I create a Window in my Ext.NET desktop. My Window definition is:
var window = new Window
ID = "MyID",
Title = "Window Title",
MinWidth = 600,
MinHeight = 400,
CloseAction = CloseAction.Destroy,
Loader = new ComponentLoader
Url = "http://www.google.com",
Mode = LoadMode.Frame,
LoadMask = { ShowMask = true }
and this is added to a new DesktopModule. The code for this is:
public static DesktopModule Create(MyModel model)
var module = DesktopModuleHelper.CreateModule(new ModuleProperties
Id = "MyId",
Index = 6,
Model = model,
Cls = "x-app-myapp"
window.IconCls = "x-app-sm x-app-myapp";
return module;
and then I use this to make the module visible:
Create(MyModel.Create(), "http://www.google.com")))
The issue I'm having is that then I click on the shortcut for this module, it shows a gray box with the text "www.google.com refused to connect.". I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here. I think it has something to do with how I'm declaring Loader but I'm not sure which values are incorrect.
I wrote the following code to disable the series animation :
Animation = new Animation{Enabled = false},
But after runing my application , the problem still persists.
My code to display the treemap is as follows:
#{ var chartOptions =
new Highcharts
Title = new Title
Text = ""
Credits = new Credits
Enabled = false
Series = new List<Series>
new TreemapSeries
Animation = new Animation{Enabled = false},
LayoutAlgorithm = TreemapSeriesLayoutAlgorithm.Squarified,
AlternateStartingDirection = true,
Levels = new List<TreemapSeriesLevels>
new TreemapSeriesLevels
Level = 1,
LayoutAlgorithm = TreemapSeriesLevelsLayoutAlgorithm.Squarified,
DataLabels = new TreemapSeriesDataLabels()
Enabled = true,
Align = TreemapSeriesDataLabelsAlign.Left,
VerticalAlign = TreemapSeriesDataLabelsVerticalAlign.Top
Data = #ViewBag.resultGreen
chartOptions.ID = "chart";
chartOptions.PlotOptions.Series.Animation.Enabled = false;
var renderer = new HighchartsRenderer(chartOptions);
How can i solve this problems?
I tried to solve this problem by the link below:
How to disable animations on Highcharts Dotnet C# MVC?
The provided answer in the mentioned thread looks to be related to DotNet.Highcharts. If you use the official Highcharts .NET wrapper use the AnimationBool option:
new TreemapSeries
AnimationBool = false,
API Reference:
This question is an extension of my previous question.
(How can I put "AdaptiveActionSet" in "AdaptiveColumn"?)
At the time, I didn't know much about the customization of adaptive cards and the WebChat.html file.
The image above is the layout of the adaptive card I want.
The Reserve button on the right is Action.OpenUrl button.
To place a button like that, I need to put an ActionSet in a Column. However, typical Adaptive Cards do not show ActionSet in Column as in the image above.
The content type is shown below.
ContentType = "application/vnd.microsoft.card.adaptive"
(In web chat)
To solve this, I have to customize Adaptive Cards, but I'm not sure how.
I referred to the link below but still I can't customize the card.
Bot Connector service is not using latest Adaptive Cards #87
Can you show me a way to solve this or show a simple customized card example? Please.
Below is the code I wrote.
My Adaptive Cards Code :
card.Body.Add(new AdaptiveColumnSet()
Columns = new List<AdaptiveColumn>()
new AdaptiveColumn()
//(~Date, No problem)
new AdaptiveColumn()
//(~Price, No problem)
new AdaptiveColumn()
Items =
new AdaptiveActionSet()
Actions =
new AdaptiveOpenUrlAction()
Url = new Uri("https://www.SomeUrl.com"),
Title = "Reserve",
Style = "positive",
Width = "auto",
var reply = turnContext.Activity.CreateReply();
reply.Attachments = new List<Attachment>
new Attachment()
ContentType = "application/vnd.microsoft.card.custom",
Content = card
My webChat.html :
const attachmentMiddleware = () => next => card => {
if (card.attachment.contentype === 'application/vnd.microsoft.card.custom'){
card.attachment.contentType = 'application/vnd.microsoft.card.adaptive'
return next(card)
directLine: botConnection,
}, document.getElementById('webchat'));
document.querySelector('#webchat > *').focus();
As above, ContentType = "application/vnd.microsoft.card.custom"
If I assign custom to contentType,
I get an error called No renderer.
Using AdaptiveColumn's SelectAction solved the problem.
And it by using AdaptiveTextBlock and SelectAction together and specifying Width.
Items =
new AdaptiveTextBlock()
HorizontalAlignment = AdaptiveHorizontalAlignment.Center,
Color = AdaptiveTextColor.Light,
Text = "Reserve",
Weight = AdaptiveTextWeight.Bolder,
SelectAction = new AdaptiveOpenUrlAction()
Url = new Uri($"{someurl}"),
Title = "rsv",
Id = "bb" + cnt,
Width = "50px"
I have a simple C# windows forms app. What I am trying to accomplish is modify the Default Root Object of one of my Cloud front Distributions. I can't seem to find any related articles that describes how this is accomplished. Please help
After alot of trial and error Here's the C# code to update an AWS cloud front distribution. You will need AWS's new modularized assemblies. AWSSKD.Core v3 & AWSSDK.Cloudfront.
First you need to get the current Distribution for 2 reasons. Mostly for validation you'll need to grab the Etag and Caller Reference. Etag to var and Caller Reference to string.
var client2 = new AmazonCloudFrontClient();
var tag = client2.GetDistributionConfig(new GetDistributionConfigRequest
string cf = client2.GetDistributionConfig(new GetDistributionConfigRequest
Next you will need to make a update to the distribution. What I have below is the minimally required to update a distribution (Pretty much Everything you see in the AWS console when editing a distribution.
Take notice of where tag variable and cf string are used. If the Etag's do not match you will get 400 bad request back.
var client = new AmazonCloudFrontClient();
client.UpdateDistribution(new UpdateDistributionRequest
DistributionConfig = new DistributionConfig
WebACLId = "",
HttpVersion = "http2",
IsIPV6Enabled = true,
DefaultRootObject = "maintenance.html",
CacheBehaviors = new CacheBehaviors {
Quantity = 0,
Restrictions = new Restrictions {
GeoRestriction = new GeoRestriction
Quantity = 0,
RestrictionType = "none"
CustomErrorResponses = new CustomErrorResponses {
Quantity = 0
ViewerCertificate = new ViewerCertificate {
SSLSupportMethod = "sni-only",
MinimumProtocolVersion = "TLSv1.1_2016"
Enabled = true,
Comment = "Maintenance",
Origins = new Origins
Items = new List<Origin>() {
new Origin(){Id = "S3-example.example.com", DomainName = "example.example.com.s3.amazonaws.com", S3OriginConfig = new S3OriginConfig(){ OriginAccessIdentity = "" }, OriginPath = "", CustomHeaders = new CustomHeaders{ Quantity = 0 } }
Quantity = 1
Logging = new Amazon.CloudFront.Model.LoggingConfig
Bucket = "example.example.com.s3.amazonaws.com",
IncludeCookies = false,
Enabled = false,
Prefix = ""
PriceClass = "PriceClass_All",
Aliases = new Aliases
Quantity = 1,
Items = list
CallerReference = cf,
DefaultCacheBehavior = new DefaultCacheBehavior
ForwardedValues = new ForwardedValues
QueryString = false,
QueryStringCacheKeys = new QueryStringCacheKeys {
Quantity = 0
Headers = new Headers {
Quantity = 0
Cookies = new CookiePreference
Forward = "none"
AllowedMethods = new AllowedMethods {
Quantity = 2,
Items = httpmeth,
CachedMethods = new CachedMethods
Quantity = 2,
Items = httpmeth
DefaultTTL = 86400,
Compress = false,
MaxTTL = 31536000,
TargetOriginId = "S3-example.example.com",
LambdaFunctionAssociations = new LambdaFunctionAssociations {
Quantity = 0
ViewerProtocolPolicy = "allow-all",
MinTTL = 0,
SmoothStreaming = false,
TrustedSigners = new TrustedSigners
Enabled = false,
Quantity = 0,
IfMatch = tag
If you have issues with ACMCertificationARN not being found in the reference Assembly chances are you are using the old v2 AWSSDK. Remove\Uninstall it. Get the latest Nuget Package for AWSSKD.Core & AWSSDK.CloudFront
Nuget Package Manager Console Install:
Install-Package AWSSDK.Core -Version
Install-Package AWSSDK.CloudFront -Version
I've been stuck of this for a while and would love some insight.
When I add a new user or source and check the drawn checkbox, it causes the bool to be true when checked, as expected.
However it also checks all the other users connected to that source as true or false.
This only occurs when I load the XML file into my program that already had existing data, then add new Users or Sources via the UI.
this is a part of the LoadXML Method.
// Load the source list
foreach (FusionSource src in fusionSystem.sourceList)
FCMSource fSource = new FCMSource(src);
txtSourceID.Text = sourceProps.GenerateNextSourceId();
// Load the user data from the fusionSystem object.
//currently clears grid. might need to clear list instead
foreach (FusionUser usr in fusionSystem.userList)
FCMUser fUser = new FCMUser(usr);
foreach (FusionSourcePermission srcPerm in usr.SourcePermissionList)
FCMSource fSource = new FCMSource(srcPerm);
txtUserID.Text = userProfile.GenerateNextUserId();
// Load the zone group data from the fusionSystem object
Any help would be appreciated.
The ListView is not binded and all the 'checking' is done programmatically when the user activates the click event.
private void lstSourceToUser_DrawSubItem(object sender, DrawListViewSubItemEventArgs e)
if (e.ColumnIndex > 1)
int usrIndex = userProfile.GetUserIndexByID(e.Header.Name);
int srcIndex = userProfile.GetUsersSourceIndex(e.Header.Name, e.Item.SubItems[0].Text);
Graphics g = e.Graphics;
CheckBoxRenderer.DrawCheckBox(g,new Point((e.Bounds.X + e.Bounds.Width/2 -10 ),(e.Bounds.Y)), userProfile.SystemUserList[usrIndex].fusionUserSources[srcIndex].UserSourceChkBox.MyCheckedState ? CheckBoxState.CheckedNormal : CheckBoxState.UncheckedNormal);
// Draw the other subitems with default drawing.
e.DrawDefault = true;
This is the FCMSource constructor.
public FCMSource(string sourceId, string sourceName, string icnId, string lstIndx)
id = sourceId;
icon = icnId;
name = sourceName;
listIndex = lstIndx;
UserSourceCheckState = false;
UserSourceChkBox = new MyCheckBoxItem(false);
public FCMSource(FCMSource fSource, bool chk)
name = fSource.name;
icon = fSource.icon;
id = fSource.id;
listIndex = fSource.listIndex;
UserSourceCheckState = chk ? true : false;
UserSourceChkBox = new MyCheckBoxItem(chk);
And this is the FCMUser constructor which contains the different Sources.
public FCMUser(string userid, string nm, string icn, string pinNo, CheckBox pinEn, string lstIndx)
id = userid;
name = nm;
icon = icn;
pin = pinNo;
pinEnabled = pinEn.CheckState;
chkBoxPINEnable = new MyCheckBoxItem(false);
fusionUserSources = new List<FCMSource>();
ListIndex = lstIndx;
I might be missing something here, but this code:
this.oSectionDRs = new Section()
new ActivityElement()
Caption = Locale.GetLocale("Settings_Loading"),
Animating = true
// To begin with just show a loading indicator.
this.Root = new RootElement (Locale.GetLocale("Settings_Select"))
Does not show any animated thingy. It is showing the label only. How can I get the animated star?
Using this code:
var root = new RootElement("foo");
root.Add (new Section("foo", "bar") {
new ActivityElement()
Caption = "foo",
Animating = true
var dvc = new DialogViewController(root, false);
window.RootViewController = dvc;
I get both the caption and the activity scroller thing. Not sure it helps you tho! I was just using the built in MT.D.