
Does anyone have any idea what might be wrong here? I am pulling out my hair trying to figure it out. The code should be quite simple, I don't think I have made any obvious mistakes with the code. I am not great at maths so please point out where my basic maths might be wrong as well...
You are using way to many black boxes in your question. What is the focal length in the second step? Why go through ypr in step 3? How do you calibrate? I recommend to start over from scratch without using libraries that you do not understand.
Step 1: Create a camera model. Understand the errors, build a projection. If needed apply a 2d filter for lens distortion. This might be hard.
Step 2: Find you markers in 2d, after removing lens distortion. Make sure you know the error and that you get the center. Maybe over multiple frames.
Step 3: Un-project to 3d. After 1 and 2 this should be easy.
Step 4: ???
Step 5: Profit! (Measure distance in 3d and know your error)
I think you need to have 3D photo (two photo from a set of distance) so you can get the parallax distance from image differences

Need some math - Projecting Slope

I have a rectangle.
Its height (RH) is 400.
Its width (RW) is 500.
I have circle.
Its height (CH) is 10.
Its width (CW) is 10.
Its starting location (CX1, CY1) is 20, 20.
The circle has moved.
Its new location (CX2, CY2) is 30, 35.
Assuming my circle continues to move in a straight line.
What is the circle's location when its edge reaches the boundary?
Hopefully you can provide a reusable formula.
Perhaps some C# method with a signature like this?
point GetDest(size itemSize, point itemPos1, point itemPos2, size boundarySize)
I need to calculate what that location WILL be once it arrives - knowing that it is not there yet.
Thank you.
PS: I need this because my application is watching the accelerometer on my Windows Phone. I am calculating the target necessary to animate the motion of the circle inside the rectangle as the user is tilting their device.
It is 1 radius away from the boundar(y/ies).
The answer is X=270 Y=395
first define the slope V as dy/dx =(y2-y1)/(x2-x1). In your example: (35-20)/(30-20)=1.5
the line equation is
y = V * (x-x1) + y1. You are interested in the horizontal locations x at:
y= CH/2 OR y= H-CH/2
so (not code, just math)
if (y2-y1)<0:
x=(CH/2 -y1)/V +x1 10 for your example. OR
if (y2-y1)>0:
x=(H-CH/2 -y1)/V +x1 270 for your example
else (that is: y2==y1)
the upper or lower lines were not hit.
if CH/2 <= x <= W-CH/2 the circle did hit the that upper or lower side: since V>0, we use x=270 and that is within CH/2 and W-CH/2.
So the answer to your question is y=H-CH/2 = 395 , X=270
For the side lines it's similar:
(if (x2-x1)<0)
y=(CH/2 -x1)*V +y1
(if (x2-x1)>0)
y=(W-CH/2 -x1)*V +y1
else (that is: x2==x1)
the side lines were not hit.
if CH/2 <= y <= H-CH/2 the circle did hit that side at that y.
be careful with the trivial cases of completely horizontal or vertical movement so that you don't divide by zero. when calculating V or 1/V. Also deal with the case where the circle did not move at all.
Since you now asked, here's metacode which you should easily be able to convert to a real method. It deals with the special cases too. The input is all the variables you listed in your example. I here use just one symbol for the circle size, since it's a circle not an ellipse.
method returning a pair of doubles getzy(x1,y1,W,H,CH){
if (y2!=y1){ // test for hitting upper or lower edges
if ((y2-y1)<0){
xout=(CH/2 -y1)*Vinverse +x1
if (CH/2 <= y <= H-CH/2) {
return xout,yout
if ((y2-y1)>0){
xout=(H-CH/2 -y1)*Vinverse +x1
if (CH/2 <= y <= H-CH/2) {
return xout,yout
// reaching here means upper or lower lines were not hit.
if (x2!=x1){ // test for hitting upper or lower edges
if ((x2-x1)<0){
yout=(CH/2 -x1)*V +y1
if (CH/2 <= x <= W-CH/2) {
return xout,yout
if ((x2-x1)>0){
yout=(H-CH/2 -x1)*V +y1
if (CH/2 <= x <= W-CH/2) {
return xout,yout
// if you reach here that means the circle does not move...
deal with using exceptions or some other way.
It's easy; no calculus required.
Your circle has radius R = CW/2 = CH/2, since the diameter of the circle D = CW = CH.
In order to have the circle touch the vertical edge of the rectangle at a tangent point, you have to move the circle to the right by a distance (W - (CX1 + CW/2))
Likewise, the circle will touch the bottom edge of the rectangle at a tangent point when you move it down by a distance (H - (CY1 + CH/2)).
If you do this in two separate translations (e.g., first to the right by the amount given, then down by the amount given or visa versa), you'll see that the circle will touch both the right hand vertical and the bottom horizontal edges at tangent points.
When the moving circle arrives at a wall (boundary) then it will be tangent at one of four points on the circle, call them N, S, E, and W. You know their initial coordinates.
The points travel in a line with a slope known to you: m=(y2-y1)/(x2-x1); where in your example (x1, y1) - (20,20) and (x2, y2)= (30, 35).
Your problem is to find the trajectory of the first point N, S, E, or W which reaches any wall. The trajectory will be a line with slope m.
You can do this by adding (or subtracting) the direction vector for the line to the point N, S, E, or W, scaled by some t.
For example, N is (20, 15). The direction vector is (x2-x1,y2-y1) = (10, 15). Then (20, 15) + t * (10, 15) will hit the boundary lines at different t's. You can solve for these; for example 20 + t*10 = 0, and 20 + t*10 = 400, etc.
The t that is smallest in magnitude, over all four trajectories, gives you your tangent point.
Not sure its calculus..wouldn't it just be the following:
if y >= 390 then it reached the top edge of the rectangle
if x >= 490 then it reached the right edge of the rectangle
if y <= 0 then it reached the bottom edge of the rectangle
if x <= 0 then it reached the left edge of the rectangle
